D () () t s ud o ‘l-â€""" ““hw & Oxptates a camin@$niention froih. wiguy nlemnn ho Webin an rouPhapeihin.Are lt n qdbirmnht w ud the doings af the h ir * agwnaginbimernny Bighpr ig e n ssatth mtlh m he mt aP i Rothur â€"wad whovery mmating . of vire Oabtnats sbavetÂ¥e. h\ Al wb tihe®th b?a-mn Rarteon tho 1w thafabe K the fmy wan the vouhe ns \at qiiawel tarytiig rdakercoloniat Rabway, Pdin queitton wan pratponedt tor _,“,? Inoengaitma@ trinl was comppetiigd oo dliny Qask aind was :Mhm ltfl uhaenw i adjonrmuct ib Moaday sekt °'m-muu-':-mu , been necupted in dectding points of inw, ud tharofiee we are quable to yibe onr . readere any particulare as to what will be |odheâ€"smamh of the artal, thaugh : we are pretty Wweil wmiinfie from prossht s Appoearsbuth * that stwin verty sburt thne Autraw dohnaon NWOR b& "har doly y "pamble‘ Indivihant w Peiativnn apn ul men o4 hiy gutige : ang. thare arp bluja That ' D# @Avednd wanle the Pnront: Caliie: wl ts U taid m*fl.tm to get wno of him and this will 4e vhe cantdat Wway pe abia at all tuiike, from tbair wih, e w stt it Pnb ht famnd io 7 -;-,'“‘33 in .ï¬ï¬‚v.}““a ‘:\\-h ammoj qnahiug papéra niul ) on ounbdich ons ts ns m tan '-.lm. Ngewiber of bite arg wine y oirivre. N.:w" $esns VY , ti wlb e » & | mpteotgt Rjed to the public, but we thisk r---um that. the quidintigh‘ wikhseambine with this Nerary: frant n c«eesitont â€"lnvstval mfl.mmm Avatoute bave alread y ) to awin ow : Av the whioo! Jh greaity in To mee nahmnd Tiet m io Shibg Meicining 164 remmae (buts wbtâ€"seraive ie tall ralws , ‘Buibe i babnth may on bwon all »libtiiinr citwh of the V :« vat rembire u“\w phoe ~Lagouee on Fremom e« We are glarl in w‘viie vo . anvwoonbe thar tho manaiteca of yroa nomber of . dbtaibul)e, borgiarien, mmmmm Wokaba M t nto Web mt Ns on aariied, that time. Trodet of â€" John . Yoit dnwthecren beacespred ab selghiy dolints par yoou bot witthit hraome dinabtug dto hwae moved hi \in MeBDoigait seeonc. w Np Np ltbnt, n c cheviet; | vhat the Privaiply, «Jie .A &4 . b6., bibmnan . of the Behoo} bibrary, and thas Mp Ioaeph B, Weter teacher of the BHésoud Divistom, : be woatet | u.:\lwwnmm in hat whtih ‘Inoitols ds ipaatone 64 tiyy Aithrety . t)ivievory, i1 LN moverd hy Mn Byrimten â€"secomted by; dn thats wint cormerd thet her resignabion *be ncveptedy\ = ~ " . It was wmoved by bin Noeoken reconted hy M». Mpringer and cartied, that Nh D. B. W. Mayee be Loval Buperintendant tor the prownt yeak : ®ine Boart then atfjonrnech * Run Bnouwany queation taatill revelvigg this attention ofthe Prom m varioue paro prfaifione Yowers,, 0n ; d Th Ait#h m M:NMM tes the derrantion sfie Rifth Divisina, . apl the appointment of an withtonal â€"toachen AAThe Library has been thorouchly pigoas pmeted and reabraredinth the booke hatung bain helvly doverst, mapad and wrtnbered Ii wiil bersaiter be opan to auch puptid dticd whulimas amay : be damnily. .perauiluel o. es wive booke everypi‘rdnp tbornsen the howis afthwelte wad ons uridch ~ Waby "mém tion thak i humber of Bools are wiRP m blhtigt and thoge parties bamig thiyn, will . tiye L::u!um and. unate. by sqnding w hbortrieca, ~Whe ‘tabtowing ure the of the prmovinen (The Foronts ©lyb¢ ANC | ... sns sbaite vetatatme in i Mm’M are eapactall} um'n;m way the shells vejoteing im t the Butige fpartinent fir theit . onreiyg;, | MitA