'. mrmnwuuéipioa nope-pd Ger. uminimsfiriiaausairusuet ura- -s.lrursa'oi"i'a'"i'G"o-il'ii tgtanDrimrandtttritr" tint, 4hspturing Terrain, Timetkttrudarmghtand him In m t'tared.art1t-titm , _ _.Whieh Would Hue BtrenofrimtrmporuntxttoPoes 1rnthmdar. loath-ulna . It.“ ABOTN 1,800 P31801338 fir TWO ATTACKS mn,aaaui'Crramr, " comm“: I†GO 3mm mam CONST'IPATED Childhood _ rotttuiptttiort mm be qulvkly Mahmud through tho mm of Baby'n Own Tabla": Them- TnhIMs l?- a mild but Ihomuzh luau"- vhlch never mu to rnuump the how on. Ivanlwn the Nomad! and In this way mlhau- u" tho minor " ot llltln on". Cortcrtrttintt "mm Mrs Fianna Couture, Knox mmâ€, Qua. wriln' "Brthr'it Own Tablets have Mon mun-"mun In the mum of my baby. She was romsttpated and fevpr- I"! but the TIMI-In noon "mun-ml but bowels and made her we" ., The Tahf "on nm goht hr medians! dawn! or " null It I can" I rm from Thr) Dr. Williamn' Mmtttsttttt Co. Brot9vimr,l Another du-urntrh from t'opotthagom report: ndvk‘nn to that (my to the " ford that supporters of Grand Duke Nirholu have overthrown the How Ietu throughout [he Sthorian pcovinc, er of IrhntMr, Buqtovimshttrhecr0t and Khaburoyak. . Rod Guard Trenchery The defeat of the Bolshovlki is mild to have barn made ptmsitutt hr the vlrmrirs of the ('zorho-Slnak Tm"- reu and the trnavhery of the Ited Guard. Sworn) dotactttnrnta of the Red Guard Ire dectRrod to have mur dorm! their officers and then surren- dered. The Exchange TNearatm Company publishes its message containing the reports of the Bomhovik ovorthmw Ind the nrrompunVinz dovmlh “va r'serva" and points out that the in. formation emanates from German unmet-s and lhorefnrp should hr rr- ceived with caution Rumors an: In 1T1','l"p) in "ol land that an nnldnmiv of yphus In raging among the German tro1dicrn In Karim-m France. GRAND DUKE IS 'OZAR "It In ttrmovorl hero that tho.FTolrthr. vlk Govnrnmenl will soon be over- mrmvn and that l‘mrmwkv In than-an ot the (mum In Russia" Thu nrrlin pulwrn 317m srtid Hint Moscow had (anon, thttt ("and link" Nicholas had bro-u prm-lmmnd Imper pr IQ that ln-r-Inn and Trntzky were In In" Amsterdam. June 28.~Prol. Paul MUukoft, leader of the Rue- ;lan conultutlonal democrats, and Alexander J. Guchkofr, 0c- (ohrlet leader. have arrived at Harbin, Manchuria. and placed themzelvc: at the head of a coun- ter-revolutionary movement. according to The Vouiache Tei- lung. which I- quoted in a tele- gram from Berlin to the Dutch press. London. June '28,-Advices received here today by way oi Cop:rnhagen and Stockholm. but as yet uueontirmeti, any the Bolshevlk Government ot Rus- sia has been pvyrlhrown. that .Grand of the tormer czar, has been pro- claimed emperor. ttutt Moscnw has Iver: occupied hy troops under Gen. erala Galedino and Korniloir, and that Premier Leninn and War Minister Ema-Ry 'root, Red is the Murman coast. Unconfirmed Reporgs Prom Stockholm and Copen, hagen Circulated. ' The ttrst report of there ailegnd hair penlmzn came In a dispatch from Sinckholm. whtrh quoted the Petra wad Tulogramblnd as nuthorlty. The dispatch added that German military authorities . Finland had "" know- ledge of act, events and that tho re- port was revolved at the Swedish “vital with the greatest rf-serve. From Copenhagen. The dispatch from $lopenhaxen mme to the Exrhanga Telegraph Com- pnny. It stated that newspapers there vote 'glylng prominence to a Berlin message, whirh quoted The Tages 7nttunz as saying ft had received a message trom Ila Palroxrad corms- pnndent. Wading an follows: The attack of the British was de- livered about midway between Haze- brouck and Bethune on a front of nearly 3% miles over territory which the German. recently have been de- luxlng with shells. Altogether the attack was productive of an average of ground to a depth of nearly a mile. and including the taking of sev- eral unall hamlets. It in not probable that the Germans in a proposed ot, tensive in this region had set their their hearts on the capture of St. Om or and the railway line running thence to Calais and Dunkirk. illll.SOl(l union? has M.