Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Jul 1868, p. 3

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() , First Class Goods! NEW GOODS ‘*"""~""~THE NEW GOODS Waterloo Hardware & C O l ® . European & American Markets, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ! Harvest Implements Fresh â€" Groceries |! DON‘T â€"FORGET ! GREAT An Immense Stock D R Y G 0 0 D S ! Montreal House ! The following ure the GOODS just received : | 300 Pieces Fancy Prints, fromâ€"9¢. and upwards ; French Meriâ€" no from 50c. and upwards;.20 yards Fncgo'?( Gotton for #1+4, Checked Shirting from 16c. and u%wt a} 12 wq 3 Print for 81 ; 10 yards soft tinish Bleached Cot â€"* for $1 ; Merinos & Orleans, all colours and prices, Ladies‘ Mantles, Shawls, Stockâ€" ings and Gloves, Straw Hats and Trimmings, â€" 6e [b Also a large Stook of DYE â€" STUFEFS Springer : Snyder‘s DRUG STORE! NEW GOODS! such as Coffec, the best 5 lbs. for @1 ; 20 lbs. Currants for 81 , 20 lbe. Rice for $1 ; Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Buck Wheat TH. UNDERSIGNED hegs to inform his customers ard the public in general he has just received a large Stock of new New Staple and Fanoy Goods WATBRLOO, July 15th, 1268 J aly 8th, 1868. Waterloo, July 1.:. 186. BA" The highoss market pflco wilt be pn;lâ€"fbr m inâ€"-lnvovl‘mu; C ##1 00020 @2 0 weeaga,! 207° ‘200,, CVIN inCdi) Duoa TV uCcal Flour, &c. TEA, SUGAR, Dried Apples, Syrup. Also Oroo:zsery and Glassware. W ATER L O 0 ... of all kinds, Call at tho Waterloo Hardware Store IMMENSE QUANTITIES ! NEW GOODS! WATERLOO : HOUSE. moHu CEHHIDWHADP and LOTW PRICES. John McDougall. which will be sold ‘at FROM THB AT THE AT TBAE THE AT THE WILLIAM FISCHER,. OF AT aP 651 â€"4mos 653â€" 652â€" ) that * DPON‘T FAIL TO SEE ! to be hadâ€"from therm â€" â€" Qive them a call and eatiafy yourself & that it is NO HUMBUG. All other kinds to be had ! BOWMAN BROTHERS, WINTERLOO. THE BEST BARGAINS Prints, Shawls, Parasols, DRESS TRIMMINGS,&c DRESS$ GOODS ! ies enb Coffees ! JUST RECEIVED IN â€"WVATERLOO ! SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Next door to Bq'v;nfan'- T BE A S ! PA TBNT :CFBAM P t» Come , and :g;uq;fi*qr\ymv;lél vn ie Come, and exfmin«"Tor ySurselves and procure a supply before they are sold Out. BOWMAN BROS, &e., &o,, &e. : Remember the Stand, iÂ¥ next door to BOWMAN _ BROTHERS, WATERLOO. Next door to Bowman‘s old Hcte!l Stand. The Very Best CHEAPEST THING OUT CANNING kE _ . Smsrpms ‘RALL IN â€"Lpove with some godd and inâ€" HOOP SKIRT, BOWMAN BROTHERS, King Street, Waterloo, and examine the bmrund chenpust Stock 0 Dwmds, Groceries, ~â€"~Crockery, Glassware, &¢, What a delightful cup of ‘Tea Mrs. Griddle; where can you get such an article? SINGLE MEN Bowman‘s Old Hotel Stand, King Street, Waterloo. vYOEUNTEER DRIEL ‘m _ nek their consent. F‘.B RLGHT â€"With her toChureh and go x# flnou&h the service of matrimony. HALT.. And refleot seriously upon the new duties which you hive assumed ever offered in Waterloo Village, ‘_(3e Remember the Stand, one door North of Bowman‘s old Hotel Stand. dustrious young woman. ATTINTIONâ€"Fny to her faithfully and mg«-u‘ully. RIGHT FACEâ€"In popping the question *__dike a m * % \A. Q@UICK MA_RS“'â€"TO "her patents ‘and and t ertfbrm . thein . HT?W}AO&- From the hnunts J which you frequented when single ‘ nndJrofor our own home. ADVANC A_‘RN{S*TO your young wife, ALSO AT + Bowman Brothers, * WATERLOO. July Sth, 1868, Newest Style and call on WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND Those mew and beautiful WATERLOOG. of all sizes of the A LARGE AND They ulways keep RVEN 9FFERIED WUTH THE RY 18 TBE = PORâ€" 7 ngon AT AT AT Or BEST N "4e1T Houses, Lots and Carpenter HE COTTONS having been