it Bs hein whippid neaw in Golfectiygnthe revemite rue the goy. . MIMSP 7917 difiicult to Yoll A mdeenon sn meatten M n birigs | aitinittt Cof nerther baive Ldene seyuie sdee to shew ‘that ajie 86 " \hy " Whbyi1y0 . teil you otpver my â€" nowine hin.to whlg appmars )e Td Popon, we w io ra hn Warnabte Unutra1 Bewoon â€"We cail the attention of our reader» bo the report in amotherâ€"plase. of the. meeting of the Trus: two Board ebthe Warntrice Behook: lawud en omumental yanten: In lrodl of c ho nekeaot hquse, to be c pbinted cwhth sraee ob ridd Nopg hijbin, Riy Havl bin. Tninw Xmars Ausâ€"‘The wltor of the London Advertiver, which wao: may state, in pastent ts one bPiGat milt waltome bit shawpen i delyrbting his readura with the n\p::\luufm of the eventa which happaned in thyat docatity tbigty years ago ha they‘wore Weomlud in an ob phper which A Vememble lady Monit of that, gus ri" 7 wewnphpare, beautis t eAinot« of lr{; wnd masy other in« fereating Nitâ€"hils â€"which edjtoit above / all wthers know how to, appravinty, Loag may tire Advertise® , in rink, Â¥ Arownta Avotion ts alvettined by ‘M n Paahen of the ) merho Hooie to som:. mence oo the aizth, of . noxt month, Phe fantmerantea ware mast mcesbafu\ nind ue iny obiriwed at Nz\- *hth in the hat maï¬m, n tainada to of tor and therefore it will be well Tr out readura to embrace this oppoitanty of lays tng: in theimilpring Guoda . A the ki w send hims '&A?&K"M jon his y the Tait sex as in aviâ€" _ \no . Watdi 1bO . tuil you otprer nonmine: de. the amount n(.n\-‘wnq--?w ;u nm! * _ prasoria@»fâ€"hnve not been: an ‘oft mmA- maything .&"’l"'.'.." ; vot ail great me that which eamsea bruin i J m sediite retreat whore he can a A‘# "This t the aners 'm»ld\ydmmvyopx L«qmm raotbhing new. ww Ti io Tok Th ho hi! tds last w been convicted of manâ€" :zu Pre publie tpproves ot the ver "Tepe fnpp cA ie iy is ‘ whavk in the ‘Troman mammmm I‘ ho Bud th my Inst, Ne wew | Brore of Messra Junen Brapley and Newebmbe. _( may add that they have put a winer sign aboye their ( nalted in the ohy, 1t was brought mmï¬uw expente and ahoutd be looked for as the beat ptece of ornamen: tak patering in Towin ‘m-“’*b the revivae h®t, has opawed service ‘nRtchmond Biraet, havipg ppnotided in Eim Btite) hat Week There AM nn other maetinga that I have hawnt of which inwhy way diaturb the cur rem of ovente vepy viotentiv, Mr.Stephonâ€" won drew n crownted house the other even» ing to beap "The voiee of blood" and more lately be gave proftsstonal students nome good advice. Tran Covnt ‘ov Onarwomay ts basily on> t wnd the gentiomen mw.m»thm white the pubhoere ongaged in carrying a way the sbeibe vejoieing in the thought that rowmb tho Wib been whippod. it io some: thmea very dififieuly to Yoll from the judgâ€" ment whisah party, has woo the awit. hnhnnd.bb[hhn&mbhr fret "‘“m“‘m""'" Tot ins duep wan on wid t s & anow hust teaving with the warm raima that foll a fow days bafore i left No section of our Provines ‘has had â€" greater prosperity thun these two‘€ountice | Pot whent, we think, thay can hargly be equalled==prgâ€" dueing the fnest saimple in the inarket. The country is well watered==the Baugeen Fiaee (In the sastera bountlary of Grey â€" ancd mmn‘ihMlM. up to Mnl..‘.