Trame Leare Reauix Sratox as Poupows: Going Rast Niving West Mail Ex, 9:13 a.n. Mail Kx. 10:30 a.m, Dir Bx. 219 ».m ‘ Day Ex.o &11 p.m. Night®Er, 3:10 «.m Mail Tr‘n. 6:30 p.m. Thureday Morning, April 30. UÂ¥ aterlog ECbhronicls Partiawext is still in session, though for all that is done the members might a boat@g woll be at home. Very little is done _ Very few Lills are passed except thase intrornced by the Ministers. _ Every thing seems to. be gning wrong. The Miliâ€" tie BiH is rery far from being satisfuctory,. The Intercolonial Guilway is likely to hbe ately bad, _ Ruin seems to stare us in the faee, all brought sbout by those who asâ€" sared as last suron er, that only by themâ€" selves the Union couk! be aaved. built on _ the _ worst, most _ expensive and _ least _ remmmerative _ line. _ The Ropeal agitation ts grining ground, and the finapcial aspects of the country are desper A Yousre MaxMissiso. â€" A young man nemed Byron Mudge, ages twenty, has been missing since the 22nd of February lnst,, When last heard from he was in Wondstock as travelling agent in the Mv-::.gébd for the Beaver and Taronto Mutual Fir® Insurance Company. Any person having any knowledge as to his whereabouts will confer a great favor upen his anxions parents by communica tag with his father B. H. Mudge, Sheffield Pust Cifice, Wentworth County, Ontario Witl ourt exchanges please copy this noâ€" BEvent Sarvranar for this week conâ€" taium, .FoulRlay, Charles Kean and the modern Stage, The Shi‘ps Doctor, Street Music, Americaus Abroad, Quist Atten tions, Bamble v ersus Dicsens, Foreign Noâ€" version ol the Charge of the h.ubx ahaiipie hat tat ie wonle s houl mhm&m, to from the Toronto Gobe:â€" ‘ Mai:Nicholis, who read for the first time: in Torento lust night, is an exceedingly clever man, a good elocutibniat, original in his rigs of wellâ€"known pieces, and, a> bove all, exseasively humorous and amusing His paper and + Mijar Naumby.! lnst ht, were specially fuany, and his . vermion ol the Charge of the Laght Bx wan Quite new t us an, in some poinis,. w lt deliver theBaceainureate before the gra> duating elass in Victoria Univemity, COoâ€" bourg) on‘ Sunday next. He will sho be. pi;‘l'gnh convocation and ‘other clos© lng services duzing the following week. congidersably oularged and otherwise imâ€" Hall, »Berlin, on Friday Evening, May 1st He wppears under the nuspices of the Meâ€" chanies Institute, and wili no doubt have a crewded" houre, The programe offers a Tus Faur ‘»'nini »; «this county, of whichithere are lurge quantities sown.looka far betier this spring than it has for many proved. We congratuilate our Instowel frienda on the enconragement which they mmw'bm thus amabled to exâ€" their borders, and hope success may eter be continued to them. Loupow Socterr for April* has been reâ€" coivedfrom W; C. Chewett & To.. Toronâ€" to. ‘ Itis a very interesting number. The following are some of the contents:â€"King Theoore‘s country , A life and a Memory, TheBnuquet, A Romantic ‘ncident, You did aot come, Expectation, Country Romps, Mr, Hexer Nicworrs, a gentloman of great reputation as aremler of hamorous and other selections will give one of his popular entertainments in the St Nicholas terday will tendimmensely jo bring for ARrtuxpaxcs arC#tztaar Scuoonuâ€"The daily arerage attemdance at School for Aâ€" prik, #as224, and avernge of 7 lessâ€" than thatof March, whith decrease is owing: to the â€"withdrawal of ohler pupils for workâ€" Aftortire firg of May there will be‘Gve divisions, when it is expected the mtendance of young chlidren will increase. years.‘ There are ow who con remember when it was so little winter killed as it is at present. â€" ‘The fine rain which wo had yes waid vegtiatiqn. If nothing happens to m»bflmdm our far meseâ€"areaimost certain to reap an abunâ€" dant harvest of fall wheat So mots it Tws Ortawa Muross,. â€"Since our last publication day, ovidence has accumuiated agaigst Wholan as the munlerer of Mr. Mcâ€" Cee i9 guch an extent that there scarcely remgins a douit in the mind of any one that be is the assrmin, The Iast and crowiting evidence against him is a converâ€" sation between him and Doyle, who occuâ€" pred anm adjoining cefl. In this conversaâ€" tom Whelan plainly anl unequivoeally owned up that he is guilty. ‘This cirenamâ€" stange also implieated Doyle as an accomâ€" plice ‘@nd accessary in the crime. . Whelan has been commited for trial at the next Da, Waunex, whose card appears in anâ€" other ealiumn, has permanently located in Watério® He is a gertieman who has had mme@ years experience as a successful mediâ€" cal practitioner, and therefore can be con salted with the utmost confiJence by those needing medical attendance. _ As an eviâ€" dene@ of bis pepalarity in the locahty where he his practiced his profession in the piast, we refer our readors to a report in another jlmce of this paper of a supper given him on the eve of his departure, We commend the Dr. to the people in these CRASD TRUNYK RAILWAY mm&dmmww AKD FAMKILY NEWSPAPER. The following paragraph is and moral do.nflly which can plan_and carry oul the, many bloaty onjrages and cerimes which ard constantly tmhspiring in the workh â€" â€"Mawscsly hnve we wme to get a~ beigred soversign, was abst bn thg 18th of Murch by @ Fenian named Farh! in Sydâ€" ney, New South Wales _ [t is imost horriâ€" fying to contemplate the fonr{ful wickedness full compn}u-umn of the fearfulness and terribleness of one coidblooded wnurder beâ€" fore another takes place. No t aday passâ€" es but sorg« horrible tragedy is brought to light. A short time ago a plot was dis covered which was intended to blow up Buckingham Pulace and murder the whole Roy«! Family, In the United States the most horrid crimes and ase>ssinations are of very frequent occurrence. :Awml now we find that even in the far@istant: Colody of New South Waules the same Rend incarâ€" nate is at work. The following are the cable (lespatches on the atiempted assamaiâ€" nation of Prince Alfred : . London, April 24thâ€"Late and © startling intelligence has just been received from Australia, Prince Alfred who is visiting Sydney, was ahot and dangerousiy wounded by an guknown parson. ‘The wouldâ€"beâ€"asâ€" Surrsn to Da. Warsex, â€"The high es teem which is held for Dr. Walden in Wellesiy was shown by his friends at a supper giren to him at Mr. Zceger‘s Hotel on WedBeaday