Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1918, p. 9

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(y TERMS :--Har, grain. geese, I shout: and all sums of $10.00 and un- '» def. cub: over that amount. 12 monthl' credit will be given on apprmh on! Joint notes, or 5 per cent. oft for blob. =---rurm stock and implements ot Noah B. Detweiler. 1% mile south of Brecht]. 4 miles north ot Prem um, on main road trom Brcslau to Pro-ton. larch qth--Parm stock, Implements and household effects of Edward G. . . Mel. 2 miles east of Linwood. " it!“ north of Crosshill. 3% miles I “at ot Howlmsville. HIM qth--Partn stock. and implc. lltontl ot John Garth, one mile south- ot Linwood and 4 antics west st' Hnwkenville. 3 miles north ot (tress- llarch 1'-4'arm stark. implements pee household on'vcts: ot' Joseph Fl , Lit-my, one and one (mortar miles southwest of “anthem. 2 ntilvr, northwest of Josiphs6ur,z, and 3 miles southeast at \l’vllosloy. ttteh. tt.--rParut stock, implmnonls. household Mint: ol Edwin Fm‘woli l If 2 miles ttorthwvrrt of St. (‘lomnnts ( ottemalt mile south of 8chopp's Cop t ' nets. 3t,ti miles east of Crosshill. Tr at Wellesley. 1 Match 12. -Parnt stock nml imp)?! merits of Chas. Haehbart. 3 miles we“ of Bamberg and 2 miles south ”It ot Crosshiil. q h “Rhino Stock, implements IE Itousolmltl dim-ts of Mir, Dino“ l N t t't'ntvrrille, 5 miles southeast of Kitchener, 1% miles‘ Brannon of FY: wort. _ Much Ig-- Farm star-k. implonwnts‘ aid hotmlmlvl pflsrr,N of llrnr)" Hammm. our and anorhalr Imivu‘ wast of lumxnnd unrt 1 mil": north woe: or I'rtv, tn)! , March "th.--omrm Stock. lmnlvnwntq I and Hmtmhuhl oftm'ls of " " Duer l in: in tho town of \Vatorloo March 20 Farm stock. tmplomonts. Mo. of Addison S' Snider. about lI mtlo south or Kiwhc‘nor, on tho Preston road. Mqreh ".--F'tmn stock,. lmplomnnm‘ and "now-5mm manta of tho into. llrntumin .lut7t. " with wast of St I Agatha. " miles met of Phlltnshltrkl ) ‘mntn road to Phmpshnrtt Township, of \Vllan lent hay rake, M. H. fertilizer drill. 'Otew)' gamma tank seeder, at!!! tooth cumutor, large sized dine, 'I‘root k Wood lcumer” corn binder Frost & Wood plow. “notion diamond harrow, Shnmz turnip sewer. 3-tur. row gangp‘low. Murrow plow, double - mouldhoard Now, pea harvester , Champion sopalratnr, Climax worn out "er, m " choppor. Clinton innui: 't)',ii'iifi'i' pound tsettle, mm palm; g ram, 130 met of new rope, lr "err, human wagon (nearly new other wagon, 2 sets bobsleighs, ttttttr V 1 can. 2 hay racks, gravel plank, Foteel temper. grain cradle. sap pun, pup buckets. 2 Iron kettles, Popper ket. tle, 3 sets team harness, iron vise claim. doutrtetrees, neckyokes. hoes "antt numerous other articles. I. J. SHANTl, Annie. St r. I Round dolivory Pe , Livo Hark. hunk-menu. farm horn. Ham and real Katalv ot Harm-y Hoiek. at Abram tRot-it',, ll CHAS. HER MANN, Proprietor T HOUSEHOLD GOODS :--Steel rinse. cookatove. 2 box stoves, De um cream 'reparatbr, Daisy churn, bun-of churn, corner cupboard, table. HAY & GRALN:--Ahout 20 tons of lay. 600 bush. oats (Silver Minn tit tor soul). 175 bushels ot barlny 350 bushels or mixed grain. 'gttgti.--rtar ton-I Inn and I "an old, mu. 8 your; old. ' - old b Jun. ; m:-shonhorn cow (hum "u I”) bud Dee. 9th. boiler 1!..