Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Sep 1918, p. 4

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In tho Bttow building the whim! ot not: and vegetables was um of the 5"..." In the history at I’u- show Man- .oldn. pumpkins and rahlmge of mum- 8 not): Bile wore shco"tt The “Inlblls ‘1, " [runs were small In quantity but if; good In quality. The ladies’ fancy r.‘ work Ind home balling exhibits were I large tad of good quality The poultry "r annex an Inna] was tIli) with an In- "'c'i,'iiiiii', exhlhlt. " _ . The livo stock exhibits were smlll Vain number. and the competition con- , r, “may lacked keettnetm. There _ were. however, more entries in tho ', Lia-[tons classes of horses exhibited. , rm! V m.,..‘3,,,: l ' , into» an tbr, " " " 'met " 'i farm "'~~ mm!" m . V I A!" " “I'Nv In“. E . I!"' 1' 'tt ”Mm. , l" b” V Ir'",- an" t m, 3 "ist' tf ‘irn w} "P," 1., Jig-w. ,- L'.'"", ' P "T F'., , , v"' l et F f V ‘x A .. g,ttrAAr, SCHOOL " FAIR At? BRESLAU _ WAS SUGGESSFUL iirud fairly keen rompsrtition. ' leles of the Elmira Ih-artctt of tho 31“.” Sammy took ah'anmuv of Jule allow by eonduc'ing a tag day and - "o had a rofhshment booth on the , grounds. through Mulch a consldnrahlp V Inn was milked. _ .'. m Unvmlun. the Methodist Young -- .14 B' class. from"! in connection The annual rouninn of the desrend. with the Canadian Girls in TrainiruCants of U29 lat" Jnlsn S. Mailman. of Movement. met at the homo of Mrs. New Dundee. which had been aban- E. D. Cunningham on Friday vaninR‘ inn-vi for unx'r-ml wars: following llm T for rayorqanization, for the fall tyylit:"'c?. of Mrs. il'illmnn was revived mil-tori There was a large attendance on 'Saturday, when Cao family met ' of memhvrs and keen interest was 1isrler' uorp, m vrmined at the [some of played by those present. Plans tor the Mr. and Mrs "vims c. Ila',tv.l:n. nut coming season wow formulated and in] Waterloo, The iamiiy gathered ab- .uccesni‘ul series of meetings is anti. out ll u‘v-lnvl. tum rpmtt the day in ‘dmted. sor'ial inlercourw. music, games and ' Following the luminoss meeting the indulging in I‘I'nllnisvvnrts; at the members arljourm'd to the Methodist 20ml ulvl boy and tirlhorvl days. F'oi. mnnnage there a social hour was lowing the oxvvllont dinner snrvmi a lunch pn‘nynyl by the hostnsq [how was tt short The"tovitwimt others were P1ected toast-list with Mr. J. C. Hallman as for tho ynarr toammnstor, which Ilmw _ forth a Mr-ttor-Mrs, E. D, Cunningham. numlw-r of happy spot-rims from the rr/Gr. hrmizlvot- Mrs. "anon. go-ntiomon present. vivgmgm Edna Kaufman. I A group phcto oi those rrrsmn was WP-T‘rusident _ Lillian "ohortson, ltakon during tht? day, k "Armeewand others trom an partaiwith the Buig: _9f. tth‘cnjxmxrwere in attendance atl '. The B b, JJrirmrrji) School Pair held near Bres- tg s/rl-lie.,,',',',"; "tos mrWedrtersdisy afternoon In a tent I ‘ l' , 1.etr:y8itmlared the handiwork ot, the. - §ERI§ '3iiii. "iRriiig i'tT"rtRyTttTNrqittRrRyztrttyttmt “my!” of homemade ttakbt During {It afternoon Judging also took place ,artttss best turnouts‘ "r '.""r'T"; WNW m... 