--Brttuh mom ‘I thus" Ind the Pro-cl larce- O-u'luer loath womanly hue mum- [NM the proposed Germ: arm to- s.mrd the lupin: ('hnnnel ports " PM“ lid and llrnL Although Ilium! deal}- of the run-h- muvru mm (or have been rewth due Allied Imps today Clughl we -omy “M'IIE. a salient points. and drlvlnt swiftly forward took Ter. ran. which u‘uld have been at cm. Illunblo ulna u the tuning 'so"'" " enemy lunch In addition ulr tg' mo» prisoners and many munme mm! were Iett in the hands of me " Bea. At tho tune time. the Australlz-n AGAINST BOLSHEVI kt. Bill MR PM HI WIRE HIM IS (liMil! CHILDREN troops troop- won( "over the too" In" Mer. lowe- rb no drove the enemy Cow. same IMM- w. trk M - Gen. " H. Home " "than“ u â€Quinn In radian! "a Gitdrm idle vo ot the some comm-nun IHNHOC “an". tttttmt . mintmttm "no ot a to the on" of can. Dough- Halg. own"- an hour. was manual. MINARD’S LiNiMENT .LUMBER. MAN's FRIEND. German' Member of House of Lords Gives Summary of Germany's Aims Great Britain. Pranmu and the I'n. HM Sikh's must pay all of (karma ny's war mam. tho 1mlortottity being a mml'mum of '4Fr,000.000,000. Ther attrtt must urn" to deliver raw manor- laln immediately. Franre and Bnlglum are to remain nrnvNM at lholr PEPetP3o, until these conditions, are carried out. Annnxaliun or Belgium, with ad minislrnllve autonomy in the tttter, for. Austria and Bulgaria will. divide SNth and Mrsntrrttrtro Crtuytt Hoop gays Gytmanv In err "'"' “'“" """‘_ :' . "‘ titted to 1le following .torms hecaulw ' 'Ehotr Witt Hammock or her ernglh, and until they are re- (Command by Ontario Department a! 31129:! there should be no armistic-c- Axncultun. Termite.) V l hetin f b.rl r-' 'LTV'" " 8m o 0 BU ma ne wa TN a lesson of labor sou-city ttar- Great Britain to cede to Germany such naval hams and (willing trttr tions as (inrmnny vlonlznaw.‘ Want: Britllh Fleet Urea! Britain must return Uibral tar to Spain. mad? Its war fieet to Germany restore Egypt. and the Suez Canal to Turkey CrrPotvs must he rnvntnhlished und- or formor Kins: Constantine, with frontiers as hoforn the war. Theso urn among "In t'umli'iuns in, . . . cludnd in the (h-rnmn [wave program Efficient Machinery and Catch) nubllshvd in live Nw-hrh‘lltun. of Goep . . litz, Prussia. hr 1'outtt Ronn. a mem. Cutting Required. hot of the Prussian House ot Lords, -- according to a llama dispatch from Sprayan for Potato Blight Beqthso.- Basel, swl1"t,'g,'" ' Te By TIsing Horde-In Mixture and . o rm- (‘nunl Ron“ an": run-mum In an, mâ€. cm Incl!“ We Restitution to fi""i,fltbi' of all her r-rrlrmir's. including Ka I-l'hau. WANTS 1lfllllllll'S FLEET jlllll All Ell NAVAL BASES Paris. Julv I, Great Britain must turn pvt-r its war "or! to Cotrmanv. ratnrn (:ihmnar to Spain and restore Egypt and lhe Snot (‘anal to Turkey. Great “main Franvv. and the l‘nm-d Stairs must pay normally an indom- nity bf ttt "mast $iatNt0.0ty.00n, BRI- glum and Frmlz'h Ic'rrltnry must be surremh-rml lnleandonr‘v of Flanders. Annexation or the entire Flanders coast, inr‘lndlng Calais. V Armxannn of the "by and Long- wuy Inning and the Total. Bolton and Vorvlun rations cast ard, The French AMA The stroke of the French troop. it: our . still greater front M% nilec~und they " point. IIID pane Inlet! all-my