Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Apr 1868, p. 4

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Weovgazing br bne reoupe gnooe ooh » Litwiiqs snl. snoud‘ tes uab (els, wike‘ â€"replied â€" that i@.)jit been in ruble enough nlieady .Mc‘ Tieu‘s W i en 4 Miss Joy says she is gia<t she is not n ‘thing of beauty, for ahe woukl not hke to be a Joy forever.‘ +Shrouds have no pockets,‘ remarked a clergymanr in asermon on the vanity of earthly nches, Lif is but a word, a shadow, a .nlh.{ can Uitingnish it, The Eurth,that gord mother, multiphea her gifts according to the numler of her clnld ren, .fl“"'\"d their lives in the service af thbir pagsione. instead uf +mploying their passions in the â€" service of their I{v. § Thovxl-lhhlul{*o( poetry ; the earth 1s ving wi » 1i and the waves dance m':.'; music of'm-okxl_v. ‘ thcgn,h._ happ Ir you see anything goivng ‘at a ruinous ..&'_u U gol . In'z"m like flowers, please only w en Pat far your pantalocur; don‘t be chargeid for breeches of trust, ue oe: n Orram m iman drives a pair of grays while be hiinseif is driven by duna, A ravti? hisklen encouragues you cpmtnit others, _ Wnokd it not be betier to .be dizâ€" coveted? Mxx of the nobleat disporition think | ME LC PR LCE WO ged 1 y T | Cooce omce wee gaFV o(uh..dugy. Hus that speaks loth: sow ; he that holds his porce dith reap, | . ‘Tre price of excellence is labor, and time that ot immortality, Oive neither council nor salt til you are sbed for it ... . Ererr one can mastera gri but he that ts‘ it, 5* it l Br _ pare, hut not stern: have moral ox» cellencier, lut don‘t bristle with . theme. .. Extremx vanity hides unier the garb ofpline nunduatu A cmar, who ®eas told Heâ€"who saves in little things can be i+ beral in great ones _ _ | _ ". _ £ .patience and time. .the mulberry Iln‘:’t-.q““l"&‘- he> \m Hebrew, Sunshine and tlappiness ate wonls of the same meaning * > â€" ~= ./ Tuke oareâ€" of: your plough, "#Â¥d your plough will takeâ€"care wtâ€"you. h § * . He that pelts every barking dog mmust 1f you, wouhl kill a sinnder let it aloue. Bvorpbody knowa . counsel excepi muusw«? *_Clinrity gives itself: rich, but coretoug -o;huds"ihdf poor. llo who avoids small sins does not fall into lirge ones. When God means to nish a nation, ho flo’fim“‘flfin:lv:_fiffm A. hnadred years of wrong do not make an hour of.right. .. § I pride leads the van, poreity brings up lbm‘. is «Prayer moves the arm that moves the word. °* The first and graatest thing in rhetorie to have sqmethbing to say, . "Ttis better to encourage what is righ thap i9 punish what is wrong, Chrigk eune to gurde men‘s conscience nok .omlhit curiosity, | A chord of love runs eir happingss with them, Traite: of character w hich cunpared with essentinl and eter« _*Mt Nappy homes . o¢ .ozbot 1 see, And an ange| Band A wuiting me."pick u "I am almost there | But do not weepâ€" In a Sarior‘s arms 1t is sweet to sleep .‘ Aud he closed his e 0s, And gently placed, His foiled hands Actoss his breast . "'gh -I-Jon there ! | weekt no w And the ‘:::‘ of death O‘erspread his brow; eb * Almost Asa _ he weyt beside The dying child Shid a dying chird , As he upward looked, _ And sweetly smiled . ®omribrcties E love runs through all the nuoe. but the ear of loveâ€"anlone & ortry. rcier which weo usek to muclh better see tok re. t there 1" F***|lne oC appies Do Ca diffarent atock, . . potatues, the.sced ©20@Pt | tato are planted, of a kind produce ovetous» | plant, =Mw| se from “I:‘ heo t E been prod * 1 mruver by care f J develops any T ns hnd accompli * i“vutelr-m serf | is not limble to Draining may often be done