1 a-un.hv;_&.ul wigis n dbmnniy> stt im nc atatices ie can ie ic l ce i uit \ & #Praise your wife." These worda were W & *h.:goyu mwim ;od h:m could | ~~ ta=An achin i 8 Logeqy look awny m._ But be was not! â€" Young man, riee with the sun. t remly for this yet. He aiill fels muody and aFat.tbouid feel complimented _ if > The expression of his w E_‘ €q ts Thefpgermraied io mew lilnstorey tus and an m rblet C ence, . Hlse 0)89 97 ) 0) wyirkeap a mad, dPY All dAYâ€"â€"â€"m~â€"â€"» . _ Andrew Lese caime home from _ his shop, â€" where h:'lwl worked all day, M out irita; eame home to his ;»M Lo wan Io tired and out of &mhwib and a cheerful home~ lime i would bw‘ said Amlrew to ' aa he tnuroed his :‘n- from the | thee of Mrs, Lea and mt down| in kohte| brows and moody ampect '\.l . Wot a word was lpoknn::{ either; Mrs. | a.“‘ getting aupper ind . ahe moved | wimbout with a weary atop. l «@@ @#w@ome," she amid nt Inst with a side *®"ghince at bet husband . t Andrew rose ard went to the table. He was tempted to say in angry word, but controiled bimaelf un h[;t ajlent. He :&lfl no fault with the chop, nor the y** made bread. not the fragrant tem. @»They would have cheered his inwanl man #*4# thare hmisbeen a gle in of nul:b‘ilo on _ ~he fage of Bis wife, He noticed ‘she did ¢, »Bot eat, PR ai , #Are you not well Marry 1" _ . "'T-'"" hoii 0iimintn ® we» ‘ Thwese wonls were on his lins: but he wd not uiter thein, for the face of his 14 tooked so repeliant that he fuared an wru:m,..nqm.unn to himeelf pu meelf s breakfaat room, with his hands thruat â€"**‘Into his trowsers pockets um his chin alâ€" :;WBhbmd. ng â€"aml taking tm in the _ _ Ritchen, Mrs Lea placed a frosh trimmed *# ‘long dvep breath, ns shu did a0, paused i 5 u n :‘%’-ï¬mmmd :\l:.lw r:mn E'oc:::u, and & t from oket, sat n by the hll:l.t‘p‘opowl thopshut and «d mdsm Singulmly enough, 220 We woods upon w his eyes rested were «e wour wife.‘ They mither tendad to Ju>: increase the gisturbance of miud, from «: which he was suffering 2 Speghing hn * Hew quictly t toogi ow qu & i8 * iw" Mm-.:‘u& nn’tim?:" ut were on before bim, 2‘ hz on : e «eC .«-'Mywlb.m; tor pï¬{l sake s ;:r:‘ encourmgement. It won‘t en Lee raixed his eyea from the 4 g muttered: "O, yese, that‘s all Sumes ia chean enoui@ls . But 2C he read on : _ f a NM J> ts * .‘ * Buine 1 m M â€"*< the papen HoF"s ks in â€" ahssact AnAH wellâ€"praiee is cheap enough . P :3*†what?" lats oyes foll ag! ;h-ul; your home conifortal as «~youe Wharth bright ‘and shining, your ft 4#*# hergagble, tor pity‘s sake tell her you t -W.z; hn rherny . â€"It will make .cnï¬&lmw‘"‘ #*** Nesn tor ten years; but it will do her good &4 . Jt asamed to Andrew ns ifthis sentence ‘was written ecpressly for him, and just for “":'mf‘p'&':mr-fl «a#9 + * hflu:--u‘nhh n;..;..d.d.i: Mhmu » of ts to his wite. SBhe M} \ his bome as comfortable for him a soukl make it, and bad ‘he ‘offered rmdpnhum-fluh! f ever tolit ber of the . satiaiuction h¢ or the comfurt he had experi« " He was not abis to recallthe time * "ao nessaion. . As he thought than.Mre,Lee qunie is from the kitthen, and tuking her Mm-thmmdhuth‘ . im sitting down : wi speaking