ii Potatoes pet bag ......... 1.00 P Egret, per dozen .m..t.'...mm... .33 y Butter, per lb F...Ft.r.tm..'e.tt .21 _ Wheat per bush. ...... _..... , any per ton ......... ...... um : Bin. per ton ............... 1.50 'l'. Hood. per cord .........._. T.50 'd Export cattle r_,wee.6 rm.'"., 8.00 ' WWW tattle .qq... ... 8.00 Li nuance mum. Flour per we lbs ......'.. 8:10 2.53 Hal, per ton .". Fr. ___.. 24.00 IlMIingI per 100 lbs - 1.40 Sets-ain‘t per 100 lbs -.. 1.40 flay)“ ton ................ 18.00 19.00 Buckwheat ........... Potatoes, per bag . Ems per dozen ._..r_. Butter, per lb. T Hogs, live, per mm Lard, per lb. PVtrN. _ In)" per hulk. v..-..-. .60 on: per but. ..q...... ..._ .38 Penn. pet bush. pw.... M"... Ali in: Auto ...-.... ...... M. Suc- una- ......... A†my pet non W...»....... Wood per cord -..r......q... Wheat ...se.... t.r__'.r. ._-r.t.t. .90 Corn, per bushel ."t" .. At .13 Flour, family, per cwt. $2.75 2.80 Flour, high grade ,........... 3:25 Bran, per ton mt....... ....-.."+ 24.00 linings, per ton ....v 25.00 26.00 Barley .-..F'.r. .e...t... Ftt ... A8 .52 Peas .. ..r.m. w....... _..".... .80. .90 [in ............. Barn so it x " ft., straw sh-d 28 ft. x 30 ft.. all in good condition, frame first class timber. Apply Jas. R. Wood, Preston, URL, It. R. No. 2 - 9-tt. Hum ......" ...... ngTEliLw. MARCH 12th, 1013: Good Baking Brings Good Cheer. Good Bakinfg Qualities o ELVIRA, MARCH 12, 1914. Sold by all up- to-date grocers WM. SNIDER, BERLIN, MARCH 12, 1914. cwtiuually leit who do not know the ex- has - failed It you want a special pastry fhtrtr Seven Lilies will prove to be the best. them to give it will. We cannot too OCEAN FLOUR lt there are any housewives BERLIN MARKETS. Flour Mills Water! oo ELMHIA MARKET'. fit)itftltit Phone No. 239 For Sale ..... v... “M.- ............ ...... .34 strongly urge a trial. It and it never nl TORONTO, March 9..---Reeettrta at .t. TI Fi live stock u the Union Yard- we" . . JY 44 can. 788 cattle, 341 host. 11: $3.75 2 . Itâ€. Ind " calves. .... 3:35 :- Butchon. . t.... ttey J,t'"i,u"ftti.'1',/.."tuhgyll .212: . . . l- ' u . I 25.00 26.00 I common. $6.50 to “.75: choloe cow-I. "" _.. A8 .52 to 87: good cows. “.50 to 85.75; manu- 9 rewa. $5.50 to 86: common cows. " " . .80. . 0 “.50; calmer: and cutters. $3.75 to it“: ... .34 .31 I bun". choice. " to 81.50: good built. "" . 60 6.5 IO $7; medium. " to $6.50. .. . . . l Blockers and PM ... .60 .65 -.cltoLertteeearu.800 t? :00 1tyr.urretoyt.t 28 .60 .60 .90 " .15 19.00 8.50 .23 .303 9.00‘ .16; .url .23 .35 .28 Alt A5 .80 can: 60. Much him.“ an. Mew tite, MM - t'ffdfg tt_0.tyuee 'ltr'.ff/pr"AT%tl4 arlr, Butter, no" Ion. . . . . . Bauer. creamy. tb. n Butter. nut-tor, Ur Butter. creamery. soul "Is, lei-laid .. . . . . . Choc“. old. tu......... Cheese, now. ttt. . . . . . .. Honey can)â€. dour... lionâ€. extract“. IL. WINK"!!! GRAIN I‘m WINNIPEG. larch '.--4Noao--A_ Wheat-tco 1 normal-n, "v. No. I h. Pe; Nit: 'y't., "he; yo:p. Site; N3 -..‘. nu. a nu†- mu. u. - nub i. Inc; No. 6. "e; mod. toe; No. I - head suds. Mic; No. I do., “we: N; a 10.. use; No. l mush, Itâ€: No. I do.. "Se: No. I do.. "Se; No. 1 M ulnar. 'Ne; No. a red winter, â€55c; No. I do.. £6960. o.t--No. I c.w.. 86%e; No. ' C.W., 8Mie: extra No. t feed. In“: No. I 100‘, :45 No. 1 teed,8t%rr. _ - _-_‘ 5%rtey--No. 8. 66e; No. 4. 68%e; n- tecte0. 48%c; lead. "c. Ftas--No. l N.W,C.. $1.30; No. I c.w.. " 81; No. ' C,W.. 81.â€. Slocum and PM Choice steers. 