lakes. $7.25 " 14.25, - -- Hecelpts. 53.000: mark†h: mm $1633 " 17.50; mixed. tt 1TAIV. heavy $16.65 " 17.00 At6air H 16.80: Pitts. $12.50 " " known: .mt-ontarto, No. a winter. 32.22 I'm-o, Montreal; Mnnimhn No, I new. ".20't,' No. :3 Northu'n. " . to, Feb. 26.--The receipts at E0; Stockyards to-day amountm , --9rt cattle, " calves, 1.306. Old 28 sheep. shows no improvement over End prices had an even easier today. Calves were tirmm they have been for two weeks, It up to $17 per cm. ' sheep and lamb market is um pod. Hogs remained " their Inn] of $19.25. fed and watered, Bk. going at 819. The outlook :5 rain but a present the tooling is “madly bullish. n export steers. . 312.00 to $12.50 hers" choice hamly..10.50 11.2.3 "ood...... ........ 9.50 10.00 .modium. 'm"",""'. 9.00 9.50 .commun ........... 8.50 9.20 Fre bulls, choice. . . . 9.00 10.70 5, veal. choice... .medium ..r.... *%ttitm........ .mod. to good... D. won. light.... k fed and watered .1!!! ctlrN........, orar.u............ â€mm... ..... ....A3toA6 macaw ... ... .._. .... .50 ton ... ... ..... .... 20.00 ... ..... ... ... 23.00 .. ..... ..... ... 1100 .., per bag .... .. 3100108150 atrsttood............7.50 8.50 eomtnort............6.N 6.75 'te.................." 6.25 It. good to choice. 90.00 130.00 t.Tci.ui,ia.c.'h".1,1'ih); , veal. choice. . . . .. 17.00 17.00 medium ........._ 12.00 14.00 uhmba...........18.00 18.75 mod. to Bood...... 12.00 13.00 p. "on. light. . . ... . 12.00 " no . led and watered. . . 19.00 19.255 .oet mrn............10.50 TORONTO MARKETS. ILIIRA IARKITU. Imira, February 2rth, 1913 _ has“: Itrell. Feb. g6.-tmeese--Hittrst GUELPH MARKETS. M Forum "th, 101. .4 Recount, H.000; market .. native M025 (1 1:30; tamok $111.75 0 17.15 A liar mm. trtnsVrt 17.40 mo. Feb, " Chic-go use. Feb 86,--Casttl" ~Rorvipls. market Mandy: be"ves 8.85 an stockeru and modern. $7.65 li rows and Iteitors, ties (a l?... York, Petr. g6.--Cheese--lrrt" receipts. 3.84;! boxes: hole milk flats, held 'sperittus. “we; alo., average an. 25 " M. MNC: balm IAIKI‘I‘O. â€fl. Fab. 27th. I". per bag .. W'OIO IAIKE‘I". rd February 27th. "" LIVE STOCK. r. "S. gr, t0t& Hill's! LIIAIKIN Grain quotations n-aslerns‘ KET REPORT 18.25 . .ua . mo . 1.50 31.00 .36.00 10.go 2.12 6.85 1.75 'MI 8.0.3 8.00 7.00 9.00 .30 " " mum l, glulfllll so Ottawa, [rt-h. t4.--ihe otricia1 sor diers' and nut] vote taken in France. in Canada and in the United Mates, announced to-day by Mr. w. P. O'Connor, General Returning Otti- cer, hns int-reused the majority of the Union Govemment in Parliament to 60. It was " when the civilian home rote was counted. The sol- diers' vote taken in Great Britain has all been allocated to the various constituencies. and a Mail ot sixty omcers comment-ed lo mun! it yes- terday. Mr. O'Connor expel-is " will all be in by Wednesday. when the Government's majority may be fur- ther increased. The standing of the Government and Opposition at pre- sent by Provinces is as follows: Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia .. .... . New Brunswick . . . Quebec ... ..... ... Ontario... ... .. .. Manitoba ... ... .. Saskatchewan . . . _.. Alberta ... Wrt ...i British Columbia . . . Yukon .. ..r...t .., Total............. .117 87 . Govt-nulu-nt majority- 'tio. There is our dvrerrrd elm-lion - Nelson, Muir Where Rerulu Are Reverted. y The seals which haw changed from tho Opposition to the Govern» mautt rolumn arr Cape Breton South and Richmond, where Kyle and Cats roll were dolratod: Cumberland. where es-Speaker Rhodes is elected over llanre Logan: Hunts. where Martell’s majority has been wiped out, and Picton. where MeGrep,or has defealod Mackay. all in Nova Scotia: South