Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1914, p. 2

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'iq-see- mun-n at “0.0th ill-Mil! “on...“ '1.0or.a- n- t-matmrt'a't""at'rau. ‘muuuiauu-M die-abuts?! ' in gun-m“ all manna-NW I“ ”can at mm mm no. In Etta-My noon. Canal Wb'wpuu‘h "' “ad's-k. _ fl In an ex parte statement Prepared by Hon. Arthur Meighen and nent out through thy press the Burden Govern- ment has sought to make it appear that its legislation to guarantee the bonds oi the Canadian Northern Rail- way to the, huge amount of 545.000. 000 contains abundant provisions [or the safeguarding oi the public inter- est. An exaruit1ation of the Govern- "wnt's proposals as submitted to Par- liament puts another has on the matr at"? lion on "plum. tar entirely. For the present, how- ever, one may base apretty lair judgement "I the character of the pro- llosals on the fact that rather than girl- them approval two Conservative members of the (hummus, Messrs. W. I". Nickle, at Kingston, and RB. Ben, mi, of l'algary, withdrew trom the G'overnment.caucus. They did more than withdraw from! the caucus. They issued a statement to the nwmpaprrs “We withdrew than thr caucus", they said, “th cause, in our opinion, the (tun-rm mom's proposals are in the inton-sts “I railway cuntrau‘turs and not in the interests of the' people." “II'-Illl.w a III ""'m - - Iva-maul; um. iimirmitiEiiNiiiOti" Mm alumni. readily desert. their liar ty, least pf all men like atmssrv,.Nieklo and Bennett who have born strong partisans for ycars past. .\lr. Bere nett, for instauve, gas tho leader of the 1'onserrative opposition in Min-r ta in inn I'rovin,tial Merl-inns. “Ill stron-partisans thnugli "DY . have been titev “Inns-t Nlow the Gov, (-nnucntv's “ult‘ul” “i111 1tav1iervieami Mann; they cannot support Mr. For. drn's proposals which arp made I‘in‘ the interests of railway contractors" and which are contrary "io the, in- terests oi the prople"; mm oi keen minds, they are not fooled lay the Goverrunent's. insidiously drafted log- islatiun nor hv misleading statements sent out-by the Ministry for the pur- pose of lulhnr, the public into qui- rsrrm‘r and making it easy to all: vanadium in "the way of railway magtrare.s “ho lune already received smrvx oi inilliuns Iron; 1hr Canadian pcuple and have gnmn wealthy in Hip racking. _ Hut the Govmument's ingislatiml “I" co tttrough. M.w¥mnfir and Mann know that, sic \Ir. “mm-It and ltr. Nichle, all the lhnvrmnont support, rrs in the House put the party and Mackrnr.ie and Mann Iirsl, Ur:, publie intrrrst, son-ml. Tum-y will support thz- "deal," remcttmeriny, tlw aid " My]! thit Conservative recvivvdl irum Mackenzie and Mann in the In“ _ campaign and, bmrim: in mind that, ihcre "re other "Vctiour, to cottte.The 1.ihprals woll light the proposals xsith all thcir pmwr hut-31v” [urn- oi numbers and the pxistrttrt M the rim .s;urp rnlr makes snn- th" (hum-n- nwnl's sin-com ttt driving lhrmluh the lr‘uxlntwn \x'hu'h thmservalii" puhlw Invn have mnplnhmlly dru-nlu-Il as "m tits, unit-war: "I rAis.ay mum-- inn aurl not. III the "Hurst of the In "Mr." Check Chronic RheumatismNow Hum Mt 'rnnlml (HILY DRIVIS m T irlO'.l' :cF.iTH.D LING ACID I'itl.sttN. Thrrr is only nnr “av to be tree hum tiucurtrausm--th" arrumulnlnd mmmuln'x '.w,cd hy an mu‘m ul I an trot palm" "and hr cwlwllr‘d In-v tlv' b-d, Thu! t, tthat lull-j- I Ut, “.11 m, ond do H Hmrmlullh’ Io um vlwt'r y"'nl ittth {Him oi "hott ivml'» t “ulna, Irp.rauitu,ttors, Ar I‘vh'w Mu»..u11.u. Lur‘iugu or Gout Not In Interests of Peopte Luv. um. Also 'tt c. E, mvaisliut1l, Berlin.. upll ml" Iyvsr.11 VAT” MN. II.I'. rmln d nu ”1." HIV o.' 732 ttic “fun” M l mun Fi. \‘mlz-rlun, " Gu cents-- VAN-ll. ls, l "VT-TN" with Rheu- m, "th') and shoulders .xml Mmldvr “0n afirrt amdly lost t1osh, After m,» of Flhruma I “m "_, “alum FM, Fott lit " , s s _ I t,a'd"'lt,',1,t IT,',,'?,"')'",)", .otviyt.orit, B.C. warming 2'tft WW9.