Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Apr 1914, p. 3

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In. James»: L. Amlerson and Miss Florence Anderson, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .l. u. Kirby. A unmmmiralinn was rpceivrd by Narod I'lulvr on Thorsiarevemnr, from thy private seeretary of Ilis Royal llighm-ss the Duke oi Con- naught, statins, that His Royal Hir,lr mas, and Her Royal llizhnms Prin- Ass Patricia will arrive in nerlinat. 10 ann. on Saturday, May 9th, and will leave again at 11.15 a.m.. mak- ing the stay in this city ahriet our of but one hour ullzl thrtvuvarters. Th, Finatct Committee of thy City (‘uer-il, ayrosntrul a sitlrcomtritVe contposed of Manor Hula and Aldon man Walters, Rumptl, "reithaupt, to arrangr a prngrnmnzo for the mom. " is proratle Ilnt a. nmuntnl guard of honor will he arrisns,rd for the mu casiun. Miss En Taylor, of Guelph, who I” been the guest of her friend Miss lay Kranz, returned to her home rentorday. Miés Ella Ritz or New Hambuytr spent a iew days with her- sister, Mrs, Steinbarh of Berlin. Dr. mu. .1. Klotz, Dominion As- tritnotuer, who gave an excellent ad- dress Jast evening in the Collegiate Institute “all, on "The "mummies oi Canada," was the guest of his brother, Mr. Jami) Klotr. and Miss Kiln}. during his visit in the city. At the mid-monthly Hunting "L the lk-rlin (‘nuunl “n Mullllu" night the revouuneudauo" of the Fire & Light l'mnlmllm- lhul lhe rm purchase a Gran-m mum-r tire Inn-k. equipped with um- Jib-gallon chemwal tank, at a cost or $3,100 “as unanimously ad. opted. Min Mildred Rubv who has been attending the Magnum Institute, Guelph, has completed her' course of studies. _ ' Work has heen commenced at, the "prim n- Waterloo Iluspilal nu the erection ot the "my solarium, and sun rooms nu the west sulr of th" huiht ing. Mrs. John H. Parry, or Hamilton. spent a low days " this week With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. "reithaupt, Queen Street North. Harrsbtrg we". Tuclilny with friends lt Harlin. The Raw. b'.. ll. Daniels :lIlllIIllllt't'K' tltr enpiageuu'nt uf ins young-at tlau Killer Ella Eugenia to Mr. F'rederick l Schneider, oi Berlin. The mur- rage will takw plat wry quietly, an Tuesday the twelfth ol May. Papa‘s Diapepsln In norm! for its lpeed In regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest. quickest stomach rem- edy In the whole world and besides It Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large flay-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store You realize in ttve, mlnutPs how needless it Is to suf- fer from ittdftteartiott, dyspepula or any stomach Jlsorder. It's the quickest, surestcanrl most harmless stomach doctor In the world. soon, mm STOMACHS , (mass on 'iiiiiitiEitrroN Time It! In five mlnntns all storm ach distress will go. No lndlgestlon. heartburn. sourness or belching of gas, acid. or eruclatinns of undigested mod, no dizziness. bloating. foul breath or hmutaeho. Each "Pape'n Diapepsln" digests 300t v, grain. food, ending all stomach , misery In five minutes. Bishop and Mrs. The. Bowman, oi known. etc, have been the guests [tit ad Mrs. L. J. Hreithauet min; the eoetiegmsre. In. Sch! and daughter ot New m g: a: The Happening: It the County Seat Care- fully Summarized. Local and Personal. Berlin News at, the nu the The antiquated 1:31.” tsf hiking: purgatiws in the spring is usel.ss.tor the system really needs str.mrthe;t In; "lule Iturgatives onty gall m thru'lu'l th. Luwrls, Inning H," V mm’ '.t. itilliams"Pink Pills trp hr; I‘M 'red irum, for they actually mu:- ttrs ti"W huh rrul Hum-l that funk w mun-ll Tterres', and Ih'ts vurv the nln' luv. 5 In" n-nnus tlisorders. 