. ICLASSIFIED AD Highest market price paid. Load yrrery swam! ’l'uvsday. Next shipment Nay HUI. . C. C. DIEFENBACHER â€and The Employers Association of 1"terioo4kriutty FREE LABOR BUREAU ’ to King St. West, mm... We have 'acarwiets tor men and \w men in all hues of work. " you an out. ot rrnployrca'nt runmulnirula will} as at once. No than tor raglan“ “on ot atrium louder“ It... â€00000000000000.0000 Central Business g College t 'r'"'"""""'"'"",'-,': _ ', . Nuulhn unlimited. Highest market price paid. Next shipment Wednesday, May 2mm. EGGS FOR "â€"â€" - HATCHING At Wal1rnstein C.P.R. Station. num- ber unlimited. - 00000000000000000 FOR Sm: AT Ijiiiiiiiiii V. R. Hark-t. is otierirur, his “I‘ll located property, containing ii story lnd dnclling comltined. an rum dwelling, a good barn and gunk". A splmnlill opportunity Int any kind oi businrss. V. It. llcrlct. itâ€. The undrrsngnz-d "hrs " sale his Inluavblr- [arm situated I uulrs west of Waterloo, Lot No. r2-iontaiaing " acres, Td urn-s in good bush (30 holes of which will he sold svparate- I] it desiredy. Laud all under good Make of “duration. Good lmusv and trank-barn and all "mommy outbuild- Ings. Good supply oi ttater. Also '00 cedar posts-Apply to .mstzpu msâ€, From largo tftorouph'rrcd single- wmb Mark Milton's: aim-L “hid: arc hmm to lay not an!) the targsst egg. but also...tht' largest numhrr n-pr any other hrcr-(l under $zulm midi Mons. For satuphs erixus at rmiurrd prices can at Wettl.rartu"s Hun-n. King HI., Nttcrioo. Sui-1L Shipping Hogs Wanted Ole black sumac. one my ruiig “to: years old both llaclim-ys. ANTHONY B1e41'H, St. Clements. 9-U. Hogs Wanted AT BADEN A. C. . Bender We have the trputation oi turning nut the [most "mus, Houtr made Snmngrs, brat on the market. 1'ome here tor your ttCht order. EDGAR FISCHER Phone “I. " ynll wish lo My or ml tarm or city proerly, mu vull do wcil to.appiy In Successor to J. B. Furl-t MEAT MARKET . ‘1" REAL ESTATE Farm for Sale luvs you {mm-1mm To sum r d HAVE mu LUST on Imuun “will!!! no You WANT wonm tt Bo. adsrrtia. pd "can" 1MRONtt'Lra'-TELrluRAt'H, .WA'I‘ERLUO. " BRINGS unsvns. Rates on application, val l'IxInlo Money To Luau 11 Qm‘rn tit. 5. 1erlin. Clemens Hunsbcrger CHOICE ROASTS Beef. Pork Lamp, Etc. FOR SALE THE LEADING Proprietor. otogogo; 'Waterloo. the 184% {so 5 _ C Suhscribml Capital .............. $350,000 Drpnsit with the Dominion Government ... ...- ...... $117,140.00 All polrcirs guaranteed by the Lair don and Lancashire lnsurancn Com- pany with Assets of $16,306,838. 1hme and let mo demonstrate to you "Tho Great hmcriean Eagle" Motorcycle, L! U? 1ituler, 9 to 12 horse- mun-r, speed and power to burn. Agonry for Waterloo l'ounty, The Mercantile Fire INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED um; Head ofiioe - Wat Ntn'lt'r', IS HEREBY GIVEN, ‘pursuant to Section " of Chapter 12t at the 1tevised Statutes at UM.