Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 May 1914, p. 10

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Bender,-agr" 67 years, 11 months and 28 days. hhartr--Itt Waterfoo, May 18, Ernie Marth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Airport. Marth, Noecker 3L, agrd about. 10 years. Anthes--itt Waterloo, May 18, Magda- lana Anthes, wife ni Rev. Jacob Anthrs, aged 71 years, I month and 2 days. ' Schweitzer-Near Itrseriue, Mrs. John b',chueitzer, aged " years. Green-In Berlin, Gordon Green, sun of the late Isaac Green at Wil- mot. . Power's. be: In; ...._ Butter. I!“ It ............ {My per dozen w..".. .. Potatoes pet bag ..-...... 1.00 Eggs, per amen te,'.".'..' .20 Butter, prrnlt. T ._ .., "TF... 28., Wheat per bush . .... _....... Barley per trash. ."'P....-.. .. on; per hush mt...... ...... . Pen, per bush. ..-. ......... .75 ttheat erm"'"'. ..trr_ _..... m..-_ A? .98 corn, per bushvl _... Att .85 Flour, tamily, per curt. $2.75 2.80 Flour, high grade ........... 3.25 Bran, per ton ".e'.e... .....rp.. 26.00 Hiddlings. per ton ....._ ...27.00 28.00 Barley ..rt..t.t ......... - ... A8 .52 Pets -...e... ._..... ...... .. ... .80 1.00 Outs ..-_..... ..t-.r... "o'...... ... A2 .43 dye ............. w........... ... .so .55 Buckwheat ........... ......... .60 .65 Eggs, pct dozrn ____P. m..r.- 20 .20 Butter, Fer th. .. Mr. .e. .. .20 .21 Hogs, me, I'er cwt. '_... 8.40 8.10 Buckwheat ........... l Eggs, ptr dor.rtt ____P_ Butter, rer lh. .. Mr. Hogs, lite, rrr cwt Stickney-At l'llora, May 9th, “is. Thomas Sticlmey, agrd " years and a months. Bender-ln North Woolwich, May il, Margaret lluchn, Mir of Freda NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tha Waterloo Imbtir. Library Poard htld Us regular monthly nun-Min; on Monday evening, at uhivh Chairman Stmh presided, and th, members pre- amt were Messrs. Ha~hnrl, iwe, 1IuehnerRhard, Playford. "our per me tttts ......... 32.10 2.5:» The nnly husinwss transact“! WW.,' the, passing“)! accounts, and il Wu., deeided to have the Luerarian allen" thaxldhrary Summer "ttchottl. ttt John Brenner Iuie or the Toan ship of Wellesley (ryasusrn-.%iectiotl), in the County of Waterloo, retired tumor, deceased. NOTICE is h~rrhv given pursuant to the Statutrs in that behalf, that all creditors and nth-rs having claims against the estate of the said dtweas ed, who died at St. Clements, lint. In the I'ocnty of Waterloo oh or about. tho 30th day at Marth. A. " 191t, are required (m-nr hehrrr the 25th day of Way, 1911. to deliver to the tmdersirtrt'd Executors a Shaun aunt in “rum: of their names, their nddrrsses, and descriptions with full particulars of their claims and of the securities (If any» held by them, s2nd that after tho send last motioned date the said llINI'WSIuan l-varutriw and Executors may proceed to "IS "mute the "that of t an“ rd har In regard (My to tht claims of u-huh thew hun- hart notice and that they will not be llahl" for the Hands of the ostatc- sn distributed " "' perimet of whose rhu'u they than not hare had notice at ths tum of such distribution or after thumd 25th liar of Mav l lt, If.” Stu- per ton .............. T.sq Wood. per Cord.....-...) Pinon. ttt'Ue _.. '-rr.'t 7.00 Butcheu' cattle ...... ... 8.1m tur per ton ......._ ...... 16.00 Hop, live m........ ......m. _.. 8.60 3.60 Hogs, dun"! .-m... ......10.50 10.50 ”and at 51.1111: an tttis I day of April, li'H. MAGD1Lr'.N , mttiNNr'.P. t'ttN1tAit ll (Ellis. JOHN L, l.|il.\\l"l3. In I-Iwrmrn and “KM-1m "I th" Fstato J the John “I'vhm-I Lit rary Board In Session ELMIRA‘ mam T'T. nmuuu, MAY 21, um BERLIN, MAY 21, I914 WATI‘RLUO, MAY 11, 1.