Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1914, p. 1

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Our Clothes and Furnishings T lor Bord are receiving _ very special compliments from the many pleased »mothers who have heen here. The goml quality, chic style. rxceptional t" values are what pleased them. Do not Buy on Sentiggé Go “horn you will, examine where you like, Compare lit, (“minim and making, hut do not spend our dollar tor men's or lmys' “var till you MN' our stock. Boys' 2 pica Bloomer Suits, made trom imported tweeds, in brown and with small mm; stripes, pattern in tsingle breasted Norfolk Intilrls, ttith belt at waist, bloomers made Grge and roomy with belt straps, sizes 28 to M, regular $6cro for ...._.._,A ne "'strrs cut from an's Cloths, and man tairrred. ior thr particular boys, ages " to le, at $5.50 to ”H510 English tueed suits, fancy grey and brown stripes. "mart doulrle breasted style, with vell shaped Iapels, full fitting blooruer pants, sizes 2t to M, Icguiar $5.00 lor ._ _.-... __f, nr *Reliable Merchan- ' tiise Truthfully ' - Advertised 1 A Big Disglax gf qus’ Suits Do KING STREET EAST C "Nh be" '»I‘ . T w ' 7 "t W" ri'",-', ug- " . _ M. ii'vie',ii't'rf?,r" V a; n P yr. fa , _ _ r. wHZ' _ x . T . EV l r' 'e. A! fill tilt _ ‘3 o ' a special sale or regular selling we never allowed tin: shadow of fake to enter our store or our adyeraisemems. Ernst's clothing and Ernst's advertisements have always kept faith win. the public. The building of this big business has always found merchandise of the most reliable quality, backed up by our personail guarantee of syisfactjfn. Whether itnbe during We huy in surh quantities that "whip In awry f-‘w wrrks. That w thr, "21ny uhy ttttr to hr briter. 'rHF.y AL'F. Fllr',.uulr'.It. ErtNsts-i'21ttiittitystt DIETRICH' S GROCERY Fresh Groceries .0. No.80 3-95 200 Pairs Men's high grade Crood, year welied hunts, in patent colt. box call and ',onntrtaUhlucher, and buttoned any. a style for every PYP, sins ii,', In lo, rt'gurarwaitte $5, Saturday Bargain 'rrrre ........... 3.49 Only 125 Pairs boys' Boots in style for serviceable sprlng wear, all well made from box call leather, broken lots, in sizes I to 5, regular- $2.50 and $2.75, Saturday ..,r-e. ._r-r.... l..§ "rm; Slums you WANT ARE Imam: AT 'l'lll-I LOWEST PRICES 128 Pairs of Child‘s Fine Boots. in black am! ('hocolate kid, button and blucher styles, good serviceable make that give excellent wear, sizes 355 to 7, regular $1.25 and $1.35, Sat, urday "..P._.ttrr. ..F.....v.__ ...... u..........C Men's Box Calf Boots, a popular style in “who! cut, good heavy soles for walking, stylish shape for com- fort Wear, sires 6 to II, regular $2.50 to $3.0it, Saturday Bargain ... I... 300 Pairs Women's. Boots, in pat- ent con, mi kid and xunmetal leath- ers, bullnn and Mucher styles, Goqk year welt and McKay sewn soles, military Int-ls, sizes I'd to 7, regular 81.00, Saturday Bargain T.-...... " 290 Pairs of Women's Nice Fine Boots, in high grade quality. Beee- tions or tin-nu: dongola kid, tiexittte, soles, patent toe caps, when heels, heautitully wished. sizes " to 7, to clear less than cost, Saturday Bargain Frm.'-". "rmFmet.' .....4...........