position. to u goodiy depth. It Ionic points I mile and n quarter. The evident intention wu turtttetr to block the “tawny to Put. in through the vtiierwCartetrttt. From Amhlemy to the cut ot Mont Cohen the French carried out their otlonnive and overwhelmed strong†{owned positions of the enemy along the whole front. Besides hosting buck the enemy. more than 1.000 Germ-nu tell into the hand- ot the at- tacking force. Although the points of attach were snpsrutsd by about [00 miles the manoeuvres semtngly had been well considered by Gen. Koch, the allied commander-in-chief, as they were rented out almost simultaneously. The strutsxy ot the double strnke " apparent when It Is realized that a successful German thrust where the British struck would have menaced the chnnuel ports, or a slmllsr move In the South, would have placed the French capital in jeopgrdy. ONE OF HIIO'O ABLIIT COM MANDERO. I It is usually “to to cut mm a {rain when the weather uppearl to have cleared. Red clover should be jut when uhout one<third or the meme hue turned brown. The ted- ider should then be need until the crop is dry enough to raho--t period which will vnr'y moral!“ to the weight of the cutting, the weether and the nmount of up in the sum. Whi it in polsibie to nuke Nightly haughty by cocking an. (hit will be a practice of doubtful velue this you in view of the tenor shorten. Geiher with I ewe-delivery ate it pouihle. or in In.“ windrowl with en ordi- nary dump rake. The hey loader worn beat with n smell windrow. By ell mean- us a loader it poeuihie and to facilitate mutter. l sliding rack may he need no that when one- halt the net in loaded it any be ~puiled about and the remeinder Ionded. We mention red clover became It in the commonest and moot cuisine- iory hey crop. end in used in nil gen- eral farming hay mixtures, Timothy would be cut either "ter " I: out ot the ttrat blossom or after the second blouon bu "1utt---trertr orally the Inner. It will require less "riding than clover. II more euily eured and any be drawn in noon-or after cutting. Do not l.t it not too ripe and woody. Altaitn would be out when the young shoot: are notlcvd "artful on! from the 11m of pro lower In". on me calls, and would bat handlod much like red clover, only [rum are In normal-n to prom"! th' luv". I very valunble portion ot thr punt,---- Prof, Wide Took. Onlal‘ih Agrh ulturnl Ctt11rritm 65 Cm. In Hm". The seventh Innual (vqpmntlon of Wm Provinchl) Council of tho Untied Motherhood of Carpenters wan cow cluded In Hamilton about daybreak on Sunday, The columnar: decided not to nmmoa with the [mm on"! ‘uv th' momhpr- ware urged tttdie. y'unllv to Join Hun, party, A rennin Jon In "Ivor of I uniform It‘ll. o N a season of labor ecu-city hay- i, lug ls 3 problem on the storage , _ farm. It ts necessary to mato'l use of all the modern 1Tt"tyf available ht order to expedite the saving of this lmportnnt crop, Fir-5. then. we must. emnhulze the use of machinery In curing and storms. Man are not to be had In plentiful supply. but, itt mint uses some form of eo-opertrtlon may be resorted to In order to obtain the use of leaders, hay loaders and horse tori. to us dle the bulk or the crop. By all means plan to use machlnery In place of men thls year or otherwise considerable of the crop will not. be tgp'"" In the best poeslble canal» o . Mare (‘ouon‘ III 'uqd “.0. I“ 34.00 com in Court Tum-y morn- ln; when tound “my o8 not hull; the paper with him to mulch his nationality when woo-tad by qtetteetr. of tho Dominion Pollco on Sunni". Count! in one ot “on " who were landed In the cell- at police Manchurian try officer. ot the Don- Inlou Police. A truck driver