C) 0 O o H , HAW NOW tttt HAND AN 13mm“ mum ur- , “all: round in u Genital 3mm Tm t ' took ot l . d ' ' h mun-Mil! but, It pt ' uy . _ _ k In... r.esestlc t 1 " s I n ait't spam“ 1868. SHINE; Mantrm t't,!,triiiitliiiiii'i'i/ t tom-mum -ttrtt "t a â€wen m M pt him! 1l'F0b",rPh""'N"' . u ». rnmnmrmi-ï¬ ,. tr Bonnier N plum, 80ml side or King Bum. uni that the Make! Squaw. _ -. .nvan-QH‘V 1am Summer They 060th! READY-HAD! outage. n at†' Hats, Caps, Fancy ti1v?rjl)...i,.'. if; Tho Staples in t0v.)l"t,t,t,lhtl00l?s, em and wangoom‘m, i M. b _ Having Menlp mhmd bcfon m. In. â€Th the at“. Come Early and w Thu high.» price: puid l'ot Bu! AEl'rt-dil' 'e 911° ' y ' _ " unnu..olu~. VA I IE1: trtsus:ii,iivo ttttl "ittsos sitd WW yummy we NEW AND EXTENSIVE EMT FACTORY wnmum was? new“. ALL KINDS ow CARY-kw (WARE, Bedltesdl. Ohm, Desks, Bureaus. Tables, iktu, Lounges, OPINNINO vsn4"or!t"9 Hi, It M.W"M'm"""'" ----___v,, - All of all“ " b. In! on res-mum. Mm. tir. would ttttl? in“. known that In. hu a full an of Mlclnmn-y u, do all “an0 ' "ME1ilti, DOOM, Bums. Jr.p1ir11?_rrf,?1 w- Large Importation mm ' iii'iititijittw, urimiiTiu “a, human mum fr: mm†pupa-u. Berlltt, m - v =e â€"~~ . Q Atl when for work in my of tho “on brunch» mu be pumpuy MM. ' _ is also complem‘ [ J(' f, a. Call and no one ol the but titrtyiGbnrttk6ks “00035 in this part of the cogptry. anrluo, Attll I'll, I". PLANi'N'é" "ANDH' Mlyt9ti)ti9 NEIV F1111"; , "RtlS,E!W,t,t2'0ti'h. _ " iitmitfi'i'i"iiiiiiiiiijhgiiiiritt WOULD mm“ to the Inhshimm oranloo County an th h". MM " I lh'h"llT "otNmott rum 1.3. Hoffman, III duh. “of p Pure Drugs. Pgtont Jllllltttlinhiiitts, Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Amid“, . taprtettt" t-ittiltttt unl nuipuuAiatiiirrtm-aa" m UVJ-LA.‘ ULLV‘_ w Vv- ANG' NOW ON " ND AN lMMBNS ' _ kindly foundi- ",ht'g',d),ihe,1i1 Tubs. ttttttyt oe ALL KINDS ttt iii') Stock ot a ad's! I. unnumu’ Inâ€, 4,, g uy unit I tt . a d l a I _ 4. _ Iron no h In .606 I HIS STEAM SAW MILL! Muck! Block. anrloo, hprlt In: anloo, In“ 4tlt, It“. punu..oum tt.AWiqlqgt",i, "z , XFsiratgti'tE!nrratF"3tP'm. attsex, ' mpg, u'itGdil a; nu mu ttl time It In comm-cl; on but! April em, 13a. i. now about waplna had it " usual well worm! and elm-p. tk ALL oi when MLâ€: I “a: omd. are bought in um um r III h a “on mum ta buy “q. a, The Bulk JOHN SHUJ:L&__Q91 Aememier the 8tand, ,rottt/ht'tt',t'trfft L.. " GROCERY ',iiiiisicj)iilrtmtrt Will be sold Cémper â€one ..... Me-_- w'"" - - _ v a. anod- are bought in tin but Mark-u for CASH. mumâ€. . " _ n __ - " __ sc- A.-. nun-.1.“ A... nah“. It,?:',?--),,),'-'-,'-,-?)'),!':: . t Steak of SPRING mi- _ ,rvurtessimruc,sist all of "teh will to Mid very cheap. In. Mun" “mating "iii/u' (o‘lud It!“ CHBAP. ul secure the, Bargains. Butter, 13331, " " ’ JOHN BON1t I! t ' stTINGs, ‘-IUCH Hm d Sum! of a wry hm qniiJatll m 1"L),1 Mum“ for (l'.',',': '/li1'"'! Margo . t u - u I' l u cat invite“ (tttit . T _ " tltt any osttrrre'rPMde'". u an fi"i'raas, 'es,, ktr. Giit"'i"alii'lr'ifh'ibiiat., " ’or many 31mm. M. W1t,GENAST, sand Ity CHEAP. it do. hop on Mad 'P Snyher’s 31m I Large Supplies SPRING rm L0. Mlttalllt.l CALL AMtt SEE- al, Highest Prices DAILY Chantry mm!