'c'wil',,',i ',,'i,'ii"l'i,'i',ar'l',r'"'c-r""a',i, gm”; " "- tr, tGs rt-tttrt wttrrt, "'""""N, Good 97H _ '.. fir- Myrtle TE" L"! WW “I "Fr I J Forbes: ttrl,,:,,).',,',", "rl Ira ot INN-M710“: Mr and I 'n' 'tr 'lm hroHorrtood an Im~+§ MW. PI'tlun (I Pullman. uni dauglm‘r te"r “"94" and srirreirrtr Wtt9 fur Itreno, ot Waterloo. “INF“ bv “w (hurrh choirnnd a most! ,__~7 -_--_-__----__. Trt' I. ”WWW: was ",tt"'ot l _ """" "n Hm Ii S . 4 Ir "t,'O' f'; I r,tt' '"-,4t ”m. ll" Jo",,",,,""'::",", ‘PRLE " COAL 'f'" 'T'rtr' Fit t.o m a“. mrmhors or mi HAS ADVANCED ' ""' " "rur, "uw, Evan thr “v n tor .,;. 'tt 'r-nr, m, of W, ' TO $11.50ATON - , " "”"' '“‘V!inv1inq Hm Wtrht. -----_- .. Pr' d 'ir? “d "rwwrn J, n Pomnmy., There warn two can of Lopes Egg " P .." , . e' b", Rmyrh. “I, C ‘rrml nrriv.cd "I thhp'wr on Westley ' 1'." 1 ' . ". "rtt'rrrhr,r and t'. Dufor dimrlhnlfnn trom the "ttice of the itc' '. gt [ -rttvtystt ot tho Fun! Controller and tho, norm": no- , ' " .. "YCl 900". nutm- of canary we”, lasuml, Hard real has Ct, _.. . . - ”mum '., [Mum ttnother 111nm nrmrrmlz to m. .. m w” a: mvnnw retomnro to tnrmatlon roweivud by the Telegraph w.“ I . 't . " m“ And-ow from a local limit-r on Tuesday. "t Ith' Tmrl "R n” h" “an: wan.“ can he pawl-Marl tor 811.50 a ton . '. Fr. T ' T pm _ "rsranv, Fwy tt (ma ha- tt warm“. Ponowing the luvlsinoss meeting the members arllourmut to the Methodist parsonage when a social hour was much pn‘nyorl. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Strickland. or Certttreville. received a message trom the Director ot Records at Ottawa in which he regr'vt v ' to report that Liam. Gerald H.nu'acn Strickland. is officially report?" aw-wquly ill at the "th Statlnnary Hamil-at, Vlmereux. on September 17th, anx‘wt dysentry. Liam. Strickland has been attached to the Engineer I'orps tor some time. In! brother, Linn. Clinton Strickland who‘vvas reported wounded sowral weeks ago, hes rrtuavervd sufficiently to have tho hospital, and it is beliov- ed has l't-juint'd tho Royal Flying Corps. I rvtrtrt'mtrirtrt:M supnwr was nnioy 2cle'i'"2: rvrvinp, m and Sunday ., hurl mom of fV Andrvw's Pretty. NF"! Church "pm-r thrs p,ttsrw'cir, r" f‘, '-trtrrmw"; tiothormood “mu! 2"." W01 ciiiidren as well as products at Lr1tt1yyr_rnanr fine vegetablersrhe- One ot the new Ford Tractors was In operation in an adjoining field and runny farmers from the surrounding community were interested specta- tom. The Tractor is giving excellent satisfaction and several farmers in thitr"enrttmtmiV are operating them and findirttt them of great asslstance In their farming operations. Eight school sections were repre- sented at the Fair which was one of the best ever held in the County ”maiden! Edna Kaufman. tltcrrr'resnrerrt _ LU.rian Rohortson, ctetaryA Floronco Thomas. gab Rrer- Nrmota Weietttsi. 'ip"tEtyx..Ty...t?.tAc. SUPPER AT THE - BT. ANDREW'8 CHURCH 'rhtrtouowimt others were Elected for tho yr‘arrr Mr.ntor--Mrs, E. D, Cunningham. trim. hrmidom- _ Mrs. "anon. IJEUT. ‘HUDSON S'I'RIGKLAND IS SERIOUSLY ILL "n. - hll Show on Friday , my in: a moon both he. on Pte: of exnlhlu and at“ In. - whiny uni-moon 'rttttewsed ' Me, a! a. lulu-0' crowds that hula. - named the ”INIMHPS at a Wool.l'l'u iv“ NFBhor r"e horse rte-'3 prov. In 4|. n I!” Al'l‘Jrllon, and 'tt which har '”t Interest as ctuttred The the "iimmds puss-med a ma Ippenrnm'e. the m their mny decorated booths and but their [luv-mus altrncuona from trllt ”hunt to (hr tractor plowing ell-,9“ W: and hnrw I Hing, horse. nudging retr We "och and show huusr (mum's all the MA with each other for awnIfon Yt . a. Saturday After. 