Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Jan 1868, p. 4

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() 0 D 0 s e / ~Bvery imetchant who: ud rertiznd -,nnmwm‘:- henre a -.:fl'.‘.: * aat yadvgriee ; gomplain about ""Whio bhit qhbatton tor sthiousdion be fore ‘~ e Ohbrh M.:h uf a: weatern weHow ts vervs Uod and hwep a > +Me sroee .cr::m.?. awestent bun 'mm‘:um :-:.',‘12.‘.: P i to diatinguish~ Christinna _ froid | ~olig? areebipc mpb ts ie af Te \prubiarainens M remals‘s it ve »"Ouad nmming\ Ma H.‘.: sail a Pennâ€" m ‘.N \M‘ “‘v MI‘- positore ;.“‘ham you any \h.r-’lhn that would make good \,\-puvn "Noa bit A‘veqot a.wite that woubl make q <Miib * coute devik® KB $ "Iima a | ‘{ A n ingqatsia ie &QQI amked a sotdter with: an ewpty meeve where he loat hin armmy * s you. 3 * I'H‘ i. you> ! ol Imgabiecirta rtigtonâ€" Wihwamtiinn . wb of m\m‘eâ€"‘l‘ho bougha of _ â€"s=®Phe Votges of the | wighy‘â€"Those bln _ wee bhbijes. ; w fp A «ied aPunol aiys thit : dueke hy : but mwmu lny! uggn l aigh lefia Mrataekings are one of < The mobphshuid of éredit «& hanatih | Why wonen fire shntersâ€"Bucanse they 'Y“"”""S A ‘“n' 200 ‘ mn.s. q mR -:_: NO who «mw contiuaionds 'Ewm'mmu‘u martiod 1 Be. ! 8 _ mdm UMhd way of the wobtht =dat ahrh 1 bgy.«= bdrmy, mieuAythey aay youre gett rapa dol lat a week. uln;! lm‘l:.hoy.â€"Y.m mltht Af h thal . {tage boonh t\ n} by the way Allots Ghme "wnlmpm “:‘M.I:?r prokmibbad . a um\,m :i"!&fl nfi _ #ortry. i, ‘Tovde ataire. En a threahing machine,"> anewwred “fi soktien "Were you ranning the machine ®Weikno} General Grant had the charge Kher in a,grentee dupmrity in mot re &mm o’-& n iL, m“\ams com in itted n in cont it a» Arsh To deay as Msm Cbtabo bua P Dolaki veoal ids braaat (bitakas uhi PutsAtiid; is bai} but not itis Wwiep | bitterty, at he did, when we have dunieg, is wors s 1‘ swear for her, Tsc . D tear for her, R Rhe hord knows what [‘d beae for lHier; a o P lis for her, n . _ _ l sigh for bery _ oys dustys ppwini e proch ut Pd drink Big Muddy dry Bd drink Big Muddy dry for hers .sn thaol poo fee O" 94000 jol? biil bo the : village regidenty o those INM Boot Por her, | who cours from the city, «who alone ure INL rivul who‘d gome to "suft"afét her; ; aupposed to possuse the propet taste ail Nd Sn for wen *T h wll wrong ; mnictt s /~ Th is all wrotg ; country ‘ _ To nds for n'::.""‘ | ple will nnP think Gm,‘w will i’..u‘?fi: wahfoot n Intul Whe, * l Cditodver J q glide for m r brd awins wind and tide tor hey | many mird i plunay abd will be }“‘:‘;::::: ,Mflnthumm | Intâ€"tnog ib t iR iy ypp, _ Is your farimhouse bomely, gninble Yeof ® aworbetbes . K. ioâ€"Drany other wourk®,. g a stone, hut the youhs gen« .'3. congiilur wa m’ififx neked for apyowigâ€"iarty‘s Mand which your toaeinée wiv i Rariey ty ue h Rrive to learn= g Turax is not A pluate in the entire couns y but can, to somé extent be Iimproved m ornamental appearance and effect, w bu; little brouble and at little expanse. . _ _ Buarmers espusially are apt to think thay betnuse \lmm poor, of ':mu Bimited, they are unable to entty olt w“.