'Kei s.' Ab, i: I I†u 94. 'tet, l' ire. Hodgi N, of Toronto. a graduati- . drugglst. h horn mummy-d by Mr, A, , C' J. Roos a the manmwr ul' bis tlrug it.) store an Co0ttrtF'ttt't-tl his; mum-s yes- "fi, “may. Mr, “origins mum-s highry .rdjridGGtGiu' Ho urn-"Hy rc-iurm-{l ijifi from own-suns where ho m-ruml for gs; ‘gwontyrtwo months with Hm Amhul i fume Corps. He was tinatly Uisctturm i' '.Py' following a swim-v “Had; m†tr'rttch (I'. ‘tovor. Tho patrons n" “turf llrlmrzlnrv IV, " cordially wvlrmmr Mr. Hmlglus y "to Kitchener 1‘ (Shoes "rt"e PF .'r...F" [\IUHHI. '"l. ""lden. tn Kilrhom'r and hr-lvl him for: _ "nary P900“ 0n "w Rt'r"tnrls thm’ gs} was an ahsvnlm- Tho polirr origin»: "i's "y went to Harlot! to gm “mum's! Y-‘Vtrother hut thrrir man was nm humn‘ fi'hen thoy arrlvml _,Thny mekrrt Will :fmm to show his mums but all Wil I iic m could pl'mlm'v won! [mpvrn hm 'sr, ed In an "ppmal mr oxr‘nmtinn km: 1" §7n~mber Ho Manned his animal hurt l -,." ,ot Keen hrarrt and that hv, was wall- L‘. . The police infnrmml him that ho a an ahsontran and hrmurht him In R in city lo await (“won to Landon . "f, m Finance. Bond of Alma St. . B. church mm on iid?, evening ‘ d engagml the mar ms of Ihrtir ii ormer pastor. Rev. B. B. Lamen- ~'achlagar for another yt'ar,'aVa mil)~ atantial increase, or salary. The Board ï¬lm grantml ih" pastor eight weeks incatlon. July and Aueurt. which he \OXDBCNI to apt-mi 1n Illa l'nivt-rsity of Elchlzun taking a pus! gunman» work "n Modern History ../un" pnlnicnl Science A. gymnast“ WATE ABSENTEE mmiii _ M. s. A. WAITING _ FOR ESCORT The hank rlvarlngs in Kitehener for othe month of June amounted In te.- 698,'r"J3n6 compared with the sum of 82.612861A'i tor the cortteunrnWng' mnmh last year, an ittcrease of ttti,. 1Atson (resume: a! Bridgeport was 2pm up <"r-tlte,astreet this, unwitting y the Dominion Police MIL could not produce his parwrs as he had Iv" them ht anothvr coat t home. The man was married and ' aim! that h“ had a marriage Iirtif't w Ill Time, taken bdrm; Magislra " Wo and ht $5.00 for not havi g pawn: $ ilm’. _ ' _ H “‘ The Young Women‘s Christian Workers' League picnicked at Victoria Park Thursday waning After the picnic a Summt Serving was bold and the talk given by Mrs, Norman nonh- wer on "Juslmralion, 'cianctirication, and Gloriricatims" was wry interest, Ptr and helpful to all present. .1 x; CUSTOMS RETURNS. t" The custom returns for the month if June Mr? "17,023,867 as compared v:: t1Utt1.tcl tor the saint- month lax! ,yur. The present is the lamest June “total evvr Ind at the local omce. The employees of Mir com,uninatk, Felt Company will he given a week‘s vacation beginning July lst and lust. ins until July but. During that time thq plant will be compitety shut dofn. '1 The build' permits tor the month pt June as 'C -ded in the city engin- eer's arm-r tor led $5,U~1u.uu as com- Irred with $H 4:3â€, for June of last year. The total returns for the Fear to date amount to $66,3t5. ARRIVED IN ENGLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Ilamblin, Queen Street, north. received a tank-gram trom their son. Gunner Gordon llamlr tin. ot the, mm Mallory. Toronto, an- nouncing his sul'v arrival in England. 