rm; morning. when acrmml by the Dominion police. got “a an altercation wlth one oi the ot- tieers and when an attempt was made to arrest him, he resisted. H!’ mm finally overcome and brought to police headquarters and lodged In the cells. Were Fined " Each Twenty-tour young men who failed to carry their pipers with them all mrected were found guilty in Pour" Court on Tunsday and llnnd $1.00 each. Albert Meyers. who maimed arrest was also lined 830 and John Alberto. an Malian. who could not produce his paperl. will be new down to Landed (Minn- ot Kitchener though! Bat. urday and Sunday that all of the m million Policeman in Ontario Ind de sanded on the city l0 rapid wu the work ot the few who were here in rounding up man who were foolish enough to be on the "reel withom their crodentinipin their nonunion Men penning along the street. of the city. completely off their guard. were suddenly but politely econ-ted rind asked to produce papers to prove ‘hnt they were not eligible for ur- vice, under the Military Service Act. Immediately hands were thrust deep into pockets and papers produced whereupon the lucky one VIII Allow- ed to eproceed. Twenty nnppers were inland and upon not being able to produce some papers to prove their right to remain It large they were bundled into police handout“- ters and lodged over night. Some were iortunnte enounh to get good vouchers and these were let go on the understanding that they would appear in police court this morning. In pollen court Como" was henid and the others, adjourned until this afternoon at 2 o'ctock. TB SAVE TIE nt CROP titgthRttl y‘srmmnm F".'-- T “no noun mud n Wuh- ue unto-co of two "an Inn. on. any wu tho may I...“ no. At At that time Fischer denied that he had any knowledge of Knomer stealing the tire but Tuegday morning Kmemer wan hrought down from the in" and the prisoner swore that both Fin-her 'trtrt Von Neubronn knew that he way tun-aim: the tires. the object ot the then being to sell the tires. In his ovidenre this morning Fischer de. â€lured that it was the intention to pay Krnomer back when the tires were sold. He endeavored to make the lrnngaction appear as an orange- mt-nt of credit until the tires were mid. He stated thnt he thought that as long on young Kraemer‘n tather way connected with the Potter hard- ware convern. that young Kraemei had a right to take the tires. Menin- trwie Weir immediately intimated that such a story would not hold we~ toe. Norman-n If often u mum of waking“ or mo function! 'dt; mm with}: rm ho qtNhRtertq hi it {mom mot be? Mind], . E. “nun-'0 Vaph I. Com " thousand. of 'hH8"tt by. by ex 110m. f'ferg,'l',iuum. teh "In m. B. nun-m Manama. .m In... " ulna-um- In up“! tr ulna-t. Thi unit of no " E " your union. _ on Jointly with Hacker but In. at low to.†on -otstt" Joanna William L: Combo It. also chug†with utenllnglhe tire but In" he by! mm his story on nu Imam and Mum-(rate Walt honorably "ttttttted him According to the evidence La Combe had Innocent], noted u u agent In the selling ot the tire. Fnllnwlnz In (‘nmhn's dist-burn 'hn â€was at Von Nnuhrpnn and VI:- rhpr war- heard. E. W. Clement ret ""nsnn'wl Von Neubronn and In "our "“nmin'nz Flgrhrr brought out tha' rho Inner was trying to shift all thr Mama an to Tron lebrnnn in ordm 'o uhlc-H himsnlf. Mr, Woman! the" “MW! his mum Magistrate “Nah with thwmnsvnv of tho Frown At- ‘nr'u-v snsl‘leudod sank-nu: nn Var â€eubronn with tho underumndmr ‘hat full "J,'",',', ho math to Mr "otter. tor he tire, land that Harbar' "lam hn whirl $12, "an amount hr bald for the tire, This wan Bttrttet' to and tho mun adjourned. T To din on the own of Ear waddlm: day Is tho unuanally and circurmManr" mrrnnnding the dttath or Misty Flor 'mce Edith have ttt the Wnntern Hon Mu! In Toronto, utter mm would I†mm: trom pleuro-pheuntonia. Orr ------ rhursday she was '11"! m a tettraitrs' lad In her wading dress, Hot In Told by "M. Her Sin. ended husband In an American no! earftr Should Coo. 