- ario, 19tl, that all creditors aid others having claims against. theres- tate ot MIKEY Ttr'CKKIt, late' at the Town at Raterloo, in the County oi Waterloo, and Province ot Ontario, Mason, deceased, who died you or about the tiitttttut day at February, 1914,:arc required, on or More the sixth day ol June, inâ€, to deliver or send, by post prepaid, to LOUIS FEIK, Waterloo, 1tntario, Adminiw tratnr of thy estate ot the said de rmsraL their names in full, with their! addresses and descriptions, (at! par- ticulars of their claims, and state, mrnts of Ilut security, it any, Ir!! " tlwm; and that alter the said sixth, day of June, 1911, the said' Administrator will proceed to lie-; tribute the assrts of the said den ceased amnn; the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to! claims‘uf “Hill he shall then have “Trim! I Aim; and will not be liable fur the said asst-tar to any person oi whose claim he shut! not then have row-tacit notice _ l â€dim! Crit tiny, IN I. . l L1H IS FI'IIK, l Wuttshro, ontario, I Administrator. IN THE ESTATE "r' SIDNEY 'i'UCKFert, Decca“. 'imlil'bmit, YOUR LABEL HENRY G. HACHBORN LOOK The mailing listys "I the ('hra-lm-lc 'releyraph haw bran mrm-hu'. io 23 April, 1911 l,m.k at your lam-I whether 31m nn- surr yrut arr paid in pounce ur nut. Thr date ort 3mm lam-l is tho date to “huh yn-ur suhscriptiott " re- u-nrrlml on ("If INNER, hm if a suhxuihrr thinks his label is im-urrrrt, urin- us at once, and it mu be made right. Thom is murh talk about "tteht “mun," but nn'ymiy Wuhan; the int-1 nmrr- than the tvthhsher, Coul0n't fort d., Irrtlr «hat? to relieve the "swim-m" In wnzlmz alone "w Inn-nu" 'I'hrrr's no (lair yr “r M†hi,tutsr. .m nut-rm» lnl' vri'y, I‘. in: there are r. hair PMâ€? ball, 71w owing nut n! “114.1 “mild uh? In much plmuern, \‘MuI 'm tottr suhurrNttron now ttieruic.. The sultstription priveofthe t'hronicle-Tete.araph is $i.,50 ppr gmr. " us unh an (our mun" that it humid strictly m mlmnrr that Ttt? accept $1.00, ' 'lh:\~ nmm- is rsprt'ialiy " Y"'" if the dnlv nn yum" label ttttpri not read to sumo date in advance. MOTOR CYCLES JA.ur'r,' C. HAIGH'I‘, Waterloo, llnL, Sum-Hum lur Administrator Uvrvcstogo Repair Shop. _ li-8t. . Waterloo m..-......... 3250.000 Proprietor P.r.3t "r seli rs 1h:- nvnltrr of a te'." an! kvt in HM tt. hm Hm than!" um up: _ rm! Mums at r-‘V‘l‘hf or"ttwtlmrttme. but nu artmn hittilrerrt Mia-n 'HI' ‘umrm bas urn-“n Ltt mpullx of late him tho rottrtcit “ill to o'slinut lo take immuhalc steps. . Preston's market huildim: has be come ttro small, and citirehs arc re minim; thes {mm iathsys rm!" to cram a TIll building or put an midi ttsm to thrs prv‘vn' hmhlnu. I'nm'l in: H mllrh in PviOnrt mrn F'itirlr dire r."orrure in ths luv-m? hmhlmu. Ihnro is with" room " lhe hwm or wll rs 'the wantrr of a m2" :tt2r Nocs's.