â€" 1 got my foot badly jammed lately 1 bathed it well with MINARD‘®S LINI MENT and it was as well as ever next day. . IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€"â€" Frost «& Wood binder 6 ft cut nearly _ new. Prost & Wood mower 5 f1. nearly new. PDeering hay rake, truck dise nearly pew, Massey Harris spring tooth cultiâ€" vator, Sâ€"section Bissel stecl land rolâ€" ler, new Frost & Wood 2â€"4furrow gang plow, Frost & Wood No. 2 walking plow, new 2‘ h.p. Tuerk gasoline en gine, 4<socl~i\lm iron harrow, _ MeCorâ€" milék seed drill, cutting box, 30 lhs. binder twine. lumber wazon nearly mew, double wagon box _ with spring seat, 2â€"geated carriage nearly new, 2 top buggies (1 nearly new), Portland caitter, set of bob sleighs, _ new car rtage pole, sei gravel planks, 2 set doubletrees, _2 neckyokes, _ logging ebains, t nip pulper, wheelbarrow. wire chicken pen, fairening chicken erate, stone boat, 40 f1. of new 1 inch Pope, 109 feet of _ %& inch rope, § dfeot _ iron _ pig â€" trough, | water frough, grain bags, cedar posts. â€" iee fangs, scoop shovels,; 40 ft 3 inch leaâ€" ther boit, new potato sprayer 4 gal. '(;'np., forke, rakes, seythes, 2 sets team Rernecs, _ set heavy brass mounted teem harness with lirge Scotch tops #&nd long straw collars, good as new if not previously sold: set single har mess, and many other articles 1no. umerous to mention. : HOUSEROLD â€" EFFRCTSâ€" Crown Huron kitchen range, 2 parlor heaters, Bomo cream separator, larse ketile stove. Sâ€"burner gasoline stove, Churn No. 1 Favorite, copper wash boiler, new bedroom â€" suite complete, bedâ€" fteads, wash stands, new sidehoard, Rew quarter eut ork extension dininz room t&ble, Bell organ, _ refrigerator, sink, chairs, butcher table, cans, bar rels, peils and a lot of other articles teo numerous to mention. : No reserve as the farm is rented. TERMS OFP SALE Hay, . stain, poultry, fat pigs, fat cattle, roots and & sums of $10.00 and under, eash: over thai amownt 12 months‘ credit with land owners as secnrity or 4 per cept. discount for cash payments . of credit‘amounts. The Nova Sentia "Lumber King says: . "I consider MINARD‘S LINTMENT the best LINIMENT in use. > GRAIN, ETC.â€" 3 tons hay, 450 bush. wixed grain. 50 buch. barley, small quantity millct and grass seed, quan tiry of reots and mangels. PIGS, ETC.â€"â€" 2 good Brood Sows. Bow due to pig March &th, sow due to pig April 6th, 6 fat piss weight 220 lbs each, 6 shoats 4 months old, . 25 chickens. CATTLEâ€" 4 Good Dairy Cowsâ€"â€" 3 eows due to calve in March, cow due to calve Aug. 6th, helfer due to calv, April 15th, helfer due to calve in June 2 fat heifers 2 years old, 2 heifers ris ing 2 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 3 good spring _ calves, calf 4 months old, Herford bull rising 2 years old. * HORSESâ€"Bay mare rising 12 years old, cream mare rising 10 years old supposed to be in foal, mare rising 11 years old (good driver), cream | filly Maing 3 years old sired by Sphinx Medium, record 2.12%%, sire of Grace G 205‘ and many others; cream flly Fising 1 yoar old sired by Best Beau, American Pedigree No. 48,860 and Caâ€" nadian Pedigree No. 2275. hall brothâ€" er of Wild Crocus, held Canadian reâ€" cord for many years as 2 year old. Farm mw_lmpumnulram Stock, lmplel\mm mnd Household Effects, etc. , and Household Effects, etc. **Phere will be sold by public auction BB the premises of the undersigned, ene snd oneâ€"quarter miles northeast Of Bridgeport, two and oneâ€"half miles northwest