931.33 Tho Dominion rr?oon hrought , After closing a uncut-ash] season i. Lyceum hooking Mr. Otto G Smith has accepted a position as district in- lpoclm' fur the Lundun Life Insur- lnce Uo., for the lmluure of the your T cumzn neurons. ' It“ Edna tutseblnx, bookkeeper (BI-hie! at tho Waterworks (mice, â€worm; her connecuun with the ‘ .o autumn today Shir temiered her 'l'a'lll'l'll11 on June Ist. CLOSES SUCCESSFU L SEASON HOLIDAY FOR EMPLOYED. The llclory ot the Canadian Carr menu Feit Wo on Mnrsunet avenue dosed IM- week. giving all ot the bayou . holiday, DID NOT CARRY PAPERS, Kitchener News SALARY INCREASED, SUCCESSFUL PICNIC. A WEEK'S HOLIDAY BUILIING Is SLOW BANK CLEARINGS. The Happenings atthe County Scum full y Summarized. Local and Personal AGE DRUGSTORE Police y"tstotriay " Willian, “mum. of or and hvlvl him far I the grounds thut ,)s.tetttbitivi' 'tttttes highly tuly "Minn-1! " tits-tr-ul for h Hm Ambul- ully dim-burg. lad: "I tretteh "c,' llruggzlnn. Mr. Hmlglus to Landon ERLOO 3 Tho momhcra of theoloxlh Row-l The mm mm! Band motored to the P‘rnopnrt that his sot lMilltary "onpittrl Wednesday awn-{place where Jug where umv (am a tree concvrt'lher ot the (trr the invalid snltllom of the iyrtitu:irye, Klavhn Pie", The program was tre1et'trtitritagistratet with a viow to giving the 'gy','l'irl'g'p all tm “up“ l for†hows of real cheery mu- ttnd lnHmah il‘irnér held Wednesday afternoon‘ in ‘Wnlurluo park. The picnic was an i,iu".yy.1s"', succr‘ss and the full credit fur Ihn good time enjoyed by all In Hun to the Athiotie and ttthot commit. itm-s or the tt'twly-ortasnizert St. An- :IIiw'w't Broihorhood. Them wnrc' ee. tttttrs for all at the kiddies and much Ito the ri'Prlip,rht oi the liltln anon every klrldy got a prize. One of the matures ot the day was an indoor baseball cum" between thr, boys and 1mm and Imu'h to nvnrynnn‘s del0tht tho ~hnyr. ("nu-v nut vlrlnrious with a scorn of ‘_'l in Ire. The affair was a most enjoy- ];zl-ln my“ and will be rinllghtIuily rm Imvmiwrml as one of thrs happiest hva Ll'li‘h' of ih" present summer season. 1 16-POUND CARP CAUGHT IN GRAND D'Arcy Hilliard olovon your old Fort of Dr. J A Hilliard math the big haul in tho, Gr , W anl‘Bll. ttt, had 'Ire/us?"),',',-,,".')';'-',', goodly nnmlwr of small trv whrn ho Mar-ov- rrNI tho, big ram uwlmmlnx In 'tttal- lt w Vial-Ir Alum"! by a friend tho, ui: fish was allnrknrl vim sllrhn and snhnnqunnlly landnrl by tho quits, Tho fr-at will nu rinuhl milk? some local: mar-n with envy. Riv and whim thr, Potter" was cont'lu-g alwl tho, mnn were unanimous in tho opinion that tho ttroRram was one of? In" (inns! they had "Mound m. Harv; rv Lawn-r numhnrs and other salvo-l Hum wprn playml. Tho owning was: " most ulvliuhtfnl one and lhn noldinr! worn warm in the 'txprmmirrm, of an! proriminn or "tho. kinan-na ot the hand All of tho members of the but"! wrro present. - 108TH REGIMEN’T BAND PLAYED AT MILITARY HOSPITAL st. ANDREWS S. S. PICNIC WAS A ' _.. -- _ BIG SUCCESS l Aftor pleading guilty to stcalinR ,tlvo automobile tires from the hard- ware store of George Potter. a young man. aged 19, formerly employed by Mr. Potter was sentenced by Maris- ttrute Weir in Police court on Tttes. day to three months in the Ontario Retormatory and an indeterminate sentenco ot two years less one day.' Tho Magistrate explained to the prisoner that if the Parole Commit; shin thought his onduct in the Re,,) tormatnrv justified it. he would be MW lowed out in three months but it not it would have to some any part of tho itideterminatv, spntence deemed fitting hy thp Commission. it appears from the