WI W" ts " mus tin-n (Inn despair did come ‘L'umn the girl. She had tried with all _ “the urn-nub of her to live straight. , LYet. despite her innocence. the m-rld " would not let her live 'teroronq to her “ own conscience. " demanded that she be the criminal " had branded her-l! the were to live " nil. Sh» still shits. Id the ultra-t- fnlierlngly. with“: mnllle Ctrtnem but her hour! was gone from hm - ""_'-"r "nun mor- euu " put Forty your: "an may other known "away. It can not be had in Instr-mud. tablet form as well u in the liquid. Sold by medicine I dual": or "in! box " null on receipt of menus in "amps, In. Illa-both lavish! or when Col. ht a "will letter to Dr. "canâ€: "t - multiply . “on do" In hCIlLl'll “Mn:- Lic: 't_ovrrtnr body and.- B8"-tttet I on“ mm mm to)!“ to In. tme t had the - forturt. to meet "mm whohld ban. and SW. Pueeet "gra'pd l have - N In oee-hset to con-nu . puma-n literpm In "col t “a." -l_------Lu-"-e".%'r="-'= St - In laced-fully (mud no" can in put forty your: "an my see", be m h_lnnr:_emud. tablet form as well u in the Dr. Mot-00'. Indian Root Pill. My“ Been de'vadto" """- .'. Cure Common "" matrd.itiik I That Weak Back I "u. an“? ' A third time she obtained work und -ihere. after u little. she told tter em- ployer. u candy mtTnuructurer In ll "null tray. the truth mg to her inn-lug been In prison. The man mm a kindly heart and he run little risk." KI) he al- lowed her to remain. When the "Hill". called his attention to the girl‘s crim- Inn! record he paid no heed to ttMr. ud- vice against retaiutnq her serum-1 The police brought pressure to hear on the man; They even culled in the na- sistnm-e of Bdwurd Glider himself. who obllglngly wrote u very severe let, ter to the girl's employer In the end. though unwillingly "uough, he dismlxs. ed Mary (rum his service. i Ire not I new and untried remedy-- our grandfathers med them. Hall a century ago. before Confederation. they wereon sale in nearly every drug or general no" in the Canada of that day. and were the recognized cure in thousands 01 homes foe onstitntion, lndi stion, Bilioueneu. Rheumatism and Emmy and Liver Troubles. To. day they are just an etrective,iust " Ptiabte p. ever. hard nothing better The police informed Mary's employer concerning her record as a convict. and she was at om'e discharged. The unfortunate victim of the law mm. perilously rinse to despair then. in. her spirit triumphed. nnd ttgnitt she persevered . in that . resolve to live nrnight. She found a cheap position In a cheap shop. only to be again per- I set-Med by the police. no that sho‘ Ipeedlly lost the place. DR. PIERCE’S 1i?Irtrtte Prescription " tip, V lhc had been MPH! In I criminsl I. until}. which must ext-use nulrh. Long ago nhe had lost track of M tether. Her mother trhe hnd never known. Her one relation wan a broth. or of high standing as s Mount-ht. Ono principal Milan of her since- In Iesding on men to make tools of then- ( selves over her. to their everlasting 't m afterward. In, in the fact thst In mile of all the gross Irregular!“ at her life she remained chaste. The gm saw In Mary Turner the masthIllties of I hdyllke personality that might mean much Iinsnoisl what In the devious ways of which she was I mistrm. With the frankness char- sx-turiutic of her. she proceeded to mint clowlnu pieturers of a future than-d to the undoing of nrdent and famous swnlns. Mary Turner listened with curiosity, but she Ins In no wtstit moved to follow such a life. era-n though it did not neceanltnte anything worse than I fraudulent playing " love. Bo. she steadfastly contlnnvd Ml refusals. She would live straight. Mary found the prophecy true. Back In New York she experienced tl Poe- My more ranging (huh any she had known In those fire lean year: of her worklng In the slurp. She had been absolutely pennlless for two