{El 'C. â€magnum utou-i'tesitsr,tr.iu-ets. lav "mattMttg unk- eouocuu a. - m an distant [In In has removed. A mm fail W. hon an the we of tho - Cm nun In the year 1836. an A met-or! H II. I“ AW lulu but“ Duel to tho dun who. the pr- Over 105,000 members at the Canadian Expeditionary Fons wish to take up farming intanada after the war. This figure was obtainsd by interview his 23mmâ€) members of the fort-es overseas; 43.9 per cent. of those men wish to go oil/the land. The provinces in which they wish to settle are as follows: _ Ontario ..... ...-t ..... ..rt. ..... t.rme ..... -....t._.. 25.400 Albt-rta_...... . m.m.me.. V..... -._. 'ttmr tFrm .... .mrmmFFe 23072 British Columbia ......FP.F. ...t. ..V._. -.... m...- .rr.P.. 1,5,135 Manitoba 'F....... ...... ..... i. .i FeV . tVet" ..... ... 11.708 Saskatchewan .-r. ..t.. ..-.. ..__r ._ev. .-'.. m.rt_ m... 15108 Nova Scotia te.... ... .t.r... er... ..... .t... ..... 3.53:! Quebec..... ........e.e.tmt.rt.re.r_-..trt-m.... 3.33n ' NewBrunswick.,, "w'"-'-""-""-""""'"'"""'"'.. 2.831 Prince Edward “and .r..... .-t.F 'P... ._... m.... 'rr i. 810 Pruvinr'e not stated. ,. tv... .r... ..rr. trev. .tre. ._.... 4.518 "Ot ltses.e 105.000 the cards dist-{use that 78.000, or 74 per cent.. have had L-revious agricultural experience." a statement says. "The number of . men who have had three years' oxpericncn or more is 61.000. or 58 per cent.. and the surprising number who have had twenty years' experience or over is 11.00. or almost 11 per cent. Major-Genera! .0, C, Mouhurn. Minister of Militia. emu Canadian t' ur, yestertiv.y, stun-d that n! tho through the Canaan" military machine 455.984 were Probably no citizen was more Interested in in! wetare and progress ot the city and as tribute to his public spirit he was twice elected mayor of the then town of Berlin by acclimation by admiring ratepayers. ' v' In: trom mny your- " than. . AM â€civil; " oduutlon in the Pubtin m1 of that by and tho‘ my. “bung“. “Id than I. tft 0H Nib Gull-u School when was eomputod by . luv course In Toronto. 9.", or n “he tert. Mr. lulu m manual to the be in 1863 and pnctlud In: p"Pr"ton Mun-t Mr. G. H. Ray. RE. No. 1, Kim:- orqth-t-ty over that MI and“; practice cover! the remarknhle period dine. Ont.. wrtteq: "Mm. I†“I . -. . " boon nun; your Runny-“v0! Pull. at can» "an. An um record would mucus Mr. Mum had a gain- an. um vary “a mu rheumnuu 3021!“ work. He wart-sly know what it was tq be Ill until I tew month! , amd ocumn, "m ttad had that too9ut . . [Itch for tummy-corn: "an " wu Meh and rarely took a holiday. H. was . an ot I Bunto dluposmon. and limply “mm, what m. .utNred. I abstention: llama, nun-11y greeting his "lends with a piehsunlry or a story. ( persuaded her to try " " worth or _ _ . . - . _ . ' . . _.. . _ _. . . _ . _ Dr (Than-1 Kldn-v-lenr Pill: Rh. h II " damn prolesulon the late Alexander Mlllar was held in high esteem. huh by tho members or the bar and the putnic. As counsel not the Mutual "' Assurance Co., the County ot Waterloo, the City ot Kitchener. and other corporations covering a long period he ‘oluhllnhed a reputation as it wise countecor and an expert In law. Always uncompromising where questions or prinmple were iDvo.ved the line Mr, Miller never advised in court aw until ntl ettorts to secure an Oink-able nettlemznt between the dismount: had been eahauated. Citizens generally will receive the news ot his death with protoutsd re pet. His widow and lamlly will have the memory at a loving husbmd um miner and a long life of usefulness to the cotansuuity and his feuowtuen u console them. - _ _ - Count Caermn. ttH-mor Austro Hungarian Foreign Minister. my» he thinks tho Former Kaiser did um “um tho “an but that hrs did not know how In avoid it. "I have tho Impression." he Says "that neither Emperor Francis Joseph, C. uvror William nor their Ministers