800 to 900 lb... Ire worth " to $7.40: medium to good steers. a.“ to 86.75: stacker: ot light weight- an Mow sale at 35:75 te $6.25. veal Calvu Receipt. ot ealveq were an": MM and prices ruled firm. Choice veal calves. tto to 11; good. " to no; medium. "" to $8.60; common catvesq, $5.00 to " Mllke'u and some»; Choice fresh maker- and tonal Slimmer-s are in good (em-ad. bu: hack- vnrd Jpn-ins"; an glow ode. There VII . moderate run yesterday. which call! It "it to 8100. the bulk (an. It '" to 886. also: and Limb. The sheep gn lamb market w fir- sheep. light ewes. cold at 86.50 to 31: hayy ewes. 353:5 to 36.25: mm. 85.25 to “la; heavy lambs. " to 58.75; choloo lambs, " to $9.15. an 1 hm, sfiri, "tiCsMitF."tio".'Y GFittiiid 9555c. to."1bci_tio. g ttt:r...ltNe to 30%.: No. t wheat. Tgr, to "tke. Corn-mo. ' ye low. "ue. oattg-Nm 3 white. 86tte to 3.566. Ftoar-Uncha"tqetL Bram-Unch-dd. Epic? in}. -inhiir, TiiiiyTtrtie? There has been no improvement In the trade In on": since um day week. ow- ‘nx to the met that puck": and butcher! can. that the consumption or beet has decreased considerably since the Lente- aenson commenced, Ind " I: being tell more an. yen in this department ot the trade than aver before. Sever-l unloads of medjum quality cows and bulls were bought tor shlpment to Ottawa and Quebec; but. In" from "III, the murket w" purely local and dull. Choice ulcer. sold It a to $8.26 pee 100 pounds: _ A . _ _ Tile muket for sheep oid luna- VII “gang. - __ - - Butchera' cattle. "mica " to 38,25: do., medium. " to "MP. do.. common. " to 86; cur-nan, u to "ar. butchen‘ (2mg choice cows_ $6.50 to “.75; 60.. medlmm 85.50 to $6.25: '10.. bulls. " to 37.25; mute", choice. each. tttttt to 8110; do., common and medium. "ch. 180 to $99t swingers. $70 t9 $75. “D A - DULUTH. Hal-ch l-Cloae: Wttoatr- No. 1 bard. "9ic; No. l northern. 31%.; 'Ne. 2 Io., 'thte. Mysttte.F'o. , hard. H65 were In good demand at Price! Ttry't)ettCuru?h?nsef. - A -- - '85;- /-uiGe. V‘c'lo $6.50: bucks and culls, 'llulr' to 86.75. Lambs. $8.50 to " Hott Co.b., 39.75 to '10. Calves. " to "o, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. EAST BUFFALO. March '.s-Cattie-- Receipts. 2200: fairly and“; and is: to 259 higher; prime steers. $8.35 to 8.9.15; tlt"..'",,".. a to $8.15: butchers. " to " '. holler]. u to â€.15; cows, £185 to $123: bulls. " lo $7.50: Itockerl on. leaders, $5.75 to 01.25: stork henna, $5.25 to 86.75: fresh cows and â€waters, neatly. "s to 3M. _ vealsr-Peéerttts. moo; uctiva ma " Ptltre rapture Mrs. Putin-m. GLASGOW. March Tir-Et-ttttq mummy. Indu- of Hm militant But. frngeues. was "routed last night " I ButrrMette awning after a Mttt with tho pollro. m _ ‘Imh tw-my you" were hurt and several ronstablen bud ly bruised. Mn. Punkhurat was speaking who: (he pour» dashed into the hall with clubs drum. A to work of barbed Irm- ctr-Mend term: (In platform. under the ttoral decorum“. prowl "harlot", with the CM of - not “In: tlower pots, churn and Bttrtttirttt a.» handy u mmnn. In when». the lullte. - _ .... Shoep and tmmtrs-rteret.ttt. H.500: handy, acuve; aha-p. Handy; uunu. 1.: higher: lam)». 85.50 to 88; yummy. to $12.5: wothorn. $625 to “.40; even. to 86; sheep. mixed. " to 86.15. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. "Vealénoceipu. moo; totryr: $6_to $12. -- --- Hogs-Receipts. ".500: active and We to 15c higher; heavy and mixed. â€,8 to ".ro: yorkers. " to v.15; pigs. 88.85 to 88.90: Youths. â€.25 to 8A0; In“. "." to 87 Mr, d-Iries._$3_lo p.10; _ 7 -- --- CHICAGO, March 9.