“ New Yet f",'_P,8,1t"IPd Mr. Weichel and the Tariff My tale opponent declared in most) emphatic terms, at a banquet given in his honor in the city of Berlin;I that the [aviary whistles ' did not blow and the factory belts did not ring at eight n'elnck in the morning and at five, olclocir in the evening ‘when the Lilieral party was in power prior to In“, and, of ennrse. as insual, bran-ml it an the present Gov- ernment and its policy relating to the tariii. Was prosperity, Mr. Speaker, achieved under free trade, trom 1896 to 1911, or was it ac- chieved under protection? Did Hon. gentlemen make many changes down- ward while they were in power during that period? t'ertainly they did not, and because ot that lore- sight, the people kept them in posits tor liiteen yrar.s.-'F'ronu speech of W. G. \Veichel, M:l’., as reported in IHansard, up. 1811 2.' “in but In Inn-Ne $50!)an Jr,", information nbmsttherfa.. Xotrrtyiis y. t tind It 60 {an of age. so (In m9 perfect relic and met vet, much that you have not ' um great: to have GIN PILLS on sale New York and London. as I urgently “out? mend GIN PILLS to friends of my a "being the one mingling} does we gobs]. " your kidneyl need help, strength? them and keep them well with Gt C PI tasc-ttte guaranteed cure for Weak ‘Kidne s, Pain in the Back Bladder 'l'/','lte,L' and Rheumalinh. "iii. a boar-u 6 for ".5o-suoney hick it they tail to relieve. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. Sample box free on request. National Drug and Chem. Co., of Canada Ligjted, Toronto; "£80113 LGu.iar' Pills ire 3 am cure for Constipation. asc. a box. goo Mr. Weichet would have us i“aluminum-r M the lrgislaturc who haul‘ that the Laurier-Fielding tariii under to have a special act Iailruadcd which Canada enjoyed a period oi through to sad. his swat, to trump unprecedented prosperity front 1897‘”, a charge in the dying huurs oi to 1911 “as substantially the same the session against Mr. “our". 'l'th as the high protrctivrt mm iiictl'iUii", whirl) Was not Prawn. was' prmtdcd it. If this is thte cru, h"“'lgivon an unqttalitied denial by “the 'idoes he account itir lhe denunciations Liberal Loader, and failed miserably of Sir Charles Tuppcr, the Cottserva- in its purpose, nhirh was u,' dis- lire leader in the Homie in 1897, credit him in the rycs oi the prrda and his supporters, who Irrophecied ple. The run: at t.reatment of this that its mun-uncut would mean the sort is to disgust decent 1'oosrrja-' early ruin oi thc i391” industries of tin-s and to turn their sympathies the oruMry. " the member for iowards the Itrrs"n abuse-l. _ v’ North Waterloo desires rnlighta'u- _---..