#alss lan‘l Rensi® lnnn:;: l"-'»mb | Going Rast ty lest > Wall Bx, 9118 a. . Mhet| Kix. 1030 a. | Day Rx. 2t:19 pan Dv Rx. &1 1 gamm =| Wight Kx, 210 a.m Muil Tr‘m 0:30 puam. €Eaterloo Chranicle AND FAKILY NEW3PAPER A Fossait Seamoy, commemorating the death of the Iats Mra Pips, mother of Dr Pipe, Burlt1 will bs proached by the Rev. Joseph Shepley, on Sabhith next at halfâ€"paat ten in the foremin, in the Wus>â€" leyan Methodist Church, Burtin. Garaxt anv Cnirax are nominat=| as the gandidatesa for I‘resilent am! VicePresident by the Republicans of Indianna. Thyse wishing to pay their subscriptiotts for this paper witht woo.], will confur a favor by duing so at onee, _ The mails nre good, and we nroe in new! of the armicle, so we hope it will be forthcoming without delay, Tur Hox donenr Seexou died mt llenâ€" ly in Toronts, on Tneslay last Ho had been ill Sor some time previous«ly bit had n very severe attack, aupposod to be the ripâ€" ture of amme internal hlood vessel wed dbed almoat immediately afterwarls, Woren‘s Hussaxoa â€"Our readers of the marculine peranaaion thoul| read an ar ticle on the Arst prage on "Woinen‘s Hus Bbunds " as some of them may Ond a mither graphic picture of themeselvea, _ ‘The wnâ€" ter is a beautiful young lady, in want of a frat ciass husband as muy be infered from what she aays _ Perhapa some of the lorda *ef Cleation may learn a valuable lesson from her very graphic sketchen _ The wrticle is taken from the Satunlay Evenig Post As it is interniled only for the men, our lady friem}s need not trouble themaelves to read it Laor‘s Fataxo, We have raceived from the Publishers, Mesars Deacon & Poterson, Philadelphia, the March number of this inâ€" tereating montbly, The engravings, Fash: ton Plates, pattorns &1 are al beautiful. The foltowing are some of the ermtents:â€" The first Theft and the inst, A Dead Man‘s Rule by Miss Prescatt, Courcy‘s Reply by Mrs, Bache, Judgo and Mrs Sturteran, by Â¥#mnces les Ltxwoobn â€"Our correspondent at thia pliace informa us that the visitation of Ty: phoid Fuver npporra to be now fully ove! as there have Leen no new cases far the prat six weelks, and thoae who have been afinted (excepting those who have idied, 2 in number) are now about wholly recov» Bong and chorue by Gen F. Rost; Be a Man, by H. T. Mersili; God Hath a Voice, by Elizn Cook. Ineraveextiar: Airs from Undine, arranged by Franz Rchlotter; Plowera of Beauty Sshottiselm for the Vinâ€" lin, by Fred., W. Znulig. All for sale by rmapectable Bouk anâ€"( Music Denlers, onz n â€"â€" 49000 â€"â€"~â€" â€"o mm Banoraar m â€" Btatmâ€"On Saturday morning Iast a urglar eatered the Blair Mills through the winlow of the offiee, and epened the desk, from which he took the Iurge smm of one hwaxtredt anâ€"l Ofty centa, in eopper coin, that being all the nvoney that was there at the time, The proprietor, Mr., Shirk, wishes to notily all those whe intend to make such a visit in futuré to sall upon him for the keys to the place as he thinks it ie scarcely wortk the t @uble to enter boryinmovely for the sake of the amail change that is uaunully laft there during the night. Naw Mustc rmom Roor & Caor‘s.â€"We beg io ancknowledge with thaoks tha reâ€" ceipt, from Mussra Root «& Cady, Chicago, of the following pisces of New Music:â€" Boxas, Little Barefoot, by Frank Hownrd ; Al Rights for all, by J. B Woebster ; Suraâ€" Neighed, by "Gâ€" Whokrmows /# Only Four, Prausonatmâ€"â€"We congmtulate onr friend Dr, A. Clarke Cnrson, of New York, on his appointmont ns Mulical Reforee for that eity, of the Atna Life Assuranmce Company of Hartford, Coun., ons of the best, if not e best Company of the kind in the Unites: Btates The dowor‘s many fmeads in Canâ€" ada will no doubt unite with us in our com gratuilahons on aecount of this another erktance of the graat ecsteem in which he is held by the people of the Empire city, A Stome. â€"A snow atirin commenced on Bunday night laat and continued with searcely any abatement, till Tues«lay morâ€" wing, when all the roads were ao thoroughâ€" ly biocked up that & was »hmost tmpossible for teamm to get along on the most public limes of trave?. The Gramd Trunk has been completely atont, No mai aince Monday morning has nrrived by the G, T. R Enat or Weat, up to the time of this writing, Weanesiay evening The soklest inhabitanc" says that this is the biggest anow storm we have had in these parts for many yeara The weather is now conmiderably milder, though there is appearanceof a anâ€"w storm Mven Nexoxn.â€"We have heard some of the cattle dealers who have occasion to ahip live atock over our Railwaya, complain that there ia a very great vanm falt of havy : ing watering ninces along the lines for their onttle Very frequently the enttle trnins are a long time on their journey, occaaionet! by delaya some kind or other and the poor animale ofton suffar immensely for want of water, to imy nothing of tho want of food. The American lines are aail to have special accommodations fr aupplying water to live stiok which is shiped over them. â€" Rron if wo overlonk the great loes suatained hy the owners from this cause, the law rgainat eruelty to animals ought to induce Railway inanagera to saupply thia want along thoir lines. Thursday Morning, Feb. 27. Laat commenced yester lay, es ho C ols 22 uen 0 â€". Aeas c K nnaggens ue ooo 2 n un W 00 Aintiee W unc esc cccne on c = nanhoorbafheis comnow, ~Audlisitiemnm ie t mt erRalDb TRUYK RAaLI&EWAÂ¥| NAW REQISTRY BILL. THE ORIBIS T WASHINGTON. WOORA WANTERD .: Mhe now Registry Bill introduged y the _ ‘The great crisiecires at Inst arrived. The Attorney Cneral has created gévehklereble OGrantâ€"Jolhnson Qontroversy was but the discussion w tho House Scpatul â€"days ) prelude to gruater events. Stanton baving | have been spont in Cotmmittee ofthe whole been reâ€"instuted in the War Office by Conâ€" in settling some of the points upon which greas contmiry to the wishes of Mm' thory were differences of opinion. _ The Act, who had previously dismissed hiin from the aa sabmitted, is quite volumingus, conâ€" Cubinet, the President would not allow l tining 83 sections and a number of sub. ljin to remain in that position without doâ€" sections, &u, _ Muny of theay sections are of ing his utmost to oust him. . Accordingly | an etplanatory chameter, artd of no special | on Friday last he appointed General Lorenâ€" | intarest zo Thowna in his place, thusa~ignoring the The prineipal discussion arose from the jnction of the Senate a faw woeks since. peculiar reading of the seventh section | This step, on the part of Johnson, caused which reads th=a; great exaitement in Washington. General "© The Governor shall, as occaston mny |Thomas was on Sutunlay, arrested on a require, from time to time, by commission, | warrnnt issued by a judge of the Supreme ;':::l‘t'l‘:‘: i’:::n ::Ith:r;&:ol:?