Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Jan 1868, p. 3

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() 0 0 () 0 _ _GREAT RUSH! «s«*~* â€"PLAINING DONE TO ORDER. ... â€" * nmil’mducnnkoninm Cillnlhnflm WM. FISCEER‘$ STORE, WATERLOO, AHalh: $ WATA;:;LOO s | Hardware Store! "GREAT CLEARING SALE! BY PUBLIC AUCTION. â€" _ SELLING O EF ! BTAPLE & FANCY DRY GO018 J ‘HE undmigne;l‘ {;‘;r:T\l;inln'g th;nk- for the pn;rg:xqo t‘:e-\ t » t ® " “m':n:\hm e nast nine years, wou gto n~ Received his Fall Rmportations! which are MANTLES, | | Reoeadyâ€"made O1OTEHINCG, * AT COST PRICE, | On and aftee MONDAY, the 18th instakt, h6 PoRr Casek oOwnNLyw. | Yez= The Sale will be continued for Three Weeks ofy. e Nop Very Largeo and Complete i GOO0DS CHEAPER THAN EVER. 8 l s JOHN McDOGALL . Dry Go®s and Readlyâ€"made Clothing . | + L BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT _ _0 _0 _ _ _ Fall & Winter Goods E4= Call and see betore purchasing elsewhere. \i The undersigned begs to inform his‘lhtomm and the public in general, that he.intents mgdn great alterations in Ais Store during the coming season. He was therebre resolved to sell off a large portion of his‘ toc%( by Auction. The folâ€" . & | loving GOODS will be sold : 300 picces Factory Cottons, o pieces Prints, Gingham$, German and other Bed chgcks, Papl M en % Bs 94 ax!. 2 c m x a a +. &A K1 .000 mt cod s WATEBRLOO Oct. rth, 1867 WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER and Manufacturer of all kinds of FU R NITU RE | Sash, Doors, Venitian Blinds, Monday, the 3rd day of February, 1868. Wuterloo, Jan. 8th, 1888 and continue for ONE WEEK UNLY, hay* * JOHN KLIPPERT, * w \ = t C ‘b o £ ~ _ Ocy» As the most °f}h°l‘° Goods were b°“\‘tJ of late after the great decline of prices, Great Bargains will therefore be given. _ A@ REMEMBER : The “lne‘_l_ commence on Mgonday, the 3rd day of February, 1869, at 10 o‘clock, A, M., Waterloo, Nov, 20th, 1807 _ GEORGE RANDALL‘S CKREBAP S CORM, ___ _his Stock,. WN. Oowber ud, 1807. Auctioneer, Waterloo, January 21st, 1868. Bed Ticks, Cobourgs, OVeans, French Merinoes, Winceys, Fancy Dress G@oo __ BleachedCottons, g‘lmm s German Prints, Striped Shirtings, I‘weeds, Satinetts, Silkâ€"mixed Deeskins, Rack broad Cloths, Shaw!s, Blankets, Carpets, a large Stock of Readyâ€"ma Clothing, Laubuxllpéngzl, Hoop Skirts, Hats, ‘ â€" s _ 1 Bonnels, Caps’ "é’" _ °Cs 2 . ols e d o & cceam n.....;.n The subscriber will offer for his LA RGE STOCK of Large and Complete of Every Thing in his Line, OF ALL KINDS CAN BE HAD 8 UNUSUALLY CHEAP ! _ SG@ST PRIGCE. Bought Direct from the Makers for CASH ! FALL IMPORTATIONS Now is the time for Groat Bargains ! IZImaao EIofTFmAn, made of the very best material, REMEMBEN THE PLACE, of the Red Flag." ; DAVID DEVITT which enubles him to offer Hisa Stock is now Warehouse ! and have been WHERE TO NLY. _Th&@alo will be kept open "d'urigthe Even m Torns Strictly Cash. A Large ftook of Pl-é | "Great Reduction ! 618â€" 610. ON â€"â€" t cpt Wm I'IO.