Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Nov 1918, p. 6

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I (BlTB%llNtill 'e' " " I ‘ tp, ”I, I. . A rd ff/C,,, -f is s,/-SiriilE,lllllllllltt dlitlel/jjslf)!i'i)taii,i,itgi, fa. s iijii$miiiiiiiMig, sllltiil'ii'i'i"iiiii1' 1my,y, ‘1 _fi,/i7jje" 5; . I ' "i llggitiglllit).i, W“: yr" 1,tl1et'iif,f'd iff/Qi/iii)!',);)'),, , 'rd. 3, ,"l i"l' ‘c t'tccts- 2; -.. ')/i'j"iii'iik tiidii) T ' 1- .1. 1. I ‘.1 Al a ‘i. l bl li a . 'iZIZeNEW EDISON We will gladly place a New Edison in your home long enough for you to appreciate what an ever-ready and inex- haustible fountain of mental refreshment it is. Let Edison dream pictures enrich your aye. Let the life-like Edison Re-Creations round out your life, broaden your outlook, bring you the consolation, the contentment. the solace, of beautiful music. cr WY: in the glow of the evening lamp, u anpan_a penguin. with violio in m; who " our bidding,draws from the strings l tin ofjoy, I sob of grief, a' sigh of love. . 'nd under the enchanting witchcry bf antic, we are tamported back to the old-time not and comfort of happier days. Graduate the dream picture dissolve, the presence firdes, and we behold the most marvelous of all musical instruments-- You admire the Panama Canal Iyslem. Why notere guard your own? Your druggial bu Nujol. R-jol adieu: the man, and supplies the intestinal (ID-l .rrith atslEcient moisture to rcpllce deficient mucus. It can»: the otmtruetire wane matter to pas. gently out of your 'rr'" tom at I regular hour, absorbing and removing the polio” is it (on. Nujol regulatly keeps the traiEr of your mind ftsd body operating on schedules If engineers tried to blast out the slide from Culebra Cut day would have more slide: to cope with. If you try to Nut o it accumulated waste from your Culebn Cot with Pius, In"! or purges. you will increase your constipation--- and next time you will have to take stronger medicine in I larger dose, I How nhout your oiea can-l? The intestinal canal is I clear pun-gem” as far us the Inge iutestine. There. it you become coustipated, waste matter I: allowed to stagunle. tt becomes "tttmorally dry and undergoes abnormal fer. magma ye0 ptttrettsction. Germ activity is iacreased. Your whole sysh-m is out of gear. Result, the production orirritatia4 aud puitououn substances, which are absorbed into your blood and carried nll over your body, liable to produce disease :nywhere. The longer such stagnation is “lawn! to exist, the harder it is to clean out the canal. .07; of human disease originates in the '. Culcbn Cut." Mrs. K. Doersam, " Waterloo. Ont. The Panama Canal is a clear passageway as far as the Culebra Cut. But Gold Hill has away of slipping into the cut. And until dredge: can clear the channel, the industrial schedule of the gorld is out of gear. How Is Your "Culebra Cut”? Nujol La boritotieu STANDARD 9590. (NEW JERSEY) link. ' on taol. Brniqg; g}; "The Phono‘rcpli with a Soul” P.O. Box 875, Monte-l CLIIDIA' Guo.,, AOIITI CHARLES GYDE & SON "loyal-r” Sud/or Samples 0/ Literature cu. ML: You can’! dredge your and. You um clean it out with Nujol NEW You an NO‘IOL it I." only In .eated bott a bun... the 'h'S,'lifg2e, You may culerfro-s Ink not“ “unites, which are absorbed alt over your body, liable to be longer such stagnation is is to clean out the canal. .07; LOIITI '0- 'ictufes m 2rt,U/edet, .01 M Mmaw My 'e brothers Almmlvnd. If. 0’ Mllita ot Paris vin- Iud Joe, " home. n A Bltpt m De. ltod Mn. Juno n Wednesday trrttt. vim Mr. and In. R. album-n. Prmetnn wm Irv out" "on "ttttttr Mr. and Mrs. Henry man" Ind hockey norm this "non. but III Br - "I!