Mr. w. Henderson of the O'Donnell _ fitmhsrssor, Bakery, Waterloo, at, __ do“! meeting bt bakers trom irlJltiy. guano mm“: 3; ,Hamilton . he meeting was address: 'ttrm member of the Food Board of who pointed out the necme . _ when adhering Mthtnny to " btrtétions placed by the Food '8sii'i'st the. use of such things as an ‘nignr. butter and lard in order #93,"?! In conserving the present ;rarttGrrnd -miydiate, vgt dingy-red pin‘mqngi Dr. Wlllllma' y Flag “by. t'f, Mn. Mullah. who ha been ill - Toronto wtth nettle! fever tor some was.†arrived It " home in W.- tgltto on he 1: maven-sting. 1tkT,t"glt,'; market opened at 7 Y,ttock' on Sn urday. Farmers how. 'iei,'i'd,rT,i,7g 7 "' u Cannot Have Hcalth if the 7 Ati,oe1, rd Wink and Watery "in. Miriam; task to try io res- -ro“vmu‘ has! 'whiio Four ‘hiqmi is iellclem In'Quantuv or quality. The MM] circulates through every portion f thwmmnrlt.‘ tshew trtyttrtghrttettt inking!qu and distributes " tit nib grungy ans and muscles; it Hikes [so ',3fta'llkt'l1 that is adminis- ' trough the mouth. The mow the only moans by which medicine “new! the "tt'erv'ers. Monro it tho yolk-tin Door the body becomes walk £11m nerves shaky. and tho viciim ' T. bshut0aet in Ingmar-hon and dig. ptec mgr appetite. Indigestion. a man! [sired feeilng or pPrlmlls _ In“ “I sciatica. or tretrfltlrritt, 8,t?te h l, thelmmnnar of nearly .1 iirest vto which mankind is it not. and you can only enjoy robust " h-Vrhnpinx the him'rich; red in}! ogre. Yd keep the Mom] in this " dose helps to make new. rich _ _rit, which orrrirys new health jug! . and!!!» to avoid part of me, If; ' F Wm one becomes , well attd n Dr. TfiiiiiimFFG Plus mime e Mood. hrlng tho glow of hoalih to he chalk. and make. "all, Imus M0- le energetic and strong, Mm. Sle~ hon H. -Williama .or Kitchener.., Own. a,ta'it"rrt; years no my health may; fall, The doctor. said ink blood was mm and watery tut the “clue I took dld not do 'mei, my it., .Mv joints and limbs would ttre and swell. until it was nlmoui im- e-Mbte for me to (at no Ind dnwd. " up one knows how much I Butter. d or_ lag: dhrnuraled I wait ttend, In of .Wllllama' Pink Piliu' one " I, dimmed to try them. I am". maple or thsmr. and bv Hm timp I had charm". tell an improvement. l M mks“ mm: more Ind hotorv I tf, “ton mm all fell like n I'M“ 't II III nvory my. I could do In“ tseqrttrh without fueling tired, and fut t in. enjovlng Mm health tt I h_nd,rlnne tor yum. Yon may Intro , will aha" IIrOMIV romm- mm! DF.' Willllmn' Pink mm, to all r “Harem" an m M (hue oilln through nm‘ in In Indium or try mail u so in I but 0f_lll hon-- for .250 " . a“ ---.'- Mr. e w. Behiederi, manager of the {0ng Prafer in}, YW," Phil" left Tho. mice: prproduce showed little lungs trom In: week butter selling l " you“ per pound and eggs " 35 l 37 Cents per dozen. Carrots. pota- Ios. Nona poem etp., n'tTe.mWekly spasm of at the usunl prices. lt 't"'rhset lump, P"' 'f Ret. Irtt o?2l1T1? _ _ . )1, my; new FARMERS ON BAND “pr. id pot 1 l in “penance un- l triirtl',,'ldjht. 3am in they tie- "come of Kitchener. Wntertooland uranium? Magnet JMllld nut tail Luke a "Walter. pt the many ar- lin "tttiris WetttautmN' s in 'llu"l,'lat1d',.