\la\c&t "f" {Court upon a affdavit of Stanton, who and shall, l,n like manner, Bll up ny‘m':n: | raaintahts tliat he is Secmf-nry 0' \Vur. dn cy ocenrring by the death, M!Rnndm. ro. pite the order of the President to the conâ€" movul, or forfritare of nffice by any Regis. trary, ‘The Republicnn party, too, las :"“'lv' t:'l":r.;:xn "R;l:;t"::. Acnl!:f:;‘r; :c';d been aroused. The Reconstruction Comâ€" and shall hotd nffice during ;r:::‘n ;“l",, | mittee having declared in puv'nle session by Heretofore it has been held by the Courts | A viou of 7 to 8 that the ’I’mol«lenlt should that Registrars rétained their office during :»o mpeached and resolutions to that effect f ; have been introduced in the House of Reâ€" good behavior, and not durtng the plensure | . n r of the Crown, as is the case with Sheritt, | prusenintives, . ‘These . resolutions . were l0 O ul No TCl |earmed on Monday! 2 " The Covernor shall, as occaston many require, from time to time, by commission, under the great seal of the DProvince, arâ€" point a fit person to the office of Registrar, and shall, in like manner, #ll up any vasanâ€" ey occurring by the death m!mndm. reâ€" movul, or forfvitare of »ffice by any Regiaâ€" trar, and every Registrar, Aeretofore apâ€" pointed or herenfter to be appointed, held and shall hotd office during ;rmure only." Heretofore it has been held by the Cnurts | that Registrars retained their office Juring good behavior, and not durtng the plensure | of the Crown, as is the case with Sheritt, | blerh of the Penee, and other such ofticers . and the consequence was that they could | not be «lismiased, no matter what their mor: | al charrcters or ftness for the office may | have hnppeirral to bo, until they have Lbeen | indicterd for some eriminnl net. ‘Th@ new | bill, n« will be seen above mukes Regi«trara | responaible to the Government in the same | manner ns the other offsers reforred to. . This is a perfectly just and enrrect principle far if Registrars are guilty of overcharges, . ineffiiu ney or other acts which remlor tham objectionable to the public, the difficulty will not be so great to bave them removed | aa it was under the old act, _ ‘The Conser vntivea in the House most viclently opposed this part of the bill, rrd Anally the governâ€" mont alowed the words " Aefd and," to be | atruck out | The worls struck out were intended to legulize the dismissal of Mt. Hammond, Registrar of Bruce, who was removed from his offiee by Mr. Sandfiel! Macdonal! when at the head of the Canalian Govern: ment in 1882. This inan was dismissed on aceount of â€" awimdling the (overninent of a aum of money when he was appointed Returvring offfcer. _A Mr. McLoy was apâ€" ponted in his place but the former appealed in the Cuurts and succeeded in gamning n venlist in his favor ;not only have the court» promounced his disimisanl illegal but they hate eten given him a rentict for the n mount of fres d&o., realized by Mr, Mclay since his appointment â€" The word * Aeld " in the above cinuse wasintended to legulize his diamisaal, but on account of the atrony feeling agninet it, the ministry allowed it to be atruck out _ All that remaine for the (Government now to do is to pay all the loss suatained by Mr. McLay, and immediâ€" ntely dismiss Hammond from the office which he still pretends to hold, which they gan do undor the new Iaw. Nowmwzmuxo New.â€"Mr. 8. R Wells Eâ€"litor of the Phrenclogiea? Journal, has publhshed The Good Man‘s Legacy, An oxâ€" cellent Sermon, by Rov, Sumuel Orgoo1, D. D. With portrait and Sketoh of Dr. Richâ€" ard Rothe,of Reidelburg: _ Price. 23 cents, Conaumption ; its Cause, and Curs by the Swoeedish Movement With Mustration and Directions for Home Application, by David Wark, M . D, _ Price 30 cents. Education ofthe Heart. The Necussity of Moral Culture for Hmwan Happiness. By Hon. Bohuyler Colfix. Sout postâ€"paid for 10 boroontmemetzes hi ineatediilh, commmmmmentzaad Dewmow#get‘s Youro Amsrica.â€"Thir popular little periodical has beon greatly enlarged and improved with the neow yoa;. Twice ne muck reading matter is given na formerly, lt is a great favorite with the chaktren, always anpplying them with a fund of amusement and instruction, convey> ed in an attractive way, Paronts can not do better for their childran than subacribe for it, â€" Publication OMse, 473 Broadway, N. Y, 81.580 yeurly, with a preminm, sents _ A«ldresa the Publisher, 389 B:rond way, New York. Goowr‘s Lanv‘s Boox rorn Maron, 1868.â€"1 he einbellishmeuts in this number eomasiat of the following â€"â€""Bint Catching," a steel plate ; colored frahionâ€"plate, containâ€" ing six figures; a handsomwly printed plate in blue and rad, containing a fingy m«t,etc, a large extension sheot, containing thirty. nine engravings of |nchas dresses, childron‘s «dresaos, etc. ato _ "lTush M‘ a picture for the juveniles ; illuatrations of faney work, de do. QGot a copy. Our Youre Fouxs for March Iraa been recowved and containa: Holiday Romante, The Uolored Mammy and her White Fos. ter OhiMd, ImhoapkaBty, Molly Guir‘s New Dreaa, Rove», Round.