in the apri better tla:u‘n' any other senson, and -g:fi: draining has this great advantage: the fill ing has all the suminer to seitle, and thure is much less danger of the surfuce water washing in and iuimng direct access to the tile than when t e draimning is done in the ‘fall. On this necount it is adviaable to do the drrining on side hills, and where early ‘ in spring .much surfice water flowaat the prusent season of the rear, after the heavy | apring rains bave passed. | on age ces o mone l ogt osy reenimmends putting ca‘ves to them for the purpose of fattening for the butoher, eapeâ€" cially in the winter, when veal is high.â€" He has firtaned two on such a cow, selling them for seventeen and twenty, _ It is very rare that scow canuot Le cured of kick» ing by fimy mad gontle treatinent Put Ber in stauchions, ruise one of the fore legs, alip a strap «ver the bendasd} knee, and keep it in place by Wyrusting & pin between dio‘n&:aul joint -fi%gl_ll.fiud kickin very difficult, and if t is no nose anfi no abuse, she will soon be cured. Kietlng lmen muke binkinm sawe men muke kicking cows Potatorzs.â€"The earliest varietios rre the ones for early planting, ‘Tlere is perhaps nothing betier than early Goodrich, or than Sebec; the Dykemun is enmimon in most parts ofâ€"the: country, and the early June may be bad avywhere, and is very goud, Plutt goud mzei seed, mcutting the â€" largeat rui_ea, and aiming to have the piecos fu}â€" y aslarge as hen‘s egom Let the cut gim drp a day or two â€"before planting. on flls en y n tC L prages dry n day or t«n before planting. flw oluse, one piece in n piace, and not 1888 Alian four rochesâ€"under yround off dry ground, Cover with a rlow. ridging up a hulefover the rowa and lay all fut as s0on as the plgnts get above grouad with a wouienâ€"tdothwl barrow, am irom one on its b-*. oeâ€"#rith a hush harrow, : & always be warmed. Liqum GCrarting Wax.â€"The follow ing are the ingredients aud their proportions of an excellent liquid graftitg wax, which is a durable application for ull . wounds . on trecs.~â€"One pound resin; one ounce beef tallow ; one hmulmontul of spirits of turn Eeuum; five or six ounces nleohol, ninety> ve pereent, Melt the resin over a slow fire; whemmelted take it o8 anmi add the beef tallow, stirring it constantly ; let it cool «lown somewhat, mix the anirits of tarpenâ€" tine litle by little with it, and at last the micohol im the same way, Shouk! the alâ€" cohol be added while the mass is too hot much will be loat by evaporntion, if it is too cool a viseid lainp will form, and . it inust be alightly heated ngain. In well corked bottles it will keep for years, If it grows :'%M in the courso of time thin v:hln ot P and for this purpose it must common moade of culture of the potato is to to from tubers, or eyem and not m seed, which is produced in amall ipotato baills‘ from the ends of the stema, following the blossome. Thompouto i% merely an enlarged underground branch, and the eyes anawer the same end ag the bude on lfi.brsnehu of the apple trea, or Fso grapetine, in a dormant state; so that new varieties or mixtures can be no more prduced from â€" planting the tubers® than NOWWwnrigtiea ofâ€"grapes can be haidl from planting uf ‘the vine, or new varieâ€" ;lfildlpmgrnning theâ€" scion into different atock... To obtain ulzvlvhrnrietio- of potntuesy the.seed from® ripe of the ‘poâ€" tato are planted, and seldom are there tn of a kind produced tfrom seed of the same piant, this way of planting the seed, and the most promising sort», jadâ€" rh folinge tops and the tubers, mave been produred many new varie iamok limble (o chinge by inixture. 