----"-"---- uncut an the subject ni the Lawn-12; EDITORIAL NOTE . t. Fielding 1mm of which hr! ' - . appears io be 'itt badly in nerd we! II Not' van think of anything that refer him In I<ir John Wiilison, the distinguished ulnar of the very Con- scrmtiu- Toirnio Akw s, whostsituig- ment in this matter the metrrtter for North 1Voterloo VA no]. likMy to iptstion. In hm “ark, "Sir Wilfrid Lauricr and lhr I.Ihm.ul Pain," Vol. ‘llv, raga; 31m and 'YH, Sir John says:--- On April 33th, 1897, the nmv hum “as Munght down in Parliament and H. is no "sagp,trrarion to say that nu tirical nunmul‘l‘ oi Inurl‘ tar reawhirrg signilimmr was t'FPr framed by a Canadian ministry. It, mm» substan- tial rcliei to (-mmunwrs and pr'oduc cry. " Tlah' a hold "top in hunt-rial Iuttiti. ll. intotdueed the principle oi hnmnn‘um and maximum tariffs . . . Provision "it'v' made that, the duties Ln. gunk 1”.quth mun-r trusts and cotrrisitrair n, mum hr summarily re dun-(I or :hnusllmi. There was also, as the llilIIuHmhm1 [minn- of the Inwusurn- "" nummliutr tmiuviion of as the dritrur,vi.ihed ipature of the mmwurl‘ an Ia-unmliaur toductiott of 121, pt'r run! ml British goods, and proviso": fur a further rmhtrtiott ol 3?. prr mu. nu .Inlv Ist, IRDS. in Wm) th" chums nu Hrilish goods “rm further rerlmtl [rum 25 ppr will. to 13 I A P'r NM. twlow the figures of ihe when] C,uiri. Mr. Woliisou prtrrreds:- ,. ' At the [nun-HA1 11 “as a,,,,o,",ad a 'tearny hlos at impnrlaut Cana- man ”Mu-trim. Hut “hm \mslmmd that ttnr'ts. pruprlr'd, industries flrut. "ichrvi, and hf'u Mr mm infusml in!" all tlt" rimmulu "f t'amarltatt rum- It,',',",,",; 2mm“! “M Mufirul and it “as thourld hrH-u to dmrrmt‘ tte in“ mm] philu as a vl'arlu'al rati» “vain-n at" Hm ulul plqu-lu-mst my. trm, . ' ilu! It trl mm lo argue {Hm Hm Vnrhluu; umvxurr‘ ".t', not a \ulleaulm' mmnun‘ of rNorm. nut me.'" grPd Ctta" u h; llllu In Hm hr, rimmulu‘ of t'unzulian c6nrl ". ital“!!! Ba',' sluflml and it thourht hrHI-u to wlrv,rrdt" thr. hwnl pulun as a prm'llral rati- c-n "i Hm old prtstt"miionist NCR- . ' ilu! It w Sititt io argue thr' Furlxlluq nzmwrr‘ “as not mummy ttteastlrC of rriornt. tltn iar'P of such tes'tintrrrty the "oct' Fur North Waterloo must ad, th.A 1va xson8ruful prosporitv to in he Iv‘irrx “rm mhirsved under a a ”hum! tar”). “inch, as the l itu,im'rR revival following its Uncut pruned, was admirably, ',. G. Woonibph, Prim Patricia. than M than his ”in!“ he! to “a, Canadian people. m on Aret, i an an health ot Meg Muis‘iw 13' a"; ,g.;-- ' u a mun-i=3- wig-.5 - “lull-ydWH.~ . ' “duh-I'm» i Eli-WW... at. d Coon-gnu: have.“ “VIE: vmmmau-my.mlug hung-dam. til-mu - ma- nob-Mir ribust to permit cl In WW‘ the Dub on Iris presmst tour. b, As Cleverly-General or Ghana Itis Royal High-:3: comes to III a the Person] representative ot Hits Mai- mstrhiitsr bulge V.. at] u, a use}. at the reigning sovereign 'and bro- ther ol the late launder! Klng Ed- ward VIL, there are ties ot Mood “hick give added interest and tsigui- ficance to this visit. It is a plasma reminder of the memorable visit ’0! the then heir apparent the We at York and Duchess with! city, (in October tgth, 1901, whichay a grim sidetwe was also a Saturday, 4nd who a few years later succeeded his tather to the throne. As one of the centres ul Galvan solthm‘nt in Cartada,'Waterloo (pun- ty with its lettile and well cultivab- ed farms, and its busy industrial centres, and prosperous and Corte) ed people, is an example of what. Git be accomplished by thrift and "Glitch prise when allowed to attain ,,Uteir. (highest development unhamperod vby Httterferettee with civil or religion: 1 freedom. , While it may nut hr ashderm4sute live as that ot the' people' of some other centres the wreotue. ot. . the citizens oi Waterloo to the Duke oi (‘unnanght at, Berlin today is no less hearty and sincere-the tribute of a loyal and contented people. In the (are. at the Ontario Liberal Leader's denial the. News-Rewtdl with its usual disregard oi the Facts repeats the marge that My. Rum-ll illegally accepted a retainer l'mmi the Dominion Government 'wUn' ai