days. and without food through the gnawing hours. when she found elnploynwnt In I mllllner's slum Followed a blessed Interval In which she worked cook-up edly. happy over thé Inc-anger stipend. lint-e " tern-d to give her sun-Inn uud food honestly ourtt" "You will Bud that you “the up mains: an awful hoot." Aggie Would declare brutally. Br MARVIN DANA non run PLAY or BAYARD VEILLER WITHIN THE LAW 'mm- in hour when all. m by tho H. K. comp-u. . than." 1W't'tarrttrA “I. I LVhTr.'l'="a'ti . any ='ltf& Here Gar-son paid the (are and then helm-d the girl to alight and- on Into the hallway. Mary went wlth him 'tttite um-frnld. though new with . gnu-“lug.- curiosity. Joe Gunman. the notorious forges. led the dripping girl mstwurd through the squalid streets until at last they came to an adequately lighted avenue. and there a taxicab was round. " curled them further north. and to the out to an apartment. house that was rather Imposing. Bet In tt street at tumbler dwellings. Joe (Eamon had performed. perhaps. his first action with no thought of no" nt the back of It. Be bud risked hls 1er to sure that of n stranger. The sensation was at once novel and thrill- tug. since " was no agreeable he mvnnt to prolong the glow of self In!- Isrm-tlon by continuum to care for thin mm of tite river. Mary rerlred to clear consciousness. which was " tirrt Inclined tow-I'd hysteria. but thl- phase yielded noon under the Irmpntheuc "titttntrttttonn " the man. "I: rather low vole. was milling to her tired will. and bl; whole In I†It one. masterful an! gently tender. When 1truMly she was able to rum! and to walk with the support of his arm we went forward ulowly " his slde without so much even as a question of Walther. . min. Alwnys It had been the demon to net hln; tttttttne Ills mm mounted Ind gave Mm new power in the battle. Under the urge of It he conquered and " last brought hum-elf and his chars. to the shore: Then begin the lance struggle to IV. bar and tumult. The currents Lore at him wmthfnlly. but he fought against them wlth all the newness of his nature. What saved the two of them was the violent temper of the On the side of the pier a man him Inst tied up a motorboat. He stood up in alarm at the cry and um: just In time to gain I glimpse of I white files under the dim moonlight " it swept clown with the tide. two rod: bayou-1 him. Bo threw of his coat and sprang far out after the drifting body. He came to tt tn I few furious. stroke- and mutant It. lute, '" So site Went [hm-ugh the Inna strotett of tit Hunted “was. (Twin-(l some nul- mad Hawks to u pier: over which Ill. hurried to the for and. ulwre tt [In lected out to the ttereer rttrrents of we Hudson. There. willy-u! glvlm: her, self a mlimem's pause for retteetiott or t"sittrtion, she leaped out at fur as her strength permitted mm the mrit ot waters. But In that Hun! sun-0nd nat- aral terror In the film: of death over. came the lethargy of despair-o shriek burst from her lips. monk!" 'of “mun-r and was glad. For Headaches, Neunlgia. Rheuma- tism and other disc-m unuin from an im re condition of the “005. “Fruit- I-tK/ueu" is invaluable and infallible Mb. a box, 6 tor 82.60, triat size, 26e. At all dealers or sent on receipt of plies by Pruiba-tiveq Limited, Ottawa. DnmALl, Ont. Jun 15th. 1918 "I an e general Innkeeper at the above address, end on encount of the patio“! I haveeyPeruuced from using “Fm t-u-tiveeâ€, I mount-mud them strongly to my customers. They were open boon to me, I can tell you, for about two yeen Mo, I we. laid up in bed with vomiting and a terhtie pain " the hueof m skull. The pain neatly drove me 11:11 Doctors felted it would turn to istflamtnrtiott of the brain but I took "Fruit-a-tiris" steadily until I we: cured. l have gained fifteen pounds aince taking " Fruit-“Ives " end I verily believe they ave-d me