â€"theâ€"World Jos, Wiiliâ€" ain Honry‘s Lettors to his Grandinother Mischief, Angel Children, The French Ex. position for ‘I‘wenty Jents, Cnat nway in the Cold, Mother‘s Kissam, Music, Round the Evening Lamp, Our Letter.Box. Eveary Sattrnary contains: Foul Play, The Science of a Snowâ€"Flake, Tableâ€"Talk, Police Mysteries, ‘The Astronomers before the (Great Pyramid, Lady Macbeth by Funâ€" ny Kemhie, More Dogs of Note, Churles Kean, Longevity, Foreign Notaa, A London Lyric y Roburt Buchanat, 1865â€"1866, by Alfred Tennayson . Eariy Towmatoss â€"‘To ltave tomatnea early plant a few souds nn{ time this month in the [nn in which the plants are growing in the kitchen window. I‘h‘iy will soon gerâ€" minate and grow very rapilly, and when the plunta are two inches high, set ons of aach in boxes three inchea aquare, or very amall flower pots, and give them the same attention the houseplants get: As soon na all danger from (roat is over, tramafer the tommmto plants which will now be budâ€" «Jlod, and E:rhnp covered with miniature trmt to the anuth side ol a high fance or suony aille of a building, into not over rich soil, and you will have ripe tommatoca on the ¢th of July, and yourm't mis of 1t, if past experience and w teyormble semson are worth anything. The Tribume‘s apecial says: General Grant has isswed an order to comuranders of posts that @il orlersa to the army must pars through hi hamds, and that orders omannli:g from any other source must not be obaved, Wasutnotox,Fel\, 24. â€"Excitement conâ€" times amd the impencnment question is the general themae, The capitol, long be fore the hour of meeting, was erawded, parâ€" teulurly on the House n%h of the building and th:usan‘s were unable to obtain admitâ€" tance to the galleries _ The door wa» ware nbstrnoted hy ladies, and the lobbies wure densely !ih:{ with persons of both sexes. ‘Lhere wus no abatement ofinterest through out the entire proondinr of the House, which continued eight hours and a half. The Senate adjourned n short time before the vote was ‘takon, ‘and the members of that body came into the ball in good sca:â€" son to hear the yeas and nays called, and the mault announced. â€" The reception at the Executive Munsion toâ€"nijght was more ‘“T‘lr{ amitemled than on any aimilar occasion during the renson.The Prosident did not ssem diaturbed by toâ€" ‘Inys action of the House} of Representaâ€" tivem but received many of his friends in his usual manner. _ Among the visitors were Attorneyâ€"General Bhn{‘rr , Secretaâ€" ries Sewand and MeCulloch, ln({ Pustinas. The following are some of the deapatcher received from the U. 3. Capital since the crisis commenced :â€" Washington, Fel, 24, 8. pm«=â€"The imâ€" peachment resolution pamsed in the House nt 5, pum The Prosicent received the news enlinly, and said he was prepared for this ncet of his enemics, ter (General Randall, Naw Younm, Feb, 24.â€"=This ovening an explosion cccurred in a notfyinq house in Rast 19 street, completely demolishing the building, One man killed, aud a boy sariâ€" oualy injured, _ _ We The resolution was adopted by the folâ€" lowing division: Ayos, 128; nays, 45, A atrict party vot@ . =_ S Ali kisds of rumors are flying ; some de cluring that the iminediate suspenaion of the Prusident will be attempted tonight or toâ€"morrow, and that a hundred thousand revolutioniats are in arm», and will be at the command of Congress toâ€"morrow mor ning. The city has been in a mosat feverish atute of excitement all day, and all sorts of absurd rumors have been ciroulated, auch as the Governor had prociaimed innrtial law in the city ; the Mayor bad placed the militia under arras; that t were to be enrolled "to. austain the Pv:::\; that the Loyal League Chz:olu raise then . to aupport Congress, Ata late hour ton might the exitement was unabated. Imimense crowds wï¬ongnbd around the builetins placed re the m;!p.pfl offices and displayed by onlcium lights. ‘The frct that the House prssed reaoluâ€" tions of impenchment crented no surprise, and was generally received. with chours. Enoh faction is loud in denunmetation of the other, The most intenae fmlin’danvnill. Ho tels are crowded with exeited crows. is unueual activity among the militia. Washinton on Monday last and made a speech which did him inflnite credit as a joker. _ He offered an amandment author: ising Mr, Saward to appoint an agent to enter into negotintions for ‘the purchnse of empirea kingdome, rebellions, wnre, volâ€" canoes, leebergr, snows and rainstorma, earthquakes and submerged or undiscovered lalunds, instructing him also to negotinte for the purch»se of Great Britian, and in the event of that Kingdom not being for sale, to negotinte for a war provijded it shall not coat more than $15,000,000.0f laat over ‘cllnyL::‘n. The nm::n: :n‘r:‘y purchase Mr n pro all be liqnicdated b Rusaian buvf um each the purchaser t{), take them as a run,â€"â€"Sitka Indians to be thrown in without charge; iceberga at 25 cents per ton}; rainstorme at 1 cent &:r barâ€" rel, volennoes at 850 each,. All Mr. Lo: ‘a fellowâ€"legialatora were convulaed with r:ghtor. and his friends waraly congratu« lated him on his brilRantsuceess. Although the amendment was voted out of order it will long, be remembered as one of the most sucgesaful efforts ever made by any meimber of that eccentric body, ~ Robinson of Brooklin, who has lately said some very E for tures to their petition, 'mould h.v‘r"o‘b.‘.n nodomknp:-_v the Munchester committes but for its late deciâ€" slon not to memorialise Parliament this Disturhances are constantly taking place wrourul the drinking saloons, and the police foree on duty has been increased. Musa meetings have been called for toâ€"mormw nfternoon by each political facuion. ‘The supporters of the Proaident meet at the City Hall Park, and the aupporters of Congreas irvet at their headquarters, Union A Cnarnos rom Mr. Stwarp.â€" Laughâ€" ter loving Logan holding both hhi&u of Brooklin, who has lately said some very funny | things about %mt m and Fonâ€" laniain, must look to his laurels, Tus Surraio® ror Wormex,â€"The advoâ€" cates for extending the Parliamentary suf. frage to women are busily promoting petiâ€" tions in furtherance of their views, to be presented during the ï¬nbmln? session of Purliament, and are energetically adopt. ing other means to advance their purpose. In London, an letivmlvm is being car rled on ; petitions will be sent from Bristol and Bath ; a society for woman‘s suffiage petition also will be sent np. _ The commnit. tee of the "London National Society for Women‘s Suffinge," of which Mra. {’ A. Taylor is hon. secretary, have . resolved to ganvas those large towna in the nortb of ter loving Logan loldinï¬â€˜ both his sides mase in the EHouse of Representatives at The city is Alled with atrangers, and there wWATERLOO CHROMNMICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Covkt l.locu, Berlin, 25th Fel« ‘68. | Loxpox, Fob. 22.â€"Wm Forsyth, imnemâ€" The Council mot this day putsuant to ud. ; ber for Bradford , bas %'iven notice thit on journment. The Warden in the clmir | t}l;t 88&:“@,0 will call the attention of the Members present â€"Messis, Randal!, Ty ouse of Commone to the state of the Nnâ€" s yA y8, + t â€"ox~ hfln *4 Dr Y.