of Waterloo, on the Lexingâ€" ton Road leading to the Grand River, Commencing at one o‘clock p.m. sharp the following valuable property, viz: W. G. Brueckner Curry Combs, Brushes, Blankâ€" ets, we have at low prices. Of course you have heard of our harness, which is all well stitchâ€" ed, made from the best of leather and guaranteed y us. Big values for little money. JOHN SIEBERT, Proprietor II. B. DUERING, Auctioneer L.eJ. ROEDDING. Clerk. Everything in â€" Harness MONDAY, FEB. 25TH, 1918 BADEN, ONnT IG SME Yours very y dru‘y, MULLEN 6 [ SOWS:â€" Sow with pigs at side. : jcows dire to pig middie of March, 1 AMPLEMENTS: ~MeCormick binde 6 f., eat with sheaf carrier, McCor mick mower 5 ft. eut. hay rake. Deer ng 12 disk seed drill. Masseyâ€"Harris |caitivator with seed box. stee! land \roller. Frost & Wood (disk. 4â€"section ron harrow. 2furrow gang plow. Oliâ€" ‘;-ur riding plow No. 101. Flnery walkâ€" |ine plow No. 13. Wilkinson walking | now No. 4. one truck wagon, one inmâ€" ]hm' wasgon with box. one pair of bot !\*!nigns with box. threeâ€"seated carriage fnm- horse carriage, top buggy. open ;lr||gzy. one road cart. two jamper cat ‘ters, flat hay rack., sceales 2000 ibs. E(‘flp. fanning mill. stoneâ€"boat. root pmipâ€" ;m‘. seufler, bagâ€"trnck. wheel barrow Iatraw entrer, hay fork. goatâ€"roba. De TERMS OF SALE: _ All sums of ten dollars ‘wnd unter. cash; over that amount. 10 months‘ credit. npon ap proved security or 5 per cent. per an num _ discount . for eash on eredit .Amnlm'n’ P straw entter, hay fork. goatâ€"robe. I Laval cream separator naw, one allon milk ean. * HANESS:â€" 2 sets teram harness ‘ingle harness. Farm Stock. Implements, etc CATTLE:® 6 Good Dairy Cowss Cow due to ealve March loth, cow due to calve May 4th, cow due t« caive May 6th, cow due jo ealve May 8th, cow due to calve Aug. Ist. 6 head of cattle rising 2 years old,. 12 spring There will be soid on the premise of the undersigned, 1% miles east of Linwood, 4 miles west of Hawkesvilit and 3 miles north of Crosshill, Lot N# 8. Con. 12. WEDNESDAY, MARCH GTH, 1313. Commeneing at 1 otclock sharp. th following, viz.: HORSES:â€" Black team risins 4 ani 5 years old, well mutched, black mar rising 10 years old, black gelding ris ing 3 years old, bay (ily rising 2 year rite cooking siove, sidehoard, _ two arm chairs, 6 dining room chal‘s goor is new, counter seales. R TERMS OF_ SALE Fat eaitle hoat®, @ad ail surms. of $14.00 _ ana under, ensh; over that â€" amount 1i months‘ credit on approved security ol 5 perâ€"eent. per annum | discount for eash payments of credit @mounts. cavriage. top buggy, 2 eutters, grave planks, grind stone. wheelbarrow good work â€" bench, logzing _ clains crowbars, blankeis. tongue s‘nppm'! Joublétr®es, neckyokes, crossteu saws, 7 sets team harnees, set carriags harnesg," set single harness. â€" collurs »lmvels.v hoes, forks, seythes, kan: hook, @nd numerouns other articles. HOUSEHOLDâ€" EFFRECTSâ€"â€" Masseq Harris cream separator, World‘s Fay _ PIGS, ETC. 2 sows dus to pig April Ist, young sow due to pig April 1Mh. couns sow dwe to pig May 131, 16 hoats. f IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"â€"Massey Har ris binder 6 tngâ€"rm. Deering mower iay rake, new Masscy Harris 11 hoe lrill, two horse. eultivator, Cockshutt lisk good ps new, land roller, 4â€"see ion â€" harsow, spring â€" tooth harrow manure spreader, JTurrow gang plow learly new, Wilkinson single plow, : cufflers; root pulper, fanning mill; 2 cufting boxes, 2 wagons, 