'Iov;§. Puf- gdwnad H. ",',',Td,',r,Trl', v! . trat or ' an now and (ma ttt Vim Othcn. ‘amn Hanrock, Augusta. Gtr, which ------- an to have h'wn the future realdenm . " the bridal rouplo Mm Love wan a ft'2N',,g MI..--' F" {WWI rornrtto girl, the ynllngaal naught!" mtfferod mm irregularities, Lt"'r,"h v! the MM Mr and Mrs, (Marga Lovrs nmmmmrmmrrrmef?1Y"?ee "tll.!? ~pllAknnwn Toronto ruminants. hum. I balk" 't,ti,iltjiefdt,,i cure any ' trouble. "- Auc- Htymi, (2-11-me -, . bort L. the.“ " Momma Wou- IILpoHco our! In" their" - been but] guilty of “In“ I are from tho 1-"an not. ot Goo. Pol- lor. 1mm Ire Etch-on vu chug- The episode “to: back to a one shout I use! ago when Wlmun Knemer wu sentenced for “all" (Ive tire. from Potler'l More Ind l-‘Ilcher was allowed to go that he bad paid Mr. Potter the price ol'the than. "-, produce; Diamante Weir dia" hearted 141 Combo stating the the mid-mm showed that he was in nu "av tmpttmtted. Marinas“; Weir doc-hr"! mm the incident mum no? he r‘n'ltrued many wav to rehert William Laeomhe whmw use was Hrtrt heard, slated mu ho had Bone loo Warner's harbor shop and that while there Von Noubmnn and Fink- nr askad it ho knew any one who "vnntod "o tttte a tire, .141 Combr 4"thd that bo div! not and they uskorl hlm to mention the tire to any one bm might mom who would he likely m want one. La Combo nrnminad he won't! and later ha met “when the hurvwvs mnkor. and lulu-ll him If h? u'nuM nnvd a tire. Mr. Fischer an» "o had In: need for one, and mien-ed Via Pomhe to Harhpr! Cleat. La "mum slum thallium looked at vhn tire and offered‘llz (or it. wpit 4m and van Neunhmnn manila: to 'a ('nmhe. had deailnalod 818 " tht. nrica, Lm Cnmhe natal that Von "quhrnnn‘wns standing near when 'lm alter was made and he declared Hmt he asked Von :t,t,t,',""'g " he “"‘Illd be willimz tn' ake S12. Von "rtrstrut, r',,'e,7t/.',1,,5-,8, br, Cnmbe, re "'Ied In tho “than ve wheml‘mm‘ "Iv-m 930k lie uh mm handed over "he money lo La Comhe. La Comtre "'n9W‘ in court that Jt' Neuhronn wmndlatply asked kl tor $500 and mm mm to xivn the on." $2.99 tc, "'wrhnr whim he did. This was all that tat Combo had to do mm the " "ur. No ervtdencp to the contrary tte- "w discredit nor-n Mr. La Combo. A 1.. rumor. roaresemlnz La Comtte "sw1ted for an honorable disvhnrge and " was muted. 22?r,',,g lil.--"" tour you. t mtfferod mm irregularities, 1"f'r,"h nervouaneu. An _lllllllllllll m In I run down 1 condition. Two of " Iourbmtdoetors pg» I who to do me my " good. I heard Io Iillllll THIS Iilillllllllt 1llillillllt ttf WELL Tnuci aat win-t LydinE. Hanna’s V "e.tn.tsle' Coy" pouEd had dun. for others. I tried it and m cured. I Am no longer ner- vous. “I regular, and In excellmc . denied that of Kramer the but , Knemer For permmlnx tthiMren undar " h attend Wm theatre, Jam-is Harm“ manger ot n Windsor movio hottttr w“ Bned $50 and main. Magnum!» Miers shlrply crlllciznd tho mam-m In wmch luv-M Btrttte are 1")an to ha l went around the country and display I mt In moving picture honaom Not on l 'v tho ehi1drettt an nttrnctnd to thi l chomp melodrama. but other people, who" dmlou should keep mam also who". he ttttid, Whrn mllce omrrr “Mud thr WInr'an 'hr-rr', " found It In“! I dozen Don and - under " you": ot a" 1m um Mrssrt . IMPRESSIVE SERVICES V In the evangelical churches, In addr tion to the prayers ottered by the pan