from I disastrous illnm." iat,,"iiiittt _, um: um um "ttomtttlMlittt-t J. A. “Chm†f. A. conntvmv. “1"" """rty up " It mu; the In" that had worked ttte ( ruin of ttet' life. which the had striv- on to make wholesome In conu- 'luettee she felt for the law no gallium respect. only detestation u for the ovum-w of Injustice. Yet. the can tt a mun-71141:†respect. born of theme "tree ywln of suffering which bud been the result of the penalty mam- "r" on her Now, In the Damn-um Inc In"! Just read the found a clew to sut- m-slll‘o "Might. a him " to I Inc-Ins by which she might satisfy her rumor ttgaitvet the law that Ind outraged her. and lhls in an!!!" “are In. would " u-mm nought an that with“: the In". KF'.FY' 1HNtitrt',s. I.l.\lVH'INT IN THE "OISE. glrl's ram-y. “with. {and tho attic]; ugnln with u unlqkeued Intern“ Than mg- Mean td medulla. c: _ of her decisibn on " Irregular m of life WIS In editorial in one of I daily new-Import Thi- w'II I scathing arraignment ot I mute In hlgb tinance. The point of the writ- erU alt-ct was the ttrtm arena for lurh methods of (Never, " If. kept within the law. That phrase held the There were two factor: that eMefty tnttaeneed her decision. The tirtrt Wu Rete to the feeling that. Mnee the world and rejected her. she need no tumm- conrern her-elf with the world‘s opin- lon or retain any ample. over tb Back of this In] her bitter sentiment toward the mm who had been the di- reet can» of her ttrtprtrtortmertt. Ed ward (Hider. In the end the 'rtutttesttott name from Mary Tumor herself. to the great an!» prime of Aggie, and. truth to tell. of heme". Her mlncl. long alarm-II "he her hotly. getr.ed "Hwy on the nourlnhmem thun tttrurdeNt, In this Interest Aggie In“! Met mare-wan perhaps a little envl~ om: over Mary's absorption III prlntod pugs. Aggie took , "use pride In her ullmL with the tmtttmtttkttble an of elvgumve. and she dared to dmm of 3mm: triumphs to "wne. thmmh an ret she carefully uvnldvd mi, Innuen- tmn to Mary of wrottgMottttt. Joe Gal-on. Mary found Ilene" ""an in luxurlous ldlenens. white her every wlnh could be ttttttted by the merent mention of It. She 'qu fed an the dttlnttetrt of fare. Ibo Um- clothed wlth the mos! dellcute Holmes: for the ttrret time It! to those more mysterious gnr flu-ms whlrh women love. In Inddlllnu. there were no "may of book. and Inn:- nah-en us she ronlrl wlsh. For the ftrst time In her life. than!" to the hospitality of A319 Lryrty co and" Huron-ed from the mad: ot Joe Human. the forger. had long been ee'ttttttintvd with Angle and her broth- er. though he considered them far be. neath him In the social sale. since their critnlhnl work wan not of Ihnt high kind on which he prided himself. But as he can! nbout for some woman to when: he might take the hapless girl he had rescued his thoughts fell on Aggie. He was relieved hither l than otherwise to learn that there was ‘nlrendy an ucqualntnnee between the two women. and the met that his charge had men-ed time in prluou'did nut httiuetsee him we Jot against her. Mary let berm-l! drift. It med to her that she had abandoned herself-to fate in that hour when she threw her. Ieli‘ Into the river. Afterward. 'rtth. out any volition on her part. she had been matured to life and set within an ertvirortuteett new and strange to her. in which soon. to her surprise. she discovered I vivid pleasure. So we fought no more. but left destiny to Work its will. unhntnpered by her tn l tile striving; churn lulu-d heron but. Then. lbrumly. the round. baby-Ilka fare of ttre wumnn portend tn amazement. Ber rah-e rose shrlll. "Well. If It ain't Mary Turner!" "Auk!" was the reply. . In the time that followed Mary lived In the Bat which Aggie Lynch outn- pled winger brother. Jim. a mam-Ix- en yumtt esteemed among his fellow craftuneu. The period itrought trunn- torrtttrttotts