to sew, Mr, Lee glanced almost .at the work in her hands and en® that 1t was the bosom of a shirtâ€" which «ie wen stitchiny neetly. . Heiknew: that it b\v~@gen the rewapaper that was lying apread ant before him, and he read the rom M I#@ kind, cheerful word spoken in a % _ my house, is the httle rift in the cloud l aa e i Birenaliicnt att®s Aicicbdnfenet on )ump thereon went out and shut the door la her, leaving her husband alone Biminen bat . min s ns ) ao, pau n tats walk, Atoo :\ll tor some »moc::llu. and NePnon n CE CA C en on o ¥ée, Mary,‘ ho answered softly,: and I‘vé 'E Leard it more than once whata good wife " Rbdrew Lee must have,‘ a0~ _ sBDid you?t‘ was all she anid. t Â¥es, darling,‘ was his warm *"gwer; and: he stooped down and i Wn’p that you should ask nb un a atrong llï¬u broke in on the mind _ "@f Andrew Lee! â€" He had never given bis | h Wiht even the amall reward dm for the || beaw . * mh'.fmm she had â€" man daily, | Witts ) until Joubt of his love hnd entgred lher soul ‘‘"nd made lhoomt arourd her thick dark: *‘ meas. ‘ No n tb.llmhngnzo-*J ud h nevere losk popaniey se har" m ® nature er #You are good and true Mary, my own dear wife. bam proud of yoy, and “‘:‘ n;ilm deaire is for your hanplhess, ‘Oh. Q 4 * i# "I gould always see your free # munahine, my bome would be the dum‘ho on earth." * "How precious to me IVQJOM' words oa%*: of hre and praise, Andrew,"Mra Lee,saiid atmiling _ through her teara up into his * thee With them in iny ears my heart «© ean newer lie in shadow." How eray had hbeen the the work> for . Andrew Lee! He had awept his handiagr08# ,| the rlandy horizon, and now the b'igt anshine was gleaming downi and flooding ePR PB pENt MV PPE PR 0C ET «Ahat c%m glagsea will come next, but that mo @imit the worst cnlnmity that, might befall .“-A- Incies might encore a pet parsun‘s '* BE L. urpon. S >Maw to ‘out defecte.â€"Quarcel with * & 9."!‘ m"w . Te house, is the ! t % sunshine | ds atruggled on a0*4~ Migiown i}â€"nat Aret, his moody, s0fgalkived. He thought of ©yet ho fenred to s shauld meet his *"'E sunahine through.‘ o 0 e ds latruggled with &nl. while long» | u on @2 Hidiown {llâ€"nature had to be conquered | frat, his mooly, accusing spirit had to be | , He thought of many thing P ' t of many things to any ©»6tâ€"he fenred to say &om. leat his Iw mm his address with a rebuff." A ng forward to her, and taking hold nflowmm-t which she was at| 64 he aaid in a voice that was carefully | ! modulated with kincdness: . inuYou are doing the work beautifully, | : * 1 , 1& Lee made no reply, But her hus Wand did not fail to notice that she lost, wost instantly, the nmgil erectness ©"@lich the had been sitting, nor that the ®‘wotton of her needle hi\ censed, s8«~‘S@yâ€"shirts are better made and whiter than those of any other man in the sahop‘ aild Lee oneo\mgd in go om .""