“ ' WILL BE SOLD * Dethitt, any. Column. I WATERLOO. RECEIVING WATERLOO CHRONICLE TND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ----tr--- WINCH PAID to. Aprll 1 B. DEVITI‘. (N tf'1i1ir, FIR M! iiif "iiiii'iiic' 'iiiii"iiiiii"i","" " iii'i'iiiiid l HARDWARE. GLASSWARE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, , HATS and CAPS, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Sac., &c., Which. having bern purchmmi lines the grout Fall in primal. can be told at such [Men " ttt DEFY COMPETITION. "VP-VAllkindn otProdttee taken in exchange fur which the highs“ nuke! price wi l be paid. if. B. Please give tho new Firm a call and see the Bar. nu. ' A BOCKUS & DORSCHEL. -_-- Has Remand his STORE to the Corner Bulding in the COMMERCIAL :EBIUCDCJ:EE.t lately occupied by )Ir- Zwllner. He has added to his former large Stock It fult assortment of CROCKERY. SPRING 4Mt)ootiiiH $106,000. -p.ipytlgtji,lt,gl, $100,000 HAVING made Inga pumlmnu in Europa. nr.d my stock being much “We? tluut is unnul Ill this M'mmn of the year. owing to tho hug gnaw drifts and some- Flinn! bud muds. I have runolved lo clnr cut u great portion of my preum Stock be. on the vemeele “rive in Montreal. no Following Induoementa are agorpd to Customers coming from Waterloo: For Persons Building. Ittr Blacksmiths and Waggon Cm Nails. 33 25c per keg T. Hing". Sn pcr lb ' . Burn Door and tUte' mm". 8. per lb. Wlndow Gina. 32 2mi'per box Door Loeke-brown Knobs. an? etch Logging China. 510 per lb Knives and Fun-h. ununliy ""u;“"‘_m.’; -- do ‘37; And a†Rou" Furnishing- equally ttheup “H.715: per salt 7 Rodger'nKnlvu mid Parka. usually told at " tl Me per mm To! Spoon; tuna", ION M 81 pct don. ("h M. .. TING 813mm. usually told u M Nv, " I on. To. Turn. horn Mt mum-d. Floor 0i Cloth, ttht per yard. All other good. jun a. low. ‘AVING startled bllsiman in tin- Show, formerly ocmpivy‘ by Fr. A. MILLER. Lhat , , bug to infuun In, public, thut “my have now on Gud a complete Stock of Heidelberg, April In, 1808 Sm Ranch Plan“. , "Smomlunzhck and Force“ P3 per nit Tool: of full ducriptium M m. sums; chap price- a Key-d Tilt 2e.'it' i. Jomttt hon Bed (Juan. on Jen no": 8500 Ind -iiiti/iitrt {hyper sen tor uoentik fund Cabinet} Makers. I Want-loo. April In. 1868 NEW GOODS! ' NEW 7 GOODS! TH! UNDERSIGNED 1tttsNgc'NTLieY. _ manual}. mm he hu just received a Lil - '- - A u. iii'cii'riiit the. following Goods! which will be nold CHEAPER THAN EVER. Heav Factory Cottons, Striped Shirtings. Bed Ticks, Dcnims, 17h'd ' Prints. Bleached Canons, Umbrellas. Orleans, tid/ll',',', Bagging, Black Doeskins, Sus, kc, ALSO A, LARGE Stock of the has! GRDCERIES I April In. 1809. REMOVAL! JOHN HORSMAN. The Hardware Importer, GUELPII. A...-- ARRIVING DAIL tkit" CALL AND SEE. we: erloo. Much tia, 1068, NEW GOODS! such as an, Tear, Raisins. Currants, Rice, Syrup, Vine ar, Coffee, 'obncco. Corn Meal, Buckwheat Meal, Oat lied, Put Barley, 6w. Look at the'folowing prices ..