Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Feb 1868, p. 3

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Pumps At Pipes 3 Simpson & Aldous 2 I “"an MIN-n Nyttotetted Genera Agun foe Wnblloo f,',ga Nuke Bal. " . Im. do“ an!" lacuna, “a uh- rou planar. In noon-u bi' the. " ull m “halving lublun. Tn.) no mourn-aw! an unholy a" rlulp o of lootin- Iul, ran-In; any an ad “mm Immnunu. and" Don 'dlh,tlu by tho no” pn- bu “pom. Md pronoun-d uh. “may not Motion "NM, may but no 'steal" u hull or nnuMmdna but». m to am I". " do“ In work an" "ttlt dar. V. m:- mo" “mum "In '" an ”(and to 'tthtatteiate In our, wuoulu. L In 2tt,'h “a [ml PM” ot work. _ . t. In Mill!“ . Look or Shani. smut. _ . l hand and and. to or“ tram the Unwind. SAWING, liTaa.2cWo g TURNING. Perfectlon r3 ' chad. at 1&.t Embodied in the new and popular Unmanned by the British American Sewing Mullins Gr at PARIS, ONTARIO. STOCK OFARTFIQDY GOODS! READY/MADE CLOTHING 2 $llltihAr SEWING MAOHINE l, I'll. "Rpm “v.08“ 33251le - P. o, or m I. l I. J. Within. Clank". lulu Sum. Och. Mun Puatmaatee, Blair. J, I. "nu. Bum. Tao-n 1M Gnu-bub. In“ A. E 0mm lulu. D. Gum. Hum. than. lion. Jtttt? tt than to not an“ of that plan and mundane [Inn In. ohm... v -- ---. hub. min land thlr old and “on may ttmttlrute to 'ypplt the trade “a the gum public with "on, ttting in their lino on rung-bl. “BIB. Montreal House .' . BERLIN. mu on“. no - Mt m a. work no. a.» " hit tad b m1, tutu-II. u m no ot on San. t 1‘». poem“ MM mtd manna an" In “M the lam to “do. a. The rapidity om. working Md m tthte: work do“. . c. In uwln'MIMn who”... own... - "an mm, “a will - on one] Wptmchl. ho- hum do“ u no In“ lulu. run " "tooth u .y...‘ “a u ("lug "tir) "ttttatttud when" and. Dull-n no! trtat the Agni. or friend- ttttrp""" may. but no no BAB0tay NM. pm" n; 'tttet “a Jada M Worth of Dry Goods dsinnLcingVGnesday, A. M. 12th inst, Manuiitotyrs" of, and moan-ale a new Deal or. as CLOTHING, &c., GREAT BARGAINS! DRY GOODS! NO HUMBUG l, A~UOTION SALE , TO CONTINUE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. '33ELLNJdmm'y “al.1808- ' banana-NM“ um. ".etut8tt, 1061. Bali-.‘obmury Nth. 1368. i. Maggy! VIPIPEWE] dupl_y_lomng 1"rttlte by PM"! run " III! Md link. if. inn, t00t. hand Ind and. to win LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS! . The Goods are as follows t Very stout Factory Canons, Striped Shirtings, blue and brown checked shirtings, new styles of Heavy Fancy Shining- and Bed Ticks, Bed Checks, German and other Prints, Bagging, Orleans, Cobourga, Denim; or Kuemmel & Salz Paatings, Bleached Cottons. Umbrellas. Flannela,Winceya, Tweeds, Black Doeskins, Carpets, Shawls, and a large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies Mantlen, ke, - Remember-the Sale begins on Monday, the ilnd day of March, 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will also be kept open during the evenings. a ___ _ --. _-. -_--_ ' Wm. Flscher. William Fischer’s