-ruttle-tteeete 34.000: market. steady: beeves. 87.25 to â€.10: Texas new". 3110 to 83.10: stool- m 3nd leaders t', to 88.10; can and 'ltlW. 83.65 to 3.65; “New. ".30 a to. ' Lili/tJT/tr, 30.000: mtrket. salve: light. "60 to ca: mind. â€As to tkW., heavy, â€.80 to "tr. rough. “.30 to 8.“: tlst " to 8810; bulk of “In. a.“ " a. . -t'ttsett--Rqe!.tttt. Ite". was: an; otv"rTtiit"ivi,7iirVio Ti.itr.' {QT-51?? u. iii; to 87.10. lambs. nnlh'e. 86.75 to 7.73. â€KNEW! GRAIN 11mm. CATTLE MARKETS MINNEAPOLIS. March a. new“: ettro.9p, P%tid W1“? Afi tf? DULUTH GRAIN MARKET. UNION SNCK YARDS. no" lots........ ' " emu-nay. lb. tolls ' u -tor. him. ' " cregnggry. snub. . , " Holt , IN F arm Stock Implements-Massey-Harris T loot binder used 2 years, Maasey-Marris mower 5 it. cut, Massey-Hutu: com- bined side take _ and udder used 2 years, Massey-Harris hay Nader, Mas- Iey~llanis manure spreeder, large size, used 2 years, Massey-Harris " wringtooui cultivator used 2 years. bussey-Harris " plate 20 inch disc, Sylvester drill, a section iron har- robe, J. Deere 3 horse corn cultiva- tor new, J. Deere riding plow new. A." plow, one horse scanner. tenloot toner, turnip rlrill. wagon complete. truck I'm! with iron wheels, ttenvy, Bain sleigh, nearly new, light sleigh, cutter, new busy. old buggy, car- riage, (shits and pole) cart, scale (1200), gprimistone, 1Ffoot stock rack. 16-foot luv tack. 3 pig racks, tanning mill with bugger, stone boat, wheel harrow, set trravefrlanhs, wood rack. 4 ladders. bae truck and holder, 3 set double harness, 3 set lillde harness, (I new), 3 sets of horse Maxims. a quantity of clover seed, 400 bush, turnips, 20 tons ensi- lage. Sale to commence at t o'clock sharp. Horses :--Ba'y mate 6 years old' in toal, 1500; bay mare 5 years old 1400; black horse 4 years old, 1400 matched team ot black colt: rising 3 years, heaVy, tray horse 5 years old good driver, heavy colt rising one year. "ttte:--, good dairy cows. 18 bead fat cattle rising 2 years old, it not previously sold. . There wilt be sold by public auc- tion on his [arm uatt mile north ot llawkcsvillc. on Pigs and thickens :--4 Yorkshire sows due to Pitt in March, 50 White Wyandotte hens. _ trEttM.H-1 lay , Grain, Potatoes, Chickens, Grass Seed, and all sums ot 310.00 and under, cast: over that amount g months' credit on approved joint notes or b' per cent. per annum " for cash. excepting fat cattle on which the credit is only 3 months. mu. Can Pins, snakes. on “In... t by con, 8 nun†t M, iiriihowa utiiiiGG7i-' can. and was. 1. Ju-' wax :m t2, i. eat tr ty, an- ' F- we y _ Olly. IMOI'. f"tt "ttr, " “a ot Ida or 'la',' that and 1' Jinan-Dark (human home " out an: sale. Come only. ho/ue in entre, ' hutch: cane, 5 you", old, hay bone a you: old, - A , se" ... â€tinctures. _ Mayan-tau you: alumna-ad "tto" dlttqqt, i tabla my " In. each, ' ms to be in mat. I 'rtltrtqt "qumeai.-huasey-r%ertts an» '00-th Pigs, meg-s Good Dairy . I ft. an. t In Prong.- wood Mow- on. any cow an to cake in 21 King West, a 5 u. out, Tiger rate, new Front "til, Ilene, now due to cable latter Bdilin a 'rottd, dine am, .teqt lad roller. an at m. Cot due to cam tat- Phou 353. My with, allot, min. tooth all- tee w: 0! lurch. a mm mm; 2 _ / avatar. I no“, No. " (Mord an; "In old, brood now “new: to be AAAAAAAAAAAtriAthiAAAAAARA plow. I an» “of. Frost & Wood in N., I shoots, " chicken, a 'ttmy- . the. Manny-Hum- by loader. 