member of the, Legislature. This isi hut an echo of the attempt of MLI llnu'ar'd Ferguson, the. i"onservauvo IueInlier of the legislature who haul‘ to have a special net railruaded through to sad. his seat, to trump‘ ‘up a charge in the dying huurs oi) Iii',',, session. against Mr. unwell. The: Eehargi}, whivh Was not [inn-en, was “given an unqttalitied denial by “the Liberal Leader, and failed miserably in its purpose, uhich was In dis- credit him in the eyes oi the. 1mm ple. The Print oi l-realment of this sort is in disgust decent I'oosrrja-' lives and to turn their synipnlhies inwards the person abused. m" van he dun to beautify or “Ind 1tp, your town,. C" do it. "ieep your cap- ital at tutiur; patronize home iutltrs- try; Iv'tp your mrrchunls s" ilrey mu srll rhraprrLahmys pl your m k, done at, home if trocsiitttr'; suhs}?3£3 and pm; be your hump paw-rs; don't ska! of brirro" the wading ot “mm. I you fulluw "IFS." Ilurvrfie-rm "PM your "ttttt docs not tmprove It is "or. “our hull. Try il. In Hm Sir “mm Laurier, lo mat-L 'haug1ny: rondirions, sutuuiUed a further mvazsuro of tariil reform in tho s;hapr "I the proposal for noi- prunlv in tralural products", the do [Pat of “huh as is well known “an shortly [unnamed by the present WP ind of trade llrpresshm. " is to he hoped that the people may soon hare an oppuzrtunily of voting " Laurier and a return to prosperity. sujlml to the conditions ot iltccrtttn- trt. " F BRANTFORD. Mn! IL-Tho mun . pint of the Canada Glue Factory on tho onukiru of this city won 'hail out by tire on Saturday evening, unl- I in: . lou of $125,000. Seventy em-F ployeu will be thrown out of work.', Tho origin ot the lite in n myltery.y Employeu endeavored to check the lire but without lucceu. and " WM, impossible for the city brlguie to re- l spond to the call. The building wu‘ of cement. The fire did not-reach the outer building which conlnlned t, big cupply of guollne. The “nut-1 “we was 8116.000. The {notary will ( W. F. W. FIRIIN’ of Burlington was 8 lmtod at a Tune and onthusmsdc Literal rune-Minn at “l"nl as can didatr itrttte 50mins Hmu‘nrial ett_ “on. _ Te [q be rebuilt. FIRE DESTROYS FAGDOBY. Without Foundation mquljgpm be Baden Govern- ment in room to the relation be twiea .0; Mg and the Go- melt. dirMtfl'at as it is novel. According to the statemmt min by this MINI! ot Marine and Fish- erios, ymttr .ttw direction ot lion. J. o.. Mug: " is tin policy or the 'ilovertameaat to protect contractors I""",',"':), the performance ol their ftmt.ia'ctg." - The (act, that this is the Borden oitris/y was brought out at a recent sitting»! the Public Accounts Com- mittee's" Ottawa when the quotation just cited was given in’evidencc in yum-c1495; t'titth,.a liri.tistt Columbia tag; in which a contracting firm re-l "rivkreauarkably favorable treat- ment " the hands ot the Govern- ment, 'lttestionetr by a Liberal merie bey.asi 'to who was authority for this; dcclqyatjon ot policy the chic! est) gineer oi the Marine Department named Hon. .I. D. Halon. "Th'd iihri hr individual “no tenders for “ark nndrr the present 4lovrrn- ment is. indeed, in a fortunate posi- tion, tor, we have the swam testi- Inony‘tllat thr, Borden policy is to) tirotikr,t "contractors against loss. The M” Contrartlng rtrms are tinding the Hat-dim Ministrls their very good friends. Lame methods in the hand- ling of a public contract need cause [um ronteititor no worry: he will be ‘prntectul by Mr. Borden and the Gther Mimtvrs. The premium upon ‘cara and "lrtrient'y in his work is liargrly rammed, and the public