, At the residrnrve ot Mrs. It.. L. 'Wallmslr-y, Detroit. Miss mun-Hahn so! mum was quietly married to Mr. H. B. Mogk ot Elmira. Aftern short. visit at Detroit and Berlin the 'happy couple eantesto Elmira and look up their residence on Arthur Street, News Note:c--Mrs. Wm. Mitche1lot TWatvrlmn spent a low days with 'riettd.s here.-Mr. James Taylor and Miss lll'ivo Taylor spent Saturday tn uttlt.-,t numb?! ot the yummy, pow Ile aurnded the Gall Horse Show on Bautrday.-Mrs. James Mcintosh is visiting at her old home npar Pal, mersurn.--Mr. George Mitchell ul New Hntarin spent the “Wk end at Mr, .I. Putdcrsc--Mrs. A. Wolfe spent a tow days in Guelph,--Miss Carrie Brahman oi llosprlrr spent the week and with her mouttt--Mrssrs. w, ll. Taylor and White vallrd on lrivnrls in Centreville.-- Mr. Hvrimptrour u! Guelph took charge ot thr sprvice on Sunday turning last.- Miss Ruth Iryrlnn at Guelph spent the week at her home. . June weddirtxs.-A quiet wedding rwas solemniml Monday morning at ‘81.. Theresa ttA'. I'hurch when Miss Jlariha Starr was united in marriage to Mr. Louis Fischer. Rev. Father "Uetter of Berlin oitlciated. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ma- tilda Starr of Bull'alo N.Y., and the Broom by his cousin. Mr. Frarik Fis- cher of Mora. After the ceremotry 'hdainty breakfast was served. The your; roup1e departed on the in am. AhP.it. train " Montreal. On their return they will reside on Centre street. I A brand] of the W.1'.T.i'. was It .4;anizod hurt, last Saturday afternoon, ty the county set'retary, Mrs. 1'oeh- mr‘r of erin. Thr mootm; was held in th? Public Library Assemhty room. 111- "flit-N's chew! were: Presiuknt. Mrs. Isaac llilimr'l; Vice- President, Mrs. Willard; .Gm'rrtary, ‘Nrs. F'. R. 1ir'yer; Trcaotrer, buss Mary Hahn. . ? In. J. ts'. Weiettet mum but. mi . , trom Sign“ Folk, who“ il A who; with Mann. w. 0. - 'tturi, snub at Waterloo, bl no“ ", at days "out Mu. It. Lorne Rata at “Hilton spelt eat not: 1!th at In homo Jute. ( 't -- , "r. ._ r., Mr. "rr'uaL-iuiLcailu. iNt..T. R. Mum 'roroato and Moln- teyat visited bin parents toe moral . darn last week. AUTO STOLEN. Fome mum-tram vrsltrd tire “man 13". George “In! of "mm-"Ink lid stole Ins 'tuto last Wrdnesdav G t. in to the tum- uf writing F 7CThe'cr' nt"lhi- tttWt or s. Tttey “no Harm-d to ths Last' Fiiday, bring t'ivie Holiday in Elmira, all business places were. trlos- Mr. Charles Moyer has been appoin- ted assistant at the ".P..H. station. Mr. "any Plan has moved into VI. Henry Seiling’s house. Mr. Louis lleimler and the Misses Muller or hinwood spent Sunday at thy home tt Mr. Thos. Dillon. pd. A special train left in the morn- ing tor Halt, which however was very poorly p.atronized. Mr. G. S. Otto passed with ftrst Eel“: honors at the recent examina- tions of the Faculty of Education at WW3 I'nivaersity. Mr. Wm. Allemang ot Toronto is holidaying at his home here. Mr. (has. Hotter has moved into Mr. Steuernagrl's house lull Mill Street. Mrs. Uren and small son I1omuda, Calgary, retuancd to 'ngersoll- on Hominy, alter upcnding a couple ot net-ks at the home pl Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hadley. mm: .a nimmer ot Elmira motor- ma attended the circus in Berlin In“. 'Thursday. liu Curio Danie tett last Wednes- day on .n extend“: visit to Cttietteo ef 'gUon c/tr. . Th: so. Jamel Ladies Aid will hold their annual gum party in 0m Park on Thursday everog, Jun 86th. Everybody welcome. Tea Mere- MI Iron: six to esdst., In. Loam; Miller? North Wtror. with is spawn " ml week- with [chums at Munroe. Wisconsin. Hears. inborn GU 'iiGrJi".i,euew 'ttsrent Sunny under the parental , . . . . _ FE, "my." """ "I, I 'rrv.N. 