“ with Kr. III er- Sam some time. Mayor Weaver nnu Fir Jnrdfnn the Town Clerk. haw" inquir- od Into the situation and find the urospects discouraging at present. and as far as they can see. It will remain an 'Pte. Jae. Kieth Killed Tho Victory Loan campaign here up to Thursday had netted the sum of 815.850 from Tt suhscrlbem. milk ing an average of a little better than 8200 each. Goes We" The Junior Patriotic Lemme but tthipped 2.13 Phrisiman parcels "l. nod at 8496 to Captain Marv Plum. mnr of the Cnmdian New Comforts Fommia-ion. Bhornetttte. England. tor distribution among the Henpeler In" m England and Franra. Pr-stnn THREE Rom-u nl:onlln Th Spanish innm'mw Md rlnim- ed mu more virtim Andraw Mattel. son of in and Mrs. Anthony Matias. Blnir road. who mason away F‘Hdny waning In 520 " pneumonin. tottow. lnx an Muck of Spanlrn tnt1uere. He and his hrntm‘r‘wore In the milk business tor the in! tow yearn. The docs-anon was a cnrnvnior hr trade and worttot in that line up to tho lime ot Joining Mn Dimmer m, mm» no” Ho, was 28 war: or age rd unmarrlovl. Bouillon hi: non-owing Mrs. Horbuz, I! Polish wamnn. al- I odied trom ittrhtenza and pnvumo- nin Friday evening at her home on Queen St. East. Vigory Loan T . rm . hr " Ill v by an} $01: 'iil, at at brothers “MN: Ind Joe, It home. an , l The death orcnrrpd Friday evan- ing ot rharleis Bnumttartner. son of the late Mr. Ind Mrs. Georze Baum- ‘zartnpr. at his home on Queen St Deceased was " vears old. and well known tri Helpeler and equally well liked». He leaves a wife and three children. two girlu. Rose and Kathar- tne and one son. Sylvester. all " home. There also survlve three bro, than; Henrv and Phllip at home and George in Detroit. and one sister. Mm. Merklo In Hamilton. ml and children will remain" ii, paler for the time being Stumped Parod- - Hespelor's death toil 21 has been Increased dentin. Mr. Pullum of the Coombe Home has received the and intelligence of the death in laction ot another Coombe boy. Pte. James Kieth, win tell m battle on Ov'nhor 19th. Pte. Kieth is the nineteenth Coombe boy to make the supreme sacrifice In the defense ot his King and Country. Two More Death: Mr. Oswald Wenzel has left tor Maple Creek Alta, on business m vonnertion with the estate or his son. the late William Wonzei. Mrs, Wea. Several Coombe' boys who were brought up In court Tuesday on charee of stealing. were reieased m- definitely. rv for #:termsm. The G, t H. traek in from of the waiting room in Himmler is bet?! raised on account of the rain will t forms a regular pool there. The tuneral (”wrinpy trxok "1"" no " rm , The Upper part of the Tow“ “an M: now roveived Mam victims of the "tbt" mmllv toreterttortr. The foreign minim at the upper end or the town has been c'erned up as that place was in very bnd eottmtton. mnnv ha- vine snrioua attacks of the "tlu." The death occurred hero on Than-- any Int of Ru'almd Miller. be'.we, wife " Mr. Wm. Ushr. altar an nr