wanted the war." A “That this declaration mpresems a substamial prospective increase in the agrim?ilral population is :ercaled by tbe fact that of the 105,000 men who 311311 o go ml the land. fewer than 41.00" were actively engaged in agricul tural pursuils at the Iinm of t?tilisttttpnt. “The men were asked to state whether they llpsirod to take advantage at Iny scheme of assisted agricultural settlpmnm, my] almost " 000. or $9 per a"rat-tatmr-that-tlusy-wiuhed to avail, thmaelves at suCh_a2ttiuuulce_,tvitt; over 6.000. or alum! 7 per cent. The remainder gar:- indefinite answers. "A further surprising Cact was reveated that practically 50,000 of the 10ii.000'arutouncFul their wiliingrws:-" to work [or wages to get experience. The number who declined to work tor wages was over 42.000. but thic is can") Win]: 11s-uiiucLe)reayly _tert_tifsyyi that 61000 have had three year» arxperience or more In an article in which the question or municipal elections are discm‘eu, the Chatham News.erurtpares the general imexest to that taken in a horse rate. It dcplorcs this and urges that sumo higIIr-r'view be taken. " speaks ot the people inquiring of the titttess ot nv-n who seek these positions and it goes farther and thittks that uppiimnts for the position of Alderman should 'be able. to "su'wtrvt special fiiriesH they have for the position..whiuh is all right in one way, Inn in another is all wrong This is one of the cases where the oirice should seek the man and the nun the ratepayers should know in good time who will be willing In serve in any public capacity, so fun the choice shall not he made haphazard and have all the elements ot um 1.. 'a'oty attached to an ordinary horse rare. hut he as uncertain as a horse race or ttrp lower class. in which g‘xm'uunz is the "ttict element. in fact is the motive tor the rut-e. The Pity tlouneii and other puhlic bodies exist to (In the business of the ratepayers and should he selected on business principles. Homp idoa of the lrt-mondous financial sacrifices Britain had to make to Italiiiize c-xrlmnxe during tho war " revealorl in the statement Just made by JVinston Churchill. in which he rier‘land that England had sent to America over two billion dol!ars in gold huiliun. and nearly tive billion 'in securitieU. mm (my w. um tn an out!!!) ur "on!“ - “ACO This must be thr' Hull indian summer woothr'r, Welcome to tho boys from (women Medina-dunnnmoliceuhmtm "x may“ shfuh+euttgti8ishidGertrtaat, insulin-elm. SHOULD BE SELECTED ON BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Packed in air tight puck-(es. Saki by all grocers. Telfers "The RETURNED SOLDIERS FAVOR FARMING. Criy. nut-like and swe mess to make duty. Try them. m was AMI! mun. ILC., Patr Wordfor Biscuits" “>1“an NOTE AND COMMENT. ttttMm W \HlllNh in an address to the anr 611.741 mm who passed volunteers. 1.70s 5 108 3.53:; 3.330 2.831 I BIA-um 6nd scum: "quota: BO 1030005 no ll mil out «and tho man. tun dinn- Imutuhlo. I All an swelling and pmn... ruin- tsttt trom mny - ol "an“? Aha". duppeund. And than I. I a min or Ill-Che lain --- he allies against Germanv is EM,, 000,000,000. according to the Britllh Prime Minister. David Lloyd George. who presented this and other inter. erstihtt facts before a large gathering ere today. The cos! of the war to Great 13mm was 1t8.ott0.tt6tr,BiNh- _ Dr. Chaso'a Kidney-Liv" Pius an. i now on the but box. Ind lot In. loll you she warmly know: new". uh. in so tree trom both the†an“... All the Dwelling And pufmnou can-ad by the rheumllllm ha: gone awn. and she has gone down in weight 18% pounds. She never has an who not pain. hlltoulno-s nor lick heath-rho all there months. She often lays her-c" 'How glad I nun that I know what to do instead of laying doctorl to much 'o make me wom‘" There is ortty one way thnt the poisons in the blood can he cloamd nwnv and the mus-p