“df“' Wlde_mnn, VlfminKr ‘l ;;'t;‘:tngn * .nd:h'. figire of. seles Members present â€"Messis, Randal!, Tyo, Zeeger, Dr. Vardon, Wideiman, Fleming, MacGregor, Bowlby, and Broithaupt The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted . The Warden then read the follmving communications:â€"From Fred, P, Stow, Esq., Toromto, asking to be appointed Broker for the sale of Debentures contem: plated, &e. J, P. Pierce, Eeq., Socretary Yolunteer Monument Fund, asking grant to aid in the erection of snid Testimonial, J. B. McGann, Esq., Supt. Deaf and Dumb Assylum with copies of his Annual report and " Vitil Statistics, &o. The following Tenders received in ansâ€" wer to the Clerk‘s advertising for the erecâ€" tion of House of Refuge, were then openâ€" Moved by Mr, Floming and seconded by Mr. Randall, that this Council do now ad. journ until toâ€"morrow ut 10 o‘co¢k a. m. Feb: 26th; 1868. Council met pursiant to adjournment. ‘The Warden in the chair. Members presâ€" ent: Messrs Erb, (Waterloo) Rendull, ‘ys, Wideman, Floming, MacGregor, Bowlby, Braithaupt and A. A. Erb, [Prontouj The minuter of procecding day rewd, The following Report of the Cominittee on Finance was then ['\mmnt«l by the chairman, and adopted :â€" Berlin â€" 0,381 8. Peter Brauch, Pete*s , 9,845 9. Danie! Allan, Galt 11,409 10. Heury Kiminel, Berlin 0,@75 The Council then went into Committee of the whole to consider the tenders for the arection of the Poor House and House of Refuge, mnd to fill up the blanks in the specifications therefore. ‘The Commuttea reported that the tender of Louis Kribbs at #8 008, being the lowest, should be neceptâ€" ed . The report was adopted. * / Moved hy Mr. Bowlby and secanded by Mr. Tye, that Byâ€"Law No.â€"â€" "To nuthor. ire and provile for the erection of House of Refuge and Induatry on the Industrial Farm of the Corporation of the County of Waterloo and repair of the same be now read a first and second time,. On motion of Mr Fleming, seconded by Mr MucGregor, the Byâ€"Luw *‘To auâ€" thorige the issuing of Debentures to raise $20,000" waa rend a first und second time, Moved by Mr., MacGregor and seconded by Mr, Dreithaupt,that By:Law No.â€" To authorize the issue of Debentures to rnise the sum of #20,000 for the payment of the Indvatria! Farm &o., be referred to the Fingnee Committee to make the calculation necessary to All ap the blank Moved by Mr. MacGregor and seconded by Mr, Wideman, that the Committee on VUounty property be instructed to obtrin the services of a competent person to â€"superâ€" intend the building of the House of Refuge and Industry, Your atanding Committee on Finance and assessment beg lenve to report â€" recoimâ€" mending that the following accounts be id : 1. Juffray Brow Printing Assessment E.Innkn #104.00; 2. Globe lgrinting Co., advertising for Tenders for House of Refâ€" uga 817. 10. _ C â€" Moved by Mr Wideman, seconded by Mr MacGregor, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, the 16th day of June at 2 o‘clock, p. m. Council adjourned. _Your Committee wouki alsorecommend that Dobentures be issued for $20.000 pay. able in twonty yenrs and that n apecial tate of one fiftieth of n cent in the # be loviâ€" id annually for the payment of the Entureat ind to create a linkin% fund for the pry. ment of the principal thereof. _ , Your Committee have examined the Auditors‘ statements and raports under sec, 171 ofthe Municipal Act beg to re. mt that the accounts of the Treasurer have n finally audited, and reccommend that they be now allowed, All which is reapectâ€" fully submitted, Moved by Mr MacGregor, seconded by Mr Eib, (Preston), that the Committee on County property, be and are hereby authorâ€" ised to purchase what stock, seed and imâ€" pleiments, may be required to stock and cultivate the Industrial Furm or lease the same for one year, and also to engage such person or persons as may be deemed by said Committee to be benificial and neces sary, and to select the site for the House of Industry and Refuge. It is stated that two Strathroy ladies enâ€" gan in a friendly wrestle the other day, which resulted in the smaller of the two getting her leg broken by a fall The Comunittee on County property then made the following report which was also adopted, / Rerort. â€"Your standing Committee on County Property, beg leave to recommend that authority be given to your Comin.ttee to tun:lmn new locks for (or repair the looka now on) the vaults connected with the offices of the Treasirer, Clerk of the Ponce, Clerk of Coun:{ Court, and Regis trar of Surrogata Court, trar ol Surrogata Court, Your Coromittee further beg lenve to recommed, that green window blinds be provided for the officem of the Tremsurer and Clerk of the Ponce, similar to the winâ€" dow blinds of the Sheriffs office, so that the windows on the frout of the Court House be uniform. Moved by Mr Randall, weconded by Mr Erb, (Prutou). that Israel D. Bowman be andia hereby wppointed Inapector to keep an account of the charges of erecting, keepâ€" ing, upbolding and maintiining the House of Industry and Refuge; that his amlary be $100 per annum, and that the Clerk be instructed to have a Byâ€"Law prepared for the same. Byâ€"Laws to remunerate County Officers, and Reeves and Deputy Reeves, wore then passed through their diffarent stages, The Byâ€"Law for the issuing of Dabenâ€" tures, was ~then passed through all its 'Eurnln!ll‘_d‘: Thompson, Paris $13,575 Samuel Whitney, Berlin t & G. Robaon, Galt MceDougall & Broomfc¢ld, Gult Jacob Y. Shants, Berlin â€" Leis Kribly, Heapeler Jouin Kimmel & Joun B. Hett, CcOUNTY COUNCIL. 