- queen 134“!) bred in Oet. aaer, can (mule trd 134150) horn Boll. Mth, 1917, hull (Luau-tor hm. “1511) rising two year- old. cow (not In Member, I cow suppos- ed to be In call, Jersey cow fresh In Mountain Holstein cow due March PWtV.--msrebred York-hire low ma Sept, 27th. .1915 bred by o. A. C., with later at side, now due than! “no ot sale. now bred Jan. 15. Yorkshire boar 1 your old, 11 shouts. t not! geese. IMPLEMENTS t--Maaaey Harris binder , toot eat, Massey Harris mow. er 6 mot out. Elmira hay loader, Mas. per Harris revolving side rake, Me 22nd. co- due and of March. heir r in. In Inch. Aynhlre cow due In Map, , but." (Inc In June, in cow and not: if not previously sold. 7 all". t Jul-ions “as. 2 calves , who old, 3 caves 2 months old. G. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. H. B. DUERING AUCrtb'NEER AUCTION SALES - “on annual-u. “Cat. Juneau ot ll- many. ”new on, "" I“. n " o'clock noon. tho -6eeuted will one: toe ale OF ”can. etc. SALE 84.'t i630. CLASS. AUCTIONBER. NI“, 1- Form stock and intpiomrrtttt of snmuc-l Hlsry. adjoining ttten. nllan. Mar h 2nd, House hold 'ttfero of the 'John Hruhnrhor Estate. E'httir.. lunch 5th, Farm Stock and Implo- monla or Amos nrnlmrhor. 4 miles North Kan' ot Elmira Mar, 4 ""arm work and implements I or John Millard, ':, mile mm. of I Wintvrhottrmr. M E. J. MICKUS. A‘UCTIONEER. Fob. '28--Farm tstock, implements and household etrrets of Henry Nixdorf, 11a miles cast 0 'l'imullt‘. March 9th. -Househ, 'd vffectn and 1mttMltts of the late John Holst in the village of Erhsville, Rossini), )larrll W--- Farm Mock and implo- m. 1213 of N. L. Wright. 2 miles past or Winterhottrtte. March 13th.-F'arm stock and imple ments ot William Burns, 5th line 0" WeHtmiey, 3% miles North west of Wellnlcy village. 4% south of Lin- wood, 2% miles southeast ot Cross- .hill. March Mr-moth Sale ot Cows young Cattle and horses of Anhur Lamen- sohlager at New Dundee. Men. 20.-Farm stock, implements and _ household enacts of David Hilgart~ nor at Wilmot Centre, 3 miles east of New Hamburg. March 21--Farm Stock and lmpla moms oi Alex. Thompson. 1% miles Southeast of New Dundee. March 26.--F"arm Stork "and lmple~ mums of Harry Coppley. 3i miles north of Now Dundee. was postponed owing to the bad vomit tion of the roads and the tie-up of the Hespvlvr street railway. Tho sale will now in- held on Friday. March Sth. No reserve as the farm ls sold. TERMS OF' SALE:- Household goods. groin. small calves. pigs, and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash: butcher cattle 2 months' credit. on other amounts 10 months' credit will he given on approved, joint notes, or s per cent oft tor cash payments on cro- dit amounts. SALE OF WILLIAM RIPE AT HESPELER POSTPONED >‘ TO MARCH - 8TH. The sale of 25 head of pure bred Holstein cows belonging to William A. Rite, Hespeler. which was adver- tised for Thursday. February 21st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS:-- Sic»! ranch. cookstove. Standard cream sen- nntor. (nearly new). bedstead with springs and mattress, 1 good collie dog. , nouns:- Bay bone 5 your. old _ weighing about 1100 pounds, My mare ' your: old, weighinx about ttoo wound» boy more 8 years old weigh- It', about 1000»... filling rising 1 your [ old Bot by Flying Sid. CATTLtir:- Roan cow (real: since Nomi," 28. red cow fresh since Jan 18. red better fresh nines Nov. M. man heifer sapwood to he in call, farm“ cow, rising 4 yen: ol, (milking wellt. 