‘l..B Saturday Special: tn the Shoe Dept. 1 in rloar out entirely wank, are considered BERLIN. ON T. l'rrssman sprnt Sunday. with Miss Mary “(minor --Mr. and Mrs. Moses Crrssrnan “sited Mrs. Abs. Ylnyder an Sunday-v)”. and Mrs. Joe Shaun. of Fisher's Mill spent Sundan- nith Mr. and Mrs. David Gimher-- Mr. and Mrs Manna thiedel Tisited ur, and Mrs. Joe Schmidt at Cen- traum- an Sudan-Mr. John Ran- dall and hi: daughter Marion visited Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Randall on Sun- ditv.-uiss Ruth Thater visited Mr. and Mn :s'iumn Kimie on Sunday. I. I' Raymtr left on Thursdiy film; Vineland " his health.-Miss Lillian News lien,,;--" and Mrs. David Hingeman and Mr. and Mrs. ”Louis Kramp visited Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wpidrnhammer on .%mdar-- English sorviros will be held at the Lutheran churvh on Sunday, May 17th, at 3 p, m ---Mcss Annie Nrwhanor and Miss Marion Schindler spent sunday with Miss F.dith.1lrnderson, Mr. John “unbrl of Little Paradise visited Miss Vera Gtmhel on w's'unday.- Mr.: Llotri Mad", Mr. Harry Prange and‘ Miss Elsie ftrick Visitrd Mr. and Mrs, Iloses Bechtel on iunir/.-riii1) Breezy News ltema.--Hr. and Mrs. d All‘lllt Aha-s Sunday“ with their dam!“ in _ Bsrui.-amc. Fred and r Mrs. Dayid Donald called on triads , in Linwood last "ithisy.-Mr. Wm. e Bro: spout Sunday at his home in b'loradale.-The Misses Florence sur ' den, Ada Snider and Mr. Alvin Uttr 5 man were visitors. to Waterloo over Sunday.-Mr. Norman Wilkinson at- tended the concert in Glenanen last , Friday oventing.-Mitrts Edna Mayherry ', returned to her home near Listowel] 's alter spendin: a low months in this, virinity.--Mr. Wesley and Miss Ciara: , lleipol ot Heidelberg were Visitors to ' our burg for a tow hours on Sunday. --Mr. James Donald oi WSW is visiting his brother, Mr. Fred. Don- , aid lor a few weeV..-Miss Mary - Fredman ol Guelph was the guest of a her Cousin, Miss Edith Martin over I Hunday.--Mitrs Mildred Spies or Ber- , lin spent Saturday and Sunday at ' home.-Mr. Lloyd Elsley of Gait tre- , owed old acquaintances here last . week.-Wr. and Mrs. Julius Stadet- V ballet and children, Mr. and Mrs. El- - more Letscn and Miss Beatrice Leb- F son of Berlin made a flying visit to , the lormer's mother's home, Mrs. P. Stadelhauer on Stmday.--Miss Annie l Anderson of Toronto spent a few . days last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Markunr-Mr. Manfred Forwell of Waterloo Sundayed at home.--Mr." V M. C. Tanner was a business visitor I to Gueith on Thursday, last.-The I Ladies' Aid held a successful meet- ing at the home at Mrs. Oswald Sug- ldrn on Wednesday last.-Mr. F. S. Spies and daughter Laura were visi- itors to the. Twin City last Wedtws- Parr-Mr.. Bert Ludwig spent Sunday at.St. .larobs.--Mr. Joseph Baechler was a visitor to Baden on Saturday ( and Fs'tmday.--3trs. John Schlitt of St. Jacobs visited,her parrots here l a few days-Misses Edith Martin, and Mary Friedman and Mr. Albert , Martin spent. Saturday at Etmira.-- Mr. and Mrs. August Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Mote and little son oi Berlin, were guests at the Union on Sunday. I --Arnong those that spent. Sunday at Mr. F. C. Lavkmr, were Mr. Oscar l Sihweit'lr-r and Miss Louise Wahl oi _ Petershurg, Mrs. th. Wahl, Miss Fiei- da Wahl and Mr. Walter Wahl of St. l Agatha, and Mrs. J. llerrly and.1' daughter Miss "lirlvia of '.tytterer'/ Mr. Louis liar-chin spentmtursday at|> F:1mira.