'tTNF,. mu nun-rm "I we Human sci-om 1NtM1NIttN' [Lu AT PltF'..s'Te'tN. l 1h‘re still tre a great uhhrnIi-n in Russell R'ithmint, New Manama; m: Motor t'ycle Ram. It F l, ‘Ilmu New llamhurz on Pomttvrtt tur, A r-ussiun; no, Song and CoWrtiott Ianp Four-an, «mi Inal, Nrxo good program o, xrurIs Is being ar 340. Trmperanre Address, Rev. 1 limit-9' 's, l’nshm (mm l'hampiotts) Iranml by ths Park I'nmmission who V Weâ€, tmr Hamburg; ttscrtio Iampionrhiv Ilavlmll. Farmers' "tare the maiirr in hand. Fuller par- "raster: t'tosim, Examines. rotlimz mm“, "pen lo tummy. T/v/d/C,, will he (“on later, but the The mun-n are: l'rrsitknl. Joh My .s'ltotv,urTerirmr-Grarrel Mditary lpnhhr all he assured ttot the com- “In. terr Ilmnbuu; Ist. Vim Bttoo In hum-run RUIN “and. It:,".'.','.',' In charge tsill (In IlPir tttmont Prermttrtt,, Emirsnn Po-k, New "ttt tttntiord, Hun Purns Pipe Mand, to nah tttttt relrthration "an and (IN. Burl. Ttcet'res,, R ll "hum" hurl" "and .1an Prrstott Fuser 1mm ttttn N" I Nrw "mum": . r1erretars. Allan F "td. mm mama utth grand ulusplm I Mr Hath lumen" sold 9 headof Hullman. Nes "under; Treasurer.“ I Firr“..rk< Fot prime an" mm 'mme cattto In Wrtscrc Puma and H. Inu‘a h, Yrs, [mum-r; Temper blurs “mo Ibo sorrctart, ll It IN- rm of Galt. inf Hum arr rettttred am I‘m, Elias Ilallmn, Now "an tttode, Preston. . " at the tta!ttGome sum ot 3900.. They de. x min“ Rmul. ('hw Huber M 1terlin In it in hand -ntrs Front Lung xll'd on sum» of hr lnrndv In Til-s " r and Kusxuth last y'otndti-Miss Vxy'r of Fan Im Hr. Wvwonsin, ho 'isitrd Mr frend Mrs, Wert to 'isitrd Mr Trend Mrs, Wer.h u “Mkmnll siprttd her holutays m “an". I mum am..nioti ', mu maul. W. u. Udell W. SUM“ SM]! ot Waterloo, - up“ Dr. Trips, lays "out Mn. "B. u urns Rata at “Hilton spelt Geo. “by T", Vw‘io- 'fp" iomo Inna-:1 . ' 't - , _ 'W. LUZW‘ Aeeintee'eiiteAss 9,1,... Kossuth Moshe to Mr. and Mrs, l. \lnrl-‘arlnml of London. and Mrs. J. l. Wood "trftrtrs- xrls- were th, Rests ot rostrum! and Mrs. "orrhittrer rn Narnia“. when. :4.- ".: nâ€... Miss Clara [inch-l has returned trom a visit with friends in Waterloo and _ Preston, ' Tha 's'isterttoos ot Mt. Peter's Luth- ptattthurth mill holet ttrir M,rttw- bun: F'rstijl on Thttrrdar evertint, Jun‘ A5th, rn the tartts M Mr. F. R. "org" and Mr, thar mu. 1h~ro mll hr 5. great Cetettrigtirtt in New llamhurz on Pott,1ttsrtt War. A good mourn n. spurts is being ar ranred M ths Park I'nmmission who have the matter in hand. Fuller par- mums wm be giwn later, but the puhhr an he assured that the mm- millw- m charge tsill (In "mt Mmmt to nah ttul reirthration "an and hetter chm "or , Mr. and Mrs. A. Fraser and their kursts. Mr, and Mrs. Fleming Fraser of New York. spent Sunday with the forum-us son, lit. John has" in Rodin Miss Ella “in. has rot" vis,it with her sister m b Mr. Jacob 11ilhehu of . visiting relatives in man Messrs, Suanwick and Jones at llannllnn, were tho week end gnrsts of Mr. .lnlm ltrtckrt. Mr. ftirhard Niemann of Berlin sprnl Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and Miss Lucy Hhmidt spent Sunday in $0th F.asthopr. If". Mr. Wit-sk- and wife. have mo- ved in'o one oi Mr. Pertttegnat's ttous- rs on Grace Street. Mr. Nathaniel Nu", has got" to thth's Falls, where he has accepted a position. Mr, E. Ht)“ M (I.T.R. stun spent Sunday at his home in Rreedatt. Miss Noll Anderson returned to (‘obourg last week. to trauma her Hospital studies after a pleasant vis- it with her tttother, Mrs. Anderson. Principal Smith is in Toronto and will be awar tot a row!