in- ')terest may easily sttiier In consequence as it did in the British (‘olumhial case whema contracting company was paid-hundreds ot dollars ior “extras? which engineers declared “rm Ilmiw‘ald‘ se.comr hand mil-5 chiorry mas lake" ott its hands by ‘the Governmental. a price which the ‘purchasing agent oi the Marine De- [egi',rif(ti(rrsf, was grossly extra-1 vagant. Very many of the buntracts‘ ‘awardnl by thr (hwrrnmmt g" in} liailchiul supporters Hi the administra-) Itinng " is the policy M the Govrrn-', ment to look alter its Irinuls. First' Lit gives, thorn contracts; then it "proerts" them [mm loss. It is a fine thing fut the contractors but a lmrillo "sttvtostip, perhaps, to the ppm ka: of the country Mm must pay til? wills. HOSPITAL étf‘sTAG-DAY” ON 1 MAY 30'rfl some rim‘m'. A turimy was brought. into Cohourp, “lIirh limwl tlm scales at t4w,uupre vmlrllhwl weight of 38 pounds. It is th, hmursi I'hwl that has CTPL" hot-n raiswd m that district. _ iri'lte maul“; nun-tiny "wt-ting of the) l.adiv:,' Ilositital Auxiliary was held anhn MIA-moon, with the following mcrtthets nrvsrnt‘. Mondanms Gabel, noerinvi, Hmdhy. Merrick, E. Bow- man, C. Srlxirrlel, "use, Martin, "rich-r. ltuhy, and Miss "tqschlagttr. Hills amounting to tt27.01 were pa'srr' :ed, IIrs. Hahn] and Mrs. E. Bowman 1sm csmslttmte the buying committee WM Ilu, r-m‘rni. "moth. [ FMImxmg the custom of the past, it “as ck-vidnl to hold Tap, Day "n (d, last saturday in May, which this lyrar fails on the 30th. There is al- ways m-ml o4 iunds to kpep up ”he iiji,ii,iigieiij UiG Ct", kindly tell how It " hue regained hunk, strength, and I {avail-toss” th!? eethod. dwft‘e to-d-y. "icituu'y of the hospital work, and a special need Mists at present in the proper mmipmrnt of the laundry. It is arm-My hoped, therrtore, that there \ull tr' the usual liberal rc- spnmm on Tap, Day. amrtha.Uthr Ken- Paneling the Contractor: Gravity al vur _,',l,1"1','y"t, Nth‘ the Iadus to room! an 'ncrclsod amtrttnt "TPr previous yours, in sup: putt oi this humanitarian work. If you are troubled with weak, tired feelings, headache, backache, bearing down unut‘ons, bladder week’s. conn- tipatiorr, catarrhal conditions, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloatin’ or unnalnnl enlargements, sense o talh'tnrormuirtaeemerltot internal organs. nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot Bashes, dark rings under the eyes, or. loan of interest in life, I invite you to write and llk for my simple method of home treatment. with ten days' trial entirely free Inr!_postpeid, also reference. AWOMAN'B MESSAGE TO WOMEN Liit'rers ..ua. M. Summers, Box. . VII-am. on. ' Mtto, SCHEMES Farmers Bank Reimbursement Proposnl is Scowd in the House of Commons _ Tdt,,', of the bill. many members ot th euoe yesterday afternoon declar- ed themselves in committee. of the whole upon Hon. Mr. White's prom ed legislation tor the relic! of de- positors of the Farmers‘ Bank. W. P. Nickle, the Conservative member from Kingston, denounced the pro- posed bill as “most pernicious and ob- noxious legislation," while Duncan Ross, Liberal member tor West lid- dlesex, declared that he would vote with the Government. Sir Wilfrid Laurier andfliugh Guthrie (South Wellington) insisted that the deposi- tors were being held up try the share- holders for 30 per cent. or the amount to he voted by Parliament. Hon. Ro- dolphe Lemieux insisted that the de- positors ot certain insolvent charter» ed banks in the Province of Quebec should share in the bounty of the Government. OTTAWA, May tr--uoousts