1 to: d which. _ . , . narrow tire wagon with tax, 1.8 in. a tire was», 1 - you, dump cart, Implomonts. b'Acc-MasserHarria Punt'B But road an, I logging chains. 1 top but!“ ' Lt. out. Booting mower 5 it The . following valuable Property. viz : . The woman who marries tor money earns a lot more ' than she gets. T Not an interim piece is allowed in our show vases. If you ate in search of a wedding m" that in at once Dirasinz, useful and sorvwrable you will tertaialy' find it here. There is nothing at Heller’s that is better looked after than our Sil- ver Goods NO RESERVE as the farm is sold Monday March 16th 1914 SELL-me - OUT HELLER BROS. war "allâ€; G'. G. GLASS, Auctioneer. NORMAN WILKINSON, Prop. A. C. MtLLIE, Clerk. tuieqttitie MINIâ€. BERLIN. sum "" ha Ola. it a; - ore- SALE tig,tr u-n Barrow tire wagon with box, 1.8 in. a tire '"gtoeV l - not, dump an, Implements. kte.:--Masser-Htsrria to“ out. a logging chain. 1 tap tsi-Ur t n. out. Booting move: 5 It . men, 1 My new, 1 bob bklgh, cut. neatly new; Frost & Wood by lung mm, straw can". mutter. his, Wins! and drill. Mann cumu- and Duly m; 8 - rich. wood Inch. tor, Gilli. tuck wagoB, top My gtoek not, a not: a unto! my“, r" auto not. used 3 than, new and WIgOI springs, hone power W can“. top my, cutter. aue- with he!!! wheel. “my cutter, wheel Nah!» lbw, wagon box my. pig LI: ot arrow, I don. grain bugs, excel-ion rare, 2 new“ ll nearly 'tee),tiitr- luau, emu-cut saw, set oi double g1: 919w. not tic-honors, Hahn's Household Furniture - Sideboard, than capture, churn, lounge, but ill lamps, carpet. stove, and Tar- Ious other ankles. Cattle _ cows due to calve about time of sale, a fresh cows. 2. {arrow cows, Jersey cow, " yearling and mo yen old steeraond heifers in Me condition; 4 calves. 1Ioqs'.-10 tat hoes, it not prev- iously‘ sold ;. 8 shouts. l pigs 3 MOMS old, a sunken, sow to pig about April 1, breeding BOW, 5 young I)“ in pig. "olrr-Atrout 50 hens. AmNemeats, etc. - r3U'ster-lurris Moder 7 ft.; Frost ' Wood mower 5; It. cut, a wagons. 2 wagon bottoms tmtrsleitrh, land roller, single plow, 2 two-furrow plows, set harrows " -stioms), horse "he. seed drill, sprinerolh cultivator with seed bolt. Cline! cultivator. iron scum", 2 by tech. one flat: stock ruck. butt- gr, democrat. calm, Liming will weigh mics (capacity 2000 ML). bag tettth, wagon springs, lace posts, grindswne. let ttr-ttru-d harn- as. 3 sets plow but": heavy team harness, new. set single harness. Hay, Grah,’ Bun-200 bushels “Big 1" can, 50 bushels Sens-lion “to. The “on two lots are fhse lord one. perfectly clean. A large “sanity of mixed grain. a eowrider- able Quantity oi barley tit tor seed, Iome feed barley, a few tons ol har, a considerable quantity of mangolda. The undersigned /L remiwd in- Pee' front-16h: I. Laidufrvst, I: and. 10 Trs. old, team ot farm hor- res t and 6 yrs. old, well mated; mare 5 yrs. old, gelding 4 yrs. old mare 4 yrs. old, yearling ft1ly, year- linw.horse ' draught mare 5 yrs. old. The above horses are all bred trom heavy stock, and of a very desirable class. Lady's me driving man: 1 yrs. old, in toat; general purpose adding 6 yrs old. ~306- .u-t nu? ma you“ dd. [191 ion. 4 â€as YAY h. "f llamas, My new; a not: at Mow home“, a an ot single hotness, De- LaV-l mam sop-rum. work butâ€. l0-tods wire lensing tores and show els. 3-th barrow. Hotuacdd Ella-ts 1-1 choose any» board, 1 sink, 1 side board, nour- ebzst, 2 beds with bedding, wood box rocker chair, some than and bomb- ts. meat beach, yard carpet, clad. TERMS :-Fat cattle my and all Inn of 810.00 and under. cash; met that amount. " months’ credit pa approved joint notes, or 5 not .er.r3 per autumn " for cash paymnms ot credit, amounts. to sell by publéiguction on Lots " my: 13. Con. innit B. Township at Guelph. Paisley Black, on At one o'cloek, sharp; the follow~ in; valuable property, viz: TERMS :--<ums at $10 and under, nah; over that amount. 