noRN of when! I week. following In attack of influence. She won I daw whler of Mr. (Jeane Miller c" Han "we, and what] the nge of " yearn rm 20 ans. The (tar-eased was . month" ot St, Peter's Luthenn l‘hurch. She leaves Mt ttttttttttti, '~' five chl"r°n to mourn her do. mine. The funeral took "lace on Saturday afternoon from her late residuum to Rivet-Mlle cm to" The, bereaved family have the n-mn-‘vhv or 'til in their sad has. Catharine Oliver The death tcok place ct the home " Mr L. S (‘rearmnn on M'nlay. of Mine Catharine O'iver En her 66th War: She had been lll for abaul two "tttttttttr. The dew-“ed was a dumb 'er of the late John Oliver and wax born tn Blandlord. After the den"! " her parent! she resided for a whllq with her stator. Mrs. Peter Marshall It Avr, and for the nest year made her home with her niece Mrs, L. a. t‘rewman. The defeated was a 'oithful adherent of the Presbyterian ('hurvh. "ml was hllrhly tho-mm of m We mmmunltv The funeral took “we on Wednesday to the Cheater. "ield cemetery. valopod into -rmtadn. Th. do- ueued In born at Bruin and ro- dried hero lino. the tnmity mud to "ma about six you: an. Sh. m " igithtul Idboront of Trinity Luth- “I’ll: Church, _ Bald“ her parents "he Wave- ono brother and on. an. or Mr. Maurice Educator n-' In, Thom“ Dcniel's. both " New Hun- "UPI. The tnnonl It: held on "Mud-y afternoon to River-'4' ce- m-terv. The annual was print. but a memorial was he'd in Trinity Lu. ‘hnrwn rhurrh an sunny "t 10,30. The bereaved hmily haw: (La "mm- rhe of their many friends in their bo- ranvementv an. Wm. Lochr Yum 'f.rera.t mu.“ ---- _‘_. W" ‘33:!” tt _ - "ery, I"! Ura. Prod honour. a the “a at " nu in a day: an had been ill - r mm! with "Inna-a. which " valopod Into -rmtaein. Tho do- tug-voqgu_wioaom (Cu-mud (- un- an.) low Rum-u. Hemmer of the late Samuel place Thursday after- ‘he Hespeler cemete- hy "to nisteri, tram influen- by two more Lou for Hes Mr, and Mrs.' Amos Hillborn and Mr, Wnllnm Main. Sr. spent Sunday In]! Moldny m Pordwtch. Mr, George Hume, spent Rummy termedlate am. a Junior team will be formed. A qulo; weddlng took place Thun- dny afternoon at 130 o'eloek when Rev. H. E, Green united in marriage Miss Esther Limielitttr, daughtsr of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LIndellua, Kress Hill, and Mr. Burns McI’haN. After the wedding the happy couple left for .anoqto and intermediate points, Mr. and Mrs, C, Thiol and (sunny ot Kitrhenar called on Mrs. Clemens any Martial!" on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac MeNisuy or Wat erloo Halted Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cu para on Tuna-y. Mr. and Mrn.-D. D. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs A, C. Becker and daughter of Rosanne Halted Raw and Mn. tr A. Shepherd-0n on Sunday. Mr and Mrs, Clsylén PM"! and family at Phtuvllle. Mr, Ind Mm. Gordon Hallmnn and son ot Rosehnnk. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Uncool and Mr. Ind Mrs. Ivan Htlborn and dunner plenum” slum-nod Mr Ind Mrs. Joainh Cluel on Prior eve, the new Mon haul: Mr. Canaan birthday Local and Per-tonal LINDELlutt--McPHAu. New Dundee. , _', ' OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS 'rh"tr-oethouqaorutho-as-sr--tr-inh-ewuas. Behind the Gun the Man - Behind the. Man the Dollar Make Your Dollars Fight the Hun r Fem-cl n . maybeobtained from II Official Canvaser, from Vi t Lea . V my in mail; Bank. y any tC cry n Committee, or thumbs threat. or Inn: Diurnal-I at Finn-u, OTTA'A, October 2th. 1m. -ee Bond. cl dab but will. In the event of future issues of like maturity, or longer, made by the Government, during the ten-hi, $rifttd.U.the War, other than i-uu made abroad, be accepted at 100 and accrued interest, as the equivalent ol cash for III. was” Jab-mum to Ouch has. lam mmwmuwind . tio at ..titn.,tao0.,aadtf,tn0.,ams herniated mm The int 'liiF,liiih? to tmhgopds will be tg. $332,333: T/l'. lt _ b Go It; ho u an Y" t 1mm on It In t 'rect to t owner y mama! C W in deaomiata gill af tgo., £100.. atTstttttsfai “mm 825,000” $0.000» 'IDIUXXL or any mullipio of 'agar.' . Payment of Interest ' _ Ahahitrn6t-t.tth-ttlrH%pernrtmmtmriBbepaidMarut,uritr. _ 'r, F 'lex Form of Bond and Delivery ' F n css-ferrite-strep' who: tt?rirep8etit.t the try a! bond and the denominations requited. mad the neuritic. no indicated will Payments All cheque, drum. ete., covering' tmtaimeuts, an to be made payable to the Credit of the Mini-ta of Finance. Film to " Want when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Soucriptiosts mun hem ite,", by tdirt ot 10% of the amount lubocribed. Official Canvases: will forward nub-criminal or my branch in Clark of any end Ban will necept mbncriptionn Ind issue receipts. Subteriptionl my ll/tid in lull " time 1r.'tagitg at 100 without interest: or on any instalment due date thereafter angular Vilh accrued interest to time making payment in f . Under this provision, pa mat of nub-captions my be made as iollownz~ " paid in full on or More Nov. Mhh, 1918,9mr without interest, or 200%. C ll remaining instalment. paid on Dec. 6th, I 18, balance of 909’ and interest. (800.48 per mm It remaining instalment: paid on in. tth, l919, balance of Ge, and interest, (870.80 per non. If remaining inn-alumn- paid on eb. 6th, 1919, balance of 50R and interest', (8tri.08 per 8100. b ~"P,_“ ' H mm; tugtaimeat mid on Mar. om. mo, balance of any: and new. (same per " , . icl, 10% on appticatiorv, 20% januuy 6th, 1910; ..- 20% Decemba thh, 1918; 20% Fehcuary M. INF, 31.16% March em, 1919. Tick-t gym! of 31.16% covet! 30% balance ot principal-ad 1.16% representing sea-Md in.“ a 5%%1mm Nov-aha Ut to due "Nt the respective instalments. A h]! "ar's interest will be paid on May lst, t9t9, makin thp (an of the bond- 10tFapd haunt. Sub-aim mg be paid in full at the time at up“ don u a I'm: iaterest;ar ooh-y mm t due date than“. "inthe. with accrued imam at t . ate of tryiR per annum. . llgm: 119a; "thou-ind under Kc! of the Parliament of Candi. -"tsth niacin! And in!“ we . chug. upon the Condi- dated cane ll . ' . The Amount of this in» I. '300,000,00tk r.trig',11tfit', mount tlt any) paid it: by the surrende- of bonds t,apt'gt, In“ Th-lilher 0! PM however, reserves the right to al c whole or gay pan of the uncut wbocribed in can. MM”. . I Conversion Privnleges “min-Min.lfilflfidafihmmhdobd'hflbmm'flmMuh . ammuummmt ummmw ht. III tttfaet,ttrtctzy,ueiiiiyiie," 1rtthttert.r.Pat-,i.',.uetmrg-e,t.ottaam,rr..n.tts.-ta. “It My. Gum] a “an. John, Charlottetown, Iona-l. Toronto. Winnipeg, “an. cum and Vacuum. ”myboWuuouincipdotutoprincipqudhmuatnyohhsbon-mfioudoaea I-tro-thm-oats-y-dy ist-tNov-here-rt-ds-da-cur-ae Mud!