“. BERLIN IARKETS. UA'I'ERI-OO IARKETB. MARKET REPOR' -....-..... = Deaths 20 ork r.t 18 N 19.00 “uh 8:50 1.35 Burcherl. Choice steers. "loads." at " to $8.25: good to choice a! 87.75 to 38: medium at 87.50 to 87.75: common at " to 87.40: choice cow: at " to $7.50: good at 86.50 to $6AS; common cows at $5 to 8531i: csnners and cutters at $3.50 to "MP. choice bulls at " to 87.50: good at "" to 38.75; common bulls st " to $6.25. smokers and Feeders. The market tor smokers and feeder! held about steady. Choice steers. 800 to 900 ma.. sold at 87.35 to 81.50: steers, 600 to Too lbs., sold at $7 to 8125: stock helfers. $6.75 to 87.10; short-keep feeders. 900 to 1000 lbs. each. sold at $7.60 to $1.15. Milken and Swingers. Receipts of mllkers and springer: were light. and more would have round ready " Prices ranged from 850 to $90 eeetg, Veal Calves. Receipts were modcrste. only 295 being on sale. The market was very firm. Cholce calves sold at " to 810; good calves it " to WV. medium.st " to u. and common at $6.25 to 8T. Sheep and Lambs. There were 106 sheep and lambs report- ed on sale. Prices were firm. Sheep. ewes. sold at $6.50 to $1.76: rams. " to 85.50: clipped yearling American wethers. $.50: yearling natives, uncllpped. $8.75 to so an ”who lamb-V " to 810 oath. TORONTO, May 19.---Reeeipu' of live stock at the Union Yards were " can. comprising 773 cattle. 1224 hogs. 106 sheep and lambs and b6 calves. _ . Count Tlsm of Hungary and Rh Opponent' Are Wounded. BUDAPEST, Hungary, May M.-- th .nt Stephan Tisza, the Hungarian Premier. and Sthhar Rakovsky. n member of the Lower House, fought a duel with rant-\rs hrro yeslerday afternoon. The advorsarlvs fought tive bouts and 'oth wen wounded. and $7.90 f.e.b. and ti.ioGairiied Veais -tiecejhis." i237: kirtiiCGiiiGiraw, $5_to $10.50: a few 510.75. Hogs-Receipts. 4000; slow and Se high- er; heavy. $8 " to $8.10; mixed, 88.30: Yorkers. “.90 to $9; puts, $8.95 to 89: roughs. $7 50 to $7.55; Stags. t6.50 to $1: dairies, " 60 In $81M, . CHEESE MARKETS. CAMPBELLFORD. Ont., May 19.-tPour hundred and thirty boxes cheese offered. Angold at Jt%tr. - EAST BUFFA LO, May PA--cattte-R- colon: 302; t".rrNtitynct"nchantree Shceb and t.amivsr-iteeeipts, 5100: slow; sheep steady; lambs we lower; lamb. " to $8.50. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. MINNEAPOLIS. May ".--ctoae: Who-I -Mar. ”Hie: July. "rec; No. l bird. 98%e; No. l northern. 95%e to 97%et NO. I do.. 93%e to 95%e. Corn-No , yellow. Mike to "e. oats-No. ' whllv. 3859: to 38%c. 'riour-, Fancy palenm, " 85; (In! than $3.60; second clears. 82.85. Bran-U "cm ngcd . DULCTII GRAIN MARKET. DULUTH. May 19,-Ciotye: Wttmttr-. No. 1 hard Me; No, l northern. 96c; " I do. We to "kc; July. "16rx Paschal [miter tioiru sum izs tronesiiut- ter at 2l'll-lsc to Ennmd a: Cute. Que. bee. No cheese on board today. Butter. more hum“... . o " Putter. ere-mew. In roll- . n Butter, lay-rater, dairy.. ' " Butter: ere-mew. sands. O " Bill. mw-l-M .......... . " Chem. old. Ib........... 0 " Choc-c. now. m........... I) " Hotter. combs. amen”... , 50 Honey. our-acted. lb..... It 09 CATTLE MARKETS str, PASCHAL, Que. May 19.-The at. "out. 1r S_el{r_t§_fog {Ind 'sTtCrefmotd at '" 0-H. Giilirei ".Y.y.y.'