_.,":". WY “BUNCH HEVUTES AMENâ€? '_':'; xr" n K1Eilllllllf (lllll flrl.llll, D|IuIIII~IIIIIHm lwl m m u I Inca-hm I . l Ir my I‘m m a 'tstylish Ladies' Wear g and Smart Millinery I'm, a the Vida-y Banana can. , q papa them in you: Bank and .34 the null-t m tampons. F qt,tttueytt.ett,"rea""-Do1mu _ in" nriain. Snunim'gn. I'pon Un- I"' w" ‘n of Man»? Gross it was tlt" PM! 'rt "Her tltr, by- hw to tho 11ml tuv-""- ot thc citr Dounril who: til" nmlzn-r could In- disposml of. This was rttvored In the Cite ('mznril and AH Sass mud!~ In amendmonl to than Mer Can Hire Teams 'By the passing at the Human: Cotm mittee report, Sanitary . i"sr"'clt.r Buchhmmt has n~w power to Mr Rama to canâ€! Karin-9v which is ne- ilocmd by the Knrhagv c-nllovlnrx ll The restrldlon or non restriction ofâ€: imperiled Artes was Ihe uru1ciparcviwern 911i"). urn assist (my Council at PS rvgnlar meetitu,rcondititrns , on Monday owning Sevvral wrg. igartrart an learned utterances “FY" mmlr by rhw Sidew- nldermcn in tintuition “in: the (i/l Among tt tuna and vices ot the mnma Th.|l'uuncil was discussion tollowod nn tht. HIYI'UduIHLVL railing a “on of a bylaw by All “or. shrunk-{Ibex bad (-01: ad try Aid, McKay. providing for thulthe west sit tblll restriction of 'ttsph' at at] times King Bdwu of the your, Judgine front thr. trendlemJ of w of the disrussim. Hm hvlnw took i Am, In an incidrmt which human-1‘ County Cl some time ago. to Aid. “or. when â€Willi: th i nelghhor's In": ran rim in his oi/amount 1 nken pen and cis'royctl about lw’the malnter prize fowl, E'emh‘ng {rm IICIIIIDIN'HIHI . mm COMMITTEE REPORTS WERE A D o P I E D F. " Th: Family Shoe Store Aid. W. Iler Introduces Me asure iroviding for Keep- ing Dogs Tied Up by Th eir Owners Throughout the Year-, Dogs Have Their Supporters. Our litte of dainty. slxlvsh Georgette and Crane de Chene blouses In ulnar! designs offers you a splendid ooportunity to buy something rrauy attractive, In Sweaters we have a beautiful assortment, which are cosy and comfortable and stylish looking. for women and misses. ‘ A choice selection of Children's Coats in stock. Bring your boy or girl here to be outfitted. . : See our beautiful showing of the season‘s attractive :tyles in mil‘ liner-y We can show you models that wilt appeal to you. Our price. are very reasOnable. M R S. L E V Y w- The-Kind of Shoes it is necessary to keep your feet dry and warm these days, and we have just the kind of shoe you should wear at this season. Secure a pair of high grade waterproof shoes for men. They have a nice warm lining and are very serviceable. They are sold at IIagr:n'sFamRvshoefitoreat ... ... .p. ... ... ... ..... ... $6.65 For Ladies we have a good calf skin, high cut shoe which should be worn now. Secure a pair a! Hagen's Family Shoe Store at $3.85 All kinds of Heavy and Fi ne Rubbers No seconds and a large "or! A "house from. the best that money can buy. Sold at the hwcst prices. " We. /t Corner King and Gaukel Sts., Kitchener, NOTHING YOU CAN DO WILL GIVE YOU A GREATER SENSE OF SATISFACTION. - 'sir,'.'." 7 ,i,, . v, ' . I MD Flll,t"i,r.l',)' â€I "iii; «“5 A e ‘i‘ï¬/ “-th , ;:i:">; JV T" tt _'r--j, 's, Is,, xi 7 W 'r).)?, 'il t \ 'r, I, / "l).i,r, " l , ' \ a â€W, ' "i-i LN "ss-ass, "y c, --"'_---- tks tIrs,-:-- h_ your original inveatrrient. RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS Donated to tho Winn-h. oi the War by THE SAMBA TEA m. I I um m . m lulu; um 'irr0i0iqoooo m m»- TO BE WORN NOW TORONTO Ha impeded that this will in a men urv assist in rectifying the woman Icondiliuns of the gérizrgguuuutiun jgurbagv situuti?ts. [ Sidewalk In Bad Cons-hon I Among the communications to the It'ouncit was a letter tron: E, r. Rah fel, willing attention of the (‘nnlncil to {Illa bad condition of the sidewalk on ,'the west side of Agnes St, beside tho King Edward School. Referred to 1a m I 1 I but m "r