--Mrs. C. H. Bulmer spent a 1 maple of days at i'niniiri/c--jiiirserla1, (lara'Freidman, Vera lleinbuch andii, Miss Mute, and Messrs. NormanL ’Anient, Fl. Stumph and Fitzgerald of l Linutod, were visitors at the home 1 of Miss Edith Martin on sl'i),t,dlC'.,'i'-1', The Methodist Ladirs' Aid will heh held the 3rd day of June at the home nf Mrs. Thomas Hilliard at the Hand Huh-Messrs. Fred Lee and Will Rnit ‘ol Floradale spent Sunday in our hurg.--Messrs. All Hewitt and Geo. 1 Feather spent Sunday at the formers home near l,inwood.-Mr. and Mrs. '. Joseth llorsch and Mr. Harry Huber . of “'atrrlm spent Saturday at Mr. T Lcuis HuNtrs.--Mrssrs. Washington , and Arthur Bricks spent Sunday at l Linwood-Miss Mildred Spies of fuer- f lin Visited at her' home over Sunday. -Mr. Alvin Uttman and Miss Flor- ( ence Sligilzn spent Sunday at Water- Ioo.--Mr. Harry Miller of Hessen f spent Monday in the village-Miss i Addie Snider spent a couple of days C in the Twin-City-Mr. and Mrs. Mill- E er and children oi Berlin spent Sat- urday here --Messrs. Edwin Ilaid and a Joseph lirntinger sprnt Monday at s Waterloo. l Breslau Hawkecville pr, song oe-rt-esta,':, .. V "t" ii an: M-r, i --Mr. John (‘assel had something mo; in a duck the other day it laid three natural sized eggs This is something tor poultry men to but. The choir of the (‘hurch of England ot Preston gave a sacred concert in the noon English chlmhron Wednesr- day evening last.-Mr. Madman of "utilities has taken up his residence at "mm and has started to work for Mr. I F'ler,--ytr. Robertson of Blair has moved in the house lMely one». pied try Mr, I,adner.--Mr. Adam Block of the Northwest has returned to Dion and moved into his own home, Death of James f'ard.--.The death occurred in Galt on Friday night, May 8th, of Mrs. James Card in her 83rd year. Mrs. Card was a resident of Form for a number of years who “ith her late huslmntl conducted the grocery store and was well known and highly respected by all in the vicinity. The late Mrs. t'ard was a member oi the Donn Methodist church The funeral wan held on Monday at: ("noon front " residence ttt Galt, to the noon cemetery for burial. lntrrrsting News Items r-Miss M. Ross of Ht. Margarets College, Tor- onto is homo for the summer.-Mr. and Mrs. D. Dahmer spent Sunday with relatives in Berlitt.-Mr. F. Watson and Miss L. Watson of Galt were Sunday visitors with their Par- ents.-Mr. A. Hamm left on Monday for Stratlord where he has secured a good posiuon.--Nr. and Mrs. Abram Gingrich have received the sad news of the death of their son~in~law Mr. Wm. . Kralt of il'nvalicr_ North D9ota.--Miss Lottie‘ 'Gingrich of Fruit Hill has been at Bridge Water, Pnslinch for a week assisting her aunt.-Mr. H. R. Wat- son was a business visitor to Toron- to last wek.-Mr. Wm. Marshal Sr. spent Sundav with relatives in Ber- lim-The girls curb intend giving a concert in the noon Twines Hall on Tuesday even n1, May 12th. This con- cPrt will be well worth seeing as the girls have gone to a great deal ol hie preparing it'. News Items ot nutretst.-uttite a Wilumbmg number from here went to Waterloo - on Saturday lorenoon to we H.R.H. Items of Interest.