“a‘\lny Â¥ â€" Mrma, Lee‘a volee was low, *=and in a slight buskimess Bhe did not turn her face, but her huaband .utth:ï¬ Ap*ghe leaned a little toward thim. / He h brok+n the ice of reserve, and all was now z. His hand was nm the clouds, a feeble n{ wus. abready struggling Shraugh the rift it had made,. _ _ " ¢ C OW NC L. " 0000c3 2aAls camd Td A Btory for Married Folks. progrummes of the inusic.are . pr dimrituted in the pewa Tt is Ahat op ern glagsea will come next, that home with joy and beauty, tm ‘anme of the as «en i+ s Agme + ible clure! e the are _prinh»d . and 1t is the pesuliar triumph of woan in this ninetwenth century that she has imnade the conquest of art Our grandmothers lived in the kitchomnnd debased their finer tre thie» to the creation of puddings and plea â€" ‘They span, they ‘knitted, they men«. ded, they darned, they "f‘ the accounts of the household, and seolk ed the marda From this umlu‘round existence of burbaâ€" ric agea woman has at last come forth into the full aunshine of artistic day; she hns mmd h::. |::. kiteben to'th; m&t:.uu sketehin auperseded the p in bourd, -!nmhn banished the knitti s llalla maatre has exterminated wu:r; needie, poetry bas exterminated wuk[{ mccounts, Woman. in a word, has realisec her mission} it ia her charaoteristic, she tells us thna&n chorus of musical volces, xor:'r-tn anistio element of the world, to be preâ€"eminently the msthetic creature, â€" Wotian will haven man love her for her own sake; but ahe loves art for the suke of man, Very truly, if with an alwm:' ubhm‘;“u effrontery, nh& re chriatona WO par 6 great stus dres that Ared wp::.&u\hom SBhe pursues them» she pays for thein, not ns arts, but as acomimpaniments | ‘Their ouk \ivation is the Inat tnach added at her fl:b- hhhbfnhmlm ahe makes her bow to the wor She onders her new duet as she onlers her new bonnet, and the two purâ€" chases have precisely theaame signifieance Sha drona her piano and her patnut brush chases have precisely the same significance SBhe dropa her piano And Immbmnh na she propa her wqiugmu when the xt is Iamied and ashe can throw the bait away, _ Or wlint m woree alho keeps them ajve as little social enjoy ments, as wlie‘s to tha tedham of domeatic life ns something which flls up the weary hours when she is fated to the boredoin of rtural existence A woman of business is coun: ted a strange and rematable being we hard ly know why. Lnohlnfl eooly at the mint tyr, it saems to us that all women are women business ; that their life is apent over the "m'w?â€"&'lâ€";fl!m“lfniï¬lï¬g'&mh or beaven too ancred for their truffic and their barten Love, youth, beauty, a ~ British mother reckons them up on her fingers,. and tells you to a fraction their value in the market, And the santimental being T4 1 Airctitale w qnivel ahi k with a ,bit.ofs w highly uninteiligible maï¬- Brow* ning, r.- herself shyly, and asks through nppraling.eyes, ‘Am i_m an methetic greaâ€" Sabies C)lvumu. ut n;n':'- tlinl a_. vo art(ul -:lhom to gain lmha&of the bo'flo .:t u;: ‘x“. tort t :.‘:!: Iniuh fonnon in vod"n which he oung Iady‘s fortune 5::& u’ followe : . ‘‘My dear young Jady,. your mar .. will. scon :o hio m&’-â€""y & nqzdnrt‘ aland hut whan it rempneats it will com eloud, but when it reâ€"appears it will con» timue to shine with uninter ruptead . aplendor ubtil the end of your days, Bufore one week Tils nex Nuababd will be the yourg / man of whow you think munzr!