5 hood butcher cutie. rising t years old, 2 heifer colveu rising t year old. , will! calves, roon bull rising two you: old. T PiGW.--- ' pin 11 weeks old. IMPLEMEN'N:- _ Deering binder bfoot cut (nearly new). spring moth cultivator or seeder combined, Wim Iner Ill-line ill, Oliver No, 21 walking plow (nearly new). Murrow tratttrplow, sculiler 3-seclion. iron harrows. hay rake, Woodstock root pulper “learn" new). Clinton tanning mill, l-honnl snlky wide-tire wagon. 2 .wazon boxesI with shelving and spring seats, I pairl trottaleitrhs, 2 sea grove] planks. l hay rack. stock rack, hog chute. manure boat, 2 seated carriage. open buggy. 40 rodl wire fencing (nearly new). iron sledge. 2 steel welges and 1 iiiiil sledge, work bench with vise grind-l stone, boring machine ' with 2-inch] war. I HARNESS: __. I an? Muller har- Jess. (nearly new». 1 so! backhand team harness, 1 set single harness. 1 wt single carriage harness. tget team blankets tnearly new), pair tie straps. " good cow chains, doubletroes, crow" bar, and other articles. The undersigned in; one! lot on. by - auction on a. ”a... I .11. lonhuu ot Elam. [at " a. Ihr. Wetohrieb wind.» on ‘nr. 6- Farm Plot": and implomvntl of Chas, Hermann, '.1 milos can of comm-cu; It 1 o'clork p. II. In”: the tollovlu "lum- property ad nomad that. etc. G. G. VCLASS. Auctioneer. FRED SOEHNER. Clerk, AMOS M. BRUBACHF0t, Prop, TUIODAY. MARCH 'TH, “1. Mll.lt SHE FOR SALE. v in; hum, ".xtht mod your! olul, rho-an, rm dale. " If. 9-lt March 4.---Parm stock and implements ot Louis J. Rainer, Waterloo, mid. war helm-on New Germany and ttlmtmingtdaio. t March 'th.--fttsa1 Estate, farm stock and implements. belonging to Mr. iir‘nry nrurivr. wiluntmi Lot S.",. e miles south of New Germany. " mil rs was: of Moshoro and 3 miles north at Bream" . March 7.-Parm stock and implements of Mrs, Henry Kelaher. Punllnrh. "midway between Pnaiinch Lake and Downey'n school house. March 13.-- Extennlvo sale of farm Muck. implements. etc. of Mr. Hem " “Niels. Waterloo, 1 mile east of presluu. March M.- Mr. Andrew Schuell. quell-h, and "21"rt'.," inwnriino, 1% mile; easl ot Ar.s Station. M. nolh. Anemone". Much 14.-rorm, stock and imple- momg ot (‘unmd Srhmhn. tlt. tttiles southwv‘st of .\. w 1trtmttnto,r. TERMS op SALE-- Hay, grain. fat hogs, poultry and all sums ot $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount If! months' credit on approved socurity or 5 per CCttt. discount for cash pay- ments. of credit amounts. (mph. Mar. 1'2--Flarm stock and imttiemertis of Paul Snider, 1% miles west ot El- mum. Mar. Cr-Stock and implements ot Eli Weber. 2 miles southeast ot New Hamburg. Mar. 12--Farm stock and implements of the late John McTavish, 1%, miles northwest of Shakespeare. Mar. 13--F'arm stock and implements or the late Jar-ob Hinehhergor, 2% milns southeast of rta.vsviiie. Mar. 22--FtttTn stock and implements of Moses Shantz. 