the 21nd inst., in which a large number took part When ample justice was donethe huge turkeys and other goad things provided by Mre. Zoeger for the cecasion, Mr, John Zooger was called to the chair, and Dr. Green, to the vice chair. After the usual toasts were given, the chair~ man proposed the‘ health of Drn Waldem by lengthy , renarke on the past. | Hisheaith was drank amist enthusinstic cheers, after w hich the Dr. responded in an appgopriate manner, by stating his regr@ in leaving his friends in Wellesioy, whete he resided for over nine years; but on account of his declining healtly and for some other reasons he chose Waterlo® ns a place botter adapâ€" ted for hispeculiar cireumatances . Dr. Green the viee chairman, also made some lengthy and approptiate remarks concerning Dr. saasin, who was said to be m Fenian, was pron.ptly arreated. The Prince, according to the Iatest advices, was slowly recove;â€" The attempted masassination of Prince Alfred by the Fenian Farrel has produced the most profound excitement from one end of the nation of other. The press teems with denunciations of the assassin and a mong the people, with whom the Prince was a great favorita, the crime forms the great topic of converaation, London, April 253thâ€"Farther particulars state that the culprit who attempted to assassinate Prince Alfred is an lrishman, ramed Farrel, known to be a Fenian. The ceived from Ticknor & Fields Boston. The contents are, Holiday Romanee, One Saâ€" turday, Doity Dimble making a Call, The Peterkine at home, How June found Mas sa Linkum, About me and the big seaâ€" waâ€" tor, M‘H‘, C‘dmy in the Cold ing. Axericas .:.S:cm.rum for May has heen receive« the publishers Orange Judd & Co., Naw York, As usual it is very valuable to the farmer and his family, contuining, as it does, articles on almost all conceivable subjects pertaining to the farm. the gurden, and the househok!. Prince was shot in the back. ‘The ball was not extracted for two days, The wound is deep and painful but the Prinee is doing well. The nitempted murder took pluce at Byduney on the 12th of Murch, Londou, April 28thâ€"â€"A .despatch from By:ney, New South Wales, duted March 31et, states that Prince Alféet was recoverâ€" ing froms the effests of his woun. Loadon, April 27thâ€"Still lJater advices ware receivecd hate from Sydney, Austraâ€" lia touay, â€" Farrel, who attempted to ar sarsinate Prince, was duly indicted, tried , found guilty, and sentenced to death . Loadon, April 28thâ€"â€"Both Houses of Parlinment toâ€"night, withont a dissenting voice, voted an aadross to the Queen npon the subject of the recent artempt to assassiâ€" nate Prince Alfred at Sydney, expressing the sympsthy of ‘the British nation .with the royal family in the untoward event, which has Allsd them with sorrow, and the country with horror,and the hope‘that the Prince may soon be restored to health. shake of the hand and an affectionate fareâ€" well with the Dr. all retired. Buackwoon for April has been reseivéd from Leonard Seott and Ca., New York, contents:â€"Horace, Linda Tressel, Historiâ€" cal aketrhes of the Reign of George II., The Miniater, William Edmon:stoune Aytoun, Corpaliua Oâ€"Dowd, Charles Kean and the Modern Stage, Th« New Nostram for Ireâ€" landâ€"A song, The Battle for place, Walden and concluded by wishing him evening being well spent after a hearty â€"râ€"â€"_._â€"_â€"â€" 804 m _i _ Trx Toroxto T:trzorarut has now bad an existence ns nn evening paper of nearly two years and is an evidence of the great success which nsually attends journalism when energy and enterprise are combined in its management. It has grown to be one of the institntions of Ontario and would be greatly miasged, were ita existence to terâ€" minateg.wlich latier contingeney is however not atiill probable. ‘The proprietora have. commenced a weekly issue which is a most excellent, entertaining an| readuble paper. It contains lots of choice and valuable reaâ€" ding matter. We wish it success. much success in his new horhe, Speeches were made by many present all expressing their regret of the Dr‘s peparture from that place, and wished him much success The Pamcs Al.ï¬ln.“oefll‘“ son 1' our Our You xa Fouxs for May has been reâ€" ParNCA ALrRED eBoTe wudâ€"Princsss of Wales returâ€" On Monday last the welcome new* AQushed acrostrtbe Atlantic that the British forces in Abyssinia, ander General Napier, have met with a most grand and complete victory, that King Theodorus was slain, that the King‘s sons and all his forces are prisoners and that all the British captives are free and on theifjourney home. The greatest . demonatratign.of joy on so nagâ€" nifeent a victory were manilested in all parts of Canada, aod the Cable informs us that England is also in great rejoicings, When it is tmkon in consijerntion tha; Abyssinia is an exceedingly difficult country to invade and that many people were long in great doubts as to the poambility of Gienâ€" eral Nupier‘s forces being successful we do nut wonder so sudiden and unexpectod a victory has made England‘and Canala glud, even though a repart of it follows sa close upon the sa@ news ol ‘ch> noble sailor Prince Alfred being shot und dangerously wounded by a Fenian assassin, ‘The folâ€" lowing are the Cable telegrams which } bring the particalars of the battle :â€" accused has placed himself in an unpleasâ€" u«ht position by statements concerning his affuire that have been contradicted, Mr. Stinson, teller of the Bank of British North Am;‘ l: wh on, ilungoranut on suspicion of being the party who substiâ€" tuted "&"~ copy of'&o ML.paohpo‘ money, dnm‘l to be tranamitted by exâ€". preas | from. the Bank to New York . The accused‘ has placed himself in an unpleasâ€" Nsw York, April 27.