i' . 'Wollolloy Tp. roman Op- i" pond to Government’s I M. a. A. Provisions. John Hartleih was next on the plat form and the burden or his remarks wan that after the farmer had made preparations for a scheme of greater production his plans should not he disturbed by the myorlptinn of his labor tor military sank-e. He thought that some other arrangements could be made by the Government, He stat, ed that the reason for conscription of farmers is that Quebec has not pro- pnriy responded and hence the duty which Quebec shirked falls upon the Mr. G. Barber told: "it is difttettlt in times like the present to say what in heat. We do not know all the ronditiona. It we did we could Judge better. " is hard tor anyone to frame a law that will suit everybody." Mr. Harbor was followed hy Reeve John Reidel who declared that the place of the young farmer at present in on the farm. He said that it they' are taken to the hattle front therel will he not sunk-lent help left to pro-' dim- the food necessary to feed them I and consequently he urged the draw. ing up of a strong resolution impor- tuning the Government to reconsider its decision in connection with com! scripting farm labor, He pointed tol the case of a widow at number; who has two sons and naked vhat wouldI happen to her tarm If these two boys are taken from her l It" In KEEP. w. SUNS Illl HHMS Deputy Reeve Fred. Lackner VIII nut to speak. He pointed out that the present Government obtltncd vot- on in In underhund manner by pro. mining exemption to lumen. He tter elm-ad that money and tood no the two element: that will win tho war. W. o. ilerwg. mercury ot the Farmers Club, declared himself in tum at keeping the boys in the farm to produce food Instead ot sending them to the from to ttttht. the - Important consideration Mt not He crulcizod the present Government for promising to Ian farmers on the not] and now hmking that promI-e try containing the trettr Much. he aeGaiCar"r'artiii; nrlunlIy needs tor mm. In his crops. In his opening rem-tn referred to tho “are!!! of food tend pointed out that since . soldier, according to Na. poloon. "tsto on his stomach the up n], ttt food to the lighting men A: ,,_ -_-__ _.,~V -- -- -.,- " I. provided In the recent orderin- coucll amend!“ the unwary ser- vice Bet. The math. was presided our by â€Reeve H. N. Hula who The tumors oi. Welleuley Town- ship not In Crouhlll on loud-y " unoo- tor the perm ol maest- - "aitttst the conscription ot fun» in IOIII have“ the use: ot " and it on! DELEGATION “MORE THAN SATISFACTORY†gm " I‘VE. "" II m. IK'TCHENER AGENTS; - E. O u â€Imuw In.“ NUJOL...“ Rite l Co., w. H. Shoemaker. A. J "’W'“""".""" I" Reel. J. H. Schmidt, c. E. 3mm.†("Damian $4M. New" “W"sff. 333.333" WATERLOO AGENTS: - A. a Don't dread constipation: but don't neglect ll. It's the poisonous root of scores of serious ailments. Do exactly what this man did: bring back regular bowel-habits with Nuiol. Nujol gives you the quick relief you want without the least griping or, reaction. Thousands know it is the safest remedy. for the body cannot absorb it. Quit using harmful pills and salts. Nujol makes you "regular as clockwork." Start using it 10-day. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS There are no 'substitutes-there is only Nujol A mm: J'" M Its could! Itoputy Reove Woods of the town. Washington, May T.-.. A mm! He stat. ship was of the name opinion retard ween the American Iteamer Th 'iption of l ins organization bat thought the pre and. a German whinarlne on I not pro- t sent move was merely a blind to trite, In which the oubmarlne we the duty I reach Quebec and force that province leated Ind sunk it omeUlly re; upon the to 85?.qu its rightful share of rngby the Navy Department today. iol for sf,=if,,?,r,,e1ti1.ipjy1itpIi Sprintraekl, Ill. January 5. 191 7. Tr - r-r_. “a.-.†. w... _.9M.-." nun-up“ and n su6erer from other ailments known to Cir, only huh irregulu boweI-oction. I have taken three bottles of Nniol. and Walsh!“ 2,".i,r2t, the 'ht bank 'lei trd. M'g'2tg, been no regu u as! e rising can. a my gum. yak. can ition is new " good u an be wUhed for. In my opinion Nujol is I tscientific cure for constipation and its counties. other mulunt ailments. I earoestty tecommend it. I lake plenum in advising you that the relief l have chained from the use of Nujol in In more than what is ordinarily termed "ulislactory." For can before sending you my order for a hill bottle of Nujol I LT/lar') used destructive "pink pills" due " the fact that throggh luck of poop" exercise I was continually comtipeted .n " ... -..