1 commhen moile of aubnre afikse uied 'xlclllo_ Cows â€"H . J ‘t.."* _ Apovut Seeo.â€"In seatching a field of wheat, rye, pats of barley, perlbnps_ a few atuiks may be foond which bear flnlu the gn of which varies in some reapect fron ‘rest of the crop. ‘These, if seiveted and saverl separntely, and planted, an‘} the best of the tnduct saved _ for future plunting, amdsuch selection and curcful cultury conâ€" tinued for a terim of years, will succoed in eatablishing valuable new varietiea, Such bas been the case, and the snine may in the future be accomplished b any one having . the necersary patience nm{ orerurmmco, to the gradual iinprovement of the art of agriâ€" culture, in HLO manner, corn imay be unâ€" ed by carefut selection and cu{mn to m'op any particular point, but it is a work"of years and eun{u.oc be soon or sudâ€" denly accomplished. ‘The potito being of i_l‘n-t clase, and pnoml:;:l di&:sdy,' Inuah Mubda ga cr42 0. 10 0C L crogm, unleaghe The importance otf & good vegetable gar «en can searcely be overestimate1, both aa to the health and comfort of the family. To have this, however, requires good judgâ€" ment as regurds selection of groun, seeds and proper care in cultivation, _ The followâ€" ing remarka of a contemporary on the sub jeet are valuable:â€" It is no wivantage to make a garlen too early or to put seeds into the ground before it is in a fit atate too receiva them and to make them germinate. The ground should be well settled in the spring, ind measur ably dry, betore it is diaturbea; and the time for doing this will differ necording to the nature of the soil. fatmir‘s C olumau,. EARLY GARDEN®S. 4* MO\]E&,PI., 5 "Tiwe SWls NAC ho t i t i6 mif ver I bdve gone, gf,,,""‘â€"!“"'" human hearts tend@r ani to me; that, even under the lilac« akin of the benighted . and savage Afrigan, He has ireplanted someâ€" thing of his own.compassionate love,‘ ‘ FO Wns 2 <opnint 9° Jnt Arad the of suffering; their Digarta softer just as w?:n‘o hm:‘aohn in " our own ?i‘én civiligeed lands. No sooner did ~sicknuss attuck mo than these kind ‘souls caine to nurse and take careâ€"of me. ‘Ebey sal by me to fan me ; they brought more mats for my bed ;they batliett my head with coll water; they gut me refreshiny fruits from the woods. "At night, when f woke up from a (everish dream 1, used to hear »their volces as they ‘dat id in, durk. ness pitying me and contrivi waya to NIN‘ When I thin‘k of these lhin&l. 1 holp thankifig God for this, ~ that, ver I bdve gor¢ Hd har mala They have to co all the drudgery. â€" They m:é{vo blows and ill usage. And yet, at WOAHA e m n C a9 i & L A Armicar Womrr.â€"M. du Chaillu, in his new Book on Affica, pays this tribute to the native women: * ; ‘I shall never forget the kindness of those native. women to me ~whi was . gi meamatine o tnskâ€"masters. ‘Phey a resi 4 AMotrz®.â€"Thera.is something in sickâ€" ness that breaks @own lho:rido of + manâ€" hood, thatâ€"softensâ€"the ben ,und-qu.r:( buack to tlie feelings. of iffiliky, ho that has suffered, even in advanced lifo, in sick: ness and despondemiyâ€"wha that thns pine in a weary bed, in the neglect und lonetiâ€" ness »fa foreign Iand, but haa thought of the mother that looked on his uhikfi»ood, that smoothed#down hi« pillow am! adminâ€" istered to his helplessness? â€" Oh there is an endenring tenderness in the love ofa mother to her sotfthat transoendeth allâ€"ather affeeâ€" tions of the heart. it is neither to be chill d by selfishness nor daantedâ€"by ‘danger, nor weakened by. worthlessvess tor ngl‘.d' by ingratitude, Sho will smerifice every comfort to his convenience whe will aurrenâ€" tler evegy plezxsure to his frime;â€"éxult in his rosperity ; and if advorsity ‘ov@itnke> hm, Ee will be dear to.her. by fus @nisfortune ; andâ€"if diegrace settle upon| ve nlte will lov@ and ¢ierisir umr‘%" m -‘-orhn cart him off,she @ilt"betill the world: to him, + « Plligim‘ b . _ id Mr, Bufléeris now dead, and before he died be mude his will, and lef. Popu‘s vlock to the Prince Comsort, =â€" > . > know who he was, nor what brought him ; so reei gontleman come in and leave m{‘.