story the: young man told that he hawk?!) thr? tires from the More and given thorn to A. L. F'itschrrr to put on his car. Fist-hm was charged with fe-l. t'oiving Eton-n goods knowing them to ho stolen. He pit-adod‘ not guilty. Ho paid MT. Potter for the tires and as there was not mimoinnt evidence to show that ho know tttoy wr-rp stat-1' on the charge against him was dis- missed. Tho P wow some toils and other ts'dl','Sid,' included n the thMt itrtiTiTWr-tttttrt 1tmottitted . Mil-175. .. tut 400 sat down to lxplcnlc lun. rhenn a . T Andn-w‘s Suntlay School IPpi1 held “'odnssduy afternnmr in PLEADS GUILTY Faun. Barclay, who is in charge of the Boy Cadets for Military District, No. 1. strongly advises the engage- ment of an -Instruclor who has had â€para-nee In the training of young men for overseas servlco. { Steps will be taken by the â€lyrical "'ulture committees of the I' l. Board land the Public School Hoard to en- gagi- a successor at In early date. Utr der the present regulations School Boards are compelled to engnge quail- tied trurhers an instructors. "but mvmlwrs of the iocat Boards are of the opinion that this rettulatton should be amended in order that returned sold iors may be encouraged to make ap- plicatirtrts tor positions of this kind, An vitorl will be made to secure an amendment to the regulation by the local committee. an it in contended that positions of this: kind should go to the mvn who have served their country myrsens. The reslgnutton or Delbert B Unger,‘ At the regular meeting Than-day at. who bu been the phynlt-ui uatstructorsteruoo, the Prince" of Wale! Chap at the Collegiate Institute an the ter, 10,115, welcomed a noun or w Public Schools of Kitctterter linceluut turned soldiers and ttrest-ttted them 0ctobcr, has submitted hig resign- with " 00 In gold as a wimp ot wow tion to secretary Ed. Pequegnat. it nation at their services in the no“ is understood that Mr. Uaurer Intends ot liberty, An address was read by entering another occupation. 4““ C. M, Bruce, retreat. and the Pre- Steps will be taken by [he l’hyllcal sentatlun was made by Mrs. " S. Culture committees of the I' l. Board Bowlhy, llmmrary Regent. The tot. and the Public School Hoard to ete lowing in Ike address: gag" a sut-cessur at In early date. Utr Kitchener, Out, 27th June, 1918 der the present regulations School Pte. Muaklow, Pte Davis. Pte. Cum. Boards are compelled to enggge quatl- her. Pte Qulgloy. Pte. Geo. Lousas, tied "when tttt instructors. "but He W. Mae". Pte. Sargeant, Pte, A nuamlmrs of the tom! Boards are of the Selmaâ€: -e RESIGNATION a" -. -. m"- 7 -- "um- wumw. um“. _ or PHYSICAL I tiretstr on Work _o the Ir o. D. B. manucronynoum doorman wrrn 3011001. nouns TO STEALING , Tho father of therduertor stated that his son had not been at MI “31am Ivhtrmuron, Otto Klaehn a bro- Otto Kim-hn wax found in charlze of the abandonnd car by llm,Dominion Pour-0 "a was nrrenqd and subse- quomly orderert by the police to whis- Ilo tor tho two who had made their "my: Unnpphoarlng the whlstln the damn-tum mime hark to tho road and were ahead under ttrrttat, The capture ther at the tit-sorter. declared thlt' PM. Klm-hn had hum at his house. Magistrate Weir then stated that they wore all tarrwi with the same stick nnd intimated that all thrm had vim Ialt'll the law and worn linhlP. tir, (ha-l clarnd howovor that ho felt tho nulls ot justim! would he nt-rved