my and I nor it " an Loch no. not.“ to aid. ruins and brim NI ply. on tho multiple“. u worried look coming limo hi. polo (not. “why hood I ho tmublod with thin curious. “not! dream-tone. which you own [ i. not had uni therefore not criminnl? 1 Why would I he nud- ocquointod with anything foolish the boy in: done? â€by ll my "load, my familiar trio-d. $--in yours the ind in younger an t. but thnt moie- no difference, W in brain eratt he in older, tar mm ot mo. B. will me in every ny. ho in ready with his tongue. ready with his gun. ho‘l willing ttt be at my beck and coll. be untrue. me, he bears with me. he puts up with my bunny obliinncy and taken thingl u thoy come. We've ind I hundred or “menu. l've been in the wrong a hundred times, but 1pever remember ruby contradicting me rudely, or " outing " opinion when he knew Ind l know he Win in the right-the dour fellow wu niwnyl in the right, though he tried not to let he know it. He's Inch I some. docle chap, only once he “tuned to comply with my Williel; you umber; luck. the afternoon I wanted him lo so bark to town-t'm II“ II. Yqfttbed, because I VII not “null then before you surprised, Jock, thnt l-like him, that l cttn't bear to hear nnything said ngnlnst taut. or onyonc‘m to come h.iween- no? You know the life I've lived, the oolitory life spent mostly our“ doors with the wind. the tron, the fields. for comp-III; you can't be surprised I Ihould cling to Furl". he is no won- doriuliy organised. Pmcy that brain. Jock. brought into unison with that glorious. .ou1-ryntuttying nature of hit. that strong. yigormrl mind in submit “on. on it: kneel. u it were. to'that - heart-a you. mom, humon bout." "fiehplllled to ttntrer the pipe on the chlmnoyplowe. kicked at Hunter, and mum“ rovorcntly: "t don’t believe chance trroiidt7t' turn here; it "I pity-l may! God'! pit? --thgtt sent him into my life; Ind tool- In; so urongly as I do on mm were. I will never- you understnnd ms, Jack, whatever he has done-l will - let him Bo. Come, Is it worth vim. to strive to Implant distrust. to tar my mind with unlmporlnnt, (tough fool- hh details, perhaps. concerning Fur ley'a put when I would hr rather be bllufully ignorant of than? 16 ttate. cessary, Jack?" . _ _ _ "It In neceuary. um! " cruel kind- ness to beat about the bush. You Iblll hive It without further paiavor--.a I um heron, “Hey I: ramming of . Inna; be entered " Thomu’l Ber. vico under mu Trrettrrtsmr, Ie-" -iliGreaia% (hi iltutro an stopped tsim, h a - _ _ '12}; En? Felix sud. Munch; and “king hold of MI con an- under and: elbow. "go ou.", _ . -. .-. “Lilli nun}! i. not brie, " all: lt’l Jonah. Pauline knoll." - "MI: io" Au mm by that?" he uked ahnmly. "My our Felix! Don'hyou no: hun't it dawned on you yet? The nIme Is not Pun! Flrhy. It In Plullno knoll-41'- not I matet-xtt't I wo- mun!†- his: stepped buck on to the tender, no threw up ttttt hand u " to ward off in nnexpeched Mow, - A . _ H "No, no, no," he oxeinimod.‘ white Ind cued: “Jack. not um: anything but that. Poe inc-var- uh. don't “tempt to palm off on In I horrible can“! like that! It'.