\IEs bEPOTS. LONQ_QN aND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, Hospital St., Montreal. INCIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY, PURB and GENUINE TEA 8, of aplendid nuatural Awvor, imported direct from the Company‘s Plantations in A88AM, und ou the slopes of the HIMALAY AS, biendâ€" ed with the fin:c.t‘pr‘o_dupl]l of CHINA. + 2C CLY t, Only 'I‘w!; Qualities, vi® : 700. or $1 pes lb., either BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED: ~ Fine Houssholil Tew, combining Strength and Flavor, 70 couts per lb. um ~RHHGET BEOGUIRUIG): s rsrasrs s sarst3 tss sa+5s ra sn 4se es 4 Ugliut * t$» Bo\d in Puckets aud Canisiers by the Company‘s Agouts in every City and Town in Canadu,. ___ {(ye Observe the LTrads Murk on each Packags, LJ) Mr. DAVID DEV ITT, u.~,. B a@ T PGENERAL MERCHANT. mch‘. mfin‘" x‘é ‘h’ . Eweeds, Satinetts, Factory Cotton, Prints, Bed Checks, \\ Bed Ticks, Bleachet Cotton, Ginghams, Flannels. Carâ€" pets, Buffalo Robes, Blankets, Readyâ€"made Clothâ€" ing, Ladies‘ Mantles, Hats and Caps. A "wo Ply Union Carpet is now sold at 62ic. which cost a +3! yâ€" year ago at 80c. ‘E'fo Gotton which 4s now sold at 120. cost six months ago ‘ 9%. "Mixed Dery or Kuemmel & Saltz which is now sold at 15¢, cost six months ago 25¢. A Ps. Facâ€" tory Cotton now sold at $5 cost 12 months â€" ago $9. a a ® 9 Gnat Bargains will be given to Cash Buyer‘s Just Received a Freshâ€"lot of SUGARS, TEAS, RAISINS. © NP RRANTRA, RIGH, TOBACCOES, COAL OIL, &c. Commercial Bank Bills takenA'la.t Par in exchange for Goods. "A LARGE STOCK OF HEMP CARPETS! ust Received and for sule at rices which will dety compeaition, a large ist Rucpivediarcths WateridoHandware Btore, a large lot of * Tl * * l bamele% Muslin, Drel Duch, Jq‘ reseived at the Waterloo Hardware | Btore, a large Stook oL ATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. poks, Hinges, Borews,,Butts, Finishi Â¥ o "Sraie niing " finges,‘ , Brackeily roves 'l‘ong Hat and Cap Hooks, W ardâ€" be Hooks, Hooks and lnu. Door Latehes. JOHN MoeDOUGALL. ress GoodswnthSnlk Striqpos", TTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOL1OITOR, &e., . &o. Orrienâ€"Third door South of Post e, Toronto Street, Toronto, 9"1' TRADE. Limeg® Nails Cut Tacks, Li Taoke, do. JouXn MobOvaaLL aod ay orit# allowance will be mude to those who buy a large parcel. § by 7 to 40 by 89. lt‘ ~LGEN‘T FOR WATERLOO ; JUST RECEIVED AFREsH LOT OoPf r;l'!'lfl:& 1&;: Evenings. are sold from 25 to 35. Fancy Drgss_ Goods, A WM. FISCHER, Tfll undonlinod would announce to the _A general public, that he has opened a.New BOOK STORE! Just Received at the Hardware Bibre, Waterloo, ‘aireet from England, a , large supply of and and assortment of TOYS and FANOCY GOO0D8, &0. Tanis same as hefore. s J 0. HUNBICKER Berlin, Jan. 1, 1008. 632â€" CAST SLEIGH SHOES. Spring and Blister Steel, Coil Traces, Halter and Chains. JOHN McDOUGALL. All kinds of Stationaries ! great alterations in llil 1 1 1 mai a Canadian Blook, Berlin. OomNTARIO MA RK . Proprietor. WM. FISCHER 617â€"4mos d18â€"17. JSJohn Hennell‘s columu HARDW ARE IMMENSE ‘OUANTHTILES * *3 a WH[LE thanking the generons public for the liberal r,\rqnqu bestowed in the pmat» the subsociber would invite an examâ€" ination ef his . + Stock of Hardware, Hardware Store Largest ever offered in this Part of Canada. Everything the Public