‘dm of imptovament or if they happan toâ€"be well I over new :’E‘:wm wad dry} a..l‘: blirds s Woanlifabgroon} bude wiy anid browh, whil you think you uanndt u&fl to buikl a n\a onef N{nm mind } if there is unly cheerfulness within the oh| oft@ ‘tis better than rich garpéte anst discon» bowled sprits in a new one Puint up whi hro! ao Wnn« lt Thi diatant atate, how presious is the memoty [:'dhmp:\\‘vd m'm fi‘:.m h pevst 4 Fadl St hothe tuy hew â€"â€" prafuniiy~boots m"m hfi{_p swine pretty yever the rowtakte a fow maples and cimae M rows ; y wite noud a fewr wenley a n_\.um a and bulbe uud‘phnn wiso in front of your par winmlowh [ ’flsT wai l‘\h‘&th warmith of the san , ainil wauh the appearing of the I ks surphly frois your weode o Aplad , rom reods or. Mfisfirflflmfii bhuds 1 Weaulifal g&:‘t twine amond your porch the hormeyatickle or ctiimbl rose, and wind up the ahles and uornm.u‘l ftive ul var prat ani poote e i gra aur gromkâ€" mer wome,‘ amys an exchange, _ *‘Not, one : of ow . \ne OF, I farua At t Nae ooo Pn Joo wl h dat e e W hn verries how they .‘:. wit met; m xm * NA ’u'.": a romu enc bror ol mm ahn oi frul ifi mad in ts“MM in noctety, * m hnt _ . Py me, thein whuther it «Jdoes not pay M%mf wb a Hault evan ;" lfw- A beautitulâ€"grean, glusay inwn io someâ€" s kp t mm highy Abraignt hn th onten . uad ns‘ mo T D s twalve. ) Phe thrmerand the produce ) doaâ€" Naw shoutd understand the marketa wee to know athing is thoâ€"nante an to gaurn‘ 8100 4 I * The ‘and of the world lins 6 + poned by the Milluritas .N‘WP*‘ an nore or imnore. of gnea. wore hore udkhnmlum with footpaths aud covered with sativke, chipe and : rails hesnk [otdicg of ® pood napepe f:'}s i ebieope us ount work oif 6f aut every auinmat @iong the farmers to make : olservationa ani then reviait thep country in wintar and pointâ€" out to the farn the aldodolh: way will impre M iinrenoun‘s tm it o & ‘ye howy'Mh it toah * NT The influewee of it wtll wat yeat here}; it wiil be only a comimencement of leasons of salutary influence which you must twke, ty \A Mmrmu'um- wet in that atate . buill ;abm u.u‘.m years ago, und put a crop of hay into it the whie your} N'M‘L*“ the Arat time the last of it was diaturbed, the call was so loud that it had to come oub 1t was tass aweek and bright as agy. ever hrouglt to look $iazinmers €oluma. a% Nok \Mui"um BRAUTIPY YOUA HOMRS like} shingle i over new, and inake the lowrchunt | ‘wad <instead of W o Jaw«m\ it wWothern with . Jw Cnd E S100 -“”r“.lfl"'l-l"‘u ) I:Mdmwm'm I.“ veeasion to any that in this age and country; public opivion would never permit the aus thority of a husband to be so constructed as to give him domlnton over his wife‘s chaste and friendly correapondence not af Mh? his rights, A tl is very mxut Jt ie difficult to understand how the case In question could An important decision has iun been mady in the court of Appeals at Louisvill#, Ky,, in nFnrd inatital rights of womet: mll ':%‘lm:r\&ul ndgiftht to ife withaitt. her nt# het wm and sufficient rea Ki \pr knowi h nt kfi:iwd n6 ngm;\a ::‘:e.::i ‘mnm&m&m; hus no right to look into his wife‘s writing weak to sue whethiir he has sufficient cuuse for jealduay, _ In good sociaty,the rules of = io se d opugigh.s I I > " ; â€" lA I h other‘s letters, but o model couple nra gene: rally supposed to have no secrets that aro not mutulh . . I w:l"lls'o“;:;l:l.f\enry, that husband and wife ure one, oan hawk in practice. It is one of thoad Kcm‘ m; _!hr'fcoun- WATERLOO COCHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. weurete of Rich he but it would m*\v’dem the privilege of knowing what sentinents ae ship, but which rarely survives the honey: mout _ Dear Aug:mun cannot bo expected to share with his better half all the business is the nt rate of C would fud tik necupatiye. * Dt phagket in On the uther hand, a couficing wife will ber husband what are mwon without good and ."," What may constituts n good and sufficient reason, is beyond the into the overatooked '&V%m:& e s C h fifx-c ‘thie of wm’.«h-:: 0k tiea concarned, _ When a couple ary obliged to come into courn to decile which of the twain shall have thre evetody of a bundle of lettur», ‘t is nbout tinie for one of the par a good education, . Bhe is now | rwsocinte aimile of one ol ihose .lmt; Muographa of imposible womenjpapylar in the pine dinâ€" tricts I think the great cabbuge rose in her hair mace out the reJeimblance. Bhade who 9 l want of veeksand ilisl o Â¥iiumâ€"â€"Thé lady who contribute on ropriaté to aimbitions servant girls )« 0 bu t U tfabin d nl & I ob " T hever shall forget the impression the day," He advised that the young Incdies gw‘uâ€"'l“ lady who con\rms to "The Fashions" column of the N Â¥. 4d vertiser is evidently hyporeritical on the suore of costuma _ Hoear what sho auys == wIf full curhrare worn, they should‘{q!n with short ones on the forshoad, growing m‘n‘:“ bauk. ’I"I.m long q‘:ul curls ars mg to very few hm? are too ’flalb arhaich ‘ Pllo) style is only appropriaté to ambitions servant girla almile ofone of those ghunp lithographa of Nemen object to having the ludies intrude on the aspheréé of the labor ‘\which belong made by a W pnatora , wife who |fiund wb n?@‘f one night dressed in a school girl‘s white mus R\"In.‘ dhmud':r‘.. a achool girl‘n'wh[:{ muie A ) w?;hwhng' :::.w .m.i.: .lfngmmu nfi musk of a fiwg, as much %h a â€" fashion her hair mace qu} the refeimblance. Bhade af sivew nbrnicdont it Tok ies lignity of labds\" remmtka that the gon» temen object to having the ladies intrude in Ohig,, , be,. disinolined to musk of a fug, a4 mush ky a fashion‘ plute u‘nnmeflha '\y:n&:_&]ng the fadt become "gushing" innocents but do for usat c RdLti.s: \::ok | !nvl O woalt Aeire A Ginn I.o Woenkeo n a Priativo (.).mu- OClnetnnati p:por -tmn ‘I?:IN three years ago a an girl appy and was uxfid.’:’nfl;p‘ £ tlmn ® pen â€" Bhe worked two years dnfly whr:h time she earned, beaides her bourt!, " about “hm ::d availing herself of w Mll:l:; w MM mequi a good us_mlbng Bhe is now ‘ .&hm now seeming so dulicate as to be dimmed by u breatti, and wnou giving glimpses, but by a breatt -t’illan A Fixa Wormamâ€"â€"Que of the inost im« portant preces of news from Purig is tha the heaviest womn in that city is dead. Blsabetih Veronique welghed Ave huadred und twenty Rnglish pouindts, ‘The followâ€" hig envipue lerter was ~writted sby© her in May, 1848:â€"Witigen _ President==1 nin :u Mmh“I“b i of age, 1 incwsute ve feet eight inc/ hutte (ieg povege . 1 oaitinanite Toiks of 15. Anpa Dickinson, in ber lecture on the A Beottiali® Jud@k; nt is cheese show in ®ab es C o th nds " and, ® "bt thawe wine lt plenty of young men .'i”u'u'm'"'" &A WIFPRB LATTDER, Poce ent nuzn. is be 'oa:l ‘:lln h & is .‘X{qu\mg the par« hen a counte ars obliweed in thy, @uaignting) din ween the better i could lind the iat writing ons h Manufuctufers 9 2l ‘FhOlw ~«ob Re o4 t € *4 Jpgm ay 66 U geaplgip #& p p Simpson‘& Aldous ! BA have again leased \!l'atr gld lLlnpd.rhen thly'qnnlt!nq.g.‘tg supply the trade and the general nave again leased Their old stand where they continue to nu;; public with every thing in their line on reasonable TRRMS. COTTON GOODS Perfeotion reached at last : ‘ Embodied in the new and popular aoninesIins Snd ¢ U o ® a Manufactured by the British American Sewing Mahine Co., at PARIS, ONTARIO. W attontion is invited to PARKâ€" B PATENT UNION MILLS, the best aud cheapest Mill ever made. BARCLAY SEWING Stock of Dry Goods! ourself, ~ is + . k icl A Awu:lo OBE3 BBJHTRL, Blatr P. 0 , or to N. & R. J. Wiuxixs, Olothiers, Main