't2f,a'ltlf/Lttlt in L pmarm. CLASS ORGANIZED FOR THE SEASON F 9‘" "'9' 'r, Mvo vln‘H'u-W'I all, was unahln to be pro-em. if... m. I" CD EXHIBITS ”INA 1n'e , LINIMINT CURE. DIPTHINL‘ . , Among 1hnsc trrr'rront “mm Mrrlrt prnetiro8 mun“! within reach of all. Henry norm. and Eldon om. Edith Mr. K. Punk-y. [Ivan Linw-vodz Mr. and Mn. J. ("I Prat-“val Shop Mathematlcs and Harman, Now Dun Ion: Mr., and Mrs. Business: Knq'ish. Mr. H. W. Brown. Mfrmi Harm. New Hamburg, Mr. {and MPt‘hanloql and Freehand Drawing. Mm. Gnrdrm Mailman, New "undrse; Mr. n. w. Houstom Mr, and Mrs, A. C Ilnl‘mnn. momma} Foe Men Ind Women. Itov. and MN, nous. Huwm'm. Elklon ("av Modomnm Mr. F'. A. Schmidt. Mioh.. Mr Ln" My. mm- c, Hallmnn Fommerrinl Course. (including and vlmmhtrrza ('nm nnd ('Inrinn, Now Shorthand Ttrtrpwritinm Hummus mm»; Mr and Mrs i. 1., Shanta: ArI'thEC and English) Miss Nome rurl dauzmrre Rhos. Mary Lorvrm Hodgins aml non [Nahum “w an! Mrs Cr For Women. N, Gottrl r71! _ '.. firm" Myrna; MH'morv. Miss E1lllh Dunham, Gordon "rt Ira ot INN-Mun“: Mr nmll Hruvermo'd Somme and nauketry. Meet. Pz'zlun U. I’nlhnan. uni daughter "mt“N‘mz Cookery. Sanitatlon. etc.) Iron". ot Waterloo. IMM- Wre'so chkpr. _ To add to the demoralizauon of the Turkish morale allied airmen are can rying out successful bombing raids against Corustantitt6ple. Eighty-Mlle Sweep, Over a front at 80 miles in South. ern Serbia, from Monastir to Lake day. The BMgarians ale buxjning villages amfstores olitaterial. The Serbians however have captured great quantities of material. Descendants of Late John S. Hallman Bold Enjoyable Gathering. From north of Jerusalem to the Sea ot Galilee, in the territory lying between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Bea, Ottoman forces have been caught by the’swlft drive ot General Allenby'n armies and vir- tually annihilated Added to the hen- " rasualtles suffered by the Turks. masses of them were made prisoner. and many more are wandering bewil- dered. without leaders, in the hills. eventually to be brought in to swell the great total. At last accounts more than 25.000 of the sultan's sob dier's and 260 guns and large quantl~ ties of war stores were in British hands. Londoy. Sept. .24.-uikiTLir-Hrd Serbian troops eontirie to cross the' river Yardar, northeast of Monastir and iii-e in contact with the Bplgarians, says the Serbian official statement of Mon- London. Sept. 2.4.-Around " (p. Serbians are oil the Grad- glgfrilgp mat! to the northeast, while to the southeast they have rtatefl. the sivgp massif of tfié‘DrcnsRifmmmtay"Egfigéi; LLC _ lillM'illl E1llllllll UN (ilfflll© SLHH THHLIFS STILL ililllSSlllil Jllllllll WHILE lll1illllllllS IE illmllil VILLLELS AND 1llllll STORES lnlative Everywhere In all the theatre: ot war the en- teme allies have the inlatlve In their hands and are pressing advantage ri. Borously, The Germans and their nines nowhere are able to do more than stand on the defensive. and in Palestine And Macedonia their ellorts In this respect have proved sorry ones. Hun! "" an everywhere upon tho Tutonlc sum. In Pnleulne the Turks us all but abwlutely era-had: tn lladonll the entente force. In It,',',,",', their toon and threateaiM them I th nlmllu disaster; in France the Brltluh and French troop. Ilowly but surely, Ire eating their way into the vltaln ot the German dtsttmsive positions, the oollupu ot which would result In Fmportanl changes. all along; the Ieutern Ntttletruast and in Intern Slberln the Japanese have made with "anal strldeu forward In the process ot reclaiming that territory for the Russians New York. Bat. M.