“- * Three days after, the genticiniin, d in the manner, described by the f C hi seif to t?,dnu 9+ n}lbo marriage followed. he year is more / thin ‘aut, but the tough ‘old w«idower still lingers* coat willkeap a man,, dPY All JAY»~mmm~, It don‘t taik as much sense to pick a 1 Widua‘to not do it.MT Yexskgen :. aw mrow. We have seen them gY under a wagon ‘A thundering N6 in uow rindbrehâ€"wick minating epJargemen} of elpngated yuraci, BB e o eb id 6 A l;fl s:am:l‘u; has “fl‘arfl;l a Misa roas <Me ‘Teaned her ti}sho; agreed she wouldn‘t be Crosa any more. /. A Majme|pustyonster Mied the. other who momppoin!od by“rndv'cw J& won, atd»tiad beun in office even since,, » Wb d td #4 1 4 B1 > on in w Amgn m in Dr. Johnson was mlmd‘lfl bit of Iooking at the best side of every event is far better than a thousand gm to his son, Missisaippi." 4 Deor Tmuat Parsr â€"Yes, drop it . T‘" magardly and mean to. subscribe ‘ for your ‘éounty‘ ‘paper, whlel da" Iibotving for thw promotion of the welfare: of ancletyâ€" for your welfire=â€"}0@ have bean soeney m C E P hbore ever> 1 o e ne s on mopvegs to read it, and frequently, hetore it ‘ tha hands of its honorable owner; dt is A righ whicwerin Canada is they Ior the accounts and seokled the marda round existence of burba» as at laat come forth into who was meditating mat roverb: ‘If the best ny_.“. fflt“}n‘ soeuhe M P ons e es triend of mine. Coming into pessession of wbout nine acres m&hnc?. in the ncighborâ€" hoou of a good exy made by the deâ€" mands of n lurge Iiu'y institution, he cast about what was to We dote. ‘Two gows mdln hoa. were the stock in tradefor neat cattle, e waus obliged to r aeason men for pasturnge, Rdat &yy lnught it was wor\rud at the samé tine it was no‘ small & to drive his cows back and forth, That med him to k his .cows in the barn. ‘The greatest u.oa)le was the raâ€" pid accumulation of manure, By good husâ€" ie o ow o o ba ELC CAE h feeding it to bis crops. Finding his ¢ inen}mg. ha addos. another oo.w. Anome cow only made more manure, More ma nure, husbanded in the wame way, made more crops, und the third year he added another cow, _ Now begno another serious diffculty, His bara was too amalh â€" Still at the end of the fourth year e put in anâ€" other cow, and set himselt to work to get up a new barn. and when 1 Tast ‘saw him he had a new. barn with modern improveâ€" mants, of good aize, a horse, a pair of cat: tle, and five cows, and yet had not thought of bny!n; more land, but wanted.one more P C 40 C 4 0040 24 usmm w at Ip. But )t sevin® 'v‘.l\omdt Vb.n homeateads gre . in smalilIidts eaaily procut r course c pum{cs thnm&: cow and same time fattening the soil. fatimcar‘s C o la m it miry he properly secured that; he kept Law vs, Brze,â€"The following 'X. cut | from the Boaton Travellerof March 4th .â€" it A curions decision was renched yesâ€" lfldl{ by the people of Wenham, in town meeting assembled. ‘They voted, two to omey that no bees should be kept in the town.‘ It ts doubtful v:holhor the town bn theranuthority to tothispan mthun to pnliUt lï¬.