-»l like to huar from W"“"W A wish he woubt rawmbie oftemer if that woubk! eanine him to write of> M\&OM Nmi i Aefinition . of ‘~an hAtela mn:hu mâ€":m Bseempit=«The abuve N. t this to tncunt fur a: »goak." + Puuse, and Oerr ars Bavormâ€"I vreturned only last mmwuum of Brace and: Glray, winter, in these countion ' c'“ ce P p # u ‘ EamedCpir P n.0008 ons orre ol banla with eppbidpenble Stobhes. | l ".E»' Te "Revovene Porrime. 104‘ m= We would call the abtention of oue u-:\b“hp-hn “\h:.h town abs hou $ ' ‘untertainmen To br qh ay l W. 2. Wahant on ie har been unusually.ceyere the anow as you River is one ‘of the highect points in Cnna» ta. _ Lain tob! t lign 1178 fet above 0oh lingwood tap, : A houlthier, sougtey, ~can> wot be . fonad inthe world than theee notth Bertii,wilJer the avapidis of the Mechania‘s Insutuieâ€"ot that pliuse, Di W. who is one of ho " gWatedi arttshy of ‘jhe day, â€" has jyoot ¢duihiterl an engagement in Toronto ‘\whote he hras» bren litesaily Nonined baving tiywh tigudat houses tor some sight or liney Whyst General Btiated and the siite of inrrtniragrwen o h that m_unm'ï¬';."w- , ton amamimilit wighin, Mis perforniancoa vaud o Quapn ls MsB E’iï¬dmlï¬"ï¬ Ay Mry W. . Wallaek on the . Mpaday r Tiipndny,, BOth ho us mhe | 8i Nighole . Hull, tiy, ‘doee not keep Thie tathe qree peopacinssered â€" for . burylng..a poupes.. prints in addition to their request to this gounal a pmponlm:m amount of ;fl\‘:nh labor ot ninuy; w urfeil on the: houniary w ummmp w Waterico awi Gueiph, to commence nt thronee routher|y to the Bouthâ€"Bust angle of dAn:h‘d mne‘\ taem in W!ht? in m ance with t M M Inatitariona Bf ‘ppu Onnada,! being on 81 of go 39 Vlm_,unmï¬aiy::pog Gvo, Rundall mavel, seconed b 7 J L Brb, Reeve and Wmm kanty be, and they‘ wre sereby _ appointed Aâ€"gomthittse to mkdnpnmmhn vf the u.qa \‘ol\vml‘wr U to m\c:d&\ wally with® this Oo\éetk itotaté Inbor or non;-’to be expended on that part of boundary road angle of Mn Cleghorn.a farm, thence South erly to the : South Rast angle of Arch‘d Web 4 Wafutet un Ailihirathi it idb ie tibr Aiii Henry that the conrt of Ruvision and ap« peal hbe held at Stoltea Hotel on Rriday, tha S4th Arril nert at 192 chlosck, nnon, and that the overmers of High ways receive their ontera the foltowing Any . i The Reeve was nuthorised to grant his order for 830, being the amount for Town: ahin Mall nte e Conneil then amijournad to meat at Stoita Hintet on Fiiday the 24th day of April and following dny at 10 o‘viack. a. m. Tar Atiartre Montmur for April dims been recvived fron the publishers, Mésara Tieknor aud Fiekia Boaton, The contents ara A Plea for the Afterncoon, The Wreok ut the Poeshontnas Bpenset Lagoa Bar, By. Ways of Eurmpe, Onee More, Our Roman Catholis Brethren, ‘The Potson of the Rat. thesnake, A most Extnordinary ‘Casg, Doo: tor Molke‘s Frienda Free Missouri, April AM} Roviewn‘and Atoriity NMottooa _‘ (ore mopriny s uk L ol ; this. ++.Quese ofthe Monthbites." ‘Ithis to Aiowed» by ho â€"usunlâ€"rodnedt andtuiegnnt ‘o:w n-:l-m Plate ‘Phe g& m ‘ m‘ a touchin vntente! sire Thes work| 3 a-dny.:’flm vemun Nm Pl‘n'-'o Mh y h: l IPh }mw-zvï¬gm‘ % Oun Youre Fouks for Aprit has been reeaiver from the Publishers, Masars ‘Iighk» nor and Fiekia, Boston, ‘The contents are Molktay Romance, The First Ornande, Corâ€" poral Giles Ansa Maria‘s Visit to the Ministers, Driving the Cow, Lessons in Â¥ue Waarmanâ€"â€"‘The imaginative an! entertrining Local of the Hamilton : Pimes abilateth .on the weather thusly.