--'rtte Anaociat pt Pru- lo-nllht honed the follow ALLIES BOLD IRMA?! " IN ALL TBA“ IWELLKNOWN PRINTER Turh All But Abolntely a when m Pdeetine, min 5.3.1 $57th 1 S1k00tt0tsrtumd, and Bi mile: Dinner Thruway Egbert-on Wrote Home Bulgarians-- Dark Dan for Teutonic Allies. _ _"I’fwo Days Before Death. tfl.tn.MJtllfo WAR n SERBIANS ON THE GRADSiio.PRfLEP ROAD. ndon. Sent. 2.4.-Around " (n. Serbians are on th TH l s ORIGINAL DUFUMEN'I EINSTRUC'TORS NAMED Horn"! the meeting concluded It was dunk»! fo arm-nun for a quit of the committee to the Technical Schnai " Torrnm nrmqmwking (at Victorla School). “"43 Wi'ho‘minn Kmege and Mil: ("am (‘hmnvyn hnvM Forum. Principal. An nnrn"menf fee of 32.00 wtll be "Vinny-v! mwh pupil. subject to refund for minim nivondance. All pnrrtt" and empioyeru intercu- mi In tho advanremonz or young pm- p'e shou'd mu- their influence in mg- in: anemlnnca at than chases. which attrtrit oxoeptiomtl opportutttttes. Mr. Jim new” has returnrsd “Mr. MI oxtemtod trip to “union. New York. Atlantic (my ad other Agtteer an pot-u. " W At a meeting of the Advisory Indus- trial Committee of the Collegiate hum-d held Monday evening at the (‘M‘eginta Institute arrangements were rompieted in connection with the CtttlrHe.q to he offered for the coming term. The date ot npenlng the even- ing clasves was set for October 15th. Instructors ot the evening classes were n‘sn present and offered numerous suggestions in connection with the u mk. In addition to the regular swam in: (“ass courses of last year I that (ugh commPrCinl course under rompe- tvnt lnun-uctnrs has been included. Thr. mumps to he offered are arrang- ed as follows: ('mn-se. Instructor. Fymnentary Chemirstry and Physical a prnrlh'ni mums within reach of all. Mr. K. l'ngak-y. Mvrhaniml and Freehand Drawing. Mr. I). W. Houston. For Men and Women. (“av Modomnm Mr. F'. A. Schmidt. (‘nmmerrinl Course. (including shorthand Tvppwrfthtm Hummus Arllhnwlk‘ and Emmy-h) Miss Nollle Hmlgms. Thorough Commercial Course Included in Studies for Season. For Men. Practical E'ectrieity for Everyday Ussrt, Mr. A. H. Wright. Meanwhile Field Marina! HA); north ot St. Quentin, around the Vil- lage of Epehy. bu taken strong posi- tions from the enemy. 1 ' _ In eastern Siberia the Japtneae have captured Bitutovittstettentsk, capital or the Province or Amur. and also the town of Alexievsk. Two thousand Austro-German troops surrendered. In the region between Monaetir trd the Verdar the enemy troops are in full retreat before the Italians. French and Serbian, while west-o! Luke Doiren the British ere steadily hammering their way forward driv- ing the enemy northward toward the Bulgarien trontler. Already the slr tire enemy line from [when are point west of the Vardar has been ev- acuated. This force of. the enemy with the railroad to the north nevu- ed, in in danger ot an enveloping movement unless it turns shanty eastward and presses into Bulgerie through the mountains. Of Viki Import-vie. _ Not so even-teem". but of vital tm. penance. have been the opentionllot the French and British from noutbpi St. Quentin to Gemini. 