“;’ thought I shou}d be having the ogs in ngain, and bawled out, Shut the "euh aiter you |‘ ‘Well, every year since she has sent me five pounds &‘x very good U‘ve uo way ng her what I Quull of it but By taking lier a basket of cherry. pipping+ _0 . s | thinking to myself, ‘Whogver can they be, that have got the imasterkey of that gute ? Why, tem to one, it‘s the Queen and Prince Albert! ‘To think of that never haying atmick ine! Yes, yea, I dure sny it war,for "ho‘s tall and she‘s short, and they do go a: bout with a greyhound and a terrier; but 1 didu‘t know they were expected down here Jris now, â€" However, Iwill just yy,up to the house with a ltktt of exg$ aud, sure enâ€" ough, the servants told uw‘lxel*Mujmy and the Prines had gown down unexpectedly, and had gone "out to wulk directly afier luncheon, and hbad been cuugh$ in the riin.. The"next day, thay tell nre, the‘ Queen and all her purty were gning out on horssâ€" back, when she says, ‘Have uny of you any mou{r ‘How much does your {h- jesty want?‘ says ons of the nuor&u ‘Oh tive or tenpounds.‘ ‘I have five gpdu. I your Majesty.‘ ‘Ob, fini!ifl flfi ) o they rode .hfi here, fud lfl;\(b}', the Queen said to him, ‘Go ih and givé they pour man in that cottago five founds for me | und tell him '5 thank him for lbfi&.iur he gave ungu ay," So, of eqn was very th Kh‘d;“yfi __:lwn' 1 na who he was, nor what brought him: litle gute in the park ‘-â€"li'nv‘,:"::cll atood thinking to myn!l?“Wllf:\'ur n thid a. nim, ‘you ve lefl Jour dogs!" * He Jookm about and whistlcd, and they followed him [qw them cut macross the common to. a pepper ‘Une Suturday afternoon (he said) a amart spring shower came on, and as I was going by the window, I see a young Indy and gentleman run pretty fast for shelter «into my outhouse; so I goes to the front door, and hollers out, +I say ! you d better come in here.‘ So upon that, in they cume and I was going to show thein into the parâ€" lour, when the young lady. says ‘Ob, 1‘d rather go into the kitchen, tor I see you‘ve a fire, and my shoea are rather wet‘ ~ Wel, I let ber do s she liked, und »a the fire was not an overgood one, the young genâ€" tleman he begins to make it up, by putting on some turf that lay handy, and by way‘ of anying something gooduaturedâ€"lika, you know, he says, says he, "Ihis is mce turf you‘ve got‘ +Well, airn‘ says 1, ‘4 don‘t think it very good, they‘ve cut it too deep, quite down into the eurth,‘ 8o, then he looks about him for s@mething else to noâ€"= tice; and seving thase cups aud situcers on the mantleâ€"shelf, +*You‘ve got soins old china,‘ says he. ‘No, sir,‘ sys 1, ‘that‘a not chinaâ€"it‘s delft; and bufore you ‘were botn, sir, people thought a good deal of enting oft dolA, \'vhiefig being the best ware theyâ€"could gegou:ey valued as they value china now .