Store, \Vaterloo, Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1868. GREAT L,IGijlf0fi SALE 01’ COR) 600118 J'HE undersigned begs to inform the Public in general, that he will make another great Auction Sale of Dry Goods, on MONDAY, the 2nd day of MARCH, 1868. oo. The Sale will continue for one Week, elm on the Market-day following, the 10th, and close the some evening. A -- __ - - He has just received a Which will be offered for sale. They are ofthe latest Imgortntions, new Styles, stout in Quality and very low in prices. no venture: to say that such valuable Goods, w_h_ichi Tilrtre" be sold. could not be procured within the last seven years. a Mgwmgthlpuuxtppphhd Fstrat Amyfoe Waugh» 00ml Waterloo, February 18th, 1868. WE WILL DO ALL WE PROMISE! at the aetttta1 Cont and may ofthttat below Out. A. m. BTOCK MUsr " ULEARED OUT by lush To be sold " or under oo" P3103. --nt-- Thu; Subscriber is now selling out his' F1E..§_;§LI T U Et E, 'm to given. Otadirp will oonvimo you that GREAT BARGAINS WILL Bl]! GIVEN. ', COFFINS “domed" no t upload“ $10.0 00 GREAT " " IN W. H. G. KNOWLES. Mi- "r . . WAtERLoo CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. In“ method " the Waterloo Hurdwm Bum, a largo Stock of Non doc! to w. Uhnudt'u Stan, oppoom Snydcr'o arm Mlll, when I" “yin of Indian an uncanny hp: no hand, “a may be "" In eventing“ Nun Ipoolmnl " val any be an. tp All kind. of MACHINE SEWING do“ a on!" It the Wuturloo Sowing Ilghlnu at." LAND FOR SALE! cub-crib". Ind-0M5 1|odOb M. on. than". y , P0P 2St'1'ilt'rviad""" th only‘ much bum m. G, oGr"tGiii" "GGtairaGTi," CALL AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT! AUTUMN TRADE , A PROMIBSORY NOTE given by annual Goa-n. Ind Inn I. to D. W.Boul|o. ov beam. for "een dollars dmd a link-min mm the fourth of Mitt, not. and pnynblo twenty noun. aftot date. The public If. cuuoud - "lttst parenting mid now, u phylum: h, My "oped to my per-on "up: tho The GROCERY Department _ is also oornplete. Bae Call and see one of the beat and largest Stocks ofGoods in this part ofthe country. As all tho above Goods are bought in tho but Markus For CASH. int-mill. puruhnur- wilt thud it to their inure-t to buy when the but Bargains urn otrertsd. WANZER SEWING MACHINES, KERR, BROWN 3: MACKENIIE HAMILTON. onumo. ARE NOW OPENING ONT STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS. A CHOICE AND COMPLETE STOCK Real Estate, Farm Stock and uranles, . German Sheet Glass, J""'":.",'.,'.-'""? Sewmg Machines DEPOT. ' ttt"' noond to none In tho World, " bu been proud ll tho Purl: lxhlblllon when comma-‘3 wllh the but manufnelunn In lump. and Antonia, um Machine took the FIRST Paul. FALL AND Tifllml]ll GOODS! "r'iiTairiiT 'oi"GGis' with. Ippl, to but“ Snyder. W-lorloo Vim... DA NIEL SNYDER. Wanna. Fob. 10th. 1888. Large Importations Stock of Dry Goods! Dress Goods. Woolen Goods! COTTON (£00118 P, the vrdieiorArtvie., Being con- pond ofpum of Lon Ron. It and 14, Poguhlp Lou, troolIuttt,8.tprttt, WATIRLOO, Ane. Nth. 18H. lit cm. and prompt payinn dealer: an AMILTON. Ant. "th ltt6t. Commercill Block, Waterloo. Oct. 8,1861. -..