-- Spring seeding the Duke oi Connaught.-.- Mr. Cha.s. is now finished in our vicinity and Struck is having a thte veranda]: ad- farmers are busy tiHing the soil for ded to his house.- There is some the hoe crop.-- The Beaver Literary hit-king done about our boys setting Society held a very successful meet- oit fire worls on the streets, thereby lug last Saturday evening when elec- frightening horses. Why don't our tion of oltiotrs took place and the town fathers pass a by-iaw prohibit- following .were elected: President, ing the setting ott oi ftreatas%mr and Mr. Waiter Becker; Vice President, other fireworks, otrtherBtgeetst - Mr. Eldon Riehm; Sec.-Treas, Miss Quite a few of the friends otthe late Amctta Becker; Editor, Mr. John lAlmeda Mayer ot St. Jacobs attend- Steckle, Critic, Miss Zoellner. --The ed the funeral last Thursday after- Central Waterloo Farmers' Clutr will noon.--Miss Luella Wain and Mr. hold their next meeting on the even- Herman Huehn of Heidelhtg .. rpent in; ot Har the 23rd. and the, char. Sundav here with Mimi Clara Dah- lenge debate which was to he held; mer.--Miss Armstrong; sister ol Mr. on that date. is postponed till 'tall) S. Armstrong. spent Saturday here on account of the busy season. Orders l with him.-- Farmers are nearly will likely be taken for coal so all through with their seeding.--Mr. and members should make it a potnt ‘0‘ Is,',,',',',; Moore Hill visited Mrs. Hill's be present. Our coal oil vendor, Mr. mother in Wintrrbotrrhe on Sunday.- Thomas Main, has sold out his husi- Ame, Misses Luella and Nelda Shelley ness to Mr. Simon Richert trawl ‘oi Perlin and Anne Struck of Wat'- Matmheim.--Mr. Main is busy running‘ erloo spent Sunday at their respec- the road grader for the Township,’ tive homes httre.--Mr. Jacob Ehel and for that reason is not able to] has joined his family here.- The conduct the oil businessany longer.} Young People's Society of St. Mat- Born: On the 7th at May, to Mr. andi thew's Lutheran Church held its Mrs. Gilbert Spaetzel, a som-- Mr.‘ annual meeting on Tuesday evening, and Mrs. John Battier spent Sunday! May 5th, and elected the [allowing with the latter's parents at Rose-' omcertg for this year: Rev. H. P. viOe.-Misses Elsie and Bertha RiehniI Hansen, Prtta.r, Miss Marion Schweit- trom Berlin spent Sunday under the, zer, Vice-Pres. and Organist; 'Mr. parental rooi.--Miss Frances Main, Oscar Strum, Secyr, and Miss Hilda from Roseville, spent Sunday at her Hemmerich, Treasurer. home.- Mr. Geo. llagedorn attended Abram Weber ot Berlin one“ the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weber.-'-Mr. and Mrs. Salomon mm and Mrs. snicker ot Brth ecli- Iii, on Mrs. Henry Wall] in tgttrtdar.-- Mr. Floyd shepherd and Ill: Flor- ience Shepherd of Berlin (Que our ‘hurg a friendly all on‘SuIdny. -+ Miss Jean McAllister “I the guest of Berlin triettdtr a law any! iii; msek.--Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rat! of Tavistock were the gut“. of Mr. and Mrs. Redford "on stmdtsr.- Miss Alice lleintxman is home um after spending three weeks " Little Germasty.-Mr. Gideon Martin of Hei- delburg spent Monday in our village on business. e _ " _ I LII-T Jon. Waived ail-Int P""'t1""re?r-ii - a scrum -mertrd try . _ ' In. Sch-aim ot St. Jacobi spent BhterrrtiatV . Friday with mum mm... - "-', Mr. Almond-Pallets: 0! Banana l News Notes.