if a con- viction wnrn tound in the raw or Ot- to Klnvhn upon whom he lmpmwd a tine of “my and mats with the op- tion of six "maths in Jail. The "the was paid. Attnr n sonsatlonal chase the, om- rnrs ot the Dominion Police sixhtml a motor car ahead and immediately turnmi off thoir lights and morn-tied after the fugitives with a dirks-netl car. The til-sorter: discovered Um car of the Dominion Polite when " was within a short distance trom them They stnppml. leaving the car in the road and took shelter in a nearby l ttttsh. P A‘ f In [when court Wednesday. Mrs. klasmn told Maximum Weir that anybody who Is a mother to a child would do everything poaslhliy tor a son under similar circumstances. In rep: ly to the 'oman Maglntmm Weir dm claret! [ha at a time like the prcnant when the lhcrty of the world is " stake, ev y mother should compel her h _ c. do his duly and nhould not do nylhing to ontouraxe him from Wu itttt his country's can. He declar- ml that there are many luothrers in Ca min who would he glad to have a son a give to the cause. _F‘nr some time past the Dominion Police have been searching tor Albert lilnnhn and Franz Rnhehg? who are mid to have deserted their Battalions ahoul tour _ months nan. The otticors of tho Dominion Ponce m this city learned that Kiuahn and initialize had bran in town and had called on Klnehn's relatives. The pollen knew that the pair had started back tor a point near I'htiiiprstturg and lmmmllatoly atartmi in pursuit In In automobile. TWO MEN ARE CAUGHT Parents of Soldier Appear inTolice Court Charged wttir Offence. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaehn and'mohne on ' their non Otto Klaehn were charged eratutod intro in police court on Wetineswiay by the driven try M Dominion Police with harboring a miles shove dvsertor, Magistrate Weir dirrttsitrtrttdoxrart appenrl Ihe vane against Mr. and Mn. Klaehn i morning Hh but found tto Kiaehn guilty and fined i m Saturday him $100. nd costs, It nppnam trom:sphnarr Mal the evide m that Albert Kiaehn that George Sc Attrrrstter, camerinto the city Tuesday 1 tather'n car. evening and called upon his Brother/ttui avoid-mt Otto Klaehn admitted that his bro» air and gum thor came to tho home and he stated, Mr.. Weber t to Magistrate Weir that he drove his rlght and " brother and another deserter to a ante he Pl point near Philipsburx where they Schnarr is Ir tsvtsre"eairturelt 'by "in ‘fibrn‘inion Pol" Mat3sitr'tttt tee. . ind (rum vm Dear t'strtr-'rtte Daughters of the Empire are proud to welcome home eight more of Kttchener's battle scarr- ml heroes. who have done their part in Alden“: of the Empire so cheerfully 'and 2m wiuinttly. Such servlu-e speaks -vulunu-s tor your etumPstneis of pur- hon-m. your sense of responsibility and your bravo British spirit of so" traert, Bce for King and Country in thin 'I‘rltical lime in our National and tnr .m-riul history. Many have made the 'lisuprettso sucriticv. and dying have won {glory and imtuortatity. but we rejoice Ithat. in God'q good providence. you have been permitted to return after [doing your hit tor the fri‘mlmn and} good big stock of shoes, all of the best qual- ity, not an old shoe in the store. Shoes from the best workingman’s up to the finest. doing your hit tor the trunnion) all-I rsarety of our own land and ot Mn: Em- pire. of which “1- form u part. In honoring your high tqPtttit' of duly and devotion