“ of ‘mks cumming tl" departmental pant-is. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter of Onondaga. were the guests at the latter's par? ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grorgr Bcan tor the week end. Senator Ratz is home from Ottawa: Mr. and Mrs. MaMhews, son and daughter, at “alumna, gm! Mrs. Bran of Ihtmit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Plum. Miss Margaret Robertson M We11ess try, and her. niece. Grace Freetorn, spmt Sunday at the latrtrr's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmmlr and fanrilyot 1'.rosshil1, spat Sunday with C Mr. and Mrs. Barber. MrrPsts. Morlork and:Bmwn of Mor- ristown, spmt Sundav'at the home ot ltrv. J. I'. Mortork. The baseball game played this even- ing between the Clerks and Felt Works, dreie a large crowd at specta- tors, who witnessed a good zame of ball; much enthuttiasm was displayed by supporters ot "sth sides. The game resulted in a score of 18 - " in lat'- or of Clerks. Mrs. Lorne 'gehierho1tr. of Toronto is spending the week with her moth- er, Mrs. Emma Ptatt. Miss Marjorie Cosscy. was the guest ot her father in Berlin this week. Messrs. Geiger, M. Zimmerman" and "any S"ahrgang, attended the Gait Horse Show. m. Scully Dr. may S. Bowlhy W. Sutherland L. MeHrein Dr. Sterling I Cork _ Dr. Win tsk. 18 sll. 13 . The schrdulc tor the' balance or June is as {allows .u- June 18.-Atr at Wamloo " tlr.-nespeirr at Wclksley. " 18.--New Hamburg at Salt. " Isa-Waterloo at Berlin. tt 20.-Preatott at Ayr. " 23.-Galt at Waterloo. tt 23.-Ber1itt at Preston.‘ " " 25.-Wclleslcy at New Hamburg. " 2t.--Ayr at llcspelcr. The Hand boys appeared '.n their new unilonns tor the ttrtrt time to night, at their weekly Concert inn-Lion Park The uniforms are dark brown with black braid trittttttittgs, with caps to match.and present a very natty atbpearattee. II. 20 q . ii. .t8 On Wednesday evening, Lmlln play- ed Now llnmburg‘, and “on Iron m. beat bowlers In the mutton. The two Berlin rink. 'wot' try a, am New Hamburg rink being down 1 and s. The rinks} Berlin I New Hamburg J. Cochran .1, M. Sm th W. H. Melon P. Klahl _ W. Middleton J. P. Hill D. b'orsyth F. Debus- D. E. Ritz Rebels“ (Co-W from P..- I.) naps" t teitiri " Dr. Woolu sh. " 15 J. Uth l' returned [mm a In srtAleorge. of Toronto is It. M. Ft. l6. st. " Evening Raglan: 7.30, Pulse Rob vice and Business; 8.00, Tttttir "The not l'rublem in the Suns"! School" Russell Withstm, Ness 1tanrattrt-, Dts- cussiun; 8.30, Song and Pollution; H0. T'rmperanre Address, RM: T. V Prowl. New Hamburg; thcrtton Dram-r; Plowing l-fwrriws. The mun-n are: l'rrsitknl. John Minn terr llambuu; Ist. Yire. Prermttrtt,, Hmtrrsottlm-k, New â€an (if? , Burl. Ttcet'res,, R ll "unwind Now "mum". Kern-tan. Allett F. Hullman, Nes "under; Treworer.w, Atterttr.on Session - 3.00, 03mm pxorciscs; 210. nominating commit- tee's Report and "nttnished business; 2:20. Topic, "our Responsibilities In the Sahhuh School, and "or to meet Them." Rev, J. 1'. Morlnck, New Hamburg; Discussion : 2.50. Re- port of th, Hunday School visitors; 3.20, Topic "Spiritual Benefits of Being a Sabbath School Teacher," Rev. Thus. Hicks, llaystille; Discus- sion, 1'oltertiort, Adjournment. The 16th Annual Convention Mute Wilmot Township Sabbath School Association will be hnkl in the, Pres- hytz'rian Church. Baden. on Thursdlv Jun: 25th, mnnmnclng at 9.30 an. The lollouing program will be car- ried out ' Mnrninq Srssion :--9.My, livotional Exercises; 9.15, Appointment \ ot Uotmtrittees; "1.00, Secretary's and Treasurer's report “mm, Address of Wetrome, Rev. .l. F.. Lyon. Berlin; 10.10, Response, 1!. T. (Mo. New Hamburg; 10.80, Topic, "What is the Best “ay to make the Sam“: School Grow," Rev. C. J.' Sinden. New "who, Discusshn; Adjourn- l Corpus Christi Day was otssereed In Holy Family Church ttwe (n Sunday ‘morning, Itev.