require N o SecondPrice AT HIS STORE. All Goods warranted to give satisfaction. AXES, COW CHANS, Juat received, a large lot of the VBRY best kiude. Table & Pocket The best assortment ever offered for sale in this section. Gutlery, PLATED WARE! af all descriptions. The best makes at the lawest prices. . He invites particulars atâ€" tntlon to the 9 A W S Lightning Cross Cut Saws ! na the ordinary. cross ut saws. ‘They now in generalâ€"gsa" in 4:mhrin‘ districts, an assortm@nt on hand. AT Call and see them,;#J Billetwebs‘ ef this and other 'p.:x.}i on LEATHER BELTING | NAILS, LOCKS, a ve‘y large Stock on hand. Inquire prices before purchasing elsewhere . of guaranteed Qpalities, at prices met in be surpassed, ~ 4 LEADS, OILS ! Varnishes, â€" $1000 worthâ€"of Ltm’n'md 500 Bbis. of Oil, some excelient ‘Pable Lamps, from $5.00 to $10.00 pgch._.. can as usual be supplied with everything they require. A very large lot now arrivâ€" 1 ing of A CoalOil : Meat Cutters and Stuffers, SLEIGH SHOES, Blaclksmiths It will\be sold cheap. Meqhapion, Fuppher Hamiltap and Toronto Prices, ? RemétBér The place for Cheap Hardware of good quality, is the "Canadian Block." Sign of the Golden Cross Cut B EB L I N WAGCGONMAKERS Berlin, Nov TWICE AS FAST English Qakâ€"Tanued â€", Glass, Hinges, &o., is new arriving at the IRON and STEEL warranted to tut will be found Also, ull sizes of which is the JOHN FENNELL, . Sth, 1867. IN AND *L JWT sewatinse 64â€" X‘M A S ! Montreal DISPLAY Dry Goods, GROCERIES, o CROCKERY, X‘mas Presents CLOTHINE! T O Y S ! GANADA TWBDS, CANNOT BE BEAT! New Raisons from 7c. Currahts from 4¢, J. Bond‘s Column. Canned Meats AND FRUITS DURINGX‘MAS The subscriber has opened the Store adâ€" joining his premises with a splendid * Stock af At Wholesale Prices. Glassware, &c. TO BUY GOQDS . EFEH[ouse ! B P Fi L. I N, WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. HOLLIDAYS ! HATS & CAPS, FUR CAPS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, | NUBIAS, Oy sters, J. BOND. BERLIN, Dec. 9th, 1867. 611 Reaclyâ€"made oys, Toy #, Toy s, X‘Mas Gifts, Figs, Pruns, Nuts, Come emd be comvinced. AT PRICES WHICH This is a rare opportunity sUITABLE FOR THE Crockery, Loosters, WILL BE $0LD &e., K&e., AT THE 4T PRICKS AND Confectionary, OF Sardines, China, NEWS DEPGT. Now is the Time to Subscribe! 1868. BERLIN _ 1868. FOR Godev‘s Ladies‘ Book ; Maâ€" dain Demorest; Frank Lessâ€" lie; Harser‘s Bazar ; Harâ€" per‘s Monthly ; Atlantie _ Monthly ; New York Ledger ; New York Tribune ; German Frank Lesslie, &c.. Ke. English Woman‘s, Bow Bell, § Chamber‘s Jeurnal, Corn Hill, English Mechanic, Leisure Hour, _ London Society, Good Words, Siunday Maâ€" gazine ; Temple Bar, Young English Women, Sporting Life ; Illustrated London News, Peoples Magazine ; Black woods, British Quarterly Review, _ &e., &c. Geveral Newsdeaiers Statinner . N. B. Daily and Weekly Gloha and Leaâ€" der, Canada Farmer, Americar Agriculâ€" terist, suplyed at Publisher‘s prices. Ciubs supplied. 