Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 May 1918, p. 1

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MAY SUIT SELLING _ CAMPAIGN Ernst's . There is no shortage of stock here. “We pure wool. blue or black Wor. aled Engllsh cloth. old dyes. Wool “we "nod. The great"! values ot. larad in Canada. Quality of selling in our Hogan of trrxtttt. We give you the bqtteftt of our foresight in early plung. 2t ln purchasing. regular $27.00, Bale [co ..... ..... ..... ..... $10.80 " lull Bloomers m Cloths ulocted from our Men's lines. hand tailored. Coat. Norfolk pleated with stitched on belts. II!!! 30 to " $6.00. $7.00. ".0tt, $10.00 to ..... ....._.. $15.00 100 men's suits in all the very latest made. ol all wool Canadian Tweeda. madpvin accordance with the latest New ork mode“. Retailers the coun- try over are telling at $18.00. sale price ..m.' ..... ..... .P.P... $14.90 Good solid wearing. hard finish. English Tweedy and Warnedo. alto a N. range of pure Wool WorBted Suit. lnu. (allorcd in trousers at in many nu) In; than the uctual cost of the cloth to-day. 8min; lulu. Furnlohlnu. Into and than _ THAT THEIR WEARERO ENTHUIE ABOUT. After a" In no! what we nay in [MM that counts! If. the returning thouundu M friend. anon an" anon each with Bati.faettiort in his 0y. ind hqartirteee In ttin voice because ha known that which he buys horn in UPWARD AND ONWARD that's our motto. More beautiful cloth“ and moo. looming salue tttr - dollar of your money year on” you tor vn'n "wars on "to market tor the hook and new“! “or!“ to also them on to you with the diotincuon of Ernst individuali‘y. zoo men's suits. broken line: of men's hand tauored an“: in ttne fancy Tweed. and plain color. in me comer- vatlvo style tor both men and young men. regular $12.50 and $14.00. ale CANADA’S BEST TROUSER VAL- 'UES. (I'M. - It's this Buttllncd reputation luck of the ERN3T "am. that's your pro-tut crown." for buying ERNST’S CLOTHES today. MEN'S "no SUITS FOR $14.90. MEN'8 '27.00 BLUE OR BLACK SUITS $19.80. HIGH SCHOOL MEN'S OHM BUITB FOR $9.30. Here they are today full at new spring and autumn lruhnou. Sum. Men's Fumlohing. and Boots and Shoes that win put any man right with Mum." and with the woo-Id AT PRICES THAT YOU KNOW ARE RIGHT. AtttKtmth'Mtttmtttt8l E 14-6t. l 'a-mmm-mm-i-n,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,',;,',',;,,) Order your seed now. Will Pay S20 a ton for pulled and $15 a ton for mowed Bax at the Conestogo Flax Mill. Will also rent land. _ Your‘lettera will be anewered. you will not the exact lnlormation you need, you will get the advice and aaaletance you dealre free. pro- vided by experts to whom we pay real money tor the answer we aend you, it you become a eubecriber to FARMERS MAGAZINE. Thie magazine la 'or-- THE MEN ON THE FARM. , THE WOMEN ON THE FARM Hel a them lan. and tell: them howpto 'd,",',.','),','.'; barna. atablea. 11'l'ulT,'dh,'l'." home 'sian. aheep barna. hen houeea. eiloa. _ and dwellinga. in their kitchen urobieme. Tolls all about eeptlc tanke, hy. ln matters pertaining to child- draulic rams. water-supply and ren-tttttlr health. rearing and lighting ayetema. power-(arming. echool. Given advice and information about leeding and breeding and '2fU,,1tMg'tt,g,"t,rg'Sttg'."" thahealth of animaie; about the Givea help in gardening and bucmeea side of tanning. ..00- ttttwer culture. operative methods, investments, and lnaurance. Givee newa of women'e work. For all " provides Itoriee. epeciai articlee on timely aublecta by Huerta-not amateura or experimentere: and the lateat and meet accurate lnlormatlon on every matter of concern to larmera. I FARMERS MAGAZ INF. THE MacLEAN PUBLISHING CO., LTD., 153 Unlvormy Ave., Tel-0M. Every lulu of FARMER'B MAGAZINE lo worth [dollar blll. tte. couoo " In downright helplul ln pracucal van. The fro. odvlco and Informatjon It uuppllol on request--" 'rrleateuettsr-m" ho worth many dollars. Have the FARMEH'B MAGAZINE In your homo no you would a hammer or a "w-an ever-ready and indlopono'lblo help. Havo " let In "loud-hip. tr The prlco lo One Dollar per your. Did " gttrtd It to you. and rem“ for It when we “no you the blll. Addreoo the pawl.»