---"'. I block He!" he shouted excitedly. "You “03:: move it. and I'tl thunk you to m of my house. oft my -i---do you but?" "t can't prove it," Hunter sud. taken lblck. "hm Ana. an: she went to school with hint-t moon her-i Vlivorde. She told no A mph of hours Mo, but the bu known nil lions. Tim is why Fania?“ to "I! here. I um , ' tro. mendouliy sorry. (m M oom- polied to tell you (MI. I the truth," he uld t , I sympathetic proum on t an Inn. "Ind you will ball.†a be - it you think I mi. you out your mind but om in. ind four months. every incompahonublo thin: in connection with r to“ to 9mg thttt it in "no. on new well enough. Felix, to “In t would not any one word to rm or wound you. I would “on it n you. wny " " were pouiblo, but mu, it wu cumin], you In"! tool M it wn not-puny.†I Felix looked from mmur It ' Ind buck â€all: to the doom M calorie". his gny syn bl . in horror. the agony. wiihA T balm, met or Inter, shows its value. No than up â€not b go very far or very fut tomrrd Bttettei-8to woman either-who mien from the headaches, the nor nan-ch and poor digeothn, the unpleasant breath “Id the good-form; fella, Viki ml! from constipation and billet-nan. But just learn M mm" what I diluent-e will be made by I few dose: of BEEGIIAM’S PILLS In Wages or Profit Tested though three "nerstiom--fneomtrtr known the world over this perfect vegetable and My: cadet“ funny remedy h unhera- Illy accepted a the beat man or mike of dwdeu oethe madam. Beeehnm'mB"eerutetut-ittrthei- to â€in!“ .rtieftr-st9e you to (at all the rho-thinner" adm- nkingqulmeafmn yourfood. A-rtrtrrthtrreqthey “youth-hind -rteAcrttir+_r". [E Cur. Common In: 1 “You. It wu Incas-Irv." he and, run-pm; the etrirnrterageee with both hunk to Mendy himself, I" the cmttr dence, the militarily. the sturdy hide pondence gone trom MI manner; "but. Jack, I Many! could hue been Ipured this," be put " but! to MI bud. "You no. I (hr-shed him! Oh, hrtr vensl how I numbed him! He no no I should be torn one "r-Otter an. I wan tum-v troat.the.motmm i when I In in play, but I wu tumu- thi-mad; t--rou don't know what I did; you aw it-trut you don't know how mummy bu tormented no. it" haunted no inculuntiy; i dream of tt continually. i've dreamed l killed him, whipped the lite out ot him; I've - him lying in the ahruhbwry and night liter night. i've vukened in a Ivan-,i'm thrtushirup-tuwar. thrash- ing. with dull. hen". sickening bio vs. sud Flriey in groaning, for ever groun- th’I heartttreOhtg, "in patient. “pm-cued trrotuting---Btter a night like tut I---" troubled no mo e lines my lecident. since I can’t slot p --and new you tell me that groaning, writhing crenture wu a 'YotmMF--a delicnw. Ilim Iiip of w-Agnes'." He and across at her with an ex- pmnlon_ln his eyes she never forgot --it Wu I tearful thlng to wimp!- that deep. vnt, boundless despair. He stepped forward " it he were about. to go hnd wring trom h r n denial ot this colossal travesty of r'r- cumutautlal evidence, which the himself must hive devised, wlvn, without any preliminary warning. hc dropped, went down with I cruh that made the china. the chandeliers ring. that (End the whole room ind in tluen d eyernbinc in It. The Iron hed entered his soul. and he lar there white and still in " first duh mom. enter of nothingneu, unconscious o' Ashe-'0 terrified Ihriek. unconscious