11,000 10,200 9,604 9,430 8,008 _ The Independence Belge of Suturday hus an article on the prooroct of peace of Euâ€" rope, _ It expresses the goneral feeling of apprehension which prevails in saying that the vast military Trepurnlionn which are now going on in all purts of France are of a character and on n scale which lead to the conviction that they are designed to meet other purposes than those of national defence. â€" Fuorgxo®, Feb, 23,â€"Admiral Fnrfnfut. met with an enthusiastic reception last week at Venice,. Loxpox, Jan. 23â€"p. mâ€"A tremendous gale prevails on the western coast of Engâ€" land and Wales. The great breakâ€"water at Holyhead, a massive stone piet 900 feet in length, has been carried away by the waves, and tho lights huve all disappeared. No disasters are reported ns yet. Paxts, Feb. 23â€"Tha fete given by the U, 8. Minister, Gen, Dix, last night, in celebration of Washington‘s birthday, was n very brilliant affair, JA great crowd of Americans nnd foreigh guests attended. Many Fiench and other Europenn notables were also present . Beruts, Feb. 22â€"‘The diplomatic negoâ€" tiations of the U. 8. Minister at the Prusâ€" sian Court, on the subject of the neutralizâ€" ntion of Gormans in Awmerica, and the rights of sijh naturnlized c‘tizens on their return to thd Fatherland, have been crownâ€" ad with sueceas, The Nortk German Bund, as reconatructed, ngreaes to fully recognize and mccord all rights, exemption from miltâ€" tary duty, &e., of native born Americuns to Gerimans naturalized mccording to Ameâ€" rican laws as citizera of the United States, after they have spent five years in the terâ€" ri’ry of the republic. ‘The troaty to this effect hns been nceepted by the muthorities of Pruasia and the North German Bund, and was duly attested and aigned by Mr Bancroft in the enpacity of U . 3. Minister to day,. Loxpox, Fol, 25, â€"aeveningâ€"Earl Derby has resigned premiership aud the resigna= tion is accepted by the Queen,. Mr Disraeli will repluce the Eurl Derby ns prime minisâ€" t r. retaining his present post as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr, Trais‘s Fingt Leoturs in Conx.â€" Mr ‘Train lectured to an enormous audience in Cork on the 27th of Janunry . He comâ€" meneed by stating that he haJv sent invitaâ€" tions to the detective {mlico to attend, _ He went on to praise Ireland, referring, of course, with dinnp‘:no.'nl, to Mr Roebuck‘s recent speech at Sheffield; and, as a proof of Irish g catnes ,‘ e recited n list of distinâ€" guished lrishmen, _ After this, he called for groans for <Mr Roscbuck‘s sinnders, and the appeni was very hoartily responded to, Mr Train then spoke of himself. He said that ha was born in Boaton, which he chaâ€" racterized as one of the meanest places in America. _ He was sorry for that piece of illâ€"fortune, and begged to apologize for it. His nnceators, however, were very distin= guished people, amd one of them had been second cook in the *Mnyflower.‘ All the Americana who hind come hore, he said,â€" Mr Everett, Mr Bancroft, and Mr Adams, â€"were ‘bottled up‘ on getting to London by Lord Russell and Mr Gladstone, Asâ€" auming that he should get the $100,000 he claims ns damages from the British Govâ€" ernment, he said he wou!d give it nll for n asingle hour to speak for Ireland in the British Purliament _ He concluded amid iminensa cheering, and was afterward borne in triumph on the shoulders of some of his admirera. _ On the following evening, Mr Train lectured on * Female Suffrage.‘ In New Zenlind the practice of ‘ post ing‘ drunkards appenra to be becoming eomâ€" mon. _ The New Zealand Examiner thus noticea a case under that very curious sysâ€" tain nt Nelson.â€"‘Tho first case of posting n drunkard, under the new Licensing Act, took place yesterday, when the folliowing notico from the resident magistrite wus servad on all the publicans respecting a wellâ€"known individual of the name of John Smith :â€"*Noticeâ€"the undermentionâ€" ed person having been conviected of drunkâ€" enness three times within the apace of six calendar month@ you are hereby enutioned not to wplt);?e him with spirituous liquora, wine, ale, beer, or porter, for a period of one year from this date.‘ Then follows the name and description of the offender‘ A practice for which so much conld be said in the name of public safety and private humanity is worthy of consideration, as possibly entitled to a fur trinl hero. Runar Pastisce.â€"EHinadale (N, H ) late ly beat the stute on a nldfh-nde. Weat. rooreland proposed to sind to that town a party surpassing in numbers, weight, and pretty ladies all that the lattor could proâ€" duce in return; and 50 eonplu turned out to enforce the challenge. Hinsdale responâ€" ded on Friday with 184 coupler, drawn b 115 hoe»ms in 69 single »rJeighs, 17 doubf; and 8 four in hands, making a process‘on a mile long, headed by their brass band. They were met at the town line and escorâ€" ted into Westmoreland by a cavalade. Hinadnle‘s henviest man weighed90 pounds more than the heavy weight of the op site party, and that town was also nwur(r:d the palin for ï¬:reuy ladies. _ Wherefore ‘Hinu‘ralo is jubilant. A lady from Georgia was recently in Inâ€" diana lookin% for her daughter. ‘t‘he poor woinan is the widow of n gentléman who gave nearly a‘l his property,%$85,000, to the Confederacy and then enlisted in the Conâ€" federate army os A private, was killed at the first battle of Bull Eun. Her four sons were alao killed while fighting for Southern Independence; ons of her daughters had died of grief, and the one of whom she was in search had been sent Noith by General Sherman, on suspicion of being a spy. The saime officer‘s brutal soldiers burned the house where this unfortunate lady lived, which was all that was left to her out of her husband‘s large property. A society in London for promoting woâ€" men‘s suffrage has niread ’Eecured "71,000 signatures to & petition Sor this measure. 1t will he presented during the present sesâ€" sion of Parliament, The Rocky Mountain Herald adverâ€" ::::u.:u?r; g:‘r'l"lh women. It says that a ma (ongalh Colondo,’ obtain husbands and A Cuericat Strms.