Essex. Ontario, where Brien, Govornn1ettt, has defeated Atkin. Liberal: West Edmonton. where Col. Grloshach has a large majority over Hon. Frank Oliver, and Simona, British Columbia. where Col. Pork, another soldier candidate, has been Mortal ovvr Stork. Liberal. , Opposition Majorities Reduced. l, In st-voral other Ontario ronslit- iIn-m-irs tho Opposition majorities have been materially reduced. These include Nipissing. South Perth and Aoutlt Ronl‘rrw. and tho vote in iEngland may put those seats in the (Government column. (bu-4M western. No. 3.. “as In. 3 Canada western. 93%e. d like we: tor mu awn; oun- h. No. 2 mu. " . lie. - No. a it†I . Me. m. Cttetr-At-heatt. No. t, yellow. $8.. U. kill-dried. on tuck. Toronto. P-No. s, 3.70 6 3.80. Ryo-No. I. a.» q 1.1.. 'MrHr--Fi.6tt . 4.10. outside to: DIN... Boidiem' and Naval Votes in SEVERAL TURNOVEBS rm 31.80. Dr. Motley, Liberal. still leads in Provittvttrt. Manitoba. and White, the Opposition candidate in Vie. toria, Alberta. is still atmut' 500 ahead or his opponent. No Endoraatiort. For Kent, Ontario. where neither candidate was endorsed, 451 sol- diers' votes wprp, rejected, while for Welland, where a similar condition prevailed, thr rejections numbered 113. Where official endorsation was lacking. the only soldiers Whose votes wen- counted were those who wrote on the ballot th" names of the candidates for whom they desired to I I ' man I'D-ICU.“ , to'"'"'""""""' IlllllllnlllII’I mitten-+1.10; shipping pal-ts. Men and women are needed on the (am at Canaan to-d-y. It is our patriotic privilege to help feed our Allies. But it Is hope- In: to try to do the heavy work Invoked if the Kidneys require mum". s. VF France, Canada and Tr. 8. Added. Th Mon-l DH. and “elude-J‘Cuda. 11““ o 1’“ are compounded of cert-in medicines. which have prove» their edicaer in lie-ling diaor- dered Kidney. and‘ on reliving Rheumatism, Pains in the Back, Urinary Troubles. Swollen Joint. and Ankle. and Buckâ€. A 4::- Iim-nmldumra ' bark" or In e J.vo. I A. -s,ktir'.xrru" ' h, Govt. Opp, " 16 ll 13 " no Tratmtrttsrteat1Bstattt,Ptms Thee-satis-ttttctr) on the premises at the unionism. that“ om' a-d ogte-hl all“ west of Linwood. tive mile. Mics: or Cranium. on tho 10th Con, [at No. C. H0Rt'sW5-- Black mare rising ' yrs. old. grey pen-hem ham rising 4 your: old, sorrel mare (good driver). rising 6 years old; colt rising 1 yen old, got by Hindsward Crest. Commencing at " o'clock noon. sharp tire lollowing valuable prove"); viz: PIGS. Erre--- 4 young so" suppos- ed to he in pig. .5 pigs Ibbut 4 months old. boar 10 months old. about 60 chickens. good Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS. KTC.-Massey "an! iirtAiii-L ik, butch. ot Spring rye, ris binder 6 ft. out with sheaf carrier. good tor V -ed. a quantity ot hay and in ttood running qrder; McCormicklun" 75 lands at manure. mower 5 ft. cut, Peter Hamilton 11!:- IMPLEMENTS, ETC.~.\hssey Har- disk broadcast t,weder, Cockshutt disk . tis hinder 6 ft. cuttwlth sttttpt carrier. drill nearly new. steel hay rake, that" k'. Wood mom-r G ft, cut. Inter, ltrorln'illu- rultiultor, Frost & Wood national hay loath-r, Masse) Harris disk, , section iron barrow, steel land side tlclivery rank", star! buy rake, roller, seuiner, walking plow, two-tur- Meet l -" miter, new-mg dink drill, row plow, 'd wagons, wagon box. hay spring ttrr h cultivator, disk, lntvrnn- rack, two-seated carriage, one-horse ad corn cultivator. 2-t‘urrow plow. carriage. family butury.. buggy pole.' walking plow. (i-section iron narrow, cutter. root pulper, cutting box. bob muffler. root pulpvr, block and tackle, sleigh. 