'llv'y I-nrr- .Ilsn SIII'h othtr ("I-ms of spring Hum"; om' I,i"iU'Li'i'r's", poor appetite, .ui't. "'P; P illn- lllll':\', as well as Winn“? tmsitz,lst, in piuoles und eruptinnx. m ind the; llllf.lll|llul\ brtmr, n‘h- --ux':ll..-.-.' sun-5H- In tbe weak. ur‘tl all" no Itrvsowit lm'n. “um!" and clurJon. Sula! In all tttvdtcue "rah-n . '." lv muil M in! m-nls a Inn ur six hurt for $3.30 from The hr. Iiitliavs'; Mrulivine l'u., I'srockviile, um. i The many trirods at Mr. George D. Lat'ouru, the Gn'.tt. city agent, will regret to learn that he is confined":" the Taronto General Hospital. sullering mo a nervous breakdown, and very little have is held out lur his recovery. CAMP MEETING IN ItFos'PH.LFIR. The annual camp meeting ot the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. will not be held in Berlin this your ow- ing to the sub-dividing ol the uld Manna," Grove. The eamn will he hetd III the llespelrr Grove from June» 10th to 17th next. 1hmtlettttti:-l had my leg r.a.ily hurl the pmn “as very smen- and a large swt.llmyr, runl‘ arirve the knee. I run-"IN! il. would he serious.-! ruhhlll it with MINAHD'S LIX]- \il'2\'l‘, “him-h stopped the pain ard rmlurul th" surlling very quickly. l ruluml speak too highly of MIN» 1ltir'yl I.l\'l\ll‘IN’l'. Mr. and Mrs. Alt. May of Hamilton are visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. K. Schmidt, Foundry St. tor a low days. Mir/Emma Magnum trom Elmira is visiting triends in the Twin-City. The friends of Mr. Gm. lingo“, tho pruminnnt east rnd huteltvr will be glad lo hear that the husiness has mun transferred back to him. Mr. Solonan flr.inhardt, “no naught. tht business a few days alto. re-consider- rd the proposition and found that he mum nu! otdertake tle business at present. NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SPRING CAR tn'r'.lt't't'llN&D. On Tuesday a freight car loaded with shingles on the G. P. i ll. track overturned in [mm a! ' Ute Heriin Felt "not Co. This was due to the our straddling an open swttrh. TRANSFER Ntt'l' MAitr'. XICRVUI‘S DISEASES 1'URF.D HY TUNING THE BLOOD AND STRNU- It is the opinion of the, best m-“hw al authorities, after 'long otrsercuiott, that ll.'l‘\'nuS diseases are more man man and more serious in the ".pr'ng than at any other time oi tin 3mm, Vital chatwies in thi- system, cuer long winter months, may mint) tnrclt more trunhln than the familiar 'e.rettl.L', weaknss and wpariness front wlmh most propl" sum-r as the result, vi itt- dour life, in poorly ventilated and oittn ovrrheatpd buildings. Ufa-in: Te- cords pmw that in April and May neuralgia, Kt. Vitus dam”. lipirpwy an] other inrms " new" tmuultsure at their must, an0 a-IJI' nlwn, ttpre than any other lime, It :-l:-..ri "skturr, nerrt"resittring tonu. u .de;l. “'I-Il-ZKLY, MIN hltI)'t4 t,1N?MHNT Port Hood INLJN' Tl I HN I N fl TI ir'. N [CRY HS VW).", t S\ll'l'|| t if: "lhs l.vthernn Itrotherhood oi Ft. .lulln‘x Link-ran ("hurrh hill a mer HIP, I" lite lmrzt‘mrm of the church u-n Trtrriday night, xthult was attended by .1 fun proportion of the men. 'lhe pmruml aridreoi of the cumin-1 “as drllu-rul' hy Hm. In, I "ehrrns of "Him. he spra'xln: "tt the rann-h and its nussu-JL Ilv 'iwelt "pun tllr- greut “an lo he 'lone In the mission .l-ixl an! tho la" of mm: uml~hnnds to mm It an He said h, heir-Hui that " tlt'.' but. h “It'll” trt swim-rum; a mm<xumn m th" inrriun field, that II mmlxl he "usd, "cr-hum". “HI.