- f..-... “L, ,:I, _ ' . - A Deir Sin NUJOL MBORATORWJS. STANDARD OIL COMPANY BAYONNE. NEW JERSEY. STANDARD JNL, co. (NEW JERSEY) Regular as Joseph G. Hurst exhorted the farm on: to organize as the only means o, accomplishing anything with.the Gov vrnmom, "The manufacturers are at the bottom or this whole business Thry were organized, and had the eat of the Government when this In! move was mooted." he said. Nearly two hundred farmers o' Woolwirh and Waterloo Township: gathered at the Township Hall in Con ostozo on Friday afternoon and uh" many unkind things about the order in-cotmcil to (-onscript inrmers‘ Bonn Through all the speechm a note o' detormlnation to win the war ran; 'har. but it was the unanimous cpl" ion ot the meeting that the Federal Government is making a grave error In corttwripting the experienced tarn labor. WANT SONS EXEMPTED Ex-Reeve J. G. Hurst Says Only Way to Deal With Government. t."'"g,.itgttt Pgtud _ ’* ',llta1tlMttg',Adiftdttdt to. u _ A ' . "NtA'trf'lfd="d"llu'f Mute Ur J, E. “at! at (lb city. It“ Clo- Sm .u the maul-sud III a!“ In: mun. In Unn- nnd declared that he believed it democracy when the people ruled in Mend ot being ruled by the men lent down to pnrlinlneut. He emphatically declared that he would always mud tor the truth and would ttgttt any via Intion of it. In concluding he oxymo- ed the hope that the tlmo would soon come utter the VII: when producer- would bacon e united tn all countries against 'iii'ttiiil,l'i, and military pow- ere so thnt are cannot take place in FARMERS ifflllfll n Mlllllilf the future. the tut! from " to I? - can! This vu the I†the brunt: II! working men Bot (cold and skin-ed The bl. money Interests an altar in comm! no nutter who I. elector under the pro-em â€scan. Dr. Hut- ndvlled the and, of economic - pt“. a. - a '-sbatirq s ', on... at I m to Dr J. a “on a uh elty. - at tho maul-3 ad in all“ - 'oratr_.H.statodthath.utt attend“ a. “In: held h (lo-tn All. and u Conestoga and that b low-d the. sooth:- vm Interacting He mm out that the New†of ma with (to ("new hy II: we sent Government is charaetort.Ue o' :he eleetio. ennui:- ol the all My Partum at mud that yum In BI: Windy] [Amer Bot Into - on the [no true sad low an! patio" nub-t the national policy but nor "ter and to keen " pro-ha who the House “opted the old Hutton at Policy an on (he “on" but... BAYONNE Mt"tufnrtured by Learn, A. _ G. Haehml. (New Jetty) Yours truly. NEW JERSEY (Name on application.) Clockwork Washington, May T.-. A fight be. ween the American steamer Tinewar and. a German tubmarlne on March trite, in which the oubmarlne was do “and Ind sunk to ofneiauy reported Flight Lieut. Woods, who has gain od in weight. finds the work both in- tercom); and fascinating. Prior tr (winning Liam. Wood. was a number of the actuarial mu of the Mutual Life, Waterloo. Mr. Joseph H. Woods of near Cow outage. recently received Ill intermi- 'tttt letter from his son. Arthur. who in with the naval Plvins Corps in England. He silica that he is u:- 'ionod with the Flying Corps doing a? 'y over the North Sea. and is enio: n: the work. He has been quite tor innate since going iuio service. hnv 'rut had only one mishap. which hap wound when " machine to" into thr Vomit Sea. Att the machines arr "tutirped with wireless teiemphy and ‘arry curl-int pigeons he Vin able to "ammunicaie with the nearest sin Mon and wu noon picked up. m ON FLYING DUTY OVER THE NORTH BRA Pam. May T.-. American troops -rc continuing to Arrive on the from in: in torcrr, Premier Clemenceau old Echo De Paris, on returning to lay Iron: a two days' visit to the iron' rea. . The Premier brought track, hr aid, a “cling of Cttnfidertee in the In. 'incibilily o! the Entcnle rerun. “Sin and this nu. Ind God h rs Making the people tor their menace" he nu. He ("and sending I depu- tation to Ottawa. Besides the - mutton om in: the order-trooulcll I both]: in mud appointing Joseph Hunt and Chm Bowman " the township dele- ntec to attend the monster doles-- "on ot Western ontario lumen to Ottawa on l1! M. 0:11 Mammalian-- c "rtr-tod tho odor-hm. u " old-nu. â€all“! my ' “You hon won you†With Wore the election. You - that pro-ho and m Ulla- Gonn- lont Into _ not that a-. men: in his. the“ W nu you are forced to New tor out which i rightly yam.