- Farmers, Wanted TO GROW FLAX The Canadian Farmers' Real Friend 10: an: "STUDENT" H. W. EBEL OUR GREAT SUITS. Other very upecial iinu at baso, $3.00. 84.00 and ..... ..... ... $4.50 $5.00 English Wanted Trad-erg]; browon. guys, check. and “ripe. var-‘- lpocial ..r.. ..... ..... ... .. $4.00 $2.50 solid English cloth .... $1.93 $3.50 sdlid English cloth. s pack“ “it loop: and side than .. . .. $2.89 Pure Wool botany yarn. fancy Wanted Trousers. absolutely guaran. "eeu,P.00, and $6.50. for . . . .. 84.98 Two extraordinary values. solid wearing fabric: in “itchod- on be" pleated Nor'olks. Men's Suits. the same at you see priced all over at 322.“). '"getMererrtt Warned. and Twudn mud. in 5 young mln's model, sizes 34 to 42. re. gular $22.00, Cale price .. . . .. $16.80 ANOTHER DRIVE IN BOYS' 8U|T8 $4.95 AND $7.95. A magrtifurent range " choice cut in all the smart 1918 models. two and three button, "nan roll lapels. patcl or plain pockets. belt or plain. brown. greys. fancy. in checks. stripe. In: plain at a clear an in; of $2.00 to $0.00 20TH CENTURY BENCH TAILORED SUITS. , Canada, master tailors with an in ternation reputation lor quality. w are sole teller: of (hie brand for Ki V chener. Dre“ suite. bueineu. yo 9 men's and men who would rem ir young. euite. Every wit fully gun n teed to retain its shape m any an of wear ot weamer. $20.00,. $23.00 $25.00 to ..... p.... ... .w... $35.00 MEN'S $22.0) SUITS FOR “6.”. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $12.50. 315.” 315.00. 320.00. “Where the Good Clothes . Come from Help. them In their homo plan- ning and making. In their kitchen problems. In matters pertaining to chm!- ren-tttttlr health. "arlmg and school. Deal. with lulu. are" pattern. and other Iominlnc Interests. Give. how In gardenln. and ttttwer culture. m PIG”: ‘ The new order-incouncil prohibit. lng the hoarding of flour and sugar states that only " dnys' supply may the kept on hand. The chief interpre- 'ttttion of the law wee that anyone who had only 100 pounds ot flour or sugar on hand could not be said to be hoarding it. This. of course means that it they were using out of that hundred pounds and had no other supply on hand. " more than one hum, dretl pounds of either ttour or sugar is found In any one house it will be 1utl'l'lul and the owners ttned. The minimum line is 8100. Ind the maximum $1.000. Had Good Y-The "all meeting or the OMcittl Board of Trinity Metho, dist Church tor this conierenoe year we: held on Monday evening. The tin. ances were in excellent shape. All ott. ligations were met In full with I nice balance in the treullry of ench Boc. iety. Mr. w. A. Bailey was elected to nttend the district meeting It Kitch- ener next week with Mr. 8. G. Bart lett alternates Mr. Frank Phelps was elected to the Lumen”- Convention at Guelph, Conference. A digging but has been taken from the Power Plant have. The venom hav- Ing It In In. mansion will kindly return it " Mice and save runner trouble. _ Mother’s Day was observed It Trin. ity Methodist Church on Sunday. The sermon and music was appropriate to the occasionrx Increase Prtfduetlttrt-'rhe local Great- er Production committee'report that they have rented two acres ot Artrt class land in the village and have divided it Into oneeighth acre lot: and “we: them to nil interested citizens. who wish to avail themselv- es of the opportunity to use I lot for greater production. The land is plow- ed and harrowed nil ready for plent- ing. The size of each lot is 207 by " feet and they are staked hnd number- ed from one to sixteen. Mr. G. Ruby announces that he has applled to the Government dealers In Toronto. for a supply of nah. and it ls expected that arrangements are in process of completion to get them. Mr. Milton Luft ot Wellesley spent Sunday in town. Crowded Houses. ..