of trxhrtesttee-tor the tint time in hi healthy. hearty. wholemmo lite Felix Fleming had tainted! The WIN of HII Belem , It wu late In the nttemoon. and mowtng. John-on, the friendly wulter who had nil-tad Pun] to cutch the null train to Woyberno, stood In the hall of the "Pendennll." w-tchinx through the itttlttt door the slow, feathery Iwirl of ken. He was mu» in. upon the winter‘u curly Advance, when a mun ot ttme phnlque passed the tron â€may. catered the nun-y. and uoonded tbs new ot the hon]. The Itrnnnr we. the mum and the broadest man he had ever been celled upon to behold. 3nd Jot-neon looked st him via intern! u to panned open the heir-gin: door. He we. hand. wmo. too, be out in I decided “(in 2itl,'r, VI]. The" was no "illr. - “out it. the first - SQldlti the undilputnble fact, end the d “bounced Ind maintained them imam-ion. Hitt felturel were good. remark-bl! good: I inir complexion m been colored end unt- ed to B - tr, mun-d- ttrtuto--the nun end the w nd; the eyes were my In Id 3 look in them u it they iocul An object Dome, distance ed. The bronze mouMaehe, the and Vin; tn upward curve, '0' a haunt). and [listened In the light In door "run; to behind hint, . Me! In?" he inquired, In a p t. slightly mulch. tone. We»: unlisted In the tgtttrma. tNe, haunted when the atranxrr to b: shown thrs way to his pro are. lie I†unwilling to dlsturb Mr. 1mm. h. “Id. lat-mum ihe last this no word into the little lltllng- room behln the hall the gentleman m (at. â€hep. The real truth ot the matter m that Mr. ruby vu unwell, m, John-an thought. really. genuinely tll. We had not ordered I mouthful of vlctualn that day. nor the Lr,",,',':',',', one. The tublc wu- Itrevn mm and to end with pope". Bil hlnda of litters, and the gentleman uld la h-d no room, Ind no “In. tor nulls, but he hid disposed of penal cum ot in and lnnumonblo cigarette“ "Medium; l hue In "venom new The gentleman had been much and monill trom Sir Thomas. Will r by I telegram ndvinimz hill of the or; tttwe a smoke?†peeled death of I lriend. Ho. John‘ "i wonder whether you w " an ,1 , son. did not ihink the mend ind died, in-or’" Felix handed. gently (Ir-w but Mr. Farley had renamed to (on. in the proffered one mm him tan I. wry queer, very shaky, and. in rom'. "t will if i mn," ho acid. can l5: mun-h van m. with a an: a CHAPTER XXX! Tho room wu in .earttaae.- “I comfonnbly warm lull. mm the tin Ind burned low. The COME stood, be tween the nretNeat and the table. In‘ Pnul lay thrre “keep. the wound“ kind In I buck an: Mine. nnd the other tuck“! under " ind. In": tip-tood new“ the room Ind bent owl the couch. Plnl "rake. alert. MI norm on tht stretch. 1ooetfU out for timer " unit. Ind Pnul “leap. 'meogtee1otte oi criticilm. the maul" of hi. lure re mm. the omuci-Hon, the marines- ghq hnllnwn barman ht. on. minim! "sabre. ware tot-v _ mm: was“ Felix bud no idea he VIII no min. " worn. no clrnrly. unmistaklbl’. ill. Ind nwhilo back, . month, cure, he wan fulrly piump and looked no uncom'm n lr well. This was a revolution; Felix was gaining sn ‘Iulght into that Ptrs ley had sufterrtt. what he had (minted while unawrrvlngly prosecuting tttq phyllrl) and menu] canâ€). he hr! waged in owl;r to attain his