1 with box 1ay rack, wood rack, pair bob sleighs »seaied carriage, top carriaze, marke cow due to calve in June, pun'.lo-rsr,\‘ cow due to calve in July, Grade Dur ham cow due to ealve in Sept., heiter supposed to be in calf, 5 fat spring calves, call 6 montbs old, 2 small calves. e 1t No Reserve as proprietor is retir ng. $ CATTLEâ€" 7 Good Dairy Cows ~â€" Grade Durham cow fresh last of Jan uary, Grade Holstein cow fresh last of January, Grade Holstein cow due to calve in March, (Gradé Durham cow due to calve in March, Grade Holstein HORSESâ€"Bay horse rising 12 years old, mare 18 years old, cow rising °2 years old. Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp the following valuable properiy, viz: _ There will be sold by public auction on the premises of the undersigned, situated one and oneâ€"half miles south of Bresiau, four miles north of; Presâ€" ton, on NOAH B. DETTWIETLER, Prop H. 1. DUERING, Avuctioncer, 008. KOLRB, Clerk. THURSDAY, FEB. 28TH, 1918, PUBLIGSALE JOMN GERTH, Proprictor. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer JO8. KARLEY, Clerk. PUBLIG SAE OF LE AND FABM 21 FOR SALE:â€"2 heifers due to calve inl o mention monthb, a‘so two breed sows due to| j rord 1 pig, one Darham bred bull, 1 _\'('7|l'i"_nm| chape old. _ Apply M. Schondelmayer. 110 ararx FOR SALEâ€"4 pure bred Jerseys. Apâ€" ply at 8. S. Shantz, 371 King St. F.j Kitchener, or phone 1560w. 39â€"4( | Hired â€" man Saskatchewan clefelegraph. Lring Sales. We pay highest commissions . and uriish our Salesmen with literature vith a "punch" to it. â€"armers, Attention: HOUSEHOLD EFPFECTS,. ETC. â€"â€" Couch, clothes cuphoard, corner eup mard, hbed, hench, Mazgnet cream sep rator, churn, iron kette, gtove, milk ans, pails, cider barrels, and many ither arficles 160 numerous to men Make money in your spare time this | nrter by selling NURNRSERY STOCK j nd iNEW SEED POTATOES. [ This is the right time to start on , vith a "punch" to it. Send for our lift of NEW OFFER NGS and full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON. The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837), TORrONTO. ONT. uM _ There will be sold by public auction an the premises of the undersigned, 2 miles east of Linwood, 3 miles north of Crosshill, 4% miles west of Hawâ€" kesville, on & lio Reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS OP SALE | May, rrain, ouliry, fat cattle, piss, and all smns { $10.00 ind umder, casb; over that mount 12 months‘ credit will be fiy n on approved point notes, or 5 per cal. discount on easi ’pm.\lua-nl:‘ un nedii samounts. . Commeneing at 3 oԤeck pm. sharp the following:valuable property, viz: ed a bLout arley HORSES â€"2 good teams of Horses. Veam rising 13 and 15 years old, tesm ~ising 14 and 15 years old. CATTLEâ€"â€"3 good dairy cows, 2 cows fresh by time of sale, cow eue 0 calve fore part of May, helfer du« 0 calve in April, 4 yearling eattle, % at cattle. mile east of Kitchensr. on the Nre lau Road. ho is team harness, set single harness, »ars,â€" Buffalo robe, blankets. HAY AND GRAIN . A quantity of y. clover _ and timothy seed, 100 ish. of Banner seed oats, 50 hush. of irly seed oats, 166 bush. of Ligoway ed outs, 250 hbush. of _ good onts, out 30 hush. of 0. A. C. No. 21 seed IIARNESS, BLANKETS, ETS H.B. DUERING OF Farm Stock, Implements, Household Effects, Ete. GENERAL WANTS. Number of years experience as Auctioneer~~Practical know ledge of valucs of real estate, live atock, implements, etc. BLWARD BoBGBI MONDAY,MARCH 4TH, 1918 Auctioneer PUBLIG SAE Experierced bECIANG : Avctioneer Valuator Phone 138, Waterine WaAnTED to work on a farm in .. Apply Box 53, Chronâ€" And kettle, gtove, milk barrels, aud many numereds to Imenâ€" May, =rain, and @ll smns b: over that Propriel or, | 1 Pord 5 passenger auto in extra t nod chapc, run one season. | _ ARAINâ€" 109 hush. registered 0. A, 'c' seed oats, No. 72. 