Iw I mun-nu. ' qâ€. q " A Soldier's Insurance f . Messrs. Robertson and McNai'.l barristers of Walkerton. Ont, wrntw "r"iirv4 what anion tho rouncll im' Vsint‘v‘l taking with regard to paying ilh‘urnnrv on the lilo of Daniel 'go. svpl: hmnmml a former local Police Oz‘fiwr, Referred to lnsuranre Com- mitteo, T Amount in Due throtty Clerk Sam (‘assel wrote no- ln‘ying the Council that the amount of $1.000 due tor the maintenance ot suburban roads Wading from the city was due on Nov Isl. Referred to Board of Works. Complain of Garbage Service A petition was rocelvml by the Works From now till Hm end of the yi‘ar the, Chronicle-Telegraph will he offer- ml {we ttt new suhsrrihort Swhscrip- tion mire) $1.50 par war if pajd in ad- vanrv. taking the pills a few weeks when I , 11:! my strength returning, my " pwiw improved, and still contittw ing the use of the pills in few weeks more found me restored to my old. time vigor. l ran most air ugly re- rwmmend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all who have passed through an up tack of influenza as a safe medicine tor renewing their strength. _ Among the many victims " in grippe who proclaim the value ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mr. Amour Kaulbavk. of Petite Riviere, N. 8.. who trays:---"? was taken down with a severe attack of In grippe __-, in (menu. After a time the early symptoms ot the trouble lelt me. but I did not regnln my usual strength. and I had always been a strong man. Taere were times whenlfeltl could hardly crawl about, and l was so rim down I could scarcely go about my business, l continued taking meow vino but it did me no good. Then I found the trouble was affecting my digestion and the disagreeable teel. ing from this added to ’my general misery. l was finally sdvlsed to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. and I decided to try them. I had only been mixing the pills a few weeks when I You can get Dr. witttamtr' Pink Pitts through any dealer in med" ohm or by man at 50e a box or an. boxes tor $2.50 from the Dr. Willt nms‘ Medicine Co.. Brtpr9vfiie, Ont. ; Influenza leaves behind it weaken- ed vital powers. tittniiiid. impalréd "ligetstion. and over-tsensitive nerves. In this condition the system becomes an easy prey to deadly pneumonia. bronchitis, nervous proatration. rheu- matism. and even consumption, Auk anyone who has had an attack ttt in- imcnm what their meson! romlmnn Al hetlth is and most ot them wilt “your “Smcel had the grippei have never been really well." This general feeling of weakness will con- tinue until the blood is bull up b,' an. and for this purpose nothing can equal a fair treatment with Dr. wit tr, ms' Pink Pills From "rat to last dost- these pills make new. rich red blood which reaches every organ and nerve in the body, and through this weak. 1lespondent vietims of In t‘luenza are transformed into cheer tul, healthy happy men and women. " you have bud u attack ot In . A 'i m inr'uxuu you an: not out of danger until your blood I! textured to normal. VICTIMS or LA GRIPPE I Your fin-4;. ttomtttittoq no" to n btwo-luau! " folio-I: Th! not-h ‘Ihn In granted tor the holding of a la. any in no of tho Balh. was you! that the matter be "(and u Mr. Initials. chairman of the be. romlnlttoe; that l eommitteo be a. painted. composed of the Mayor. av Alderman San. Ran. And Uttloy. u insulin"; the nppiicam ot the Bell Telephone co. tn the Board u Raivay Coattniessione" tor Paul! fur luvronsai nir- That I filing rubinet be pun-bum for the Tu Collector Department That the Sanitary inspector be no "tortged to came men tad tum. under the term. of the contract with the Riverside Garb-go Disposal Co. to unis! in the collection ot “than. C-IutIWMHM Muhammad Witt "r-r-oo-trm' manna-mm "all“ no mt “my in had In comma. . Round to up Garb-Jo my Syn-kill. Committee. ' Lon Wank. Duhunenad. and