to Kim: and Coutttry. no hare plvtttsttre on Int-half or thr, Prim llllflflllflillt Have You tried HAGEN'S for SHOES? He has Ore Interesting feature of the Monthly looting " Which Mrs. P. D. Cram of I: milton Delivered. been»: Address on Work of the I. o. D. B. IlffillllEil WHERE WHEN" BACK BY THE 1llllillmt HF. IE EMPIRE I‘IH MiflllfflS â€(N WM ottntttort ttt R n'clnrk Werinosrttey morntntt at a point within tour nut-u of PhiNptmurR he, Khehn and Pte. Ruben“ WON brought Into police tto.adRutrrterts. Whnn tttttr arrlvo In Landau they will In all g,'21l'll1', turn a court martial. " In munch: that prism: terms will he meted out to mom, Count won Hauling, the Grrman im maria! ChttttceiIor. will [my " visit to Vienna between July 7 and July tt 'tcr'orrHnq to tt Vienna despatch. gm Saturday morning at 10 o'clock :Srhnarr Muted that he was the son .of George Schnnrr and was driving his {father's car. He declared that after (the accidnnl miuytrmtmt - in W4 air and shouted hark. Ho Btated that _Mr.. Weber replied that he was ail rlght and an" rem-lying this unsur- ance he prouoed‘ad on his way. (Stihnarr in g6 years or use: Judi!!! Hearn in Divisinn Court handed down a Judgment in favor of tho pluintift in the artion ot Trask vs Kittmortom K. W, Trask. sun-ti tho oily for $60.00 tiamattos in mm nrtction with the inundation or his nrevniwusv ns'n "mull of the thaw in Pnhruar Julian "Pam's judg- ment is 'aTt,dh1%, our. E. w. TRASK WINS /» DAMAGE ff'8)) AGAI ST CITY. The rmu: of (front: v." Shame. chh was scheduled tor County Court' on Tuesday. was rattled out or mum, hoth parties to the came through their rnllrilurs coming to an agrl‘e» nib") Turs action was instilulml by 1r'r's. Simmo, who was suing hor Run for a sum of atrproximattsly 6nn swim and Wr-ir appeared ft C plain» tirr and Ulvnmnf for the defence, COUNTY COURT CASE SETTLED OUT or COURT _ Mat3sitr'tttt' ttttr Wemmtrrtay-ieatrtr. ‘od from young Schnarr lhnt he did not hare a license permitting him to [drive a motor car and painted out to ‘him mat a boy or glrl between the ages of 16 and 18, years mun have a litmus“ before they can legally drive a motorcar, The Magistrate also pointed out to the young man that the provisions of the Ontario Motor V's-Melon Act require that a motorist when he rum lntoannyhody on the road shall go back and give his name and numlwr. He told $chnnrr that' slnce he had not done this. he wlll in all prubahllity he chargod in court on Saturday with failure to comply, with this sortlun of the Act, I CASE WAS ADJOURNED Robert Schnarr, who drove the mm} mobile on Monday evening which craahl-d into 1 horse and marriage driven by Merino S. Webergut two miles above Waterloo on th Merino mad appeared in court Werinosday morning His than was adjourned um Magistrate Weir Points Out Where Youth Failed to Comply With It. L. M. BRUCE, Regent. MRS. D. B. BOWLBY, "ort.4tetteot. Princess of Wale. Chapter, i.0.D.E. Mn. Crorar'n Menage. Following the presentation. Mrs. P. D, Crerar. of Hamilton, delivered an address in which she [eve voice to 1: strong manage to the Daughters ot the Empire and to the women ot Carr ado. After reviewing the incidents in connectton with the founding of the ’lmperlai Order of tho Daughters or the Empire. Mrs. Crernr stated that 1the women at those days moved in a given circle which was bounded by the common ot thotr church and their home. The Daughters ot the