bought before the late rise in the Cotton Murket are ‘ Remarkably Cheap. Pl'RE and GENUINE TR \+83. of aplendid natural Aavor, imported direct from the Compsnx’n Plantations in A SSA U, and on the slopes of the HIMALA Y AS, blendâ€" ed with the finest products of CHINA, j Only Two Qualities, wiz.: T0c. or $1 por Ib. . either BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Fine Household Tea, combining Stroagth and Flavor, 70 cents per lb. FineAt PrOCUFABIG) . . y i. cvas .l c vvar ces sc a esn e 1 ddoflar * _ t#» Sold in Packets and Cunisters by the Company‘s . Agents in every City and Town in Canada, ((CF> Observe th» Irade Murk on each Package. 4]1} INDIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY. HOME DEPOTS, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, Hospital St., Montreal. READY MADE CLOTHING ! ‘The undersizned offera to aell on reasonâ€" able terms two dwelling houses aad a carâ€" penter shop in Hanover, One of the sbove is a new brick house, two stories high, afâ€" fording every possib‘e convenience and deâ€" sirable for m sesidence; the other is frame @no very benutifully situated, For terms, &0., apply to the proprietor, THOMAS QUICKEFALL, Neustadt, March 30th 1868. Fall & Winter Goods HOFFMAN‘S NEW BLOCK, B C C L L N. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OIL, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, OPENED A â€" CONSIDERABLE PORTION! LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST srockK {ERR, BROWN & MACKENZIE, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, â€" Beg to inform their Customers and the Trade generally that they have . Recelving Daily Additions SPRING GOODS! THE undersigried. Executors of the late ‘ ABRAHAM 8. CLEMENS, nfl’urto[ sell by private Sale. that valuable and deâ€" sirable Furm in the Township of Waterioo, at present dcoupied by Mr Danie! Bergey, amgjom'n: the Fiurm of the Rev. Joaeph Hagey, It contains about 74 acres of the very best of land for Agriculturn| purposes. It is situated only four miles from Preston and two from Breslau, and has on it a good Frait Orchard, good buildings, water, &o. Terms cag be Mecertained by applicavion to DRYVYV G O O D S, Waterloo Thp, July 1st 1868. , HAMILTON, Murch 18th 1868. _ _ Shop for Sale, _ 11 Hanover, County Grey, Waterlo6, Décember 4th, 1867; Berlin, April 29th, 1868 \\ d&e,, &o, ever offered in Berlin. \ Call and inspect for yourselves. Farmers Produce taken in exch BERLIN, Octuber 22ud. 1867. => Nss _ GREAT ATTRACTION suitable for the Spring and Summer, C EH BA P POHR CA S ET‘ Come and see them. & The highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. W. H. G. KNOWLES. FARM FOR SALE, During the Next Few Weeks. aAa R RIV E D. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS TIsaac Hoftman | Is now prepared to show to the generous .public the TRADE. GEO. H. CLEMEN®, . ABRAHAM D, CLEMENS, Mr. OA V ILD DEV ITT, GENERAL MERCHANT. GENT FOR WATERLOO : Also, a nice assortment of Execators. Preston P. 0. 8. 631 â€" 2m TO THEIR 8TOCK ETAVU TE AND WILL BE OoF THEIR OF OoF AT The public are reepectfully requested to call, (Iz» All work warranted. ANDREW BOHLENDER. Waterloo, July 1e1, 1868. 651â€"3m LARGE & SMALL SPINNING WHEELS ! ARE manafactured and sold by the unâ€" dersigned at Mr. M. Wegenaet‘s Cabinet Factory, where a good assortment is constantly kept on hand. _ Also Childrens Waggons. Weaving ' Spools. &o., &o. _ MONTREAL HOUSE! IF ‘YOU WANT CHEAP COTTON GOODS __I" OMiceâ€"Springer & Snyder‘s Drug Store, Waterloo, Ont. j 649 MARRIAGE LICENSES, I83UED BY M. SPRINGER. FAMILY NXEWSPAPER. ex\cljn ge: BERLIN. @o TO THE MARK. 518â€"1y 642â€" 612â€" 1 would call the attcntion of Cradle Makâ€" ers to my large Stock of Cradle Scythes, assorted from 46 to 52 inches, which I shall sell very cneap thig Season, and Q2> Credit given to good men JOHN HORSMA N iVING made large purcliases ia Europe, and imy stock hbeing ntich latse® than is uswal it this season of the year, owing to the late snow drifts and conseâ€" quent bad roads. I have resolved to clear cut a great portion of my present Stock beâ€" fore the‘vessels arrive in Montreal. 