of Paints arm Iche- removed. and that I. by the healthful action at tho kidneyl. "re: and bowels. fteosure Dr, Ch-u’t Kldnev-lepr ring at" direct“ 3nd “My on these nrnnl lnd tn- wure their activi'y thee remove the cause of rhpum'nlem and o‘her dro‘d fu!lv painful and (an! tM-sees Ott: oil] a (Inna " NW"! A hox all anion or Edmnnlnn. Baton & Co, Limited Toronto. Before the war tie estimate}! wealth of Germany, said the Pre ruler was between EtlL000.000,01» md S'20,000.000,000 sterling. Bo,-if he whole wealth of Germany werr alum, there would not be enough to Tay the am. Therettrro In had used the words: "Germany should pay to the utmost limit of her ca- parity" Not Give up Navy. When the Prime Minister was ad- nrpssinq an overflow meeting, he mid Great Britain would be guilty of 1 great folly if she gave um hpr navy A voice interrupted: "Then watch Wilson?" The Premier replied: 'twell, l Igor an“: M numb In has _ a: ban. and In. Ru h an“ I. um - my (Honda In an nu “and. Look for tho portrait and “cumin. of A W Chan) M th. the "mor, Receipt Book author. on the box FO' buy MUST PAY fllll to meet him in a to tell him what you any Depend! on Peace Terms The Premier said the English mill tary service was passed in order to meet a great emergency. When that nmergency was passed the need was missed and the act would lapse. He ultled there was no intention to re- new it. Whether Great Britain would require conscription in the future in any shape or form, Mr, Lloyd George said, depended not upon the opinion which he now expressed hut upon the notice terms which were made. Con tinulng. the Prime Minister said: i "What drove us to conscription was the existence of conscript armies on the continent that inevitably pushdi the world into war. They could 'not have great military machines there without tempting the men at the held or them to try their luck with those machines. The Germans always felt there was nothing to resist their per. military machine. PreVent Armiel in Europe “if you want a permanent peace: it you want to prevent the horrors of this war being repeated, you must put an end to conneript nrmies on the continent of Europe. "Wherever the request comes trom, we are not going to give up the "roteetion of the navy so far as Great Britain Is eonrerned." WILL KEEP THE NAVY Lloyd George Says Britain's Loss of Forty Billion Will Be Collected. "We did not ttttve. the machlnory tor an offensive wtr. Our nlvy In P defensive weapon and not a often give one; and that " why we do my' mean to give it up. We have kept those Islands free from invasion tor centuries. and we mean to take no risk in the future," Leave Mark on Wor‘d Mr. Lloyd George dorlarod that thr decision which would he taken in, tho next tow months ht the P03?! Con (crann- wu gain: to In“ A marr upon the world. The Iâ€: to mine he and would be able to reap the fruit: of ft, The Premier ttttxt deal! with the question of indmnnitr. Ho dtyeirtrest the war had mm Gem-I" Ion than it had cost Great Britain. It mm mm and Britain. he dad-r!" uncommon». I (III-mic mm. Tttr 0011mm M". tte thIM'M, In“ t-tttettrtrrl it was frttFrtlt1r "or on. pol-Ion who uni In the "we!" 1nd had lost should pay In- than "The first thing to do " to I vent the repetition of blunders the Dual by making it Impossible have the great comm-1m armles he future. E6.0tte000.tt0't or P7.tMtndtMtt'Nt, Hr Bristol. Dec. 11.-The In! bill of -MuBt-d--'rot swan-mm BUST (lf MI in ‘a torthiq?u. I Mn Matricu- " to pre ot to in "(3] When you come to the ex- acting of it we must exact in such a way that it does not do more harm to the country that receives it than the country that is paying it. “(4) The committee appointed try the British Cabinet believes that that can be done. Before German War bet». "tli) The allies are in exactly the game boat. We shall put in our de, mands all together, and whatever they are they must come in from of the German war debt." The Prime Minister continued: “The first consideration in the minds of the allies will be the inter- not; of the people upon whom the Germans have made war and not thr. interents of the German people who have made war and have been guilty of that crime." ' Tm. Dec. 