Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Jan 1868, p. 2

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D 0 p M H # ~Der» Brxow in the row! leadting from B}â€" <om ahnptowards Waterloo in giving the farm* ers gouaidecuble inconventence Commplaints !/* Yeagh us that it in almost tinpossible to ~_ bring lanje Ioadp dowu that road in conse: ... qwenese of the drictwd svow. _ It seems real> ly tew bad that such a thing should be so m ol twwigh neglecte} _A vrery little expanse on [ ‘R‘*fl ul the Townabip Council or the 14 would sasily keep the way » whrmin _ Willâ€"wot the proper partive or aus B Mn dgaa0 > O ; Bowitas, Commigaion: . b~Movrebwat, and> Deater in Ontarlo "Flour, #~@atut John, New Brunawick, will please ‘_‘,‘"' | Olir thanks for the recxipt ol his *3 .mfln\d«roflhn W*&M'. Waterloo Chronicle o " aerp mawtty wewseanee . o Whemier Hernine, Jox S & EOBE Cooie T CSY “ ‘t.‘.'h .M \nil R#. 10:30 a.8 P l‘. #:18 p.m Day Bx. #1l pm K# in #3%:10 wm . | Mail Trn. #:10 a m ;Tne‘hw;mv business â€" was doue, . Ahe | _amwotinn _ geantinig ail o the â€" cdiktreased l $@@ura Scotians wias paseed . Ain Richands brought down . his land â€" poliey which is | ‘m geverely criticised by the oppovents | l the, gorermment and aven by some preâ€" * Rerrbed mipportera, â€" On the aime day a Fshote ic of a Runity qnabrel was got up in '.“n&b\ vaused hy Mr. Coyne, a sup .,,‘wa the govomment intralucing |\| waltill whivhâ€"the Arttotmey Gineral mail was â€"* Anfriwiging pouw the rights and dutics of 4#RÂ¥!Mihintey . _ He also pitched into Sir :w With for his fastuess which brought of )fi\‘nufi\ npon his pins in con» 1n abdesably of a reye. â€" He â€"reflacted rather * waÂ¥erely npon the governiment Ad Avcused i‘?fl\q‘a’ béing mmequal to . their dutios, ;{m h;. Bemmove, M. P. P., will planse entwweyst our thanks for Parlismontary ducu: 00 ® * a s iess os Wemmmmmew s <> ect . m wew County Cuducit will moét in m m“‘“"::fl 1 â€" wyih s ait ?- Ray. DW Pepizp has been appuint‘ *"od & nrember of the counsil of Publis / In: for the Proviuce of Qutario, in the *"Tuou! and stead of Sumuel B Hurrison, d¢é/ Rutenaive Briwâ€" A . P. Stiffort . Clerring Saleâ€"Win Fischer . NAAuH Wunted / â€"Fied . Colgahon# Canleâ€" Abex . Miler. I‘v*> MkÂ¥bRY Ergor â€"On Monlay last at ; App Arst, Meatings. of the Counuils of the ».Giies 06 Oatariy, the following gentlomen : newr: by the givie chaire:«â€"=Toronto ,".:fla..u Bmith, wâ€"elected} : Haimnilton, Mn Thomas Mutchinson Clarke; London, "Mr W, & Builth; Kingaton, Mt. Johu Broâ€" ©* "dup, reobroteds; Ortawiybiry .Honey J. Rrich ... Adi we betiove were slectnl by acclama ;vlau We are very R‘.l to loarmeenat he is mpeting, with good supces in upouing out , What the god of this litvke episode will by an o arailto 200. i 7 Nut acyory great am unt of. Tsygisiation has beoy stine aines our | t . _ On Montray therg whast only a very short Bession. _ On .. . mare however that qnder the akilinl treatt .â€"». meuk of D O Lount of Haw keville, gvood ~~ drepea‘are buterained of lhia revovery, ~ Dr. **7 olb ‘we ‘ure intormed has ancégatlu lly ‘weaied geveral yery obstinute cases of I‘y> J wm‘ uth ©* nBld@rous fends of W, 1t Boomer, Riq., * W regret to learn that he has for the past ,__two wueks Leen sulering frou a sevare at * ~‘web of Typbuid fover, We are happy to , one | BowrgpWatmutoo Aantovitunas Sooteâ€" an MappmeThe members of this socety hutt thatr :.(,Lg'w\im on Saturday last in Froehâ€" ‘a Hall, _ The following oficers for the was yoar were electad:â€"Préahtant, ‘% MeDougull, Bay; ist Vice President , Joho M Caupbed, tux, Sherift Davideon : _ (Weurstary, M Bpringer; Auditom W H Q *‘ Knowles aud 8. Roy} Directorny Welleaiey, s 'k“ aud J Putch; Waturloo, H Snyuer and Inaas \Wileos ; Woolwich, C Stroh and NY Q@looute ; Bertin, John Femnel Inaod «x .« Wube i ghtaal caanb hok it hth w ak. * wtuibs. abey biaÂ¥ve Raskit Btrattoit as Founot#s t M En Wothe Wert Bx, #:19 a m. \nil R#. 10:30 a.8, tr. id ».n l Day Bx. k11 pam. io uuduN- ONRBARIO LEQISLATURE, Beumox ay Newwasr HMauuâ€"â€"At the 2864 wmeat of some of our readers we will give in ;wr h§xt a sarmon by this .h.uu.nu..\i mand popubar clurgy main It was the frst pramshed to his own Congregation aRer his visit to America. _ We copy it frim the N. Â¥\ Imlupeudent, to which paper it \as fir hrigshed by Mn Hall biinselt Its beauty and . pluquenee, combiued with its great â€" aind plt: #ily. ainmt plainuuss will rowder it most Antevesting to rewlers vi ail clanson _ Many wilt no dJoubt agree with us that this san mou is alous worth the prics of tlis phpet “ & yean \ thorities of Woulwich give this matter their «ttentive 1 We hops we shull Lear ho more complu iutes New Advertisemsats toâ€"day â€"_ Watikise Sciootk â€"An Allin Bow. man, Priucipatl of the Wateciso Contral Bubuwl, baving tusigued that position, the Vrusise Buanl accopted, ut u lito mgeting, toe applivation of Mn Johu 8. Kitg, at preséh{ eounected with the Unlt Central Behous "Mr. King domes very bighly ruâ€" vemmuemayd aud holls a fist ciaes bPrtvine wial Gortifieate. â€" Judying No thw sugvess ho BW# wet with at a teawhorts the pagh we haye uo doubt but that he will give exoeh Nn! N‘o&flm.h It is duy to Ma Bownau \to abute that mauy, we | belere all, regrut p Immmess oy W. R. Boomen, Eag â€"The â€"lamac Hoiiman o%â€"4 0 We The _ The questioynt giving or withholding | (Mmmfly/la/l to the several Ootteges un« | 3 der the géntrol of different denomination® | y 'b is recaiving considurable attention juat now | a | oll over the country, and we imusktsay thay | I | with but few exceptions thase favoring ax» | o | clusive aid to the Toronto College, are far | 1 | more malerate in diseussing this question | c \Hith they were a fow yeara ago. Evan the Leader and a fow others who entered the | c :\ sontest with a plentiful supply of hard | c nammes and mjafpresentations have wonâ€" | | | derfully mudified their tona, ‘The GÂ¥ode | \ in especialty tillsl and tmate this aubject far | | more moderately than it is wont to treat | auy other questiona. _ All these we regard | as ovhtgnoea that our opposents are beginâ€" I ning t rweive new light on ‘this important suljuct, â€" Victoria Umversity is regardud \| with much more favor than formerly. . 