“ "r" spo'o' lurIMh uprr 1lr ' ll [hm cud llr. 1tmiltnlrmnutrr. A [1mm \u-ln In Miss \Iner “mil-Ir mum. “In. " to-al solo try “n. J llerh Sunk “an gnu-m appm-I-Mrd by trow prowl“ tt ths ronvlusion ur the pn-zzmzmnm “Inch “as presid- rd o “r Urn, ('umratl. the lad hi GI th, tlvrrrh server? damn re' trr.tlmtrnts, “fl the no ot Mlle-n will uni a. a“. dtenqbi"ie, l' ents-d by ”VII-Ilia and ms- -ttea, an. we on: you In rrivi- l-p duh; new: Dyan-i- Ta& [an “ugly at out rink, with the distinct understanding that, if they don't who" your )tumaoh tumult: and mate your summit romiortabte and your digestion my,'ucy will volt you now". " they dpa't do all you expect than; to, we want you to tell us and m as givmback wit "my. We know what they hath due Mr others, and that they at nude of. Tabat ie why we have cont dense in than. . _ .:),'srt'tufli,r, things they contain l'epsin a Bismuth, two of the great- est digestive aids known to medical science. They soothe and caution. the staunch, relieve heartburn and dine teens, promote the secretiun at gast- ric juice and help make the bowels re' gular. We believe them to be by all odds the best remedy tor indigestion or dyspepsia ever made. We believe mu will say s0, too, once you have used them. It you don't, they will rust you nothing. Sold only at the uure than T,000 Roxall Stores, and in this town only at our store. Three sizes, There passed. away Monday morn nt a 1veil-knowa ruin-n, Mr. .luhn M. "esserer, at, his home on Franris tid., "erlin, aged 75 years and 2tt day N. Fiye “TEES ago the tlis- ulsrll sutterrd a paralytic stroke, and sin? then Ins Mm slowly sinking. The lair \‘tr. Hesscrer mm? In Ill-r- lin "'rtut thirty years ago, and was \vr-llrlmmn in this vicinity, and in- wpll Luau" in this virinity, and TP- mntnrl. 'lhere remain to mourn his loss a minimal-4 “Mow, iour V suns, and on.' ilgingher. namely '.--daotlt, and William, Ilvrliu; John, Hamil- ton: F'rol, Hi. Louis; and Mrs. To litzke, Waterloc. Merlin Juhn A. Hanson, son oi Jacob Itauswh of Abram St. Merlin died Friday about Ii jun. 1129 young lad, who is only 13 years ot age, was ill but a Tew' days, sum-ring [rum inflammation of the brain. He was (-nnlirmed two tseeks ago at Ht. Matthews church and the pallbearers will be. piyked iron, the contirmation class. ’llle death took place Saturday ni Louisa Katharine Caroline Mickel, wife of Mr. Edward I'Iby, Berlin just outside, oi the corporation, who is an eiuplbyr of the city at the dis- posul plant:', She has been a sufferer Irom drupsy during the last three months. She was in her 37th year, and is survived by her husband and seven small children, two others up ing in infamy. She has married on Mar-1| lel. IBM. "tt r The déath took place at 2.20 u'cluck ml Sunday afternoon of Mary Winter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Wittter, who has been ill " some tint. The funeral took plums on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence, 42 Hume» wood avenue, to St. Mary's It. C'. church, thence In the R. t'. cemetery for burial. - -_-_- E Obituary E The sad death occurred sonewhat suddenly on Saturday oi Mrs. Armida Meyer at. her home in Waterloo Town- ship. The diseased had nnlv been ill a few hours. death being due to Cott- gvstion of tho lungs. she was born in Woohvielt Township, and was aged G9 years, 3 months, and q days. A husband aml iive t-hildren survivr. Chronicle: Tulip-pt. Vanda). on. Thu Mil Mc, 50, and $1.00 M RS. EDNA RU Filly Haehnel, Waterloo; A. J.itoos, M RH. A RM I Ith M liy FIR BROTHERHODD JOHN A. KAI Sl'll. .IHIIN M. 1uy'ay1y1F'.ItF'.ft M A " Y WINTER. ("WQ - new" ‘4 , Victim ofrou,1, Play Friends of Miss Annie Noll Have Not . OM!) titard d He,rfjinct,Latt Septembemdi q------ _ . q .. f TRUNK AS FOUND IN VANCOUVER A letter was receiveda day or two ago from the C. P. It. baggage departmmt'in Vancouver, B. C., stating that they have a trunk beluug- in; uyAunie Noll, which they received from the carter and hold the latter's cheeks since Sept. 24th. 1913. Miss Nun's room-mate, Miss Mix, has identified the clothes and all the belongings except her hand-grip and the clothes she wore when' she went away. She also gained the iaiorma- tion that Miss Noll had drawn all her money from the bank on that date to leave Vancouver, but had disappeared between the bank and the depot. livery short is being made to locate her. The relatives and Iliad; at Miss Annie Noll, mm of Mrs. Edward Lippert.' College street, and Mrs. (Dr) Callahan. . M Foundry Street South, Berlin are greatly al-armed as to her wherenhouta, my young lady not ham: been heard trom since last September, when her sudden dissnppeartuwe was first allowed. Miss Noll lormerly resided tn Berlin, being employed as tsteetugratthetr at llae omen ot the M. Krug Kur- nitune Co. and the Lang Tanning Co. She Jett Berlin seven years ago and entered the St. Mary's Hospitxl. Detroit, asa nurse in training. Alter graduating she loll tor Vancmnvcr, B. C., where she engaged m private nuns-lug until last (all. _ -- _ _ _ Last September Miss Null decided to leave Vancouver, Bit, and visit in y'saskatchewatt prior to leaving for Seattle and Han Francisco, where her two sisters reside. From iniormatiott which has been received she iu- tended leaving Vancouver on Sept. Mth and ber friends and relatives have been trying to locate her since. Miss Annie: Noll . Must Have Been , Victim quoul Play Her relatives and friends are fearful that she was roully murdered at dune away with as she never arrived at the depot myheck her trunk to its destination. livery source of intormation is being communicated with. owing to Miss Null being. accustomed to traveOing her friends were not seriously alarmed at first when trace of her whereabouts could not be ascertai ned . ' When the despatch was shown to one of the relatives at Miss Nifll in. Berlin, (‘It., our representative was informed that it was possible that the. wmnan found in the hotel may have been Miss Noll, but she never eonnnitted suicide, but that she was a victim ul foul play, and that it had been suceessiully hushed up until this time, There are many features in connection with the unlortunate Map: pearanee of the young lady which would indicate that she did not commit suicide. Not one of her acquaintances in this city believe she would end her own hie, as she was at an optimistic disposition, and had been twist successful in her profession as a nurse. .yhe had also written to her Iriends here that she proposed taking a long trip to Saskatchewan, and then to Seattle and Han Francisco to visit her sisters, whom she had not seen for some years. Miss Noll also had a liberal amount. saved in the hank, and had withdrawn it on the 24th ot September. the same day as the trunk had been delivered to the depot by the vantage luau. Mr. and Ills. A. H. Ducting loft Tnes. morning for Toronto to attend tho wedding oi" his Moths-r, "when. “ho was marrirdat , u'clnck to Miss 1'lara Slahl oi