‘ So then the young lady mys, ‘You‘ve i curfous clock,‘" ‘Yes‘ anys 1, ‘that really is aâ€"curiosityy for it wasPope‘s, and I bought‘ it at a sule of his effects at ITwickenham. So they both ofem looked at it with a kind ol’iml.mt, you know, and the young lady says, ‘Is it just Cag it was when Poge had ili’ ‘Oh, I;Ju! ays y AP‘ve had it eleaned,nnd dong‘up,‘ (Ah! tnats A pity,‘ says she, ‘or er 1 would: br\'o)l\ougyht it of y8u "“9] * +Well, I thought this fumny $ but just then, the young gentibmtn, ‘who had goge to th6 frout doer, calls out, ‘It has left off The Quiver has an rccount of an incideat of the early marmed days of theQueen and Prince Consort, The narrator was an old cottager in the neighborhood of Clare: moot, named Butler, The Tale of theQueen‘s Younger days. %obits C€oÂ¥mr. WATERLOO CHRONICLE VND f jyou| _ All Business Men desirous of obtainin it i{,.. County Rights, will plense send in lhan ‘«Op | applications» learn our terms and avail unds l thomeelves of a rare osponnnity of enlarg« (!,’ ; | lug their business and of benefitting the .59 | the public. Dulay is dangerous as .fi the ’i"&'t Tomtory wilh soon be ~tuken up. The ve they hMpnrvnow being~manufacture:!" 6n a for me | lnrgol sonle. Send in your Orders large or ter he | emall. * _ was | ) te SAMPLE BUryER md, wiox idn‘ nb qpart upon the rege: %?:I d‘lfinf.y’;lw C':.%:“u%uruovi and Wieks Particul&t afténtfon: it invited to "PARKâ€" ERS PATEN‘T UNLON MILLS, the best and chewpest Mill ever inade. _ F”“H' Hardware Store, a splendid log of â€"offee and Spice l“lfl& IN the Village of Waterloo, being onmâ€" posed of parts of Lots Nos. 13 and 14, Township Lots, coutaining 61 acres. For information as to Title, apply to Daniel Suycor, Waterloo Village, s DANIEL SNYDER. Waterloo, Feb. 10th, 1868; LAND FOR SALE! Real Estate, Farm Stook and VTENSILS, Cartiage Trimmings | e on en ty o eeene C ie anne n Te bnoftciades.d and ludian Rubber Cloth, Patert Dast Lenther, Lace, Whip Sockets and Holders, Curtrain Light Hooks and Ring», Pin Headâ€" ed, Briar and Ivory Lining, Jupand and, Enameled Muslin, Drel Duch Just Received at the Waterlon Hudwir: __ _ Btore, a large lot of _ & proof of this, no pn%u required, until the cure is complete. ‘The inoment a canâ€" ceris discovered, it should be cured, as it will onet leas and is mora speedily cured than when of longvrnlnnding. and there is nothing to gain and suerything to lose hy delay, What now «seman harmluas lump im the breast. neck, eye‘lid; or elsewhera, or small wart or sore on the lip, may in a few short months become a Liedious, disâ€" gnltit&g. destroying mnss of disense, ‘Ifreâ€" quired, references can be given to purties who have been cured many years since,. and who are now sound and healthy. All commumecations promptly. answeréd. ‘Né money required in advartce, and fone until he cure is complete,. + THE cure will be ;;;;n'nt.a-e:l.“n.;;ufl;u a prool of this. no nitv is ramminad wrld C ANCERS ~ C URED By a New, but Certain, Speedy,.and narel Dr. Wood, Propristor of the oTTAWA CANCBER INFIRMARY _ SparksStreet and MariaStreet, _‘ I Ottawa, Canada West, Of TWentyâ€"FIV6 Conts." Buruers and Wieks kept chnetantly on hrnd at the Office of the _ NEVILLE MANUFAG fURING COMPANY. Post Office Addrers N PANEE ONTARIO. Napanee, March 10, 1868. Received und for sale ut the Ortawa, Dec 18ih, 1867, You will find it superior to: any**YÂ¥anked Invention‘‘ that has eve been introdnced to a Canadian Publis.. Try it, and reduce the ~oxpaneeé of Lizhting your eatablish« ment :nd your homes at least 40 per cent. bf hJ ne io( iq. ° O elt (* rogarned 4 Give this Canadian Rurner a Trial o enc ooans ie on c o e on t ies light h'fl‘orm'ligl‘; without trimming for more than twice the length of time of the ordinary Burner. _ With Neville‘s Baroing Fluid these Lamps will stand a stronger rrent of air than any Lamp in the Markâ€" x:l. (‘This Flt.ifld hias been prepared tor the ur of reaisting a very strong current 5:‘.???....1 will be l'\ll‘flilh{d at about half the cost of ordinary Fluid.) The Burners have been made so ns to fit auy ordinary, Lamp in order to save the public the ex, Fenu of a change of Lamp. The inventor eel?