1t | ‘ is truly astonishing to see how much good: 4 vountcted with that inatitution ts baing ”bmught to light by this iliscussion, and ' fully admitted in quarters that a short time :‘up would not at all bo persuaded that any § good thing could aver come out of Victoria . ’_‘ Many nre beginning to ndmit her nonses: ,\ | tnrian chameter and would be perfactly a l willing that Vietoria and Queon‘a Colleges , | should receive public abl, if it were not for , | the sreat danger, in their eatimatigh, of , | ovhor inatitntions, exeilusively sectarian, ulso _ 4| obinining nesisuance . Now in order to meet this daficulty wa propose that the Collyzes be placed under a sfperviston . something similar to sur Grammar Schouls, ant that each recaive whi in proportion to the amount of seeular @ducation it imparte, Government grants, widyd by tooal and voluntary assistance, are the only thing that oan keep up our Gram:« PHs COLLROER QURSTION, mar Bchools., â€" It imay not be known to. the public generally that our government pays something like §30 a year for every boy who stwtios his Latin Grammar iu the Grammar @chooila. The Headunsters of these (Grammar: Schools are Methodists, Rpiscopal:ang : Presbyterinng d&c., and,; many of thein clergymen at that, saylug theit . prayers morlings anud evenings in their schools; but who wouhd fora nioment raie arery of mvetafianiaum againet all those Orammar Schuols and Jemand the disconâ€" tinunnce of the gruntat Now the ery aâ€" yninat the Colleges is just as unreasonable . ts it wot warth nmrore to the country to have young men educated in all the highor branches inuluded in a thorough Univerel« 4y curmeulum, than the more Latin Gramâ€" har, which niry be forgotten in three months after the close of the term 2 .. We have, however, suid nuftzient for the presont.. . Perliaps our readers will bo able to carry out our lime of urguiment somewhat wore at length . _Luorvan arp Mootarâ€"â€"lu accordance with previous announcements, a lecture by the Rmfloowfl. Brid gman, M . A, was deliv» ered in the W, Mi. Church, Berlin, onPF‘riday evening Iast, ‘The attendnuce was quite lurge, some having come ma fur as twelve or fourteen miles, Tholndies had propared un baxcelient tea which they served to the au> dience in the warly part of the evening. Miss Frealnnan and Prof, Jung contributed tm the entertainment by some Ane music, Boon after eight o‘vlock, when all had partakeg of refreshinents and enjoyet themaslves for some time in social chat, Mr, Bowman, Mem ber of the House of Commons, was called to the chair, On the platftorm we noticed the Rov Mesers Bheploy , ‘Iraver and Tuerk of Berihn, H, Kropp of Wauterloo, J Fresh man asd J. Biniley, B. A ,, of Preston. The Chairman in a fow appropriate reâ€" marks {ntroduced the Rey. Mr. Bridgman who fu‘lly maintained the reputation which had prsseded hihs, _ He bandiled his sub> jeok, "Triftem" in a imnaterly, interesting and inatructive imanuer, _ We regret that our want of space does not permit us to give an extended report. _ At the close, a vote of thanks was very heartily and usanâ€" imoualy given to the taleuted Lecturer, one to the chAirman, aw! one to the Iacdies . Aum Vacaxt Sarmromnsim».â€"The Glode is out in favor of the INon, Mr., Bouson, of 81. Catherines, being appointed to the va> sant Sonatorship instead ofMr, Cowan,the rejeeted of South Wuserloo It thinks that the Senate should not be mude an may» . luim for rejected politicians While we a« gree with it as to the propriety of appoint» ing men to thg Senate who hnve the confâ€" sume of the people , we think it would be out of place to go to Niagura for agentioman for the vaueancy caused by the death of Ma Blair, who represented Brock Division, In accondance with a preoviously expressed opiâ€" niow we atill think that one of the members of the Commons in this Division should \ b.nppoinl‘d. Nova Scurtaâ€"On Tuesiay: . last the Outario Legislature very properly voted ©38,000 for the rufering and sturving Aaherâ€" men in Nova Svotiu Muny towss and cltive ate nlso. moving in this direction. Cannot something by done in Wauterloo! The people here are well oif and always willing to help the needy. All it wante is N some one to move in the maiter, . ‘The Svhulars of the Contral Suhoot coltueted, a very handsowme sum for the Quebec Sufaer ore brv yeare ago, uni could do the same now for the poor starving Asherimen in our Eatorn Province, â€"-â€"-â€"P‘.‘..._â€"â€"â€"â€" Commmotionâ€"â€"We notice a paragraph yoing the rounds of the preas that Mr.Dan» insl K, Bowwanu, of 8t. Jacobe, has been up: pointed ltevenue Inspector for this Connty, in Bowman has culled at our ofise and states that he never was appointed, nor ever expected such ® thing. Rasutwze Or+.â€"â€"\We gall attontion 19 the wow aitvertisement in Tths paper of Me¢ W Fiaher who is selling off his fnr stook at a groutredustion to prives‘ Read for . yourâ€" selves what bu sayt ' in Cuelpli, * Diptheria is provaillag wiph |fatal offect a «h actiins jooa PanrbtaxiWtaxy News.â€"Your nble reâ€" sume of news in your Iust issue leaves" me wery littls of importunce to note, enpecially as the House wdjourned on Thuraday until Monday, â€" "Dhis, adjournment was partly out of respect to the mamory of the late Hom Mra M. C. Cameron and partly beâ€" cause there was littls, if any, work ready. A Row.