'Fieid Mar- ehal Hui; and General Deheney hove won highly eesenthl ground in the manoeuvre! which hove on their ot> ject the elimination of the Hindem- burg line. the capture of it. Quilt!!! the turning ot thecerman line " Leon. South or at. Quentin the French he!“ advanced their line to the west ank or the 0190 Canal over a front of three miles. end now com- pietely outfienk tet. Quentin on the south and La Pere on the north. ( EVENING CLASSES, UPEN BET. lfiTH [John "I. canine troop. If. m can: and"): the [hint-Inn- 00mm“. Already Pa a. I'm dun tn the can!” I great 5“ fl. boon manned by use Serhluu new“ the ItnttrPrtiop rvId. sqeeringt can» muiutlon- bemoan In. Bulxarhn army northeaeu or Mun-stir and an in the LAKE Dom”) region [manic- III report. are to the oiled that the Serba have taken between 0.000 no 10,000 prisoners and 120 guns. I IN VERY POUR ('UNDJHUN “A “mum Commfttors nr Ihn f‘mm'v Cortttr+ moi at UM Faun?" Bttitditti,tttis morning 'tttd nlnriml on a tonr'of "tsr-tttttt of lmn‘ Insti- munnn‘ to which "trt Commtttoo mn~ trihotett. This mnrninl was soon! In an inspection of tho, Iona! amt-snare and the Ki. Hashim]. This when noon the Committee motors»! to Si Atrium vim-a thoe lmperiM the St Again. Orvhnnnn. Tomorrow morning "to Cdmmlttee will motor to can to Manet-t the nominal and the nimmoon‘will be smut in Hamel" in ttt mawuon of ‘the (‘oomhl Home. COMMITTEE IS ON A TOUR " INSPECTION The nervous strain. long hours and prolonged mental or physical fatigue man the Mood .nnd weaken the ner- v03. Such conditions as women are now called upon to undergo can only bo endure"! hv a fell blooded com-um“ tion. This in as true for mpn as for woman. only weaker women Butter annnest. the woman worker. in any line, reoulres her blood replenishm frequently. She needs new. .rich blood to lawn her health under tho ‘trying comlltlons of business life. and to fortify her system aRaittrt the er tot-ls of overwork. This appties also to the woman in the home, woo. por- trrtm has moro worries nml antic-lien than "mull. So Tot" all glrln and Wom- en take heed and renew thall- moon nmmntly no the first approach m! pal- lor, lack of appetite. ho-mlnohe or ter"rnrtto. Thin run he ttest and most ettectively ummpllahnd by lak- In: Dr. “'Illlnms' Pink Pitts which make new. rich blood and thus help womwnklnd an perfectly. No woman new] four fall-my of lunnllh if tttrv “Ike "wan pllls orrnslonally to lump mom well. or Riva them a fair trial ll they tind lnnmso'ven rundown Yott run rev Dr wiuimme, Pink PU“: thrnuxh nnv medivino dpalrr or hv man " 50 cents a box or six hnxon for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me, diclne Co., Brockvme. Ont, Crop Up T? Etotrs"tur'". nimoik. from thrower-I. which have mu received " (he magnum-m of Agrlculturo, show that the mln crop in wring up to expectations. Tir'treiyiiiiti)it'#arA N Tc-day. more than ever before is womrn’a opportunity. Matty new rc- mmntlons are now openod to her, which before the war, she was