'L-important mu, 0. In tho Ontario Gonrnmenl': hon “I. policy. thch will nuke It you: In. tor any workman-n to harm Government money to build his ow. home. were announced by Sir WtlHan - today. the pérson who was declared to Be In the right and had won. ‘Will Exact Whole '50:- The Premier said a British Imper- ial Commission had been appointed to investigate the capacity of Ger. many (to pay).‘and that he had re- ceived its report. He summarized his remarks on this point as (allows: "(1) As far as justice its concerned we have an absolute right to demand the whole coat ot the war trom Ger many. ' "(2) We propose to demand the whole cast of the war from Camus: Provincnl Government Makes Radical Changes In Ita Homing Pttlier-- Goyorumont Money Is Available for Loan-om- Pay no Per Month. . Since the Dominion Government dr ciled to place "6.000 000 at the dis poeui at the mount-es tor â€loaning to amnion-lithe tor haunting. thereby giving Ontario I call upon â€proxi- utely 88.000.000. the condition: und * which the province will loan mane)- nve been under reunion. The new :ouditiona must be retitled. at can!» ty legislation. but they are inumi " ' dethrtitouide' to the municipalities with may accept them an the bull or immediate action where desirable The New Why. The Government he: laid down one "o' principle that china the direc ton of the who'e hauling point. The ziglnal scheme sought to halve the musing prohtetn by providing low pric ‘il houses that could be rented at mod Tate rates. The new policy is Just he revere. with the object of encour gin: people to own their own homes he Governntettr is dec'aring. in prin info against the erection of hmn'ss vilh Government nmney tor renting vumnsen. though exception“ are pro aided for, The annnuncement of the prime minister states that a municipality se~ ‘urlng Government money m1v make Municipalities and housing compel ‘es may acquire hand and construct house: tor returned ao'diers. ant also for workingmen and worm-n and (has. at small means. The type of house shall nat exceed $2,500 in cost. with a maximum cost tor land building and interest during construction of $3 000. A municipality that acquires land and erect: buildings may borrow the full amount therefor: a housing com- nany may be loaned up to 85 per cent. " the vatue ot the land and buildings. Referring to a letter and to haw been I'2t'l by l British Genera: v ' Frenc General. in which tho Err- '1h officer was quoted an smith! t' was proposed to establish a British “alumni army of twenty divisions} based on oonsrrfption. but that "mt Tahinet would not touch mm untrl utter up elevtions. and then not “all" ‘his beanie of Nations nonsensa hat heen dirurumaed pt the Pure ('nnter m." Praminr Loyd Gnome dociar Mi: "The Cabin-1 mam- hnrvt of tha urhemty. Bo far on the Cabinet " whitened. It is omty an expression of the opinion ot wine General." The suggestion is made that houuea 'ae told on 'he monthte renavmsnt "tttt with a perind’dt repayment of not more than 2 years and an interest we of 5 per cent. On a 20-vear ro- ~aymom hash a 38.000 property wou?d 'A? cu- in 20 yam-s with a mommy aavmem of (NIH 820 a month. The new policy provides tor a muni- "paHty com'ng in under n trv-taw of 'hrmett; "'NeHeottmtit must than " ‘oint a commiss‘nn of three, tho o'her we being nominated by the Council. 