-Fauter Kloepter coh- ‘ductiuz the services. An interesting ‘leaturo of the service was thi, part Walton he the children of the congrc~ ‘gation Who led by Tour little "over ttiris, met the priest and Altar boys tit the Altar, 'and marched around the church, the girls in their white drea- ses and carrying bouquets oi fimrers, and the boys in their white suits) carrying lighted tapers, presented a vety pretty picture. The music ren- d:rod‘hy ih? choir was appropriate for the Mann. Special memoljial Services in mem- ory or the late Mr. Matthew Tans} and Mr. A. Black-ham. who met their death in the recent Empress of Ire- land disaster, were held in the pp- tist 1'hureh on Sunday morning. The services were conducted try the Pas- tor. Rev. Mr. Wiesle. Appropriate music was rendered by the choir. tou." The instaiidtion of mofrteers takes place on the. evening ot St. John the Baptist. T Th, members of New Dominion Lodge. No. 205, AF. N AN., will meet in the Lodge at 2 pm. on Sun- day, June 21st, and attend divine worship _in Mt. George's (match at 'were exceptionallv fme stock, and de- manded the tog notch price. Mr. (has. Hi1derttrtrmt had the “fortune to lose his the black horse he used " one ol-his brother's mm. Blood poiooning. developed trom a Besh wound and the bone had to be killed. Mr. S. G. Holley has purchased ll Mgtt new Overland automobile ovith the latest improved electric sell-sur- ments, from Mr. Becker and son. Mr. ter, electric tight and other anoth- A. K. Becker, who disposed ot about twenty cars in their district thir. scum. Mr. Kelterborn ol Welleeley" also bought a Ford ctttrom them this week. Mr. Ed. Mermr, and Mr. J. R. Feiek have each purchased a new Hudson auiomobile trom Messrs‘. _ Juntzi and Titusttseecht, agents for) this district. l m. Jamie is making Ha - rounds dellverlng a very b eli- ol meat-Ir. James Laittt' AH! xlven Prong Bros. the contract a! puttlog Mt a luv thousand tile in it 'tgrm...-'rtte Councils ol Wool-lei all Waterloo have given the contract (I lowering a very bad hill on the town tine known. as Bunketa Illl. TI!- a job that needed attentloe wig 'rtueh.-Mr. and Hrs. Walter Vol entertained quite a large um oh young people at their mm a In evenings ago.-Mri Walla" Solder In Wildly underlain: to supply the neighborhood uitll lresh not tor this season, which will cartel-11 be much 1tppreciated.-s-A large number Iron: were went to Berlln on Thursday, the 11th, to see the mammoth circus ol Ringling Bros., and " was conceded to be the best and most stxttaftitttt they ever witnessed.-Mies Knechtel of llerlin spent Sunday with Mrs. Menno Bnyder.-Nitus Prllcilla llam- ilton os Sarnia is spending a short time with‘her parents. Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Hirniltmt.--Mr. Thou. Forest and sister. Miss Forest ot Paisley Mock, called on their brother,‘ Mr. Robert Forest, tor a short time on Sunday. . T _ . e . lief-f3»? tdty,fi,.?gt " itt. 'It Heist to Heist th, mm" .ntrnr--Mr. F. F. Welker and son rrotored up to his' hone in Wallam Ftrrndar.