-'_.. JOHN B. ”was. " Ann. "b. In, 1008. “1-3 1,l10ttrtttyrt.h'ntto. limbs” , Swim Maqhine will ilrtd AVF', NOrW Otl HAND AN [MMENSE srucx op ALL'Kbes of Goons n-.._|l_ AA...) :_ .. n. _ A- I a. A an. _ ”all, found in a Gemini iti/riCiG LOST OR MISLAID. 9099.5 .&...CA.DWELL. CFlaruaels, asc., &c.. m- ALL " WHICH WILL " SOLD VERY CHEAP JOHN SI-IUH & Co. Will be sold Cheaper than for many years. iNring bacon. m. Solo Amt. of the oelohnud in unuumily lam, onmprining tttttqt beautiful And by tbs ond olthio mend: they'mll have and, for iturpeetlott. ot- " FOR THE " Lot i,' id iii", ".7336" rirr"ar,'2 Lot “I , “only 100 pot Trad". ian M, , u 100 u o. 1.0187, B, u too " at Lot t, 8, 'ee no " Cb" Deed. Lot t, t, ttto Clot! Ned. Lot 14, It, In.“ too Clo» Deed. M80. T, a...“ m cm: Deed. Exoollout Bargains an 0M. Applianc- on to be on: (if by lam: MIN.) I. . A. P. NAMED. "m Pc on pcrtlcululy Invited to all Ind Ins-root. 1 1eiracuT%GiiiraiitR property. 'ir..- e Lot 15 on 7Con.,AmI. N not... Glenda. Lot T, 10c... do., 103 do. do, PM]. l MI, 100 Tun-f" 'fir'i."ir'T l, {13530.1 . 100 'ittht'd , in“. 100 - . Lot LNG.“ " '100 for Tractor. lt.? .82.: “9.11199 pttrehr. as T ,es'2yty,tyee"y.yPpte,tyt REAL ESTATE “WW"; and. In: PORT ELGIN. EXTENSIVE SALE u! no Waterloo Erwin. la Mn. M; DODDS * 'ih"'hiih"i'ii', JOHN SHUH & Co. Bt " Waterloo, Oct. 29th. 1867 [THREE Splendid Stock Call & See gdiltslis ititt)B 'F A LL Snider’s Block, L'. Devitt’a Column. B. Devi tt PUBLIC Ghredar. WATERLOO AND THE cordially HIS OF T0 GOOD WAGES and ttottetattt onploymcm in I I'D-pecan. Mu}. Apply " the on“ of thlg guru. Wsurloo, o ., “111868. Servant Girl Wanted. It Hawk-Ville. ' Plum and ts'ptreifietttict" any be "ttrt M the "tttee of M. P. Empoy, Euq. Panic: may tender for the whole or Inpnrt, up to the Hm of Mulch nut ou- wing. JOHN W. PEARSON. Hulk-ville. Dec. 9th. 1867. lilo-tot h at I',',".""", for tie cream} uni -tic ll mg 0 I TENDERS vnmed hi the underni nod, at Hawk-ville. fort net-actual nus tln- flll GARFEWERS l, nnd are now prepared to furnith lll kinds of Cutting- to much n ma, favour them withn cull. All lumlu ol rep-Mag dune promptly. They mm with strict nuan- tion to busineu, they will twain I good than of public pl tronago. A. L DETWILER & CO. Elmira, Aug. 30th, 1867. 605-- "mm. 7. __... TPM. .9..WV.w.._F" -. -.'WP'. II‘I'IUI. The; would Ilia take this upponuniu of informing the public. that they have iuat completed their new MOUPDUSG SEOP, TUr would c." the attention ofthe pub- lic to their tu1fMugatattng Gnin lupus-n" I And also to their IMPROVED PITT’S PATENT HORSE- POWER. STEEL Plough:, 510.. he., all of which no kept on hand. or will be furnished It nhort noticc. I. form their Mona: in“ iiiriiiiiiil, 'ir, manor-l, that they are now manuf-muring, at Elmira. at! kinds of Agricultural Imple- ments, such " THRASHING MACHINES I STEEL and CASTZIRON PLOUGHS, 'i/l/lit,'.'"'