Empire In an organization made tor a wider vision tor the womanhood of Canada land Mrs. (‘n-rar declared that it was owing to work done in those days that the Orsivr prospered and grow to pro' portions which enabled it to he of such not-vice to the Running in the prmsentl crinit, mama mucus 1' minim, can of WIIGI Chapter, I. o, D, M. in presenting you with the woman-ny- in‘ (in a! u navel“: of your “to V rivai home, and may God him and keep you, and are long tenure peace to our troubled world. by the victory which we believe is near at hand, and which wilt be the triumph of RIGHT. LIBERTY and JUSTICE. which Cam adians have “wa3 enjoyed under the UNION JACK. Yours loyalty, Roert "Amnarr, paid a film of 31,00 and 35,00 costs in mm" Satumuv mnrninz as in result of crashing into Manna Wvlwr on the “'an-lnn Rum! on Mondav night. The dotendartt nun-ml In pnv $24 dumagvs to Mr Wo- ber. Maxintmtv Weir pointed out that he in" thc- damage to the motor mr and tho mm of naming with Mr Wohor would tto, tutttictent to that]! Um detenrtant a It'nson "a fitted, him tor driving without a "rt-mum The Motor Vvhictes Act (Mutinruy‘ says that am pom-Inn hetwm-n the m:- on of 16 ttnd,tit warn must pass a rr-l guitar examination and obtain a d r', ing tid so. before they ran (â€HM motor t'& Alt worming under 16 arm absolutnly nrhiddrn to tiriver nmtnrl vnhlrlr'a. ho Magistrate patnllll out that he was imposing mvroly tl nomlnal rim- upon young Srhnarr as n warning to others, The lmllvr' wilt keepiitrtct lookout fur similar viola- tlnnu at tho an and Um rth "frontier will alnuhlless pay I: horny Hun FINED $1 FOR DRIVING CAR WITHOUT LICENSE The ladies of Trinity Methodist room rhu'rch bade, knows-ll to Mrs, fRev.) I'. A. Sykos at a :lelighlrul ga- itha-rim: in the school mom on Friday t-vening previous to her dupartura tor Winnipeg on Saturday. As 3 foiot of their esteem and friendship the ladies pIrrfrrmted Mrs, Sykcs with an arldretuf and a beautiful solid gold wrist watch and branch-t, The, ad, dross wan read by Mrs. J. F. Honsr' herRor (mil tho, presentation was; made by Mrs. w. L. iiiiiiifiitr"hiiTi, gnthnring and its aim-rt was a PHIL-i plot" surprise to Mrs, Sykos, but in Il no"! mltlress sht- acknowledged tho, kind sentiments oxprvssvwl and Mat, ed that " was with art-at regret thrill ble, and “or family worn leaving Kit, I'm-nor and Trinity Methodist (‘hurrnl Mrs. J. H. Wnnwwr [HT-Sided during: the presentation. I _ Suhsélptlons to the Patriotic and ï¬led (was Funds continue tp come In following the close of the campaign at noon today tho subscriptions amount- ‘orl "to $75,000. The manipulgn head- quarters will ha closed this evening and all "rttt4tr-hualarstuidn Connecting with the campaign will be done in the’ 10m“; M J. P. Scully, 93 King street Meat. There are a number of returns " to no brought in and it is expect- 'ed that these will bring the total up) itrt unnur W394)“ ' TF _ - _ PRESENTATION TO MRS. SYKES BY TRINITY LADIES uaamnti ' MAY mm (iiif ur menu 'ttttt can . , I 'li',??,)!,')':;?:,?,?,,',:,' ey Now . , Shoes and ssl - -.. 