‘o’op‘ngoï¬oflgr inds of cat‘ tle,‘ ‘and‘if it has, the next thing is to catcl the boes and prove where they came from, ‘This vote is said to have originuted in this w Mr. Jflm&, Id hus an npiaâ€" ry of one ves, and only an nere und a h%'gu; » The townsfolk hay; sagely concluded that ad Rére and n hnlu; land gannot support a hundred hives of bees.‘ Thdse hikve $Weretore poaâ€" cblnm theterri other a ||t is uaid tha hoynb ar n;uet |ly into\ and ‘ delven iqmat |out. '&0’. _3 «in worae athit; 1 fand oayil ie ie se 4 wPR) thal (Guouai @rding the proposed apot too die, ind h?fl:m thet inv These and stimilar‘ are the ° eanvot sa AQ \h agni :“ vlmh%'aï¬' b:! ‘den‘ may not bat js. is; yery evident tha rown; mpeting. »outh slope is often so bot and d}{ in sumâ€" mar, that by the end of June tfl‘“ turns browm by the middle of J9Y rown: Enpditnte o 19y Pnd â€"OP Septomn:â€" o dvdaAld $bsrabb Smb ~ibbditnt PP SER T Whu ber unsightly, The soil wiso ## often quite nl‘)fl.&r,nflnrflxflowm]u to the growth of grass. Now»digap fwce that slope with as bright green gmu-lik, Ho|Kea# Bbinké Bkiwké (OwWgihu/â€"The lin%tho '35.'5"" apot loo hnol i0 NAN+ ~"had Withdraw> thet invad han! :nd atimiar‘~ are the mwra in the soil,for the young Sh¢ y Wl focda tam Ts re5h. aÂ¥nemMente Abd prag t eXpertience and practice of a â€" _P. fe en l_A.\p-m-h\n af and in season, even if there hnpm"lo P ut the time a searcigy of farm la tor, IF"' V“'gomi;u;, engaged ir:mm':hon the ognmy. he proposed apot too hot_to han«> Rh: MEAAA mmmmmmasmmman s mm mm esmm mm n Bb Z3A esc t Cbacaaifey a hutadbiaaindiicbinaa i i V in smalhlbts andinot ter course could he he cow and a; the ht additional cgit~df nearly doubles the shoots or o:imi ts , and when the â€" |WOOL DEPOT! a Offic k:ol; constantly on hand will find it to their interest to cal 'mï¬f elsewhere.s 0 ) 0_( .. ..} t ordets by maipromptlyâ€"attendâ€" edt&? u:rd.:r u'-y aupery alou sof an ox» purienced g "'J. . DAvIS E2 TAT ~~ A. BURKHOLDEER }-j Mtawtisan Tauna Vith. L867 593â€" "M A Mn:Igr_&_’ J. H. DAVIS Just réceived ‘and for/ sale at \pg Waterloe Hardware, tore, _ _ _ _ \be Waterioe Higroware, @!Sre Ood Oil, Whale Oi1, Pale SealOil u\;po-riâ€"o; 't;niny other Oil in the murket for machinery. JGHN MeDOUGALTI,. vVAbdinat MackifbC_Di], BUBNERS & , WICKL. Hand Lamps al Lights l dnniet es [ Portable, Safe. & Economica NO DANGER! NO SMOKE! No Smeil! No Chimney } 1 Hamilton, June lith, 1867. 'Pflls Hurner meets a want long felt by , &A . she, pubgt‘s, public, and is far nnfl t any" oSen amp in the Market. 1t .2: apy good Kerosene or Coal Oil with a u‘:- Flurd these Lamps will stund a akconger qutrtent of air than any Lainp in the Markâ€" es (Thfiflnld huts been prepared tot the purpose of nllltlngwn very strong Curtent of air‘y abd! will be Turnished (at about half whe cost of ordinary Fluid.)y The Burnars have been made so as to fit any ordinary Lamp in order to save the public the exâ€" nse of unghe of Lamp. The inventor fdble satiffied thgfhe is tg R Ni y an articl d m } nt t %m ocens | large sum of movey has been expended in the bonstruction q‘ iamon and Wicks, and | in Letters Paten: "hore, "ahtem"* T ï¬ I1 I\ aupering to any 4 Yankee ’lnvpmon‘?z’u_l‘hdu even -lnï¬nnlluch:lncodx“ EPP PRPPT OME C C Peto mt large sum of movey has been expended