--Ttte 'ttrawrerrr lostival ant mrvar Jicttrtttt are rn tht wat-Mr. Millie moved bk hottsrhnld mods may to the trow tatt': trstirdine Mor.dar--thr OWNS are not roishvt vr't,--Watrrtro is ttht nroyrrssiw a Punt-h to he reprerrit- rd tw a person with nnlt om hngbr, m matter r'birh side te trrbnes to, -ltr Nahum-I R'errr ie swndm! a week with Twin "in trirnds -ur. F. F, Spies, llaukl‘uillr 'iii' a \nitor m town an 1tonGyv-4Juit. a num- Fer shamed tht 34. F. ConTetttiott in Waterloo and a "Pttt ttttttther took in tte Finns at Berlin-last wot-k -..lust will: boys. only one man week and I Sudden Deathrot an Aged St. Jae; oem Woman: The many friends and relating or the tate (Susannah Ging- rich), wile ot Mr. David Ernst, ot St. Jacobs. were. shocked. to hear of her sudden death Monday evening. Cn Monday morning the deceased av companied by her husband, left on the 10 o'clock train to visit friends in Elmira and vicinity-spending the (lav with their son David in Fmnir-theg drove, p.trirr theetittg to the home of Mf. Jonas Martin. move Elmira. noon alter tttiarrivat Mrs. Ernst was tarkeerurtrddttrV m and passed mum way about nine o'clock. Having sullen-d a few years ago front a stroke, the deceased had neVer been very strong since. Previous to their coming. to Flt, Jacobs they resided tor a number of years in Glmallen and neighborhood. "About two years ago who their soarin-1ave, Mr. Eli property, on King St., the aged COB- ple camtho live with their thughter. The deceased was a very intelligent person, who with her kind and pleas- ing disposition won many friends throughout this county, where she Ray born and brought up, and was blessed hr live rhildren: Noah Mar- tin, near SLJacobs; Rev. Jesse Martin, near lireslalu, David Ernst,, Elmira; Lavina, Mrs. Eli Brutacher) land Barbara. in Michigan. There) were also eight brothers and sisters) Bishop Gingrich, Upper Wootwirh; Rev. Jacob Ginzrirh, near Preston; John, Grand Rapids; lsrnel. near St. JacoC:s: Merino, near St. Jacobs. Isar.‘ nehr Floradl; Lydia, Mrs. Mme Weber, and Miss Nancy Ging- lrich, near Cortestoro, who survive. 'Also the late Joseph and Daniel and ‘0!“ Mrs. P. Martin were brothers and a sister. Mr. N. w. Gingrich of \this plnre was a first rousin. The and husband and children who are left to mourn th, loss of a kind help- mate and Irwin! mother have the heartfelt svmpathv of thir friends in their sad and sudden bereavement. Deceased was and " years. The funeral will take place from the re- sidenre of Mr. Hi Rhubarb" to the Cofvstmro River road Mennonil (berth for serrire and burial, -Mrs. P. Winkler, who is in her aâ€. your, tell last week, "wiring a seven- spnin in ttar arm.--Mr and Mrs. W. W. Said-r and tam‘h are sounding th, weekend with Toronto triettds,--How would it do to have 'the btat was sucked in by current ‘and just going over the dam wtkn be Iraptd tor his lite and swam to the trhore--ttte boat going over the brink, this was in _ 1536arr " years 350, and it must be lovely tor the aged couple to be able to visit the scenes ol theft childhood days, and relate their experience and adventures, In Queen's hush, nearly 80 years ago. lilo “no. _ _ Old Tim: This week our town In! IQ. honored by a villi. of two ml old timers, Mr. 3nd Mrs. George Elbert ot MootMield, who are Vinit- lng at the home ot Mr. Jgeot Kill.- Inan who is a Mother ot Mrs. Ei- an. Mr. Elbert was one ot the enrlv settler: in this locality and In: at one time in the employ a the late Mr. Jacob Snider, your (other od our worthy citizen, Mr. E. F." B. t'strrhr-artd helped to team the Wk to build the St. Jacobo mill. Tallinn a walk with friends through tu.,rir'"'ti!rt and Moturesque little Will.