.:.".'i ii 0" Rye, hush“ ........... O " .. Burkwhmt. bushel .... ' " O TORONTO DAIRY MARK" EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. UNION STOCK YARDS. PR Fon Fat IN DUEL. Mr. C. L. Baker. Morrisburg, lint., aznrunces the mgagoment ot his daughter, S'trlla May, to Dr. ”any ll. llulhmrgard, of Berlin, (mt. Th:' marriage to take place at ‘St. Paul's church, Harrisburg, Tuesday, Jam 2nd. attends-Al Coo-M0. "rit If». to It. and In. Olive: was, I daughter. [haunt-In Woolvich, April "th, to Mr. and In. Jan. hunt", I my. b'r_--At New "mars. April’s, Boyd-Joh---." the residence of the ttride's lather, by Rev. ll. H. McPherson, M.A., on April l5th, Mr. John S Hum to Miss Ida M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, all of Peel. oarttrtttt,,Ut “my!" I», , i” A 'tat. at In. Nth-'8. Out-3.; ". ctmriitii.. .'tiee, Em}. I" “.9 Ila-gin. Judah Om. a . an. . - . _ 'urtu-N Noel-tab, In M. " Tb! "r.irs.t'tunarFqtte: 5"... ts'c_--Netar Ill-m. 1&1“. d RB; to Mr. and Mn. CID. Ben-u. . in“ PushLAt. Saskatoon. Sash, May 4th, to Rev. mad Mrs. u, W. Push. a Muyck-M. Madam on May “It, to Dr. and Mn. II. P. Iluyck.?a son. OOCOIOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO 'i"iiiiiiiti7iiiiiiri"'F SEED BORN gives the user Health and' Strength Arnold Jansen 21 King W. Berlin Notice to the Public Impmvrd, Leuming and White Cap mm, raisvd by a rl'liahlc grower. " you want our“ in good condition, corn that, “ill grnm'natc and yield a bountiful rrup, order now at the Imus? of quality, Head- quaru'rs for coal, Farm seed, and binder twine. Having completely equipped the premises into modern Ilp- tieal 'Parlors, and enjoying the highest credentials and qualiti- cations for this business. which lam devoting myself entirely to, up _vontinued gouty will at the people is necessary and I conrrdrm1ly look forward to it with pleasurable antici- patio". those 'tttis have patronlzed me during my career in the jew- elry business. Administered by 208 Queen Short, Berlin. tmrrne.1yt1. I wish to publicly than]: OXYG E N Phone 853. Marriages is, "sypathor I Paris, Imi., May I4.--A young lad Inamrd Terrrntttt, Cassidy, as,rd semr I Ltrn, tho oldrst son of Mr. Frank ' Il'assidy. dirtl with startliiir; suddm. , iss just after. starlihg work at Prtt- ', ”man's No. 1 mill this morning. He _ (iii, found Ill tho floor mar an iron conduit um carries the rltwtric wires l [iiiii operate the knitting machines, I irtc. " is hardly thought mg the i lad received a shock, hut ('oroncr Ashtrtt " ordered an inluest. A l few minuirs before a workman in Ipassitrt noticed Cassidy in a slooping “ovation mar the pipe, and on re- . m, . . .. . " "_:-- -.. or... '/tutninz, io-nd ttreid lying on the 'rosy d ad. It is thought heart Iail- 1 re wus mummy 3hr- causc of death. SUDDEN DEATH ' his lody was iound hy two little girl about 5‘o'clm-k, in the mill race te- hrrn the Riverside Fark dan.' and Elmpmn's mill. Judge “mtg “as mm at Antigon- ish, N.H., in Mo, and had been part- ly paralyzrd' for some years, other- Bis" he was in splendid health. lie was a; brother cf W. A: Hrnry, RIC, of llalil'ax, anl “as [tom l893 to 1903 a Judge of the Summit Court of Nova Stalin and an: of they-best Innwn citiuns oi llalilax. Me retir- ed in 1903 "will; to ill health. It is ”'0ng that he slipped into the mill :raco and could not get out, for the watt was no: tietrp. An inliiest will Fe h.ld, Mun-mm“ “W 'a'hNriurL't.W.utfiugtr",g'tt mug-tie [mm-mt tilt br July h".'ttt ',:iiiiyi'i'i'iiiii:iii'ii'ii:' 'ilt. . u. M. d in .. . 'd s. 'ii'Ciii: W992. can Eteil"iri ~.........