. Dmg Suva, 8mm Canon, 510.. o. TY, Suhaoriherl would rospec‘full, in form their friondu and the nublio ir and alt-on never-failing well, an well n nome young Fruit Trees, nd good xtrdcn. " ,, m __-. - _ - __ Forh'eerii, (1‘ny _l.-Her p'ruriri"o"i"iiTir, log P 0) lpply lo the undonignod. Ad- mum-tutor. SAMUEL WEBER, TI? undersigned oirers to all by prince 01:0, the Home and Lo! Intel, occupied by run In. Tilul Sum-char. situated 'll milu North (tom Waterloo, on the ro lending to Cenratoro. There are upon the place I Foundry ! THE undersigned clan for Isle , p-irate, I vnlunbie farm in tht T'p 0 Pool. h in tho (trat farm at the South West Corner, nnd contain " turn. Should the pun-chum with name additional matured had, he would dir pou chums in the Township of Woolwlch nut by. Tom: untenable, to be untamed by Application to the Proprietor. GOOD'I [OUSE&BARN near the Pura. Wntorloo Township Bets. :6, 1867. 620-4 May. . . lune... July.. . . August. Septom. October. Novom. Datum. Turin liberal, to be tmsdi/iiU,GGi' iiiiii'i-' "tion, (if by letter you puid) to GEO. GERLING, WE undersigned of": to loll by {rink '1 min his valuable fun) withln lnl I mllo ot Elmira, " the WIuterbourne road. It con- ulnl 14t Acres under excellent tsultivation, of whlch lid are ole-red. It ll well fenced, bu flrat clul farm buildlnga, a. never-mung Iprlng, n good fruit Orchard, in" beginning to fur, Ami 6 Ecru pf firat clan Cedar Swamp. Jlnulry. Febmuy Much .. April.. . . HOUSE & LOT FORSALE. Tehyhdiyts,t,r/,! Otters to tell by private sale " excellent Fnrm. nit-mum am- 1 sale " excellent Farm. ciluntgd emu hnlfn mile EM: of Ber'iu. " in one of the most beautifully and c )nvanicmly liluntad farm. in tho onunly. Thu buildin I, orchurdn, water, mo equal to any in 'dt purl ofth country. Term: reuonlblo. Apply to WM. MOYER, Proprietor. Berlin, Jan, 7th, 1868. 626 ALL tho-e indebted to the Estate of the late Jacob Hotfmln. either by Note or Book account. are retpumtedto par up im- mediately. Thane noglecu'ng to attend to thin Notice. will only luv. themselves to blame for com. ISAAC HOFFMAN, Agent. Berlin,Jnn. lihh, 1868. 628 -lt By . New, but Curtain. Speenly,ond nucly Fullness proceu,nnd Wi-rn our was Use or rm: KNIFE. THE cure will be guaranteed. out! In: a prool'of thin, no pay In required, until the cure ll complete. The InanIl n cun- oerio discovevnl. it should he cured, an it willows! In: and in morn “poeilily cured than when ol'longvrtuandhur, and there in nothing to ain and euerything to lose by delay. led now i semsn harmlnu lump in tho bro-ant. neck. eye lid or ellewheru. or small watt or Bore on the hp. may in n few short monlhi become a hedioua, dil- gu-ting. destroying rnhoor0uetoe. Irre- qoired. rol'erencen can be, given to partial who have been cured many your: since“ and Who are now mum] and healthy. All eommutueatioto promptly onuwerrd. No money required in mlvunce, and none until hgcure in complete. I DIVISION COURT! C AN CERS C URED, on”; pucmymmmm, Ottawa, Canada West, JONAS WENGEE. Woolloh, Fab. toth was. -8tttttg. Woolwlch, Jan. 8th, 1868. 