â€"The l]erald‘:" apecial, dated Magdaia, April 13, gives the: following details ofthe capture of the great fortress. â€"A _ trieg which hal been ngreed on between (General Napier and ‘Thedorus, terminated urly this morning. _ Iinmediâ€" ately _ after â€" its termination the King not having surrendered the .captives, General Napier placed himself at‘the head of the 1st and 2nd Lrigades of his irmy, and moved up the hill towarda the fortres» as far as Shillasse, This portion of the strong works built was surrendered to Ganeral Na pier by the chief in commanpd, and niter a briak attack, in which the Africans were defeated, Theodorus observing the Engli<sh advance, and its first fruits, retreated in:o the centre of the Mngianin works, on the plateau, baving first plented five of his guna at the base. When Gen,. Napier came in sight with his brigades the King‘s artillerymen opened on the advance with these gune inosruonco f Theodorus ‘The British replied iimmeJdiately with their 12 pounder Arrostrong and 7 inch mountnin motlar rocket guns, throwing rockets into the place. _ After enduring this fire a short time King Theodorus abandoned his guns and still retreating inwarnd barricaded the Suley Ports and commented a tire of mus. ketry fream mi-ï¬'hw and wall defen. ces The ©Abysaininma evincing no signs of surrender, halted his advance and comâ€" menced bombarding their works. The boin banlment lasted 3 hours, when it terminaâ€" ted the British ordere:lan assanlt, which was made in fine atyle. ‘The King‘a works were earried after a vigorous resistince on the part of thethe enémy.> Theodorus lost duri thungnpment 60 killed and 200 'olzï¬od The English had 15 wounddd After the works were taken Theodorus was found dead by the English sotdiers on enâ€" tering the centre of his stronghold: he was shot through the head, Some persona say he w:mgill«i during one omhe buttles. others say that he committed ruicide when he found the fortuheof the day against him. ‘The King‘s body was recognized by the British gpti‘vu when relensod, a Tue: Mrupraig Avaiaxontk, whose pros pectus appears in asother colimn, is a tho roughly Southern peper and those who would Tike a correct Southern view of the American situation oculd not do hetter than send for the Avalanche, . fall ‘im, ‘wod ‘reéturn to India and England “I:mY k, April A Lond 1 ‘ Neéw York, il 28 â€" ndon special any»: The Times teglegrams state that King Theodorus made an aitack on the British advance on the 10th of April, when he was repulsed, having about 500 men killed and that he was subsquently deserted by almost all of the remainder of his troops, The King then retreated insida tha fortreas of Magdala, where, supported by sone few devored ‘ followers, hop [l:mlo a desperate reâ€" aistance to the English, but fmdi:rg his cause made hopeless by the assaul; of Na pier‘s stormers, he committed suicide by a in reply to a question by Mr. Lavar‘!, made some remarks on the subject of the Abysâ€" ainian war, in which he spake in the most Anttering la of the achievement of Gen. Napier ML .w» who gave aid to the expedition to ‘tasedq the English, Theodore‘s two sons were taken prisonâ€" ers, and all the European prisoners sat free, The interior of the fortress o( Maftdala pré. sented an extraordizry gnd aplemlid right, the ylm glowing almost with barbaric splendor. The British trovps plundered t at once. The men found four rogal crowns of solid gold, twenty thousan«d dolâ€" lurs in silver, thousands ofsilver plates, meveral jots of very rich jewels, and nuâ€" ;nxn: oflior ur‘t’iel;- of great vallue. Gen. apier: takes by his victory 28 guna 5,000 stand of small arms l0.0Q‘tr)‘:higl-'n. 10,000â€" spears, ahd msn{ other‘articles of war can;‘ï¬onm The liberated British captivam‘ will staft for home on the 14th of London, April 27, evening.â€"Great joy prevails throughout the nation over the glorious news from the British troops in Abyusinia, and that of the safety of Prince Alfred. National hymna were sung and enthusiastic cheers for the Queen given, and the preaa and people overywhere are axulâ€" tant. ‘Toâ€"lay was the .I%dny of tha Newmarket spring meeting. a Prince of Wales atikes, a free handicap of twentyâ€"five mu?u, was won by < Kingsland, The case of the prisawer Barry , cnnnected with the Greek fire plot at Buckingham Palace cane np at Bow atraet toâ€"lay for preliminâ€" ary examination . The Greek fire proved to be phoaphorus only. The case against the prisonar xas stromg and he was remanâ€" Eri;-;' to â€" the handa of King Theodore, he conquest of Abyssinia, maid the Premt er, was nuoly equalled by that of Merico by Kuâ€"Kluxism bas shown itself at London under the form of an order stylel the ‘ S. A. C.‘ The PFree Press says:â€"‘Ths title atfull length is <‘The Scottish American Compact‘ . Their load:i principle ssems to be to make short work of all who may offend them. They pmh;:)leha most saintâ€" ty pur generosity, public spirit, and u hflcl mtm of ‘p:uion, ye'tp evincio, ’: spirit of reckless intolerance and deapiu&h cownrdice,‘ ‘The Pree Press makes this rather atartling announcement with appa: April. ‘\Gon, Napier‘s arm J n‘ uat reiare 1 12 last point. istol shot «s the British approached his In the House of Commoan«‘Mr. Diaraeli, THE ABYB§ENIANX WAR. ‘ LETTRERS® TO THE FOUVNG. | Cincinnati Correspondence. =â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. will reorganize i _ Drar CHroÂ¥icts.â€"According to an arâ€", | ticle from Senex in your Inst issue, 1 am a | pretty bard case, Just listen. He auys | my attack is ‘bold and insolent,‘ Would | [ he have me make a cowardly attack 1 His | | style seems to be to muke a desperate thrust | at an opponent and then meekly, observe, | i'Plem, Mr. Editor, suffer me thus far, it | is not my intention to trouble you with any | | notice of Mr, BRâ€"â€"in future.‘. Brave | ’t‘ruly. But to proceed, | My statements are slisingennoua;‘ Idesâ€" pise the precepts of my mother, and make an onslaught upon the gharacter of mothâ€". ers in general 1 ‘have offended agninst the principles of veracity,‘ whatever that means. T suppose it means, 1 have /ied. [ don‘t follow the teachings of either my mother or Bible. I am ‘ungenerous‘ and am in future to ba lett alone by Senex. 1 think these charges would warrant a proâ€" recution for libel. At lenst they serve to: show me the real power of my mind, 1 never would have believed it possible for me to display such a variety of principler in one short article . t2v% days, coming chiefly fromSaxony and Prusâ€" n’n."' Many also nrr{nd from Bohemia. Extorattox rrom Brzwuezw.â€" A Breman letter says, that emigration from that port lias never been witnessed on so large a scale as at present, Between seven thouâ€" sand and egbht thousand persons bave passed through this city during the last few days, coming chiefly fromSaxony and Prusâ€" I am sorry 1 nm such an eye sore to Seâ€" nex. â€" Doubtless all your readers will unite with m«, and ‘pity the sorrows of a poor old man,‘ But why all these accus tions, and that too from a person who (has just recontly published @letter upon Courtesy?