9191311ng WESELOH’S for Men and Boys. Women, Girls and children, if you come to any of our 4 1 Big Stores. Our great sale continues J until our Snyder Shoe Store is re- modelled and the new addition finished. Thousands of pair of Shoes are on sate, new values Every Day are MM. “in: Stocks must be reduced to 'h its present value. See Windows for Prices Drop everything and come and see our special values in MEN‘S SUITS, I'.r3ys' SUITS. all kinds of UNDERWEAR. STRAW HATS. ME N'S' AND [503}? VC, "Vt-‘8. ALLS, in all sizes, WORK SHIRTS; good Shirt cheap. ODD PANTS,ODD BLUJTIE‘IR Good Wearers, at low Prices. Everything on sale in any of our 1 Stores. Big Assortment of TRUNKS, SUIT CASES and CLUB BAGS at Sale Prices. - , The Family ' l Hagen s Shoe Storé\| iEl OH 'S Shoe and Cl am. Merchants 41, 42, 44 King St. E. and 34 Frederick St. l ADDRESS ON TRAVELLERS’ AID WORK IN CANADA l Mr. and-Mrs. Wilfrid Laurior ptstused ; Sumn their 25m anniversary of wedded liroi A litt ‘Im the 13th. Note-They were, trout. "hnmp E apart-d to are the 50th attrtivrrsitrltaatz, Must lately. Hope they will spvndi 1many happy your: yet. f _ The Grave. I Miss _ I Mr. David llovm, Waterloo, aim-d] Mn; 52 years‘ . {Now Du Mr. 'Pindall Simpson. Kitettertor, 1 Mr. L, Mth year. :rhnnnr At the June meeting of the “LOT.- 17 hold in the Y.W.C.A parlors ,thp annual rn-pnris worn nun] and ttu. superintendents ot departments air poimml for the running yPnr The local union takrf__yrt gunman different de. Mr. Jacob Bt‘tznor's warehouso at Brvslau was burned down, toguilmr with about 49)!) bushel or oats and "hout 1200 bush. (It. barley. Heavy thunder shower o'n the 23rd and very Windy. some hulldings wrrt‘ unmoted. Itth, -tmtttttttttttttNuM1tmrmntWttse-' MAY 1893, 25 YEARS AGO. Weather. There were 9 days that wcru cool. wot on four days. Summer like, on the 9th. _ Splendid growing weather by the Pt'ttutnunuttmntmmtmtmmtmttm M rs. Jacob Erh. I‘d-pat floods in Canada and the U. S Mrs. John Troxol is quite sick. Frohr:Peter Shupe's Lizzy Jyoliifiillelliriii Help Headaehe When your head aches, it is usually caused by your liver or stomach getting out of order. These "sick headaches" quickly disappear as soon as the stomach is relieved of its bilious contents. Right your stomach-cud regulate and tone the liver with L'cccham's Pills, which rapidly improve conditions and promptly d ad "araut INTHLY BUDGET OF OLD NEWS . I The Grave. ve. I Miss Lena llm-lzmiorn. 33nd .Valerloo, an“!!! Mr. Jul-oh I',lock [mam-r1) . {Now llundm', 'l.",rrl war. on. Kitettertor, l Mr. L. W. Simonds. formal; idiom-r. hm now u" En- u--.. VVMr'rlon. nun "mm. dil'd suddmh’. Min! to y 'rr-"-----.----.---;-:, - mnwmmmmummumlw 26 Years Ago ream); 4U W2: Ih D ce, 524, the 8ttt to the 16th, lamps rrrsettq wvro present on Saturday 0:141 {his day. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wm T Musselman trom Penn. were progeny Rummor began on the 20th, C A little baby boy ttrt"1vrd ot Oh, hum» of Mr. and Mm. Muses 'd. Shana, - After thp devotional mil Umbra" half-hour Dr. Sara "otrvr;,ri Mira-3:8- m? tite members. on the worL‘a: the Travelers' Aid. F'he is ("who “NI “231d ihis tlrwartrttent of, work in Lath- "ridge. Alberta, Travellers' Aid work is Brim; carried on by the L17. l‘.'.a.' m the larger stalinns. with thm $375.": 0: assisting and [Humming traretitrrq, t"ArticularV women and It’d: . Some wWat our Nth. partnmnu: of work 91's. Mary lirtt'mirNr.'.rii 24 yum. Mrs. John Schmidt. um: Sarah Haty man, ated 57 years. A‘ Mary Chum-m: Thy New Mohnonilns ttttrt thdr' JUNE 1893, 25 Year» Ago. Weather. Finn growing wombat. 'mme wry lu'avy tttunder chut- tttttttttttttttttttttttttmm.' in heart ry‘n ltntW,tttuytttt"! ‘vnrw yea r." _ V of 31"“ ot Kit-