â€"The Osbhawa Vindicator says:â€"In a neighbouring town, a few Sunday mornings ago, the congrega tion were gathered for worship. The Minâ€" iater came in, took his place amongst the members and showed no signs of intending the officiate. Aftersome delay, some of the members asked hiin to begin the serâ€" vices, but be refused, saying that if they would not pay him his salary, which they were well able to do, he could not afford to preach. This brought them to terms, nmrlho noxt day Arrangements were made to pay up and provide for the future. We recommend the polisy to others aimilarly circumstanced, CABLE NEWS. We have observed, from time to time, | complimentary references, by envinent staâ€" ’ tesmen and educators of Europe, to the | Common School system of Canada _ Tire | following is from the Appendix to the First | Report of Her Majesty‘s Commissioners,apâ€" pointed to inquire into the stite of Schools | in Scotland. It occurs in the answere to; ‘Heads of Examinations,© given by David Milne Home, Esq., who has long been a‘ L member of the Education Committee of | Seotland , and an intelligent investigutor of ; | various comtron school â€" systeins. Mr. ‘ Koine sperks of Dr. Ryerson, in relation to | lthq Uanadian Schocl system, as follows:â€" + The last suggestion which I venture to offer for the consideration of the RoyalCom missioners, is to bring over to this country to be examined by themm, Dr. Ryerson, the distinguised man who laid . the foundations and reared the atructure of all the existing educational institutions in Canada. ‘With Dr. Ryerson I have no personal nequaintance. â€" But having seen what he has accomplished, I have formed the highâ€" est npinion of him as an authority in eduâ€" cational matters, as a liberalminded Chris« tian, and n very sagacious© politician. My own epimon, I find, is shared by the wellâ€" known traveller and author, Kohl of Gerâ€" many, who is also a good judge of schools. Kohi visited Canada in 1869, and in his published travels says of Dr, Ryerson: ‘This gentleman deserves to be known in other regions of the world. ‘This enlightenâ€"| ed and cultivated man is the founder of | these institutions, and the soul of all popuâ€" lar education in Canada. He was appointâ€" | to this post when be was forty years of age, but he considered it necessary, beâ€"| fore entering on it, to muke n journey through the most civilized conntries to| study their school and educitional systems | and form from them the one which might| appear the most usefu} nnd effectual for Caâ€" | unda. _ After his return he published a mausterly report, in which he passed in reâ€" view all the various systems and arrangeâ€" ments existing in Germany, France, Sweâ€" den, Switzerland, and Eugliand, and then explained the one he had planned for Cana | da. _ I hud not the good fortune to finad Dr. ‘ Ryerson himself on the spot. But his works all around me, and everything I saw and | read, sufficiently proclauimed his praises,‘ _ | Some controversy appears likely to arise on the question whether green is the naâ€" tional color of Ireland. _ It hns got into the English courts and will soon be before the Queen‘s RBench. We presume thot the Fenians do not so much care to wenr the green as to be nrrayed in the colour which the courts shall interdict. A Cincinuati paper reports a discovery that dusting a patieut frequently with lyeoâ€" podium will not only allay the irritation in sinull pox, but will prevent puiting A New Tora â€"A new style of skate has been patented, with which a person can walk as readily on a frozen or other surface, as with ordinary boots or shoes. â€"This will be gnooi news to those with cold fset or weak ankles. A recent number of the Scientific American contains a picture and w description of this kind of skate. Ryerson, expluins more puiticularly wlmt; A Kansas paper necuses Susan B. Anâ€" he had to do, and ow ho proceeded in | thony of a seutimental fondness for George the reformation of the Canadian schools _ | Francis Train. * Wor thirty years previously to 1841, _ ‘The Governor of the Passnimquarddy annunl Purliaimentary grants were made in | tribe of Indians had his salary fixed at 850 wid of common schools, but expended withâ€" | per apnum. :)luttnystela.\ ‘;indl. m’l \'e'iyl?llllu 'e“c‘\’t' 5| _ The people of Goderich want the Le,is. int year Ne fif‘st senool liw . wns PASSOU» | [ature to establish an Opthalmic Hospital in 1845, Dr. Ryerson made an extensive | n that town personal inqury into the common school | o t 4 i systems of Atmerica and Europe, the result | _ O( two bundred and sixtyâ€"eight Fenians of which he published in a report.and after. | AYrestedl by the British Government niue. wards in two laws of 1846 und 1847, sul| ty five are Americans. sequently enlurged and improved, and by l A Western paper calls a rival editor @an the present luw of 1850‘ [ animated spareâ€"rib with some of the bristles A correspondent of the Bungor Why anys that in Orland is a family consisting of four persons; viz, a miss in her teens, her mother, her nother‘s mother, and her moâ€" ther‘s mother‘s mother. Thus there are three mothers and their three 1aughters, or three caughters and their three motheis,â€" and only four persons in all. ‘Dr. Ryerson in his report states.‘ that the system adopted by him is derived from what appeared to him most excelient in all those which he exammined.‘ ‘(1.) He derived the machinery of his system from that in force in the Stato of New York, which was, however, (he lhnugm) defective in the too great intrica: cy of some of its details, in the absence of an efficient provision for visitation and inâ€" apection of schools, for religious instruction and uniform textâ€"books, ‘[5.] He considered the sys:tem of traiâ€" ning teachers,and the principles and modes of teaching prevalent in Germany superior to all others. _ Anothar feature, or rather cardinal principle. adopted by Dr. Xyerson is, that of not only making Christianity the basis of the system and the pervading oloeâ€" ment of all the parts, but of recognising and combinimg in their oflicial character, all the clergy of the land, with their people, in its practical operation, maintainig at the same time parental supreimnacy in the religious inâ€" struction of their children, nod upon this principle providing for it.