-Th" entertain- ments ot the Dominion, Chautaugua Festival given here last Thursday. Friday and Saturday were a great musical and educational treat. The hull was crowded to the doors at ev- my performance. and the evening pro- grammes were repeated to accommo- date the large audiences. Besides the local people the audiences comprised many visitors from Plattsville. Hays- ville, Baden and the surrounding country. ', A Knitting Tea will be held in the Library Hall on Thursday, May Mutt, From three to six o'clpck. Afternoon tea will he served tor a small charge. All ladies of New Hamburg and vicin- Ry are cordially invited to be prompt. We are sorry to report that Hon. Senator Rat: In still Contttted to the house with an attack of rheumatism. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. um Tallu- Otto went a few day: with friend- in Kitchener. In” Edna Apps] - Wednesday with friend- ": Kitchener. Automobiles stud auto~trucks are the hurdest on soft roadways. and hundreds ot them pass along this part of the village, which Is on the main highway and connects the traw Bl from east to west. Nun Brlqfi--Mi" no“. Down": In unending 3 week with her ulster. In. Ch... Maison. In Btrattord. . Mrs. E. Orme, ot London. visited at the home of her ulster-Indy”, Mrs. James Vance, over Sunday. The concrete road contractor has plowed up the road between Shade and Hanna! streets. on Waterloo street. A provisional highway has been laid out on Sweitur street. It ‘3 being gravelled as continuous daily teaming by our local industries necessitates a good foundation. As mentioned last week the Silver- miiths building ls being occupied by u provisional company which is be- ing organized to manufacture marine motor engines. Two ot the ttrm, Mes. xrs Peters and Van Falken are now here looking after matters. A carioad if machinery has arrived here. The low firm has until August 1st to get incorporated and begin work with 25 lands. " wish them success. ttuirttt Btreeu.- The Council has :ommenced the work of oiling the streets. The smallest curload obtain- Ible was ordered ~as this contains 3000 gallons. about the same as last vesr's supply when the streets were well oiled. it assures us that they will be similarly dealt with this year. A quantity ot tarvis has also been or- iered. This will be used from the railway track to the limits ot the cor- poration and on Hursn street past the public school. Mr. and Mrs. August Vontrau and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morrison. ot Pro:- ton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. o"rtutderttrerger. The regular meeting or the W.C.T.U. vlll be held at the home of Mrs. E. Eby on Wednesday, May 15th. at 3 mm. Members are requested to be pre- sent; Mrs. John W. Men-nor who spent Our Busy Neighbors Rude] law “but New: Notes Gathered by Industrial. Correspondents intent, at! District The Ministerial Association met last week to say good-bye to Rev. A. T. Nash who left lest week to take up his new duties in Morrlston. Mr. Nash has been Secretary of the Association l for some time and has done good ser- vice in the moral and spiritual “fairs tot the town. Rev. T. J. Bird wss cho- Isen Sec-Tress. in succession to Mr . Nash. I Elects Ofnttqtr. . FOUR OR FIVE MILLION MORE BUSHELS WHEAT Winnipeg, Mn lzr-Llllnllobu will produce from 4.000.000 to 5.000.000 more bunch of when In "" than the - or”. as the result of the "bmk-noreoland" cetrtp.ittt' which I- now being conducted by the launch. Department of Agriculture try - of " crop boosts". who are Insulin "In towel .0; hero-led production throughout an Province. The marriage took place of Miss Pearl Morris. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris. of Queen street. west. to Mr. Robert Sprung was soiemniled by Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., pastor of the Methodist church. on Wednadny. Miss Sprung. sister of the groo st- tended the bride. while Mr. H. lk/ll; supported the groom. The hnppy cow ple are spending their honeymoon in Toronto. The annual election ot otticmn, ot the Wycliffe Bible class took place in the tFrernent of the Methodist church on Monday evening Prea.--Pred. W. Schultz. Yice-Py,err.--Herrr Singer, Bec.-Fred B. Keller. 'rreto.