of a radlcnl and launder In: sun m hath the appear-nee and the cttttrsteter of the girl. . _ [than dung-ht- tho In "iii “no “a! alibi (be the build WMIHIUI&UIUMMQ‘ II" I" “madam“ “J'H'In‘huanm qua-feltfolqnph. and“; Out. 1 (To be continued.) . nary Wore Fin. can... thet in the lam-ding "I'm sorry. madam." he Mid, with . "Hle; “but I only wnmrd to ny that (Ir-mill. no“ I: but a In". "Oh, Fer. l knot all about your not being mb.re to remmbor where everyone wants to gt oft! I'll rep 'rt you tor Insolence It you nrgue In; further!" Gently "rt'ntirtg her to alight, and having run: his boil. the conductor touclml " can "But you "hed--." began the ductor. . “Keep Smllmg" Grabbing her handbag, the use of o and] Portmttrttoatt, and her Pomer- anttnrg dog. Ind clutching . mutt that by In slze must have once held a young bear. the Indy or ample dimen. IIOIII Intimated to the pnuongerl of the street ctr that she wished to alight. â€mudmtor!" she exclaimed furhour, I3 "I â€again. I told yOu to put me ttttr .4; Granule Raul?" i "But, madam-3' “Don't start making excuses!" rho Mortal. an a Jerk of the cur shot her and her impediments Into the lap of I table youth. l â€In: mm. Naybor dmppv/In this memoon catd got " a lot ot chain talk." ' "Chmo all?" “You; the used our telephone for a full Imminent" ----a "" WW"! Day to be ttrett " you want "tools! .11le write to Lydia EPlnkhun Mal- !clno Co. teoodesaattatt Lynn. lugs. Wysrutterwmtioodito6. read and W bynwomu: and In!!! In Me: communes. j [Ill?!, ohiiiiiiiit] Wm-het-ttNe-mot- dist-tng ilk poenlhr to their sex 'htmAidetdqtttttheohttttroeL, " Phaum'.Treutrt. 'ljll,QlLtrl'h't. ne" Who-1th. 'fltfrgg,uTt2Ttnt'"t "awkmmm tg"leAf.go.ganltt.utg?. "div-I alway- Inwy ski-â€60mm Ila-duke: Lydh E'Phkhun's vacuum pmmdmttt-ottteroee_,-ttthnd 1tartpedmorttm_inUatdttttn. human mtti1noiiotm. _'lll'l'dll."M'e,r"/"J,T'1l'J2'tlrg trlg'l'r'e,'Jx','S1e,'gttltd,g, way-ml hopoitv beam 'erhtq ,'ltL1'l.y-ti'p.ildt1ll,'rt'1taegf't Ways. it. My dear Child, ut ?" ‘Cnuae I've been too sick to go to ol tei-c-an' It’s a ttolM-s' ouldn't uv had to gone. -." A Fm Tongue I. what are you éryln. CO tb If“!!! Kw!â€- t Dr. W. J, Stevon'nn, “ho has been a lite Ion, temperance worker, was nominated by the London Liberals, 'l he candidate spoke at "arntserg 1.0 a Inrgn audi n-e and emphnsmd the fat “at. this ('alnpaixn is being fought on the "aholish-the-bar" issue Ms aNuuwnts in tator M th. alolition at the bar were well re- ceiped. Messrs. I). W. Houston and C. M. Home), of this city, (also de- Herod addresses. At Welleslev th, meeting was. trt, of the largest or the writ-s and the ‘sma'vers were ginn a ".031. sympa- thetic hearing. Rev, J. Ii. Lynn. Rev. Joe. Jâ€: s, m. I'. K. Hage- dorn and Prof. Itiechdort, of Wood, Mock College, were the speakers, the latter dMivering an elnqmm address in German. Dr. Heist was rive-Wail with loud applause when he arrived. l The electors of naming and wer ‘lesley gave Dr. F.. D. Heist. the temperance‘ candidate, and has sup- ports†a s.il ndid and In‘uutaging Lot-Won on \kdlnsda, night. Dr. Ir:ist is greatly (nmumgnl by the large andimces and- thy attrntive hearing at the meetings "ttich have been h'-ld sin?e starting his cam- raign. WELL RECEIVED I IN WELLESLEY AND BAMBERG: ml hon} GG FhifiiFFr' "Twill-2 on the troree' free, It a .7 quhl! at * a mm.» for .5, and in nll‘Iw "mre,Thrngumuottiria,/A r A hone in the Seht Is Worth two in the " mu. You earn 'tran Spud". Ringholle, splint. or Cur tom pumng your horse h the ham but you can m... these tronhlr- hom 1gl1"g horn-in the ban: very long. You can " KENDALUS .r..""mre.a"r..