Hulk“, (ml. .on Saturday a despau-h purporting that, it. had been .ageertained that. Miss Noll was the unknown woman who had committed suicide at a hotel in New Westminster b'PVPtt mot: ths ago. So (-oniidrnt are the relatives that Miss Noll has been a Victim of (on! play that the Dominion ‘Polii-e authorities at llttawn have been re- quested to investigate her strange disappearance. The Mice at Vancou- ver, it is said, newer heard ot the death of a strange woman in New West- minister seven months ago. It is uSunlly the custom when astrange per- son is found dead in a public place or building that a photograph is taken and given wide publication, but this was not done. It looks quite urobable that instead of the young lady doing away with herself, she was killed or poisoned hy some unknown persons who saw her withdraw her money from the bank. At anv rate Berlin relatives and friends of Miss Noll do not believe the storv that she committed suicide. Ilr. Wm. Sass when interviewed was very optimistic about the future oi this industry, and the Telegraph wishes tho Company all sucwss. The new addition e.etenris to wir mum street and will he used tor their unites, shipping and store rooms. "Ito" you think that a young woman woMd have her trunk sent to the station, and withdraw her bank account and then travel sixteen miles to a hotel in New Westminster to kill herself?" asserted we oi the relatives of the ynung lady on Sunday. A iat'rt rl-‘Spatcle receivrd Tuesday from New Westminster states that Min Noll died at the latter pure where she had gone with the intention ot securing a pnsnmn as nurse in the hospital. The autopsy showed that. heart failure was the cause of death and burial 1ook.place at Westminster Present Floor Space of the Berlin Interior Hardwood Co. ill Be Doubled The vaation tor the foundation ot the large addition to he erected m the Berlin Interior Hardwood Co. has been completed and the mason work 'has been commenced try Casper Bran". The new building ghirtt is to he 50 x ltill feet and live stories high, is to he built of red pressed brick and when cumbletcd will about double their present tloor space and make the faetory one of the most modern and cotutuodions in the any. WORK COMMERCE!) Oli MI ADDITION T0 FACTORY No odd. how bad your liver, stom- nch or howols; how much your head “new, how miurnhla you no from conuilpniion. indigestion. billonsness nnd sluggish trowers-ro" always get relief with Cucueu. They imme. ttiatety cleanse and regulate tho atom- Belt, remove the lam. fermenting food and tout was; an tho noes- bile from the liver unrl elm " the con. nuptial wum mutter Ind poison from the immune. and Moll. A “cont box from your drugs!“ will keep your liver and how-l. clan; “much. swat-4 and bend cl!" hr min. The, work will. you _ Relatives however 10 cm "OASGARETS" POR LIVER AND BOW!“ Cur. Sick Hudson. Continua» .tth-., ,Oour Stomach" lad Broattt-4mrtdy canal-m. Hand of Her Since Last September andg' It is Believed She Was Done" Away With do not piaee ered Pnce in this repdrt l 'Thank the Famous Herr Doctor Sin oi Vienna, Austria, for allowing his personal prescription for relieving pain, to be sold in Canada. Tlo Dur- tor has used "Kephahiol" in thour, ands of cases, both in private prac i.uee and in his hospital clinics. Ile ihas proved to the delight of the med- 'il'al profession, that attacks of La lHrippt- and thrlds will“ be ss.Urded ott land broken up in 12 hours, by using "KPphaldol" at the tirst Nnt'er'h* "I lslllllli‘n chin. 