†he said. mm a! Imam tqM_t--t--.g. -1nurmbert WIN-Idiom -ttoti0o.e-ooq-io- baguetyl-pm Abr. Gingrich. Mennonite Blah p ttt Hum wottwhetr. mod the fur- un h dude by it. I“. of (b coul- " so Ion: u that! did not that with he hw- of the Mk. ENTENTE FORCES INVINCIBLE 'uiiui - Gard __._.i 3-. “I III has. Fawn was... bat-gill. ', hire wit I terhom , from tt Ftmera l. Tho Hot): to late re Pollock ‘hood 3 ,whn k1 ' Then the ladies of the church serv‘ I to Mltchell on Sunday. ed a bounteoua supper In the hue; Mr and Mrs. J. W. Burnett or Lin. ment and a happy hour was ipent in wood and w. Ridhardson or Mutton racial enjoyment, all being welllwere Sunday vlsltors with Mr. and pleased to meet the new pester and Mrs. Geo. Richardson. :hls wife. Many friends who claim y.!e:l Mr. Fred. Strlcker and three nhlld- ,terhourne as their home town came‘ my) of Moment-Id ballad on lrlonds .lrom a distance to be present. here last Saturday enroute to Water. Funeral Largely Attended. iloo. f I I Mr. and Mrs. M) M. Shunt-z, Mr. J. . Tho fnneral of the late Wm. Potru. Campbell and Ant J. L. Ham- lin-ll took place on Tuesday from his "tond took In the," Pure Rpmnding Fate residence at [A Rowâ€! t? tttrr Sale In Kitchener on Monday. rnnwtory here. Rev. Robb Bruce cow. "r and Mrst w mm.- «um. um- We! the services It the grave. Mr. Pollock was born In thi.ts neighbor- hood and was ttmhtr,rtmtior.ted by all who knnw him. 8)!thth In extend- pd to the friends in this vicinity. After the induction services were over, the congregation presented Rev. A. M. Hamilton with a substantial cheque in acknowledgment for his services during the vacancy. 'eached the induction sermon. Dr. Blair addressed the minister and Rev. M. Hamilton addressed the people. tex. Mr. Abraham of Guelph also took part ' the induction of Rev. Robb. Bruce to the pasthnl charge of Chaimers :hurch took place Monday afternoon, oril 29th. Rev. Mr. Palmer of Guelph pedal Induction Services. Our _ Ba sy Neighbors High at $188, $2.23 to $2.98 3310, '31-13’ iliotr, I Telescopes. Suit Cases, and . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . Dinner Baskets, at your low at 98c to . . . S3.98 ' 1.49 SIS9 own pricc--Come and see. A viBit to any ttf our 4 Stores will Repay You as the Stock " ust Be Reduced Quickly so . to put " all in one Store. Never we re good Hone“ Solid Leather Shoes sold a. Cheaply. No High Class Men's and Boru'mothintt for " little Money. Weselo h s Shoe and Cloth.. mg Merchants Broken lines of Ladies' Shoes, low and high, value wuss-00v $1.98 Size 11 to 12, value up to $3.50, special .. S2 49 Odd tot of Girls' and Misses', sizes 8 to SI 68 10%, special . . . . Show, vane up to $138 ".00cehoiee . .. Odd lot of Boys' Shoes. Solid Leather, sizes 11 to 5, walue up to $3.50 $1 98 JllEslliuylll' S DAILY STORE NEWS Saturday Specials, odd lets sizes of ChildreaN Witrterttourne. Kiblct Bro. Old Stand' 30-0perating Stores Will Refund Fares to Out-of-Townv Shoppers " KING E. Phone 432, Bargains" for Saturday In Our A Big Stores _ Shop in Kitchener THIS WEEK 41, 42 AND 44 KING ST.E.: 34 FREDERICK ST. I Mr. and Mrs. M} M. Sham-n, Mr. J. '31. Campbell and Mn. J. L. Harm mond took In the" Fare Refunding Sale In Kitchener on Monday. "r. and Mrs. w. Htrran Wero Sun My visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Lather. Mr. A. Schwartz and Mr, "aran and ,two children smut. Sunday with friends In Kitchener. flew: Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt spent Sunday with friends In Kitchener. Mr. A. Glalsler and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glainier and Mrs. Byers motored to Mitchell on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Burnett of Lin. wood and W. Ridhardson of Mutton Miss Florence Snider who under- went an operation at the Guelph Gen- eral Hospital last Frldéy Is progress- ing favorably and is expected home next week. ' Mr. Frank Craig of the Royal Fly- lag Corps, Toronto was a visitor at Dr. Nairu's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Swirl Cummings of Arthur spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mann. _ Mr. Matthew Dun-ant is tn very poor hvalt’h Mr. miprtte Browne Vaccdmpanled by his lather. Mr. Andrew Browne, tir., left last Tuesday tor the West. local and Personal. Mrs. Andrew Brown;-Sr.. who has beep very m is steadily Improving. Dress Shirts ... 