-. W. N tMe-nan home on I MN!“ Hi! SIM]. ot Preston-visited Mr. .11 In. Tttes m, ttmt Uetoey Lug!!- Mall Snyder the who: Btmdar.-Mias Nob catch took place Saturday am tie Cremunan ot Bush - Si.- btweea the Elmira Interior Wood- day with Mr. and Mn. lvu Crea- work Company's “a the Great West 'nan.- am. Goons SIB-nu- at Felt Company's "_, team resulting in South River is new“: no “we a score fifteen to ten in (awe: oi the with Mr. and Hrs. Tit- thtrder.-- Interior. Miss Lucian: Cram-u of Wu The Mines Iiaatz ot Waerloo v“. Vilited her brother "In W tor I tted with “in mm Rats during 'g,'.tce,'i. I"; may Mi: arentt a human. mu Kata new aw " In “on a“ ‘ m"- . . .A. f Er lien! Mr. Manna Bundle ot Jibsim called 2"c,'irt',uretigUdt use on Mrs. Remix last Iii. - In. “on the C.P.R. Ahram Weller nl Berlin amt than -- W _ - Bloomingdale Boon F on that date is postponed till 'fall on account of the busy season. Orders will likely be taken for coal so all members should make it a point to be present. Our coal oil vendor, Mr. Thomas Main, has sold out his husi- ncss to Mr. Simon Richcrt from Maanheim.-Mr. Main is busy running the road grader for the Township, and for that reason is not able to conduct the oil husjnossany longer. ‘Born: On the 7th ot May, to Mr. and ers. Gilbert Spaetzel, a som-- Mr. and Mrs. John Battier spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Rose- viOe.-Misses Elsie and Bertha Riehm from Berlin spent Sunday under the parental roor.--Miss Frances Main, from Roseville, spent Sunday at her home.- Mr. Geo. llagednrn auxtndrd the. funrral or his nephew Mr. Monk at Linwood last Saturday. 9 qt. Preserving kettles T 12 3-4 x 5 3-4 in. at39c ELMIRA Blnslng Pans“Extra Beep" 14 qt. Rinsing Pans 163-8 x 4 5-8 in. 39c _ Bresorvlng Kettles Blah Pans “Extra Beep" 17 qt. Dish Pans 17 5-8 x 55-8 in. . . at 39c firsts. Our Specially Priced Enamelledwai'e V Our May Sale of French Gray Enamelledware starts on Thunday, May 14th ang ends Sattgl'tlayL May 'tth, A k _ - - _ i u eaagai.itlirl "lllIISiiiid B 2“ Illtll. Illlllll.lll Bl c . , , . Goods Here are a few at the" Special Priced Articles. Every article is strictly l 1llttil0lllEU8 WEEKLY STORE NEWS] M. WEICHEL & SON " non Mr. Ileinapr1 is improving his house hv putting up a veranda in front. Mr. John [Herman has added a. new roof to his house. Mr. Gregor Fahnarr will build a new house In May 6.--The Post omen here was closed May Jst. This will add about twentv new mail-troses to R. R. No. 3. mg; a entrances. 1lhstttslllohAhmd'i'ei.i Phone 215 Private hraneh7sxchange comMseuniNr.depar9msnta Erbsvi’le King and Frederick Sta. Berlin, Ont. 1 pc. Water Pails, med. Size Double lllco Dollars 2 qt. Rice Boilers 6 5-8 x 4 1-4 in. at 39c Boll-Hm Illsh Pans 14 qt. Roll-rim Dish Pans 15 7-8 x5 5-8 in at 39c tPH. Water Pulls A new iroitrart has been made by the Postomce Department with the Perio, Equipment Company toy mail bag locks. Waterloo this alumna-r, and will mayo there this fall. ' Continuation School was held in the church here today and will be continued each Tuesday and Friday., wuouuuu WATERLOO Phones 952-9531 Ir Low Prices f. ah itiis ",3 at 39c

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