75 bush. 0. A. C ied barley. quantity of _ feed nats, â€" quantity of mixed grain. | .. No Reserve, propriector is retiring. ,__Lunch at noon. |_TERMS OF SALE â€" Graijn, poultry, rand aB surm4â€"df $10.00 and inadk tash, 0.A ( over that amount 12 months‘ credit * spproved sn-rnril'\' or 5 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. Pics. 2 months‘" dredit~ JOMN STECOKI : Muntcipal phone INPLEMENTSâ€" Massey Harris ninâ€" der T fi. cut, Massey Harris 6 ft. cut "inder, mover, _ Massey Harris disk ced drill 13 disks, four horse . disk wmrrow with truck, 5 section iron har ow, high lift gang plow, single plow, 2 hbeet lifters, land roller, 2 horse corn utivator, beet eultivator, Massey Harâ€" ris hay louder, Massey Harris side doâ€" livery, â€" manure spreader, hay rake, 2o wisrons, 2 bob sleighs, 2 cutters, democrat, top buggy, 2 hay racks, eutâ€" ting box, root pulper, â€" fanning mill, wazon springs. slush seraper, 3 set team harness, 2 set single harness, 2 rohbes, horse blankets, hay knife, milk aireater, forks, shovels, chains, prain "bags. and other articles too numerons Commencing at 14 a‘clock a.m. sharp, allow ing: ORSRSâ€"â€"Henvy bay mare rising 4 eacs old. heayy bay mare rising 18 eurs old‘ (sood worker), _ light bay wmre 5 years old, bay horse 12 years »A}d, bay coli rising 2 years old. 37 CATTLE Consisting of 21 good Duiry> Cowsâ€"â€" (Hotstein grades)â€" 3 ows fresh, ? cows fresh by time of ale, 7 «9ys «lue to calve in March, T ows due to calve in April, cow due to ‘ulve in May, ~ % Holstein _ heifers isInz 2 years old, _ sfeer rising 2 There will hbe sold by public aucâ€" tion, on the farm of the undersigned, situated one mile east of Kitchener, m the Natcheze road, ©% mile from the Prestén & Kitchener street rail way, on . ‘ "‘arm Stock, Implements, etc isInz 2 years old, _ sfeer rising 2 eurs old, l heifers rising one year ‘ear old, _ pure bred Hotstein bull 1 eur old, pure bred Holstein bull 4 ears old (No. 17827). PIGS â€" L fat pigs about 170 lhs each x youn: brood sows supposed to be n pis. pure bred Yorkshire hoar one ear old. wee CHICKENSâ€"â€" About 70 / pure bred hickens; 20 Rose Comb Rhode Island ted pallets, _ 50 single comb _ White tA« No 72 Qata at $1.20 per bu leed Oats d pallets shorus. K. J. SHANTZ, Anctioneer DAVID SHUI, Proprietor HENRY KNELL The herd contains several 22 Ib. cows and many representatives whose blood is so keenly sought and priced. There are many splendid young animals in the sale and some choice cows suitable for foundation purposes for the most ambitious breeder. There will also be offered at the sale one new twoâ€"seated top rubber tire carriage and phaeton. Wednesday, February 27th, ‘18 Twentyâ€"eight head of splendidiy bred animais of rare merit and individuality. Registered Holsteins Absolute Dispersal Sale TUESDAY, FEB. 26, 1918 PUBLIG SALF For catalogue address 2 MILES NORTH OF KITCHENER, NEAR CAR LINE. For Sale. P: op Onta at $1 (THE PROPERTY OF MR. HENRY KNELL). ON â€"OfFâ€" SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1 P. M. SHARP. at Bridgeport, Ont. Summit View Farm 20 25 per hush 