-ltay Home rising 5 1.0:er "id. cream, mare rising 3 years old, 2 runs rising 2 yrnrs old, grnvrul pur- rmo mulls, roadster, rising 2. years (nus, F.ic.:--7 Good Dairy t1oiss: , roux iresh, Ctrl'." dttes to (who in “mo oi sale, cow due in Calre Aura, '.tth. mm supposed lo valve Izzutr part of Jul}, also Durham hl'll I?) mrmtlis old, sow duo to Pip, middle of July. No Itrscrvo. k ll aa SALES Mus st-tart" stuck and implrmrmts of Amos I'. Hathuatt. l'rnlrmillv. Inmleutrnts, Fite.:-otte horse plow, harso.v, 2 sculllers (1 many new). “no horse wagon and box, Gladstone cutter, light carriage, top buggy with two sets of wheels (rubber and steel tire), hravy single harness, 2 srts light sin:le harmeis, saddle and bridle run ng lux, hay rack, lutuaw- kettle, lurks, shovels and tnatty other arti- tis. ' Thvre will be sold try Public Auc bun. on the prcusises of the and,t s-gnml, 'i-tlimi' mile “mt oi da l Ifrg, my th, W:'1lesley lloarl, on THINK :-.'t Illhlllhts' r-rrdil an au- prmnl mint units at t per can. a"? for cash, NH11 MifHir.'T LIKELY AT Pl'" TUX. Ihrusehol Elk-(15 :-lel.aval cream 'irTarator. Daisy chum, extmrsim table, bureau, dunk, 3,stands, cur-.1 cood niano (1130 "mun. l-Idisun phmr "gram with lot gut records, auto harp, large desk, bench, sausage grin: Mr and stuffâ€, store (Wood heater), itarlor cook oral heater; Iflilk coulrr, pails. bedstrads trith springs and mattress, limdettttt and other articles/ TERMS oh' SAM“. r--Chivkervs and all sums of $10.1“) and order, cash; mu- that unmuni, 7 nuanths’ credit on apprtnrd security, or 5 per rrnL pvr anulln. discount, for cash payment of credit amounts. '-'omtr.ertcinrr, at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp llu- inllmring Tiz: Stock :-Good black horse, 3 extra good dairy cows, llulslein grade cow, .lersey grade COW, about 30 Ithode Islaml 12rd chickrls. Farm Stark Implements Household Effects There will be sold try public auc- tion on the (arm or the undersigned, situated three mites east of Berlin, mu! C'entrevillr, on the Berlin Road, cmnnmu-ing at 1.30 Sharp} the following; til - g In! '-iastio.isoms-tue "dBrs, t'tttumitsa.lgmrtf-tstr- ed w Sinus-qt. Boo. to: Which I I“ 88000, when. It. bi clit- inl W [word 01 a." butâ€! in Clownin- a, imot4ymou. “as “0-00wa wows-hunt. 2,'.t'.tt'rd when youth on I. b bstriagat but. l W!, ' ! PIA; “T~ "l ___ __A. c. Human, F x" r' um _ their“, on. Saturday, May 30th, 1914 Tuesday, May 26th, 1914 E. J. Shane Auetioneer PUBLIC SALE PUBUC SALE A. J. Mli'krrt, Aurtjoneer. J. W. HAftTi.r'.Ht, Proprietor AMOS C. HALLMAN, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer Live Stock -op_ at 1.30 o'clock p.111 .0?- MF-U. Ver,-- Thursday 8 an. is the Best Time Rah ir, only, pair good quality strip" Pants. sizvs in to ~12 reg. value $2.23 We - -. . _ $1.69 During t!xn.:se 10 days .wo will Sc“ all our 1.00 Plain, Shot and Fancy Silks at, pet-yd. . - . - 896 Silk Remnants and Dress Goods at Half Price. _ them, All our Flouncings 27 in. and 43 in' h'ngths are greatly rmlucrd. Embroidery Sale EXTRA! . EXTRA! Men's Shirts Men's Odd Pants Silks IO don Ladies' Black, White. and Colored, Lisle Hose, reg. 45 and 50e per pair for - _ - - - ase For the 24th}! Alt our Wide Ttttlates and Princess Satin, Sash, Girdle and Hair Ribbons, reg. Me, May Sale, J""' yd 25 (107.. Lulu? Cotton â€ego, all sizes, psr pair - - - 10c Special Discount on all of our 3 Styles of Brampton}; and Parisian Corsets, bust 1.00 and $1.25 lines, May Sale - - - . ' 8Se