Street, Galt. Jonx Ruxamaw, Postmaster, Blair: J. K, Fmor, Berlin. Twomas Tint, Greenbush, weessmemem==, Waterloo, A. Z. Dutwicet, Bimira: D. Bitrti Hamburg. J.bowu, Elora, t3* Bample ilnhhm to be seen at eacl of these places and instructions given tree of charge, RLAIR, Bep. lith, 1807,. G06â€"3mths. Coffee and Spice Mills. _ In sonclusion, we earnestly invite Young and Midgleâ€"aged Men, Educat a mm’m have dfl?b invinatinny t Gail and. eouite bnd fudge for vese of its merite. tor Cireular and Specimens of Penmauship. T..N, HARRIS, Prainorran 6130=â€" Royal Dominion Commercial College, Hamilion, D. C. Received und for sale ut thcl mmwm. i splendid iot of The GROCERY Department weed thorough Penman on luaving this institution. ‘I‘his is no _o;m&i;' pretension. _ The College is fast fl&un:sm young men itom eyery portion of the country. Young h ‘.“- " -», i | uh f * .mdmm tomtend a Coimmarcial éollm.' The following partioutirs are your subjects of enquiry : . Jst. Which is the most reasonable in its charn. has the best and most extensive faâ€" blittes in building accommodations, is the best Nurnished and has the ehenpest und beet boarding Accommotdations for its students. (@4. ,ogrpe of P te aud Asâ€" mmm.‘ a::;m'm.‘mz oxtlondul pnronng:. ':.Inl‘o'l" a ':l.wn um\‘c.l; ance and a the most improvement Me, Ath. «heat Pul id ayrteme of goverpamny an) thy besi merkl faradul, xi‘?{_?hi ,',".":‘M.,?f FALL AND WINTER GOODS:! h m % t O eef 44â€" ~~â€" axao‘ yÂ¥ HNflSIF HAVK‘FJ’ ONRAND AN IMMENS® 8 A4 wsually found in a General Store . ‘Tno THE POPULAR INSTITUTION AT HAMILTON es and is lodated in the moat mnu{ and beautifu} vity io the Aaind. â€" {t: is donsidered>the most witdvestul Business College, it has on #le ‘more latters from graduates of the past; munondm‘ the Gollege und uo‘ym ol‘ study they chn ‘be preseuted 2{ any om:l nstiturion: and instly butinet teastpit oaurries out to <his Sietter| the termiacol â€"ite Altrers {hn.nh. As all the above Gnods mnre bought in the best Murkets for CASH, intending purshasers will ud is to their interest to buy where the best Burgains are olfered . It is all Inrolu\n\ that {on should know the CHAMPICN PENMAN, and Instructor of Penmanship, of America, is connected with this College.. Young Men are guarran Eqz» Cull and seoe one of the best and largest Stocks of Goods in this part of the country. _ > 0 < _ YOUNG ‘MEN, ‘PARENTS, READ amerped fopem done to order BRRLIN, June the 19th, 1867. Commercial Block, Waterleo, Oct. 8, 186¢7. fHoyal nominion College, Received ani for sale at: the § :8 ub ROÂ¥AL DIminion COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pumps .& . Pipes Hardware â€" FElannels, &c., &c., t*» ALL OF WHICH WILL BR S0LD VERY CHEAP. «) W ONHAND Ap_munuganin%fi xm§ of JOHN MeDOUGALL Will be sold Olwopmt)q»m:gm”n me, by (h\“l(\bll. Treading and Thorough Bussiness Men and Edu» intty:" Ithis becvom® generally understood throughout the country Goods, Woolen Goods ! ie unusunily large, comprising most beautiful [nare sarrion amerioa®) . / / UNBOUNDED BUCCOBRBRSSE is also cp'r.npletci% *oy that the iters 96 and, t Retail Deaiers IN IJT U BR E, oF + jp; BTPAFFORDBHIRE and ; °> Buvedish. Iron BLOSBURG COA L. On Just received at the Waterloo Hardware Store, direct from the mines, .. , &gsgho.Waperloo Hardware Store. . *Â¥ n * JOHN MoDOUGALL or MAuL KiND8 or acops JOHN SHUH & Co. of the very finest «JP O NNE#: JOHN MeDOUGALL . 594â€" 61â€" WINTER Snider‘s Block, Waterloo, Oct. 29th, 1867 B. Devitts Column. 