doub tul Inglorious ends. Presently. he drop ped on om- ttnee and looked mom closely at the careworn (we. Paul was so "in. preiemmnlly still, parody brrothing, that-tt wnve oi sickening (tar swept over him-tpet" heavens.' was the prize to be snatch“ from him within an ace of his in“)! The study gn-vo. the soul's yearning, Influenced the tr'eeper; he stirred. the helvy cyerids Hired. and the great dark eye- wore fixed on the tqulre'l lace. "mmo. Fcrterr." he and, smiling suddenly; "what cheer.'" Paul turted MI feet to the floor. sat up. and lined " M- vultor. -... "Have you come to stop hero?†tsq Inked Inxtomly. I hunted expreulon In " eyes. "No, not here," Fell: nturncd gulch ly. now perfectly Oh]. to lutorpret nu look that punled hint It "moo; "I'ttt on the other Ilda, mu down the "not, you know. PIuI. It the WI Heel I vented to no “In. In! l ,mttted te lee you. l in“ an Austin I look. rel my Inv- down yonder. had I bmh up, Ind stepped over new to In ron to come but Ind h“. I Mt of dlnnel with me. There's turtle â€up. red mub let. I broiled (owl. and I bottle of Due do Mame. '71 vittte, to wuh It down --dom, the menu Imp“ te you?" ind! crowed bl; Wen. ‘leined but Ind Imlled. -' "You are very kind," he laid. - fully. "very hind; but I don't feel " all pockhh; tn fact. I my oft my feed, and." nodding u the litter on the table. "I hive u much u I an get through with totttrttt,' -"iiritut have you'hld to eat terday."' Felix Inked. seams lulu-melt on the conch and Ignoring Ihrtnttre. "rf--rmt *ttoie what an mutant. smoker l nm--" I bring my “Imam. down to one pipe u a; will you - on the channel. give up Imollng until you are In . better In. ct health, say tor three months?" "? will." In: mid. Hilly; ".91 whit It mar-.111 do " wanna turme- on your run. Whf ld "I not. A martyr of your-ell. Fell)? tt to"! Be the rule†thing In the world; b d him- are um cull! shunned. But I will do " to out“ "s. bemu- 1:“ “I no.†"To ei.-ots, I don't know, any- thing 103nm litres to bring; I hug no pnrttea_ appetite." _ " m _ "Thank you." roll: taunted. In“! plns the In and am tt hm ml â€Moon pocket. "Nose, In tt - . you will [11M no “can" met d taco? â€on. don't my me. “can†earB0 " to con -Ir to mi 701 um." Pull laughed. Ruched MI In»! m "c. T , to the (mm run ITT' CilhT2' m. nn- 90"“ C,51l, Minn-d Inna Into II'I {moan pot-Ix lElltr, "I was†do In†In the '0 "LTTLTs,", tth ' YT'? â€ted W'. I '2WT. b. M“- '- (on. I van with.“ ' Fer',' rr: "Well. In this.“ TET hill. â€no" m "s', “I CTTE a = In it 01. , It!†l r". F, .e' “a â€I†rc, '.t"t:" as 51 ", ?. , - '," k _",. v lc' ff w 'a'r" l _ . "l"".' "3., ' _ , 21‘, _ ..F- .Z' ""_ws,-rr's, ‘ _ .. gr "', _ IWW,,. - m with "Whit In " ia In doing?†gttorr in; at the heterogeneonv mun ot pl pen on the "ttle, A "Oddl and ends. There no not!" communications from WInmnn can earning that cultivate. three of Sir Thomas“- Ipcechel. some uncles of my own, a great exgttttittntiort paper for Tom Hurgnve. and one or two more min!!! of I Iimlllr chttrtteter." "Wra' :‘~ “n" work on? You seem to etehrw tttd." _ "Tu tor 1-1": thing: Ptt Is a B 7m--- lam. " puns ore toge'hrr nd'nlru'dy, Rtt6--srel1, I la‘oke a troodish alrn'. You lee. when on? has I "mum: tor food Ind toe (In! mouthful rho"rt one. o dunno coma hundy. It (301th thr: nereoq" contrac'km ttt on“ throttt. and mom" the wrcu- cd sew-Uh" Ir" pr fawn.