-.arl ad on 7 a, “limit the gig“ 'etaM"utR9t'ttt" I: I Saturday tor St. Louis where he landed the Annual agonvanuon ot [America \V/Ilmotkl' Auoclntlon I" IQ Wagnd Tuesday ot E _-... “1.4% by); one hundred httkerts, were an! Ind fis a resolutlon' bass“ (globally pledged themselves- ‘19 'bur ftut1tt!tltt the instructions (him Board In order that the mt interests of the Empire might "tned.. , _ _ ’ SAVING BARGAINS , AT WETThAzUPBR attdUpttU home only to this - If. Tits CARR! our REGULATIONS OF . "_", l, FOOD BOARD NOV. you dulled†In “out. W - at a am 0. M†or. unl- or hud- ihtlb%rTgr9rr'lu"fl n Arnofd thsen ID UP THE BLOOD i1i.1oi'i'u 166 early she's the tsSiteititt order went into et- Your Vlslon Miami Home“! 00.. w. can The [at regular meeting ttt the calmly Odtteiat Board or the Water loo Ileana-I. church {In auction wanna pastoral. of Rev. Mr. Math- orl. tn held on Tuesday evening. ttt which there was I good Incubate ot ligament Rev. F. M. Mullen we: Mr. M. S. Hellman was appointed the snack! delegate to the layman's Association meeting in eontteeildn with an annual Methodlst conference to he hold in Guelph in June. . . f It wr~ decided to elect the Society reprermtatives on the Quarterly Boar" next Sunday managing. the numlwr not to exceed ten. . 1tn.atrtratrirttr lupus?»- touted as “in; of The year's reports presented indi- eatod that the “rhu- “muse. of the church 1nd been succenlully carried on and that the ditteteut org-alumna enpyed I, yen at prom“. During the you eleven Tttig now added to the to", six " latte Ind tive by proteulon of tutti. The" up" eleven removals. eight by letter and three by death. The present membership of the church in 280. The lollowlnlwere {selected stew- u-dn for the you: Help“. Thm HllIlard. M. S. Hallmm. Geo. Dlebel. J. Hutton, Allen Slum: 1nd Clive B. Ben. Mr. rr. 3.1qu w“ elected t steward to ttll the vacancy caused by the death ot the late Geo. Wege nut. ' q T _ Mr. Thom Hilliard WI: appointed recording steward. which ottiee he has held for over a score of years. 7 Mr. Thus. iHlllard wu unpainted the! delegate to the district meeting to be held in Kitchener on May "ttt und Mr. M. S. Hallmnn was named as the litemnte delegate. . , . Mr. M. B. Hallmad, the treasurer. presented the financial statement tor the year which was of a satiahcter‘ character. T Appreciation of thé services render, ed try,Rer. Mr. Mathew nnd family. during the tour years spent in Water- loo was expressed in the following re- solution presented to the meeting:-- PASTOI’S SERVICES . ' All APPRECIATE!) an“; to his time being so (ally oc- mtpitri with the duties pertaining to other‘"ositions he now occupies in the church, Mr. M. B. Hellman, asked to be relieved ot his position as usher. His resignation was accepted with re- gret and with an expression of appre- cintion at the years of efficient Ber. vice he has rendered while serving in that capacity. Messrs. Arthur ir‘onter and Christian Schondelmeyer were appointed as when. A Moved' by Mrs. Emily Martin, "sec. onded by Dr. w. L. Hilliard . _ - . That in View ot the last that this lei the last regular quarterly Board 'neotrl in; in connection with the four years" pastorate ot Raul. Ml Mothers. ‘84 D., who is transferred to the Saskat- chewan Conference, this Waterloo 'l'll) thodiat Quarterlv Board desires to Maegan record its appreciation of the laithful. zealous, and ettecient manner1 in which the duties, ot his high ottlce‘ as preacher. pastor and citizen have: been performed. We would recognize also the noble Christian character and: godly exampmasf his devoted wife and My who have ao:worthily sustained o.ur. pastor in his work and have. been, a strong influence for good in the comhiuntty. We reniieYCthitNi towur Heavenly Father for their work of truth and labor ot love 4;th M, and we pray that the Divine blessings may richlv rose upon them, granting them a large measure of success in their new tlttld of It†and service and we order shall)“: solution beer grossed on the minutes of this Board, and that a copy be transmitted in due course to the Rey. 