ion. special 'ntercsimuorus of mayo!!! were held during which petitions to the Almighty were altered by promi- nent laymen. V _ Fonrtnen dealrnyem will be hum-In nd tram American alum/atria on Julr C. These, with a numhnr of on“: has“ will rvpruent they navy'n nhnr’ of tonnage to Make the water In celw branch of lndt‘pwndenm Day, Intercession for Success of Allies Offered in City \ Churches. The proclamation of the Governor General fixing Sundny. June 30th. as , national day of prayer tad humm- Hon was observed in all of the city churches on Sunday and the servlcm w"irny"0trrtrettuittetiteit. consul '" that It was I Sunday preceding a halt day: » In the Roman Catholic Lu lheran nnd Ang‘lcan ,churchel metal prayers were offered tor the King and nation amu- ib, success ot thgm tor which the Allies are Btrhtinq. At tho Alma St, Church. Rev. B. S Latttens.chitttrer delivered a stirring: zermon in connection with the sum tor which the Allies Mhting. and allowed by the record of history tho' Germany is doomed to defeat. God. he said. has always been on the sick ot the muse that is righteous and tha' uIHmaieiy brings llberly. On Sunday evening Rev. J. H. M" Rain, WA.. at Trinity Methodist "hurch, elicited applause from the con negation when he advocated whole buried devotion to therause of tht Atriog on the part of the Canadiar people and declared that any persor wr tnstltutinn retuslng to support thl Allied “use should antler be intornn' or deported. Ha also ndvncatvrl in weaned observance of the nation» holidays by the peop'e of Canada it .lavelopa a greater national spirit Scorn Lurid Film: Thain-Vilma of other chllfchea h the clty were ot equal interest and " propruttmetrtr. Punch cum. â€an at It. “on Star, W t not“ - joy-buiwlqn on than: on; 'rtatoJ.A.Bntt-.etethHeitr h honor of " noo-t about: to the mutual-lad who " Worth! Pat. m at tho an†W at Ont-lb. tho lamba- ol' no load emu: tool "o.tr honored an no Gluing-lobed " omco should to“ to on. M that! chapter. A delightful lunchoon I†"tterred In connection wllh the nuptial All included in the out of town mu were In Robin: Hutu. Worthy Grand Huron. of Toronto. In. Me- Gill, In. saw-nil, Mr. Hoolov. Mr. Roblmn. of Toronto; Dr. Tuner and In. Moclomlo hooded B dsit uuou Iron Wood-tool. There vu also a urge doles-doll present from Dayton. A very plenum part of the pro- urlm VIII the pretentntion to Mr Martin Schlodel of a handsome inl- stand made of shells. The stand ls the work or Pte. Harold. formerly of this city ut now “Somewhere In France" The members ot Patrick Chapter recanted Mr. Hallman with a pair of gold cuff links u . memen- to of the occulon. Mrs.,. “this of Toronto was presented with a hunt!- nome bouquet of nowerts. DI" on Eve of Wedding Ply. Mr. Geronx of Boston. Hum. on be. ttatt of a chapter In that city, pro stunted the Patricia â€motor wlth a handsome pair of butonl. Ind Mr J. A, "alumna presented the Chapter with a ttetotlrut wan-l. One of the most delightful Events of the evening was the work of Mrs Prentwlrk ot Toronto, who gave a number of very clever Impersona- tions of Harry lander. She sang a number ot parbdtm ot her own com- position murh to the Immune!!! of the gathering. lllll [IF PHAYEH ' . WAS (llRlllEll KIIP MINARD" LINIMENT IN MINAID'I LINIMENT USED BY THI HOUII. l PHVIIOIANI. (a nuns engine with which he w" STI,,",', wood on tho farm at Trunk KcKonzle on the River road, Drive the Germans ritrm the Top of Crest in the Albert Sector. ‘armer Wu Killed. w Morley White, tt wall-known armer mar W. Marys. on the River road. Bllnnhatd. was killed Wednea- lay night hr hum: his leg taught In the belt of lha drive what] ot the Twenty-{our of the new of tho for m-r Rnulnn steamer nwlnnk. trrrpod and 100 miles nouthonnl . ot New York on June IR. were landed at tetttt ly Pnlnl. mm Shnlhonrno. NS. by 'ho mshltttr schooner Jamel! M, Mu mall. Acrormg to I dospatch to bomb: Yom Melhnunna a strong ballot on an In welannrmsd quarters in th, Commonwealth that the Premier w M, Hughes. will at the dose or the Imperlul Conferenve, contest a con "ltttrrrter In Great Brl'aln. tor the House of Commons, which he wi? an!" " Lhutouant for May George. (on at I... an In J. a... ha. a...