in the bonstruction mers and Wicks, and in Letters Patent 4 ¢ fact which plainly shows that it is regaraed by him as no HusÂ¥ug)® 1 " 1 ¢( ; _( E. &n d I "ke 11. by him as no HudhÂ¥ygq® j _5( ; ; Qive this Canadian Rurner a Trial ment and your homcs LRX & "‘yjy/ oOd J .Proprietor of the OTTAWA CANCER INFIRMART, ‘Rhat W{;{, 6anoras ~ C urgo, sent to :u':‘y}n;;fa:nï¬i_upon the recer of Twentyâ€"Five Cents. Buruers u: Wie Mn oo 2 a s 4 Saledt kh * h. ME 10 Athucratctrtive To 1 "@" New, but Cortuin Sp.o?ud narely id ‘Puinivss %m'vm.nn * Wirn 007 The Use or tus Kxirg. iy'osnen L.amp in the SIGTROL 16 SHRTE good Kerosene or Coal Oil with a savâ€" of from 30 to 40 per cent over 7:‘9v Bilver d lou . Â¥8 Bt §tâ€Â¢u tolfhe Bapk MIL TONM, C ~â€" i d"WMrI enm«â€" I“p::dvol:";!:ud Lots â€H‘“ 14, Township Lots, coutaining 61 4+ "For information as to am« Dln"‘ ‘.. ; snn ont n n . it BBuun s s Yahef Waterloo, Feb, 1Qth, 1868 1 Received and for sale nt the Waterioo Hardware Stora, a eplendidiot of and the celebrated and F,l;;; RVILLE MANUFAL PURING ,'u'}r.’ \h"l: he Sur‘:nteedi o no ul ; in complete. ’m gm stook io stt t _‘ Mtr?ï¬ f;;w N&\)‘lx/ ‘ | a ‘uarey gnte & 0()J~ in wirots } °Ee‘:‘:'e'=‘l granteed. ankl ns a rpuers and Wieke lflt:.’g:&x."}’{ Cut U /. FALL mgggm“ TIONL 18. WWATERLOO Mardware Store ! . : ; «~Bought Direatâ€"froms the Makers for CASH 1 J GO0DS CHEAPER.IHANEVER: until CeRXITURE:! Berlin" Warehouse ! WHOrESILE a nethe ®eatin Watérloo, Nov. 20th, 1867. _T 6\ CX 54 { Jb B LRA LC BEA C CC ud t M us K@» Fatmers Produce taken in exchi9@@;; Call and examine â€" _ his Stock. . | .: e _ EBRLIN, October 22nd, 1§t}7.l n 612â€" â€"__ M sBmboGe&in 'lonaqflflaoï¬'u: & . HBGI.’AX SEWING MACHINE ! ‘Manufactured by the Britigh American Sewing Mahine Co., ip o mt t y‘w Tfll uzt'lmlgnorl has De@n RpDOINIOU WUESMEIME ARRMAT OO CQD L222R these celobrated Sewing l(-loun?nnd takes great pleasure in reccon Parties needing Sewing Machines, They gre constructed on entirely new || ism, possessing many rare and valuable f:wmvemenu. Having been exam U T ~ ME ETT TT TL C l db ui. 4 Adenfsatin remein i Lemdbmtl UEMiiRRASERUEE T eR ce ons 35 2s stuul fo maghe 8, & ounced ig,be simpli d b a fafRySot manfifectaring EncBine, warra e e Aui® 4 'q We J:on tions h we are pr to cigiie | w 9 pli grout e of work. « 3. Its making the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, â€" 8. The seltâ€"feed motion operated by simply letting down the font pmmr: h V UV LN â€"A .. a taassfant} 3. Its nnkll;‘g'gn Lock or Shut;lo Stitch, hen it will, fead t+ motion operated by simply letting down the foot pressure when it will fem Toï¬%“o operator to run the work from right to left and is perfectly sustaining to the end ot the Seam. 4. ‘The perfect finish and anbstential manner in which the Machine is made. \ 8. The rapidity ofits working and the quality of the work done. 6. Its sewing with the finest cotten down to the . comrsest home made linen thread, and will sew on every description of material, from leather down to the finest Muslin, runs as smooth as ew on every desOIpnn 0 en _ ceeeafter used . . Baliifie not what the ‘\@piitiftigeer friends