†"Are you trying to km yourself?" "Good gnu-Ions. no! I am Hymn tot I point mind" Government Then-1 Bir Tttotrtts'tt letter Btret It on tre table clone to you. If you rare 'tt led: It It." Instead of Iooklno. u the lu'n I . llx' looked at him. and Mlle he (and Pull rose. placed a lump ot rcll on tie fire with a pair ot brass trims ard Inn-1mm lounulng tttere, his boo? ngllnnl the ehtmurrpieee, ttsoot.'; wir: bis rig-rule (use. "Do you 9'1an tt co d ("r-w Felix an“). "Medium; l hue In "renew t mom-I from Sir Thomas. Wtll hue a smoke?" ‘you know I will -I Swarthmore, Penn. - " For Mum, I yam I mrtteesd nook! my. and for ' - _ - M.eiMBieE W period of - " ggilB J a“ twoyemlhadhem- _ g†. cringe. And the Rt .. anew" told no I gag†'ON" _'e,ie,: 9%? .a: "ief, i;?, '. 'ljli. i " ffsos u U I): ‘ ' _iii,i")tl 5% Mttt 05+ _ . “A itr4h, I " 5 "Many oi the lullihl’i oi (murmurs not aware that 'the Hessian Fly has hren attacking their wheat and mus ing much destrmtiort. They have noticed numerous broken down straws in the fields when cutting the grain but have attributed them to otht-r cats 3 then no real one. In' some fields this year 50 per cent oi the crop has been annoyed by this, the wont'iusect enemy a wheat. Some of those who have â€1de nevercly the last low years are thinking of dropping winter wheat out of their rotation until the Hessian Fly ceas- es to be a menace. The life history oi the insect and the best methods ot control wilt therefore be of inter- est to farmers. ’ LIFE msTooRY-The adult Fly resembles closely a mosquito but is a little smaller and darker. " is seldom noticed in this stage,- buthas three other stages, viz., egg, mag- got, and pupa or linseed stages. At the d.ate 'ot writing, August 9th, the insect is in--the pupal stage in the wheat fields. These pupae look very like nasal-eds and are to he tound in the when stems near the ground. Reunite the blade from the stem just above the first or second joint from the ground and these reddish hmwn pupae will be seen. Smirn- es as many as twenty are clustered together on a single badly attacked stern. In a tew weeks these pupae will change into the black mosquito- like adult, in fact same have already done so in my rearing cages. These lies lite a law days aM lay their eggs on the wheat plants that spring up in stubble fields or in early sou: fields. Soon little legit-SS maggots hatch [mm the eggs and feed on the young plants at the brown, frequent- ly doing much damage and causing the wheat fields to look a sickly .vel- low color late in tall. Before win- grown and have changed 1.9 the ttax- ter most M the maggots arr lull seed stage, Next spring, about June, these trausinrm into the adult Ities. THE “PERSIAN FLY AND WINTER WHEAT. Saved by Lydia e. Pinkhun’a Vega-bk Compound. MI . would have to an- gN A " i demo at over-don. gltl. v U itil M I bean akin: iis' ttl , Lydia E. Plnkhum'o Biiih . Vega-bl. Com- 'iam ttlg. pound and an In " " good health now. I . " IE _ um all over the "“ “"""’ ChannolLlfoud etsrthoMtrattto your Valuable Compound mhighly. Evrrywomnntshornd Mitch“ that time. I recommend itto both old and yaung for {crude trxmtNc"-Mrs Emu Sun-1mm, Swudmon, " Canadian Worn-Ira Experience: Fort Wilma ' thtt.