1 7 L PR LE20 R.0 _ Foundry ! THE Bubscribers would reepectfully inâ€" form their friends and the public in general, that they are now manufacturing, at Elmira, ail kinds of Agricultuga) Impleâ€" ments, such as ® THRASHING MACHINES! STEKL and_ CASTâ€"IRON PLOUGHS, Cultivatore Drag Saws, Straw Cutters, &o., &o. _ L 1 L101 : M en stt The; would aiso take this opportunity of informing the public. thiat g\-y have juet completed their new MOUL ING SHOP, and are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Oastings to euch as may favour |2em with a c;gfl. All kinds of repairing dune promptly. They trust with strict unen; 1 . . ow Llluive albam lc 24 ® tion l‘;) husinese, they will share of public ps uonuÂ¥e. TOWN LOTS FOR SALKE. HOUSE & LOT s Mn t c 00 d t hi d d es fls ce insd © 3 .N man‘a Survey, Berlin, fronting King Street. â€" For particulare apply to . PE W. NOYER, TAE uudersigned offere to sell by private sale, the House and Lo lately vecupied by the late Titus Schischter, situated 24 miles North jrom Waterloo, on the road leading to Cenestoro. â€" There are upon the place a and also a neverfuilingy well, ne well as some young Eruit Treea, ®¥n4 good garden. GOOD I[OUSE & BARN 'â€"i’;c'f;v;&v(ifby letter propa;sd to Water loo P Q.) spply to the undersigned Ad ministratur, â€" SAMUEI, WEBER Office and Warehouse, No. 13 King St., next door to the Gore Bank, â€" neur the place . Waterloo Township, Dec. 16, 1867. _ 620â€"4 wWOOL DEPOT! ke'q; constantly on hand a large and varied stock of which they will sell cheap for CASH or apâ€" Pl’oved pmper. â€" Having unueual facilities or purchasing and extensive connections abroad they affer inlucements to purchnsâ€" ‘ers oreqnalled by any other House in the trade. MANUFACTURER®S® Foreign and Domestic C ANCERS C URED, will find it to their interest to c@il before purchasing elsewhere. & 19e SaP qo d omcs ud * (*%= All orders by inail promaptly attendâ€" ed to and under the supery sion of an exâ€" perienced grader. J. H. DAYVIS, H. BURKHOLDER. JDr. Wood, .Proprietor of the OTTAWA CANCER INFIRMARY Ottawa, Canada West, By a New, but Cert«in, Speedy,and narely | repretensible. â€" Puin/ess préveas, and We were again award d the FIRST wire our uz Usek or ras Ksirs: | | PRIZC at the inte Provincial I-thlhmnn,1 THE cure will be guaranteed. and a= a | Kicgxton, tfocihe bes «pecimen of BUSEâ€" proof of this, no puy is required, until | NESS PENMANSHIP,. and an KXTRA the cure is complete. The moment a canâ€" | FRIZE for on SYSTE: * of WRITING. ceris discovered. it ghauld be cured, as it For Penmanâ€"‘ip. Cirtusars. &o . audrese willcost less and is more speedily cured MVYrGhoVE & WIdGHT, than when of longerstanding. and there is | [ 611| Paven»s nothing to fiuin and cuerything to lose hy J o paan B en wae Snss he i un un e ce o romairy lreren oo ngap o q}ellV. W hat no.w. *eme a hnrmlmu‘lumf‘ 1 Just regeived and for sale Cleap at the in the blffli"- neck, eye lid or elsewheru, | Warerloo Haurdware Sture or amall wart or sore on the lip. may in a o C , * few short month« become a hedious, disâ€" | Boiled and Raw Linseed Qil; w?ting.d?uroymg mass of disense. ]{reâ€" “ White @nd Rea Lead, Yeliow Qcorie, \'-...’