2 sets gravel planks, fanning hay fork with carriago. tram, pull-1's mill, wluwllnu'row. grind stone, grain and rope, 2 Unit milking nttuhiueti, lungs, siedge hammer, hay h-nite. twales nvw lmLaval: silo 12 n. by :5 n. (can rap. l'200 lbs, forks, nbovelu, hoes, pom"godly he mow-(l), plank sito it ft. by hole auger. crowbars. iron pump. Rot. 32 ft.. situ" can. 1200 ttas, tno I'd. h." u" Movv, cider barn-ls, hay fork, rope gasoline engines, 2 pub... Jacks, shalt. and pullo-ys. grain cradle. set ‘tt-amimg and belting, , :rutivanized pig harness. set val-ring» harness, 2 sets troughs. The ttbove inn-IHn--lits huv" sing-h- llarm-ss. Premier (-rozlln svpar- bvr‘n usn'd only a fow .vt"stl'H. Torn- wc-ll tutor. churn and many othvr urticlesstoout "trc. ot and ttrr. all practiealty loo “unit-mus to montion. his good as new. 2 v,orul wagons. 2 GRAIN--- About 20 tons hay, about sets of bob slolghs (1 new), cutter. 200 bushPl oats, about 10 bush.el Tinv market carriage. top buy,py, "an bunk othy tout. . â€a; light pair of bobs, surro-y. wagon RKAL bpsTAThr--Ttn'ri, will also be 2box With double sin-hing. stock rack. inflow-d [or sale at the wow lime and :light Pitt rrtrk, Itat my rut-h. wood 'place, the real estate of the late Wm. 'rack, svt of good gmwl, P..'" \Schultheis. consisting of a farm C'lClemx Chatham incubator, buggy pole. mining too acres more or loss. On douMetrees, nevkyulms, iro tongs. ’the farm are a. tramp house, hank,li',ir",'c2'. forks. grim] Mom', wt team barn, lnrge driving shed and pits pen. 4 hat-news, set plow harness-l set rurl‘inyv About 35 norm; are plowed and bal-Eharnoss, 2 svts singlv- harm-w, collars ‘anco is in llt)’ and pasture. About ti'lpridlos. some blnnkr-ts and many nth- 'racres are in bush. _ -- _ In. articles. CATTLK-8 Good Dairy Ctywtr-Co> rrestt since Nor, cow with calf at side, 2 con due to ealve in Earth. Ayrshire cow une to “Ive in April, p. cows due to who In April. cow due !u calve In May, Ayrshire halter due to cake in July, malt 4 months old, 10 spring calves. REM. KsTATEr--Tinav will also be; oRered for sate at the same time amil place. the real estate of the late wm.l. Schultheis. consisting of a farm con-i taining mu acres more or loss. On' the farm are a tram" house, hank! barn. large driving shed and pits pen.', About 35 acres are plow-d and bill-g ammo is in hay and pasture. About til acres are in bush. I TERMS OF REAL ESTATE will be made, known on day of sale. TERMS OF' SALE-- Hay. grain. poultry and all sums ot $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 10 months' credit on approved security or 4 per cent. discount for cash pay- monls of credi) amounts. HENRY HAMMER. Proprietor. H. B. DUERING, Auetioneer. " JOS. HARLEY. Clerk. FM vote, There was a considerable vote for the Government in Quebec. but It large number of rejections because of lack of endorsation by Sir Robert Borden.. For instance, the rejec- tions for ilochelaga constituency im clude 80 soldiers who voted for the Government. while seven who wrote in the names of the candidate had their vote counted. The Liberal can didnle received 113 votes. For George Etienne Cartier division 21.? soldiers wanted to vote lTnionlst, but. their votes were rejeeted because of Hack of endorsation. while 84 voted ly the Liberal candidate. The ex- i'prctation that Bronte and Argon. Leuil counties would turn over has: not yet been realized, the Oppose lion candidates in both eonstltuen- rim, all" loads. "on. l.. P. Blomlin. Postmettty (lonernl. nerds slightly ovvr 1.600 vows to overcome his successful: opponent's lead. whilo‘it would who} 1.500 more votes to elect Hon. Albert Sovlgny in wetttmottrttSt. tll',',',.?) “on. C. P. Dolwrly has inerrvatsed his' majority in St. Anne's by ovor our