-'H frat In I I eottld not tell other! enough my“ the good Lydia E. I’lnklum'l Vegrhblo Compound has done toe me. I in. west and tired and I could no‘wtnl‘hu. A {rind mmendod mammal! and I mama] hunt and tet'fi,t,t could not with to dot-p better. km other won-on Th' In†bin-n It for N can e"ee they run In In. it. '-Iu. 1r'e. A. tty,", â€I m My an». M Willi-III. Out-OI “new: and _ - N It iBtTilllt ADVISE iliEilliTltllit "t will: lo an you of the greet ital “Fruit-mung" have done tor me. " yea: I was I martyr to Chronic Con-u- plies Ind Stomach Trouble. t "I “any ru- down and my friends {and thad fogtr'ghth I (tied til-mum" doctors And a] kind. cl medicine, but remind no relief until ndvUed to tty, "ttruit-tives" by Mr. “6&1:de St. Stephen. and am pleased to eatf. I now enjoy excellent health. " who l-livcl" "a the best medicine ands. and I shoagly advise my friends to use them". "Nita-lives" h the only medicine that will potluvely and completely can Constipalion. Thin wondedul compound of fruit ttn act- directly on the liver, um " this org-n to ulna not: trite from the blood. and to give up more bile to move the bowels regularly And unfunny. nbox,6 for $r.go, trill the a A152?! deaierior sent on receipt ",i'/dt by Ptuitetiv" Limited. Ottawa. Br. Sumâ€. men heir-uh. I". HUGH MCKENNA. Jan. "tti. 19!} b" EH!!! better it More; the lea lug " teel hearqeqtm8troert tty. I I'M'd late lowing ll unit mahnuvuxmmhu. and can erarvnadblw‘Mo‘Ie It in! crop appear-Wuhau‘uoul. M in; down or burn-govt! lam stubble u soon In the krill te, been hailed in, or on the attache d running . cultlutor or dire over the field to "art the wheat growing end Induce the ttie. to tay their eggs on these punts, and then ploughing them all down in September to tie. stray the eggs or maggots; or low- ing 1 strip or two at wheat, in August in the field intended for wheat this year and letting thisgrow up tor the Mea to lay eggs in, and then ploughing it_under just below heading the whole Ngit-are each helpiul methods of control wherever they can he applied, but the main remedies are those tirtst mentioned. Late sowing is likely‘to be very et- lectire this war because the show- ers we are getting in August will haeten the appearance oi the tties more than dry weather would and therefore they are likely to lay their eggs considerably earlier. ... raiiiriiritiifFttmrdtxsc ' ‘. men “nu-m many-3pm “walnut-v thi' hum but :i"diirJtaptAWtl ; in ttMtbsd In ptlr. _,!,ri'irli,f!,,,?,,li'iil, Inc Iowa “in than] I d . . 00d 1'Cl'h'd in? dwégm. GI' Krill =tttt,tt' a an and (sunshin- m be , -. " mun-tum»: IUD JIM! any trt More 1,t',"121' d ti'; igL,'tr'tr M mo“: U'h Is 3"(SWIM kinds ot parasites are at- tacking ttie maggots 1nd pup-e of tre Hessian Fly. Some have already emerged in my rearing cages but it in not safe to depend upon Item to keep it under control. _ Resolution-Resolves to what you ought; patio: tail what you resolve. Frugalitr-Mahe no expense but to do good to others or yourself; it, want: nothing. Industry-Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut on tut necessary actions. Justiexr-wroU none' tr/doing' in- juries, or omitting the beams that are your duty. _ cteaniiness-toIerate no Int-bani nos: in body, clothes or habits-Lion orar-Let. all you! things have their Mam; let each part 01 your business have its time. Mnceritr-t% no hurtful deceit you speak, speak accordingly think Innocently and justly; nmt, ModerationL-Avoid extremes; lor- bear reg-Ming injuries so much as you think they deserve. Temperamxr-Eat not: to dullness drink not to elevation. CABANE, Qtte.--Durlrtg a quarrel here last night tour lumber-jacks seiz- ed a companion, Pierre Lavoic, who had diluted with them, and held him over the stove until he was nearly roasted. Lavolc's burns are very serious. and this morning he was in a dollrlnus condition. The torutrerg cl Lavoie made all IMO the woods. siiettce-Speak not but what may tumult. other: or young!!! ; avoid tritiiag conversation. b tmavoidarpr-ien'rm'n Frp.ntrm Tttutquility-Be not disturbed nines or at accidcnu common - NO um USED WITHOUT wan-rm com. ©onflned to His Home for Weeks. C. CAESAR. Department of (l l ROASTED LUMBER! ACK 5iiiriiita0iaiii,iiF,.riiijim,,trrtee,st w.- or Mar nova-u m m max: magmotwmswmmmmmwm tiir,',',i'g',,'ie"ii 'Mi,'" mm: 1t't,'r.r,y,t,qttS.roi'rrSAtt. w 'iA"yl,tti, "afrtl',t f,ti'fiiili'th7t'i"efat= a Tub-i. 1tf,l'=l=lo"l." mm on 'l1'll'l'ld " an the w and - armo- an“ M a. Ial'l " mum tutti! cranium! from the Inn-m “1% _ - u _ - A . In! -ot1u" â€HWY Ltitialgtga'ti'.a'a'z1" Wde'at'gWh 'lt ,wau, DnKENNEDY& KEN" El" iiitifif,eei safari A rm on many. Ac.EP It "A. YOUR BLOOD OI!" OIIIAOID'I “(may Ava. and mm St. wt. Wth. m0. All!!!†- “I - half!!! Good Code -tltd "mo m gown-wait: “devilhnuuln you": Msqgh' a v2l,,1f.71'.r,,"g. What I In ad had "an t't'tt would m Ian-nun†wanna-Md u be A week n n “no. Ar [all ymwmnmuonwumynnlyhoro-Mt I dreaded "2,idPY,it2tgMttl'Jttt,','it'lfrltft,ht 1N1'rel'd'N,'l,', my. {on iolwk upon all am.- beuor tMgt a On hon-tel me why 1 “not! work†lat Ind Nt', Mil "on. "cum-rd me to whom may. WNlB'l'LTl'l'l'R'a era-mt (men than luv-all and ha any tn Mei',' and sinful. [ma them Ind got Tttg Nor am T'tma' . an. Mung-nun†mum don all dam 1'?tat'r/,"g treatment. I ma mum“ di-Nerd. Ma mun tatt,',',',',',"?'?,',,,',,"?, 1tt,'rr,tt1"lrf, “alumna“ lom ' g 01‘? [I‘m-o ittl'i'rS'a'a'ltarr'A1 M 'AitEi mm- . w- IYQW. b to perform periom without Entomology C., Guelph " or _ nan- $9.: 'MMMNG I." 2.tA?'t5tht2Sil't2i B}. E .. t l'lii'i':it: iitriEt 'itti1i',i.iSii'i'tit! - ' Pd u 1!- hi, $lJ,'lltgt MII‘UH uo aim _71tht', . .QH-vlhtrd- an-lldlmni».u. “to. T III-um WI and ram:- m bonds. ' "MG: an: J , g ' [ _ f t u.LA“A_,,,,u., . A J “L _ Rittgiit::ty0,. 1rvtttghteg': . 7 tedit tgt, . Et/r,,iCi1i,iiiit It" in: L"p,',t,f,t; . n , t',ll'ieti up 5. to do Humid-n. an†In! mrï¬wfï¬Ã©f'mfwm M m In]! HTBM I. new a a Iii: ma. 