'Iwu or three "Kephal- :ulul" lublvts at hedtime and hm the iiirst thinx,'ut the morning, will usual glr make a complete pure, although in Ivory severe cases, it may be new» (sary to tseattittttp the treaitnettl for a {shun mm, taking Ott'? "KNrhaidol" “and "vt'ry three hours, 'uiephal0i" shas the pleasant property of relieving iall tlr' distressing symptmm of a g“hall "old"-Huring the 'tood-stoop- im, the lllruhhing 1wadaches-rasinx illn- pain in the hack and limhs--aod rumbling mm lo eat and sleep ttt rum in”. I Mrs. thrum (hum-l of Freeport. "w Pmcion and Lulhl'ul "numb! m tiw 'Freeport I'orterrrriitronM church, G.t, surprrsul at hu' hortu, m. Hun-Ln , ptrtt h: In ml‘l' a M‘nlt‘ Mi llw "the, NS. "tttthers .nnl "mu-mm “I Hr 'hurrlt, and "od" Ihr rmwu trt n: 21“" lu‘nllluful [Hr-1N "I sulrrtnare- haiilihllui SURPRISE FOR THE ORGANIST t I'm-:9. (‘OLDS 'AND 17A” GRmPB IN HALF A 11.”. keep "Krplraldol" in the house, ready to lake at the first sign of a cold. It rotlr druggist shank! not have the 50c. “mm ot those whit-ts, writts kephaMol LimilmL 31 latour Sin-v1, \lnmrrnl. ler marines tPrP MIMI and hum ty “err mum-dad “hon the l "Howl Ma!" farm-s mun-i! ll!" run-dun: housr at Trrtt Cruz. KEPHALDOL .unl "Mn-HAN u: "od" the rm'umm [mu-rs of sutretn JUBILEE SESSION OF . linliilliljlull, CONFERENCE CHURCH HAD A PROSPEROUS YEAR Veteran Ministers Deliver Interesting Addresses Relating Some ot Their Experiences _ The Jubilee 1huderenee oi the Can, ada Evangelical Association mrnsally opened Thursday in Berlin Zion Evan gelical Church at 9.30 o'cloirk. Prev, iously to this sessiuns have been held val-h day to algngo prelimin- aries and to organic" dawn-lit sovie ties ui the, church. Venerable Bishop T. Bowman oi Allentown, Pa. presided. lle deliv ered a most encouraging and inspir ing message on the essentials of tite Christian ministry, after “hieh the organization of the Cotsieretwe “as ettected. Rev. Fl. Hnrn oi Waterloo was appointed secretary, Rev. w. J. Zimmerman as assistant. Rev. A. W. Tover as eopyisd, Rev. Ii. W. Gisch- ler as translator. and Revs. W. D. Hehn. F. it. Meyer, and H. E. Damni were appointed reporters to the sec- ular press. The following visiting brethren were received and requested to take seats within the conference bar; l’roi. S. J. Gamerisfelder, n.o. Pio., president at Evangelical Theo- logical Soiiiinary. Napon'ille, Ill.; Rev. W. .l. Hunks, ediior of the F',vangelical Messenger, t'lexeluud. th Rev. W. llcinmiller, editor of l'hrist- liehn Butt-halter, Cleveland, th; Rev. J. Itauernieintl, superintendent oi Dev ut-oness Hospital, Chicago; Rev. J Mechrl. general secretary of the mis- sionary society, Erie, Pas, Rev. J. w, “can of the Methodist llaiiglllon Conierenre. These gentlemen then arose. and expressed a few words of greeting to the coniermtce. Sabbath and Teytperuncr'-- W. " llrhn, F. J. Kim-Mel. l H. (lrrisnr hurl), r: II. "can, W. bi, Brow, f." M. Simwli, J, W llumnwu, .l.-ler Ierman, I'. It. Kouth, F. K. Kmpkr t'aterhetical Instruction S. school and l'. P. Alliance.