An Easy Prey to Other Troublu A Non Booth Man Ten. How He row-o New Mouth and Strength FREE FREE FREE Kitchener Word was rwotvvd F'rid lnl Arthur i’uilam of Ihp tic-nth of Ptes Jas. Keith, aged 20. on the firing "up: in F‘nm‘o. Tim boy was "wortedi killed on Ortnhor 19th. He is the! nineteenth boy from the (‘00qu 'rome. If Nespoier to give his tiN tor his country Mr, Pullam stated tn. the Telegraph that tt rather mtifylnt rumors of patriotism is furnished trv! the splendid spirit of the surviving ('oomh Homo hays now on the tlrmg line He act-turn! thst he was recent 1y gnu-om“ by them to ttttrcttema, out of their funds left In his rhsrgt. at many Victory Bonds as their man " would buy. On Tad-day he in "not! ".200 of tho bori man†In View" Bonds. Among the otttpr names in the list arp W. Rancher. Waterloo. ill; W. P Berek. Kitchener. wounded; Fl E. Brutal. Elmira. died: Lt. J, E. Ruiz Elmira. wounded m action PTE. JAS. KEITH or 000MB HOME KILLED IN ACTION _ The casualty lists In the morning mwspapors tilled nearly four columm. and Included those Issued by the Dirac 'or of Records aim-9 Saturday Among "te North watPrtoo nnnws included in the list as kills-t] n grtion s that of 75, 112 Corp, W, Brown. of this city. " i: not known as ym whether this is moan? for (‘nrp. P. R. Brown. who" wmhor has horn 751.120. and who has twon reported missing. and altro as having been hltted in action. The name or Pte. I". P. Hewsenaur. Winnipeg. son of ox-Altl. John "omen aur, ot ths city, ulna apanra as tseirig a prisoner of war. He was reported missing a few days an). [PTL 3mm ; mm [HES e or memumn i“ The sad nous was received by Mr.‘ land Mrs. George M. Hewitt. Locust} is'reet. on Monday evening of the! death ot their eldest Bon, We Sydney 'Hewitt, who had en'isted for service with the Siberian Battalion. which took place in Vancouver. BC. follow, ing an attach of influenza, The tie ceased was en route with the unit to Siberia when stricken with the dis- ease. He was 21 years of age and was born in Entttttnd. He was an accour piished young man and was preparing or the Methodist minictrv‘ when he enlisted tor -rviee.'Durisut the last eighteen months he has been acting| ms junior pastor on the Mo-",, l'ircuttl in the London conference lie was an, excellent spefker'and a splendid sing] er. and will be greatly missed by at wide circle of friends. Pte. Hewitt is survived by his bereaved parents. l,))) brothers and tive sisters, one of whom f Miss Annie is a nurse in training at the Stratford General Hospital, The many friends of the deceased soldier will sympathize with the family in l their unexpected bereavement. The ( "elimina will be brought to Kitehr-nel I T the authorities will permit. [1 N. 1llll]fflljlll MEN AMHNE BASUAHIES “km man. aua Tongue. iuara-rt%F. Wu nooks. has at tau-[1. now- â€up!" "WI."- Wm"!!! - Woo-{51.1mm iraikE Ain - In! and: “In“ “than us- 0mm “my... pm and w [thm om. aloud and mo "tte-apr "have tor a [at hours. but rent, luau. haunt an only can. “was? up. 'f nodyglmuuug um.- GTiiilf fl" Ftwa"itii/duiuiiv. " 'tU u my (dummy)? omn-_ A 'ifit 85c box ot Mann. and: all Full) and at. on. mun out: Mat or . Week. Balk! will (out). tho 1», an: dun. but A low 41,- Witt t,ter, baton you teet Ind run] 50 (ha (also! benetit. _Tyntrn you Art the (who! begtertit. When you to! thtend out And feel Jun! le: Iain you nod not take medic no every dual occulonal NR Tune! will then keep your ly-tem tn good condition and you rm duly. led your belt. Remember, keeping welt " - In! ttytaptr my; B...ttt.tr.tE welt, TiiaFi'a -riGaity "NR "fable?