--Frttnk A. Calvert. Fall. In Action Hespeleritoa will sincerely regret to learn that Pte. Horace Henry Stone- mun. who enlisted with C Company. llih Battalion. on February Zlnt. 1916 A" been killed in action. The late ‘sbldla' was a son of Mr. Henry Stone- mnn. formerly of this town. but who now resides in St. Catharina. More contributions hue been re- ceived by the committee In charge of the Red Triangle Fund. The figures now given out total 82.200. . Mr. F. Bria was the victim of a painful accident while at work In the Stamped and Enamel Ware factory when he suffered trom having the thumb of his left hand very badly bruised. Ntqttute 7 - -. "Mrf'wunam Franke. of Ha'mmon. spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Wilma Brodrocm. ot Kiteh. ener spent the week, and with his par- ents here. -Mr. Harold Binnman -ot Kitchener spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bing-mu. , Fagwgll to Pqpqur Petor Mm. Semple and two daughters, Agnes and Jean sud son Guy attend- ed the funeral of the farmer's little trrtuMrdnutrttter, Jean Fleming In Mil. venon on Saturday. Pte. P. menu. of St. 'rhornas, spent Sapurday with triads here. . month with he! wan. Mr. “(I Mn. John Schmidt bore returned to he_r_ {on}: In We f"', "and". Made 06mm " belle to Red Cro-yt" lollowln; letter we re- ceived by the Women’s Purlotlc Society from the Canaan Red Crone Society to which they recently led nude a ehlpmeu at each: Mm. G. Ford. Seem". Women's Pelrlouc Society. New Hamburg. Ont. Deer Medea: l hnve very enclosing herewith tor your shipment such. which lave ttood condition. Mr. B. Shun. about Sunday with his family In Mitchell. " Mr., Henry Brodrocht spent Satur- day In Kitchener. R Mr. Otto [Apps of Kitchener spent the week and at his home here. Owing to the ever increasing de- mand upon our stores tor supplies. it is necessary tint we receive a con- stant stream ot such srucies as are contained in your shipment. I shall therefore be (lad it you will kindly convey to sii those interested in this generous contribution our hesrty thanks tor their kind support in the work which is indeed greatly appro elated. A Miss Evelyn Ernst. is spending sev- eral days with relatives In Kitchener. Mr. James Corrie, of Station]. spent the week end at his home here. Miss Winnie Ledermnn returned home from Guelph on Friday evening. We are sorry to report that Mrs. George Bean ls cottfuterd to the house through sickness. hog) may friends wish her I speedy r very. Mrs. Theodore Franks. and lime daughter Helen. are visiting relativ- tlst Nay York City. Mr. Edmond Ruehl. ot Kitchener. a”!!! ASfundgry with his parents here.' Mr. and Mn .Andrew Murray. ot lunerkip were week end visitors " the home of the farmer's mother, Mrs. Menno- Bean. Rev. Pen-oi Bait ot Toionto In I visitor at " home here. Yours very truly. K B B. MAC ONNES. Hon. Rocordlx Secretary. He: Russel Bean ot [nation spent thgrweekr and with " parents here. Mr. Robin Winnnot we Dental Cot. lege, Toronto, ls visiting It hit home here. Mrs. R. Barber ot Station! spent Friday with friend: lure. much pleasure In an olllchl mesh»! ot 10: min of unwed here In MINARD'S LINIMENT USED " PHVSICIANB. ' The ladies' Aid of the Canada Lu. theran church celebrated their' titth unnivemry on Friday. May mm, 1918 when a programme and a supper were given. K Mr. and Mrs. David Mulchoy, ot Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Steuer. angel. of Elmira, were visiting at Mr. J. B. Miller's. vMessra. E. Rooter and W. Junker were business visitors in Kitchener and Waterloo on Saturday. Al the any set apart (or the cum- ulsn In Preston to nine 83,500 for the Red Trlanxle Fund drew to e clue. the workers wore I smile ot mttiMactiorr-- Preston had exceeded It: objective. The total Thurlday morning stood at $4.343 somewhat over $800 to the good. over and above the generous objective. Mr. David Tmssler sold a [at steer for me sum ot $230,00. _ Mr. Geo. Berduk bought the acre tum irsm Jh Steinman on 5th line, Wellcsley. Mr. James Armstrong, a former Vet. erinary Surgeon of Wellesley. called Ion, 91d friends thi? may week. The friends ot Mit.rs Elsie Miller will regret to learn that she undcmrettt mother operation tor