Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Sep 1918, p. 1

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t. _ , " Ernst s '2gpgb'L, br"""'"""""""-"'-- Come from Best Fall and Winter Clothing for Men and Boys liver Brought 1 Before Your Attention 1 Jul rtrsetiy_e_trfrtty_t Ir, bent manu- '; stylish shape, solid leather thrown-it» lacturer In pinch 1reTmtTfmreTPhretrwer--aei11-tscLsLrra1r halter mode“. “can from 25 to 35.llar $3.50, gate price ..... FP"..' $2. ' You can't got along without one. Fall weather in to variable that a top coat to keep you dry when it begins to shower, warm when it turns colder. Many smart models. snort coats, are" coats. street. automobile and business styles, including the belt all round, you. browns, black and homespun. uprcldl vanes '3! 310,00; 912.00. “5100 and .'rr. ..... .W... mFrm. .. $20.00 The. material: are ali dark colors, striped twaedu and union worsted. made in ulna 32 to 44 and the length will be made to fit, regular 53.50. Sat. urduy at tw... .r.rF ..e.. .. ,32.89 BOYS' SUITS. Made of ttne English worsted m a very desirable gray stripe, tive pockets and bett loops. regular $5.50. Saturday MEN'S BUITB, "SENATOR AND KON'ERVO". Mod.” hr the “If buulneu man who denim Borr"thirttt plain but good nude m "on material. such In plain grey warned: and tweed mixtures, "5.00, $18.00. Wm. and m.... $27.00 BLUE AND BLACK SERGE SUITS Of reliable welvel and In! ttyes made in the In”: models, halter... tormmttlott "out and regular men'.. Prtceu $20.00. "sat, $27.00. $30.90. s. FIFTV FALL OVERCOATS. AND TWEED WATERPROOF) MEN'S Ti'.OU8ERS $2.89 MEN'S TROUSERS $4.39. And worth“. all truly tailored Pom, "on model in the young man’s form. tttting 3 piece unit so much launch!» ed by the ttrt. drawn, $18.00. 8at.00, $25.00 and .F... VrFP_ F.'.Ve. $30.00 MEN’S SUITS IN FALL TWEEDO. "In prmulon of "arLhave not witness“ - -turn for this Fall and Winter clothes sailing. WI nsvs hops slsrt to svsry 'rttporturuty to buy to savanna. when satisfying goods was to In ttatt st favorsbis “guns. “Hing orders no" plscsd with other prawn makers to In mm human us- uns u it won snd s prics gain was “our“! then. And ws in turn have so clouly trimmed prices down to what the goods scluslly cost m: "rtt item gives "tistaertttry Illurlnc. ot wall worth tathtt. money-saving. We have Just received a shipment ot new Fall Dre-cu. repre- Ientlnn the very new”! and latent In the season's styles. " includes Botany Sergei, Popllnl, 8Hkl, sum: and Crepe do Chen”. Call In and Ice thl: partlcularly fine line of Fall Dunes. We expect a large shipment of 'ine Wool Jersey Dreuee for Fa" Wear, very econ. A big assortmem to choose trom. Do not full to see them. _ _ BrInn your Furl m now and have them repaired and remodelled. ‘HI Maul-IAN PUILIONINO CO., LTO., "' UntvFty AV... Your.“ New Fall Silk and Serge Dresses lv-ry 'uuo M FARMIR'I MAGAZINE II worth I dollar bill. " unce It In downright ho'p'ul In prune-l ways. The In. ndvlu and "tfttrm.tlt"t It Iupplln on "qu"t--tsy "mm letter-mo be worm "any don-n. Haw the FAIMIR'! "AGAIN! In your ham. at you mold I hammer or I "w-Sn cur-randy Ind Incl-penal. help. HIVI n m m Mona-Mp. i . The "I” In On. Dollar pu- ynr. " " "tttt It to you, Ind rum to”! when at. um! you the um. Audra. (he ”Niob- 'Nt-- Your loan. will be amwered. you will get the “not lnlormltlon you need. you will not the advice and nuisance you (lulu "to. pro- vided by export. to whom we pay real money for the III-wu- we um! you. if you-become» a tub-crib" to FARMER'O MAGAZINE. This magazine it tor- _ THI MEN ON THE FARM. THE WOMEN ON TH! FARM Pulp- than plan. and tom them new to con-trad MN". sublet. r',2,h,tli",',',2mf,'." home Nan. - burns, hon haunt. allot. B It. nna dwolllngu. in their kitchon probloms. Tull. all "out uncle uni". hy- In mutter: portninina " child- dnuiic rum. wnhrauppiy and ren-ttteV halal. rearing and "ammo uyuemu, pawn-fuming. ochool. 6N“ “Ni" and inform-lion Dun with at in dr . on CLINI- "out "ettirtg nnd brudmg and and own JT/ltd /,','dfd,"if the ham. ol' “innit: about (no Given help In alrdonlng and basin-u old. " arming. ..6tr. "ow" culture . opornivo methods, lave-(monk. . and Inuuunco. len ncwo " women'u work. For all tt provide: uteri”. incl-l nnielu on lIm-ly lubjoou by -t.-not amateur. or .xpttr1rrt.nterr, Ind the In.“ And moat new“. Inlormntion on cvory matter qt concern lo nrmm. ' FARMERS MAGAZINE Have Arrived A FINE SHOWING OF THE SEASONS BEST if")? The Canadian Farmers' Real Friend FINE LADIES' WEAR AND FURS. W. FELDMAN WOOL JERSEY DRESSES. $35.00 King Han m all the new early fat "yin and a doun 0W3.“ $3.00, $2.50. 82.00 and ..... .r. "St Fall Capt, English Ind America: styles, men’s young men's and boys $2.00 to ...q. ... ..FP.t. ..r.r.. " Fall Gloves. Fall Caps, Fall Under wear. Fall Shirts, Fall Neckwear, Fall Hosiery, Sweater Conn. Everything ir Readiness. Boys' gunmetal ‘lace thou. In all substantial solid leathers, splendidlv madVitt slut t'to s. nwar $4.09. up» price -.... ... w........ ..... $2.31 GREATER VALUES THAN EVER IA THE SHOE DEPARTMENT. ' Men's Boot: made of solid leather, all styles, heavy and medium an: broad toes. regular $5.00 and $5.50, tr clear ..ret .Vv.. _.... Pr... ... 83.6t Menu mahogany lace than. new: toes. Neolm sows and rubber heels, " gular 37.50, sale price ...P. mr. 353' The greatest comblnnion of hit nyl- cl and quality In any. nutmeg, and gregn .. A. ..... ..e.t ..r.. .. 86.or VARIOUS ARTICLES FOR MEN. PM“: rang; "on! “.50 to ... 315.00 Thou valuu cannot In damn-cod anywhero on this continnnt. BOYS“ SUITQ. wm be doubly mutating " Ermt’l store. Style. Ind qualities of ch- lab eat and but. - ttisNay of thin lot of broken ranges. all" " to 29. This lot can- not be repeated. Suturday for $6.66 They are originally Iold at $8.50. BORSALINO HATS. PICKING YOUR FALL HAT. Help. them In their homo plan- ning and malaria. In "Mr kitchon problomu. In mutter! pornInlna " child- ren-tttslr humt. rearing and school. Dun with nylon, are“ pattern- and other femlnlno Inuroul. Given help In cannula. and ftow.r culture. . Youth shoes 'ItAtott tou' In a good an“! J. E. Flu-her. I romrnad Bot. ditwr, at London, Ont, “lend to have deserted hlu wlfa. nu been inpatient!- ed In Tnlndo. Ohio, Ind will be Mann hack to London. An additional ttqritttttt chnrxo will he MM Iain-t him (not. Fisher VII employ“ by I Toronto ”who 7"" 'ttttNorm' by a Toronto Brtrt of mutton. II App-when“. Mr. George "tttttrun in quite III " Hm time ot writing, Mr. and Mr; W, Mather! of Tar work npent Sunday here “non: re- lniom and friondl. Mn. U. ”(~th of Taverns any span! a few days hem among her ro. Inllonn after attending her “the“ “moral. , Anothot well known mnIdenI ttion on Wa-rlnondny In the Demon of Mr. J, Fh'lnvhnunr. in hm Nth your. at the homo, of his son. Mr Chm-lea FIr-lnohnnvr. llurIal was mndn In the Lutheran mammary on"Muntur after- noon lint-rand wan Manly rospoclml by all who knew hint. Now: Not”. Thu-m panxnd nway qultn Ilnoxpncl- wily last Tuesday. Mr. John & Erb. afh-r an lllm-un of only a law haunt. The fIInorul wan held nn Friday allow noon and Interment took plant! at the Amish Mennonite centenary. A urge r-onvonrm nf friend» attended. Died On Wednnday. Death of J. 8. Ed). Miss McIntosh, who "tent a noun!» f works with rvlnllvl-H here returm-d 'n her hnmv In Elma. Mm Lulu Hahn], of Toronto, yawn! "utetday wlth her cousin, Minn Hen. 'lotta l‘t-inln Tho Dorms Imuu‘nwrn Clam, ot thr Ivnngvliml Churrm worn wry phan- mHy r-nll rmtnnd m tho homr. of lhr-ir narhvr, Mrs. w. li. Umbach, on Fri. lny t-vonhz. The manually "at on Wodnmulny -ontalnt~d tho mum; cf Pte. Lmulo 'thnppnrd as having bran killed in trtlon. "v had been In Franco tor Mrs. K. Ruhy. who spent a cuuplv , months with relatives in Port “mm and Kara. rmurncd to her home m Wednesday. ( mu Undl hatchet. 'ho went I couple of wéelu with her param- here returned to her home tn Toronto on Buurduy. Mr. mi Mn. D.- Beckir%nd Mr. Oliver H. Becker returned home on ngneudqy (rpm I. grip to Butulo. Mr. Ind Mrs. Knechtel and the Mines Theodosln and Mon. Hem-L who spent never-l days II the home of Mr. and Mn. Becker. retumod to 1hr" ttome in Hanover on Fruity. Mrs. C, lllian. of Kitrhonor, was he guort or Mrs. Slmwon Mernrt on Vu-dnl-ndny. Mm Hilda Willi-ml ll utlcndtng 1th College 91 Naporvlllo. m. Mia: Holma lluullm mntort-d m ‘arnln with Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Rlrdt. rdmn, ot St. Marys, and upon! new» ml dnys will) her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Vard. A RfiittInsr Tea WHIW tttmt-tn-ttte .llu'nry ”all nu-xl F'riday aft-‘rnoun ‘npmmbvr 27th, from tltroo to six '(lur'k. 'torrt'rutmr.ttttg will ho surv- d tor a small rhnrgu. -.Nmr.-drrtrt Ah'r--iMas1ut-nC1yttttIt19. " visitor at tho homo of her par- ttst, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Schmidt. Mrs. (Rom) II. R. Maul: run-elven ’m and nown on Sunday that hor taut. r. Mr. John Huthlow. had died at hln nmv in Walkvrton. Hr had been Ill " Home time. The door-anvil wan -1 hm Mth war, and In nurvivt‘d by in snrrawlnz widow and on" non In 'Jnlkormn. hosldna hln daughter hora n nmurn lulu domum. Rev.'and Mn. lush; lr-n on Monday for Wulkorlnn u nttr-nd tho, funvml. which Wax hold n Tuns' afternoon, Lou! Ind Personal Min Emma Becker, who menu I! nonlh with friend. In Southampton md "mover, returned to her home on ruusday evening. Pte. Charm Daniella, youngest son it Mr. and Mrs, Thomas G. Dani?!» .r this town, was killed in union on leptember '2nd, in Prattee. This wa- ho sad new: received by his parents ‘ero on Tuesday, Pin. Daniella em lstt‘d here with the 111th Battalion nd went ovrraou two years no. ”(or the battle or Vimy Ridge he was n sick leave in England with trench vet and was in France for tho second imo ninct- the 8th of May last. He Mr. Jacob Morloch ot Knchener pent the m-ekmilh friends In town. ("led in Anton. us 22 yours of age and was married n England last spring. : Mm. Jacob Ernst rmurnvd on Wed. rsday from Toronto, wttprn whe span! ':rre wm-ku with twr daughter, Mrs. .. Hannah-r. Mr. and Mrs. Mom‘s Gran have re urm-d home trom a nix wankn‘ visit "uh friends In North Dakota and Ar "rltt. Miss Loni" (:m~lw| ot Watvrmo '.u'nt the wc-ok ond at 1mr homo here Mr. and Mrs. -Krat'rnor, of Tolmlo, min. vinllvd at tho home ot Mr. Wm. 00hr, tho rampart of me week. Mr, and Mm. Andrrw Saturn“ nt- ~mlml lhv runoral of the Inltvr's hro. ker, the late Mr. Townnlwnd, In Got rich on Monday. ' OurBusyNeighbors (Continued on pugs nix.) New Hamburg. Rm Note. Gathered by [adamant Correspondents In County and DUtritt Wellesley. RRAD AND Amman m m DAILY “mum I MINAID'I LINMIINT UOIO IV INVOIOIANI. Maury Walton ot Stratum! (Hod rather mddanly on Saturdly morn. ltut, m Mu 'sttrttntrmecontt your. "a wu an Enullnhmnn. but had “wed in Fun-d: nearly I“ tttn "to. Ind had served many your: with the G.T.R. tnt lmntlon. Palmerston Ind Eur-Mord. no- Mden Mn wlfo. ha lone- ttre, IonI: Harry, Brnnttortl; William, Londbn; Erna“. Damn: Edward, Cllnry. and Norman, “momma; Ind one, amm- ter, Mrs, M, Dunn ot Stntford. Mal Grnhnm reported at tho point with 33 of bin HR men, and at the mrmmnt of lulu arrival n mlchinergun bullet mnnnhod hi» ankln hone. Two 'rtrtttt'her-trrutrort, ttttomptod in main! him hack to a droning ntatlnn. but mm of the man was wounded twlm in the arm,"T'ttttutttt 'suthtrintt in agony hlmmlr the major dressed the wound of the hour-or, and more than 70 hours alumni balms they were able to (at hick to obi-in medical aid. DI“ In Btrathrrd, i London. on. Supt. 23.--A letter rocolvod here from the from tells of u romnt ongauomant in which or iMnyor C M. R. Graham, of London. how a major of the lath Battalion, was wounded. The letter nine: that thn major hurl heen under lire with his company for 72 hours when orders mum in him to capture an uhjactlvc. Th" lighting had but)" furious, but hu still had 138 men In him direct enm- mnml and ho gunned forward, An " ficvr runnan beside him wan hrnuxln‘ clown with a hull!!! throunh the tore. hend whllo mother of his omccrs was an": through the' nmmnch and killml.‘ The Gnrmann real-ted in a moat nanv mine battle. but they were ""T out. Mm. Sylvan Jnénnvrm at North Ilny is visiting Mr. and Mrs, A. Joan- OLQ!;,\\M_ --- EtMATr0R or LONDON LED A BRAVE CHARGE Mr. Lam mm: of (Shawn. visited in owrCTaiir Want; - _ _ fr e -- Mrs. Goo. “in Ivtt tor Toronto on Mummy. whoro tshe, will roullln for tho wintvr ananun. _ The Minus _Alttttt Doyle. Edna Srhlnrhollz, and "can Ruiz nro ut- mnrllnn the Sfmtfurd Normal Srhunl. while Miss Mary Brand! in nltnmnng at Lomion. ' Mr, and Mm. Wm. Mnrllnnnlul of llmnmnn urn visiting Mr. nml Mrs. Wm. Smunrnngnl. MINE lrelu Mord»! loft fur Wirutipog an Thurmlny In tttho, a point?!“ in an "trico. Mrs. Mount: and Mrs. St-hru- -ll-r arcompnnlml hnr nu far In: Torom m. and ape-m msvural Ilnyn thorn. rir.jtkTiiii,nrgaTrt "of "Mfiiriitit"y spent a rlav In town Inn! wonk. Mr Edward "olfmnnhf jro.trirr,oro "Mtrtt the wtaek and with his nun! Mrn. McKay, Cadet. R. Form- ot Tdau, and Surat. R. "rah-11mm of London spent thn week and In town. Two very yucca-tin] miniomry Inu'lingl were held In Bt Paul Church on Sunday. In the morning Rev. J. Putter, of Cllttord, preached in Ger. man. nndiniha evening an. Mr. Ma. llmky ot Muslin branched an Eur list: sermon. Moth wrmons were imam! expositions ot gonna! truth and were attentively listened to by Ittrtte gathering: of people. Liberal 'oilcctionl in aid of the missionary mum: were taken up, Mr. and Mrs. Wulfunhvru of ttitch. 'ner uncut Sunday with friend». Mrs. Dom-inn or Kitchener went Sunday with Mm. hunks. Mr. joueitus Erh. Gt"roronut, hats been spending his holldays with Mu mutlmr. Mi. and Mrs. W. MacDonald of "n- milton, spent last wank at. the homo Cyr.pytrl Mrs W. Btentermutel. Mr. Hugh Mcoomulriiiiaton visited Mr. and Mm E. G. Winn last week. C , Another very mutual ulr hu been new to the “I! ot Inc-count? Elmira nu Eel". All Int week the weather look“ anything but prom- tlo-u. Even Saturday morulnz um not much better. Fortunately the run kept on during the "terttoon, though the wind nu '"yit""t,r,t.t?.lr cold. But villtorl to the Elm!" Show are not - deterred Inn on Suturdny they poured m the !l/"y: ton vaunted the cult they were an rounbly nun-prised thud the Attend-nun hid out-tripped that of any prevlouv year. The exlllbltl. too, were at: high order and In" in numbers. Thr exhibit. ot room. vegetable: um fruit: were extn good, u were ttl no those at tam-y work. The horn exhlblt was also good and thone ot cattle. uheep and lene very fur. The race: were well contested. Mr. Lorne mm of Ottawa. spent a few flay: here last week. Mr. Wnttdr Srhnde of Magnnlawan In Matting relatives m town. Mina (forth In attending tho Normal Svhnol at Hamilton. Fill In" I 0 Quantum Mm. Goo. "euurr. vlallml Mr. and tContinued on [mgr tarvon.) Mlulonnry Mutiny. Immune-mi Mrtt. lautdrtr was Um rylpivnt or a grunt Immy vulunmt- wmltllnu, gills. tl-nlliyhm to her popularity among her trlrcht uf (rlvndn. A Férmer Hespelerite H" Fund Away. Henpolvrlmu wilt rrurol lo hear at um mm» ot Thomas Clark a wrung: t-luzun of thin tuwn. III-H-xm-ll who was in him 62ml yvur, hm! "with"! new mr 12 your» Inn-r rpmuvhu: to Hull whor" luv spa-n1 tho trot ah: yt-uru n! INN llfv. Ho lvuvm to muurn his luss tive numi and ”Irma daughters. "in In]- lowing of which urn trotn lnwn. Tho, mun tllurk. Mrr,. Edward ”arm and Mrw Rh'hunl Hons. The funeral took place from the Isle rpnldenca, Huber MINI road, to Wurnur'u mammary at 2.30 Tuesday afternoon. - T'ro--mr1'er-tvoTtmm-tma-irmzpn-emmsimt leave, to England um”: Inning in Fawn: tor nmmhn. Aged Ruldent and. An old resident of the community ill”! at 4 o'clock Saturday morning in the tr"rtron of John M, t'lvnu-nn. Do- co-uuud. whu wax in his with year, hill] hum ill only nlmut two weeks, Old axe helped to hasten his end. During his rouldonce an a farmer In this vicin- lty had gained many friends, who will min him greatly. [Mt-eased was a director or the South Waterloo Prutrhyteritsn 'Church. His wltc pre. decemled him seven years ago. The rullowing children nurvlve: Abraham, Nathaniel and Aaron nmr home; Mrs, James Ellis of Clillord: Levi. Detroit; Mrs. I. W. Entnn In the town. ship; Mrs. (new James Austen. Min- nowta; Mrs. llny Newman of Gladys, Atutrta,. and Nominal Wy 2tyr Battery. Ho w“ wounded once, Ho II the third Hupelerlte to volun~ leer tor this nurvlce. Pu. Taller In Hospital. A letter 1th n-colved hr his mom t Mrs. Thaler llama that Pte, Al. Ian TttOrr, in In a "are Honpltnl on “count of innmo, ms hruthcr Edwin took part In the Atupust drive and so tar In reported well and enjoylnx life, It In hoped Pto. Allan Thuzer'u lllueun m not of a dungemun nature. Mleh, an" an M A. J. lua- a. I has In.“ a I“ to em Flo-phat. bu“... cl Iona-bu m. mom. from (who: would: I. in body. Gum Ibu- b I wqrtruttrm Ito-mm. an - M con-Ida!" “I. who union. now on We“. -- Pu. Puma M. 1|qu '5 in menu: "ported .taBorutq trom [Ilium woundn sun I fractured [on sun. "lulu! with a KIM. regiment. , In Wan-1cm Cum. He in can " l named to tho 40th Cum-u, Clearing t 4.0“ human 'd Prob. With! one" Clarence cure, “All. In recovering trout a mud operation In Footing Hon-pull, Lon- don, Backus]. sometime no his ma- chine fell 2,600 feet nnd con-equally he unnamed Internal injuries. MAW-Would. Pu. J, E. Woolnor, . “an Dunno: at». It In "to 45th Gun-My Clo-rm. union ll Roman muttering new gun: Ibo! woundI. Rocogniud Invcry. Mu. J. Luuh Ii In receipt ot word .lnlinx that tut.-Mtuor Jame: Lush II a be premium! with a medal In recog- nition of In: bravery In IIVII’IS the We! of level-u! willie" who were in danger of drowning while bathing on he south can! ot Euxhnd. 30mg ttt “bull. stxmller Charle- R. Winn (rant ten-ad tor Ian!“ in Siberia and ex. am“ to leave lingual! In three weeks. He went overlea- with the First Contingent with the um Howit- l M. WHICHEL & SON Limitéd '.: .wmrxoo tad mm nu ma Emma: non man. an Now fy Your Heating Comforts! The Cold damp Full nights will soon be your heating Stove: are? If not, don't delay, or Coal Oil Heaters. Burr" Wood any. and No. " Flame Move. at No. " Flame "on at No.2! Film. stove " 'rr.. .e... .req. .q...Fq __.., .W.., ...., ..... ., In our Ian " Periodic» Round Coal on Huh" at 86.50 and 07.00 qaqtt. Home Peninsular will burn My klnd oi wood. WONDERFUL HEATER will soon be he re and than winter. Have you looked around ttt an I!” . don'! delay. Our Black II Comptete to choole from, “(her Call. Wood _ COATS are shown in “than, Broadcloth, Flu-ll. 3d ll I priced lines in Kenny Cloths, Whitneys, Chinchilla ill nmr for women, misses and children, in large What of Ibu- Ladies' and Misses’ sizes are priced . . ' . $17.00 to “a Children's sizes are priced . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 to $16 Fall and "llv-i)l,, WinteraAtti'rd - SUITS in Sergei, Gabardine. and Poplin. um guilty and reasonably priced. Ladies’ all “land slu- [than $43.75. _ . AL - IL. Ir, "tuaootrredireeudtotu-thtst_'t1 Winter 1.4 we no In" you will be but“ In I.“ Ch ttrl'l'r'hTi,re showinx In sm- ud Coats for Fall. Burns tlther coal or Halter. made m thr" mu: Made In two all". Nam 40 and 60. The moat .trlelettt, man econ- omical and "in! heater made. Thu, mo“ you with the has! Fuel. T be @9189 Heater W,:? The Best in America ARE REPRESENTED IN MY WINDOW DISPLAYS 574214;»; of classy shoewear made in the best factor-Q ies in Canada and the United States. You’ll .j see in our show windows samples of the? newest and best in Autumn and Winter! footwear, for men and women. You will) note that there is a wide range of styles and"] colors, something tosuit, every foot, every? fancy, every purse- kstvit'rysAhmtsstttti,sl. We can confidently recommend these; shoes for the q.tiayrtramrdttrabilits, any i as for looks; and every pair will make us a business friend and permanent customél'f -,--and that is what we are building for. Uni.: less you are wholly satisfied we are disap- pointed. No, No, No. 40 FiReCo Heater " "The Family Shoe Store" GOUDIES LIMITED _ 12 Belt. Han!" tt 13 Bull. Hum . " Belle Hutu C. W. HAGEN VALUES ALWAYS THE BEST. firitu KITCHENER. ONT. wood. A plain Black. Bound Cast In» moon} moo»; $1100; $1200 3 $13 at'

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