'i'e)fghrtcs no! Mala-m. ' rsfiiiiiir.l "Cum _ -"e ua-u-h in .' and “unnatural... an" that 2,ii,r.h',ifr,t'] or Ftii'i' , _'tro "" P Pt - - - - n - Le, =s.eqm- - (‘idnn trom att th- Ovm WI Exhibit: by the Province. Dominion £thqu Bind of Scots Guard- A4iain Arthr- lmperlal Cadet Competitions Boy Scout. Review Emailing In Educational Exhibit- Mete of Delhi Beac- o' Th' Barn Band Canadian National Exhibition lugpetinl Cadet Review Prom mrc*Mtfhos' â€no Paintings of the Year from Euro†P:ln_tlngp_ by tteat Canadian Ind Dragoona' Music“ Ride Industries in Operation Butter M-kinn Competition- ArnerieaUGreatest LiveStock Show (hands-'0 Biggest Dog Show Amuica's Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Firework. Mote: Boat Race. Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuviu- Athlellc Sports Ten Band Concert: Daily Acres of Mlnuhgtum limped-I Fireworks-~60 Numbers Aug ..'. 7'. _ l, ._. m'P. . , ll _ in-Iheu' _ - 1'“. ugh“ my tlt IL. . ' TORONTO Imperial Year EEIIg SOME FEATURES or .M 1912 m. autumnal 'rtDytt.ttaanrisee-q, (,li),lgi),jl,5, ls strongly W‘ - mod nut-dun by Fir. [mum Com. pales. tt%ittsototito from - or burning hands. Ind has awed my I building. Mule In 3 PM! Colon -Rod. Brown. Gran _ In luau] Slug. Sal. “all“ In. " mummrmu. Cum Bdt-ln'o Beet In“ In“ Sépt. 9 b Iriiia Clo-on: a ' "n2'a"ll,'ll,dU,',Mft', “m“mmaéw-WWS-‘é "'ltftlleitJ. , ' w F"iie A. L. B_ITZ£_R’,§,.;§. ' â€mum-Imp A Barri-t ' lid Ki tar. tSt 'rliiiii,!iti1,t/hi?dtiiittt 'llTirdrlt'Rti'1dhtiptiiff. W1 Dr. William Geiger S'rsuun'o 3mm. . Plan 143 Rum an, Vin-moo Honor Graduate of Toronto Ltggi Iity. Lute of the Rides: St. griqpiut, Ottawa, lamba- oi til College of Physicians And Surgeon. oi Ontario. NOTIthgIIt all: .ismrerqt' from the otBee. __- 1:. r a. menu. _ 13mm Mann-n Bimb CLAYTON W. WELLS. L, D.S.. D. D.B.. Dentist. Wsterloc Hours 9 to 6. Friday: 9 to 12. Ted. mt After April lst will visit. Elmln the second and fourth M37 in well month, 1 to 6 pan. _ u, . oMcer--48 King St. E. over Domin- ion link Entrance. 2nd Door Wu, of Post once. . 4 "h1t,'lltte,ttijtt IV ' ltn brid- lnt lanai â€In! Phon- qtbo, Our teaches are all , instructors. Our e se better than ever and th eq cm is more complete. W do on lot vurtrrnduat" than o ot shall“ schools. Fourteen 'tpptieattiotty, union melp Wife received in ' pot week, me ot It†“in!“ our $700 per "mum? "rt'titvg the. We teach a full com-e new: !trytstr, ttfr. intwtt weeks. For I our. LD.&D.D. ammo s. J.i)f4li'a,Nluuugugtrfaet WW“D¢NMNII " an mom i In her M w 'rra1yAfluuPlll Gl Ita Mild-.3"- J. H. Enge'. graduate ot Veterinary Go age. out deuce, Queen St. Phone ' by day or night answered "ella, [.01 no Ltd tgem 0.9.5. 'Srlt'i'Alli?,?t, #dl'gt'Nt,t'trgght' ' x JlltNt . m an: brunt-e nouns. Knbl am.“ now.†m J ' _ tt inn-“‘i‘muum. (Milo. Jar-030800. th he“ oe Licentluh! of the Ro â€maggot Dental Surgeons. El',',,') Guam qniverutr of Toronto. otruo But 2'gg C'i)'ii9il'thi'pug!ii? h, w n. ac one 1 . '1os"y?.ires.m.titrir'."%' . Gamma mica. EXPERIENCED VETERIN- ARY SURGEON hdAgp'Ns,i., ntoriiUtioi, ai a; Mn; Learn Drossmaking can r. WlbllA! loo per "mums! . PM!“ {an :puuncuts. mad} ' r- alD lid '0Wvmditadii, it. 0' " free orwtoHtrtrer.a+ m 'e was. '1. {123981112 I. “that. on Dr. [Adel-mun, D, D. a. Dr. w. J. SCHMIDT. DEITlI'l' III'HII tr-i-i - - '""""eF. B-u'iftui iliibii"iSNi". ?Pe .oUtto Ir... " THE may was“. DR. J. E. m m 'eNettt8ltti'r: an y". "I I.» “I n . grams gt the Onta'rio m ctt"mstuk.,mirttr, . otmxGGriiiir. “new. Allen": Jt',tfiid.t.a' VS," t w Waterloo Iain.