'ttttutot members of It. tor two years. "ith on? retiring each year. "There is absolutely no doubt that he has committed I crime agalnsv 'ntelnntlonnl right. and there is oh zolutely no doubt that he ought to he held responsible for ii so tar an thr European allies are concerned." Ao Individual Opinion The Premier Mild he honed that America would take the sumo War when President Wilson arrived as to he demand that would he not for word on the part of the Eunmnenr \lllen "to make the Kaiser and his " »nmpllnes rerspomsittlo for this te. rlhle crime." With regard to the former Ger man Emperor: th_e Pfemlerfngd: _ GENERAL SHUTS RESIGNS PROM WAR 0 ANNE†London. Dee. "-.irart. 049"" Ian Chef-(Ian 8mm- of Iou‘h M" 'tgm mica-d "om the war trqttirt- on the grow" that “Mu. ‘n a longer and“. a loan to a person who owns his own and and buins 3 house for his own wenpauun up to the full value of the MCIPAIJ‘HIB MAY PURCHASE LANDS The statement new mit the rollov- ng further edmiitions: oi'ding. A farmer may get a similar ’3"n to Imi‘d houses] tor emn'nyans. Ill (lllllll HUMES ilf THEIR illllll The streets are all cobbled ttttd sometimes there are sidewalks au- snmetlmes not. I haven't seen a CH ment sidewnlk in the whole place They all are either board or paved and uneven. There are animals run ning all over the place. ta'rly " BWarmB--COTlFB, pigs. ducks. etc. - Home: Poor Specimen“. Horses are used tor draft purposes here. They are all pretty miserabl- tookinq specimens, and so mostly hitched single. The carts are tour wheel prramtements3. nearly all wee“ and hetd-together M wire-err 'tmy-arid- thine. Thee hitch the shafts to tn. horse‘s collar iind he pulls by thom The calls here are a little bigger than a baby marriage. They are drawn by two horses and carry two passenger. with crowding. The wheels an about two. feet high and rubbertireu They need to he for the pavement " all cobblestones. I haven't seen any farms yet. but there are plenty o. goats. cattle and pigs about. Living Fairly Cheap. The Russian money is x-ll papcr am. oretty easy to understand. The small» er coin Is the kopek. and I hundred koneks make a rouble. The value Ot a dollar in roubles is always chang- ing, but it is about 'eight or ten rout» ten to n dollar as a rule. At a Chin ese icanteen, near us. you can get ham, two eggs. chipped potatoes. mo buns. and coffee, or tea for three roubles. or thirtysix cents. One has to watch for counterfeit money, as they say there's lots of " around. Fruit All importa- The shops here are nothing much to look at outside. but some arc pretty respectable inside. They show very little in the windows. and mm- sins are all Russian. of course; so the streets don't look like real streets at all. All imported goods are pretty dear, but farm produce is fairly cheap. There are an awful lot at ftR7t4 for sale. Nenrlv every other store sells fruit. which Is imported, most likely. Apples are common and nennuts can be had by the bushel. Wm: snob hard work balancing one. no" that I couldn‘t do anythin: else The weather in this country is'tine Just like the fail in Ontario. It " pretty windy. but they say not verv raid in winter. Fifteen below zero is the rerord tor cold weather t sup pose the intnrior will he comer. Ail We" Plan": One seen all kinds of peome annn' here. The population a-ama '0 hr Fhour mm Russian and half (‘hinesn The Chinese do the dork. Everybody wears all the clothes he can get. The inh3rers at the dock were the funniest looking lot of scarecrow: vou coulv' see anywhere, They wore their over- conts all the time, even when work ing. Every man had a pigtait. Thr Russian rhildren are nice looking Thev nearly all wear some Bo.. o' uniform and lots ot furs. New: eveerody wears furs of some sort WILL NOT DISCUSS HIS EFFORTS TO PREVENT WAR Sundny. Ort., 21. "" Dear Mother:-" suppou It's high time I wrote you again. or you'll think I've disappeared entirely, I'm tooling tine now and everything looks good so hr. I hadn't had my feet on solid ground for half an hour