2 miles southeast of Haysvllle. _ IMPLEMENTS. ETC-Now Massey 1Hora-is hinder 6 n. cut, new Massey Harris mower 6 n. cut, new 10 ft. hay rake, Noxon spring tooth cultivator, scttttbsp nearly new. 2 sets iron har- rows It nearly new). long plow, tur- nip pulper and slicer, new hay rack with attachments a rack liner. Mas- Si'y Harris " hoe shoe drill. lumber wagon nearly new with shelvan box, open buggy in good shape. one horse carriage, 2 seated lop surrvy. new cutter, set lmh sieighs, set new light bob sleighs, 24nrrow Martin and Teas- water plow. Massey Han-ls cream sep- arator (new), wheelbarrow, iron Rot- tle, gravel box; about 40 cedar posts.‘ 75 ppl. rider barrel, 32 ft. extension ladder, 2 good logging chains, forks, sh’ovels. whitrletreos, neekyokes. heavy set brass mounted team harness, set single harness. set plow harness and various other articles too numerous to mention. l, March t9th.-F'arnt stock and lmple» meals or Ruben Snider. 1'once.qsiort G, Peel; 2 miles North of Glonatian. and 6 miles west of Floradale. L'ATTLEr-- An our: good Jersey cow fresh 3 months by time ot sale, Holstein cow fresh 3 months by time of sale. grade cow due to colve April 9, grade cow due to who May 2, grade ow due to calve July 6. The above tre a choice lot of cows. 4 heifers and l steer rising 2 years old, 4 good calves. PIGS, ETC.-- Yorkshire brood now due to pig April 1, Tamworth sow served 2 months (a good one), Tam- worth boar ct months old, 9 chunks 3 months old, 12 pigs 6 weeks old. 3 (It hogs. good Collie dog, about. " Barred Rock hens. GRAIN AND HAY--100 bushel 20th Century oats, about 3 tons good Tim- outs hay, Yum tttook. Implements. ate Ttte understand in new!“ 1.- station In. lau- J. - to an " Public Auction on a. re.- luc. on. “a m Inn “at. ot New Gel-lay. two In!” an! at Boo-ninth. on min mad - to Humane. on HORME6-- Bay lily this; ' you! old, weight about 1850 lhl. tray gelding rising {our yelrl old Weight about 1400 lbs. pair ot tulies, rising , and 5 year! old weight about 2600 lbs, our: good ttardriv.r rising 6 years old (Indy an drive him) heavy Clyde colt rising 1 your old. Commencing at 1 o'clock part. "nt the following valuable property. 711.: To buy or "than" a '4 set-non or mro Weston: Wheat bud. sun: locu- 'r't prim- ond full warm-Mars m first rt" I 1ppty Box 11 (I'm-mum Tom Elmira, c. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer. Louis J. KIRFF'RR, Proprietor. O. S. KOLB. Clerk, C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, Guelph, IVR. 6, MONDAV, "ARCH 4TH, 1910 A. FRASER, Auctioneer. Ml.lt BALL Auction Sale Advertisements WANTED. 8-2t COLBORNE FOR SPRING PLANTING. We need no further Introduction than the Net that we have been In the Nursery lulneu SIXTY ONE YEARS. end ere new prepared to meet existing condItlone by offering our high grade treee and plant. direct to customerl at ROCK COTTON PRICES. Bind for our motivated eta-marl of hardy varieties which you can order direct and save the agem'l commis- sion, " which you on the beneftt. Our price! will he "are " "were” you and all "tttth In nhlolule ftrst. class and true to name. THE CHASE IHOTHER8 co. of Ontario, Ltd.. Numrymn. Est-blah"! 1.87. A Number unllmlted. mgheat III-run price paid. Next shipment Wetland» thruary 27th, 1918. HOUSEHOLD EFF'ECT's-- 6 new dining: room chairs. parlor suit. moms Hair, 2 doshk' Duds with springs and mattress, s'ianv bed with springs and mnurem, childs bed. 2 Carpet swoop- ors. bread slicer, rocking chairs, kit. Chen chairs. lounge, 2 fancy oak parlor benches, tables. wading fishing suit, clock. I now screen doors, 4 new storm doors; with large lights, ma! oil heater. 