«â€"March gnin, The Lady who put Sait in her Coffee, Mustc, Round the Evening Lamnp, Our came in like a lion, three Bungnl tigers. four gorilias aix chinoverossea and fou teen grisly bears, and an exchange thinks trowitt o out like a fiook of sheep. _ Wy would bompare it to a caine}, as it got its bnck up 10 soon after its entree Tro Laor‘s Faianp,â€"A benutiful ateel mm noOmight by h/ ide," is the Toading ambellishment )n gis Apeil bumber Wnn Bipt bLixerCver ant 1 The béavifeh dnd ploturesque Salt p wiih ite bundred imnountairiniste haus no tinfeine grottfihe Th pal infvlnd ) W bosom: who behokls but to adeire. )t is about 128 iiles lony, and?5 wiles acroas abite wideot place. 1 ant‘idformed that inâ€" to it art drained and poursd, 3 wver and ‘Hvututa the water of un arem : ©v0r800,000 square milesm >A vase nffiquint of :waten and‘yet this: inke has no outlot What bytoines of that water? Can ovapor mr @iapose of it? I ath informed that ‘the «wate? ‘of theâ€"lake, rose inst yoar three! Pet, and ie now cuntinuiug to rtse at tow yours longen ‘Néeware, ye amints, ol_the, nh\guy jmay 0 Witâ€"be awallowed up tin o opont manak w in ebnl i Onâ€" the aicdeg of the mnd:wm% the lake at a vortival height of ut toust WU three! Ret, and is now cuntinuiug to rise at the maine mite M\lb.ï¬nn-hn set, diatinetly traseable, can be seen the :'&-.::"m wadlp by the lay» Ing of wavem perhape of conturies dutution making it plainly evident to even the roget Ww id M i uon im wee Te lake ‘.M h d\r:ry mu:‘&r?n un‘i: Row I Hroh lmm hm Lk 'mmmui““ %ï¬ pmh'h ahnllow, Mn-nm. ox. wis below the surince of its waters nor fHoats ypos its bosoim. . ing unawert Down exproth train met hat Ivingt on the track two thyies ‘oust of New Havem â€" Mistook it for the :stepot, and ran ie on Piigh in Rprin O B * ed to rempve the osta &"n. asd> shail Rorward it in sections as requested," ‘*ber Tot Weat ‘Middtonex, is to reesive a 1n: m..mnâ€"m-w-um and in antisipation of the vaâ€" m&fl wil} arine: in mm ment is made, wirepullerm in a td san mbramh Mb im « C who , nre known to have ambitione in the direstion of h Njmng e 4 0) romagpnete w cties of sound agh n Porest of pipes se: \Mm huntred o-%-:.E shaking the wailt and the foundation of old Bi Nicholm Ohurch, in which it Westy Newi) moret: igoned by W m touthâ€"eaat fingto | Mu‘ihnau ee southerly to the Bauthâ€"Euat angle t reported that A . P. MeBDonald, memâ€" * Thak :huh domx of% are made ovar : ’m § % w lu\ly nnmn Ozon h ;.upvdny _ Vriarna, March 21â€"=‘The moat enthuâ€" alantis demonatrmtions of jfoy nre made over mla rge tht Irongh r;‘"m &l party to deferthe passage of ::: bill, ere was great re amon We nes grou rhiang maone ue peo _ Loxpor, Ma¥éb, 28â€"Adthital Farmagut continues to reseive high honors from the Papal Pv:'"nnlons hes berk f A ind U ud »han mnine in tonotiee on Infid Inti R the einpire, of:\m\ry quict und the Agbeliion suppress @d. Conx}‘burch #1â€"Ouptain Mackay ha6 been sentenued to imprisorment of hard la bor for the hmof tiwvelve y&:&. :« Bearrit, March 81=»The Gouncil of the North German Contederation has aapmvul nf n breaty recently roncluded with the Unithd® Sthtue, agourigg the tigbts of natur aliged American citisens. atantihople, ad been reaunfed: since the reâ€" ceipt of n