3inbttes fns friends Call & See Splendid Stock B. Devitt 4{ F A L L PU BLLC Goods. WATERLOO AND THE cordially OF HIS * &o,, &e., ever oftcred in Berlin. ~ Kee» Call and inspect for yourselves. CEX . _ Farmers Produce taken in exchange: â€" | PERLIN, Octuber 22n4. 1867 LARGEST, BESTâ€"=‘AND CHEAPEST STOCK 2’11â€"15’:(5';‘1‘};1’5'3'."“:&â€" pot ouly"much better thin amf other foreign importation, but very CATL AT THE SEWING MACHINE DDEPOA® HOFFMANS NEW BLOCK, B C R LCE N. CC Sewing Machines . Fall & W inter CGoods. AYCT"*CUT IXN PRA D E: A CHOICE AND COMPLETE STOCK CANADA TWEEDS, CANADA & WHITNEY BLANKETS, . GREY COTTONS and SHEETINGS, 47 At the old price of years ago. ## â€"â€" Prints, Ginghams, Flannels, Plain and Fancy, Blk; & gol‘d Cobourgs, Blk. and col‘d French Merinos, Shawls => and Mantles, Velveteens Winceys, &c. > i ALSO _ DR V G 0 0 D *, Next door to Mr. Uhrstadt‘s Sore, opposite SnyGer®}GribUMill, where all styles of Machines are constantly kept on band, and may be seen in 6peration, and where specimens so work may be seen * ® I P All kinds of NACHINE SEWING done to brdbnut tte Waterloo Sewing Machiné Glore STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOOBDS, â€"__W. H. G. KNOWELES, . _>.; Fuchs‘ Block, Berlin, IVAI uhi rtoond &@> At the Lowest Cash Price! â€"Â¥ .. Their Motto is :â€"*Small Profits and Quick Returyis.® ‘All kinds of Produce taken in exchange at the highest Market price. 4 ~ ul HENRY ROOS & Co. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods|! Opposite Mr, Mulheron‘s Stove and Tin In Mr. Pischer‘s Old Stana : KERR, BROWN & MACKENTZIE, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE ! HARDW A RBE \ careful inspection of the Stock and prices is solicited, as the WHOLE STOCK will e sold at prices that have not been heard of since the breaking out of the Anteripam E- Cash and AMILTON WATERLOO;, Aug.Atth, 1667; Berlin, October 8thy 1867, Waterlao, October 28th, 1867 READYâ€"MADE _ CLOTHING I Those intending to purchase a Canadian nreduction not ontv/much better AVE great pleasure of <nuonncing to the public that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE in Waterioo, 18‘ ARE NOW OPENING ONT HAS NOW RECEIVED j To es ce e uns h.A Lk PA Mécond to none in the World, as to w# abthe bi tb t ag the best nnuf-;[l\ru hognropozdv e hfnfitfi_t T&m ‘hose intending to purchase a Sewing Machine wi d . mmz tA E4 _ Doops & CADWELL ir Iron, Steel, Horse Nails, Cut Nails, Pressed Nails, Wrought Nails, Spikes, Window Glass, Oils & Paints, > Coal Oil, Axles, Springs, Carriage Trimings, Grindstonss, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Hoes, German Cow Ties, Logging Chains, % Dung Forks, Brass Kettles, Lampg, _z /‘ &e., &c., &oe. ol P is They can assure the Public that every article will be sold DIRECT IMPORTATIONS AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND A GOOD ASSORTMENT oFr ready for inspection. â€" i+ . Cash and prompt paying dealers are particularly invited to call madâ€"@pest. . Isaac KHoftman. Is now prepared to ‘show td the generous* public the GREAT ATERAOCTIONâ€" ‘ GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ; PUTTY, PAINTS, OIL, TURPENTINE, V ARNISH, W ATERLOO. VILLAGE | HENRY ROOS & CO. , Aue. Having become the SAc‘Agents of‘the celebrated And by the end of this month they will have 29th 1867. STORE ! A FULL ASSORTED STOC HAMILTON, QNTARIO, TERMS AS USUAL. N Ei FOR THE‘ OF =â€"OFâ€" , where th DoDP§ & CADWELL, W. H. G. KNOWLES. Winl dopstint}y keap ob band 2 /A4 60â€" 613â€" w4

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