. qulred,reterence- can be given to pnrtma Crian Red, Simmsh Brown, Burned aud Raw who have been cured muny ycoare since, | (ijkers, Torre _ Vweinna _ Indian Ked, and who e now sound and hexlthy . All| Persein R+«,. Vermillian Red, Vandyke cmmuwg}omlprom”ly answered. . No | Brown, Corome_Brumwich _ and Pana money required in advance, and none untii | Green«, Chroige YVeiow. du fuct ad Kinug he cure uq{mplou. of Puiute s _/ & e * nn.MOUGAUJ oc aA. Z DETWILER & CO Elmira, Aug. 30th, 1867. 60. Waterloo, Nov. 20, 1867 J. H.DAVIS & CO., Mamilton, June 12h, 1867 rlin. Dec. 4th, 1867 M A G A Z | N E 6: ELE ASL L2 i. London Review, Christian Reâ€" membrancer, HAMILTON, C. W, 1 Spnrk-Stre?t_ and Marnia Street, 307, 308, 309, 310 and 311 of Hoffâ€" FOR SA LE. WOOLS, ELMILRNA C. R. GEDDES, Curonicus Uffice receive a good 618 â€" 605â€" £93â€" |Just received at the Water] | Hardware Store, a Jurge Stock of $20 THE SYAR SHUTTLE $100 _ Sewing Machine! ny high priced Machmeyâ€"and is suited alike for the Dreseâ€"Muker, Tailor, Mannl@eturer or Family. _ Mr. J. £. Sp.l-] | ‘ord having been appointed General Agent fof the Star Machine, wishes to Cugage a few good local and travelling Agents te | whom zood inducemente will be uflirod. _ For farther particulars and Cirguiate ad« Carriage & Tire Bolts, Borax, 'I‘H E Siar Shuttle Uachine makes a suich wiike on both sidee. that will not rip or ravel, will do all kinds of work equally Mn en cce ns p Pine. Maple. Elm. Cherry and Basswood Saw Log@~> _ mm en ? s oo io uo Sm it 1 Axle clip«, Shaft Shackles, Feliow Piates Stnmp jaints, Turned Cotiwesy, plared Dek Ne P nomaie e etrand y s t im C p o o4 cvase PAKkL» BUTTER & EGGS! any quantity of Rode. Shaft Rockets, Whiffic Tree Hooks, Top Props. Ror eale cheap, JOHN MoDOUG XULL Fot which the undersigned will pay bnghest Markes price, purt in Cash. M. WEGENAST. Waterloo, Nov. 12, 1867. 61 § aum Saw Logs Elora, Aug. 24th, 1867 . WE consi.ler the Stur Shuttic® Machine to be the best cheap family Sewing Magbihe, with which we are acquainted, it mukge the genuine "Lock Stitch." «M A W TENWICK. (605) a» Merchaat Taslers. TO CARPENTERS ! TE.'.\'DERS wanied by the undersigned, ut Hawksville, for the erectiog anddfinâ€" at Hawksville. Plane and Spem&riuu may be seen at the office of M. P, mper, Esq. Parties gray tender for the wholg or in part, np to the first of Maich next euâ€" L at H;wklvlflo, for the erectiog and;finâ€" ishing of a. 4 BRICK CHU RCHZ ! FOR the immediate reMef and perm&nent curo of Rheumatism,â€" Sprains," Bruises, Barng, Frost Bices, Lame Black. Side, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp, Numbness, of Limbs, Awelling of Joints, Sudden Colds, Diptheria, Sore Throat. JACOB‘S RHEUM ATIC LIQUID Has been before the public for upwards jof iwenty years, and such are its merits thit it is now justly considered as an indisgensible artiâ€" cle in every family where it is ?nown. The naime of the meaicine is blown in aach bottle of the genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended, as wel) as the mode of asing, attaohed . It has never beeu forced on the public aten> tion by flaming advertisements ofprenufltblc cures that never had any existence, but by its own peeuliar value as ap unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor Having a wonderful effect when â€"takep inter« pally, in quickening tue circulation of the blood, ii is invaluable