it was underuood that the debuts should not occur until the second Hon. W. T. White, .In presenting " resolutions, said tint under the Artemis made by Sir Willism Mere- dith, as royal commissioner,’the Gov- ernment was morally bound to recoup the depositors of the Farmers’ Bank. These findings were to the effect that the Treasury Board had neglected tu- ter proper warning to make any in- vestigation into the charges against w. R. Travers and the provisional di- rectors of the Farmers’ Bank, end had issued a certitteate enabling the bank to begin business with insuli- cient stock. Mr. A. K. unclean (Halifax), the Opposition ttmutctal critic, declared himself opposed to the legislation. He asked. if “3?. Genuine}? was I put; ttt any agreement try wh ish the my to be mted was to be portloned be- tvieen _ depositors and me BIB. I Mr. White said that the Govern- ment knew of no agreement and In certainty not a trtyrtr, - _it. Mr. Guthrie (8. Wellington) aid the depositors had been naked to u- nign so per cent. of what they recov- ered'to the shareholders. Some of them had been told that the Ieguuw non would not go through unlea- they agreed to this. He thought a. clause had been inserted in the bill to safeguard depositors, and to do- clure null and void nny ouch mee- ment already made between the de- positors and the shareholders. ....-..-.- _..._ --- Sir Wilfrid Lturier said that he had received complaints from deposi- tors to the effect that they were being compelled to assign a, part of their claim to the shareholders. Mr. Duncan Ross Bald he would support the measure ulthough he thought it did not so tar enough.‘ He believed that the tshareholders should be relmbursed as we“ " the depot!- tors. "Tir. White and the shareholders deserve no consideration bee-nu Tavern was their ggeqt. - _ Mr. Nickle (Kingston) aid he could not support the proposed 1eMa- lutlon. " was. in his opinion. entirely unsupported by the t1ndimgts of Sir William Meredith. _ Mr. Burnham (W. Peterboro) Ind CoL Clark IN. Bruce) spoke In favor of the resolution, which Wu then re- ported, and a. bill founded upon It in- troduced. and reid a tlrat time. " The House went into committee of the whole upon Hott., Mr. Roche’s bill to amend the Indian Act. Mr. Oliver moved to strike out section ' of the bill, which nuthorizes the removal of Indians from any reservation without their consent. when such reserve "ad- Joins or is situated wholly or partly within an incorporated town or city. or In tl thereof. Mr. aver sald that the proposed lt-glslatlon In; a "up”: upon the treaty rights of the lndllnl. -- - -- an __IM ALA "a", ...,..-.. _- --" --""" Hon. Charles Marc" sold the phruooloxy was so broad that every Indian hand In the country could he dispossessed of their reserve It the behoat of some speculum. "The other mutton , In; defeated. in“ thp only.” reported. _ Han. L. P. Pelletler, POstmnam~ General, has rancelled the contract. with tho Ontario Equipment Co. of Toronto for the supnly of 100,000 mull hag locks and keys at $1 each. Correspondence tabled on the Honor yesterday shows that n consignment of 10,000 lurks was mm last year to the Government and found to be un- satisfor'tory. Tho company was "one tVsd that thoy would have to ho tation bark and tho contract convened. A now arranzr‘nwnt har boon made whorohy tho company will substltnto It now lork at tr, routs earn and keys at 1ilc, oach. It will only be nup- plied as orzlr‘red by the l)vnartment. Tho Mouse late last nlzht. disvunm od at .nnsmc-rnhlo lvnxlh "on. Mar- tin llurrvll‘s hill rootvrrtn ; upon the llwonrtmvnt of Acrlmtlturo power to rvgnln'v colt! storare warehoutel throughout. the country. a; Ga'iiiiitG" neighborhood CRITICIZED at}!!! ‘QJL' .e --00t000t00.0000...0 WOOOM: YOUNG GIRIS i, Ihshh?fihltfil) . FROM THEIR HOMFS On Sunday a new reeonl was made for the nllu‘rrs of the Children's Aid Soeiety. Five young Berlin girls, trom tiftern to eighteen years of age, disappeared Irom their homes, but before night had all been torttled. 