‘llthlnd that he is olerfr:’ to the gnbl & very seperior article, und is con ® dent that it will be a f.“ succems, . ‘A‘ large sum of money has been expended in the Honstruction of Burners and Wicka, and in Letfers Putent here, and in Eurppe, a wrfioh piainty shows thuiit is reguraed 'I\BIS Burner meets a want long felt by the public, public, nnd is far auperior in anyâ€"open Lamp in the Market. hrurm nby-.nos Kerosenet Con! Qil with a say» ieg of frore. 30 10 80 gr cent over any Cbimney or Ais Druft Burner, givirg an equal amount of light, and is therefore much cheaper. _ With this Burner the richâ€" est oils onn be burned without Chimmy, S{moko, S'::\cll, or Danger. It giver a brilâ€" Lh s o\ en o sa w a4 L0 gi 1 ! KEROUSENE, COAL OL, NO DANCER! NO SMOXE ! No Smell! No Chimney ! supérior to any other Oil in the murket for machinery. [ _ JGNKN MeDOUGALI BURNERS & WICKS Hand Lamps, Signal Lights, Lnntefi‘_n_s, &o. _ Portable, Safe & Economical, Cod Oil, Whale Oil, Pale SealOil Volcanics Machine Oil, the Waterlo® Hardware Store â€" All orders by mail prom tly attendâ€" cdct:z.nnd under lh.ywperv ciog of an ex+ wen er. 3\ *R smy oo nuivig L _ â€"â€"_ H. BURKHOLDER. + 10 which they will sell chenp for CASH or apâ€" proved paper. _ Having unusual fncilities for purchasing nnd extensive connections abroad tho{ offer inlucements to purchasâ€" ers areqnalled by uny other Howuse in the trade, & MANUFACTURER®S will find it to their interest to call before purcha«ing elsewhere. _ Eo OVmt Esds T ET WW N V +y keep constantly on hand a lurge and varied stock of Foreign and Domestic Office and Warehouse, No. 13 King St,, uext door to the ; Gore Bank, / J HAMICTON, C. w. wWOoL DEPOT! a New, but C&râ€"min. ,Spnddv‘:n;d-fi Puinless process, an Wirn out tas ilu or Tus Karra. HMamilton, June 12th, 1867. J. H. DAVIS & CO Just received and for sale at ahd for sale at the mre Store, a very fine asâ€" ‘JOHN MeDOUGALt wWilatdiy UV £, and F’luid, and the celebrated JOHN MoDOUG ALL; : OOLS, ratrasint ne mm I ,and narely 631 593â€" The\ GROCERY Dépaitment _ â€" 2006 s aipin pnmatitminis athne J ‘ Asall the nbaeve ‘Gnodsâ€"&re bbught in the best Markets for CASH, intending parrhasers will find it to their interest to buy; where the best Bargaine are offered . , is also complete. . E> Callâ€"and see one of the best and largest Stocks of Goods . )n in this part of the eountry. t _ -.(_:30 nusuaily lar »”mprilin(\n‘;‘s:‘p‘q‘iful wouis Dkast ‘Coéds, â€" l"ancy Goods ! COTTON GOO0Ds Hg;,'z’v’og"% H:LND ANSH\%EgI:‘.- s‘foé'x'bp‘?u‘n\%firj)s at gqoops Stock of Dry Goods! Commercial Block, Wnterlo-o, April (st, 1868. SPRING &BUMME GO0Ds ! Large Importations HOME DEPOTS; LQNDON aAND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, H ospital 8t., Montreal. PURE and G@ENUINR TRA 8. of apfendid natural flavor, imported direct from the Conpnng’- Plantations in A SSA’M. and on the slopes of the HIMALA Y AS, blnd-‘ ed with the finest products of CHINA. Only: ;wo Qonlities, viz.: T0c.‘or $1 per Ib..loilhclr ?l“cx' %REEN.M nxxno. _ Fine aebaid Tea, combining Strength and Flayor cents per lb, â€" Fi}q?l‘fi::bcmlh.. tss 5en s .n. % .3 1. égamq w oa“n& fil.“ { | C@» Sold in Packete and. Canisters by the Company‘s Agents in every City and Town in Canada, ME ut cueidel sunmen dsn d ind d EFER TEUD UT (".IK s s t . m kh ns ~ _ _ 606â€"3mths. iNDIA & CHINA TEV company. I7 EN7 0.