- 1'l"d"ltp"gcdlt.e" an Iri want; tis Elm-aw . . with ruhtofwarkrpmcticatty tt E ' " L'I. has. seemed between mw~~u pg guppy ago-pm»: "e. Swank” Men the auctioned at many .a poor minaret trom this "lio- tine. m untu- nerves. wan in. tlamed are capable of giving the most excruciating torture possible to im- aginr. Thanks to a discovery by Dr. btohr, an Austrian specialist, rev liel quickly idioms a dose od Kep- halilol. The lame ot this prescription has spread all over the civilized world and chhaldol in heartily u'n- dorsed try the medical prulessi'm‘ be cause Sciatica, Ltrrntago, Rheuma- tism or Ntturalgio, yin-Id to a Kev: doses and In) safer or more whims prescription ban 1str'tt (mind. " ycu iimt " dink-uh to obtain imam, the manufacturers will sond'you a hug: tube on “Town oi 50c. Kephaldol Limited, 31 Lulour St., Montreal. (incl h, May lr-Judge Hugh Mc- Donald “(my at Halifax, N.S.. an inmate at tht llmncwood Sanitarium for note than three years, was drowned this afternoon. He went out for his usual aitcrnovn walk, wrnt" s'o.wn town, arrl must have started to return Ihrough Riverside Park, tor amt» t%"l,'dl't.tlt"tr, a! m an mu ot mum and mu to Inn in but exuded Pre. the Lrhdgeport til! br July JUDGE HENRY 0F HALIFAX DROWNED .. AT (MIN Driven Nearly Insane ' was. nan-a, Co. (Ill PARIS LAD On Saturday albernoon about two score am! a halt people from points iin the county visited the Cressmuu :woods betwixt-1 German Mills and iDoon, which has been bought with a tview. ot having it conserved in . its Inatural state. I!!! ard or Works 2 The s'upermtendent presented a no“ ' :schedule of “ages tor sixteen run» 'iductors and mtmml'n as instructed) (at a prmmm meeting. The report k Ma: . lupin! hy the CorutMssion al- _ hrrzhrirl dmussjun " is aw Iulr There were two "bones of conterb- tion" which kept the City Fathers “gnawing" for nearly two hours. The first was the recommendation of the Finance Committee accepting the ten- der of the. Canada Creosoting Co. for the paving ot Water, Weber and Tie. toria strcrls, and the second was the adoption of the City Engineer's report recommending the taking over of the new trunk sewer. In (sonnet tion with the pavement rontroversy Atd. Gross made a final chart to have the Comcil hem-pt the tender in hitulithie, but bailed. In the trunk sewer question Md. llett demanded that the contractor should he forced to pay the interest on the 'debentures between the time the work “as supposed to be finished-- Novrmher led, 1N3-- and the date that it is linaliy taken over. This did not meet. with the Councii's ap- proval, and the amendment to the acceptance of the report ot the Engi- neer was 1ost,and the report was ad, opted unanimously. Md. Hett decid- ing to case gt, vote with the major- ity of (hr (ouncil. There was some lively discussion at the meeting oCthe Berlin Council on Monday evening, which made the ses- sion decidedly interesting In connection with the trip Mr. Homer Watson, the eminent. artist. opened his studio to those who "sit. ed the woods. This in itself was well worth going miles to see, as the Ttie- tures on display were most wonder- rut, based as many of them are on actual conditions hear the artist's home. The reports of the various commit- tor-s Were adopted without amend- ment and the rest of the: business transactiql was largely routine. A bylaw to appoint four High School Trustces was read a first, and secorvi time, but the appMrdmenis were dr. Terred until the next merting nl the Council. All the members were Pres" mm trxceprinpt Aid. Bucht-r, The wmuis which was bought try Mr. Geo. Tilt of Blair, on the under standing (I: L: it be turned over to a syndicate, contains thirty-six alerts ot lino timber land. The woods is devout of underhrush. and the tan trees with their branches at sixty and seventy feet front ttsh ground gives the cathedral onset which is so care in woods ot the present day. Over twenty aitierent varieties ot trges are to be [onod in the woods. The Doon pinnacle was visited and from this high altitude amost won derlul View