2 Kitchener Kitchener. TERMS CASH. 6t OFf THE 2t 8 young bulls up to 13 months of age got by an Imported Butterfly Sire, Some of the dams have an official milk record of 10,765 ths. of milk and 392 the. of butter fat. Also a number of females _ of the same breeding. s<ome are hbred. others have calf at {oot. Bred to Silver Count (Imp.). These are all priced to sell. Apply A. & . Forhes, No. 2 West Montrose, Ont. T3t MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT â€" cures coLPS, ETC & IMPLEMENTSâ€" Deering binder 6 ft. cut, in good ruuing order, Brantâ€" Jord mower 5 ft. eut, _ Noxon dvill, Mann cultivator awith seed box, Clinâ€" ton fanning mill, land roller, _ Cockâ€" shutt plow, 2â€"furrow Massey Harris plow, 2 scufflers, turnip seeder, Deerâ€" ing hay rake, grain cradle, stone boat, straw cutter, flat hay rack, 3â€"section iron harrow, Portland _ eutter, open buggy. wagon with hox. pair bob sleighs, root pulper, wheel barrow, 2 sets gravel planks, stock rack, 30 cedar posts, whiffletrees, grind stone, 2 emery stones, 50 sap pails, sap pan, pulleys, ~ * HARNESSâ€" Set team harness, 2 sets single harness, bridle and collars, carriage robe, â€" blankets, neckyoies ‘orks, shovels, crowbars, grain bags and many other articles too numerous to mention. stove, sink, Daisy churn, cider barse‘. No Reserve as the farm is sold. TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, pigs, roots and ill sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount 12 months‘ credit m approved security or 5 per cent. wer annum discount for cash payments f credit amounts. d delivery horse, extra good f horse, eight years old, _ cheap Abram Sararus, Rosedala. 48â€"tf GRAIN, ETC..â€" Quantity _ of hay, orts. and mixed grain, turnips and manzels. Ihs each, sow supposed to pig at time of sale, 2 sheep supposed to be in lamb, ®out 30 chickens. HORSESâ€"â€" Dark bay horse 9 years uld, black horse 15 years old, heavy sray horse 12 years old. CATTLEâ€" Cow due to calve Feb. 18, cow dne to calve in April, cow fresh _ abow four weeks, 3 yearling heifers, calf 4 weeks old, un Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz.; There will be sold by public aueâ€" tion, on the premises of the underâ€" signed, situated ‘; mile east of Erbsâ€" ville, on the main road to Erbsville, Farm Stock, Implements, * Household Effects, Ete. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€" Socking PIGS â€"11 pigs ‘weighing about 125 HENRY NIXDORF, Proprietor ED. C. MICKUS. Auctioneer, THURSDAY, FEB. 28TH, 1918 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. PUBLIG SALE FOR SALE. &E . ADVERTISEMENT Auctioneer. TERMS OF CHATTELSâ€" Potatoes, hay, and sums of $15 and under, cash; aver that amount 6 months‘ credit on approved seenrity. TERMS OF REAL ESTATB will hbe made known on day of sale, or can hbe had from the undersigned. HARVEY REICK, Propretor. E J SHANTZ Auctoneer. REAL ESTATEâ€" Consists of _ beâ€" tween 4 and 5 acres of good land with good house and barn thereon, hard and soft water, fruit trees and small frnit. making a nice little home. CHATTELSâ€" Bay mare 50 years old, democrat, top buggy, cutter, wagâ€" on, aq#lflm. some Iumber, work bench, screen door, set plow Barness, rural mail box, set buggy harness, | cupâ€" boards, churn, > wash sink, barrels, ferks, shovels, and nutmerous _ other articles. n ~I 3 tons hay, qunantity of seed potal toes. â€" , There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion, on the premises of the underâ€" signed, situated