glass, And 14@ Piz may say, but see the 24 di@r _ App Gm.l w gEINA TEA "COMPANY. P _ 5x LONDON AND_ EIVE_I?:QRL. : Canada Depot, N URG ang GENU TRA S P ovembl in onnt J J m, ‘l‘m«»-a'lltiu. viz. : TNc. l|' $1 per Ib., either WCI Fine Household Tea, com*ning Strength and of; Fineat PrOCUPAbI@y. s s a e sc e es ce e e 66e 6 n n n en n en n nb n tog> Sotdiin Packets and Gaiisters by the Company‘s Age Town in Canada. __ i ds ar. 3 . m 41 Apply to MOSES BEJHTEUL, Plait?s 0o O"CTe_mn.ox. Berlin. THOMAS TH ilt. &;’qn Rexsnuaw, Postmaster, Blair. _ J. K. Fmiox, , Berlin. Tnonn?n.'r ‘mnb1 nnncaw.â€"â€"~, Waterloo, _ A. Z. Detwipar, Eimira. D. Sxtts, Hamburg. J. Bowss, El 9 Smal. slmihlnu, to be seen at each of these places and instructions given free of ch PLAIR, Sepolithy 1860. =oul 0}0 608-30'1 td L His Stock is now Large and Complete of Every Thing in his Ling, 4.~ Do T&i Vention Bds, "~TRADE HA’VBIQOW ON HAND AN iNEamPV a /‘ C PP dsusily fouri® in «General Sibre . The + ‘ en‘egis hollaoxt D Stock af Dry. ! | |rILBU: o}.or ‘&; es, C« &c' t eand B ALL ODF WHIQH; w.lLb BE SOLD VERY CO @ay wili gio yfo ip@to" C 0 n un o e ramcram on fos »hj /A JOHN sUH &C0. @ommazaial Alack,, Watazlqg« April 1st, 1868. 63 WAGO® od) oi as}mscBoS (sogia \ Calk ‘The GRQCERY Deprtment q MR CY iqh CC catu*9) NPd P Â¥} §# i06 Mb 4 is aldo COWM(;A Abiots N ‘ dBBL 44098 cdâ€"al/ oa x Wf‘cflttm} seeâ€"omne of the best and largest {ocks of Goods T 1:qs5il~ olce in This part of the country, ib nAÂ¥ all the ‘above GSoJq‘h®! in the best Markets foiCASB, i8f°0C" mwilb& m‘h@::&l:; I‘»:y‘whero.tho_ hoest Bargay are offered: P AOXL Fo PR C * staun stt & Coâ€" NHagoh od: si aniracRre9 (sugim e 86. a§B@nep m Lsnt s nued C %Mï¬wm&ï¬ar{‘ r‘ 0. NE 1 y 4AJVG iWw h.A fcontantrator hettametsin it it PLAINING DONE TO ORDER. A /1 ;rl'('gned has been appolnted General Agent tor P n ce mag s a 4 e e S LOCS Cnlana th th AGB. | P‘ObOWO the Trade Mark on each Package. RJ{} 3 A V OT | MJIKS WOJ TH3Y E DEPOTS, LONDON AND_LLV EIN} UA 000 ; Depot, No.*.23,_(H%it§flSt.l,‘“gntreaL {0Â¥ J°OE EdOME : tio». re hed at last mbsie( in '!??@1_'_5‘.'“!3"" :Good cTZI |_ _2 â€" LGENT FOR WATERLOO : Â¥ ocl=stn M 6 Bï¬tish American Sewing Mahine Co., at PARIS, ONT ARIO,,. â€" A8, of lRl’ondid +nBWwrag HEVOr HOPMIRODC) acaed l? ASSAM, and on the slopes of the HIMALAY AS, bleadâ€" | CHlNQ. z.: T0c. or $1 per Ib., oithormcx, GREEN, or MIXED. ‘en, com*ning Strength and of; 70 cents per Ib. * rrrraes frar us snn rra n rs 6+ e 446 44 4 1 dollar ; GaWisters by the Company‘s Agents in every City and 1/..1 Ee AMmenn mds n E: e simpli d b unl as , warra e e Adll 4 ikk a ve are pr to cidlie i w l8 E and have been of a JOHN McDOTGALL. rer of all kinds of or t Waterloo County, for the Sa0!8 ire in reccomending them to all entirely new principle of Mechanâ€" ng been examined by the most proâ€" o 9 MARK. 3O ods! Goods ! AP. 61674 GooDs Saole Street, Calkiu) + Simpson & Aldous ! Manufacturers of, and T hOleszsale & HRetail Dealoe aas ® â€" __. have again leased their old stand where they continve to sipp‘y the trade and th public with every thing in their tinfon ressonable Tenite" ‘C~ Pumpsâ€" & Pipes