'rh',,Mtrttterp., Car- ried. C -Rov. Mr. Mathew and funny léave the cm! of Jttttr ror their new field sf labor in Summon. But. to. whlc Nave Mr. Mather! Jtiuf freon mm;- ronred. r . . . itemsidtion o! Condolence. [ "The following resolution Introduo '-Il " Mr. Thou. mum-I In connec- tion, with the seven In" uttered try the church in the removnl by death of the late Mr. Geo, Weunptwwu “an. imously pa.rused:--' '- ' Whereas by Tche dhoemration.ot an overruling -Providence. there has been alum from ue. ‘our'belorbd, broptiiyr and ' tpilow laborer. 'Mr. _ George Wau- "ast, who for many years has been I Mann and use?! member of our (2. {h and of t in $tuarterlrnoard, w “calm to place on record our Ip- prN union of his worth and our very great regret on account of his Ion. We (uglier to his bereaved puller and "lends our aineere aympalhy and condolence and with them we seek comfort in the tum and hope ot I lumpy reunion ut the resurrection of me just when I" who loved and sen. odwour rammed Redeemer. will re. unlus the. links of love that have been severed hr “the 1Und of .death, when there shell be no more partltte, Tho more sorrow ‘and no more. pain. - And we direct that this â€ablation be emu-cued on» the minutes of thte Board um that a copy thereof beam to our bola-m4 nlucv- Mrs. Wea". Mrs. Samuel D; - Dies at Rooter, Agni N. Rodney. May 8.--The death Iccnrr- ed yoyorday of Mrs, 'iaiiriiiihi'GriiL In her 73rd year, . Mn. Snyddr was born In Wlurlon County, and rune to Aldbornngh some " your! .30 with her husband. and settled on the old Fleming firm on convention t, North Atdhoroutth, than! “than your: an Mr, and Mrs. Sny- der moved to Rodney. when they hue since roamed. . - ASK FOR. MINAID'. AND TAKE NO OTNII. ilmlllll,, BORN IN WATERLOO. am. All i', fill hit 'ii' ,4],"- " q ', 4"}. .. ("A , . . }. n 58 e T.'. A. ta.. trrd In. M In wond- “a.†III I 10ml! " the “Welland." tet. Clank“. for the mm .00 “0‘ Mm. E Inlay- '9tunr9tsrts ye are [Ind to “on a nu 'r.' '1 -. br u ‘,"‘f 2'9 thate, in“. m "udit-' my h; I I a the “Wound." It. cam for tho WILD. /i'il Mn. l 2t3Netecuttitirt In glad to ad u Ill an at. at Dunn-cu an “I: ---- e . I Mr. and In L [earl-o and Mu. Women.' lentils I." named from I vary or In (hi bettet1ct.l VII-tot butâ€. spent a In; And Lou; Beach, Southern california. addres- M Tu Wu nafved by the Ladies’ Pom, mittee " the clone. and a plenum metal hour much enjoyed. . Slater Bowman then related her or perience in connection with her work in France. giving much 1nluabie iw formation as to the importance ot Red Cross supplies. socks end com. mrts for, our brave Canadian boys. risterrintr pnrticuiariy to the. cheer- gun and optimistic-spirit diapkyed by this wounded in the Hospitals, and the splendid way in which the men bore up in spite of runny hardships. fighting with full consciousness ot the justice ot their can“. _ Ladies Committee: din. Docu- Rumpel; Mri. Charles, Ruby; Mrs. Geo. C. H Lang: unwmmm Roms; Mrs. ' H. Snyder: Miss Geneva Jack- Icn: Mrs. Stewart: Miss Gibson; Mrs. E. P. Seasram. he chm awaiting him, The St.‘duentln Chapter. 