--20 yards Cotton for 8L--Gerrnyn Prints 15c per yard.._12 yards other Prints for 'i.ss-6lbs. Coffee for " fto lbs. Currants for 'c-ION. Raisins , for 81.4 to 11 lbs. Sugar for " BOCKUS & DORSCHEL, . Fisather's Store ,N;r.a.nlymg?RtaCDCD. nub-$00 i. doxon 121 vid We. _ g“, " gett , I’uckel Kuivu. frum be upward" td "ii"iti6t,t {hyper wit Shot, 8e. per lb. And I“ Goods will be sold at proportrottttteli Low Prices. - ids- GEELPH. JOHN HORSMAN, ISIGNED RESPECTFULLY Informs hi t . . mm he hu just received a LARGE I. cu. om." “d the publits :Ez:m:rzDxanaaEBmX't.CF DAVID DEVITT told at 31PM ofoll kinds Iron. 82 Me per lot lhl. Swiglx Slums Shel, “a per lb. Spring Steel, be, per lb. Oust Neel 16e P'r m, Axles. 1 ill.. " 25c, " In., 82 Me, " in., It in., 82 " per nu Spriugu. 181 per lb Hum: Rama. " in,, me ouch Delluwl, 30 in.. 812, 32 in., 8|2 750 do " in., $13. 60 is, 'u 60, do 88 in. 818 70' Mould Bra-rd Btrel, 50 per lb. " Ila-um" Cumin)" Hands. nilver. 83, 90e l a 8t, SI 2th 4, Ol 30; 41, .1 00; b is, M the, per "tt. Boiled Oil, tt. per pl. _ Turponlilw, 75v:- POP (Ill. Vurni-h No, I, tt 60ptt tral. Chtonn§_Groen 2lht por I.tr. $2 MI per set! Half Pntent, l in†" .00. ll in., "2 M., WILLIAM FISCHEgg; do Yellow, 250;" lb, Climmurmo um. 50 per lb. Catleatial Blue, We per lh. An_d every nrticlc required st rue: cqunlly So[u_nrn, pggnlly acid at Me and Mhr, tot Low, DAVID DEVITT. Makers. 638- 638--4t ,. i V Gammon We. r-(moo l Waterloo, Nov. 20, 1867. STOCK OF DRY GOODS! " $10,000 Worth of Dry Goods AND - READY MADE CLOrIrI-IING- '. NO HUMBUG. c3: Fall & Nirinter Goods HOFFMAN’S NEW BLOC K, LARGEST-, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OIL, TURPBNTINE, VARNISH, TIFR, Y G o OE) S, Bhht ll, 1lillmhlli, TREASURER in loco“: with the Munlclpnlity of the Town- Ihip of Woolwieh, for the yur ending am December, 1867. on. To Cnh 0n [and haunt] 1.1867. $1973.86 Cash from Tnvern License. . . . . . M5.00 Cull: In. Shop Ltetutats..... '_.. 150.00 Club from C R. Fund,..... .... M29.30 Cuh from C. R. Itrterpat.. .. .. . . 357.75 Call: from Non-huldent Tues. to. Mt. M nub. frnm TAX fol-1867. . . . . . . . . . 3325-33 UIlu lruul I-unu .r..9.e._ie. . . . ,, C, hf ......... 0.0 .' T onus: 1trh.1'rt,t'tt:y.:r.:: 2:39.33 T"..?, ,'.'.ty'yii,?" ofity to w- or ty Cub from C. R, Marylin" .... 357.75 prnnte_ lime, ths following "ltusble Cull from Non-Raddem Tues. ke. gtt.t4) property, I'. v-- Callahan Tu tor 1867. . . . . . .. .. 8228.66 11:0! 15 UIHCCon» Swami 91 acres. Clonvtide ----. at 7, Jon.. J. 03 do. do 813885.Tt Lot27. B, Anabel, ' 100 Transfer ' --o---- Lot 8. A, '. too Clear Deed. a. Lot 21, 13 Com, Bruce. 100 Clear Derd. Paid um account of rand: & bridges $3404.00 Lot l, P?. Cow. t. 100 for Traml‘u. " c. R lumen to Schooll.... 357.00 Lot 22, 7 Elana], um per Tm..f..-_ " Speck] School Tux. . . . . ' .. . . 2790.00 Lot 33, 7 bw 100 " " r: 3min;- 'ttd','.::.'.':',.::: 313.2%; ji, 27, B, " 200 u " no! I............- . H, 3,8 A '. " County Trenaunr .... ' . .... 2402.00 'dl l 2 “fun 108 PfllorerIchd. " 8. S. No. 8, o, R. Honey lam. 120000 l Lot Ii.' si.' ke l um if, t'U e . " Cash on hmd.............. 2878.30 . .. Y'ppe ',lenrDeed. - - iLot 20, T, buugeen 120 Char Deed. "T, Roam invenment mount mud to heel) Gingrich. . . .8 tits .00 Loaned u School Secunn No. 8.. .. 