â€"â€"Mesars, Blakoe and the illustriâ€" | ous Tom Forguason somewhat forgot the dignity of the House and induiged ,in petâ€" ty pertonalities as insiptd as they were un» manly, Mr Blake, in ratorting upon Mr Fergusson for charging Lim with unfairâ€" ness in attrcking an absent minister, made an nllusion to his (Forgusson‘s) retrograde movement from Ridgzewny in such a mnn-‘ ner as to preserva his stuinps"‘ Ar Verâ€" gusson replied thit some of Mr Bluke‘s reâ€" lutives had no necesaity for the use of their =stumps," when called to leava the world as they had dangled from the end of a tether, alluding to the hanging of a man: named Biake in 1792, There was an atâ€" tempt inade to censure Mr Fergusson, but the mation not being made in time he es caped, â€" It is to be hoped that membera will remember that it is possible to be M. | P. P.‘s amt goutlemen at ons and the anme | time, and in ease any one should find it im« t [\ouibln in his indivijdual ense, it would be vetter for the atanding of the country that ) | such n one shoukd cense to bo an M P. P, Poronto Correspondence. Crown Larps â€"An: intoresting debute on this subject is expected on Tuesday, Counsor. G@arra â€"This aubject is oc cupying the public mind, | The (Hlobe ediâ€" torial is deemed quite mild, compared with its past course on this question, _ Vietorit Umnnil{ has petitioned the Legisiiture on the aubject, and mambers seem to thiuk thit the grants will be made nt least for m term of years, ‘The Pross seems to fivor this wctio t Aoctogxt.â€"â€"Mr Furgusson, Barrister of this City, aint cousin of the M. P., in goâ€" ing into his yant from his house fell und broke his wrim _ He is doing well * COntang, Cangort®o,. â€" Mro McePhuil n merhant of this city, was attackad on Thuraday evoniog and so strangled and heaten as to render him p:\rlinlly uncons ced o ompcc2st® the se T: 2 I cious. The vijmijs secured some spol! a were unrecogniged . o Hary. Tureves. â€"Several robberies front halls of private and, public housea hauve Intely been made. . ‘This indicates the preâ€" sence of some practised vagnbond thieves Lirerary.â€"â€"Dudley Waller, the boy:â€" mnder gavesome readings in this city, which were well received, 0. 1& K â€"At the Into meeting of the Ontario Literary Bociety, the following ofâ€" feere were olected: Prostdeontâ€"Kenneth McKonaie, Ery., Q 0.; 1st Viee President «=Juhn E. Rose, M. A., LL B.; 2nd vice Presidentâ€"Jamen H, ihc.mnnm. M. A.; Beoretary=J. Macphorson King, M. A.; Treasuror==J, J, Foy}; Amsiat Buo‘y=â€"=J. Wilson}; Librurinu=<A BM\ Meyers; Cor Beg‘y.â€"A, Christie, 3. A.; Commiitao== B Jones, M. A.; J N Bluke, M_A ; J Rid. out, M A; and Mr Robins ‘The nociety gives pd‘ Indications of strong vitality, Wiuariem, fine Blvighing good. Honlth very ggood. Businesa in some departments wstive with, however, the usual lull nfter: Holiduym Money market not very eaty} farmers seoming to fuar almost any invest: ments or depoait . Mornls doubtful, City Gousall quiet, und orderly, Police Court not very notive, | Alissionary Mm_infn on the u;‘ Callectionsthereat somewhat in mecordance with the religious state of the community, 8.8, Nelles D.D‘,Pr:\i; dent of Vietorin Umversity, preached exsellent Missionary sermon in Eim Btreet W. M. Church, on Bunday, the 18th inst . and delivered a more than ordinurily inte® esting speech on the same subjuct the folâ€" lowing evening. W. Bonity, M.A,., M. \ P.P.,in the chair. Naw Mumio rrom Root & Capr‘s.â€"We have received from Mesars Root & Cady, the great Ohicago publishers, the following pleces of new music:â€"Suiled tnto Dream« land, by F, W. Root: Les Deaux Debut: ants, a collection of vasy Dusts, for Organ and Piano, by F, W. Root; Oin, Funtastic Romunesque, by 8. G. Pratt; Undine, by Y; B Aubert ; and the following vocal and instrumental pieces arranged for the Gulâ€" tar:â€"=Mabe}, by Geo. F, Root; I ask no mors by G eo. k. Root; Buarry Schottische by (Guo, Ktevens ; and Octorcson Schottische by (Geo. F. Root, All to be had at respect. wble Book and Music Stures. Laoy‘s Fmigxp.â€"The February num-‘ ber of this valuable and interesting publi« eation is to hand. It contains a very beautiful stoel ougraving representing the hiditg of Moses in the bullushes, A douâ€" ble Bteel Fashion Plate as refined and eleâ€" gant as usual, any amount of patterns, fanâ€" ey work, nivais aud everything else to in« terest tha ladies. ‘The price is $2.50, A« merican currency n yaiur,. _ Address Dencon & Peterson 310, Wuluut strest Philadelphs Parnt Parstjsa new patent imedicine which is very highly spoken of by some of our Canadian and American exchanges, By reference to an advertisement in anoth« or columan it will be seeu what this mediâ€" cine eluims to effect Mr. Tistalo woll known to the people in Waterloo, hits o‘ wined the exclusive right to dispose of it in the Counties of Waterloo Wellington, Bruce and Grey, We hope those who are suffering from any of the diseases mentioned in the catalogue will give the Pain Paiut a liks Goortgyon Fresvarrâ€"â€"We are much pleased with the last nuinber of Godey, Its engravings gutitled The Doubithl Forâ€" tune" "The old Buchelors Valentine ‘de. do ate certainly first clamm, . ‘The Fashion plate and the endless varieties of n!l kinds of patierns &o. mus® be interesting to the Ladioag,. ‘The contents are all ontertaining, I» A, Gpdey, Phileadelphinâ€" Asseimblies during the present semson . Thid‘ls creating no little excitement in . soâ€" cial olreles, and well it may; for the buche> tora can be counted by hundreda while their thir nequarntances. canouly count but not catch them. The houses of the English Cuabinat Min« laters are now watohed day and night by detaotives on recount of the many threats uf assussination which they have received. The bachelors of Quebes are to give two WY ATERLOO 4 $# @ B comss ces us is as mive As agreed to, L will pen you a few thoughts fror Ohio To diy finds me in my old native state, amid ghe scones of youth and eurly childhond, surtounded with many kind friends, and the ever demr joys of higtme, "sweet