'l'wo of them were lodged in the Guelph jail o\er night, and sent bark to llerlin on Monday morning. , special meeting "tt the. Juvenile Committee was held at the Orphan- age on Monday evening to deal with the (uses, and as 'a result mw oi the girls will he placed in areiuge the girls wall ham-deed in a refuge other four were allowed to go home. A debenture account with this company will give you absolute security and will at the same time earn you 5 per cent. interest on y0ur money. Interest payable half-yearly. TIE WATERLOG (BOUNTY LOAN &SAVINGSCO. i IN; III. "anlsz, KIhiStteot Hannah} 9999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999 new “muffs T.tNIMF'.NT' w; Tm; unis»; I H, BERLIN BRANCH. J. K. yRKPATRlCK. Mgr. H. M. mum, 1tt'stf'iS Today he can en! three square meals Ind sometimes one "extra" because ChamherlttirN Tablet. currd Stomach Troubles. and gave him a good digestion. You trv them. 25c. n bottle. A". Dwggisn and Dealers or by Fail. 3 ”Guam [dick c...r-. A"'A"ih Certainty feels SATISFIE D with.the SERVICE obtained by using" Farmers know GOOD harness, and they are not backward expressing their opinions. (TOME TO US FOR YOUR NEXT ORDER. éent. V "r.." u macaw In can». t own. 'amrmir ausmass magnum. annulus Lm or CREDIT' .......... TRAVELERS cumuas m... ..-..... - Issued. BANK may owns “a... .............. r "" _ ..' cent. .. mo . null. In. Inn-Inn» I. D. um‘ 0. A. BOGERT. canard Managua -tteo the bustrmss of M.nuueturirte--attou1dtte done In t pruned businiss way. Proceeds should be put in . bank. Payment should be made by Cheque. A condo pereenuge of “10mm: shouldbp put in a Saving: Account as an emergency fund. Tho man who has a cash surplus In . bank I: progected against bad was and hard times. F TttttttMilli BANK {IE Mtttggotttt BANK The Farmer Who Comes ‘ Back For More. mammal.“ BERLIN BRANCH: BADEN " t WILHELM'S HARNESS The Business Of Farming Saving: Waterloo, Ont. N. EVANS, Manager.. E. R. FITZGERALD, Manager. Vlatérloo's llamgpq Shop I . The ttigttestmate of Interest I 18.11 per cont.) i And l, The Lowest Death Rate, 1 (27 pct cent. of oxpcctrd) or any wtstrestatrrvahed Company in i Canada: "The best insurance at lowest not 'cost-" . - l, P. a. uncanny ' The Seal of Merit " been indelibly stamped the policies of the a Owing tu its culmistrnt payment to _ pulu yhnlllcrs of Dominion Li WATERLOO "uruti. FIRE INSURANCE co 'ATBRLOU BRANCH, SACOB DIPSPl-ILI'IR. In. 3V. B. NAYLOR, Asst. In. Total Aésets, 3lst. Dec. $750,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. ' William Hnidrr, Esq. b' Geo. thrl, Fsq. J. L. Widoman, Fsq., St Juan. Allan Bowman, Esq, Preston. P. E. Shaun, Preston. Thomas (lowly, Raw, Guelph. James Livingston, Hor, Baden. Frank llaight, Esq. - Wm. Snider, President. Gro. niehrl, Iriee-Presidettt. Frank Haiuht, Manger. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haight, Solicitor. I'. A. Boehm, District Agrnt. WATHRLOO. ONT. Head omcc," WaterGo, Ont. "IEXGELLEII ACTUAL IESIIL'I'S Incorporated in 1863. OFFICERS. éent. per cent.

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