‘ â€" ‘Mr. Tremenbheere, also an excelleat an. thority , who visited Canada, and saw Di Ryerson, expluins more puiticularly what he had to do, and ow ho proceeded in the reformation of the Canadian schools. + (2.) He considered the principle of supporting seaools in the State of Massa:â€" chusetts the best,but requiring modification in order to substitute the freeaction of each locality for the compulsory requirements of the State. â€" *L bave referred to these testimonies hy German and English authors, who nre well nequirnted with echools, regarding D‘r. Ryâ€" erson aml his doirgs in Canada, in vincicaâ€" tion of the high opinion I tiyself have forâ€" med of his singular ability, and of the sugâ€" gestion I have presumed to offer to theRoyâ€" al Commissioners, to invits him to this country to assist him in ¢mappling with llifï¬cn{tieu very similar to those which he had to face, It anything farther were needâ€" od to show how much Dr. Ryerson‘a sysâ€" tem has commanded general admiration ,it would be the reference whichl see frequentâ€" ly made to parts of it in the recent annual reports of school superintendents in the American States, and the dasire evidently felt there to import many features of is in their own oducational arrangements,‘ Carr ro Rev. E, Graitasrâ€"The St. Mary‘s Argus of the 13th inst., says that ut a imeeting of the congregation of the Widderst Canada Presbyterian Church, St Mary‘s, held yerterday, for the purpose of moderating in a call to & minister, we are gratified to learn that the congregation unanimously agreed to proceéil at once to call a ininister, and that their choice fell upon the Rev. E. Grahain, of Winterbourne. Cmaxnors in Harrox â€"‘The Chompion says:â€"His Honor Judge Millar has reâ€"arâ€" ranged the Bailiffship of the Courts by disâ€" charging all the former holders fromn their offices, nnd appointing Mr Fiazer‘of Berâ€" lin to the Divisions of Oukwville, Milton, Georgetown and Acton, and Mr Harris the Dentist, to the Courts of Nelson and Nas sagawega. A clean sweep truly. ‘[3.] Me preferred the books ot the Naâ€" tional Board of Education in freland. Canadian Common School Systera. «+0 @lt t +s Bisurarck‘s illness is scrious. Jefl Davis is worth $60,000, Jerusilem has only 22,000 inhabitants. Bright, Carlyle and Bismarck all smoke. Childâ€"murder was never so common as now in Paris. Seward is said to be dickering now for Hondiras and the Cayenne Islands. Why is it that no man ever keeps a boarding house. Parepn is said to be troubled about her avoirdupois. Galveston is troubled with the suicide mania. An excessive mortality prevails among the Indians of Alaska. Only one paper in every hundred reachâ€" es a paying point. Juarez is allowed $100,000 a month for eating and fighting. The chances of being killed on a British railway are one in 8,000,000. Sophia, the mother of Maximilian,sat by his coffin all night. There are five Saturdays this month, which will not occur again untii 1896. Brigham Young has married off his fourth daughter to Elder Clawson, who alâ€" ready husbands the oldest of the blooming bevy and who probibly aspires to the marâ€" ital appropriation of the whole family. E1. der Clawson is the manager of Brighain‘s theatre, & Mrs. Lincoln boards at the Clifton House in Chicago, and dresses very plainly. Cleveland has had a highway robbery comimtted by two female Turpins. Dickens‘ eldest boy lives with and takes care of his mother, One of the proposed amendments to the Municipal Act is a clause compelling licensâ€" ed victuallers to keep a handâ€"barrow upon their promises, for the conveyance home of customers who may be overcome by imâ€" moderate indulgence. A taslhfel couple were married at a hotel in Sigourney, Iowa, and at night with the strictest regard to propriety, occupied sepaâ€" rate rooms. Most of the operatie performances in Italy are of the worst possible description. Work is very scarce in the iron mines of Pennavlvania . A paper out West refuses to believe that General Grant is a candidate for the Presiâ€" dency because pobody has begun abusing his wife. The Palace of Prince Sateums, at Yeddo, Japan, was destroyed by fire on _ the 20th ult, _ Four hundred persons were burned to death in the building. Mr. Wm. B. Astor, the wealthiest man in real estate in New York, says that the times ure so hard he can‘t thin{ of reducing his rents, Mrs. Stowe‘s new book has a portrait of Fred. Douglass. A voyuge round the world can be made for about $4,000 in gold. Dickens‘ manuscript is interlined, erased and reâ€"written halla dozen times Brigham Young cautions his people & gainst doctors. Motley Ims already received #100,000 from the Harpers for the sale e his historiâ€" cal works. A widow millionaire in Boston has been spending ©$20,000 on a purty in honor of her son‘s becoming of age, If a man in hi« proportion to his weight could jump as far ns a flea he could cross the Atlantic in 22 bounds, Hon. W. B. Kinnear, member o the New Brunswick Upper House, and Judge of Probatem died suddenly at St. §ohn's, N. B., on Thursday. Garibaldi is seriously ill at Caprers. The climate does not agree with him. _A more serious compluint is probable, the sickness of hope deferred. ‘The British quarterlies are now doing worse pecuniarily than they have been for years; the lighter serials injuring them seriâ€" ously. Kincardine raises a bonus of $250 for the extension of the Montreal teleg raph to their town. The daughter of a wealthy merchant in Edinburg recently received presents at her wedding worth $100,000. A New York tolegraph operator is in prison for violating the secresy of atelegram which passed through his kands. Charlotte T hompson, the actress, is sucâ€" cessfully running a fifteen hundred acre plantation near Moutgomery. The Grand Jury has found true bills aâ€" ainst the Philagelphia news dealers recentâ€" Fy arrested for selliing indecent illustrated New York papers The famous "Blao‘k Douglass" of history is now supposed to be Fred. Indiana is experiencing religon. 1t is a new sensation. The late Sir Frederick Bruce‘s property in England is put down ut $350,000, In the (Greek Church none but widowers ae cligible to the office of bishop, The pumpkin pies sold in Paris are warranted to give satisfaction and dyspepâ€" sin. 1t is said that the native tribes who reâ€" volted agninst the King of Abyssinia are again submitting to his authority. A Mrs. Smith has been burned to death in Lafivette, Ind. in consequence of the bad practice of reading in bed. A French journalist has discovered â€"that the sixth time a man sees an advertisement he buys the article advertised. What is the difference between the entrance to n stable and an overtalkative perlon? One is a barn door and the other is a darn bore. The name of Gen. McClellan has been sent to the Senate by the President, for confirmation as United States Minister to Epngland. f A lad in a French prison has made a watch ont of straw, which keeps porfect time. An offerfor his pardon is to be made. A Western paper calls a rival editor @an animated spareâ€"rib with some of the bristles attached." Great Britain paid between eight and ten million dollars for the eggs she imported last year. Five hundred dolinrs reoward is offered for the capture of a ghost in Seotsville, Va. A