6 Cut Nnile‘$3 25c per Keg T. Hinges, 8e per Ib. Barn Door and Gate Hinges. 8c per lb. Window Glasss, $2 20¢ per box For Carperters and Cabinct Makers. Sett Banch Planes, l o "Smoothing Jack and Force" )83 per setl Tools of all descriptions ut the siume cheap The Following Inducements are offored to Customers coming from Waterloo: A large Stock of Grindstones on haud of firstâ€"rate qualitysand cheap. prices 3 Keyed Till Lockse, 30¢ :: dozen Iron Bed Castors, l5¢ a sett Horse Shoe ised Fasteners 1c per seit The GROCERY Department CALL AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT! $100,000. HARDWARE SALE, $109,000 Isolvont Large Importations As all the above (Cinods are bought in the best Markets foo CASH, infending purshasers will find it to their interest to buy where the best Baurgains are offered . An exarmination is merely requested, which will be to the adâ€" vantage of those intending to purchase. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! Stock of Dry Goods! this Canadian pred much CHEAPER. h. sall have again Jeased their old stand where they continue to supply the trade and the public with every thing in their line on reasonable TERMS. on h.nnd and made tn.ordcr. COFFINS inade toorder and @ «plenâ€"did HAEARSE PI‘BStOIl MlIlGI‘&l B&th.S, furnished when required . . § Proeston Ont BAWTNG, â€" PLA NMIENCQG & DC TON LN CG,| Tie Noh Aumcan Wl is eamerting, . done to order on the shortest Notice, f s, coRrNELL Propricton . BERLIN, June the 19th, 1867. Es 594â€" | June ord, 196 Dress Goods, ‘‘ancy â€" Goods ! &â€"a> Call and see one of the best and largest Stocks of Goods in this part of the country. BARCLAY SEWING MACHINE A *X PA XKXESS, O N C., «e ALL MACHINES _ WARRANTED. 33# now second to none in the World, as has been proved at the Paris Exhibivion where sompeting with the best manufactures in Burope and America, this Machinetook the FIRST PRIZE. this Canadian preduction ‘mot only much better than any other foreign importation, but very | W ATERLOGOG Sewing Machines O C O CT. W ANZER â€"SHEWIEN Gâ€"_â€"MACEHIINES, Simpson & Aldous ! COTTON GOODS Without and exceptions the Barclay Sewing Machine Manuâ€" ._ factured by the British American Sewing Machine Company, ‘ Commmergial Block, Waterlo®e, April ist, 1868 I3" All kinds of MACHINE SEWING gone to order at the Waterloo Sewing Machine Store April 1st, 1868. WATERLOO, Aug. 27th, 1867 BLAIR, May 20t, 1868 Those jntending to purchase a Sewing Machine will find AVE NOW ON HAND ANIMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS of GOODS usually found in a General Store. The The Eardware Importer, GU ELPHI. . For Persons Building. TO CRADLE MAKERS. IS THR BEST IN THE DOMINIONOF TANADA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES DODDS & CADWELL, WARRANT THEM Prints, &Cc.., &Cc. J ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHUEAP Umps ocke, 30¢ :: dozen Sissors, usually sold at 25¢ and 50¢, for 'orn i)c 3 ;elt O cl2} and 20c. D ualanare 15 Pocket Knives, from 5¢ upwards, * ed Fasteners 15c per sett Shot, 8c per Ib. And all Goods will be sold at proportionately Low Prices. J OHN SHUH & Co. B U R NX I P U R 3 Will be sold Cheaper than for many years, Having become the Sole Agents of the celebrated JIHN HORSMAN, arge purcliases ia Eurape, and my stock 5 is unusuaily large, comprising most beautiful IN GTU!ETLLPAI JOHN HORSMAN, Manufacturers of, and is also complete. General Agent for the County of Waterloo, Blair OPF \For Bilacksmiths and Wagg | Makers. Half Patent, | in.., $2 50c, 14 ing $Â¥ 50. 