1200.00 Invuud In Gov. Debentunu.. .. . . 2100.00 nub. nn Mnd............ ........1643.70 bullion Mnd.......... Berlin. February 12th, 1868. No" -81848 of the above Cub on hand I: Clergy Rum-n money. $1500 of which bu re- cently been ittroeted in Canada Dominion Stack, " that the b-hnce of Township Fundl on Mud in only ubout $1200 hand of $2878 " ahown above. PUBLIG AUGTION l, THE untleruiimed will sell by Public Auolion, on his farm, lWO miiu Emu nflicllin, on the royl ttrye to Bran-hm, '6r"iii'ii'iiiir"'r','7"riiiilriiiiA1y.sti, the followini Guurtrle properly, viz: _ Four good Harlan. 1 fresh Milchan. 2 Cows in Gulf, l Heifer In calf; 2 Heil'ere two yum old; 2 Steel-u the. your. old; 3 do. two yum old; 2 Yearling Calves, 18 Sheep. 4 Pitts; 1 pair of Bob Slughn; one In; Sleigh; 2 \wn-lume Wuqunl. I don- tGftt'tling top Carriage; l Stool Plough. 2 mmmon Plough; 2 pair of Han-own,- I land Roller; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 combined Huckoyo Reaping and Mowing Machine: 2 Grain Cradle-H let ufdoublo Harness; tset of Plough Hui-Hen: 1 set. of single Harlan-0:1 logging Chain; A lot of cow chmnlm quantity of Buy by the ton; one Cooking Move; I Jumble Parlor S:ove,-l Kmhon Cupbourd; l Sink; 2 Tuhln; 1 mm Mam Tub; 1 Bureau; 1 Dank: 2 Bede with Bed-lends; 2 Chorus,- 1 Clock with came; 2 Iron Kettle-H Wonlen Wheel; 1 Spin. Hing Whevl; and a huge variety of other urticles mo cumerous w mention. {If Sale to cmnmence at to a'ciock, A.M. w Call and imspeet.for yourselves. a Farmers Produce taken in exchange: BERLIN, October 22nd. 1867. T'otaeir,-All Sum: of 85 mm under snub; over that imam" credit. wil be given till the fiotday ol'January. 1868, by giving approved endorsed noloa. Hay must. he paid Cash. " will be Iold without rut-I've. ABRAHAM KOLB, J. E. Felon. Auctioneer. Proprietor Wuorloo Towmhip, “arch 25, 1868. iiiiiiira -r.x fort8M.. . . . . iii-i-ilu, Lots and Carpenter Shop for Sale, Lt mover, County Grey. The undersigned offer. to sell on fallou- eble terms two dwelling house- no d u (an punter shop in Henover. One of the above in e new brick home. two nun-ice high, " fording every pouih'e convenience end dec eirehle for a recidenoea the other is fume end very beautifully mauled, For term, Ae., apply to the aprietm. THOMAS QUI FALL. Cox-Mod to be correct Woolwich, March l0,1868 Ite: 304, 306, 306, 307 and 308 of "of- msn’a Sunny. Berlin, "fronting King Strut. For plnlculnrs nppl to PE. W. {JOYEK DIRECT IMPORTATIONS Nahum, March 90th 1368 Isaac HoiTman Is now prepared to show to the generous public the st the actual Cost and many of them below Cost. A. UN STOCK MUST BE CLEARED on L)- Mm]! GI£EAÂ¥T ATTSRAC’L‘ION The Subscriber is 110\v selling out his EAT BARGAINS! To be sold at or under COST PRICE. FOR SALE. WILL DO ALL WE PROMISE! ISAAC E. BOWMAN, Township Clerk will be given. Oue call will earwi.use you that Jan, he., over oifered in Berlin. 813885 $5613.70 or' OF tt REAL ESTATE Excellent BargalEs "tt Oftered. Apulicnuionl are to behent (if by letter pout-paid) to V A. P. STAFFORD.