chance for spiritual speculation. MWiscelCaneous Jteins. Moxarnoms ox tirg Move. â€"The Atlaentio cable flashes us tho datelig=n~~ that fthe Emperor of France is gomng on a viait te Turkey . _ It is also reported that the Cz«t of Russia intemts to move in the sam« direction, _ with _A â€" military _ escort _ of two hundred thousand mem _ Victoria i« going to Prussin to see her c}dest Jdaughâ€" ter. _ Victor Emanuel is going to Paria to see Ais oldest daughter, ‘I‘ne Einperor of Austria is going to Rome ; and the Sulâ€" tan of Turkey is going toâ€"destruction. Police Magistrate MeNubb, of T oronto, is the most pointed speaker of the day on the temperance question. _ He believes that the expoundears of the gospel do not perform their duties in this respect _" Although he is himself a Presbycerian, he would venâ€" ture to say that of all the ciergymen who set their countenances, and used their inâ€" fluence against temperance, nine uind nineâ€" tenths out of ten are Methodists, ‘The pisin fact of it is that, as a class, they are cither ignorant of their duty, or are a canung, whining set of hy pocritesâ€"" .On Monday night. the 24th inst., Ahco Pipe, relict of the late John Pipe, eged 77 years. . 4 On the 16th inst, Moses B. Snyder of Waterloo Township, aged 41 yrs. 11 mihs. and 4 days. A silvers mining region was discovered the past year on Thunder Bay, north shore of Lake Superior, _ An American company was first in the field, amd havo enjoyed an almost excqusive monopoly since, The At Hawkaville on the 17th ipst, Lind ay Herbert, infant son of W. R. Boomer Enq., aged 11 months and 23 days. cre gonsists of native silver and the black sulpflet, argentiferous galend @and sed silâ€" ver. The yield of the working ones has been at the rate of $700 per ton, and with this encouragement several other companies have comimenced operations within a few months. _A Canadian journalist believes this to be one of the richest silser regions in the world, either on the new or old counâ€" tinsut At Winterbourne, Woolwicb, on the 9th inst., Jane Wright, relict of the late Arthur Wright, aged 80 years. On the 19thinst., by the Rev. R. Ache son, Thoinas Armstrong, to Miss Elizabeth Loggan, both of Berlin. DIED. Ap Toronto, on Sunday the 16th inst., from disease of the lungs, Henry James Keable. aged 22 years. Rusxox.â€"The Hamilton Times says, it is rumored that our city M. P., Mr Magill, bas been offered ths seat in the Dominion Cabinet, left vaeent by the deith of Mr Blair; and further, that Mr Magill is now engared in consuiting his friends, with probabilities in favor of his accepting the office. University of Zurich, Switzerland, _ it ; is reported that recently a Russian lady reâ€" ceived the degree and diploma of Mediâ€" cal Doctor. An exchange sys a freedwoman in New Orleans bought a skyâ€"rocket, under the impression it was an ornament for the hair, in which position she wore it until a sagacious urchin touched it off. A young lady was told by a married lady that she had better precipitate hersclf off the Niagara Fills into thetbasin eneath than marry. Tn‘\\young lady replied + I would if I thought L tould find a hwsband at the bottom. ) A Buffiulo boardingâ€"l:iouse keeper who died the other day l'th: bandsome suin to one of her boarders betause ha never comâ€" plained of his meals. What heroie retiâ€" cence he must have practiced ! At Berlin, on Friday the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. A. Macpherson, of a son. In Salem, on the 1st inst., the wife of David Markham of a daughter. +Celadon,‘ according to the fushion jourâ€" nals, is the orthodox colour for Indies spring dreases, with a profusion of coral jewellery for the contrast Celadon is a dull seaâ€" greenâ€"a imixture of peaâ€"green and orange â€"something liks the tint of a brown lattâ€" en‘s eye in a coal cellar. Tt is a pretty colâ€" lour for those who like it. A party of curlers started from Guclj i ‘or Toronto, on Monday, by the Grand ‘Piuik Rauilway. No tidings baverince been reâ€" ceived of the venturesome purty. Thoy call a skating rink a « glacia mum" in Montreal. At New Germany, Township of Waterâ€" loo, on the Oth inst, the wife of James Hassan Esq., of a daughter. On the 17th inst, the wife of Mr.John R. Craig, of Wilmot, of a son. MARRIED. At St Agatha, on the 17th inst., by the Rev, Eugene Funcken, K R, Mr. John Motz, of the Berlin Journal, to Miss Helene Vogt, youngest daughter of Mr.Peter Vogt, Berlin. A Southern contemporary has received the â€"mmelaucholy‘ intelligerce from Pen. sacola that "money is a dream of the past, siniles never illumine the faces of men, aed the general glooin is oppressive." Women, it seenis, are having their clnims _ to imétrit recognized, At the ‘The town of Stratford, during the last year, bas improved very much, and a large nuinber of new buildings have been erectâ€" ec imany of these handsome and subsianâ€" tial. At Hawksville on the 28rd by the Rev. Mr. Reid, Thomas 0. Andrews Esq , manâ€" ager to the firm ofMurray & Bockus«, Cloth manufactvrers, Waterloo, to Miss Elizabeth Lackner of Hawksville. Maxim{llian, though accomplished, polite, handsome and vain, is smd to have hid much less aimbition than his wife, Carlotta, who was a stately beauty, and deep}y infatâ€" uated with the love of empire. The Guelph Board of Trwle is moving to get rid, of the surplus silzer in town. . A few miore absconding produce merchants might help to relieve the super alundant currency. A midnight elopement in New York was recently frustrated by a cat,. who frighâ€" tened the young lady into a fainting fit s# she was going down stairs to meet the exâ€" pocted lover at the door. There are a variety of delicate terms exâ€" pressive of a state of intoxication, A American reporter speaking of the arrest of a woman who was raising a row in the street, suys that (she was deeply agitated with benzine.‘ The English _ sparrows which have raken so kindly to the squares and parks of New York, are now numerous in Newark und other neighbouring cities, and by their hardiness and cheerfulness under adverse cirâ€" cumstances, put to shame their cousins of American birtb. 4 Some of the members of the new Bucheâ€" lors Club in Lexington avenue, New York, who becaine members beu:umss they could not *afford to marry,‘ are said to have inâ€" comes of $20,000 or $80,000 a year. BORN.