2 hanging lamps, now let- ter press and a lot of other articles mo numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE-- Hay, straw, chaff and pulp and all sums ot $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount 10 momhs' credit will be given on land owners' security or 5 per com. not am num off for cash payments on credit amounts. . MINARD‘S LIMMENT CURE. COLDS. ETC. Positively no rvsorvv as farm is sold. Fruit Trees AMie-An Kitchener, on Sunday Feb. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Daltcr Amis, 37 Chapel street, a daughter. HARNKM--- 2 sets or brass mount- ml tram halnnss, nearly new, with Scotch tops. 2 sols of good loam har- ness. set all rulmer mounted carriage harness, nearly new, heavy single set and light single set, 2 new long straw collars and a lot of collars, bridles. and old harness. HAY, WW'.. .Quanlity of hay, straw chair and pulp if not previously sold. Q hay racks. pneumatic ruhbop (Irv open huggy,. top buggy nearly .new.‘ stone boat, wheel ban-my, chaff fork, douhh-lruos. tteekyokes, logging chains. beet forks. scoop shovels. gravel shov-l eh, torks, grain cradle, scythe, grind- stgte. 2 iron Kettles, scalding lrough,l pi wrbnt-hvs. I ROHES AND m.ANKKTS-2 rohes, wool Mania-c, some smhlo blankets, sheep skins, do. . V-E-HIC-a-.-. 2 good lumber wag- ons. set of bob sleighs. poird as new. large sugar beet box with double shelving and spring seat, sleigh box, manure box, gravel boxes, brick box. IMPLEMENTS- Frost and Wood binder; 5 n. cut, in good running or- der, Frost and Wood mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly new; Frost and Wood 12 n. steel hay rake. Massey Harris steel land roller, Frost and Wood wnlktng Now, new Cockshult riding plow, 2- turrow gang plow, disc. seed drill, get ot iron barrows, new hay tore, 150 ft. rope and pulleys, fanning mm. plat- form mums capacity mm llss., xmlrly new; potato digger and be?! lifter coralped. DUCKtr--3 pure bred White Beacon ducks, puredrred White Beacon drake. PrGB-- 5 young Yorkshire brood so!" 10 months old with litters " side. 2 large Yorkshire brood new with litters " side, one Yorkshire sow supposed to be In pig, Yorkshire boar rising 3 yen-a old, Yorkshire boar 10 months old. ( CAYTLR- Grade Jersey cow. fresh with call It side. Grade Jersey cow trash by time ot sale or noon utter. , grade Jersey heifers ruin! 2 year: old, on]! two months old. . then will In In“ by um: .... than. on no -- at tho - alzud. «a. m ot Vita-loo. on King Sm st uni-cu! " nutter "It from the one 01 our line. on HORSRB-Viekey My more rising 11 year! old. good driver, very few better; sorrel hone 15 - old, good driver and good worker. eunuch; att l p. ll. than. the fol- lovln'g "Ruble property, Tir.-- IAOTM AND "SNIIEROER H. n. DUERING. Proprietor. JAMES MCDONALD, Auctioneer. L F, DIETRICH, Clerk. TUESDAY, MAM“ "TH, “I. Hogs Wanted m not, mulrmuhmm and Household Meet- l at! Household 1m MMI Elli At Baden and Plants odrAmo 9-3t F 15.2”“!!me local. br u Publicouuooumpn-Iuodun . Mm. la! ". Bloom‘- In“ , South. was". 1% an" en! ot Nov Rankin. on . TUIODAY. law-0 “H. 1010 Commencing at 12.30 o'clock p. I. ' slurp, the following volume ploy "tr. Tig:- . The Innunl me or p..re brad Short Horn Cattle mules an females) tttV der the “spleen at the l' mum Depart- ment ot Agrlcnllnrn am! wmnngempnt of the Guelph Fat Stock ('lttlr will ho held la the Winter Fa“: Bulldlnx. lelph on We0oou0n.v. 