deem- evl untitled to fill. And to tell the truth. she has risen to the opportuni- tv, and now shares many business re- sponsibilities in tanner times cantim ed to men. But, as women are sub- Ject to more frequent fluctuations m houlth than men. many will be handi. Manned early, it they regard their health requirements too lightly. Mr. J. Hessennur and family are in receipt of} letter from Mrs. C. o. Hessenau‘r at Winnipeg informing them ot the" receipt ot a birthday let- ier from her husband Pte. C. P. Hes. aennnr, anti son of Mr, and NHL J. Hmstsedaur, ot this city, who in with the 43rd Cnnadian_ Highlander: in France. cqnialning a silver cross be received trom one at the German pri- soners, he twinned, According to Pie. 89399qu _itg one ot the mutant decorationmnwatded . German oitieer. The Inside ot the cross ttrtsiack with a silver border. The back is or solid "iPrer. It its surmounted by a crown ansritsria,trqtuc-i-:', On Nov. lot. 1916, he en'istevt with the 236th McLean Highlanders and at, ter going overseas was transferred to ther 72nd British Columbia Highland on. going to France with the latter 'unit In! February. He took part in ‘vartous engagements and earned his "stritttt in active service. During the month of August he woo actively at» gazed with the Canadians and in let. ters to his [unity told ot the dangerous work that was being done by the sold tors at audit In repairing the bath wire defences on "No Man's Land" in A letter dated August (Hat. two tiavn before his death. he wrote of the bril- liant ween-sen ot the Canadian forces and told his family not to worry as he expected that the war would soon he ever and he would return to Kitchen. er in the near future, The deceased was a member of the masonic Order. he was married to Miss Eveiine Krea, son of Gait, about twenty years ago. who survives together with tour sons. Dnrwood. Lloyd. Robert and Arthur. who will have the sympathy ot their many friends in this city. . I ' main a over in their bore-ve- mont. lam-Corporll "Andy" Bob ”on w“ born in (Jolt on May 2ist 1 It mn In). Alter securing a Public Helical “nation " entered the print. ‘m. bwneu no WM employed at the Gutt, Exporter for live years. from when he wont to R. G. McLean’s printing establishment in Toronto. where he worked tar Big yearn lie then moved to Dome". Mum. where he was engaged in n Jolt primary in Boston tor twelve years, coming to Kitchener three yearn. whom he en towed the News-Record job printing or Me. and inter joined the ilrm of w. E Gnllaxhu & Co. He was well and tae urably known In the printing trade in Western Ontario. I will. club 1 "tmt" In undula- r M (an Inn“ with “more "- vot 0| . but at Imus-Carpool! \lduv Burnett Robertson, who '0 ”and Ulla! in action on September Fm In Pnnce, The sad "nellirtrtce. am received loudly by M: bentv " um tad bully " their homo " boom! Input. 3nd "or“ of Mond- ‘ulVod during an IIWOB Ind even. n; to mug gel: {mutiny And to Nit m ', RECEIVED SILVER CRO8S. Wham f2“? [Alva Tut/I CY Cox; __ Exera heavy quality Wool Blanket, with pink and blue border, size 64x84, could not be bougnt wholuale at this price, upeclal per pair.. $12.50 7 only of there beautiful soft ftrtiatt Blankets, with pink or blue border, edges unwed with Ink, size 60 A 76, special per pair ..r. .r. M 50 10x4, 11:4 and 12x4. but make, white and grey Flanncleue Blankets, pink and blue borders, no" quality and 'in'mh; buy the" Blanket. now u the prices are going higher all the time, per A big "oek of the“ ttne Blanket- to choose trons, an so" an pure wool. pinnand bluo borders, '22. 