thousand. The numln-r of candi- dates who have lost their deposits is large. probably "xcovdittFr, ont- hundred In all the Provinvvs. " to Yukon and Westminster. In rmzard to tho Yukon and Nolson ronstltuvnrlm tho point has horn raisml that thv soldivrs' volv cannot ho lv-unlly munlrd. lwvansv nomina- tion day nerurrvtl after ttto votrs was ttrkcn. It is "min-stood that an orMr in Council wm luv passed pm vlllin: that lhv (ls-norm llv-tnmln': ("New shall roporl th" um- to Ilw (‘lork of the Crown in Chancery without making n dvr1ttratiott, and that the matter shall lw retcrrrsd to the Kh'rtiotts Committoo ot the Houst- of Commons No Chum Hero Waterloo. Norttt-Weirhel (Govern mentt--Ovitlan, 3mm North Amorl can Ito: continental. 297; total 4.349 tntter--topmtsitiortt--OrMttt 540.. North American 7; continental 18; to- un 6.430. No change Waterloo south-Scott (Government v('lvllian L515: North American 152, continuntnl 566; total 5.865. Thomp- son (Opposition) -- (‘Ivman 2.865; North American 9; continent“ 122: total 2.366. No than. Wvlltnunn. North-Crt" (artwork mom: t'hutham 3,385; North Amer, MONDAY, MARCH '» I91. MMI SALE. slondin and Sevigny sun Out. Qtaining apparonny sate _ GRAIN-- 180 bush. ot Spring rye, good tor _ -ed. a quantity ot buy and (straw, 75 lands ot manure. , IMPLEMENTS, ETC-Massey Har- jtis hinder 6 n. ettttwlth shm-t carrier. 'Irotrt K- Wood mmu-z' G n. rul. Impr- national [my loader, Maxw-y Harris side dolivory rail-w, snarl buy rake, Meet r "vi roller, Dcering disk drill. spring to, h cultivator. disk, Inn-rm:- lional corn cultivator, 2-4‘un'ow plow, walking plow. (i-section iron harrow, scufrlor. root pulper, block and lucklv, hay fork with carriage. (ram, pullrys and rope, 2 Unit milking nmrhiuvs. nc-w Debavnl: silo 12 n. by 35 n. (can 'easily be mow-(l). plank silo tt n. by " ft.. scale cap. 1200 lbs, Ivâ€) I'i. luv. .gasoline engines. 2 puivo Jacks, shalt. Them wtIt In an] by - no “on. on the m d an - â€WJIuowdomulbuuusol Kin ebemer,a.t_tgg_.oo WEDNltMY, IARCH I, M. Cur-nabs at I M‘k‘ FM. cm the â€Ming valuable properly, '11.: 1aurtthttb-- Bay lone mm: 5 years old weight 1m lbs. dark bay ettrrUBe mamrtNogTyearso" 331qu - horse. in" In. 0 your; old. CAY'rul-- " (but lulu-y (his "___ a» -we9, llolsoeh oo- new a weeks. Grade Durham - front: two months. Houtein cttw fresh , months. pure bred Holstein to! fresh two wins. pure bred Holstein cow due to cake Marci "th, “New (or due to a)" in April, Durha- ‘cow fresh 6 weeks, veal can G weeks old. PIGS, ETC.- Good urge Mood sow supposed to be in pig. 3 shouts three months old. 50 chickens, " pure bred Single Comb White Leghorn chiekraw " pure bred Barred Rock chicken». I tew pulkls. good collie dos: . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Cream separator nearly new, 2 parlor ht‘al- org. kettle stove, washing machine, organ, barrels, lawn mowu-r and num- etotis other articles. The G. P. & H. can; will stop, it Or sired, at Maple Lanv on Preston road, only a tow rods {mm mum: Positively no “won‘t- sold. TERMS OF". SALE -- 'lay, grain. straw, manure, shonts. poultry and all sums of 315.0“ and nndvr. rash; over that amount 10 months" credit on an proved Security or 6 nor cent. per alt- num discouht ior cash paymvnts of credit amounts. . ADDISON SNIDER, Proprietor. H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer. L. P. DIETRICH, Clcrk, can 54; continental 4; total 3,453 McEwlng (0pposltionl~-(‘ivillan l.