'ith Marrh INS. Sal? to' rnmmt‘mw nt "' Ill) pm. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE will be made known on day of sale. or can be had from the undw‘slgned. C About silly head wilt I among them many fashion nnlmnln contrllmlml by w brow-1mm. For "Ntntottttetr.artd othor pnr'ir'u hrs apply to. CINELLES. Malachi. M. DUFF, Secretuy. Guelph. REAL ESTATE- The Real Estate consists of tour and five acres?! good land. There is on the prem sea a good house and porn, 3 good supply of hard and soft water, fruit trees and small fruit, making a nice little home. TERMS OF' CHATTELs- All sums of $15.00 and under. cash; over that amount 6 months' rmdit on.approved security. Also 3 tons of hay and a ouaiitity of seed potatoes. CHATTKLS-Hay mam G years old. democrat, top buggy, cutter, wagon. smmr-r, Somo lumber, work bench, scttom door,'sot plow harness, rural mail box, set buggy harness, cup- boards. churn, wash'sink. barrels, forks, shovels. and numerous other nrtlclm. ' There will be sold by public auction on the premises ot the undersigned. situated at Kossnth. on FRIDAY, MARCH "m 1918 Commencing at 1.30 o'clock pan. sharp the following properly, viz.: _ TERMS-- Hay, grain, young pigs. potatoes and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 10 months' credit upon approved sent}- ity, or a discount ot 5 pt'r cent. port anIfum oft for cash payments on credit i amounts. " or Real Estate and Household Auctioneer’s decision tinat cases of dispute. _ HOUSEHOLD EFF'ECTB- Honey extractor, cider barrel, meat tub, wash machine, coal oil stove. work bench. wood box, table. :1 benches, meat stuf- fer. lounge, writing desk. some pom- toes, churn. lard press, 2 hodsloads. 2 bed springs, and .t1N' articles too numerous to mention.' f IMPLEMENTB--. cum; cultintor. lunacy Harri. seed drill, new. 13 hoes; 2 tingle plows, unwell hay Joader, side delivery rake, hay rake, Massey Harris mower, good Vinson. buggy, cutter, 2 wagon boxes, hay rack. Sawyor and Massey " Home power than) engine, wagon with tank. circular saw, bobsleish. 2 scutllers. wheelbarrow. Frost & Wood disk har- row, turnip Bower, enailage cutter with pipes complete, grain chopper. rubber belt 110 feet single, 7 in. wide. speed jack. net double harness. let single harness. 2 collars. 2 logging chainv. nockywkgs, doubtetrises, crow- bars, hoes, forks and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN- 350 bush."onts, f?hetrield Standard. good tor seed; quantity of " HEAD OF CATTLB- , good dury cows, 1 due to calve In March. a an In April. 3 duo In Mar, t use" rain; 2 you: old. 8 hold of you: cattle. Durhun bull. ANNUAL PROVINCIAL SALE OF PURE BRED STOCK. ' HORSES~B|y tom mm , uni q ye”! oId, by bone ruin; " your: old. bay we mm , years old. by bone thing 0 yam old. boy col: HI- lu 2 you! aid. Pluir- Brood low with litter six weeks old by time of age, ' tat hon, weighing about 175 lb. each. HARVEY REFK, Proprietor, E. J. SHANT'I" Vuctioneer, ELI WEBER, Proprietor. A. FRASER, Auctioneer. MMI SALE. PUBLIE SALE PIJBUE M, Effects. offrrorl, I m, brml I I known i In all tat it-2t 8-2t TERMS- Hay, grain, seeds, fat cattle, poultry, smnll pigs, shoals. no tatoea and all sums of $10.