†In gold. aunt-mad um recommanded by war Milli, A. a. HAEHNIL. WATERLOO. Mr. Jas. I, Huber}: Glue Factory on Wilmot St.. burned down on 2nd. The ttre protection wrs wry poor, and the fire therefore got the start. Snow on the “It asâ€). Ground quilu while on '29th, wintry on 30tit. . I Large Temperance meetan in w -e---e-- Town Hail, Rev. J. G. Lith, chief The Royal Cotumirvuouers who are speakâ€: going lhrnugh Ontarlo taking "vi. _ "----- ovtce on Strung drink Wert' here on Mr. Jas. I. Huber's Glue Factory on ttto 16th and 17th They apparently Wilma! SL. burned down on 2nd. Ths do not Favor prohibition on the cvi, ttre protection wrs wry poor. and the dvnve rev-1w .1 ,nmmttttttttmttmtttttmutremuwa'u-i'mtuttttuunttmmmtnmmtmmmt', \‘nry treatttiral “oathâ€. Had rain "u Hu‘wr mmr um “n m'rnum or poor fire t'rdrss . protection, “In " his fucwry burned 'ta'pow on the NW 28th down .'."'"""r"'"utrtMt"t"---"r"teotttt"tt'ot"t_ete. . mum-m- - Court hexagon tho Itth, -- - - -- I Mrs. Daniél Htlmer "nee Wino??? Board that the Town will give Mr. I Mr. Moses Shupo formerly of Wit. ma noottger"-81 yearn. V . I MONTHLY BUDGET OF OLD NEWS From Peter Shupe's Diary Beautiful Fox and Wolf Fun. taupe, cinnamon and black, wide scar“. prices range tram 'e' $Nt $22.60, $35.00. 337.50. 353.00 Mu". to match, in new round or canteen shapes. at 122.00. $3301 $30.00, $33.00 to .. $38.00 Lovely Hudson Seal Scarf! from choice No. 1 uelected cklnl made .1! shawl or cape ducts, plain or trimmed with table. ermine. inch or opocum. at $27.50. $35.00. $42.50. .5000 to Mutt. " match, new nhapel. â€3.00, $20.00. 825.00, £2850. to .._ .. 'e. v., .. F9PF .. $31.50 BEAUTIFUL FUR SETS HUDSON SEAL COATs-.- New models trom the beat designers; coat: that cannot be dupllcat- ed tor style. qunmy and finish; lengths 40 to " inches. Prices from $235.00, $250.00 to .. $275.00 Luxurious Fur Goats _ . at Advantageous Prices 'l, The growing appreciation of beautiful Furs, and the increasing scarcity of fur-bearing animals, together with the increasing prices, make present trug- ing' important. We are showing a wonderful assertment of Fashionable Furs. Our stock now is most complete and our prices have not been advanced. The Ban Is o ONCE MORE, BUSINESS AS USUAL. , SPECIALS IN .1“ 4tl, In Fact... We Want I,'),, Big Business on Saturday Bricke Alermanh Co. Lti [ANG TREA CY Cs: EXTRA-- We would like to sh ow you our new Winter Coats for Lt; dies and Girls. They are very smart and popular priced. ( BOYS' WINTER OVERCOA'I‘S . MENS AND BOYS' WINTER UNDERWEAR ODD NECK PIECES AND MUFFS ODD LINES OF WINTER HOSIERY ODD LINES OF SHAKER FLANNELS FARMERS' DARK GREY WOOL SHAWLS i Mr, Peter Ulrop start"! a grhcnry " Years Ago Tho, Teaetttsr"s lion was hold on WATERLOO and sell trimmed, others have seal, 40 and 45 inch long, nicer also belt of fine quUity Hudson lined, special from are correct copies of some of (MA-teat models. Some plain large shawl collars and cuffs, Natural Muskrat Coats half yu-uriy assoc]: the 12m. $135.00 to $235.00 Ts) MINK MARMOT COATS, 45 inch long, 'tnh.hqd with large shawl collar and cuffs, fancy batman well made, beautiful lining, - " and Mt, a dandy coat for motoring, special price . .., "S.0tt that Miss Annie E, Wilfgand and Sat A. llrullacher. T Mrs Jacob G. Detwlloy and Mr. tk D. uoseoberger'. _ l Miss Wilmer and Mr. Noah Ottt hrin. l . Started are In the furnace on tn: 27ttg. j Miss Anna Alberta Blnghun ME Mr. Cart Kranz, by Rev. Von Pint; ' Miss Jossio Ann Mailman And M.rl Wttt, Richards. ; 'ay Miss Lydian Hallman and Mr. " lo] Schultz. l Le, Mrs. Owen Shamz and Ought-'2 Com Mich.. are visiting their wat- / loo Co. Friends. f ‘i mot but now of Klausâ€, In: in loo County on I mu. Crou Fox Set. for M‘nel' Scar“. made in wMo whole animal effect, trimmed with head and tail. luned with tan silk poplin; Mu". to lunch. In large are; Head and tau trim, med; speciat par set 'Ft $25.!†Natural Sable Fur 310m. in scar“. capes and mutt., the best wearing of all turn Ind very fashionable; prices: Mutt. $2500,$30.00,$3Mtt h See the" in cur Fur Dept Stolen $27.50. $4250. .7500 to ___ F'r _ .. . rF ,..CHOOJ ClM-rrert The Grave. Tho Altar.