1.01m. met " the Library Hall last Tuesday evening, with a very large attendance at the members, who were busily em- ployed at Red Cross work. The Reg- ent, Mrs. ft. M. Snyder. presided, and after the routine business had been disposed of, called upon nursing sis- ter Grace W. Bowman. who after being made a member of the Chap: ter, was made the recipient ot a pin and Five dollar gold piece. accompan-I led by an address expressive of the chapter's appreciation,“ her sixteen months service at the Hospitals. in FranEe alleviating the 'utrer.intm ot the men who returned wounded trom the battle front.' ': _ . Mr. Mold Crawford In â€and It: connotation with The Mutual Lu. Assurance Connolly " can: to on- tor a launch ot the Bank at Commerce a Toronto. Rotors having. the me.- borl ot the “III presented untold with n ttm, leather tnvelltn; m, u o slight token ot their reg-rd. with but wishes [or " future vellum. . The Annunl Meeting of the untes' Golf Club we: held at the Grand mr er County Club last Saturday alter- noon, with u _very large and enthus- hulc (uterus or the members ll: at- tendnce. Tho Presldent. Mrs. Oscar Rumpol, penlded. and the following ofBeerrs were elected for the rear.'- Dr. , A. Ferguson. Hunger ot um lichen Hugh ttt Metford. van t vlnlv tor, ot thorloo tor ' couple of dun this week, the guest of Wad Mm. Elbow. (barge st. " Handicap Committee: Miss Mary Lug; Mrs Mantel": Hall; Mm MB. ther “711mm; Mn. Percy Pearce; Ills: Lem Snyder. - test. Fred. A. Edmuuds, who its at prawn: on duty at London. Ont., wns n Qegr-g,t,f/" In Waterloo, where he than a a warm welcome On motion ot Mike H. A. Bruce. I bonny vote of appreciatioh w“ ten- dered the speaker. and an earnest ap- treal 'made for more Volunteers to. "igtrry on" the work of ‘supplying needed comforps and mtymsmttrameetr, m'hieh are so gratgtniiy received by the b'oys in the trenches. and such B, help In keeping them contented and cherrtul. _ . Remember the ulck Next Satur- day, May 18th. 1918 will be Tag Day under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the Kitchener & Water- loo Hospltal. We are only asked once a your a contribute to this very worthy Institution. let us be generous. - Mrs. Bot Mo'dre of Galt and Mrs. Ar- noit ot Tavistock paid a visit to their brother, Mr. Fred. Krug in Kit- chener this week. 7 _ Revs H. LAand Mrs. Bennie of anton were ,visltors at the home of “Mr and Mrs. James Heveron were week, prim to Mr Bennie leaning to sperm the Summer months In the West, where several of the foremost Minis?" in the Presbyterian Churc in ansdn have volunteered. with the consent of their Congrsga- tions. to assist m the Misson Work tor the Church this Summer by ft11tttg the vacancies created on account of "til, m mm! like the names Ind dresses of dummy!» who If. to happy in mum itstr can Pills, Ind I!!!) a free up). to try for nurse". inlay drop-line to the National Dre? a Ink-l Co. of Clank. Umit . Toronto. (0.3. .dd--tu-DrxrCo he. mama St., nun-Io. xx.) .9 iiiaiii "GiiGi/rCiiiiiii rTa'ir" - _ Rim ttre" ' few mttmeU . ttut will but!“ gluon who has Rhetetisnt-- "Llnye S',',',',',,',?,',': Gin Pills to â€again, friends who It: tumbled h (In "tttt my." . dWoutd' advise att' tttgy, from F “an to try Gin I s.? 17l'1t'C'l'l,J,'d Gin Pill. batty- 01!.)an us I an. " In. 