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount 10 months credit with approved Joint notes or 4 per cont. per annum discount on cash payment ot credit amounts." I lMPLEMENTS - Massey Harris hindvr, 6 n. cut, McCormick mower, 5 ram, veering 13 disc drill, new; Noxon hoe drill. Maséoy Harris culti- :vanr with seed box, hay rake. Massey illarris 2 furrow plow, Fleury plow. No. 13; Frost & Wood plow, No. MP, root pulpnr, 2 set iron harrows, 2 disks 1 ng-arly new, land roller. 2 good wag- ons, one with box; 2 top buggies. one nearly new; cutter nearly new, two sleighs, pcn harvester, " horse pownr Panning mill. rope and slings, plat- form scale. capacity 2,000 Elm; sap “an, about so sap pails. some cedar posts. gravel planks, grindslo'ne. cx- lcnsion laddcr, logging chains, whorl barrow, cant hook, and many other artiehedtoo numerous to mention. Hot'sEHoLI5 EF'PECTi3--- 2 tables. 6 chairs, box stnvo, kitchen Move, De Laval cream separator, lawn mower. honoh. sideboard, 21mds.- dresser. wash stand. iron kdttle, churn. motor washing machine, cracks and pictures. ilg‘FARMS FOR SAL ' CAT'PLF3, 2 rows fresh, cow sup- posed to culve in April, cow due to valve in May, 2 hc-lrorn 2 years old, 't young cattle “slug 2 years old, 2 calves, a fat cattle, it not previously sold. _ PICS AND POULTRY, ETC- Two sows supposed to pig end of April. Chester white boar, pure bred; two sows supposed to be in Pitt, 6 shouts. 3 small pigs. boar one year old; 40 chickens. 3 geese. good dog, 4 ewes supposed tohe in lamb. HORi-Hettvy more " years old supposed to be in foal. more " your: old supposed to be in foal, sorrel mart rising 4 years old, 2 hay mares rising 4 years old, bay more rising 3 years old, spring colt, hay mm 15 years old, driver; driving mare rising , years old, well broken, if not prev- iously sold. Sale commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the tollowintrr-- _ There will m; sold by public auction on the premises of the undersigned, situated 3 miles northwest or St. Clements, li, mile south ot Schopp'l Corner, 21it miles northeast of Cross- hill, on CONSULT me when the mat. ter in question pertain: to STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE. BusINESS CHANCES. ETC. Suite 3, KITCHENER. Phone 949. Ru. Waterloo 314W. OPEN EVE, I to 9.00. MON, WED., FRt, Your propoaition will receive prompt and efteetNe “Caution. m the Exchanoo of City and Farm Land properties. I have connection. In all the principal centres from Tttrottttt to the Pg. eiWie Cont. 'arm Stock, Implements. and Household Effects. ED RUBEN, Clerk, EDWIN FORWELL. Proprietor. H. B. DUERtNG, Auctioneer. Clayton B. Eby MERCHANTS BANK BLDG. REAL IBTATI AND INOUIANCI . PHONE m . 266 KING BY., w. Indian “In a tot) um. with In. In“ but barn and m mmmu1miamuumnwm “I! icvoi and in good condition. can: "and and “a. to to“. - could" Mm in “when" in nu ”man, who .. ...... a- In looking tor I in": hunt In. up and uk to to. my and... list. I have (am. a! nil also. In all ”HI " ttte - and will I. ttl" " give you dqtalied inhuman". '9-farrataésrmu-ttitet-r. -aidiiddG"iii banana-um“. IMMJ-wm. Out art-et-er-h-ttar-tarm ... ... ... ... .. - ""e"t"'uot-'tsoateitua--t.ato. "human. A“bmkm,mw who.” “unaccustomurt Omrmmfhuolnd‘yb "_'tttt-eteettttrattoes. ”new” “and“ ”an.