hoine " 1 am umler great obligations to you Mr. Editor for your kindness in sending to me your valuâ€" nble and" respectable" CAronicle, which comes regulariy to hand, and which affords me greut autisfnction relative to the proceadâ€" ings of *Waterloo, und vasious: other parts of the world. M I have nothing of special importnnce to write to you ubout on this occraion, ms nothing ‘of that nature has transpired since L have beon here. _ The wiuter, so fur has beeu somewhat jopen and pleasent, with a tow hard frosts, and one snow storm only. There is no snow here now,. The Negro question, seemes . to be upâ€" rermoot now, in poiut of political agitation, mt as I ain no. politician,and know but very little about the true nature of the question, I have but little to say on it myâ€" self, but nllow me juat to remark before 1 close this part of the subject, that I \ iffor with many of my friemds ‘and neighbors hore, relative to the freatom, and rights of the Blacks 1 eannot look upon the poor Negro, a« inany of my frmmL and petgh» bore do, that he has been born an Antetrded alavg, and that he can never bu taught, &e Somu go even 80 far as to say, that they | «id not believe tumt the Negro hus a soul. Q what nonseoso : 1 should be very sorâ€" ry Mr. editor, tp hold any such an opin« ion, while I do hold en the other hand, thut the Blacks should have their freedom und rights and be by themselves as naturo | has desaigned, I wish to _ make a fow remarks â€" to the { people of Waterloo County, relative to their happy nwd independunt condition in the world. â€" It is very true that [ hnvo not been all over the world, but I havye been in many of the States of this Union, and 1 inust say it in truth, that I have never, in all m{ travels, found any one plaee which suited my taste bettor than Waterloo Coun: ty, Ontario. _ Now Mr. Editor, it is not my intention to at all flutter your people, nor do I think they care forit, buwhat 1 bave said. I have said without fear of coutRadietion, More soon from your B Pirowan Caxantas Dataracay‘« Asgootatio®.~The first annual meeting of this Association wiil be held in lngtmfil. on the 6th and 6th of Feb., and it is expected that the mouting will be largely nttended,. ‘The followin subjects will coma up for discussion, lllK gentlemen intending to be present, will do well to give the di!firont aubjects considerâ€" wtion it the menutime * 1. Purity of flavor in cheoso, what are the requisitem how bost procured 1 2, Aro curd mills beneficiul, and would their general use be advienble Z 8. Whut constitutes the auperiority of the Choddar aystein of cheosa making, and cc:lul-'l it be adopted with advantage in Can hda 4, â€" Sintiatioal eireular==could it be made vuseful hu.}unlhing and mnlutnluhts( the last price for vheuase the current yenr 8, â€"Mowlong is it desirable to press choese 1 Would two or more days improve the qualkty or texture? _ _ _ _ _ 6. â€" la it practivable to ndopt the Ameri. oan system of muking chesse oneé m day, and would it bo preferable to making: twice a diy, he practised by our factorymen! 7. Beat stock ut Diury purposes, 8. What is the beat hour and plany for milking 1 9. What kind of salt is most suitable in cheese inaking, und Low does the Goderich saly comtpare with the Liverpool Duiry uult, Tus Now York Herald lins come _out uarely agninat Grant for President, "and :}vu the following funciful sketch of the ‘Government and {iouuhold af the Grind Radiont Empire : â€" We presume wo slall not violate impe: rial confidence by foreshadowing ow char» uctor of the government and houb&hold of the new and mugnificent empire proposed to bw vracted by the mliunlnvpon the ruius of republican liberty in the Uni fl [Btntos Here it is: _ _ 4 g S;;_g 0_ AAUCGC 15 (8k » L 1 His Linperial Highnoss Urynél I,â€"â€"Monâ€" aroh of ull he surveys Iinperial mouthpiece and Keoper of "the Imperial Word and Conscionceâ€"E B W ashburne. 4. Minister of Conflscated Efil:l and Genâ€" eral Factotuin of the â€" Imp rirdâ€"Munsionâ€" Thaddeus Stevens mt ; Minister of Military Injusticeâ€"Edwin M. Stanton . L e To Minister of the Radioal Rack and Potitiâ€" oul Joint Twister in Gonet«lâ€"Gvorge 8. Boutwell. Usherof the Black Rol=â€"Frod Douâ€" LBERTTER FPROM OHIO. Bhelly, O,. Jan, 13. 1867 Ushe, glass | ~ Lord High Chamberlain and Picker Up of all the Imperial Old Boots, .Old Hats and Old Glo, Gongr:dly-TJohu‘W. Forney, Imperial Sott dibpencbher and Knight Uomlmndur of Ongr of the Sulphureous Buthâ€"Jas, M. Ashley, lmpariul Windmi{ll and Chief of the Imâ€" perial Blowpipes=â€"â€"J W Aunnicutt Court Watehmanâ€"Heary Wilson, Court Hangmanâ€"Ben Wade, * Koeper of the Imperial â€" Bedchamberâ€" Charles Sumner, Lady in Wauiting==Anua Dickinson, An nctrous about to »ppear at on e of the foreign â€" theaires is the daughtercof Maâ€" duing Forgeot, nlso dramatic artist former x wellâ€"known in Lonadon, of whowm this ugulur uncedote is related : «* She was one afternoon with.soine frienda who bad oalled to pay hera visit, whenher maid entered and wispered a faw wonls into the ear ‘of her mistress . Madame Forguot amiled. and said to herfriends: + It is iny dresamaker, she has just brought me home a curious dregs; come and see it‘ . They followed hor into her boudoir, when what wastheir surprise to find that it was acoffin of most excellent workmanship, made of rosawood anvd hined with white satin, The coffin wus atanding upright against a wally collin was Atanuing uprus mpmineh o MR Madame Forgeot entared it to trysit and with a emile on ber lips exclamed : + Exâ€" cellent! this drass Jll née like a glove : the only thing is to postpone wenring it as long ms ‘i)oufi.lo.' m« days ufh%vmd she was dead !‘ â€" is . . % Dexonset‘s Moxtuiy ror Fearvany.