‘ The sole erime is that ‘Rambler‘ had the ‘insoâ€" lence‘ to differ fron Senex in reference to the inffuence of mothers upon the young. Now Senex must remember that his letters, when published, are public property, and he must not conclude that every person is insolent, and debased who condescends to give his letters a just criticism. . In‘Reply to Rambler‘ Senex takes quite a different view of mothers from what he expressed in No. 2. of his letters _ In fact we are now quite agreed upon this point, and after all it is true, that the words of Senex did misrepre, gent his thoughts, But Senex can‘t see it He rays ‘It was not given ns ‘the abe: lute rule of our life," aa he (rambler} fulsely reâ€" presents.‘ Just take tke quotation I gave from Letâ€" ter No, 2, ‘Let your every thought and purpose be tried by this test‘ [a mother‘s approval), and whatever you have reason to believe she would condern reject with all your heart, Whatever company ske would sealect for you, seek;â€"cll other is to be disâ€" carded." Thus Senex says our princip‘es thoughts, purposes, and associates are to be eantrolled by his rule, and yet he thinks that rule is not absolute. _ Well it may not be strictly abaolute, but I challenge him to show that it is ‘right for as to submit these things 1 have mentioned to the absolute sway of our mothers, 1 fear it will be the writings of Senex himself, and not my criticisin, that will aâ€" waken a doubt in the minds of your readers as to his faith in the teachinga of the Bible. WhenSenex finds that bis words havg migâ€" represented his thoughts why has he hot the manliness to confess it, and correct the error, and not allow such a senséless tirade as ‘reply to Rambler‘ to proe_ud/zlx his furtherly pon. 1 am sure this / woulkl seâ€" care him much more respect from the young for whoin he writes Prsurc AoÂ¥ymartsiso.â€"We ask the roâ€" ters of the Dominion to read the follow ing lumma‘r‘y copied from the @lobe, of. what Mr, Mackenzie, the leader of (the opposition, s 1d about public advertising, to saywhuther,. such â€" asystem â€" should and be perpetuated : Mr. â€" Mackengie called attention to the way in which the advertising * patronaga was distributed . _ Obscure papers, with hur dly any circu‘a im, were rvond with ad vertisaments a colamn lony, showing forth '.h.:dpou office an vings banks bad nieen o. pened in the other end of tike province or some other province. Now, these adver tisements could not rccomplish a particle of good ; and be found also that a paj or with an immense circulation like the To ronto Glohe was favored with advertising to the amount of about $30 a year, while others almost unknown had advertising t> the extent of $500 and $1,000 each ! A« gain, hefound a large suin set down for advertising in and subscriptions to the OQunadian News, which was nothing more or leas than a G#and Trunk organ in Lon:â€" don, (Eng.) It certainly was to the iifter est of the gavernment to prevent the waste of public money om useless‘ advertisements and subscriptions to papers, " %i:- to deleat these fatal machinations." The fact that _!ho. Jflich Church _ri.tunlid; have long desired the severanve of the uniâ€" on batween Church and State, both in England and Ireland, is no secret; but the charge that they have combined with other religious bodies to accomplish that olject has never hefore been so decidediy made, nor on such high authority. It reâ€" wains to be aeen what reply they will make to the boid assei tion of the Premier. Of course I do not inten.] to take space to reply to his rant about my despising the teachings of my mother and Bible, and 1 am quite willing to leave the argument of the crse to the intelligence of your readera.~ However, I wouhd remind Senex that, alâ€" though he does not aasume the duties of a Biblical Instructor, he does not thereby seâ€" cure license to contradlist the Bible. Mn. Disrazit has addressed a letter to one of his eonatituents with reference to his " alleged assertion that the High Church " alleged amsertion that the High Church vitualiats had been long in seoret combinaâ€" tion, and were now in open confederation with Jrish Romanists for the destruction of the union between Church and State .‘ He disavows uny intention to cnst u siur upon the High Church rr\y. for which he profexses to entertain a high respect, but says that in the remark attributed to him, hn referred to " an extreme faction in the Church of very modern date," which he believes to be compassing, in conjunction with the Roman Catholics, the overthrow of the Irish Church, * Aa I hoid," he concluders, "that the dissolution of the union between Church and State will cause permanently a greater revolution than forâ€" eign conquest, I shall use my utmost enerâ€" Raxupuer. t Waunt of time, and not scarcity of news | has prevented us from eugaging in our acâ€" : customed correspondence. ‘The winter has ‘ been rather severe for this section of counâ€" ‘try, with more snow than usual and leas warm and ramy days We had every prosâ€" \ pect of an early Spring; during the latter | part of March and the first week of A pril, | the wenther was warm and pleasant; the | perch and carly cherry trees began to | bloom, butâ€"suddenly the weather changed, | the ground was covered with ice, the tenâ€" b der buds were nipped, and many treey were | unable to bear the icy Lurden cast upon ‘them in one night So furewell peaches | und chermes this year, The apple trees . and grape vines, not having progressed an | far in their functions of vegetation, are supâ€" | posed to be but little injured. _ The markâ€" let is pretty well supplied with the hctâ€" | house vegetntion, at lenat, the pricos amack â€"| pf something rather hot. _A little bunch | of lettuce, 10 cents; four or five sinull l stalks of rhubarb, about six inches long, 10 | cents: a little bunch of onions (enough for ‘ a tnste,) 10 cents; potatoes from $1.30 to #1.40 per bus, ; good butter, 60 cents per f Ib. ; pretty good butter, 55 cents; and good » for n‘rthini‘:o eents; eggs 20 to 25 cents I + | per doz j fiterak or Iiam 18 to 20 cents per Ib, The Zavor of a great many things l in our market is too Aigh and fire for the | working cluss or those having a small salaâ€" . ! ry. In one month we will have plenty of | strawberries