- 993; North Amelican 2; continental 2; total 1,779. No change. Wellington. South-Guthrie (Gov ernment)-Civilian 6,342: North Am erlcan 158: continental 5%: total I. 158; éontinental 520; total 7,020. Cunningham. topposition-Civilian 2.1.10; North American G; continent n 4; total 2,F.',7: No change. SIGNET RING. There is one piece of Jewelry that a man never lira M-rt SIGNET RING. We can lnlerul the intending Buyer. lor we show all the but shapes Englun Shields Roman "New: And Opal. upon which you can have the "anagram engran’ wdhout cxlra char... now â€can. etc. â€ICN‘HFIC orytee “on am PM We. Klara-nor w. Mu. mama†Han-n. hllMI Sllf Heller Bros. :uaivanized pig hunk-mums hue" youâ€: Torn- I'c'll rv all practiealty v,orul wagons. 2 HS farm is 9-ltt Valuable Bod Estate and Stock, Implements and The undersigned has received' In- struction "om Mr. Henry Bruder. to sell by public amnion on Lot tct, 2 mites south of New Germany, 3 miles west ot Musboro. mm! 3 miles north of Brrslau. on CA'NLE--Jerscy cow due to valve Marrh 1. cow due to who March It, cow supposed to valve March VI, fresh milk no", cow supposcd to valve April Mt. The above cows' are a good lot of mum-rs. , (at cattle. bull about ' months old, , yearling steers, yearling heifer, sow with ll pigs 3 weeks old by time of sale, so" with 7 pigs ' weeks‘oid by time of sate, Yorkshire boar 18 motults old with pedigree, " store pigs 5 months old, 50 chickens, 3 goose. . 1MPLEMENTS-- Frost and Wood binder run two seasons, Massey Har. ris mower in good condition, cultiva- tor in good mndllion, two cutters. our nearly new. land roller, Clover Leaf mauuro- tiprcadvr No. 2.2, buggy. hay rake, wagon. d-‘morrat, rwtMrlet', sleigh, [my musk. gravel box. wagon box, (un- ning mill. sol. slings. turnip rrecder, not '.owtion narrows, Massey-Harris 11- hoo seed drill, pig rack, extension lad, dt‘r 26 n. long, ? sugar Kettles, ('I‘DSS- rut now, buck saw, svt plow harness, walking plow, "tree ttorse plow, hay loadvr. turnip ttu1trcr, wlu‘r-l Irarvow, mutt 600 (I. of cedar lumber, 200 bush. mangvis, film bush. turnips. tint; bush. mixed grain. It") hush. sot-(l oats, 25 bum: potalurs. ti tons of hay gut in in good Shawn feed box and w rious oth- er "rticles. At one o'dock sharp. the (ollowing FlHhNITUltis'- Extension Inhlv, 2 other tables. sideboard, single bed, 2 double beds, 3 benches, stove as good (rs "9w. washing nmchinn. churn. 7 chairs. Grosser, 4 rim-I" barrcls. No rosz-rvv as ll"'. propriaiur is my in": West and is hiking his horses win; TERMS OF CHATTELSrv Fat eat- tle, hay, grain, ponllry. roots and nil sums of $10.00 and under. rash: ovvr that amount 9 months" credit will be given on furnishing apprnvvd Joint notrs or G per (mm. per annan dis count fur cash rmyut"v.ts of rtvdit mnmm‘x. t _ store Pigs-y. months. Al thv mum limo and plnrv tho tarot will he sold. It is Lot 83 in the Ill-mum Company 1mm. ronsisting Gr" 82 arm-3 of land in the tirlvst Hindi- tion, 9 HITCH“ or fell wheat. 17 sit-res waded down. On the promises is a house aml'barn in good condition and stable all comonted. good spring wat- er in house and harm also spring crrtk. 't good hen house, driving shod, good pig stable. also a good young or- t~lmrd or about 2 acres. The farm is Iowan-d about 9 miles tram Guelph. 7 tuilo.s from Kitchener, fl mites tram lll‘r-slau railway station and 2 milols trom t'htlz'rlt and school; tt-lophom- in the house. also rural mail route] Fall lphi'lg‘iing is, all done. ' menu" SALE TERMS or' FARM-- $1400.00 l rrmain on nmrlzago. halnnm- cash h im Berlin, Feb. 2tr.--Chanoetlor Von Hauling. has announced that Germany imam: to give tsefgoverrtmeot to the province; or Lithuania and Cow-land. Ltntttttttttstmmmhaatttm'crr. TUESDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1918 , {Jibhï¬ohryuhnuodsmupcuunmixyoumn‘tbomamlmwl he. 'q-tttji-ttr-est-ttov.-- 2feigy--""""""'ai8'"" .t,sct,tdT'f.Ttta.T'ttar'ttt19' 'ru'itraacacari _ '2.r6to83dt9--., V tVe 'w-tr.