13riclrdLuaorevs. Ottawa, Dec ism. 186t. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. PAY UP. arir,eeosod, Uses. BERLIN 1868. Bparkiri'street and Muria Streot, tio1No2,NosNotNo8No6No 7, to ELMIRA l4 For 1868. 'roprietor of Me AND ll 16 19 Elwin P, 0. 826--3t Parlirulhr Attention in invited to PARK- ERS PATENT UNION MILLS, the but and chelput Mill our made. COFFIN TRIMMINGS. Received and for sale at the Waterloo Hurdwnn Store, a aplenand lot of Coffee and Spice Mills Received and for sale at the Waterloo Hudwnn Sloro, a very tine u- nortm-nt of WANTED IMMEDIATELY ut the new Steam Cabinet Factory mud SIW Mill, any quantity of Pine, Maple, Elm, Cherry and - _Buswood Saw Logs, For which the undtni ned will pay highest Mulm price, port In 'Cf. M. WEGENAST. Wnurr'oo, Nov. 12, 1867. 615:2m Saw Logs him. NOTICE in herehy given that applia- tion will be nude It the non Stu-ion “HI. Municipal Council of the Township of Woolwich, for a By-L-w to slam thr. Publicrmd leulint from the Huwhville Road pan Jana- Wen nr’l home Io thr, bank of the Conutogo I'i'Ce',, thence alone thulmnk oflhe and Cone-logo River to the Southern limit of Lot Number thirty- Te', plenunt, "rettrle, and "untirre pn. pnrnllon in In indilpenuiblo article for the toilet. lt clean-u the "salts, render: the hair of . (lurker Input-nee, in ouily npplied, and will notluln tho lint" linen, Thole ruling the Empire Emir Glen will tind tint it tendon the human Ind consent hair, loft, (ion-y, tint and bountiful, dimming it to It" in any poll- tion in which it in _ it pruenu the hair from (Ailing out, invighrnva and ureugtllonl it, tnd often product! A now growth of hair when it im- sired, till-ppured, by inbigont- in. and '.1'/f1', the skin, non", mulciu, blood vo"ls, nn roof. of the lair. Price M cents. S. J. Fou * 00., pro rietnu and solo mnnufncturerl, Shubrooke, Provinco of Q... bee. “any, Slur Ion l Co ' Manually-nu, Elliot & Co t Toronto, Wholouie Agents. Jnnuuy int, 1688. "6- Te, undersigned hula-t method n u- Iorunenl of Eng. t On Urge Family Blblu, also Germ-n Picture Bibles, Eng. t (in. bud or pookel BIN“, lug. t Ger.To- umenu. Palms, Prayer books, Surr- hnnd book, Buckner‘l concordant Pr; t (ion, qremra,Dietionsriea, alto “so " Serie- of In. School rude", all .u kinda of Bug. t Get. School book- ud anaconda, "duty of Poets, Album, Picturlu, Binary looking slum, Port-model, vol-My of {may goods &tr., I3" TERMS CASH Ott COUNTY PRODUCE. J. C. HUNSICKER. Berlin, Feb. 1, 1868. "o- For turtherpartieulttrs 3nd Circular: ad. drou J. E. SPM?F"ORD. Box 450, Reference. I. B. Kluonn, Toromo. West Montrose, Oullrio. Elam. Aug. 24th.1367. WE ennui hr the Star Sham. Machine to be the but cheap (Umily Sewing \llchinn. with which we are neqnnimod, it task" tho genuine "Lock Stitch." EMAW TRNmCK, (805) Manhunt Tuiloo. $20 um sun 3mm”: mo Sewing Machine! 