if they muka as early an ap: pearance as last year. _ The political atâ€" | mosphere is in a very disturbed state, _ All j Fumes aro mustering ‘their forces for the residentral compaign this summer _ Imâ€" peachtnent and the Southern election are vhe attractive itema at present, _ Nobody seems to know positively or rather nobody | can gonjecture., what will be the reault of | the trial of Andrew Johnson,at the« bar of | the Senate, ‘The Ropublican party have | lostmuch of their former preatige, and hence, nre extromely anxious to do nothing | that would damage their reputation nmong ‘ | the people. ‘The President is disowned by | both parties, still the Demograts would much sooner uphold Johnson than vote j with the Radicals, as the extreme Republt gana nre c: lled, It e generally corc ded, | there are many important measures which â€"| might more properly have engaged the attenticn of Congress, _ Business, all over _ | the country is in a very langui state, and requires the immediate attention of the ‘ovâ€" | ernmment, to enact such laws as will give ® | stability in commercial cireles, ‘The results ) | of the war are still visible; of these a reckâ€" ,} lesancss, morally, socially and eommercinlâ€" l ly are most apparent _ Riots suicides, murders, ussussination which are now so *\ frequent, are but the outgrowths of the , | war, The trial of Gen, Gole for the murder of Hon. H Hiscock is proceeding at Albany. The Courtâ€"room was crowdzg as is usual in »uch cases Gen. Cole appeared to have suffered from his long confinement and had a pale and yellow look. Hiscock, it will be remembered, was shot for nlleqed im&ropn intiracy with Gen. _ Cole‘s wife‘s, Gettina Asnarmen.â€"The New York Tribuns is trying to turn a cold shoulder to the Fenians. In reference to the atâ€" tempted assessination of Prince Alfred, it says:â€"=" Should the Fenians be the auâ€" thors of this new outrage, the odium which the many misdeeds cominitted in the name of Fenianism begin to heap upon the whole movement will belnrgery increased." IxtErnatonat Postaoz.â€"The British Governinent is about to mnuks an attempt to establish a more liberal and equitahle system of international postage with the U. nited Statem, »nd ‘nis rent out Anthony Troilope, the novelist diplomat, to make the necessary .amingements. lt is very lilely the Amaerican Government will meet the laudabte cefforts of the mother country half way, and thus _ increase the present large postage communication foufold. ‘ Mr McGe®‘s Watrttnos.â€"The Montreal Gazette learns that Mrs, McGeo hna given authcrity to Mr. Chamberlain, M. P., Mr. T. K. Rumsay, and Mr. George Murray, to 4!:( and publish the lectures, speeches, dec., of her late husband. _ The publication, which will be of great public interest, will be for the benefitof the family. It will he we understand,accompanied with a memoir of Mr. McGee‘s life, &unded upon authenâ€". tio‘data; and such historical notes as will connect and make consecutive the different pieces The work will be published by subscription, ‘ The moraing after Lord Stanley moved his amendment on the Irish Church ques. tion, two hberal members were within the precinets of the house talking over the preâ€" vious night‘s debate, Liberal Member No. 1â€"‘How awkward Stanley seeroed, didn‘t hat‘ Liberal Member No, 2â€"‘Yes; he‘d beiter come over to us at onee,"‘ No. 1â€" He‘d he much more comfortable,‘ No. 2â€" just so, Bâ€"â€"â€" once told me he never knew what a Radical wastill he talked to Lord Stanley.‘ Trs Qu&strox,â€"W hat shall we do with Feniani@m?‘ is a very pertinent question which the Leader asks this morning, and then‘ abhswers © the qifery in more than a solid * column of dismay.‘ The remedy is annple Pass M Carier‘s Militia Bill, and â€" thereby disband the Volunteer foree, The question will soon be settled, but will unfortunately give rise to another : ‘What will be done with the Caundian?" _ What has the Leader to ‘ay to that!â€"Hamilton Times. i &enator YÂ¥ates has issued an address to thi## people of IMinois, expressing in terms of pehiterige and hhmiliation hig . sorrow for n®t rehtpses from a temperaté and sober rife, and anuouncing his reform,. _ He afâ€" firms however, that the charges with reâ€" fermnce to his habits have been exaggerated, and on this point aays:â€"@*1 could show by the records that I have been abaent from the imperchment trial but a small portion of the tims, _ It commenced on Murch, just fifty days ago, toâ€"lay. I was nbsent frow the trial only six of those fifty days. I was present on every day, and voted on every question submifted to the Senate, 1 could show that I have not been a coustant drinker; and prove that my yield to tempâ€" tation to use stimuInnts has been periodicâ€" al,‘ and after long and extensive labora. I could show that I have never appenred in the Senate except when sober, and that notwithatanaing océnsional departures since 1 have been in the Senate, I have for most of the time performed my duty," The Feninns are ngain on the move, heawdled by Gen, O°‘Neil, with whose ex ploits Cnnadians are quite familiar nud probably will soon be again. They have pubcly avowéd all disconnection with the assnssination of the Hon, T. D‘Arcy Mo.â€" Gee,. _ When here, Gen. O‘Neil pronouncâ€" ad the act as treacherous and cownrdly, but urged nll Irishmen, who loved their coun: try, to be ready at any moment for future action, > A pril 27th, 1868 The New York Senate recently prssed a bill cuthorizing railroad conductors to make arrests. . It gives conductors the powers of special policemen. and onables them to keap turbulent fellows who travel with them in greater check. This has been in practice m Eugland and it works there admirab. ly. . Snow storm in Boston on Saturday. Anna Dickinson‘a voice has failed, The wife of George D. Prentice is dead: Libby Prison has been sold at Auction. Guelph appropriated $230 last year to puplic treeâ€"planting, 7 Henery W. Longfellow, with his family. will pass the suiminer in Europe. The Artemus Ward monument is to be placed in Central Park New York, Colonel Wiison has been appointed to the vacant Norfolk Judgeship. The N. Y. Mou thinks it a feather in the American editorial cap, though wine was as free as water at the Dickens‘ Banâ€" uet, not one of the 200 editors present got flrunk. The senior proprietor of tho St Catharines Journal has