60x80 and 66x86, opeclauy prlcod at per pair WOOL FINISH BLANKETS $5.50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. pair WOOL BLANKETS “2.50. New Fall Blankets, comforters; Quilts, Flannels, ‘Flanneletts, Wrapperetts and Kimona Cloths UNION BLANKETS AT $9.00 AND 010.00. BrickerGermann Co. Ltd ALL WOOL BLANKETS 6, 7 and 8 lb, all wool English Blankets, soft, fluffy finish, pink and blue border, extra heavy quality, guaranteed all wool, per, pair .., ... ... ..e.m... ... ... ... ... ..-.. .$l4.25,$16.75and$18.75 Special 12” White " In our Staple Department we’lshow an abundant supply of the above home comforts and the values are the best obtainable. 'it you cannot call at the store use the telepho ne, No. 476. WE HA VE THE BIG STOCK AT THE AMALLEST POSSIBLE PRICES Don't think this Advertisement was put into this paper for the sake of helping the Newspaper Company pay Their Expenses. j , ON THE CONTRARY . It was put in for the benefit of our Customers, (and as many 'iiiiiF, ones as we can mak e), to keep their expens " down. Know Yo! therefore! ! NOTE- We specialize on outside size Underwear for stout Ladies and Gents. , AND REMEMBER- OUR SELLING PRICES are band (I months' ago quotations. We therefore, wish to emphasize the tit essity of Because when once the public really find out what’s before them, then they fairly plunge into it and BUY FREELY. This means an early "sorting up" in the season on our part, and last but' not least At Much Higher Prices. We have in sto2k at the present time several thousand}: my worth of LADIES', MENS AND BOYS’ WINTER mm WEAR that was bought and contracted for (some fully My: ago), at prices absolutely lower by 20 to 25 pet cent. than a; procured from any Mills in Canada to-day. f _ . Come in on Salurday and see: ' Children's Underwear from Me to $1.00 each. 3. i I, LIZ Ladies' Underwear from 43eto $2.95 each. ", C t .0, Ladies' Comb Underwear from $1.50 t , $4.75 each. , l Roys’ Winter Underwear from 50c to $1.00 each. _ Men’s Fall and Winter Comb Underwear from $2.50 to $3arat. Men's Heavy Wool Underwear from $1.25 to $1.75 each. " THIS MOJVTIIJF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY f $275, $325 BUYING EARLY IN SEPTEMBER. $900 and $1000 WATERLOO and ~75 250 pieces a! White Flannelette at all prlceo; er to 36 Inch wide, Prices range from . .. .._ .. .. .r_r_r_t _..._ ..._r.. 22c,%c. 28c.up “we COLORED STRIPE FLANNELETTE Good heavy quality FtannetetCe, in new nripet, pink, tan, blue, etc. ,32 to 36 inch wido, price per yard Have you seen these fine Plaid Blanket" They are so cozy and warm; heavy quality. in pink and white and tan, blue and white, tan and grey, pink and grey, etc., size 72x80, price per pair . . $8.50 A big stock of Robe Blankets and Blanket Com- lortablea. m fancy duigm. blue. brown and grey ground, etc., price WHH’E SHAKER, ROBE BLANKETS, PLAID BLANKETS AT $8.50. $550- $650 “d $750 25c, 28c, 30c and are l" m. tit'

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