favournble deapmehfrum Nepre> tary Muward, tonding to an adjustment of the difforence which had . arisen . with the Ameriean Regation. _ C =~ j Marortesranr, March 23râ€"=The Feninns Thomson anl Muilady, who were sen: tenved be hunged for the marder of the poâ€" lice serjeant Brett, have heen reprieved. Viexrxa, March 21â€"â€"The Upper House of the Reicharath, haa hivctocl the motion made by the clerionl party to ddr wokion upon the eivil mm:xe bill until a chauge is made in theConcordnt. Coneraxrmopum March Bi««The Diâ€" plomntis intercourse which had been temâ€" porntily interrupted between the Turkish Wm\-fly intorruptecd hbetween the J UrKRIAN Miniater of Foreign affairs, Foad Pashe.and Mr. Morrim Amertcan Ambrasador,at Conâ€" ‘lademtion® commenced hMmrm'- why.,,, We y King Willinn of Pronâ€" ain ‘was & opc&i&om\n pemon , it a speuth from‘the throne. He that his gqverniment would intro. use saveral new mmhm&m the tamon ~sthome andâ€"abroad, whily gnâ€" umerating the vagious termties which had ean mart weith forehts powers, he partion the ru" mion of this House the Trish Chuedly o mgent taise, bat: Inveier ho pios nt being, hal, hnowever for persow al Imu and the rights of pmï¬ony. Reoâ€" ‘ond, that no personal rights should be creaâ€" twl. and that the commission on the Lrish Church should limit its operationa to make« tera of immedinte necesiity pending the Aâ€" mal action ‘of Parliament upon the whele question, ‘Lhird, that a petition should be resented the Queen, praying that the Ehumh patronage of Iretand lntlmd at the diaposal of Parlinment _ When they bad been read. C la atuted to be 'Y«auh templition \ .l*uhbnm:d 'miliw.;.fvm \m-f:: ; &Mhm. hioniing the mnhu on Nw : Province, aa followat«â€"=â€"Onthrio, 2 larly .alldi@ed. the important ote Just con: :i;i‘ with the Unitad %’::‘hhh auki wase designed. to duline regiilute the nationality and soncequent national ubligations on the emigrunte of Gerimay and ‘a‘mrh\. ‘This treaty wonld destroy all needs of élssentoin betweenthe two coun nghnnt. 2# battaliona 600; New HBruns. wick, 1 battabhon 400.â€"=Total, 4, 600, â€" Raweaun ::n‘a.WI":. “'l\o Ilhfl:‘h at mahn in t e adver. Taat a mite of his wite The tollowing is no!’y‘d‘ tha advertisement; â€" Raffle of $ on eeorii uen las M eb I y 8 This mn’:fmvw and willing to stay with any one who Mr. Diaraelt said _ the government would be ready to muet the consideration of the resolutiona. In thes House by the end of the month it was ngreal that the debate on the aub« tries and knit more together the iwo. pations which um: alli¢d by The ecvnuluded his apeech by express: Ing, with marked mord\hhuldmed in the mnence of the pance which he wan ‘“ my, now pevailed mmong the batibus of of Eutope _‘ reglinent, 4 battalions, 300 muen each, 2,+ v00}; Quebeq, 1 reciment, 2 battalions, Fronch, 1,000; Quebeq, t nlg:m\!. 8 bittalidne,‘ English, 600} Nez Beotia, 1 mn's:“u Maarina 1-..37:-»:&.;: great meeting was oql\'rlday..h’t. In the Om Hail, which addrebsed by Mossra Crooks Mat. und othert}; reaotatishe were ethusinatiâ€" adopted ‘kvorkble to a Hbaral support of the loronto, Grey aud Bruce B&lny,_ and an influential committee was appoinâ€". ted to coâ€"operate with the directore. _Mr, Eustace B. Wilson, deputy in thp Treasuren died out on Haturday even ing by nnptm Vwâ€œï¬ at dinner in the Shadea Restauran‘, Toronâ€" Mr, Eustace B. W in siie of ty Him. L. B wood, Provicht brought back. Two boy» respectively ahout fqurtson yeare of age, stole a yacht at Portland, Mm&.m:nzr‘lrdz ;':way' the M::u.