“ and but.“ - In Gold l mm: “0. 8100. “I Ind 81.... _',"' l Issue Price ' l 0 O and A corned Interest - g . 0 Income Return 5% ' per Annum '""tomta-ueuainruextm.taa--amrooiasrom-otutuutsoa-e" bythoPullnmmtolCM. Th. M od the LOCI! will In time; ad'l'J'd'r,1 8:30. '='r'l'ltnt1ratpt.o' can. (mun. munitio- " Payment to be made an lollovl: Subscription "ir'ii'i"i"i'ii's"r 'iii',",'",",'; 1918 g Mina Winnie Mae Schuuz i: at pru» an! very low Ind under the "rtrtte'g cure M Mount Forest. Mlu t ‘m'u win I victim ot the " when . new mom m. In. I. Snyder on Sunday Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Snaetzel on Sunday were Mr. and Mus. Wesley Spneizen of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Wilmer. and children. Grace. iii-Inn. William and Melvin ot Rosellank. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Main and [null y and Miss Lizzie Otterhein. ' Mr. P. K. MuNInt‘h of the "I" n Bank stall took a hualness trip In Kit. chnnsr on Monday. Mignon Melinda, Ellen and Ramm- nnd Mr. Edgar lhIlman spam 81mm; In an". Mr. W M. Monulre (armor who": (rancher at " No. it Rum-hank anl as alumni pastor of the Now Mennattitt, Cttetrrh of New Dundee has "ken charge of mp Mennonite "ttuve?: ttt Stu-inlay. Ont. Mr. Charles Kuvelman and Mr. Ross 1tingeman spent Sunday with trtemls in Kitchener. Mr. and Mm Coventry. Mrs. Carrier ot Woodstxtck, Semi. McLeod of Tor onto, Mr, John Krus ot Tavistoee nnd Mr. R. Krug of Klu‘haner wire Sum day gum": or Mr, and Mrs. George Heald. Mr. and Mrs. John Copley vlmlml In Plattsville on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Borgey haw taken up their renklence on Main St. In the vlllnyx ' Mr. John Buck and Mr. Allan Bow nun‘allendad the {all 2391283 In th‘h mar during "in past week. both helm: members of the Jury, $300,000,000. 5547. Gold Bonds List- will close on or before C%.?itmhetr_19th, 1918 Denomination and Registration ' ,mtm. mbouiption in Mr. and Mrs. lmvld Berger. Mr, Herb nergpy and Mrs. Miller visited In Tor onto on Tuesday. On Friday aftomgnn Mr. L. E. Snr der of Hormel". the district organizer of thes nt-w P'H‘nwr'q "MW \Mwan'ww- We are glad to hear that Manner Johnnie Schmidt is, recovering nicely. Beeelmrliiit', P1716 Worth a Guinea a Box 'ttt=tL%httLe.htfau'.'t.tat 'ittttParJ.tf lynch] care to keep free from headache, backs. sch), constipation, Weakness and dcpresaiors For these recurring ailments and other txrndi- tions peculiar to women, Beecham's hlls are a tested and effectual remedy. They art gently and promptly on the stomach. liver and bowcfs, and exert a tonic. strengthening cfsct ort the In -'-"pr,t,urt-iiory., '1 hese fanlous P1lctrrimrt!t vcri:a'ole, ontain n , habit-tormlne 1h ma produce no disa; A ":31: a':er-effecte. omen the world over, fivcl needed help and strength Mt Women Should Také "Lari-u su. CIA” MedieHo i r I! J Van" Mr. th K. an; or seber.n}g;.. tt' :Usvt . Mr, Moanly of Waterloo visited #trer. Jane C ennuu on Tummy. T c.' Dr. N, A. Morrison In and: u to attend to hh village patients , r3 (Dr) N. A. Mnrrlsnn had I a Isl» re. wr-w but "1 vo"lng Mon; meek}; A was visiting Mr. Herb. Benny. Jain H Mi ', 2555 In? 1;- .

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