89c, 99e, $1.19, $1.39, $1.49 and ... $1.99 $3.99 $4.99 $7.99 $9.99, $12.49, and BOY'S SAMPLE HATS, 43e, 59e, 79e, 99e MEN'S SHIRTS. Dress Shirts . MENS RAIN COATS, at Soft: Iv.""' 29e ' 39e Silkoline Sox, at ... . . . . .. 39e, 49e, 59c " KING EAST. Phone 952. Our Old Dry Goods Store. Saturday Bargains in Men's Underwear, summer Weight 59e, 79, 89e at . . . . MEN'S sox. Black Cotton Sex, FastDyeat w.. .... IN , 49C, 59e and 69e Extra tine Caahmerir, at Cashmere Sex at . "mmmtmmtntttmmuuauttmiiimaiiatGiiiGiiiiiiiir, 'tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttg 19c 29c It women could only see the thome ands of letters Dr. Tyrrvll has recent ed from grateful women in all parts of the world, thanking him for his wonderful Invention for Internal Bath. ink. they would soon discard the medr vino bottle and look to the causv of their trouble. 95 per cont. ot all hum. an ills are duo to accumulated waste in the Colon or Largo Intestine. Warm A Clergyman’s Wife Wants to Know Advantages of Bathing Mr, Edward may. W. Rat: and Al- bert Hammel wer waiting friends in Newton and Milvorton on Sunday. Several from here attended a spe- cial council meeting this afternoon for the advisability ot. electing two tie. legates to represent the Tp, at the large deputation meeting at Ottawa on the 14th next when Mr. J. Roidrl. the Reeve ot the Tp. and Mr. J, Hart- lieb of Bamberg were elected to go' l The Litwiller bridge seems to ir'iihnl, a very deplorable and ruinous condi-' tion and the Council Board made an inspection of it today and decided to take steps at once and have it repair-, Miss Melinda Woiwade who has been residing in Detroit for some time past is at present visiting with her parents for a short time. The farmers In general. in the vid- nity are through with their spring needing and are making great efforts at a larger crop ot potatoes and corn than heretofore. Legal News of Interest MEN'S' SHOES. GIRLS' SHOES, Value up to $2.50, for . . . . BOYS' SHOES. Value up to $3.50 for . . . Value up G $5.00 for . . . . Odd lines of Shoes for Men, Women. Boys and Girls, at $1.49 and $1.99 to ... pw. $2.49 CHILDRENS SHOES. Value $1.25, for . . a SHOE POLISH, Phone 214nm E. K. Snyder’s 0†Stand. 2 10e Boxes for Saturday Bargains, M KING EAST. Wellesley $2.99 $1.99 .. 15c ..99c live styles are mugged“ “cc m Protrr.eaaiye high-snag We are " Empress " Shoe agents. Ottawa, May T.-. All exempt! [rem military nervice, of men new 20 and 23 year. of age have been a: matically cancelled. said Major " Mewburn, Minieter of Militia It morning session of Common to: Any tribunals um tilting. up!“ Premier Borden, in reply to " t frid Laurier, are in raped of II not between the“ ages. The "J. B. L. Cascade" In chin and oxplained by A. G. RAE?!“ Waterloo. Ask for booklet cxplll lug all about internal bathing " what it has done ror others. " V free. ' The "J.B.b. Cascade" is an hr tion perfected by Dr. Chas. A. Ttr, of New York and has done mun l ing the past few years to roll health and lessen disease that other means combined. SHOE REPAIRING At This Store. All Our Shoe Repairing is done. by Hydro Process. Old Shoes made to look as RUNNING SHOES at Conscription Prices. cane." first about 4 years "o, Illa not hum sick a day. and has boa robust and strong again. Should [Larson wish this letter confirmed. are at liberty to give my mine In 99, $1.29, $1.496 Fate Mother Hubbert Stilt and Turned Soled Shoes, at . . water properly used with the 1'3; asrade, will relieve the cause of ' iroubles and perfect health will low. A Winnipeg clergyman writes: "My wife is natunlly sensitive out having her name appear in pd print, yet is anxious that on should know what the "J. B.L. t cade" has done for her. It has "t given her a new lease of life.‘ I years she had been doctor"); tor ll stipation which bbcame worse q year. Since ‘using the "J. B. b. C SOFT SOLE INFANT SHOES. . 690m: 89e 34 FREDERICK 81'. Phone 671, Market Shoe Store. Saturday Specials in Children's Shoes, Bought at a low rate, EX EMPTIONS CANCELLED. are Jr ITS new. of these earlo. to In