‘ cutter n:l t â€" whould : commence/(son the . 80th of AY. ifin‘t ‘un‘ March 28â€"â€"The second seasion A @ranpnte Army ron artada:.â€"‘ of the North therman con Guastave Dogé plays the violin, ~~~ Jenuy Lind Wintered at Canner, _: lnhnwpx themmatism hns got Jobn Morrisey in chancery,~ w Virginia is about to shut up the achools for the want of money to pay the teachera, y the end of Murch the Popo‘s army will coutain 258,000 men,. 60 } â€" _ dohnâ€"â€"Bmithâ€"harâ€"beanâ€"relioved of $200.. at a " place " in Sarnia. PheÂ¥d are #001000 more females in Masâ€" sachusetts than malos Longteliow ts to be Ip’ a‘poeni of mm lon'&‘..’fl War between Chili and Peru is no lonâ€" gor apprel C $ ; mwmtmmmu Rrs AFithting for hin postage for letters Ayrips ten :r d&%u“o:}wbwl the h::"::â€â€™: the. borhool. of w dh. &0 ï¬m have commei plo‘:g? 'i\. of Qso;,mw 1 for the mllgpt a On.n::rm; in the village, ‘The manngors of the impeachmet are. Bingham, Logan, &teâ€" veee Wihew, and Wiliemss 04 ‘The Obathamites are mnusing themâ€" selves ‘spearing piks ffong the edge of the wver, â€" ‘Large gmiwbers gre boing taken, , Bmailâ€"porx is prevailing in the Township of Artton, And eevernt fimilice nto prostrat: ed with the logithesome disease. . ‘to land to t tm‘nlhr a daughter of ‘th hite \V&r’lq'on lncKcnlisn‘ *‘ Mathew Araokt thinks the title of Hep: worth Dixon‘s ‘‘New America" ought to ’lm‘\n b“ou "'&‘0 ormons, by one of themâ€" Y:: a m"\:!h of antographs in New Beorge Washington‘s brought 85 and i\on Paine‘s 87. € ‘ The want of SotMdence motionin the New Brunswick Legislature was defeated 1 to ditrional candidates are brought forwmrd for the Presidency. L Mise Claytpm, an arcomplished young vc* onlist of Yorkville, in whoin the wholy viJk _ C, A, Abbott, of London, is gnzetted ns Deputy Judge of the County Court of Mid: thrpiw dipen{Canaddto hi\ inventors with out reatrictions us to colmy_. Mr, Walter Shaily is talked of as likely to get the vacant chair in the Privy Couns cil The roport ias revived that Dickens will read in Montreal and Toronto befors he reâ€" turna to EKnglarel. A female physicinn in New York returna an Income of 820,000 a year, She is an experienved aurgeon, â€" One immediate practical rean‘lt of the war between the nllwy- kings, is the reduction of fares upon the New York nnd Erie rond. â€" The € Bothwell is about To Innd to thefhy nif@pial nitnr a daughter of enlist of Yorkville, in whomn the whole \ mï¬hdxmwo‘&«udq. &A nunâ€"gnAnmpritan ladyâ€"lins osc from one of thmmanirmu in u::p;d- tire of a mard servant. asy but g On Friddy hat a fire broke out in a groâ€" sery atore at the village of Btrathroy, wnd extended onst and !west until ten buildings were entirely consumed, thinks be is the lawjul owner of a‘ small aueof 864,000,000. . _ About 1800 gentiemen in England who the tw last r, hate m notice ï¬?.fï¬.mn notmmuluuit amy longer, having to curtail expen In Buffalo there is a boil with a local editor attached and the surgeons "ofâ€"that town are ddilnming whether it is bost to remove the buil or the editor, the body lvupptd dead child in Abâ€" .m ‘ 1y v“‘N'm:r‘hnt startled w ve you Mln.’lo eat l W Five changes of the moon the présent menth. ’l“.flm quarter . of the next woon â€" wilt on ‘the Obkt.