oetore l teit different. When I mm on shipboard I eerttld hardly "we arr-thing, tad It 0.". Dee, ll,---) {allowing letter ham Pte. Hugh Elliott, or the an» hen-Ian Expoditlonnrv Pom. non ot Mr. and Mrs. Willism Elliott. Spanish road. In the ttrat rocelved In Gull from Siberia. "he. Floyd Fen-or a the United 4ttttett "my ll spending I low any: t his homo. _ A London, Doe. It-. British advance 'erI nan entered Bonn and have then pouou'on of the bridge over he mun: there. " '." recenuy nu! *4 that the Canadian corp. in Ger an would Mn Madman-n ir 1mm. to n In pruumed they in tht ‘ruinh troop. referred to. IANADIANS . ENTER GERMAN CITY or BORN _lill.illn ws HF SIHEHIAN [le "ROrONGATTpN or ARMTPNCE WILL BE DISCUSSED ' 'o his efforts to proved! the bu!- ‘eak of the war m 1914, according to "mntcrdam. Dec. It.-- Dilcuuions 'er the protomttatiort of the armietice tween the Allie: and Germany will win " Traves on Decumber t2ttt "eortrrttt to the North German Gar tttt All chipping on the Rhine it “I under control of In inter-1mm! smmiuion. . . w‘ Amerongen eorreBpttrtdent of 1m xpresu. Inn'lon. Dec. ll.--- William Mohan- Illm win not make any ““010ch e. Elliot of Galt Writes of Strange Town of Ruty sians and Chinese. 36 CENTS Ottawa, Dec. 12..-A plea for a full investigation Intoui "ircumstances of the now famous raid by the military police: Guelph Novitiate, was laid before the Government tii-iriirtrrit delegation representating Orange Lodges and the Guelph tl ‘erial Association. The proceedings were closed to the press'l 's understood that the censorship restrictions in connection" the raid came in for special mention. 7 m __ - - a; The delegation Jas received by Sir Thomas White, Prime Minister, and members of the government. ."s When the details had been admitted'the question was} how far the proceedings should be open. A few minutes Itil Thomas White informed the press representatives that it w, iesire of the delegation that the proceedings should)†in 'l lhe Government. he said, were willing to take either amine; nemhers of the House of Commons formed part of the ttt Client-Col. Sir Sam Hughes, G. D. Casselmyt, Dundee: Br] (en. Dr. Edwards and tAer-, Included iii the deleggj vere Rev. H. H. Palmer,' Rev. Ben Spence, 1.1. Ihtrtti' Rev. Mr. McFarlane, Rev. Mr. Fish and W. Crawfprd. C f If You Saw Wood Each Day You Won't Need In a statement handed out later the Acting Pretty? leputatio" was asked to formulate specific charges. tit I nvestigation by the Government more directly Mk†'ase. the delegation was told, a fall inquiry would be" In ‘he matter complained of. Exeuise is Natttre's Cure for Constipation and,---'"), you haven't gm a wood pile. , is"l But, "nt will take your exercise in an Easy Chair, tSth' do that, an make a Success of it. q La.'." Becausc,--_there's, (my, one kind of Artifitial Rikki†'i' in aiiiu "CA SCARE'I‘sr' . gamma are the ott',y mum to exams: the mains.10 Cents a Box. LARGE 1ll1fllllM MAKES PLEA F33 flu. iiiilflN"lgl'flllll WWI flillill5 HAN] HM BUELPH WWI ;~‘\* ht N Keen . _ mind g \\ ‘ lath F. ", can . _ N, 43$; "ti" "dir-l '_" V \‘Cf\ \‘\ _ ‘~ . _ C _ ':)"tlij' s' J s))Plr, , (NV N, ' fl ', A» , b/l. t "u, "s \10£.\ “ KM . "s 9:5; :l III FiTIIIl1lfll) Great medicirw,--the Sawbuck. V a}, Two hours a day sawing wood will keep' "ts4)'c; one's Bowels regular. . I iti.,t/s, No need of pills, Cathartics, Castor Oil dwarf "Physic." if you’ll’ only work the Saww y, regularly. I ' â€51,. a S-ceot new at WRIGLEY‘G MIL give you several .davs' calm: _ it’s an Investment In ttettettt us well as pleasure. for It helps teeth. breath. f appetite. digestion. CHEW It AFTER EUERV MEN. The Flavour Lasts War Time Economy in Supeetmeats--- CLOSED TO THE PRESS. Sealed tight-kept right Keep mm 5 mind a an unau- 1astit-thgtitNttqt, an to». Send It " meantime“ MD! IN cannon Bogmt BID] LI", he?