‘ HOUSE ' LOTS IN, Subscriber oeers thr Mlle by print. Barunln,L01a Nos. 9 £10, with . mo- olory Brick House, Barn and other out- buildings, with A good well of thtster, car- den, Fs. The Above property m stunned on Albert Strum. opposite the Tuwn Ball, In the anluzr of Waterloo, and will be sold on rennonahle termg, FOR SALE, IN WATERLOO VILLAGE. wFérrfunher particulars apply, 11' by letter post-paid, lo JOSEPH HOFFMAN, HE undersigned off-u for sale by private, T u nimble farm in the T'p of Peel. lt in the int farm u the South Wert Corner, and conu'ml 88 Acres. Should the purchurer wish tome additional timbered 13nd, he would din- pose ofaome in the Township of Woolwich near by. Terms rettsonable, to be asceruiued by .pplicuion to the Proprietor. g JONAS WENGER. Wnolich. Feb. 10th 1868. -3mot. HE lubscriber offs" for ode his valu- T able l'urm. bems Lot No. hth. 13th Communion, in the Township of Wellulc-y only 2 miles West of Huwksvilkn The Farm aunuins 150 acres ot'exeellortt " hm†land. There me upon it I HOUSE.= BARN. good water" kc. For further plrlirnlms apnlv to . JOHN W. WIL‘ON. Proprietor. Just Received and for mic cheap at the Waterloo Store, direct from the makers, Single and double Cut MillSaw Files, Flat, half round and Smoth Files, Taper Saw Files, single & double cut. . JOH5 yIcl?,oiu'rALU PORT ELGIN. Just received at the Waterloo Hardware More, direct From the muunrsreturers, Port Elgin, Jun 22nd, 1869 Ebrsé Nails; Stocks and†Dies, EXTENSIVE SALE Round and Square FILES. JOHN McDOIYGALL For sale cheaper than ever nt 1 W the Waterloo Hnrulwm'e Store, hon-t rrfiurd ( NY B URNING IOL, by the pint or the thousand Bands. unv- inc been unpainted Acem by one M' Ile Inge“ Refineries in the counlry 1 tan “at! Oil here at London price}. March 16, 1868 Woolich, Petr. 10th 1868 FARM FOR SALE. Welluley, March 16. 1868 -iirift Dies siperate hum the Stocks, Horse Rama, flat um] half round, W. H. G. KNOWLES FARM FOR SALE. AT " Normunlou P. o., Bruce County d, 1869. 628 1 Mannhmm P. 0. 636 -3Inma . '. CInr Deed Ch-nr Deed. Clear Deed. Clear Deed. 63l-- 'IB-- 1 2 Thedlract gammy or the Dominion h givcn by the Suwuforull dope“. n“ 3 At each Post omens-3d. the â€up Usm'v regulation mm] In rind by than givmg nu inf-trunnion with - 0. mode of xiv-punk): rm! wltmm ' nwd Lime rnzlmum " w“- an - l, of the PM. Book IIW te-bd-ttee. THE POST OFFH‘E SAWS "SEN e,uhlotr.d by Baum baby‘s.“ - triou “Puma-u, will contact â€on“... m. the istM'RiL, 1868, and a. Pout-"lots (imam? “IL-[rum um day, Ruin " , urme undenncntioned Fat 0.00] “a paid w the Putnam-mu by pvt-son wit - place um: my in the Gunman.“ 5.7.9 POST O FF I Clu" Savings Banks. 4 Any â€navy have I but“ moo-If and deumits um t-imdtMtrr>t0.- ordinurry hours ottrn on“ triif number" oMolhsrs, from 31 up as»: tSf " xnl amount which curb: roe-ind m “- posiiur in my one yen. “apt in c. O I. speciufly nunhorlud by an Pawn-W Al. 5. The Porqtmsster' nf the Ola. - wdl act Is agenu for the receipt of noâ€: “r posited for xrnnumnsion to tht Pm Generusl, and for lune pnymettrby ti. terieuerud ofnuoncy withdr-w by P-i. mm. G. Each Dam-hot will b0 "’91“ with . Pao Hunkvnnd the tiUttPt paid in. or ,tithdr- mil bv entered therem toe the For“: at rs. (Thing or paying the tune. In 'l'al1'd . direct receipt for tuch "noun! paid lg - be sum to the Depositor from tin PM!