“ ot today with its Ire. walas. electric lights. mired streets, ete,, he sai'd ’it was wonderful compared with the wild: in tormer days. “bin a person would be more apt to _ meet u wolf or bear than a human being. " oar-can instead of an auto. Mr. Elbert. who in " years ot tge its, quite smart and can remember well the mm hr used to wade ihto. the middle mt the Con‘stogo and catch trout over a foot low, they being olentilul. One time he nearly lost his lite when out in a boat fishing, the btat was sucked in by current will be â€can and d'elivcr appropri- ate “can Also the Church choir )7“! to on deck to assist in linking ". mmoniu interesting. A collee- tlol in behalf ot the building hind witt to Uhes Come and ea‘oy this rm can, only happen once in a Prr"r um will he at lawn) to hip liar! tto,'th, rtwrphiet,--thss tlirt Hint rich any"! a m tam tisit with "mud; in “WWII last "rrk --Htttt fit" wilt he th, "mar-3| din of th, "an -htis, Cliritt Winkler “v ths (“est " Tum-"in" MOM: tor a It! "arr-Proeatm mum lo "no i'trrus “at _ tttt n‘n- mum to report 'tttig time. The bride was attired in white em- broidered mile, trimmed mittt satin and pans, carryinz a bowel of bridal rose. and was attended by " sister, Miss Grrtie Slyers, aho (j:), dresured in pink, cutting pink rarnations. The groom was support- MI hy his hrother Albert. Ttr, little Alissa limb»: norsrtt and lilsie Path young people have resided at Berlin for several vears. where Mr. Schmidt is enzazed an nook keeper " "ti Star-Whltrmr. and ttrn high 93mm in ehlrll may were held was shown try ttv. many beautiful gifts they mired. The Mom event took place at the home ot the bride's mums, Mr. Abe Myers, mar Beam, on Wednesday, .11 m mm, at 3.30 p.m., whrn their )o‘Inzcst daughter, Clara, wus unit- ‘efl to Mr. Wm. H. Schmidt. son of R. N. Schmidt. of Phitiptrtrtrre. th, " present The ceremony was minimum under an arch a! evergreen and locusts by lfov..l-I..nurn or Wttterhrt, with only V. R. Berlet and daughter Esther ot Berlin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew FIpahr.-Mr. Clarence Garth of Waterloo st.ht Sunday here, -Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collins, and Esther Berlrt. and Norman Ament motored to Tavistock on Sunday, - Messrs. Weitzel and lriends of El- mira spent Sunday with friends 1here.-Mr. G. G. Manners wile and daughter spent Sunday n Wellesley.-- Dr. McEachron and wile motored to Harriston on Thursday of last week. -Mr. .los. Brenner is wearing a broad smile than days; it's a little baby troy.--Mr. and Mrs. Christ Lane and family spent Sunday in Wales Iey.--1rr. Albert Schnurr of " ham spent a few days of this tell at his home here. I News Items ot Interest-The gar- Iff. party held here on Monday night was a decided auemmr.-Maater Glen tWrny ot Acton spent the week end! at ’his home her .-Mrs. John Ament "d Plainwell iiiij'lri, spent a few days of last week with Mr. Jos. Ament.-The Epwortmague of the Methodist Church held their summer picnic on McPherson's "u on Sat- urday last. Mr. Albert llalm and wile and daughter spent. Sunday in Milverlon.- Mr. Jacob Schweitzer was a business visitor in Elmirn on Monday.--Wr. and Mrs. John Mc- Lean and family of Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. John mmMngtort.- Mr. Gordon Hackett left Tuesday tor Gainsborough, Sask.-Mr. and Mrs. 1iiiiii.,tjrii)iitd, than any flour we know of-- iriial tiiiiirnieiit intimate relatives ind winds FtHMIIrr-M HYERS MEAN FLOUR tli/iii: mus waterloo [3an " 339 don-abut. . - .. _ _ . '.. u..