12 moottm' "edit will he gim on approved 50m notes 3 m can per annum a! tor ugh Hay. train, poultry, mango!“ and tat bags, rash. hh1?,? t'.'Patr2gt MUt ' I'"""' 'e m',"", “P Mall-eh Mitt 1914 LN THE TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH. Farm Stock, Implements, etc ’ " M.8t no. in tok fdr=g My. m >- ' IroItSIu'.S:--Team of heavy mares Stb mum. as thr [arm is sold ' I e . l, 7 up , Honsdlokl linens :--Bqreatt., eook- in: stove, sink, 2 drums, lounge, Utt- A N Am ted: cream separator, highchair, audio, four chest, washing machine. H -.e..-, â€um-rm..- =s.,t,.,.o,, n" batches, spay", Hat. coal oil can. Monday March 23rd 1914 ELlZABETH R08ENBERGER. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. ' H. T. Coleman, Clerk. a-2t. J. M. Dl'FF, Clerk. .ttt1F.N MrooNALt', tuct Cd - â€â€˜13.th u Farm on Lots " ' “mum's LIVmIcV'r mm 11-21. DANDRC'rF'. Prop. Jot " - ' , - II b iono- u-‘O.n 'trits:?:?.?':?,":',-' d. ' on mun-9mm: “amen-mun: ‘W uilu 'd't2gtet -'"""e".% - ' Vl’u‘ POM., M, a. â€new. “Inâ€. propu- ty, Viz:~ 'W‘t-lhl’k (he-hut has n 1"". old, by bone ' you: old, “It by we " you: old sapwood to be in tont. :-7"‘ Pub“ the Ontario Mum)» co. All Persons laying any claims against the Estate ot Elizabeth Miss late at the City of Berlin, in the Province of (mane. deceased, are re- quired to send mu particulars of the same to Henry A. Brunch", Execu- tor, Gen, Dertrery, Berlin. Ontario, or to the undersigned, his Solicitor, on or befree the 27th day of March, 1014. on which date the said Exem- tor will diBtritrute the nssels ot the estate. liming regard mlv to those at whose claims he shall then have received notice. not Will! “an "all! You can. with an Oxypathor. The Oxyvathor cures you and keeps you we'll by fitting your Mood with tint; Life giving Tissue Building ele- ment. OXYGEN. Without Oxygen there could he no Lite, with Oxygen in abundance there is tire and health in tttttttttttttter. Write for has Book, without obli- gation to pun-chm _ A. HOLM. Manager Phone HO. Presl tor, NIB. “lick wagoB, top may will! auto not, used 3 than, new itutt.er can“. top my, cutter. night» new, wagon box wittt pig rare, 2 scallion ll Italy 'tee),tiitr- g]: Now, set no. honors, Hahn's hay rack, tannin; mill, binder truck, bay brute, wheelbarrow, pig hairs, 150 rook elm and oak pickeu, grind stone, new myths, 20 It. ladder, 2 hauls. tunnel salt, t iron kettles. root Wiper. a cross-cut saws il nearly new), at ot hegVy Mam ttara- INTI-ID at Berlin, Primary 21m NHL raiiu, limb 24th 1914 NOTICE TO CREDIT 0R8 JOHN LIPS, Executor. S. 3.3mm w, M, CRAM, Estonia's Solicitor. h. 13 Weber St, East , mum, "In. Preston, Ont 7-12t 9At ,7 "tttNtttttT TAIL“. Strpttord 'Guelph N Berlin., 1-1;?!“th For Exchange 'ii"ilts Thornton In _ 1mg... Douglas, Ltd. 'tiirtit.dt $13.00 - a - to'""""""""", " a mum-o to tho any who have aim-av his“. Think a being at: us got at . the beginning ot the I . and" your. from “mu" 330,00 od new tgrriM,Chtl made to your mm. In Pb, me setting. " ot the - Sui-g 813.00 to 90.0. â€than tor An um. "ir ot Tron-In 10:35:00. Fit absolutely gnu- Yet that is what $13.00 Berlin,