'tw.ayKett,ttiri.tir can: ' It is In outbuilding feature of the hundreds of letters received by a plo- mitmntdiran ot ',,"rt,"i,','fr,th'it"l',Pite ttf, that returning [hunks for t e " 'ttattor.did, the wtnhjnlexprased to " you had tmffered for at: (tom Rheumatism and then In! found . treatment an: banishui you pains and and; mum on your feet once mote, would â€up mun to keep the remdir" new“. or would rot, ward to put on 3119 good ward to can; wipers t no tist SUFFER V i mom nasummsm mum so" curmu- . and in. Pt!" 12' “Si-“wen. or were! ke gm! plenum in recou- 13:. Gitt Pills to ull Mm Iron Rheumatism.’ ' Social aid Personal Mrs. George Lung. Mn. Jerome Lang. Mrs. August Lang. Mll- Olivia Lang and Mrs. Eduard Stoody motor. ed to Buffalo thits weak. I Mrs. Weber spam “and†ot this keel: In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hugedarn an- noundk the amusement 10t their daughter Edna Mean. to Mr. Edward Georgq Schmidt, both of Kitchener. The marriage to like place Vdry quletly Wednesday. May 22nd. may 'un' lrlllt 3W“ tt aiirGitai'iaa7it' $th w " ', Either. i, 13a.) ubu II. _ . v W Ohm. do, 1fiTli1,'ti of Ile almighty. Clan to 'Mr. Winn A. Btutttpt, "ot Gnmi Prairie. Alberta. the marriage to who pace In Edmonton m ttrat week in June. Mrs. Solon Alhrlght. London. spent the weekend with Mrs. A. Alet. who Is recovering from her recent iii. nous. _ Mr. Waller White: of Toronto is a guest at the home ot Mr. D. Mex- nnder Bean. Roland Bt., over the weak-end. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stewart. 127 Queen Bt., N. announces the engage- ment ot their only daughter, Lqura. to Mr. Thomas A. Beasley, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. C Beasley, “summon. Ott- tarlo. The marrhge taken plaeg. early in June. _ . The Annual meeting ot the Lady members of the Grand River Country Club was held at the club house on Saturday, May 4ttt. and the following Committees wetre_1trtatyr_ed tor the Mr. LouirFt Schwartz spent In! Sunday with friends In Paris. it a? "an Why t i/sip 51199191,. Is? Trademark tin ii) Itrr1'ts.1ht, "Each workiniday of the year, the A. H. M. . We ma such a large proprtrtipn, trade-matk is stamped on the soles of thousands T and shoes hat the Canadian peopl: of pairs of shoes'for men, women and children; you are p bably Tearing A. H. M. because we want you to knowour she u when you However, c next time you buy she use tbem--becausewe are making a sincere effort sure, look n this trade-mark on the to produce good values in footwear-because we We m e many grades and utyl believe you will findpur shoes satisoc'tors/---and wear, but no matter what price y buy them dgain 'and again. them you ill find them excellent v: Ames Hold'n McCready arcCanc%'slisrgest money. u will find it 'profitable matstrses1tc.iv,HvM4ootsTyissoybrth.oy- factory i future to always make sandsol' dealersin every part of Canad ', -and by / mark your guide in buying footwea the leading' merchants in almost évery town. I self and yiur family. . 7 1 AMES HOLDEN McC READY A . uni-m TRADE-MARK is a rrianufatturers' si natureh If a firm makes ' . an article they are prepared to. stand b ind-they atamp it with . their' trade-mark. his put on their ood sd youmay iilettifrthtrn. It sidnds to reason,therefifre; that it is saga-"f 'thir public' to tilw'tyy.s buy "known" and "trade-pwked" shoes rathért , n‘"anonymous"'sho§§. . © E Chiron Taffeta in the new Gingham checks, in a nice variety and I binalionofcolors,35incheswide,peryd. J" ..... ..... ..... ..... t Chil'on Taffeta of a beautiful qualit'. in black, navy, grey, rose a r-, brown,atperyard ..... ..... ... ....i....s... .......... .. ... g tr , ' _ _ . "mi a 5. C _ -. . " I E i _ B, _ V ' , g. . _ 60mins sauna: The friends of hh Atorisa Bauer who Ins been Atottftn to his home through Illness for sometime wil lbs glad to know that he " able to be ab- out again. _ , ' "iii; "iiiuiiiiear, Committee"---' Mary lartttr_tCturttt_irn, Mreyt?8th " Mrs. Percy Pearce; Miss Ester William. Miss Lena Snyder. .Ths Ladies' committee-Mrs. OB. car Rumpei, Miss Geneva Jackson, Mrs. Chas? Ruby, yrs. Geo. C. H Lang, Mrs. Wm. Boos, Mrs. A. H. Snyder, Mrs. Geo. Stewart,. Mrs. E. F. 