â€" | Ottawa aro to hold a musical soires, in a ‘This Magazine his nlways been neafer perâ€" faw days, in aid of Nova Scotia fishermen. fection than any other, ‘There is one ad. Th’ expect in immensegathering. Mesare. nirable feature in itâ€"‘an univearied effert | Tilley and Mitchell, and other membera of at improvemment." â€" Most of the Fashion |the Government, are to be invited to tuke Magazsines r:luln:\i: in c::lu q&o.o wig\ one | part in the proceedings. number much like anothor; about DuiMon« P wert‘s there is a treshness, a re@uement and .:l Boston 'g“"’“ “:;:' ‘hf“' our ladies truthfuluens of tone, which . fite it for: its | ©800 MOP MDC (NDM D ing from year to place â€"a Parlor Mugnsine for the Homus of y:“h'" i > ,;.'\ to imaure & wocisty pr_?enlv Americ. _ A new cover and large type are‘ * °:"" hi his is noka Yury grallying two of the attfuctions of the _ new . volume,. | ***!* things. Published by W. Juxainoas Demorzet, 478 | _ A rich sult vein haé been struck in the Broadway, N. Y., $3.00 yearly. Send for Ivill of Southainptouw, while siuking a wircular Mlmr wates rONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Vigxna, Jan, 10=Tha obsequies of Muxiâ€" millian were clebrated this evening with g‘)'n';t pomp. | The funeral pmculin was ed as follows. The heal of the line was occupied by the wmunicipal authorities, the mayor of the citfi. m corps of marines acting, as a guard of honor, the eatafulque bearing the reimains, Admiral ‘Tegethof.$ and officers of the navy and army. Vast crowds vimited the remaina during the day while lying in state. _ ‘The Enperor Fran« cisJoseph lins written an autograph letter to Admiral â€" ‘Tegethoff, thanking tim for bim mervice in recovering the remmins of Maxi milliats * Duspuits, Jan. 20. The Government is about to commence a legnl prosecution aâ€" gainst the propriators of the Dublin Ne« tion â€" for the publication of seditious li bels and infiamrintory articles in that jour» nal. Lonbox, Jan. 20. â€"The Puris correaponâ€" «lantol the London Post says :A feelingof un» enainers is perceptible is political and finan clal circles. Though no one believes that war is â€" threatened from avy quarter, | still the great activity in the arsernals and dockgards of France, and the pressure brought to bear upon the Corpe Legi.lative for the passage of the army bill, are cireum» stances which cuntribute to unsettle the feeling of security in the public mind, aud impair confidence in the stability of peace . Conrk, Jan. 18â€"A striet mearch of the person and baggage of George FrancisTrain disclosed no proof of complicity with the Feniun movement for justifying his arreat by the: police on lulpicion of heing conâ€" cerned in Fenian plottings, Mr Train as sorta that he came over to Europe as corâ€" respondent from Ireland for tm N. Â¥. World, Hehas formally protested, through tho United States Conasul, ugainst his deten:> tion, and declares he was arrested upon no other ground thin the finding of an Irsh paper in his truuk,. Tire (Mixters®a or Marin® ano Fisnerâ€" tk8s,â€"Ox | the return from Ottw«a to New: cuatle, N. B., of the Hon, Mr. Mitchell, a fortnight ngo, be was honored with an immense public demon«tranon. _ Amid the rour of musketry,the _ ringing of bells, and the hbeurty cheers of the people, he was emcorted ‘boneath triuimphal arches â€" nnd flaunting flags to the principal hotel, where a bunquet was given in his honer, attenâ€" ded by the principal people of that part of New Brunswick, NMr Opilvie, M L A., for Montreal West, and MrbBollinghnm, M L a, for Argont uoil strongly argued mgninst iny indowniâ€" ty to members of the Looul Legialnture boing grauted. ‘The latter twitted M Cuu« chon upon his anxiety to accept the premierâ€" slip wfihout being paid, und his desire to receive the shilling now, | Cnuchon turned upon him like a perfect Tuk, but, never theless, is said to have looked a little iâ€" ahamed, â€" Wo doubt in The Austrian Qovernment and a consid« eruble portion of the inlnbitants of Vieuna on Sunday last celebraied, with becoming aolemnity, the funoral of the unfortunate Archduka Muxiin{/inh . _ Among the raany things thit may be said in honor of the un foryunate Frince, not the least is that he was most beloved where he was beat known. He wus regarded us the most liberal nmong the Archdukes of the Lipperial family, and was undoubtedly the most popular, Unoouy.â€"Alexunder H. Slevons consld. ors the future of the South to ba iraught with gloom and disnster, He says tfut the result of reoonstruction policy will be the destruction of either the white or black races ‘The estrangement between them 4s daily widening, und as far as his observation in QGeorgin extends, there is no spirit ef uymrn\hy or Iuterest between the whites and blacks, ‘The opposition of the ucss now visible in the Jomh must lead «oouer or later to fearful collisious, A resident of New York, who by the reâ€" yerse of fortune, had been reduced in posk» bt funds to somewhat less than one hundred paper dollars, concluded to establish a small distllery, _ In the apace of one year he beâ€" A young woman in Kentucky fell into a trunce, induced by religous excitmen in November last, and on recovering, toll atrangse stories about heaven and the other .place, besides predicting the death of three young men of her m:iunnuuoo before the {enr was out. ‘The lust one died on New (eur‘s day . An unpleasent female, that, A United States Judge is eredited with the authorship of a joke. He was recently trying a case of alleged infringement of a puateut _ A â€" brandusting â€" imaehine was brought iuto the court rooum, thut the (?u- rors might see it ut work. The judge looked ut it a moment or two, and then reâ€" marked: #I horo the counsel will not be guilty of throwing dust in the eyos » the jury with that mauchine," came wealthy to the extent of about two two hundred thousand dollars, He gave u large Enrty afew evonings since, and aâ€" mong the guests were four gentleman at leaat who are known officially as revenue Inspectors. "Old Father Lobinson," the oldest man in America, lives in Detroit He is a neâ€" gro, 114 years old, He is rapidly fuling, though unul lately his hearing was quite accurate and his oyes undimmed . Li?o i8 aweet, and men clztg to it with blind and muggfing tenacity, but the majority would be willing to @fall asleep" before a contury had passed over their heads. King Theodore baving kicked up such a jolly row, as the English would sry by proposing to Victoria. thinks of offering marriage to the Empress Eugenie, ‘The fact of her having a husband does not seem to count ‘with the royal Ab(uiniun. who condescending says she needn‘t accept him if she doesn‘t want to Whu'wilrLouh have to say about it! Letters and papers addressed to mem bers of Looal flgillatum must be preâ€" paid, otherwisa they will be consigned to the dead ioctter bouxes, M. P. P.