-- (Sir Adam Beck has been chiefly con- cerned In the campaign tor hydro- electric power, which he began on the assumption ot olico .ot Sir James Whitney as Premier ot Out- ario, in 1905. As aresult at his eirorts power is distributed under public Control trdm Niagara Fans/ to many municipalities in Western Ontario at the cost at production and transmission. The cheapness ot electric energy brought about by Sir Adam's leadership, seconded and endorsed by the Ontario Govern- ment and influential people of how pomii-al parties in this prminoe,i is said, has had a great "tttttttttat in accelerating the growth of many towns and cities as manufacturing centres. Sir Adam Beck is also noted tor his interest in horse breeding. lie was born at Baden, Ontario, June M, 1857, and in 1890 was married to Lilian, daughter of the late C. J. Ottaway. He was mayor of London, Ont.. in "02, 1903 and 1901. He is a nlanuiac-l turer with factories in London and Mon treat SPAVIN CURE SIR ADAM BECK. 'vteH.rfiiaiGlii a7nriii'G" George E. For D-trs-t d Will 5fdch. nou- a Ptovide ihttt'f Every precaution is being ultra to prevent a Ctre break!†um. tor . trlare with the water PrP'emre so low would be a seAous thing tor the (own. The water the past few Honing: has been turned on about it o'clock, and is not turnrd on again until " m midnight. This is done to pre- tent the mam: trom sprinkling their lemma A driller but Men at work the vast few weeks. drilling wells ‘n the neighborhood of the garment springs. which tie on the hill back ot the Speed Park, but. untortunaulv the driller has met with poor Kurd-as. He has ohtained some trater, but not nrar the supply that is needed in the iPttott, June th-The shortage of r,',t"d,te, become a serious pmblem, nd the commission is " its wits' 9nd to know what to do. ' SHORTAGE OF WATER SUPPLY . IN PRESTON ceased. Rcv. R. E. raGia. putor of r lo: Church, Gatt, “a I novelist of notch-II tho n brother of the do- Ha I“ . 'tMtieirtttrst In the Juno- son mid In South Atrtef and took on: In the, war nnd Ind eleven bul- tet ‘70an. In his body. was solicitor for Tindnlo town-Mp. was " you" of use. and single. no came from Saskatchevun, and VII 1 brother of W. E. Knowles. hd.P. for Home Jun, and of P. W. Knowles, of Guelph. anlu ,r.roirrT,i' the but known ttqurrm In the north country. Hmong-l! gully {hore_gb9qt I you. no u e result " . wound received in bottle. and concussion of the bull: resulted In death. Lebrle Wu u- reeted. It I: noted that the quarrel no on! e trivial nutter. James Knowles. Well-Known I‘m _ and B. A. Veteran, MmNemt. . COBALT, June 20.--ha. Knowles. inwyer, ot South Porcupine. . "htratt campaigner In Sour: Atria. wu killed yesterday morning on the street ot that town by Emil Debris. I Frenchman, who struck him over the bead with a milk bottle. TIT blow fell upon . portion of the sin I l more n liver pitta lanai been grtaeed,l I As a result ot miurring her leg when jumping from a vehicle during a runaway ten days ago, Mis. David Bingeman, of Brennan, passed away at the Berlin a Waterloo Hospital m Sunday sullering from lockjaw. There were tour occupants ot the rig when the horse took fright and the deceas- ed was,the last one to jump and in doing so hurt her leg. She contrac- ted lockjaw two days ago and was‘ removed to the Hospital. Her mai- den name was Evangeline Kramp, and she was in her Mth year. She is survived tw her husband and three small children. One sister, Mrs. Wei- denhammer, of lireslau. also survives. The funeral will take placeon Thurs- day, June Mth, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the residence, Breslau, to the Cressman church and cemetery to!" interment. SOUTH PORCUPINE TRAGEDY. SUCCUMBED - ‘T0 LOCKJAW T FROM Ill0Wl Compensation will be we to the ownen of Ileuchtered animal! upon the following been: One he]! the value ot the cow If deemed a e cue of open tubenuloele. one-third tf destroyed u e Rector a the requeet of the owner. the due of the ttgut toot of the ent- tle the herd Ihov o clan hm at health. from the "ta-tum