appertdieititr She is doing as well as can be " peeled - Mrs. Theodore Becker and family' are visiting at Mr. C. Koehler's to; a few days. 7 - The III-mu- rriettd. ot Illa Irena Jones. who in. bong-o ml! III. " be very planned to lean that Illa In doing nicely. The necideni 'yseessitnted sever-l hatches. w. J. Schleuter. the real estate and business broker, has cloned an Impor- tant sole ot the A. A. Erb homestead comer of King and Eagle streets. to I company from Toronto. which will Invest $10,000 in addition to the pur- ehuo price and convert It Into 1 sani- tnrlum and rest home. AQurprlse _ - Miss Zember. Mlss Wolwado, Mrs. D. Mulcoby. of Brantford, and Muss Alice Mills were visitors In Kitchener Saturday. AW tony trio-d- ammed " tho in. a! In. In.- on Iva-mom at. on WM - to ml In. J. H. [by with a eta-W wicker cult prior to to; ”no"! to Ghoul. A Wunm'ulmlllduui- dren- uoo-u-lod the prosecution. to 'rNek tho recipient made 1 null.- this "ply. 7 - ---. - Little Du" Slahlhaum. daughter of Pte. and Mrs. Stahlbaum. w“ the victim or a very painful moment on Thursday. The little girl bu] been playing uround the express truck when she struck her held and suffered a deep cut in the head. A very pleasant surprise took piece Monday evening at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Hilborn. it being the farmer's birthday. The evening was even! in games and cards. follow- ing which refreshments were served. Item. of Mtereat. The loul amount collected by mem- bers ot the local cm War Volennl' mutton in relponse to their re- cent appeal tor funds to all“ In pro- viding club room furnlture amounted to “78.30. 'ue- to v.u.c.A. Appeal Min Berth: Young of St. eatharin ea In saving with friends in town. Mrs. W. Bailey left Thursday morn. ing tor I viii: with her brother, Mr. F, Walker. In Hamilton. PaiMul Accidcnt Waterloo and Elmira T- BIG HARDWARE STORE Phone 215 Here ls Your Pardon From Wash-Day , Slavery You think enough of your own comfort, time and health to want nomethina to make much day easy. Our Washing Machine: win do this. . . . on L The Imperial Rotary Washer I77“! 16, 1918 Wellesley The King of all hand machines. Any child can operate it. A wonderful machine. . _ ' Price $13.00 Largo Fly Wheel tor Gasoline Engine Equipment. Can be opened and cloud while in operation. Can be changed to a hand machine In one quad" of a minute, 0-...- I"! . WEICHEL & SON Limited The Motor High Speed Washer 100 the. and Murrow» In... In the 10k " saving prices. PM! BALE In much that will not be “on in any “on In IN. City. I If. no obj.“ the - must be all bolero an an!" our "mod-ll“! lowing .lw.--6Va'ar', C'x”. 6'x MN", O'x12', all marked at mon- Look our the "ltotarbrttt In: and an money by buying Mu. Successors to Weseloh-Goudie Ltd.: The Magtag , Power 7 Washer Q Runs like I Sewing " chine. high speed. easy to turrt--Haq all of the Good Points. Give the Imperial a trial. . PRICE $9.00 'mNmRtHtttttttttttmmMetttmtttttttttttmttttttMtttttttmmtttmtttp.ttttttttttl ' The Washer of Excellency. and Durability-- _ ERAPH. "' Largo showing of -ttgttt has Inc “me In ordering nour and seeing to it that you get it and not the result will be altogether ntlslactory. “something just a: good." You will save both time tad patience and PHONE '12J. Men's Box in I Ladieu' LIGHT WOOL, l MERCERIZED. CASHMERE. MERCEHISED "t CASHMERE. SILKOLINE AND 3 SOFT LISLE. SILK. V . I SILK LISLE. FIBRE tut. Chlldrcn’u . BOYS' SOOUT. Boy. and Git-Ir Ribbed Cotton Women's and Mines' Plain Cotton, or Royal Rib. . O Chicopee Mills Store Th0 value. u be had tn the Houno-quithum Department duel-g House Furnishings OCEAN FLOUR is strictly high irade family flour. By remember- CANADIAN FOOD BOARD, LICENSE NO. 104. GOUDIES LIMITED FIRE SALE 9101's? BOX AND STOCKINGS. I Ladiu’ at the PRICE $23.50 MERCERIZED. CASHMERE. SOFT LISLE. SILK LISLE. FIBRE SILK. - who: on all mi. Ouch as Wilton'n. Brunch. Alt. minute:- and Tau-try. Bring, the an. of your room. Linolcumo in I large rang. of patterns at price. which "lino! In ”pound. " QUEEN BT., a. 355V.

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