'I‘HE Sur Shuttle Machine [nuke-n "itcit alike on both sill". tbat will not rip or navel, will do all kind. of work equally " well no my high priced Machine, and in lulud alike for tho Dreu-Mnlu-r. Tailor. Manufacturer or Family. Mr. J, E. Spar- ford having been appointed General Aunt tor ttte Star Machine. with“ to snug. a few good lacul and [mulling Agent: to whom good induce-menu will bo offered. Geuoul New-dealer- Bummer. N. B. Daily and Wrokly Globa- nnd Lea- der, Cmnd- Farmer, America Agricul- tural. mplyed u Publuher'l brie”. Cluhl "att'; erlin.Dec. Ath, 1867. GIS- I toiuue Brunt receive Dem-ii, and grunt Imam! Receipu. at the others of thet Ommereial Bank in Berlin. ROBT. N. ROGERS, trtgttiigtiiriitil WHE Merchant!” Bank is 03v "spur"! BOOK STORE: Ke., Ike. NEWS MMT Young English Women, Spurting Life l Illustrated London News, Peoples Magazine , Blackwoods, British Quarterly Review, English Woman's, , um. Nib; k%iii,t" -"e Bow Bell, 1 ll 00idrT, SILK, um Chamber's Jounm ' ( " Corn Hill, , ICOttEull colour! ' English 15 echanic, L01 7 ' ' . . l othes Shaw ht, Lelann Her,. itrom whirl: if,. colour. have I15,“ or.“ London society, Hun heeome nailed can be restored " that Good Words, ei"""" bequy._We also unLcrluko . New Is the Time to Subscribe! Godcy’s Ladivs' Book ; Ma- darn Demorest; Frank Less- lie; Haner’s Bazar; Hm. per's Monthly; Atlantic Monthly ; New York Ledger ; New York Trihnur; German _ Frank Lesslie, Kc.. ke. M A G A Z I N E St Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. Woolwich, Jan. 28, "si.' (805) Berlin, Jan. Mth, 1868. xrucrB1stc%z:y, MAY 1507. Canadian Block. Berlin. London Review, Christian Re- membrancer, NOTICE. TTranted I ONTARIO BERLIN. ISAAC E. BOWMAN, , M ““Townaoip Cl.rk C. R. GEDDES, itmkrdijouoAv, I FOR Sunday Mal gnzime ' Temple Bar, Arm. 62g 6t JOHN MoDOUGALL Just received at the Waterloo Hardware- More, . Inge Sleek uf Enameled Muslin, Drel Duch, and Indus» Rubber Chub. [Mum Duh Lenther, Luv", Whip Sicko-u nod Holden, Curtain “gm Hoou and Rings Pin ' "d, Bnar and Ivory Lining, hip-ad Bod Silver Linng N .ils, Cut Tush. Lu. Tm-h, he, 1yrtiyrtyt @9301?) 130m. - I - - - -, Axle clipu, vshuf't Shncllen, Fellow Put, a Smmp join", Turned Collar-n, had by]; Rodi. Shah Sun-hell, WhittU K.' II Top Props. Far mule rlw:|p_ 'Air Caniage Jun Received ttt the Waterloo Slow, I its" assurxmeul of Brutanin. Nichol 3nd &lver plmod Ton JU Tnhle Spoons, Ge mun Silrrr Nichol Ind Plued Forks. Sci-sort. Bunker my Putty and Pallet knives. ult Received It the Waterloo Hudmne Store, tt lug. bio! Table...& Poqket Cutlery, Loch. Hinges. Scrum, Batu, Finitbini Nail Bud-n, Blind Hugo. Bracken, Suave. Tong. Hal trnd Cap ooh. Wini- mho Hooks, Hook- and Ever, Door lambs; JOHN MCDOUGALL Nye, & Bgilders_ Harque, Jon Received and for ml. cheap It ti. Waterloo Store, direet from the Ilka, Single and double. Cat MillSaw Files, Flat, half round and Smoth Files, Taper Saw Filey, single k double cut. / JOHN woomu/L Just Received and for sale at pt'tto which w ll dely ruvnpelilion,l lug. supply or Spring and Blister Steel, Coil Traces, Halter