III-mm; 41nd tut inspector.» ohnll be appoint- 'Sd by these ottleo and town. _ 0n reooivln; 'totlce from. o munici- th that " desires uni-tom the Department of Agriculture will send u veterinu-lnn to inspect the cows. Inspectors will one the tnborcnllno toot. Con found to be “acted with open tuhennlooin will he olnnxhteted. Reactor: to the test and IIIIDIEIOII animus Inoy be rot-Inca in the herd. but no milk or mom nun be loll until " bu been â€taunted. l, the at. at - tron tubal-calca- cow- vm tan-0d may. Ut'.",',': authority nut to la on by the“ citi- uui town for the pnrpuaotamaiuto tumu- lattou. Than citha and town - undertake and "with that dairiaa which all milk and chain shall be “can“; that no ileanaa ahail be la- auod unla- tho data conform to a mutton standard. tin atandard bo- las an ample amount of air one. in the atabla. two lanai-a not of M; dow ala- for each out, and ata wail ventilated. dulled clan. and sanitary: that - two â€an from TESTS 'roRTUBERCUuMts an an mm at in? In. m- 3.000 - to can": tog-an B m and violate-o - supply “that: lghupu‘ud .tednttr t9 my“! Gum‘WA. In. ".--hr I†00:.- an... new on. mm 1‘31â€!“va m- gun: which inf-Hï¬‚ï¬ In our» to a: tee" pvt; at}?! In. than 8.000 tor Ir in. "uv6'rli.""li-."';m.'“' irir. tt whet you lost ste ls marina on your stomach or lies like e lane at lend. refusing to dlnst. or you he“ as . end erncute sour. undigested load, or hove I hello. ot dizziness. hesrthurn. fullness. lenses. was“, In month end stomachhesdsohe. you can set hissed tenet In ttea, mlnutes. Put on end to staunch trouble forever " setting s lone Mtymt one at Pepe‘s Dtspepsln from soy drug store. You muse In tIver minutes low need- )ess " Is to Btrfhtr from Indigestlon. dyspepsle or any stomsch dlsordsr. It‘s the quickest, surest stoned: doo- "Pape- manual-s" Innk- tick. oi, Bony Macho my MI in. In In "that... . l Osteopathic Physician. l, arm-m under Dr. sum up louder d the science. Editor Jon» In] at 0-month: HOD-n. Attttt 1pm.†one: cum when do.“ Chrome gmtlmuon. I d. orders. â€new. discuss, that.“ immune "tntrMs, with. 'te., - mildly $eatterd. mm m can "anon mum _ out: on warm Llcentlnte ot the 80an College d Dental Surgeons. Honor arm-u University at Toronto. mfleer, In. ttoor, Welter Chem", King St; w Berlin. Telephone 202. "can 9 n.m. to I pm. German spoken. Borttist, L.D.s.. Royal COMM tat Surgeons, D.D.S. Toronto UtsirtF My. All-branches of dentistry pm ' Entrance to oMmt an. “a. Cmteorditt Halt, over [an BIO... en'nary Surgeon. Residence and {I} rtee M.Willow St. Phone 1237, Berlin, Ont. Any disease of bank cattlr, pigments and dogs treat“. Operations ‘perlormed for roari etc. Phone 1237. Day or aim "all: answered. _ - "e'"-""-"------- ., _ EXPERIENCED vmznnuavԠw, ‘ SURGE)" _ J. H. all“. “an“. of he M T trio Vomlluy Colby. one. a“ _ residence. Queen St. Phone as. All , calls by day or night my“. - DR. GEO. W DR. [ELLINQTON K. JACOBS. Ottleq in Finder's Bloci.HVlnm Dentistry pumice: In " m brad- s. BOXED. L.D.S., nos. :3 Grain!- Cute-go College or n.- tat Bum Ind Royal Gallop " peut Surgeon of Toronto. Data! A. L. arr-zen. B. A. V . if (Buses-nor to Conrad Bum.) , Sinister. Solleuor, Noun P“‘ an. atom to Ian: Germ I“: ot1user--Ptqtpranat'. Block. an )1; “in, Frederick + Berlin. _ l mm- m a he... a t, OIo: 'dbtqMtt am. _ Ar Got. In.“ Foundry Rh, Bulb tt. P. CUtmrrrter.1tct. I - Olin.“ M a. hr. Li" Nose and Throat. ' this; Bt. an. mun. '. w. “was. II ' 'dtTarrt 'ii'l1Fiii.'ii'F/ aw wait"; 'et?. J . . CLAYTON W. WELLS. l 7 but“. Marlon. 0M5wn!toll;l.mtol." cm an day may. ' "I. a... noun-I. u-vuv a... w. Cram, G. D. lclnhlh, B. A. LL.B., w. it. amiorr. M â€may, _tte., 0939 urchin Berlin." mt. LEDERMAN, 0.0.8. VETERINARY summon t, Room I". In. (an-I6; Bun... - OSTMPATIW. J. A. HILLIARD I-IIAL all. c. RAW" r. a. riveting ' Who-o ISI. would».