'et1griun, Miss Gmson. Through. out the past season over $460. was raised and donated for patriotic pur- Mrs. Howard s%iisiit, Reed of Mel-I " ville, Sam, arrived home 'trom the its, 193} “may. fntt_s ElLtahelp her g ',1.t.""e'"..ackitrG'irijtis in broivn. purple. naiy ‘aml new, with cluster-ml] 'vtf,ltetttrit"frtortotrttersrer yd.. ..." '..... ..... ..,..'.., .. ' I _ . _ _ a supple and so smart are these Bit from New York, a new": been I. you if you’re searching for something nudist for Se te Skirts to 7:6 1',thtg,tttd',tt,rithie Mean-is u baatstifttrttattuity of. Chili Tale“. “It; drape Mull ' i,,,erMept Vi“: Hanover, the price “Egan; exceptan irmsd9tittte.'.'.?irr.. v, . "'" JI? li - ,Striped‘Silks: W "Shoemaker; to the Nition" Illllllli!llllflliflilfl!fllï¬ifli§fll2Qimmmfllfll â€03' D M So Ftishiprii?lis. for prarqe Skirts Ill' residence wit her parents. Mr. and.. _ q Mrs. B. E. B tel. until the return ot‘mmmn td.' her husband. rp. Reed, who want L . _. â€mom overseas with e 15th Battalion on! . March 18th. HOLD.m Mrs. Norma Peppler has returned to Hanover at a visit with her par- ents in town. The friends Mrs. Chas. Boos iho recently nude out. In operation It the Kitchener nut-loo Hosplul Will be phased to " that all. In mae. insjuuslacto recovery. ' Pte. Irvin St as ot Camp Dix, N. 1.. has returned er spending a week of last leave h Mr. H. Hus. Young St. P - -i--e--i. Mi" "Put yards tt your careless hate Its." says the ntarfo Safety Lame 1m their .bnumihy: , if!!! We ma such a large proportion of the boots and shoes hat the.Canadian people-wed that you are p bably wearing A. H. M. shoes now. However, c next lime you buy shoeing make sure, look 'r this trade-mark bn'the sole. ' We m e many grades and utyles bf ttsos wecr, but no matter what price you pay for them you ill find them excellent value for the money. u will find it 'profitable and satis. factory i future to always make this trade. mark youtguide in buying footwear for your- self and ylur family. . . ', . . MING Pr"')' P.tftAYd â€2:? Emma: “L. = c. -1,tuC'ti'i'."" Ii T . + "C IC.".",, ': . _ ti if T and Kitten, with cluster ,"11"'l'i't3lt) sl'-' _?,_i'ki,i _tiii.; (thirii,,i, ï¬r Shades PHI-r of rejrriitii EDMONTON a nice variety and com- ’2 tt ..... ..... ..... ...'.. in no 1'ittr _, navy, grey, rose and $2.25 {Mi} 'rtifrtPFT'tlll, The iuoathly math: of the Kitch- Cti-r' "rpharatte Boarr as hot-d an Monday evening. The pHste'pal' ttttn pt human-5s brought: bolero the Dam! was tho mu'mxmt at the "flick tors who made tttBtr.,romut. “HIS the wmek of April 89th. ' F V . the quek of April 29th. F V . Ate the den?“ at tho mammal: are nut yet at Hume. ttttot-retry will apppar later lt may be said. “Henry that the “1;". '4ty ham bu: You mt- ltying, and the Multan: or than who mule the hone M homowan- val wu, 1natrirutq.iuid. of ' the special canvass eotttrttmttour.Huy,dttFc, lowing were recolvod by the MIA-on. rtrom-ttte Waterloo -II {2mm - CE"! 'MMN.r wgrnxioo. Phonc 339 â€an i’amor‘.~m'l mu rriieri'7r' HOLDMEETING gm. 9;, Ltd. of " " M fE rrryiti' J _ O 0 ii H