is otrtainatde of the sur- rounding country. The iotsowiitsr, comnrlnications were narl by the Clerk: Secretary Chas. Ruby of ttir, New Jerusalem Foriety, informed 1hr ('nuncil that employes of the pity have dug tour trenches a distanrr oi tour loot into thy property of the New Jenna] m Uhurth, Corner King, and “at" strppts, cutting into thr? luun and ottr.rwise disfwtrinr, the Irrprrty. lle informed the ('mlnril that Mr t'ity will be held rospnnsildr " thrs dautaqr dam. Iteierred lo iotts:--- lst six otilts, 171.9 an hour Jnd wi tuttths. IV an hour. 31rd tlty mouths. law an hour. Ith i mrrths-t9i" an hour. KM IPM, :I‘H- an hour. I Marx and mm. 2.2r an hour “llll a Jr pct hour when pay Sandal work. . The regular monthly mrrting or, the Light Commission tor _ the transaction of street railway 'itusi-i ms" was held. on Wednesday m‘rning.l Chairman G. Lipprrt presided, andl the mentVrs present were A. It.) Lana, 1layor Euler, c. Kranz, and} yluporinttmdt'nt McIntyre. 1 'l'hl-IblhhuIdu-‘ubmul In". all t the t Wh- t u- to - mum“! II on Mun" " tv-dut I“ hop nun-l- n.“ with " an tbe nut Ill the "In all" out I. "ttrr-rd. Irma will all, be In the m " (a a: Inn-- min-tn. ulna! I co.. mum-I. Cu. Berlin City Council Incre use in Wages tt 1t'iffgt 't..9tt- XII iray ‘qu A large stock of: Wire Fenein 7 wires, " inches high. I g 8 wires, " inches high, 9 wires, 51 inches high. Clexe1and coiled Miro No. 9 [ullgl'a;e. Poultry letting from l?, inrhts unto 72 inchrs. A limited number of gum! Marcotmr posts. WE (HARRY 1N.ST0CK, WHITE CAP, IMPROVED LHAMItriCr, ('OMP'I‘ONS l'IARle, WISCONSIN No. 7, MIDNIGHT ANGLE.. _ Phone 552. SIZOOOBuys 150 acres, 7 miles from Heriin. ‘500 Buys " acres, I I0003uys 100 acres, 8000 Buys 100 acres, 13500 _ Buys 15 0500 Buys 100 acres, 18 miles hum Btrlin 13500 . Buys 150 acres, 3 miles from Berlin 3500 Buys 147 acres, 10 miles from Berlin. 2600 Buys IO acres, C.'.. miles from Berlin. Money to Loan Ian’s and Boys’ Furnishings. Thornton & Douglas, I Thin no» has been non-dict many wars " It: inn-ens. and compute Ma 0! men‘s ad bear' lurmshmgs, may tttn stocks In beyond anything ever curled More. tht not... ot on! bit bun-cu. Stocks are alwuys new and up- toaatr. no matter how dun you visit. the store, there is shay: something new to see, just now its: '. No storc\n Canada will show you greater variety and we antcc prices to be the lowest. lion's thttftthtrtt amnion Guam: BERLIN tttumm" J. G. WING & CO. .Mrs. Doersam 'Sir/tr Waterloo} toate 'tre g"ier will be" gid loll" voul eeemteerto.the to give you I tree concert on the Edi-0n Iodny. In] upon heath. the dale,,,.. t Edi-om You an (a on: without delay. £15m Phonqnphl and Record, are no” by “How soon can I get one it " The wondahl new hamlets instrument have Inlet] and an. and played (hunches into .ntnzirtg prrmlaritr. The silent. mouth- mnning mow. the (inland reproducing point that does away with bothersome changing of needles. the beauty a denial and the sweet toned. unbreahble Blue Amberol Record: require no argument. Edison Phpnograph NEW NECKWEAR NEW GLOVES NFAI Slum-s mew sax NEW BLOI'Sl-IS mew GARTERS novs' UNDERWEAR Harness, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Seeds and Cement. Lima and use [or yarn“. Atty It H. N. H‘UEHN There is just one-(Elation to " after you’ve card an SEED CORN REAL ESTATE Heidelberg, Ont. 10 miles from Berlin. 3 miles from Berlin 7 miks from Berlin. 38 Frederick St., Ber1in,,Ont. Conveyancing Insurance ac5iiciiLL N EN l'N DERWEAR NEW BELTS NEW “RACES NEW C A.NES NEW " ERS' EYS NEW STOCKINGS BUYS ULOV HS mm]

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