v h. (;n hand and made to order. furnished when required . sawIng, PPgINC t TV oye® _ SERLI, Juee me retneith m n in n n S C 19e °* ovadeiteod "~" .! Sewing Machinges se n en popps & CADWELL,* ig PV oSR TY â€" now second to none in the World, as bas been p:oved at the Paris Exhibiti with the best manufactures in Europe and Americs, this Machine took the V ns 1 "f o i this O:n;;l'nnâ€";;éductlon uot only much CHEAPER. CALL AT THE Next door to Mr. Uhrstac cortstantly kept on band, seen . HARDW A RE WATERLOO, Aug. 27th 6ppouhe NMr, Mulheron SHELFE AND HEAVY HARBWABEâ€"! Those intending to purchase li‘s‘_A,t the Lowest Cash,,Bxice | / /THeir Motto is :â€""Small Pofits and Quick Returns." N N f u_ â€"Oin ¥€ _ All kinds of Produce taken in exchange at the highest Market price. t HENRY ROO8°8L coâ€" W AZER Recelving Daily Additions onl HAMILTON, ONTARIO, °~~ «/ «i Beg inform their Customers and the Trade generallf that $ *h 4 * they have + SPRING GOODS! DRUG STORE, â€" King Street, I * & .<WAT-I;.B‘Y.A:LOO. _ SPRINGER & SNYDER,. KERR, BROWN & MACKENZIE, NE W FPFIR M : â€" â€" Y PHE OPENED A CONSIDERABLE PORTIDN! DRUGCIST S Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet"and Fancy Articles, Trusses & Shoulder Braces, PaAiNTsS, oiLs, varNisHES: * â€" DR â€"G‘*XCXUTSCEECS, CE., W( allof which will be sold very cheap. & ( Phywicmans prescriptions and Family Receipts carcfolly compounded, and alH orders promptly atiended to. [ Remember the Stand, opposite Bowman‘s Hotel. M SPRINGER & SNYDER. wee 2001 0 ie Wltas Ceris 41 F PVem AVE great pleasure of snnuonncing to th shave opened a HARDWARE STORE in W-mlo?,_ Waterlog, October 28th, 1867. HAMIL TON, March 18th 1868. Waterloo, March 4th, 1868 All kinds of MACHINE SEWIMN During the Next Few Weeks. Har Iron, Steel, Horse Nails, Cut _ W ranght Nails. Spikes, Window C » Grindstoncs, Shovels, Spades, R: ~\_‘ German Cow Ties, Logging i‘ _ _ Dung Forks. Brass Kettles, | HENRY RoOS‘ £ f * o ca )5 L. C RAF T W ATERLOO V ILLAGE ! E U R ] Uhrstadt‘s Store, opposite Snyder‘s Grist Mill, o band, and roay be seon in operation, aud wh d a HARDWARE STORE in Wateri09,~,, r. Pisonerms Ord a : fulheron‘s Stove and Tin ShOp, where they will co bhand & FIULL ASSORTED BTOCK OF J * They can assurethe Public that every article will be Having become the Sole Agents of the celebrated 4 STORE: Ni , 1861. COFFINS made to order and a splendid e . \."/†: i“‘ ,-g [ Qg\} xc P 4 be d \“’â€"â€"/" s a sSEWING â€" MACHINES, SEWING MACHINE DEPOT _ (Sucessors ro J, 8. Horryax,) 4t CR F & E. 0 much betier than re they continue to supply the trade and the genera ~I t W TO THEIR STOCK °_ AAL8, AMUR . Brass Kett &c., &c.,ek done to order at the AND WILL BE PHARMACEUTISTS o® THEIR i1s, Cut Nails, Pregsed Nuils, indow Glass,Oils and Paints, a Sewing Machine will find haZ anv ather foreign iutvortation, but very d at the Paris Exhibitioh where competing this Machine took !M;IRST PRNZE. ;n) wther foreign iutportation, rist Iill,' where all styles of Machines are , aud whére specimens so work may be c at the Waterloc Sewing Machine Store DODDS & CADWELL. the public that they yoot §# ‘10) t o m 8t*â€" wl *7 & fe a