+ 4 SDMDigiMetAi® Aubintinks . td PAfi t uis iniaididuhins *4 k 34 164020b _A these onloi‘*d-fl'rh‘,)lfllnn, and takes great plensure in reccomending them to ali _Parties needing Sew in gâ€"Aidhing#, They are oonstructed on entirely new principle of Mechan= isam, possessing many rare and valuable improvements. IHaving been exainined by the most proâ€" found experts, and pronounced to be almplicity and perfection combined, they have no equal as a family or manufacturing Machine, warranted to neverâ€"have fits, does its work alike ench day. We make strong nssertions which we are prepared to substanciate in every particular. 1. Its aimplicity and grfeat range of Work. â€" 2. Its mmfi'-m LooSor sfixtl‘ m " 3 Dhe seltâ€"R900 tho tho opetated By y letting down the.fuot preasure wh »Wekkl, fecd tself enabling th# operator to run ie work fi'n C 6 duft A h a wate the ‘end ot the Seam. i8 s ? The perfect finish and substantial manner 40 h «LV 4 ?o rapidity ofits working and the quality of the work done. M i 6. Ite sewing with the finest gotiter down to the coatsest home made Huen: thrend, and will sew on every deseription of shaterialy fronrdeather down to the fiirest Muslin, runs as smooth as Inss, and le giving entire antisfaction wherever used. Believe not what the Agents or friends 5{ ollnlrrmnohlnu may say, but see the BARCLAY before purchasing any other and judge for ourself, hoaa * Apply to MOSES BEJHTEL, Blair P. O;, or to N. & K. J. \\;i’x\u{kazlothleru, Main Street, Galt. Jour Ruxanaw, Postmuster, Rlair." J. K. Fmox, Berlith."‘ A8 TiLt, Greenbush. Manufactured by the British American Sewing Mahine Co., y at PARIS, ONTARIO,_ 20 omm 4 d, ‘THE undersigned has Ween @&ppointed Gene gon ® tor=w obl(YAMy, thiSete of these ulehmd.fljl‘lw.)lglnea, and takes great plensure in reccomending them to ali Parties needing §SewinfpMaGhin@®, | They are constructed on entirely new nrinciule of Merhake Waterloe, December dth, 1867. BARCLAY SEWING MACHINE ! Sash, Doors, Ventian Blinds, I?LAI,NEI‘}G DONE TO ORDER _ t uen 2 B 1935 Sh h en *longd cmiline EBRLIN, October ?22nd, 1867. ; *#*a FU RNI4TLURE ! RLAIR, Sep4 11 A&c’h wHorEsAEE & RETAE BEALER B at the actual Cost and many of them below. Cost #2 AM.\XO&WST BE CLEARED OUT by March G Et EF B A TZTXCIEI LX T ART STOCK OF DRY GOoOoDps ! ASTYT®»‘}0 0 CTP?/ & . , A. ND LNE( Y A _ READY MADE CLOTHING Wor{;bn « * * ciy esola'gfufi':ggfifi?gs vz. q q2 $ 0300 O0r , + 6e UETWILER, Bimira. D. SMITH, Hamburg. J.Bown, Elora tJ~ Sample A{lnehlnn to be seen at eacl of these places and instructions given free of chatg L ATR Sans 1 Mho 1907 c ove > Ne io Perfeotion feached at last [ _ {Efibodled in the new and popular NO ; HUMBUG: Berlin, Febrdary 12th, 1868. PrintS, &Co. &OO) t&¥» ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP TRADE. aotuT ns © HisyStock is now j Large and Complete of Every Thing in his Line, made of the very best material,‘ / (;Q-W'Oboomgqi the Irads Murk on each Pack anmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmiathlnbinbloaliznglize J 0) [ | ..