~;The aame as mt of moon will be experionced in Ocâ€" n'? logeeness with which English estatee are lying around waiting to be picked up is task t:'“ arg.ter betw';rn Lord W:I;mgh%; tress, The was ofered 8 'mwmu tm Granville, but hy Aatly refused to haveanyslithg t6 do with th’ malter "Historicus" rofers in the _ London Times to the New York Herald as the "»Rowdy Journal," which is unparliament. A yonng man recently ascended the tower of the Lomtow Crystal Palice, read the lppntflhh paortion of the Churcli serâ€" wice, and threow diimaself down, killing bimâ€" sulf instantly . _, That was a amart Demaocrat in a town }fl New Hampsbire who hweodithe Republiâ€" ean undertaker to g¢. and, look after his dead wife, and ‘!Rn iE slipped out of the baok door a@theSaat meoment, rode ten thiles and voted, carrying the town for his phity by one majority . Bandford Simmons, one of the young w' of the village of. Walkerton, b was overcomée ‘by a t of fjerlouey a eBuoton ols ) «z.a.“" fimine of thes uce hek aA bn.unu‘-t huOoo:clv". Oourt weapons does not include fireâ€"arms. Tho Aot im‘ itb said, only refers to i todprvin daggere,dirke, iron knuokles, skutharackers. slung shot, or other offensive wenrpons of a like .character." Te law should gertain‘y be so amended as to make peoal the carrying of any deacription of fire A German apeculator intends to arrango alx ptensure, trips go the United Statem Pive hundred persgns nre to tike pmt in tach, and pass a month in the United Htaâ€" te«, The whole expense will be but about double the ocenn steamer fare. "A Lady Friehd" writing to the Toronto | Telegraph, complains of the annoyance exâ€" rrk«eml by young.ladies in King etreet, wence of, the behavior of "a law« nc‘. clerk and n jniserable puppy einployed one of the hg-h»" Mr, Vernon Harcourt, better knowm as "Historicws," has aecepted the nnrhuu'* task of arbiter ‘between Lord (Willoughby , lt is aaid that the new Patent Bill will As the election approaches in Peru, alâ€" T‘wo young women who were watehing n, for nm ?mm erful. Dennison, of Kokoma, Ind h: :mlwv{“;p favor of the l}"y IItiscelfancous Jtems: the New York Neâ€" ut a | railway acet« drtamw attention to the st c:rryh‘ &fl;.ly w.d the ï¬.now It 1# apicy eâ€" 3 toâ€"flavar.. h« ‘znéun Winners: Phe »Pilgri erait Breootht What had they to endure in comparison }::;ho Prigrin Mothers! It is true they ) Ranger, and sicknes, gprd du"-a‘ j w':hmud( wi&infl ie io: uen â€"â€" gac k‘m . â€"#)} hcn'v?zï¬wi to(@Bnd in a thist to he at th® Mniver. airy celebratlo® of the Rilgring Enthers, made up my mind as the gnil or innocetige of the accuaed ; but whn?-y thq{:n er. and looked into his forbidding I made up my mind that if he didan‘t comunit the deed charged he was cnpable of Why, he has the worst frce [ ever saw on a man, _ As be sat thereé right behind Mr. Jones, I couldn‘t help tie that he was a villian.