‘" "Ward. - __ a!" you; wgll ngver use éhy other. Linirood " mm tisit with Hm, GEO ll. HTARNAMAN, TFt 'll last meek -Htttt I "man Survun “nickna- and or Ionm‘sl drH oi th, hr-r 26 Willm St. Phone 1237, in Winbler “an ttr, R"rlin, "nt. Ant chanson! harm. in trirmts tor a In rattle, pigsmuts and in" "mutt mnnv in ths, ("arm narration prrtormed tor main. am ttttine to rerort on. Phone 1237. Day or night _ all: nan-end. A Serious Aeridertt.--Last Wednes- day evening Mr, and Mrs David Bingeman and their two sons met with a serious act-idem. The horse shed at a stone on the opposite side of Mr. Chester Buschert‘s "elm-nee The' horse became unmanageable so the wupanls jumped out The wheel of the n; went over little Goloritt's arm. which knocked him unmnscmus. Mrs, Hingeman fell on her knees in junming and haunted her knee ser- iously. Medical aid was summoned as soon as possthe. Her many frtends wish her a speedy recovery, --News Items.--htr. and Mrs. Moses Cressman visited‘ Mr.' and Mrs. John - Becker on Sunday.'- Mr. “flats. I David Gimhel spent Sunday with Mt. L and Mrs. Jacob Shante.-Mr. Norman _ Detweiler visited under the parental. root on stmdar--Mf.' and Mrs. Hy. Prange visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhrt at Mannheimtm s%ar.-ui. and Mrs. William Hera at Toronto dsited Mr. and Mrs. Merino Matter F on Sumtay.--Mr. and his. Jacob Woolner spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bea shire.-- Quite a numher ; from here attended the Gait Horse.‘ Show last week.-hruser10tive teuer) and Miss Lydia Thaler visited Miss Daisy Randsom on gtmdar.-uMr. and Mrs. Sylvester Pt visited the latter's brother Tlllte Lake on Sun- day.-- Mr. and Mm. George Reich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Reich at Kossuth.--Mr. and Mrs. Gust Weidenhammer visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith at Preston on sunday-au.' and Mrs. Sam Markle of near Zion and Miss Lirzies Ran- dall visited Mr. and Mrs. Men-no Srhiedel Ott' Sunday.-Mrs. L. P. Raymer and Mr. Andrew Binder vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron hinder on Sunday-Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Nant- gang spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens.- Mr. and Mrs. Manna Mader visited Mr. ind Mrs. A. C. Hallman on '%trtday.--The Sunday visuals at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kuhls were. Mr. and' Mrs. Henry lRitter, Wilhelmina and Milton Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroh and son Russell, Mrs, Stumph and Miss 'av. lome 1cuht all trom Elmira. Mrs. John Bechtel ol Kossuth and Mrs. Mary Schweitzer of Ohio, Miss Emm and Mr. Willie Kuhl.--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Randall visiwd Mr. and Mrs. John Schism-l at Berlin on .'hmdar-. IMiss Elsie Reick spent Sunday with ‘ 'Miss ytp-GimAer-rwcstr Marty and Miss lluttlm visited Mr. and Mrs. Menno Mader last Thursday-Mr. and Mrs. Noah lletweiler and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder or Bloomingdale . left last wrek on a trip to Michigan . and Elkhart. Indiana. They intend staring a couple ol weeks: We wish I them a saie reutrn.- Miss Louisa Becker's rosidenor is nearing com. pletion. 