received warning from Bufrlo that unless the articles appearing in that paper in reforeoce to Feniarns and Fenian. ism arenot drawn milder his personal safeâ€" ty will be seriously endungered. Squib thinks the denrest eyes he knows now aza those of potatoss. A great quantity of very miserable verse is being fired over D‘Arcy‘s McGea‘s grave. The culture of tea is about to be introâ€" duced in Jamnica, under the auspices of the English Government. Fred. Douglas will soon take up his resiâ€" dence in Vineland, N. J., where he hopes to sit under his own fig tree. Mr. and Mrs, Spurgeon have but two childrenâ€"â€"twin sons ‘11 years old. Both aro being reared for the ministry, George Francis Train says that ‘railrond corporations are born swindles. For gauge read gouge,‘ Meetings are being held all over Engâ€" land in favour of the disendowiment of the Irish church estabJishment. Preparations are being made on an exâ€" tensive scale for the grand international base ball tournament at Niszara Falls in June. A handsome field of sixty acres has been selected for the purpose. The end of the universe is positively an nounced to take plucge on Oct. 2,1868â€"un til further notice, y Tt has cost the city of Boston $83,700 to remove snow and ice from the streets during the past year, A half bushel of salt to the nere, sown on winter wheat, is said to add â€" greatly to the excellence of the grain. The Citizen says that Mr, Greoly is in {avor of appointing Senator Nysa to be Secretary of the Treasury, becacse "Nye can borrow more money and pay back less than any other man in the United States," When the Pacific railroad is completed, a traveller can go round the world in three months. The public Jands in Alaska are said to extend to 895,000,000 of rneres. Many of these acres are proserved in ice. A young woman in France recently ghot a faithles lover just as he had cnmPIe- ted the murringe coremony with ber rival There are said to be 7,000.000 doga in the United States, which cost their ownâ€" ers $50,.000,000 per annum, exclusive of $4,000 000 worth of sheep killed by them annually. Sir John Pakington. First Lord of the Adinirality, is suffering from th: chicken pox, and another Admiral has got the measela! No cases of hooping cough liave been reported in the navy at present. The Tliinoia Demoerney are for PendJeton for the Preamdency. â€" The Southern Demoâ€" ¢ratic newepapers go for Hancock,. Ben Waude, the probable succossor q Andrew Jolinson, is ulready besyt by office seekors. A fire took place in the village of St. Martin, near hromreal, on Thursday, which destroyed twelve housmes and forty two stabâ€" les and barns. _ Loas $90.000. The health of the French Prinee Imperâ€" inl still gives his physician a great deal of uneasiness. â€" Ho hns teen ordered to the seasile. All the difference,â€"Mr. Gladstone is for disâ€"eatablishing the Irish ProtestiniChurch Mr Dismneli, on the contrary, is for Diz establishing it. The importations ut Montrenl for the Inat quarter shows a great fulling off, as compared with 1867, in articles of dry goseids, sugar, tea, coffee, and hbard ware. An English clergyinar advertises his living . for ‘exchange, adding Unt it is * a moat desirable position for adelicate man ; no Dissenters in the parish.‘ Tus Rouxo Tanus, an able periotieal of New York, has given Horace Greely a severe but dignified dressing down for callâ€" ing Governor Seymonr a linr, (Gen. Sherman, writing to a fmond in Columbus, says of the Kansas hotels, that ‘their pricg is $3 a dayâ€"board and lodging extra.‘ Tho ghoat of a woman killed on an IHiâ€" nois rnilroad is said to haunt the acena of the caauality, and the accessories of a specâ€" tral train and locomotive are not wasting. Eart Kiupenir, exâ€"Lord Linetenant of Ireland, bas ‘beem appointed Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, in the place of Sir Eomusop Hean. a During his visit to the United Stntes, Mr. Dickens read to audiences thit broaght less than two thousand dollars, in only two placesâ€"Ruchester and New Bedford. A monument to the Inte Earl of Rosse, the distinguished astronower, 1s to be «reoâ€" ted in Ireland. The D‘Tarneli family have been in Engâ€" land for 125 years, and came originally from Venetin. _ . An apaman in the lower Virginia Valley Jefferson Co., got 1500 pounds of honey last season from fifty stands, _ It sold for #450, e The Missourn Logislature is trying to \reâ€" duce the price ofbeef by law, It is proâ€" bably done by joint resolution. Prusama is lightening the taxes on necesâ€" sary articles, mnd increasing it on tobacco and pirits, which it deema luxuries About 2,500,000 hags have been slaughâ€" tered in the Weat this season at the leadâ€" ing packing establishments. Florevice Nightingale, it is reported, has become a member of the Society toPromote Female auffruge in England, Thousands of birds,denad from saturvation, Maussuchusetts pepers report, have ‘been 18 S PFJ I } picked up in the western part of thit State The Unitel States Grand Jury Lonis have found true bills agninst ber: of the Whisky Ring. The old Episeopal Church, Chatham, was destroyed by fire on Friduy night wt. HiiscelC[aneous Jtems. in St mein Darmo BmumM;u\' ,ï¬,ufl‘r * The Mlh&*' of Roxbury, la xed mroxn.â€"The Times rep: the itratiegitto Bosteon, is called the Sul.'.l d the of a bold 260b6bery in aliltomfl Fridgy"flit‘le settleimment of New Bosto ng the evening at an early hindr, “‘?Qé*‘ Ra mountains . of Ber‘kshim, is prowd to be way station. _ Mr N.~S. Whibpie, â€"of known as a < Hub, jr.‘ “ troit, who was the victi, arrived in the ; A"Frenchman, who was arrestaf in 1§46 city by the 7:15 train from the west, and | for erying ‘Vive Empereur,‘ was sent to started to walk up town to visit a citi‘;en prison . lhe‘o('lx:‘r l]:ll_\' for shouting * Vive la A country editor says of a contern ¢ ©The caption ‘ Editorial Cormponmg' over the letters of Mr.â€"â€"is a misnomer, and ‘Idiotorial CCorrespondence‘ is more apropriate and suggestive,‘ with whom he had business. , ing the vacagt lot enst The grassbhoppers have hatched out thicker than ever on the prairies of Towa. Neither rain, fire. snow norfrost, seema to affect the consiitution ot these tough inâ€" secls to a hotel, but before he had time to reply inz ns. man | -'-l“ NEGS t f' |{- a second party, who had _ npprow bed himh |foffyr the Jot bf nan to rout on Ts PR MR unawares, struck him a powerful bIiOW O0 yp. chameter. T the back of the head with_a clut, When « i C 0 m s : Squshern prpérs annognce with, g tg r’:;“fve:o‘i,l;;' "m“!"'; found ’h;’m’l':il: satl«faction that Gen. Bm‘cr, s ch?