†General sad the Postman-r Genorul “I! bit 11 cheque, pa} uhle at any Ium vithdnvn. 7 Every Denontor'l tteeottttt will thtm " kept with the 1'r-terwGmserU,std .0."- sitor may pay into his or ha! “can" with tho Post (mice Snvhgannk, " a, of “any. Bunk Hon office, which n the in. m but suit his muvenirnce. and man) at“ h 8. Itsteretrtattherttte of 4 pa out your mmum will be “loved on depoaiw l)!" I. the ordinary depoailwcounu. but ,rtraqlt- positor huh $100 denouiled, be or 5h. w pa 'iuest we Pos-ter-General to trosAr" on mun: choice in during out moo ‘u.$opo ly to the obligation l'lp'r;'lll.'iflltd I. look in proof of identity-WI-r paying in " drawing out mouvy. slum to a Ipeclnl account. And win â€and†a Cervificute of such special #100 “W ing inter?“ u 5 per cent per ttttnum. (v Postmaster! an (whim: by“ ~g 4b. dust the name of anyDepOIllor, or a...“ of my sum deposited or withdrawn. 10 Na chug: will be and. to Depositors .. paying ia. or drswhsg out moneypor fbr nylon communicatiouwith th. 'Cliiitgt Genernl in relation than“. . ll The Postnatal-Gould I“! h db.†ready to receive Bad “and tonll â€pit-don cumplsinupr other comma-ionic“ “In“ to him by Depositors or 0M,M a Put Omen Savingl Honk mun. 12 An ndpltional number of “It (Ile- will be numbed tonet_g"n. on ciao on the In July next: . Post Office.. Alumnus. . . . Arnprior. . . . Aurora . . . . . A ylmer, Emu. Barrie. . . , ' . Mlleullm ' 4. Berlin.,.,,, Berth)" . . . . Bowmamvilk Bradford . . . . Brampton. . . Bramfurd . . . Bdgluon . . . . Brockville. V ' Brooklin . . .. Buckingham. Carleton Place. Cayuga. ' . . .. (Wuhan), West Chaim". V . . . . Chipmwm _ . . . Clinton. . . . . .. Cobourg ' . . . . Collingwood. . ' Cornwall . . .. Darwin. Dundu _ Elan Fergus Gait . . . . . Gnnxluque Go rgetow u Gmlerlch. _ Guelph. . . Hamilton .. Hawkeabury Inger-ml] Keene . l Kenn] m ill Kingston Levis. . Lindsay London Mont! an! annnee Niagara ' Norm wb Oakville. . . Oil Springn. Orangm me CUmwa, . ' Ottawa. _ . . Pornt St. Charles Port Hope ..,, . Prescott . _ . . . _ Quebec St, Catharina, Won-t . . _ T lined. St. H vm-imhn. ...... SI. Hyuilnb. ‘51. Johns. Thu-t, . ', ‘._,.SL John; P. . 'it. Mun. lyauwlotd A. Perth St. 'ruo'utns, West karma ..w..B.e Slwrhnmh . . . J Poet oirrrr, rupar'meot, t 10ttvor, " 1istcb,1868, 5 Smith's Simeov. Nurel. . . Sham)“, The.“ _. T _ Three Risers ’ans, V _ . Fnlrroke ’erth F _ . _ Vterboro' w Mm hm, Plan Wlntlrv ,._.. Tumult) Truman Woodstock w ymning Mun mlsm bull. A. CAIPHELL. ' Welling“ . Ahttario ' .Cnrlehl wen-.5 Well,ad .Wdhp- Ottawa H urht1 . Walk-[ho Hum-Ind Oxhld Sim rum» Urmttriltt Emma oxfirrd Brant Henfvv Urvot Petal-our Prune: Edvard J ucq not CW! Durlmn Grenville Cunn- Well-ad St, Manon" York Hunting. Hanoi: Oxford Lamb“). (than. my. Lambton Storm. Lanna NOW ftu+r4itre Forth Coagty.