“ at: Tt"uut "- a! and. n. can but land , Br". amt-g h - Got-h lav. Mr "and 'qtrqtrqd " cull- nu when" u Nora “a... a! cam-ad n. f'ttite loin-l tmttttn. In con-unlu- win " lulu: [Ind In“ to WOO! to Nomi-un- Colin. gre In. or"th, when " nai-std In "" 1nd VII “can.“ u a III-Juan Merriam: marked It: firtrt day " "to u I town by the tutvrsftitte at ' memorial “one by Hon. Dr. Cody Minister of Education. in is†Rev. Mr. Hutch loft Fun- da for Japan when he wont " Venn ens-zed In million work. Be. tore leaving Cunni- he married Miss Mary Grub of Hupeldr. While in .13an he was connected with the Be, minary of the Church " well u ft in; conuiriernblo 'svnstgertttrtie work. He was also superintendent of the entire Japan mission of this church. in "08 he via. ited in misaion fields of China and Korea and in 19" he made I tour ot the world crossing sworn And Russia With the British Army in Franr‘e. JUN 1.---ttt last night's mxvress'u‘ minor operation north of Albert the British attacked the German lines near Bouztncourt, and forced the am my back from an Important position on the high ground southeast of that town. f The drive was entirely woven?!) and the British this morning ha" numlidaied lhemsaives in thm Inn impugn. which Included virtually al at the hlghesi ground. as we)! a- mmo farther down to the southward His first churn vu u 2“ in HA, Town-hip. IMP. ho mind I you than ho In... to Humid. In "" ho marina I!“ Loni-n Sick. who died in this city in ms. In 1888 Mr. much can. here and tool: churn of the Zion Evangelical (‘hurch which Wu than .ltwrted or- Quoeu at. B. He remained hen three you- when he I†moved to South Cnyugn where he lowed nun. three you! later when he again toois-ettarttrs ot the Zion Evnnu. com creation of this city He came buck in 18" but only nmnineu I year. being elected Presiding Eldur In 1896 which office he held tor [our yenn residing in this city. in ms Mr, Ranch being in poor health returned to this country und was “nod-ta pumi- " the Metropolitan Methodist Church in Victoria. B. C. for a your. " It. It ho answered n call to Cheater. Ott- tarlo. and in 1916 returned to his old parish in Kitchener. He has represented the Chureh " tive General Conferences and inn been a member of the Board of Pub Iicaiion for aevnral years He is at present edlinr of the (‘umdinn Evan gel. Mr. Ham-h was pastor new when the present grounds were pur» chased and when the present Mud some church edifice was dedicated He was “so instrumental in the building or the beauiii‘ul new Sundm thooi building He has eight, child. ran. all of whom, excapiing the youngest were born in Tokyo. Japan, They are Frieda, John. Karl Paul. Curur, Edwin. Mary and Erna The Germans had been holding tin Up and of the nest here. which over Foul“ the valley of the Ancre aroun’ Albert and the Hamlet ot Aeetuy. In order to form, the enemy from 'his elnvallon. Inst nlzm's attack Via: mdvrtnkon at 9.20 o'clock. Hauch. Tim Germans haavily bombarde ‘ha British positions in the ierriton went of Aveiuy wood early this morn ing. hut thus far no hostile lntantrt Ittnck hen been reported. M1llll'llllT nlllf WEN V . - 3‘! BRIEF.