‘ = | _ JOHN SHUH & Co. 1f +. : The Subscriber is now selling out his am â€" m a & s . oOs Ns Will be soid Cheaper than for many years, _ GENT FOR [ r. gi&F;TII waral n PA i Wi:_ _ 63 A: EFmok, BerlHs./ ‘Thokas Tiut, Greenbush, Waterloo, A.Z. Detwirar, Elmira. D. Sxtta, Hamburg. _ J. Bowsa, Elora, nahinae se L esc css ue a n ns s . l WILL DO ALL WE PROMISE! and Manufacturer of all kinds of will be given. One call will convices you that .. $10,000 FAMILY NEWSPAPER. A V IPD DTE GENERAL MERCHAXNT. â€"â€"â€"â€"==st> 600(z OoFr B ARCTCEFXINS ; WATERLOO : JOHN. SHUH & Co. 2 ana J JA D V ITT, . H. G. KNOWLES. MARK. ‘age. mm pcnianiae\ y i no + 818â€"1y7 638â€" 612 Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses & Shoulder Braces, | PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES: all of which will be sold very cheap. (â€"Je Physicians prescriptions and Family Receipts carefully compounded, a ordere promptly attended to. Remember the Stand, opposite Bowman‘s Hotel. S SPRINGER & SNYDER. WOULD announce to the Inhabitants of Waterloo Cecnty, that thezY have purchase 1 at a GREAT REDUCTION from J. S. Hoffman, his entire Stock of Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, DRUGCISTS DRU G Waterloo, March 4th, 1868. ‘]lf soclak x o ral l *“‘*“*wfâ€"-rfiâ€"-â€"z'J se Receiving Daily ARUdAditiozra NE Wâ€"FTITR OW * OPENED A CONSIDERABLE PORTION ! SPRING GOODS! HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Beg to inform their Customers and the Trade they have . ERR, BROWN & MACKENZIE, _ _All kinds of Produce taken in exchange at the Market price.. £llileir tAgs unc HAMILTON, Maurch 18th 1868. King Street, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE : Opposite Mr, Mulbheron‘s Stove and Tin Simp,.where they \v;flio.;;agta)\ am A FULL ASSORTED STOCK OF Uf § IN WATERLOO VILLAGEI During the Next Few Weeks, CALL AT THE SEWING MACHINE Next door to Mr. Uhrstadt‘s Store, opposite Snyder‘s Grist Mill constantly kept on Land, und may be seen in operntiou, and w seen . 3J"° All kinds of MACHINE SEWING done to order at the this Canadian preductiog not ;)rrnly‘ri};c'h;:x‘l;; than mucha CHEAPER. now second to nome in the World, as has been proved at the P; with the best manufaetures in Europe and A merica, tlifs Much Wiaterloo, Octaber 28th. 1867 WANZER â€" sE W ATERLOO ‘ on Sewing Machines on hand and made to order. COFFINS furnished when required . SA WING, PLANING & have again leased their old atand public with every thing in their A‘ THE & Manufacturers of, and WhOLlesale & HRetail WATERLOO, Aug, 2Tth, 1861 done to order on the shortest Notice. BERLIN, June the 19th, 1867; AVE great pleasure of snuonncing to the public that they hauve opened a HARDWARE STORE in Waterioo, * Those intending to purchase a Sewing Machine will find Bar Iron, Steel, Horse Nails, Cut Nails, Pressed Nuils, Wrought Nails,Spikes, Window Glass,Oils and Paints, Coal Oil, Axles, Springs, Carriage Trimmings, Grindston=s, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Hoes, . German Cow Ties, Logging Chains, y Dung Forks. Brass Kettles, Lamps, wived | &e., &e., &c. C Z Y E56 XU ELE‘ , At the Lowest Cash Price } Their Motto is :â€""Small Pofits and Quick Retarns."" ~ SPRINGER & SNYDER, GCISTS : PHARMACEUTISTS DODDS °& CADWELL, gain leased their old atand where they continue with every thing in their line on reasonable Tj Mr. P‘iscoher‘s Old Stand ! They can assurethe Public that every article will be sold HENRY ROOS & CoO. «Umps P T BR N I P Having become the Sole Agents of the celehbrated STORE! _ O i C O °C. TO THEIR STOCK AND WILL BE N BC Y OF THEIR made to order afd a 1N ns i2q 014 HENRY ROOS & Co, bftnfhhiinion * Albabrs it rimsccead dilhi L224 10010 any other furelgo importation, but very at the Waterloc Sewing Machine $t DODDS & CADW-BLi: ist Mill, where all styles of Mactoes are and where specimecns so work may be at the Waterloc Sewing Machine Stere V PSE the Paris Exhibition where corape ting AMnchine took the FLRST PRIZK, MACHENES Pipes compounded, and aG splendid FCEARSE TURNING, 34 4* Deaiers {TF 1 / A Z Â¥I iT 4# 634â€" 594â€" NY

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