Ribbons 5 dor.. of (Hampton's Low Bust. and Long Hip, extra. good value, reg. 7.5e May Sade = - - sae Hosiery During the next 10 days our Customers are to have an opportunity of Buying NEW GOODS at greatly reduced prices. _ A . THE REASON t't is simply an overloaded stock and we can make better use of the money than the goods,. " . . l Read This Bill !! ', Come to This Sale !! _ And Reap the Benefit of Our Low Prices. ' A IO ‘Days’ Event commencing Thursday Morning ' VI i I no hugs-st values evur offered A jolt lot of tim. CRI ftft Shirts orsets 3 Special» Se, Toe, 1 Se DF 15 PER CENT. During Sale RUGS or 'etialott:_,1ittt:Ityirand Summer Miir"iihiittdi'ee S. B. Bricker& ths) _..i, ',i?2tta". w'.,, .f- , T 7,; , a: g T _ _ i . I Our Milliners have trimmed up 25 Stylish Hats espe cial- 1y for THIS SALE. They are all toned up to the very LATEST CREATION AND PUT OUT FOR THIS MAY SALE at - - - - - $4.75 Millineyy for the 24th of May ., May TSe 19e Sm: m"- m-Hing um at Very Low Priees, Over 250 piccos to choose from, 9H colors. Best English Prints and An- 1lcrsun/s liinghums, regular 121 cents, and 15 cts, Sale Price, pvt yd. 1 Tlet A SPECIAL LOT of 40 in. Colored Crepe, Valour, “Mines and ollur Nov- vlty Katine (Topaz, regular h'5 cm. and W cts, pct yard at - . ttSe Odd Lace Curtains The balance of this popular selling line goes on Sale at [bur yard .. 1 " Printed Crepes Remnants of Linoleums and Oil Cloths Cheap. Prints and Ginghains Children's Felt Hats tor Sale Corset Covers and Drawers ' 15 doz. in A special lot, made of extra tine Long Cloth trimmed with Lace and Embroidery. reg 75 and 85c for SSe 10 don ofour leading lines, beauti- fully made, reg. l 7,5 up to '2.'25, May Whitewear at An extra Special lot of American and Canadian Shirl. Wai.sts, from 34 to 42.. High and Low Neck, reg 1.39 to 1.59, May Sale - - St I 1 9 Night Gowns On Table Linens, Sheetinzs, TowelL ings and Cottons. See our 8xl 11n- bleached Sheeting at per yd, - 22c settrour fimisrt Frilling: and Shirt Waists May Sale Prices For ages :2, 3, or l years, your choice Sheer Neckwear for {he 24th May. Cut Priées and Skirts - SI .50 _ A few more Suits left that. must be charm] out. Sale Prices Stt.SS and $10.95 Good Butter Art Sateens8z Denims for Drapery ol , 10 Pieces in nmt patterns, suitable for covering boxcs, ure, regular 20 eta. going per yard at - - , Se We have Special Sale Prices on some; Madras and Bungalow Nets. some ‘ns luw per yard as - - 1 Be Others at 39, 50 and 79c per yd. Men's Suits Boys' Suits 20 pieces of choice Sprint Materials, in the new Colors tro, every piece all wool, reg. 75c and Me, May Sale Fries per yd. - - - '- Sth, "High Grade" Balbriggan and “Paris Knit" Underwear for Men, per Suit, May Sale - - . 90° Dress Goods We Carry Our 6.00 and 7.00 Coats for Our 9.00 and 10.00 Coats for "A lot of slightly Soiled Gowns and Underskirts at nearly Half Price. UMBRELLAS ARE EXTRA CHEAP Men's and Ladies' Reduced Raincoats Buy Your Curtain Muslins Now Here are Two Snaps at Met. per pound During Sale "Penmans" Terms 0 A S " $5.00 $8.95