†The: trnttic on the (111R. Ind th' 1, P. & " over the holldny was re 1oriert to he heavy comridtrltttt tttttt tO reduced are: prevailed. HEAVY TRAFFIC. Reports "an that mad huh-vet! opiandldly "palm? lowed to rum-n to wort. capacity If. mm In“! elu- " Iupply mtm.tetrt D an uppnclablo diminution In {magnum ,DetaaLCLLL;W Retmor Nellie. Rom “Inlay nrto. Shiner Frledl. acme}! _ mum Emma. Sham Clay-:81 'larokl. Simmer Gladys M Thomas Jinn. Wimrand W9? Viola. ..Withotdt may“ Curl. Wright Eileen. Zloglcr N1 " n intimated that tt on. par! oi the “diary and m ’0. cnpacily wilt In and. - resumed m the non M dung -WILL RESUME In Two u The official “mama! _ Junltlom Ministry "new! xerlttu. "ole-don occurred» , MM m the National laugh Tactory m Mldlnnd‘. The n he unname- I: no! yqt ha hand that on or " um :0". Number " Inland is I†"on m. In. 170': Allan. MW in“. In. Con Input. ntl all. Mn. Outed. Och-tor Whit. 2tti Minor Clan. W " gene!- lane, on. ' Arthur, Hahn Imam an“. Hmtett I!!!“ lamb! Bartel. Knit ' mu Humid. backer Donald. Mitre". crack ard, malt Norma. ll Snyder Ward. annual Mun. Solp Verna. m , 'er Duly. Wooller “on. 2 qreog.it o. ifiiisift, P) FORM Ill. JR. To I". " " Florence. Becker but“)... inn-d, Benin: 8tt.attb., " w" Lola, Burn: Walton‘dofo g RI 'dtmmrth,Coitart J8me... ' " Dopp Wnlter. Ellley Alli. Donne, Glelser lousy. U' _ ' Trot" Violet, Guenlhq . L. uol. wnmm, mum A ‘ p, T , Gertie. Harris Mullah J2ijli, , Hear Herbert, Helbeln Iv' r. Rt, mu Catherine, Herher Veg“. " Ruth, Holman Ger-lulu " Karl, Hosea Laura, m WI zine. Keel“; Edgar, lair V Kmegor Florence, Lack 3, F. l " Ralph, [Alley AlIred. hackle T ‘leyera John, “maker haiku 'g William. Mueller Florence. (1 Marisa, Pearson Pearl, W“ Evelyn. Pllnz Milton. Pym ltd Hadel. Ran Betty. Robert-bu _ Robinson Eva, Rocket qur'a."'aq “Mun, Rutsch Hellmut. Solid": n. Scrum Edward. Schmmtn :chnndt Carl. '89“) Henry! 'ohn. Snvder Clayton. snydor ander Murray. Sturm Louis. , Welds, Winkler Tommy. BR. u. TO JR. "t.--ANttttan i lerrlnger Esther. Beam I II oe Arthur. Braun Neldmu Kathleen. FYickey ldolla. Pool] " Irigg Leonard, Grail Catmgr. I nacher Albert. Henrict‘N'ol Iii Henry, "numbers Sam. I!“ I 'leXYor Charles. Heer MINOR. M N'tslson. Hudolmaler Vloot. Jthsq" ward. Koohle Lizzie, Ktsesltie I,“ Trueger Edna. Kraft Ruby tr. Karl, Krueger Stewart. but?“ hunch Edgar. 14cm“ _ _ Upland! Helen. Lumen. , Mm van Arnold, Lachenbsuer M61. l er Russel. Merklinger mum. y "Carl. Niergarlh Aliem out. a“? -m otter the crooks the Btaltmr, an excuse tor the imposition of , tine. One farmer along the St. tha way had a visit from a can 7 ‘he supposed orrieera a few dun; vml was forced to hand over '" main: tin Marv heard hy- tstttativttor8tte, 'retettrapti. The mt up at the man's house, nu "ttht. and In the morning “in! c, nan $25 for having ham-m (or . "attt Informing the farmer . xhuum know that it was I lay. t r", It has been rumored thug . ea siLFrirG'r crooks are bil 'rroughout the county Inna-m t n farmers for having too much I " sugar or any other provlgjon 1lllllilill.lllG '] ti, ~wuuuusm: mum! "OLLEC"rrNG MONEY " FROM FARMERS BY FRAUDULENT m (Can-dun PM.) London. July 2,--An up? urred In the National BM! 1 "tary M Midland. on "em: . wu omeiatty umoum‘ - we": so Ind " who». lad Other farms-rs through)“ 'ownshlp have t‘omplained of I“ rentmont trom the pair 1nd I†mthtnz dnflniln could be In a understood that the County sritlea urn investigating In an 'or to round up the hunco -. .- Chief O‘Nelll when “lied ,,.by _ “nlvrraph " he know anythln‘ ‘he affair stated that he did " expected that {the lam: vi" be carried out trom the an "ice. rm M. I“. - A. ., :73: