I u-rmwo MARKETS ' 'ATEKLUO, JUNK " "u. Eggs, per dozen . Butter. per lb. .r.e_ Middlmgs pct tun Haley per bush. . Oats per bush. ... Peal, per hush. ... Wheat ...PFt... _.. .m.e-. __.... L00 Corn, per bushel ...tt_ In Flour, lamily, per cut. $2.15 Flnur. high grade ............. Bran, per ton m."..... _....str. Muldhngs per ton ..m..F... 27.00 Barter ........ ...q..... - ... .18 h".xroiGttte ' Butchers' cattle. REIHJN MARKETS. BERLIN, JtNF', M, 1914 Flour per 100 tto ......... â€.10 Wheat, pct bush. 'F'"", i'"" screenings per 100 ttm ... May per ton .................. 10.00 Wood pot cord ..............1.00 Oats .q....e.. ...re.P. Bye .._.......... ..' Buckwheat. . . Eggs, per dozen Butter, per th. _ Hogs, live '-rtPrt Hogs, live __.._. .._.. Hogs, dressed ...... Nay per ton ...._ - Straw Por ton .....1 PROVINCIAL INSPECTOR ' . SNIIIER HERE "roTinciat Peruse Inspector Snidl-r raid a rim. In “nun, -Weoesday company with [near Inspector 11'HtPrs and License Commissioner Shoemaker he Mt on a trip through the riding; In' Mr, Joseth hutwr's car. Potatoes pet bag ......... 1.00 'K’EEFMINARD'S LiNiMENT IN THE HOUSE. IW, WATCH FREE. iGUG - TESL"- i.'i.'com' iaiuiiliia . Tim“ 'Gr.W. ._..... EIJIIRA. JUNE 25, 19M ELMIKA MA Ms wr. MARKET REPORTS _..... 10.00 . .30 .. .12 .. .1! 7.50 V 1.50 6.00 .e .60 li5 " ‘35.!†1.00 .35 no aas '2:st 28.00 1.15 .22 . l ' 26.90 Is A2 " " 7.50 9.50 19.00 3.83 .95 tAtt 19.00 T.0it 8.50 .43 .65 .75 .19 .13 TAO 1.35 " Choc... all. .0.....;;;;;116ii: i'ii Chem. m. It. ........ ' " ' u “'IIVIPM ("IAIN "Atuoer. WINNle, Jun. ".--Caatt clone: wtt.at--Ho. T northern. "gr; No. I 60.. "54:; No. I do. itâ€; No. 4 dim. â€an. tMt-No. I C.W.. Its' No. I had. "mor-Mo. g, we: o. 4. Inge; ro- 3ectod. 0c; "ed. "lie. .urr-No. 1 NAY.C.. n tttli; No. I c.w.. mm; No. ' C.W.. 81.88%. CHI-WEE "Anna.“ STIRLING. Juno 28.--At today'l than. board. 15: boxes were altered. Ind " sold at lube. CAIIPBBLLPORD. Juno ".-<n-q boarded. “I. All sold It 189-Mte. TORONTO. Juno ".---Ree+ ot live stock " the Union Yard- were " an. cerium-in: 429 came. 1605 eMvrnr. A latch-r6 can. Choice butcher! steers by the load sold at 88.25 to sue; choice steer- and heifers at " to WM; medium to good " 87.80 to ".10; common. $7.80 to 91.06: choice cows, " to $1.35; good cow. " 80.50 to 86.90: medium cown. $8.15 to 86: cannot: and euiiers. "" to 84.75: butts, "" to 37-50. Shaken and Feeders. There was little (1an in stacker: nnd feeders. as demandhal fallen " and prices were lower. Choice livers. “.75 to $7.00: medium to good steers, “.50 to 86.75; awoken. 85.75 to 86.40. Val Cate... The delivery of veal calves VIII. light. which caused prices to be very ttrm. Choice veal: 810-00 to 810-60: Rood calves " to $9.60; Medium culvea. " to 98.50; common. " to $7.15. Sheep and Limit. “the run of sheep and lambs was mod- onto. which caused ILeep of light weight: to be ttrm. while lambs were higher. Sheep. “gm euros. $515 to 86.50: heavy ewes. and rams. " to $5.25; spring lambs sold at ttl to $11.15 per ewt.. o’r In other words, 11 to IMhet per lb. -. CHICAGO. Jam "-qint - than: [my I». In - - the inn/cal Nt"; Ann. qt but. unruly and“ a an... and than m In" choc. with the and“ tuna a M! qHettttq of I: to My. (hr- m an}: 1i'g',.tf.frgtlurPtgrd to c o I not“ mttr on. u Inc nl‘m to use: in. Aruiaarit' '..y.'.y.'.Y.".y. i - Buchwllelk bit-lid ..... . tom“ .'l,t."P.d', Elm". emfb. 00.. _. Sui ie/ 9m ter. Hoe Beteets fed and watered sold at 88.20: and $1.15 f.o.b. can; and 88.25 to 88.40 weighed ott can. EAST BUFFALO LIVE trrocR. EAST BUFFALO. N.Y.. June 23.-- Cattle-Receipts IMP. steady: prices un- changed : ' '. ve+-Reeetpta 125: tteuvet " to "0.75. tTotts---Reeeurttr 2500: tictive and lower; heavy end mixed. $8.55: yorkera. Mao to ".55; my. ".60; mull“. 87.15 to 81.15: lugs. " to $6.75. Sheep and tamber-at-ur" 400; noun: plies unchanged. Cannot Beaten Belle! Trip. WASHINGTON. June 24.--4Hptnin E. P. Bertholl, commandant ot the revenue cutter aervlce, advised the British embassy yesterday that it will be late in July before the revenue cut. ter Bear can proceed from Point Bar. row to Wrangel Island to rescue Bur. vlvon of the Stefanaaon Arctic " pedltlon. marooned there. The Bear I- new at Nome and on account of the icefioetg unable to all north. The ship may also proceed to Herald la- l-nd. on which others were reported muooned. One Killed In Cave-In. NEW YORK. June 24. - Nearly half a block ot sidewalk 3nd super- structure over I new Brooklyn sub. way caved in yesterday. burying more than twenty workmen, killing one and badly injuring Ma. A wsgon and a team of horses were engulfed and one of the animals was killed. Mnny tons of debri tilted the excava- tion, and firemen and police reserves ind to dig out the injured it was one of the worst can-Ins in the his- tory of New York subway tonatruc- CHICAGO. June ".-Ctsttus--Reeetptq 3500. Market steady. Beevea. $7.50 tat 8‘40; Texas. an; 56.90 ts 23.20: artorto en and heads. $5.33 m 17.1.7; coin and heggg. ii.)ir.iiitriii.,iir'a'h', Er to 310.25. UK â€waif n: In HM“ thit 1hr srvil tr mi uatrhrs hrs; fullâ€) In hrs tt'ttr' warx' 1qu Is hon ttC shors our tai h m th:, nnw u:- s,rll, " a smcrls ,r,tirlt puny-g. Irvis Hum trottltt Hun ue PYUYIIIW‘ “'VH take IV La’n n llnl HELLER BROS. OA'ITLE MARKETS Hows-Receipts 18.000. Market lower. List-$.88.“ to 88.10: mlxed. " to 88.35: heavy. $7.90 to 88.35: rough. 31.90 to 88.05; pigs. $7.26 to 88.10; bulk ot “Iâ€. 33.39 to $530, Sheep-Receipts 12.000. Market study to lower. Native, $5.30 to 56.35: yearl- Inu. 86.30 to 87.50: lambs. native. “.50 to ".35: spring lambs. 86.75 to $9.35. tion. 'lh' ltaich House tMore, 11-." Post Inn-v. Hahn We â€we marnaxo Bonuses. “nun to mun “ARI“. _ (All. 50“....†I to 0.... your. tsole.......... on '" Watch Assurance = LI liitlii Ita I , Tq w- UNION STOCK YARDS. CHICAGO EVE STOCK. lea-n66: diir. ea , W. b ttood tata tr w. .- V ' - -. _ “:35.“ - , - r ---e- __ - . ‘5' " Subscribed Capital ............... 8350.000 Deposit with the Dominion Government ._. ... . 't_.-" $15","rf'8.90 All pone-u guaranteed by the Lore dun and Lancashire [nun-ann- Pam- Patty with .\s;rts oi t29,'tl5.00. ALFRED wnmm'. semen" C A. BOSE". - District Agent Waterloo. Ont. l'hono an. GOLD MEDAL BRA!!!) The Mercantile Fire INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED mu Head Ottice - Wat SIM-ch] uncrinz. A choice young bull and a few [nulldulxoll cums for itit d4ys. Bull; sun and granzlxun sin Id by Sir 1'orudyke Boon for Mulch l refuse $3000, “base dam had oitie- ial lwtter Leon! of 32.17 butter in on‘ week m a junior 1 year old. k'uule at once white the bargains last. Why go abroad “II n you Ian get Hsem teAer by buying at home. WW iiisiii/iiiiiiiil IlIllllll6 I IllellIltl% ". _ PUBLIC SALE "'ng Brook Stock Farm Holstein, Tamworth “e devote our entire time to th, study and practise oi optics. It'is our life's sore. our sue CPtitb depends otireiy on our “my to mainline eyes and m the co rrect glassts. We have littz-d tuusdreds of taxes (otrcctly in ih, past and we can tit your oyrs with glasses that will relieve any strain or er- ror ot vision uhirh you may ham. our Ian-slut sucrrss is our our test mow. “ill orator Us your eyes. “by delay bring Arnold Jansen A. U. IIALLMAN. "resiau, out. Jif _ We are se Optical Specialists Optemetrist and Mfg. Optician King Street, Berlin I'9Sl.rll Even, Smooth. Strong. 11199353; Waterloo ygt-tr, tstiruonial. A short hull hour in to t " you the Hut-t rnndrt'mn at so iutrortant a matter attended to t FENDER SAVED AGED MAN FROM DEATH A fatality on the Heriin a; Water- luo 51(th Railway was mated an sunifa; tmettroon “hm Mr. Jatob Drumui. an and man, living in “Mr erldo, rm in mm oi car No. 22, in charge of 3lo'oruan hUhmidt and condvcior Frickey, and was picked up by the [with Ttre unfortunah man. however, roll- ed oti ttts lend-r Jsiter bring carried " 'um" disinux- and knot-lard his head against th. ravclmm, rendering hun In onsciulls. lie was ' to the Berlin & 1Vatrerloo Hospital where h" is slill lyin: in a lomalme state bein.r, "naule to remember sehit hap- trtted to him. Mr, Drnmm had been in consulta- tion with Dr. Hett and taming out fl tte o'lil'r siylnllrd the approaching rat to stop. Tho car started to slow ""' “hm approaching Kenn St., and the Ina-n ran in front of it. He was In x" ed than and caught. hv the lend- 'r. trim cnrrird for sevrral yalds be- fore rtrlttni,r att. The nu‘n wwé'pirkcd up and ta'irn to (In Hospital, xshere l;rs. Irrtt and Walters are in attend- anon . A social mruinz and dance was held at. the Amman Clttlt on Tuesday a glut .'aioro Drumm, the aged man “ho was run damn by a Berlin & Water- loo street l'ul’ on Sunday afternoon. ded at th" ft. & W. Hospital ‘this 11Vdesda, morning. It has hern decided to hold an inv quest with l'otmrr F'. H. Kalbtiei.sr'h The evidrttcr_ will be hard in the In ttrril (lumber lbs enning at 8 o'c'.ock. 'fiiiiiiiiiiiiiri now AND l SAVE MONEY .00000000000.000000000 n' " For the next two weeks we will give a dis- count of 20 per cent. on all goods in stock in- cluding Harness, Bags, Suit Cases. Trunks etc. A chance to " tht very best harness and other articles at h' la u g: h t e r prices. _ . T he alterations we are making, make it neces- to clear out Mock to se- oure more room Do not miss this oppor- tunitv " â€HI-28$ M Ihry.' thtrnn Ftrret. Ilmlzn i [an More" is his; Int-ileum In the candid-mu ot Dr. E. D, Hem u W'- the riding, att at tho . meeting: - in In: inter t being cf, .3. teetrettmdedttstd'ttter "if... has V" bein're'cehed settretrmitAltrittavoe De. "an. in ull ol " addresses. had devoted his atteatimr to the issue. ind amok-sins the (act that he is in the 'ieid relay ior the purpose M l testing the riding (in the issue oi the abolition at the bar. On Saturday evening a largely attended and order- ly meeting was held on lt Market Square,‘at. which a nu olstrong addresses were delivered. Two well- attended end enthusiastic meetings y were also held at Crosslu'll and King- 5 wood, which were addressed by Dr. Heist. and a number of workers. PARADE WAS A SUCCESS An enthusiastic wmperancc rally ot the forces supporting Dr..., E. D. Heist in the provincial pamiiaign, was held on the market aquaxe on Sat- urday evening. when several hundred gathered to hear addresses by sev- eral Twin-City clergymert. Ttm tiar vation Army gave able assistance, rendering several selections. Mr. E P. Clement, K. c., presided at the meeting. . "I hare no sympathy with any ' in- dividual or anyonc‘who would work to keep Christian people away lrolu doing their duty towards their coun- try," said Rev. J. E. Hockey, rt"- tor oi the Waterloo Methodist church. “This is our land, you andl are vespomsible ior the Betterment oi the land in which we live, and as Christian people we ought to do our best ior the moral and spiritual up- lift of the land of our birth. . l be- lieve every t‘liristian should thrust himself into politics during the pres- ent time. Politics belongs to the kingdom of heaven, it is nota party question." "I believe as churches and indivi- duals we should throw ourselves into the light and show we are loyal to our church, loyal to the heads ot the dinercnt churches," he asserted. Dr. Scott said he had never cast a stte, but he would do so this time, and it would be to banish the bar, and thus vote opposite to the dis. tillcr. There are 2,000 boys in Her- lin, he said, and 6,000 boys are wan?- ed this year by the bars ot Canada to make drunkards out ol them. "Christian men and women should be in politics,“ he concluded. "There is a distinct cleavage in this election," asserted Rev. C. L. MeIrvine,, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church. “You may line up on the one side the hotelmeri, distillets and brewers, the mtm who are working for the damnation at young men to- day, and you may take your stand there. We have been striving to reach this position [or many years." The last speaker was Prof. Itedorl of Woodstock College. He went into into the history of the German Hate pin, saying that 2,000 years ago there was temperance '1: Germany. and liquor was brought in by the lmmans in later years. Emperor wit liam 11. is to-day a total abstainer. The school-room at Kingwood was crowded to the doors on Saturday night, and Dr. Heist was given a most inthusiastic reception. The chair was occupied by Mr. Chalmers, who expressed his pleasure at the large attendance and also welcomed Dr. Heist to the district, _ assuring mm of good support on the 29th. The address of the candidate was a unre- lul review of the issue of the cam- paign, and in a lorceful manner show- ed the evil etiects of alcohol on the human system and the great loss to the .eountry through the barroom traffic. lle emphasized the fact that he was representing the temperance forces ot the riding, and was index pendent on all other questions. Ad- dresses were also delivered by Messrs (D. A. Keller and E. G. tltuetring, of this city, ,who were attentively list enicd to. Dr. Heist was revrived with Inml npplausr and his address was fun 'ptrntly applauded as he outlined his The Township Hall at 'C'rosshill was Iilled by the villagers and farmers in the immediate vicinity, and a most enthusiastic and interesting meeting “as held. Mr. Carvin Elarher pccupicd the chair, and briefly addressed the meeting, referring to the chic! 'issuP oi the campaign. Until the arrival or the candidate addresses were deliver- ed hy Messrs. J. F. Carmichael and D, W. Houston. The latter is an old Line T boy and was gin-n a great reception. llis address made I a pro. inund impression. programme llarll‘ Itumor has Mn Mvwdinglg mm in mineral rirdm during the last f.“ uluw and mm that all is hu, B MIT HARMONY IN TORY CAMP harmony in local Conservative Open-Air Meeting in Berlin. ht Crosshill and Kingwood .-ooo.o.-.o.o-os-'0.i_, g. circle“. In other words there is *irtinn hum-en the Federal and the , rovincial Tory camps. ' Mr. C, H. Mills, standard-heater in the Provincial rl"ctiott, has horn am- bitimis to hold meetings in all of the pulling divisions in the riding, Wat- orqu mrludod. Mr. Wetihel, ihvlh. mminn representative, is not Ph- Ihttsiastic our the proposition. 19 to the present thrre hm! hrrn {ms than lrn martinis held by the ('unwnalhc randidate, while the innprranct' candidate has addert‘d nearly menu and has prariiralli mirror! the rsdmr. The Mills' "mm mus hase hrrn "-er poorly attended, nltlmigli they haw- only he n held “hon- the lirptor mic- is supposed to (trr the strongest "ieee--e-r-q.ere-,tett, Mr. um: m minions In hold tl "mm" in “Marian, but Mr. Wri E Phone 432 41 King St. E. Next Dom. Bank g 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 Work it. I pleasure even in summer if you wear our light and breezy Underwear, Shirts, Soft Coilars, Belts, bummer Trousers, up. A big assortment all sizes.. Boys; 2il All shades and all weights Iht, , for Moe " to 81.0 . palm _ Thornton & Douglas, We will Salisly your wants in almost any color style or leather you want. Our sclcction is unusually large with very attractive prices. All sizes, I... N. “I Mu, Soft comm and soft cuffs, all sizes no to an _ In". and loyt' tttttttttttre STRATFOII WEI!“ BERLIN HAMILTON Our prices will please, a trial will convince you. Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stoves bring comfort to the house wife, now while the extreme heat prevails is the time to purchase them. We sell two and three burner stoves with or with out oven. Keep cool F. KIBLER sortment of leathers to choose from and in Boys; 250 to 150. Men; 500 to 81.50 Silk and Lisle Sox H. N. HUEHN Right N ow I. .Soft Collars Outing Shirts HEIDELBURG are the thing to wear Belts chel's iollourrs in that Mun mn- siult'r it hetter not lo dr,trr,t, Ills 1rrte in that, mun as " “in he Icah- ml aiter “ilhnul a publir tum-â€.14. . It is said that Mr. GPrr tinwn, of Preston, was in Lust PvCmnr, fur the purpm in: to brim: the tuo hr ';rth"r, Thr Whitnr'y mum hm" Iluhling a bme hand t rprriviug :nsux'lant'r 1mm lhrrr local speakers :nh'. llf'fslwud that lir T. W. Mm Mah' (401‘le In sum-lam arltlnzx a ml‘rhm; In thr in Mr. Gills in 1hr uh this 'the .I‘rrmwr. “n whiny, Inâ€! of "ll tltr, FPI'V‘X.†(mu-v or Mmistrt hm 'opod. â€WOQNOOOO†Tan, White and Blue 1'rtse r.ttsiir.r,att hand thus Zlmn ‘ml . ntv, It I ‘llh. " I\ un- . W, MrGarry, arciamatton, will thr mien-Ms of this ueek. t,crt l' til-1m†tl, "ll .-m fr UNITED ‘H. A. I'M»! in the (it, - mi 114 at is m; 10- m mu- has â€null-n. Is lhr far the th or 4 M