é m'x cn;';)ei;mlied]:)v:rrgr;nl::lh and e}‘lil yt\vm;a"!'*‘r of the iinpeschment trial, ie onlled Shitth hx apre in makg Th o ghom ie (hie l ts pockets,taking therefrom #75 in money,!n« | PuSC o A watch and other articlesa _ After the depare/| 3“’ Iabor "ï¬:‘ of New )W ture of the robbers, Mr. Wlip:l: leys }h ‘oon very essed Tor â€" & "W the ground helpless for an hour. ;,flx pst, is said to be rather, improving. 'le condition was diseovered by persons présâ€" ‘eight hbours‘ Luy is foyud 4o ; ma m in in the vicinity, whoâ€" found | im . tied | [t Cannot be enforced. ‘ hand and foot with a rope. _ A cotip‘e 0" @@==â€"â€"â€"eeerrraadraarrrorrareree young men residing in the vicinity . of the sp s f .A3T 39 station, hamed McCormickand He;\demy [oâ€" @Ommtttm[ Qll dhglltt were atrested on suspicion ‘of being thl) <o on n en mm e ogem im mmaem perpetrators aof the robberry, and were| Oorretted Week!y fof the Cmm ons@ ape ® brought up before the Police Magistrate, \V ATERLOO MA RK C ‘s Mr. whipple\being sworn, narmted the ofpâ€"/ _ Py"‘l“- _ cumstances of the affair. T;‘El:; beat of : Fall Wh&:}: a Ni aarieas Pavork $} gg 1155’ * his belief, Hekdgrson was 6 the two , Spring @Utbslll.. e 1.88) 1. f men who robl\ed w Ggmge Pieckert ï¬f?rv cce _3;‘1 r‘z k Hamilton folks have already com. menced making anrangements for the comâ€" ing ‘celebration on the 24th of May. This ear Hor Majesty‘s birthday falls on a gumlny; it will be celabrated throughout the dominion on Monday. The Brazilian government are certainly alive to the advantige of encouraging imâ€" migration. They not only offer to pay the guieater part ofthe expense of the vovage, but to build a comfortable house and clear six neres of land for each settlers, ; The English Independent aaya:â€"* The Yankee degrees confared an ministers are a pest, and we devoutly wish the Americans would keep thern at home. They make the wearers mdiculous and bring learning itself into contempt. They aro experimenting at Hartiord with conaiderable success in the new methâ€" od of Turing whoopingâ€"cough by inhaling the atmosphere of a gas bouse Upward of three hundred children aresaid to bive been wholly or partially relieved by this treatment. Baptist (Brotherâ€"1I don‘t like your Church goverment. It isn‘t simple enâ€" ough, There‘s wogpuch machinery about it.. Methodist Brotherâ€"It is true, we have more machinery than you; but then you see, it don‘t take near so mueh water to run it Arrangoments have been made to conâ€" secrate the monument ts Luther,in the city of Worins, on the 24th, 25th and 26thâ€" of June. _ It is intended to make the occasion a grent national fostival in Germanv, and one in which the whole Protestant world is invited to take part. was called as a witness by the prfironers o°" z.099 and stated that he lived ntyMr. Hemomd‘s ‘ l&:&:’b \be. near the‘atation. . He knew the prisoners, | Clover Seed and saw them together last evening in Mr.| Timcthy Se Henderson‘s barâ€"room at 7:30, and they Flax Seed . remained there unt! after 9 o‘clock. â€" Heaâ€" Butter ... derson was engaged in mending a mus , Eggs ..... calâ€"box. ‘This was all the evidence beatâ€" | ';â€d * ++% ing upon the ease at hand, and the . mawrisâ€" :{‘;'.:’ txe}" trate remanded the same until farther onâ€" (plyoy 000 quiries could be nrajle. | The panties: AC pommpes . . cused protested their entire ignorance of Wool perlb the affair in questron, | Best Flour. the affair in question, S \ Best Flour. Doulile Extra. ... 42â€" rflq w _l.,v__. Wt ie â€" mt man ce ; ‘Fnrpily Flour. Extral....... 4 00â€" 'g.DO 5y The clergerman who marrieg te, Armch.| ?{r:::f, ;:t::““our ‘ f :gâ€"_ :83 duke Henry to Mile Hoffimann had no. dis< Bran per Ton. .. .. ... ... . 48 00â€"1 0X 0 eretion in the matter. | He was not even(Shorts. ... .22 .......... 20.00+â€" l'flll informed that amy «corentfony war / to (tike| Hny per ton ..... ... . ... .12.00 â€"ii@®MOP place, â€" He was simply sent for ty wisit the | Onieus .. 022. ..2225.l.l .. .884 _ (Wéwe archidueal paisce, _ On argivigg be wa«, Galt, April PAR®*®* I I t c I ushered into a room where ‘ were guthered | _ Fall Wheat, #1.75 to #1,720;, Aaber the wedding conple and | two | féntle Wheat, $16 65: Spriiltt Whent, 81. The »rchduke immetliately tegah BÂ¥ !say | 58 to A1.617 Burlox, & to‘] ing :â€"«U declare at this : moment, (n. the [58c Ao 56¢; Poas. 80¢ to 90¢; Cluver Seed: presence of the dare and two withessos, #4700 to $4.50; Timotlivt Bedd, #82,004082 that I take the young Indy here preseut for| 50; Huv, $10.00 to 12.00; Butter 1F¢ 'n) my wife." â€" Mlle Hoffinann madg 4 similar |205; Egygs 11c to 18¢; potatoma 50c 10654 atatement, and so the marriags was duly _ Gexurn. April P6(h, 7 cdï¬bm(onl in ootfagmity ; withâ€"thied canoni ‘F,.I] Wheat per bushel $1.70 in §1, 4 Cal IAW, _ £{ Spring Whent, $1,60 to $1.63 ;, OM An anscdote of Mr. Gieeley‘«‘ apgence of ; to 60¢, Pens, 8Q¢ to 85¢ ; B;, rev, #1.â€"h408 mind is gni“‘! the 'o\?n(h 2(â€,@ plf"ff._ol) ‘.‘I,QQZ PU(N(U}‘H 60c to 70c; H“-" Â¥15 to Â¥ the ‘opening night of the Ameriean Instiâ€"| #17.00 tute Fairs, Mr. Greely, accommpmined by Mfl Misa Phocbe Cary, astarted to go there, | ¢ a : being engsiged to â€" deliter the asenitig | 3“‘ gbb""smmt& s 6 ) qo\ apooch, but turnedâ€" torthe Fremeh ‘Whontre | ~~ o sravacs o ob 94â€"3 bng eet insteiwk _ He was showna by. the mmnz]‘ . W. “falden, M. D.., «0) ane into n private box, ‘and t30k "ont his note ’ PHYSII?