‘s have not the privilege of franking their commuâ€" nications, but they are allowed to charge postage in a contingent account. A Newfoundland dog wg seen carryâ€" jug a bundle in his mouth down Second ave, N. Y, on Thuraday night â€" Arriving at No. 451, oécupied by Mr. Van Winkle, posited the bundle on the topxmoflhnsr, ran off, ‘The package contained a fomale iufant about one week old. The Bachelors of 0. U. R Club of Ottawa aro to hold a musical soires, in a faw days, in aid of Nova Scotia fishermen. They expect nn immensegathering, Mesare. Tilley and Mitchell, and other members of the Government, are to be invited to tuke part in the proceedings. at No. 461, oocugiul by Bir. Yan Ninni®, he walked up the steps, and having deâ€" CABLE NEWS. Rusaia denies her imputei loan. ‘The shoe trade is dull in Lynn, Father Chiniquy is lecturing at Wood: stock. Ristori goesa to Louisville in February. _ The cattle plague is again raging inScot» land. Horse stealing is the latest avocation 0â€" pen to women in New York,. _ Dickens has cleared $38,000 in New York, and $52,000 in Bostoa. Marrying and settling down is now call onâ€"operative housskeeping. A French paper consides the whale an antediluvian sardine . Queen Victoria guined twenty pounds of flesh during the last year. O Twenty young ladies of Menasha Wis., have had a leap yoar sleighride, Ghosts are agnin on the rampageâ€"we read efthein in all quarters. . According to a recent officil statement thers are 1,500,000 Protestants in Francs. Thousands of detectives are walking about in London variously disgaised. Daily prayerâ€"mectings ure being held in Dubuque, Muscatine, and Keokuk, Iowa. Rev. Newman Hall recuived a Chritsma® gift of £500 on his returr home. _ ‘The Pennaylvania State debt is about $35,000,000. # â€"â€" _ The iceo in the Hudson at Troy is cighâ€" teen inches in thicknewa. Fortyâ€"nine native photographers take phizeas in Osaka, Japan. . _ Oysters are cheap aga n in London, as the walrus has stopped onting so many. Henry Ward Beecher is said to be wri« ting a Life of Christ, . Grant issues no cards of invitatiot® to his regeptions. â€" All are welcome. Dickens writes home enthusiastically aâ€" bout his reception in America, P The Sultan is looking into his prisonsâ€" with a view to reform thom. At the funeral of the late William B. Bradbury all the music was selocted from his compositions. The Prince of W.ales eaid, Miss Schaumâ€"» burg, of Philadelphin, was the most besutiâ€" ful woman he had seen in Amorica. A Californian is driving four bundred aund thirty turkeys to Virginia City, Nevaâ€" da. Chilli will barvest her wheat crop uost mounth, and expects the largest feor many y.flr'v ° _ Gladstone nearly had an ey® d-.nh'a{cd on Christimas day, by a Aying chip, while watching the cutting down o‘{; w tree, The Preabyterians of Southwestorn Vir« ginia talk of estublishing a femaule colleg at Abington. Wilkie Collins driake stiong tem ovor{ hour during his serious attraclks of composiâ€" wion. Prof, Buckland is to be appointed the Deputy Miniater of Agriculture for Ontuâ€" rio, {r’ + Btanton is uo longer planting trees in his frout dooryard. He has other fish to The Auatrian mission ia pmporl{ so onl|â€" wd, ainge all porsons named for the pluce miss and whun it _New Orleans in ow cltering under the hot weuther. Quite a contrast with Canaâ€" da. Rev. Dr. Irvina, pastor of Knox‘s church Montreml, has been preseuted.by his couâ€" gregntion with 8400. _ â€" Bt Petersburg and Madri®fre the dear eat of the Europenan capitals to live in, and geographicully the most unpleasank _ An ;xchun-ge says there is no truth in the rumor that Beward has made overtures for the purchase of the last new Asteroid, Mom'lit{ at Brantford is in joorrdy, and an extinction of the @social evil" is called for by the Press. Infunticide has never been so common in New York, as during the past twelve monthe . Weston, the pedestrian, does not ssem to know whether to turn lecturer or comedian, ‘The best thing he car take to is his legs. L he life of Queon Isabella of Spain is said to grow more and imore shameful. Her profigncies are no longer concealed from her subjects. A woman named Margaret McPherson died lately at her rasidence, Chumplain stroet, Quebec. aged 102 years. ‘The i mpress Eugenie is reported to be the most graceiul sinoker in Paris, _ When Louis Napolean scolds Eugenie pufts, Fifteen brigands are hung daily, in Moxâ€" co, How long, at that rates before that villainous country will bo depopulated, Their Ohignon'; are said to have saved many ladies‘ lives in ia recent English railâ€" way collision. It is said that Jefferson Davis thought bloolshed would be fatal to the cause of the South. â€" It was Jupiter and Venus are glowing with a mutual passion just now, and shine reaplenâ€" dently in the evening sky . Evory member of the New Havren police foree is married, â€" It is a fortunate thing to be a policeman. The Rt, Rev. Dr. Lewis who attended the late l‘nu-An%Iicnm synod, â€" returned fr‘?m England by the last