-- S. M. “stuck, The conference omtmiiios appoint ed arp:-- .Wtrrrilripr-The I’m-siding Elders, M L. Wing and E. 1mm. ‘lmlters and DortnuPnts-- The Pre siding Elders and the President, The examination of the preachers', was then conducted without an)" charges. Rev/Al, J. Connor who his? [mm Jor two years without an MP] pu'mlnmnt. “as reported an: hauling,- withdrawn. ' u. Umtrache Kduration-U. I. W Damn). It Ir. Gischler, Inerman, F, It. Meyr'r, F'. A. Keller, L. l,. Katy, Sabbath and Teytperuncr'-- llrhn, F. J. Kim-Intel. l H. Inn-h, r: II. "ean, W. bi, Ik- Tea "is food teau, Apiiropriauons-The President and the l'rrsitliug Elders. kinance-G. I). Damm. l V. Ilor lock, A. W. Sam-r, A. It. (list-Mm: bl. D. “rt-kw, J. Kaufman, H. 1'01: plat. Quarlrrh 1'oniereuce Recorms-- F Mever, 1.. “Hum. H. A. Thomas, G liraun. W. "enrich, P. lt, ll, Peer, It. H. Brand. Fl. H. llarsrh. noagaries--The President and Pro siding lildrrs. rich strength and hill thtvorl I,!, _i,illlrj'i'if,j,lii.iil 5.. it,j,_s_i;_tl,l - 'su' W o _ , 13jllll ti, e A. I'UIiiidce heat on least fuel. See the Mcitiar: dvaicr 0r write for booklet. LIPHARDT BROS Local Agents IiCo'NOMICAL--cHeats the house well without burning all the coal you can buy. S c - " . UIVCS SIC} 'du'tmiitCe heat on I Thursday's Session Ir. Gischler, tt M‘Clgry's .." “Hum, Drill, You Valli? “I. Ilaist I Alt-um No. I u iasielrss and can e, given Sl‘l'n'll} in Tea, 1'oftre ot [and Menu No. 2 is taken volun- tarily try those willing to help them- {win-s. l \lrurn ion mm ht' obtained at our “tow. tsk [or Free lltmklet telling 'all “hunt n and Rive “can atrial. i IC. M. Ivsitt, Druggisl, Watrrtoo. "eso.lutios.-t', S. Finkheiner. J. C. Moriock, .l. G. Hum, K. (new inger, .1. A. F'whtntdt, o. ll. llallman The .lnbm'r amnion ot the Can“. 1".vanyTlicui (‘unfert-m'e at Zion church was held on Friday evening and was a mus! interesting and in- wiring meeting throughout. It WI! the fiftieth anniversary ol the organ“ zation of the Comerence in Canada, And the addresses wefe delivered mr a number ot the pioneer ministers ot the Conference, The chair was fitted in a happy maxim-r by Mr. J. C.' lireithaupt. . BREAK WHISKEY’S GRIP ON YOUR LOVED 1llilill Drunkards will tell you with tears of sinrrriiy that they do not want kn drink, Thit waving coming from the inllamml mmnhrunf-s ot the,stom- ach drites them to it. . II' liislmp Bowman qukr briefly lat wry ierventty, Whiting some of III expt'rienees when he lirst came to IIntarm 38 years ago. He spoke ot several ramp meetings and the mar u‘lluus demonstrations oi Diving- pon'or 1uanifested at those meetings. He produced a pirturr of the tirtrt, i'mm-rnnm- in INST», showing some 20 llll’ll with Bishop Lung, the [realms preacher of the Evangelical Associa- tion, inthrir midst. The Bishop spoke ferlingly at those noble “on: “ms. 1.. ll. l‘lvtsch, P. E. Mgr. tm, .l. Stimuli", Jam!) Lit. L. H. llulmnan, L. K. Hit". H. J. Holt!- man. . Rev. (inudnwn, pastor ot the Mette "dist l'hurt‘h. New York City, w“ presented and addressed the Confer- mm: The I'm-siding F.lders reported to 11m Muir nf the work on their to- sm-xlm- fields. The reports show that pmgrr-ss m being made all along thy Inw. and that the work is in I gzxuspt‘ruus condition. Atrura “ill soothe the "milling norm-s and wan the craving that is ruining your homo and stealing an “thou-“kc kind husband or father iron? mu. It rush nnly~ SLIM! per box and if It dot-s not cure or bene- " allvr a the] the money will be teruiuirtd. _ 1'onterence Pseiations-Al. K. Bratm. FI Burn, M, l.. Wing, II. II. Lei. bold, It. Kreh. V l H. Damn). . Iteiiurrial--n. Kreh, P. Meyer, 0. F. Hruun, H. D. Becker, I G. Burn) Prverideut L. II. Smut”, D. D., ot North Western l'ullrge, and Rev, ‘-lz-xsvrsrhlnidt of Flat Rock, Ohio. ut'rt' iutroduvpd. to the cortterenee, up.d tuvited to occupy .si'ats within the mnforvm-P hut. Gives steady, even ((mlinued on page lot lire-in, Friday's Session Friday Fan-noon. Piyler,

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