1 """'-eb"'" wv-v guru-n -, - litUe Miss Violet Goon“; ring bearer, all dressed in white. The trride's gilt to Que groom was neig- mt ring. The groom's gilt to the I bride a purl crescent, to the brides- I mold, a brooch act with mum“ and mythic“, to the, heâ€. man a tureart tie-pin. and the ftower girls 'and ring hater, pearl heads. ' I Alter theoerunony, the guests at Idown to a sumptuous dittmsr. _ I During the "mint. tte guests were irevoyd with . Swlss solo by Rev. The happy couple Iett on n short trip. atter,which they will W “P their residues in Benin, 224 Queen St. south. VETERIX l RT .%t'RGF.ox Bred“ tht Suva-r arr'ompaaied by Mm Verr m FHtmidt of Wikrlon sprint Sun! day at tte farmer's hrrTtr.--41ttite, a nnmN-r M Ensign mm: ample amt Sunday " th, home of hr. Cannon Wrher -The ammo" an- busily work r " Mr. Don Bov-nln's m, -Mr and Mrs Mme PM Ind Mr. and Mrs J, Brol. Waterloo, mo- tored to the harm of Mr. .lolm‘ mm on _'rttruv.-Mr. thx Pomn was n 'otsiteq Tiritor ttt “new on Sunday-Mn. A. J. mink, Mrs. Fd Finder. Min “in Mm. 'h, and Mes, (‘ranson WWI. mum the mum-c SS. I'vlwtltion In "may... winâ€. I'll MM on “My god F'rid'tt.--Chtite a numb" I'm Mer tttte-tmt n... cirrtm at Mill I." Thursday. T lnhtuting Itearr.-.-C'ttiWen't, Day. which was Manned, tanned out to. be a amt success, Ur church was‘ tettttiNHe d-mraud tor the occasion. The selections were well tender-II. Several ntldresm won- given w the Pastor, Mm M, Hahn and Mr. Dav-I id Martin ot Elmirn. Jr. knits Web" and Mr. Almon Snider “Mink led the meeting of the Furriers Club; Munich was held at CYtttrevt1U on,†‘Mondav owning -Mr. and Mrs. Wit-, tor Firm: .of “'an we“ Slur d." at ths homelol incl-B. Snyder: --Miss mall. helmet ot Dean is swudinx never-l days Strut, a ttmre.-Ther “mowing _ ':/9l)itliiiiii' at the home M Mr. a a. la n Snider on Sun-lav: Mr. had Mn, W. Brien- artd daughter Pearl at hump ton. Mr. and Hts. Beet Musselmnn and son Fred of Berlin, Mr, [avid Martin, Mr. A. Slur-mullet, Mt. n.‘ mum, and an. J. Fusing", " Mur- al": St, all tttFira.--"'" "I'- 1 The hut meeting of the Adult _Bille Class, (Beacon Lights) will he held in the M.B.C. Church, Sundny evening. 7.30. July bill, with the, [crowing programme 2- Subject, God's Vineyard, A. b. shamin- Ltsrorers, Miss Elma Snyder; Their Wages, Gordon Good; Reading. Miss Rtra Slant; Essay, Mrs. W; J. Mamet; Debate, Resolved that.C%" tario should abolish the but. br Hal’ch Wide and Dalton WID- k. Will have mod mimic. Don't. tor- get the date. Everyone welcome. A. L. Shaun, Teacher. dist church. has made 3 'tttgr to any person for a In" hour's ta on the platform, giving them good tea- sons' why the barrow; hound "ist..-. Mr‘Keuben Snider hes sold his 100 acre farm, with stock. implements, and crops. to Mr. Henry Bomn ot Bear Mannheim. Mr. Bowman gets immediate possessions The road “sperm At work on King St. West. We hope that alter they quit there won't be I toot at dust on the road, â€was thecuelut ymvon the eastern -hutr.9r. Gama: at. Good has returned home from _ Btmttord one: completing n course in stem)- graphy.-Mr, Wm. K. Shheilnlo att Waterloo and his sisters Lydia and Millie. spent Sunday with their pur- ents ttem.-Mra., Rani; of Betlin spent a few days here with It. and Mrs. Jae. Ebel end family.- Mr. Bauman and sister Miss Ida Bunion ot Corbetton, were visiting triads here over stmdar.--Wsts Clare Inier ot Hamilton spentSnnday _ visiting Ins-d8 heres-t A number ot the friends ot Mr. Reuben ' Snider ‘nnd daughter Ada assembled " their home on Hominy evening prior, to their leaving the term.- Breezy New Items.- Politics and political meetings arenas: the one: at the day. The Conservative“ch didtstat, Mr. Mills. Ind his mung. here on Tuesday evening. Willi . Heist. the Temperance caddideh. is to have his meeting ii, not hum. Rev. C. Conn, pm: of the Natl»