Canadian stcamâ€" ship . For the past halfâ€"year one country treaâ€" surer a monuth, on n nvenge, in Indiana kas proved a defuwulter, and they all be. longed to the same political party . HWisce(Cancous Items A hotse ran away at Truro, N. 8S., last week, _ A lad [v on the sidewalk, with great presence of mind, ran into the middle of the street, was knocked down and killed. Bricksburg, N. J., is said to owe its name and origin to the bricks carrigd there by the Newark aditors. ‘The means of transâ€" portation was hate. A nervous Englishman says he hopes the Fenians will rescue Xreland from her ignoâ€" minious bondage or perish in the attempt, particularly the latter. _ A couple who wore married last week in Boston,have not spoken to each other since the wedding day. Reason; they are both deaf and dumb. The very economical Crown Lands deâ€" patment of Ontario has already a staff of twentyâ€"six olgrks, Economy with a venâ€" geance | Anva E. Dickinson makes $10,000 to: $12,000 a year by lecturing, and would make twice as much if she would accept al! the invitations she roseives. American bookseliers say that poetic and urely literary works have never been so Sull of sale for ten years as thev are al preâ€" mencing extravagan ;. _ The staff of officials is formidable. ‘The Quebes statesmen put on mauy amirs, abd a fuuny puper says Mr. Cauchon will soou be gizetted as Prince of Spiced Bacon, vud My. Dunkin, Burou Marmalade» The local legislators of Quebec are comâ€" ‘I‘us Cnurow Uxroxn is the Largest | Raligious Puper in the World. It advoâ€" cates the Unity of the Church of Christ, | opposes Ritualisin, close communion,, apO#â€" | tolic sugeession, church caste, exclusiveness, | and â€" sectarian bigotry. It will sustain equal rights and suffrage for every inan an\ watnan of whatsoever nationality, all ideas of progress, and social advancement. 11 will huve a department for Home and Fuâ€" mily Reading, for general intelligence frowt every portion of lge Church and world, a depurtmeut of religious tales, and for culâ€" turing the imaginatiou, mnother for the young, a review of the pulpit, the press of pmssing ovents, of books, music, avd liternâ€" ture, a department of the farmer and for science. cS It is the organ of no sect, Bbut will aim to represert every branck ofthe Church of Christ, as well as every society organized for the purnose of evangelizing the world. for the purnose of evangelizming the worid. Tt is l.l"l'ini'.lx:'iu\ in Credd, h favors free diacuassion of all subjectanot already settled by the universal consqit of the Church of all agea _ I; will opprse Ritualism and In. fidelity, and advoéate a free pulpit for Christ‘s miniaters and a free communion table for «ll the Lord‘s Tooplc. It will favor vniversal suffrage and equal It will favor vniversal suffrage and equal rights to every /man and woman of whntsoâ€" ever nuzionl{y, and will oppose all human instruments contrived by inen for the enâ€" slavement of the consciences of inen. It will publish a sermaon by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher every Monday at 12 s!avement of LN® CONBCICNC@N 07 TITETE ud It will publish a serimon by the Rev. iALL lh;-e lgdl;bécd to the Estate of the late Jacob Hofman. either hy Note or Henry Ward Beecher oury'glom\n At l2 | Book account, are requested to p‘yfil_ip_im- o‘ciock; â€"the !l!URCI‘! Un18® c / | mediate!y. hose neglsetin # to attend TD paper now that publishes Mr. Beecler‘s this Notice, will ouly have Tnemseivoe t o sormons every week,. ‘This sermon is not ! blame for costs. manveiahtad nor does it come under the eve | ISAAC HOFFMAN, copyrighted, nor does it come under the eye | of Mr. Beechur before publication, and will | be n faithful report of the (Gireat Preacher of Freedom. \}Vriun and editors of every | branch of the Church are engaged on this | pape!. * TreRrMS.â€"$2.50; $1.00 to agents for every subscriber. ©Who usunl premmiums of sewing â€"machisies, etc., will be offâ€"red. For sale by the American News Company, Pennsylvania oil regions has as stock | on hband of 534 500 barrels, a smaller xâ€" ; mount than at any time within #ix montlhs The number of new wells driliing is 132, | and the preseut daily production is 11,035 . barrols. | St. . Louis gambiera are villains in the a douole sense. â€" Out of faurteen furoâ€"boxes receatly captured there by the police, only three were Lbonestly innde. _ All the rest conmined more than fiftyâ€"two cards, with c\xiloudy.contrivod‘ springs controlled by the dealer. A New York paper mggut- a Panâ€"Me thodist councilâ€"that is a Conference of Meâ€" thodiats from all over the earth. Methodism is worldâ€"embracing, and counts eight mill« lons of persons among its adhereuts In Munich two mon lately drank a Buvaâ€" rin beer Match. The winner absorbed «ne huudred and ninetyâ€"five glasses in an hour, and was the vext day Lought for a brewery. There was one hundred and fortyâ€"eight thousund shade trees in Paris, but none of any great size, having‘ beeu out down for barricades in the many revolutions that that city has enjoyed. Gortschakof® has lost caste by iwarrying the divorced wife of his nephew, and the Russian nobility recently sent back his cards of invitation to a concert aud ball at his pulace. ‘Tha condition uf the denizena of the (Great Republic oppressed by taxation, their coinmerce gone to pot, their manufucturing establ shments following stip and their ruâ€" lera playing the role of lunatics is not much to boast of An over dose of a patent medicine known as the "Pain Conqurror," conquered the life of John Lewis, at Millbank, county of Porth, on Wednesday last. A letter safely reached its destination in Iowna with this indorsetment; "There is a tenâ€"dollar bill foldec in this letter, and if y':: want it worse than my inother does, 0 it â€" + A letter wus recently received at the Washingion Dead Letter Office, contuinâ€" ing