to persons predizpesed to Paralysis, or subject to heart disease. In cases of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief, and continued for a short time, sets everything right. e _ ”H:x'xry, Simpson & Oo. , Montreat, Woolesale Agents, 6 J Foss & Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., So‘e Proprietor, BUsINESS EDVcaATION| THE IMPORTANCE OFP A THORâ€" OUGHl« BUBSINESS EDUCATION is pressing itself on the attention of commerâ€" cial circles wmore and more every day. and ite advintages are perlisps more emphatieâ€" ally shows by nothing more than by the vantage ground on which it places m;‘tu'y trained clerk above the imperfeetly inâ€" ed one, when locking for a eitration, _ tion guch a course ef insiruction as to give it practical fitness to do the work proposed. â€" THE BRITISH AMEKICAN . COMâ€" MERCIAL COLLEGE has in full eprreâ€" Jacob‘s Rheumatio Liquid. An imporiant characterisiic of this Jnetiâ€" tution ieifg muturely organised ACTUAL BUSINESS SYSTEM, whereby the Colâ€" lege is made a type or model! no! enly of an extensive bueiners house, but even ef & large tradi ig community . Berliu, Oct. 29th, 1867 Auother gmmt'we fenture of this College i8 that it aftempts nogextrancous texching Its work is ox£, and to the accomplishment ol that wark every efort is directed. _ Juet as the University ang Grammar Scbvoi must be ecparaig instirutions, so the Gomeâ€" mereial College und the Elementary Schoel must be distinet. Common sense and exâ€" perience alike rhow th«i auch a combinatidn ie not compatible with eBerency. * â€" Box 450. sference, 1. B. KrzeBorx®, Torohig The time required to complete the full conree varies copgidernbly, according to he attendance, attention, and ability of each student. _ Young men. however, are earnestly cautioned agnibst the injurioue practice of hurrying through the conree from the mistakey idea that they will thus be gainere by the eaving of money in the item of boardv. Infimtely more advantageâ€" ous would {t be to the «tudent; sinve bis full couree ol tuition is already pard for, to meur the comparatively smail addition«l egpense uf a weeks hoard in order to make hiingelf compietely master of the enaree ; and thus, by a sina present outiay, qnalâ€" fy lirmsell for some lscrative situation,. The erudeness that such haste entaile i« highly deirmmental, not only to the atudent limself, but @‘so to the Coliege where he ygraduates ; and, besides it briugs« opproâ€" brium on Commereial Coi egee penerally. The common practicc thereiore, of haigimg nut this crow wl g syuwm me sn incucenceRAi to stadents is most deceptive ud highly [pl»rel.t:nflmo. Montreal House, Berlin. We were azain oward d ihe FIRST PRIZC at the Inte: Provimcial Exbihinion, Kicgxton, toc ihe bes epecimen of BUSHâ€" NESS PENMANSHIP, and an EXTRA PRIZE for ous SYSTRE: * of WRITING. For Penmane‘ip. Cirtuiars: &6 . uvdre w« MVYrGhLOVE & WIdLGHT, January, 1868 Brick Layers. PATENTED, MAY 1sG7. ANTED IMMEDIATELY utouhe new Steam Cubinet Fmotory and Sast Mill» a JOHN W. PEARSQN. aWkeville, Dec. Oth. 1867. 6192â€"10% West Montrose, Ontario W anted ! J. E. SPAFFORN aT TH® A ND

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