‘IAN' -‘l‘l;fldx:l n(‘ml A(-n.:_it-‘d- book to write. He did not digcover his and Coroner for the Conaty ) of WanseA mistake until the enrtain roke on the first ï¬"’l"ï¬"“‘m:"i"::?r‘r,::c:"'n ï¬ Otfics «td scene of "Elizabeth‘." Muth Jfacubié q’ph\nf onl .L T NE ME _ lwm‘]g-i“e"dh’‘hnw \yln(; ’(.n»ev: him as he wW. H. BOWLBY, q hastily made his,.way @ut. 3 1 CounNnTy a TTAa uCw Ladies‘ rubber forms are now _manuficâ€" tured in Springfield, Mas Thc?' (the forms, not the ladies) are so fearfuliy and wonderfully made that they can be blown up to a desired fulluess, or by anloosing the nir, they may return to dimiâ€"ished pretenâ€" sions. Ix responding for the SouthwesternPresa at the Dickens dinner, Col ‘D. B. Thorps aaid : Twentyâ€"cight yeara ago he saw a flitâ€"boat coming down the Mississippi.with the name printed in large letters on its side. *Samue«] Veller‘ On his asking the carâ€" tun of the ern‘ whose name it bore, he replied that be thought probably it was that of the new candidate for Congress in Indiâ€" Ana. There are twontyâ€"one thousand deaf and dumb persons in Great Britain, and it is suggested. by a waurin advocate of thair enuse that in any proposed scheme of nx ticnal education they ought no longer to be neglected. _ In France most of the | schools for them are assisted by the State. and aré under the protection of the Minister of the Interior, One of Buchanan‘s Cabinét / sent an ndvertisement to a New York paper wi\? orders for it« insertion until the departmen directed it stopped. The direction _ was never sent, and the paper has just forwar ded a bill of several thonsang dollars to the departnent for collection . A married woman namod Teal, residing, in Brooklyn, has become entirely . helpless. from the effects of light lacing. Bhe was inthe habit of obtaiming the amssistance of othor ladies in lucin;f her corsefa ns closely as they could possi hy be drawn, whic course has now been culminated in pataly sis, and sho is urable to aid herseH in any way. ed to walk up town to visit a citizen pr whom he had business. ; Wien â€" b- the vacagt lot enst 4f L’s tom wo me, he wats suddenty ace by a felâ€" " _ agouz==: i ang. .. " . â€" eminggs â€"â€" xÂ¥ Rossery e Haorye|~ Th repuirte the Atratiom * to Bot in Wimilton o Friday flit‘le y hindr, nen&*‘ Ra moun N. "S." W h ibpie, â€"of : know pEBNE Parktse s Rarler ...... Rye 56 lbs. ... [ Onts i..¢.:. , Clover Seed. . |\Timethy Seed Flax Seed ... Butf@r ... s. ; Bgga ...... | LAKE siircy. Pork s....k. Mams ....... Tallow ..22.. ‘-pul lqae‘ The Judge told imin he must @ot only learn what to cry, but when, If Dr, Livingstone ever gets back to Eartanmt he wil hive the nlb!- ing as, many obituarjes of i If feï¬tn the lot of inan to read ?)Ms m and charneter . l Weekly, one copy each month........$ /35 * one copy three months........ 1 00 i one copy per year............ 4900 i( _ five coples per year.......... 185 00 «_ ten copies per year........... 25 00 _ twenty copies per year........ 40 00 We offer, as will be seen, great inducements to clubs, Where ten personi take the b.rnpn it only costs them two dollars and a half. Forâ€" ty subscribers only pay two dollars. The Weekly Avaraxoms shall not be inferior in size, appearance, and variety of news and editorial matter to any Weekly in the country. Each nunffi@y will contai; a complete history of the political events of the preceding week. The exciting events of the day and the diabolism of the Radical tyrants ‘and imps of perdition will be carefully recorded. We have special correspondents in all directions, and our faciâ€" lities for making a first class newspaper are unsurpassed. We ask our friends throughout the South to give us such enconragement as their cireumstanees will admit, and we will centinue to put forth our best efforts to stay the torrent of political corruption, and to deâ€" velop and foster Southern resources and inâ€" The Wirretiy Avacarcme will be sent to clubs ef ten for two dollars and fifty cents, each copy, per year, and au extra cepy to those who send us a club of ten. To clubs of twenty we charge two dollars per year, and two extra copies sent to the person who gets up the club. RATES : Squshern prpérs annognce with, g satl«faction that (Gen. Bm‘cr’ s ch?é m'x ager of the impeachinent trial, is called © Sergeant Buzfuz." > M ave thoy â€utten that Sergeant B won nis case t 3\0 labor market of New , Â¥. ha n“nvanï¬qrenodfw-r pst, is said to be rather, improving. _ The eight hours‘ Luvy is fouud 4o , mu i It cannot be enforced. 4 m terests WEIOTE, CEnOuneg NS ENEMIOE TV MBC: MENCC MEVE to be despised and excluded from ali poli'?‘ and social interdourse. We are for a to man‘s government, to be controlled by white " men and by none others. f IN THE TOWN HAEE,~ A desperate struggle will be made by the Radical party to scleet for the next Pre= sgident, in November, eivher Grant or Wikée‘ mledged to the doctrime of negro equality in the North, and of negro supremacy in all the Soutliern States. ‘To this party we are eneâ€" mies, and will do all to defeat and utterly overthrow it. We are the political and perâ€" sonal foe of the party of the man who adveâ€" cates the dootrime of negro supremacy. The carpet bag adventurers who, by controlling the negroes, bope to get imte office, and by usurpation, by partial legisiation, and by force wi!l perpetuate their power, we will, as hereâ€" tefore, denounce as enemies of the white race, NOTIUE is hereby given that the Co.r’ of Revision and Appeal for the Tewnâ€" 4V of Revision and Appeal for the Tewnâ€" g’nip of Woolwich. '!n be held at 'fl Wenver‘s ; Hotel, in sghe Vilage; of &. Jacobs, on Welnesdi "thoâ€;(h( dly’of May next, at Ten o'rl.‘ Sm Athe forencon . Pathmaaters orders will be ï¬n out on Tuesday the Met dayâ€"of May. % s By drder, 4 434 AC E+BOWMAN, ) omash ip Clark . Wodhwich, April #T1h, 1868 * * Papk s . 2 ol Oe tiire Here enrge ege o t omm THE WEEKLY MEMPHIS Â¥3 oN MONDAY MAY 4th, 1068, HKE Coutt ol Revision far the Vilage T Waterlog, will be held \w* 2‘ s A V A LA NCH EO S No W PV P To PLF T V TETVEe § 7 A ND Clerk of the Pence tor the Cop* R * ol Witerloo, OrricEs :â€"At the Office of the County Crow. Attotney and Clerk of the Pance, Court House, Berlin. aad at tive Law Ofité J of Bowlby & Andrews, King Btreei, Berâ€" lin VILLAGE OF WATERLOG®!~ PHYSICIAN. Surgenan nnt Accencoive urys« and Coroner for the Connaty ) of WaneeA erlono. Wiuterloo Vilingsé. JCP" Officecti# hie Residence over Duvid Devitt‘s atore. Court s Revisiom â€" nt Seven o‘rlock in the evering: V(! Duted this 27 h day of Aprit, 186%. > _ ARED, OODQUHO(é'." a Town Clork. in the said Vi Inge ol Waterlao, FOR 1868 PRICE REDUCED. ~NOTTC EL. M. C. GALLAWAY & CO., Avalanche Building, _ Memphis, Tennessee . . 4 09â€" â€"0.00 _ .++. A.35â€"+ _#.00 _ . 186 0041 0o .. 20.00+â€"> rmq .. .12.00 â€"i imon Galt, April {m\?“ 0 3 =n. & §o0 r 'ï¬â€™et& back l-Ov [ Wigagelf 1 ?fl?*s m nce; with, gre@t issesvs+l$: * 8B hk ce .. 1 09 vrrakk es ©B0 rriirs1+ 18 00 rerssics 206 00 Fri«ir«s 40 00 at inducements ke the it Falty! 4 0n â€" ‘n.00 5 4 wa af 10 ap 40