a diamond ring worth $1,500 but as the lady had signed hber full uame it was rsturned to her in England. o Alld dA i d idb ioi bldintahagh id id Soitt t 1 » Address, _ C. ALBERTSON, Supt, _ | Until 15th February next. George Krancis Train, the great Fonian has gone to Europe. The British are proâ€" verbially stupid, and may get hbim on an official string through some Lblunder, Geo. bewaure | A young lady named Einma A. ‘Toms, n school teaeher in New York, _ dropped down suddenly in the street, on Sunday mornivg, without a sigh or groan, and died in ten inenutes. â€" Cause, tightâ€"lacing. A writer in the Globe asserts that the Licensed Victualiors‘® Assoeiation incorpoâ€" gated would do more to rule and <ruin the eountry than a dozen Grand Truok Comâ€" panies combined, At the Wesleyan Parsonage Goderich, by the Rev. WV H Poole, on the 9th instant, Wim Crooks, Esq., of Wellcsley, to Miss Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Robert Atcheson, Exq ., of Goderich Township. DIEp. On the 15th inst., Mr. Wm,. Bunks: | of Linwoud, uged wbuut $2 years . One of the telegraph eaplorers in Alaska has travelled 400 miles on snow shocs, when the thermometer‘s range was from eight to forty degrees below zero. The story is again rumored that the whole volunteer forcos will probably be called upon to do frontier duty at an early date in the spring. A great ceremony is to take place in the French Cathedral. {Iontrul, before the deâ€" parture of the Canadian corps of the Ponâ€" tifinial Zouaves, on the oceasion of blessing their bauners. All Roman Catholic Bisâ€" hops from Upper angd Lower Canada are expected to be present.~ MABRIED. At the Mangion of the bride‘s father in the village of Hespeler, County of Waterloo, on Tuesday, the [6th instaat,by the Rev. M. Boomer, D. D., Rural Dean, Jolin Walker, Esq., of London, to Laura, third daughter of Jacob Hespeler, Esq., of Hesâ€" peler, At Hamilton, on the 15the instant, by the Rev. Dr Nevilie, Mr Joseph Meteal{, to Clara Wheeler, only daughter of the late Murshall H «arr, Esq., 9 Beckman Street, N. Y. 1F““A particulars to be haa upon application Palt Whent. ..s..n..ls2;. Spring Wheat ....... ... PEMK . .s.srsrissrcs0lces Bart@® cerserss s.aree. Rye 56 lbs. ....... ... .. y O oc ce Clover Seed....: :.:. Timothy Seed........... Flax Seod. iss« .>:scr>>â€" BULOF: : ++«+sxicsrsssrss Rigg# ..l... 006. k 8 )* Pork ...csislsnsrrisass Hamé: . .....s.r:csates4s \’l‘cllov................. | Potato®® ......s..}}} > > lWoolporlb...... | Best Flour, Double Extra. . |Family WJour, Extra...... |§pring éeat Flour . ... Corrected Weekly for the Caxoxic‘ ) WATERLOO MARKE S Hexall Wour . RBran per Ton Shorts . ..... OQnions ..... Tenders for Fencing, |\ _ EXTENNVE SALE 'I"HE undersigned will receive Tendera for inclosing the W ATERLOO SHOW GROUND, about 14 acres, with a good Board Fence _ Tenders to be received , to the undersigned REAL ESTATE 'l‘HE subscriber offers to dimpose of by private sale, the followitig® valuabie property, viz :â€" Lot 15 on T Con., Arran. 94 ncrgn. Cleat titke Lut 7, 1 Con.. do., 103 d¢. "Jo, Lot 27, R, Amabel, 100 ~ Transfer Lot 8. A, x# 100 Clear Deed. Lot 21. 13 Con., Bruce. 100 Clear Deed . Lot 1, 12 Con, _" _ 100 foi Transfer. Lot 22, 7 Eidersly 100 permTransfer. Commerctal @ntelligence Lot 21, Lot 9, LO(\ 4, Lot 14. Loj 20, Lot 9, 3, Saugeen AO _ " Clear Deed. Lot 4, 2. h 100 _ Cear Deed. Lot 14. 2, K appel 109 _ \Clear Deed. Loj; 20, 7, Saugeen _ 120 _ Ciour Deed. Excellent Bargains awe Offered. Applications wre to be sernt £if by letter postâ€"puid.) to ‘ ?{ , A. P. STAEFORD, Berlin,Jan. 16th, 1868 BARORIS&ESA AI;PTSE'-NEY. soLICIâ€" TOR 1] ANCEI;Y, Conv &e , &o.. Beriix. Ontari«. ‘ se io Ufice on Queen ‘Street, nearly opâ€" pcrite Ametican Hotel. Berlin, January, 186. 6z8â€" ASCHOL\BSHIP for _ the _ Brivisi, American Commercial Caltege, Toroiâ€" to. Appiyat the office of this paper THE undersigned offers to sell by private sale bis excellent Farni. situmted one half a mile East of Berlin. It is one of the most beantifully and conveuiently simated farm« in the county. _ The buildings, orchards, water. are equal to any in this part of the country. Terms ressonuable . _ Apply to beartine WM. MOYER, _FRED. Ccom@LHoUN, Town CNerk. Waterloo, Jan. 20th, 1868. 628â€"3 PORT ELCGIN. xHE undersigned offers to sell by private ’1 sale his valuable farm within balfa mile ef Eimira, on the Wiuterbourne road. It conâ€" tains 141 Acres under excellent cultivation, of which 115 are cleared. It is well fenoed, bas first class farm buildings, a neverâ€"failing spring, a good fruit Orchard, just beginuing to bear, and 6 acres of first class Ceda Swamp. Terws liberal, to be made known ¢en appliâ€" cation, (if by letter post paid) to DR.COLBY‘S ANTIâ€"COSTICE AND TONIC PLLUS, Port Elgin, Jan 22ud. 1863 Just Received at the Woaterloo Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Slodge Â¥rs Aobcrfiscments. PAY UP. Berlin, Jan, 7th, 1868 J C Butler, M D, Waterloo John Erskine, M D, Waterioo. Norman Cleveland, M D, Barnstou. K Jenks, M D, Baruston: C Â¥ Cowles, M D, Stanstead . Juhn Neigs; M D, Standstoad. Josepb Breadon, M D, Surgeon, R N. Benjamin Damor, M D, Coaticook . Lemuel Richmond, M D Lerby Line 8 J Foss & Co., Sherbrook, P U ., Lole Proâ€" rietors. Henry Thompsum & Co, Aloutreal, Vholesale Agents. January lst, 1868. 626 â€" Woolwich, Jan. 8th, 1868 FARM FOR SALE® FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP. Hand & Shooing Hammorus. JQOHN McDOUGAL L 12 Coun, _8 100 7 Ridersly 100 9 * * 100 B, 0 t« _ 100 Alexander »MIiDBer, Siore, disect lrowm lThe inakers dred AT OF GEO. GERLI®.G, Elmira P. 0. th, 1868. 626â€"3t Nortaanton P. O., ____ Bruce Coumy. g1.05 Clear Deed. Clear Deed . foi Tranefer. pe niTranefer. 55 65 â€" 00â€" 6+ wna se ~ Préprietor. Agen t. Lis ~3 c0 626 â€"

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