and MI. JOHN MCDOUGALL Store, Waterloo, uirecl from Each“, . irtrge Il‘pply of CAST SLEIGH SHOES. he "writ in "tport I Bridgqmr'. it, 29;“. iiiiH, Hairy, Simpson t ths., loam, Wool-d. Agents, SJ rout So., Sherbet“, P. q., tWe Proprietor. Just Received at the Hardware H" been before the public for npwnda of twenty yearn, end Inch An it. Incl“. that " ll now justly conlidered u an Indium "a. cIe In every funny when it in hm. It In. never been forced on much“. - lion br Ming advertisement. We cum that never had Any enhance, but t I“ own peculiar velne " la 'P.P1Pr n It A SCHOLARSHIP for the Rrtri" American Commercill Gallop. Tom- m. Appfm the omce of this per. OR the immedluh relic! and par-Ion! F cum of Rheum-Mum, Bpmur, Bruit-u. Burns, Fran Bites, Lune Buck. 814., Link or Slomlch, Cramp, Numbneu, of Ltots, Swelling ofJoinu, Sudden cow, My“ Bore Throat. JACOIl‘B RHEUMATIC LIQUID Baring I wonderful elect when hit. Inter. "ally, iIn quickenlng we eireartstk. d to blood, t is inulnnble to pet-Ion. pesdtrPes" to Pauly-in, or subject to heart an... " cm- of Byway-h. when food diam It glordl prompt relief, and continual Mgghm time, an everything right. The nuns of the modicine in New. In an! bottle of the genuine, Md Ibo "ePllq" for which it in intended, u we" a tho "ode o! min-g, unsaved. _ hngrinrked in 'Pr fqto_publiq taioe upon the Euerenn plan, on [had Farm of [ enr . B, Ehy.one mile an: of Bri pron," ik,. L,'1/'d Bloomingdale. A: It. 'trhNt% I Ahrl iu a maul-dons! dyer who learned his jumlu in Europe, We cm do all kind! of ism-kid” P Brock John Cleghoru Thomas Dimer lgnm Dick Kittie Eula Kujeum Erb William Frederick John Fprrier Thoma D Frank Mathew Fromm Mr. Gunner“) Chriulinn fhotf Andnw GM Jacob G'rotfJoltn T Gallagher Edward Herbal Margaretha Htouttthfittg J. Kumr Conrad Klpkey Churlel Lens Kunmd Lam-m Ferdinand Lanny John Lovelxrd John H, TOWN aud: FOR SALE. Nos 3m. 308,309, 310 Ind an of“ man‘s Sulvty. Berlin, fronting Kin. Erect. For punicgllll I?io, emgininlin the Wanda) P0. " " R "t of FEBRUARY. 1868. Allan tl H Mnrtin David on FABRICS with rupldity. We .118”th name or the lame alien may for do in a few weeks, BLEACH. LINEN Ysai By now]. (iurnhle and limbo.“ M wgupmw to mm, the public, Ind up.“ In "nail in. .nn».....1 DYEING & PRINTING CALICO PRINTING. TM, ir, J acob’a Rheumatic Liquid. l NEW BUSINESS I " Y F, I S' G (is COTTON musing 1ut.solisrlyret; " Jangniy, 1868. Custom Dy e i ng WMNIM. Nov. 20, ursi, " undersigned mpcctfully nolily tho Public that they lune opened t FOR SALE CHEAP. LIST or LETTER! JOHN JOHN McDOUGALL 'l/Tim/aL, HENRY B. EBY, Hating “an, All) wm JoophJ _ c. KOMPP, nu- Mangor D HcClcllln Jana Martin Benjamin Mun! Heinrich Noll John Nnil Robert Onkle Georg. Porn hwy Semi-r AMINV Schwartz EM Singer Mary Stuart Willi:- Snydov P L Volts John Vonhadten J.- Wever Chiti- Woodman J . Walton J T Wymn L W war Emanuel Wenplnrg Willi- WooulhynuM-u, 1ftsr If] I I Cannon 0‘...

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