at Kossuth, on Commencing at 1.30 o‘clock the lowing : The undersigned offers for sale the 186â€"acre farm situated Lot 6, Concesâ€" sion 5, Kastorn section, Township of Wellesley, 3% miles east of Linwood, belonging to the H. J. Lackner Estate. On the farm is a new modern brick house with _ all conveniences, large bank barn straw shed, and all necesâ€" sary outbuildings, good young orchard and never failing drilled well. About 30 acres in timber. All land in good state of enltivation and well drained. Apply to TERMS OF SALEâ€" Fat cattle and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes or 6 per cent. off on cash payments of credit amounts, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€" Kitchen table, leaf table, DeLaval cream separâ€" ator, child‘s bed, lounge, chairs, beneh, sap pmn, 60 sap pails and spouts, butâ€" ter worker, and imnany other articles. HARNESS AND BLANKETS â€" 2 set team harness, one nearly new, set sIngle harness, 2 blankets. VEHICLESâ€" 2 lumber wagons, waâ€" gon box, hay rack, 2 sets of hob sleighs, sleigh hbox, _ set single bob sleighs, Sâ€"seated carriage, top buggy, open buggy, cutter, cutting box, cirâ€" cular saw, fanning mill, set of slings, platform scale capacity 2,000 lhe, logâ€" ging chains, ~crowbaur=, . doubletrees. neckyokes, forks, rakes, shovels, and many other articles. * CATTLEâ€" 6 Good Dairy Cows â€" Cow fresh by time of sale, cow fresh about 2 months, cow due to calve in April, cow due to calve in July, cow due to calve in Aug., cow supposed ‘o be in calf, helfer due to calve in Aug., helfer due to calve in Nov., 4 at cattle, 3 good spring calves, pure bred Holstein bull with pedigree. SHEEPâ€" 2 ewes and 4 last year‘s !ambs all supposed to be with lamb. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Maxwell binder 6 ft. cut, Maxwell mower 5 ft, cut, pea harvester, mower, hay rake, land rolâ€" ler, 2 spring tooth cultivators _ with seed bag, Noxon seed drill, hay loader, Cockshutt riding plow, 2â€"furrow gang plow, 2 walking plows, potato digger, TWO »b 00 TWO scuffler, disc, 3â€"section Iron harrow, turnip seeder, turnip pulper, cement mixer. THURSDAY, MARCH 7TH, 1918 Commencing at 12 o‘clock noon, sharp the following valuable property, viz: PIGSâ€" 2 good brood sows with lit: ters at side, 2 sows due to pig latter part of March, Chester white â€" boar ope year old, 7 shoats about 150 lbs »ach. HORSESâ€" Pure bred bay Clydes: dale mare rising 11 years, chestnut mare rising 15 years old in foa!, grey mare rising & years old, general purâ€" pose chestnut mare rising 12 years old sired by Dam King, 2 chestnut geldâ€" ings rising 3 years old, chestnut filly rising 2 years old. There will be sold by public auction, on the premises of the undersigned, 1% miles southwest of Bamberg, 2 miles northwest of Josephsburg, 3 miles southeast of Wellesiey, Concesâ€" slion 3, Lot 10, Township of Wilmot, â€"OFrâ€" Real Estate and Chattels. Household Effects, Ete. No Reserve. _ , JOS. F. LICHTY, Prop. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST, 1918 PUBLIG SALE PUBLIG SAE Farm For Sale J. STAUFFER, Waterloo, One of the executors. Tâ€"2t TAt fol Pape‘s Niapepsin is poted for Its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach remâ€" edy in the whole world and hbesides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by gotting a large Aftyâ€"cent case of Pape‘s ‘Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to #ufâ€" fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It‘s the quicksst, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. _ TERMS OF SALEâ€" Small pigs, grain and turmips and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved security, or 5 per cent. off for cash payment on credit amount. SIMON VOLL, Proprietor. ED. C. MICKUS, Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD GOODS â€"â€" Standard cream separator, No. 8, nearly new, with speeder, churn, table, ' No Reserve. } REAL ESTATEâ€" At the same time and place the farm will be offered for sale, consisting of 118!% acres, more or less. On the premises is a bank harn, pig stable, driving shed, 7 roomâ€" ed frame house with summer kitchen !nnd woodshed attached, _ Abundance of soft and hard water, 20 acres of fall wheat, 6 acres of rye, about 30 acres of grass, more or less, about 4 acres hard wood bush. Farm is in good state of cultivation. ‘The propâ€" erty will be sold subject to reserve bid if not previously sold by time of sale. Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale. Number unlimited. Highest marker price paid. Next shipment Wednesday, February 2ith, 1918. Time it! In five minaotes all stomâ€" ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headuche. §SOUR, ACID sTOMACHS _ _ _ dnoz? ogo nm%tnou â€" IMPLEMENTSâ€"Massey Harris bin der 7 ft. cut, sheaf carrier _ and truck in good running order, Frost & WooGé *Â¥ mower, 6 ft. cut, nearly new; Massey Harris 13 hoe drill, . Frost & Wood hay rake, Deering cultivator, good as new, steel land roller nearly new, 2 furrow plow, single plow, neary new, scuffer, harrow, turnip pulper good as new, scales capacity 2000 lbs, Chatâ€" © ham fanning mill nearly new, wagon, sleigh, buggy, wood rack, haysrack cutting box, stone boat, pig box, h barrow, set gravel planks, n'.E engine 10 horse power on truck, as new, 2 horse power gasoling Intetâ€" nal Gillant, 9 inch plate chopper, nears ly new, Champion threshing maching ‘ in good running order, about 100 ft. of belting 6 inches wide, about 20 ft, . belting 6 inches wide, good as new, _ number of small beltings, ~ pumping _ jack, some shaftings, some pulleys, 2 sets team harness, set single harness, . neck yokes, double trees, forks, shovâ€" als, crowbars, chains, and many other _ articles too numerous to mention. GRAINâ€"About 75 bushels of oats, hout 100 bushels of mixed â€"grain, ibout 10 bushels of buckwheat, 20 bushels of rye, about 150 bushels of turnips. â€" Each "Pape‘s Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending ail stemach misery in five minutes. CATTLEâ€" Cow due to calve May 2nd, cow supposed to be in ealf, cow due to calve in April, cow due to calve May 29th, cow due to calve July 5th, sow due to calve in April, helfer due to _ calve _ first week â€" in _ April, heifer supposed to be in calf, 3 young cattle rising 2 years old, 3 spring calves. There will be sold by public a on the premises of the Mna one and a half miles east of and one and a half miles west of Pet» ersburg, on the main road leadipg 1@ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1918, Commencing at 1230 o‘clock p. m. tharp, the following property : HORSESâ€"Bay horse 6 years old, an iged mare. ‘ PIGBâ€" Sow due to pig first week in MUay, sow supposed to be in pig, sow wupposed to be in pig,â€"2 pigs weighing ibout 150 lbs each at time of sale, 6 «mall pigs about 8 weeks old, boat ibout 5 months old. Valuable Real Estate, Farm â€" BStock, Implements and Household Effects. $ HO“ 1 Wanted PUBLIG ADGTION At Baden