-. .r . r P . T with $18iV pr. ‘Lot of Women allocauzu 2'2. and“ on; 1)-- .7m.‘ I‘M 3-! new: Pork, Lamb? and Home-made i. Sausage t, no You Appreciate First C. yt.CitAWrduW, 0. S. RULE. Clcrli tl " so ham yuur wants BltTr- g plied here. We mtssutr. km on E Household Wrecks. Ntt. fi. Gut-hm. Ann-110m Class rLOO'S DOLLAR DAY. SATURDAY. MARCH Meats 'I 'ttttttPh' 3H I With American Army in France-. t, (Surtday)--Feb. 25.---An American pa- F trol in Chenin Dc: Dames sector, In 1conjunution with a French patrol, car- l Iy yesterday, penetrated few hundred A yards into German Iineq and captured t"tnttrtmtuuttttnmtimamtsnttuitutttf I "tvtmnrunntaamatttttttmmtmiii GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT King Shoe! otrle.. Watevlm Mums! Bund- mg. Established 1d66. AMERICAN’S FIG/DRE IN RAID You can know your Canada better and well by reading each month MacLun's Magazine. . _ YOU will tind no other magazine more entertaining and none other so satitrrrirt-o much worth while to you an a Canndiun In love with wu- own country. Among its regular and frequent contributors no these distinguished authors: Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service L. B. Yates Stephen Leacock Agnes C. Laut Alan Sullivan Phillips Oppenheim _ Nellie McClung Peter Murmur Arthur Stringer Lord Northctiffe H. F. Gadlrby Mrs. L. M. Montgomery Arthur ' McFarlano These ennirihutors are a pledge to yon of the quality ot.... T MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE. ands of the. Canadian savor which is distinctive or MACliEAN"3. , Some of the Department [centres n! evm'y issue of MACLEAN'S are'. Review of Reviews-a condensation rd the host biographical, trcierttMie. literary and descriptive articles appearing in current periodical literature. F The Business Outlook _ -an informative article dealing with commerce. ttmance, investments and insurance-for the man in the street. Women and Their Work-tt department of special interest to Canadian women. As a good Canadian. desirous of knowing your Clmdu. better In well. mime-ribs to HAULEAN'S MAGAZINE-for yourself. home and friends whom you wish to favor with some exhibit ot your good-will. Sulm-rlptlon price is $2.00 per Fear after Dec. 15th. Order from your bookseller, or Jirect from the publishers--- 100 Acre Farm Have aCustom- er for a good located near Waterloo If you wish to Real IGtoe Phone 183. sell, advise A. K. cressman The. MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 153 University Ave., Toronto- c. A. Boehm Our Own Country MACLEAN’S CANADA MAGAZINE So you Ice how complete is Wate rloo two German officers, 20 men and one machine gun. There wan some sharp fighting but no American can-mu. Farmers Are Making Money Here are a couple of Inn}: m farms for sale. l Splendid 98 acre farm, only C miles from Kitchener, with 7 rocm brick house, qua-cellars, big bank barn and silo. good driving shed and oqcbuildings. ct:. Soil is At, 8 acre: of good hardwood bush, good water sup- ply. Land is in bettt of culliva. lion Farm is close to school and nation, and can ho had a only $80.00 an acre. This lo very rcawnable. " you want I good tarm look thi. one over. For exchange on City prop- crty. One bunch“ new farm with his bank barn and one. big straw shed and piggery, good house of 7 rooms, 12 acres of hardwood bunk, all lave! land. owner has retired. Tell. no to so“ at $750100. Would can. sitter house In Kitchener at par! payment W.H. Rosenbusch " Frqttertett th. - Phone - Can give you "rectum of abcul 150 lama. all sues, which I have for nu or “change, One is sure to pIeue you. " you want to av. tune and money come in to see me. if?