11 in., $2 75 per seu Springs 10} per lb Horse Rasps, 14 in., 37c e«ch Bellows, 30 in., $12, 32 in., $12 75c do 34 in., $13. 60 in.. §#14 50, do 35 in., $18 70 Mould Board Steel. 5¢ per !b. © Boston" Carriage Bands. silver, 94. 90¢ ; do Yellow, 25¢ per Ib. Uliramarme Blue, 25¢ per lb Celestial Blue, 10e per Ib, And every article required at rates equally Low. 31, $1 20; 4, $1 30 ; 44, $1 60 $1 75¢ per sett. 4 Borled Oil, $! per gal. Turpentine, Ta¢c per gal. Varnish No. 1, $1 50 per ga!. Chrome Green 25e per h. Iron, $2 25¢ per 100 the Sleigh Shoe Steel. 41c p Spring Steel, b¢ per Ib. Cast Stecl 16¢ per Ib. Axles, 1 in.. $2 25¢, 11 #2 50 per sett DODDS & CADWELL. MOSES BECHTEL, JOHN SHUH & Co. ) A AN'HHI.\I(.\'HII' for _ the a e ®| A meriean Commercial Coltege to, _ Appiyiat the othee of this pmp n Ih @2 9 general 645â€" y On b18â€" 14 63$â€" 2 n ID | A Herman dohn ”ed)' oz ‘.b Jones Sirah M. { Kaechele Iev Jacot / Kuowlton K. JOB PXNTING P\RTIF.S indebted to me on Book moâ€" counts, are hereby respectfully reâ€" quested to eall and retile the same, either by Ciush or Note, with my successore, Bowinau Broth re, at the +d tand. NOTICE TO PAY UP. Dress Goods ! PRINTS. &C, OFFICE. OW N LoOTS FOR SALE. AL[, those indelhed to the Estate of the late Sacob AATman,. either by Note er PRook account. are ealed upon to settle forthwith as the husiness of the eaid eatate is to be wound up at ance. Those who neglect to do so will have to take the caruâ€" sequencek, ~ ies _ Horonto, Ont ., is our Sole Agent for p'r'o‘ culting American Advertisements, and is ndthorized ilso to receive Canadian Adâ€" vertisements for this paper. AT Farm for Sale. 'l\HE nndersigned offers to sell by priâ€" vate sale. that valuable Farm, situatâ€" ed oftf the road leading from the High River Bank to Kossnth, nbout a mile from the latter place. 1t containg shout 50 acres of exceilent land for Agricultural purposes, There are upon it good huildings, a neverâ€" fâ€"iling well, &e , &e. â€" Terim»s rcasonab‘e. _ Apply to Canada Advertising Agency, Horonto, Ont., is our Sole Agent for proâ€" GGO aAand See! NOS, 304, 305. 306. 307 and 308 of Hoffâ€" man‘s Survey, Rerlin, fronting King BStreet. For paruiculars apply to ____ Butler Chester Baetz Widow Barron John noon, The ut Judze of the Wuder the said from 50¢., §0c. a yard, LARGE â€"STOCK ! Waterloo T p, July 1st, 1868 HOOP SKIRTS, D Canada T weeds A SPLENDID LOT OF ALu WOOL _ _ J emaininz in the Waterlou P Q. upto h+ U Ist of JEULY. I#6s. Be Waterloo, June 10 h, 186 AT Ti Waterloo. Nov. 20. 1867 i N SA TURDAY the tny«lfch day of Sepâ€", lem er next, at ter o‘clock in the forgâ€" 4 on, the undersizned will .‘lpp.'y To ill.‘.' dre of the siid Court for a discharge * Montreat House, Berlin. MONTREAL HOUSE, rl MR. A. H ST GERMAIN, Proprietor of the from 123 U LIST OF LETTERS FOR SALE CHEAP. NGOTICCOE. June 17th, 1868 sh M AT TIHHIS ut W GEO. H. CLEMENS. Preston P. Q. July 1st, 1868. 651 â€"$m BERLIN ind ul 1568 CHEAP io. #4m he Comrriyg Court th yo" Porib Wns LA AM O WiTLPÂ¥ON, +, at the O+d Stand. JOSEPH SCHAEFER U AT THE ISAAcC NOFFMAN, s Agent LL!A M WILSON By Waoons & Fiom ulars uppl{ to P.E. W. MOYER, THE Act 08 1864. 10 W M A N BRUS DAVID DEVITTS Ladzinski Joseph Me Mian J cnea Merrid Charles Mowk Blzabech Mov J . 4s. worth 50¢ onps & It1 nwen, A ttorney s ad litem Curoricus Offlce worth 75 KUMPEF. P M m\ Win respectfully reâ€" the same, either Iny successore, an Insolvent. 651 â€" F1t, R §1,25, ph "I1

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