“ Vorylumhmmuumuwlu‘ Mll.lil SME MONDAY, MAR. lt, "" OF W. B. BECHTEL -. "tf, 8-3t aunt-'0 Iurnndcr to Downy mean! that 'tearty 401,000 "um all” nf car-Mary mm» comm min. "on and att the lame pom are MM- " over " Gunman dominauaa. London. Feb. 25.-The Morning PM remarking on the appointh " "I. Grand Duke of Hum, no mo 00mm commander in the Riga prawn”. points out that the former Curl»: of Hunt). is hit all!" and Man "In the may be made Regen! of 'ttrw. by Gtrrrtarty, I. the guardian of Mr m the former Cnrevkch. Two cows. fresh, (half "clutch and halt Jersey) with cult It aide. " ply to M. Br9tondetmersr, . Bro-nu Road. F4t. GERMANY MAY "NEW. AUTOGRA- CV IN RUtMMA IMPLEMEN'rs-2 wagons. 2 wagon boxes. Massey Harris binder, 0 ft out. in good order; Massey Hum mover in good order. Massey Rama My loader in good order, Massey Harri: ”can drill, McCormick hay rake, Bin-cl disk. iron narrow " section). trote Meighs, democrat, Jumper cutter, 2 top buggies, one nearly ttew;' stock Mk. Massey Harris cultivator. trettttler, No. 21 single plow, lt furrow sing plow. new Watsondurnlp seeder. Clinton funnim: mill, scales 1,000 lbs. up. hay fork, rope and pulleys, pulp", has mick, gravel planks, my rock. not team harness, 2 sets plow humans, 2 sets single harness, 6 balls twine, grain bags, forks, shovels. double- trvos, chains, robes, blankets and num- erous other articles. _ OA.C. No " Out: " 81.20 per ha. O.A.C. No. 3 0qu at 81.25 per bunk. JOHN STECKLE. R. n. 2 Kltchonw. Municipal phone " R 20. g young hulls up to " months ot we got by an Imported Butterfly Sire. Some of the dam- hare on otttetnt milk record oi 10.765 lbs.,ot mite and 392 lbs. ot butter tat. Also I number of females ot the some breedlu. Some are bred, others have call " toot. Bred to Silver Count (lam). These are all priced to sell. Anal! A. k G. Forbes, No. 2 West Mona-ole. Ont. 2.8t. Positively no Reserve an (Inn sold. TERMS OF SALE--- Butcher cattle. hay, grain. roots, shoals, pet att sums. of $10.00 and under, cash', over that amount“) months' credit on approved st-curity or 4 per cent. discount to: cash on credit amounts. HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS - 200 bush. turnips, 300 bush. mansion. 200 bush. oats, 300 hush. mixed (run. " ton Timothy hay. CATTLB-- 7 good dairy con. man (or: fresh 3 months. Jersey cow fresh tl wevks, Durham cow milking, Bur. ham grade cow from 2 months. 2 But- ham grlde heifer: due to trtUTe my 3rd. Janey grade heifer due to ent" April s, Durham grade hellor 2 you] old, 6 butcher steers lit not previously sold), , ynrllng calves. zlteol'l. I holler. Durham grades; 3 locking calves, Durham grades. PKP3-- Brood sow due to furrow April 28, 3 shouts 3 months old. There will he sold by public action. on the farm of the underlined, Inu- ated us miles southeast of New Dun- dee. 5 miles north of hyr, on HORSES- Tenn good working horses. team good working mom. good driver. THURSDAY, MARCH " 19t% Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.. "I. following nimble propertr.-- Seed tho. Farm Stock, Implemnts Hominid Exact; E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. ALEX. THOM PSON, Proprietor. SHORTAORNS FOR SALE. PUBLIC Elli FOR SALE For Sale. IONIY " LOAN. l KITCHINII. b4t

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