‘ el‘holbr«of theag: ramarks will be appreciated when weo aay that it was not Connor, the prisotger, biut . the editor of this paper whoâ€"nat ‘right beâ€" hind Mr. Jones, While the English Governrment haw wdt journed to the next Parliament its plans of The publication of Mr. Hepworth Dixâ€" on‘s Spiritual Wives has created .th!: more deep and general than appear om t surface. _ The universal opinion entertnined and expressed‘ by all indepen.Jént sdutody t that its appenrance is, to say the best of it, the greatest mad most anaceountable % take ever commnitted by an old, . exper ed, and aoute lizerary man. journed to the next Parliament its mt of church, land, and educational reform Wi Irelam!, the Secretary for ireland brought in a bill for reform zf Irish representation . Waterlod ‘fb;ï¬&\rlg â€"to _ NN Scherer, of North Dumfries. The bill reduces household aulirage in caries from £10 to £5, but leaves the country franchiso unnitered. (Pvg Whin (oia 8 haige rarigh or pagk Oorreoted Week!y for the Cunmorxior u) ~ WATERLOO MARK E 18 _At Waterina, on the 3:«1 Instant, We wife of Mr Chriatian Sc) er, of a sou. * ** POBLIC AUCTION ! E& andersi wi edine mt man e P y eading to B e On Monday, Agril 1MMth, 1808 * eounigomntragne e COME n:m.m)anaï¬ :ï¬ï¬ Trame:â€"All Sume of 8% and guder eash ; over that amount credit wi‘l be given till the first day of January, 1868, by aiving Reproved & __ ABRAHAM KOLB, J. K. Feio«, Auctioneer Propriesor. Waterloo Township, March 25, 1868. HE subscriber offers for sale his valaâ€" J‘ able farm, being Lot No. 5th 138. oncession, in the Township of Wellesley only 2 ‘milee West of Hawksville. The Farm contains 150 acres of excellent W heat land. There nre upon it a HOUSE, BARN, good water, &c. For further particulars .p&f to JOHN W. WILSON, U]® Sale to commence at 10 o‘ciock, A.M. By the Rev. F. W., Twork, af Bertin, on Wellesley, March 16, 1868. Troxats: 25cts. Roserved Seats 40cts, W. E. CORNELL Commercial Â¥utelligence FARM FOR SALE. 1 will be sold without reserve. l Mr WM‘_“‘H%"M kept with the Pastmasterâ€"General, and aDe "Witor may mhhlhu-hmtvfllc Post Office BavingeBank, at any of theSevings k Bost Offices whigh 24 the time may best: t ‘ble convenience, ther choice in drawing subject ofre lyb\bo:ltdn hn:oltl in proof ' paying or drawing out money. . 8. Untordst at the mate of 4/ par cent. aonum will be allowed h:- Iyfl’:: the ordinary deposi but when a Deâ€" positor has $100 depos! she may reâ€" â€"~qpest the P Taen this u-bnqv? receive a Cortificate bearâ€" lng interest at . rul-:lun: ;'m in eases to be \ 8.\ The â€" aâ€"ofâ€"the offcer nimed ies Maneemmnmmen WGuneral, and for tnv papment by the Postmaxâ€" ordinary boure of Post Office business, of any o aihrent nhitk ar W reomdes uk De 6: ‘Buch will be. gupplied with a Pass the sume paid in, or withdrawn will be entered therein by the Postmaster ré celving or paying the same. In eddition, a direct receipt for each wle in, will be sent to the W Postmaster General and the General will issue a cheque, payable at any sum withdrawa.. t I-ryDo::hr'o aceount will thus be kept with the tmasterâ€"General, and aDepoâ€" eceiareieg ces Mtiny cum ' ® h wnohr"lhâ€"hhm J rromipne t ames ‘LL. The Postmasterâ€"GezeÂ¥at will be always ready toâ€"receive and attend to all applieations eomplaints,or other communications addressod to him by. Depositors or othere, relative to Post Ti M io igfasranmterings hok joles on the tot next: , Johus, East . . . . . . . .. 2 omas, West........ ORPCRRR V c c us k e se e s s e sB PE OE gmï¬ï¬‚..............flmvilb' St. Catharines, West . . . . Linooin 8t, Hy-u'_tbo_fl._llydlfl: POST OFFIOE Sr Jobus, P. Q.