Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 May 1911, p. 4

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arts ‘ y all band, I left to “th) of ten ttri- I ma m-d tte New t Mr. or, was I up- c posi- ue Mr. :mirnt it: Ati- Win with Imam, Trinity May. - Lnxs ch in- k up Mon In We “as Ensure, he fun- kocrtwr In trom Metly Brod- Hugh an for ttr, - in 'rman Miss Miss Stop Ethel ltr r s how veral [enry l.mier, mm Tb: Pity inst her in rm] hich her jtz, gave the “P live" hut Lisa Hal‘s Ner he {0(- ion KN' r In t _rateoni: News Notes.-- The first exhibition football game ot the season was play- ed here on Saturday evening between the Hespeler and the local intermedi- ate teams. and resulted in a tie, the score being lo-l. The teams were very evenly matched and each showed a thorough knowledge of the game by the manner in which the ball was handled. The attendance was rather light, owing doubtless to the busy season With the farmers. The new scale being erected by Mr. A. Hil- born is nearing completion and will shortly. be ready for public use.-Dr. A. R. Bock has purchased a new 'auto runabout, and with his brother Mr. Levi Hock, brought it home from London last Thursday. The machine is a twenty horse-power “Ford" and is a very handsome car. Personals-Miss Bessie Master is spending a lew days in Toronto.--Mrs (Rein) A. K. Stoltz left on Tuesday [or a month's tour through a few of the states in the interests at the U. M. A. oi the 1'. ll. Church.--Mr. Levi Bock, oi Chatham, spent a few days with relatives in town quite recently.--Rev. C. W. Hack-Is spent the week end in the Niagara district. -Rev. [-2. Sicvettpiprr oi Berlin con- ducted quarterly serriees at Bethe! on Saturday and Sunday last-.. Mr. A. Krampens and ramin moved on Tuesday to their new home (in the Huron Road, where their friends wish them success. Spanking does not cure children of I Galt, May 2,-'Tiie Western Cn. bed-wetting. There is a constitu- t-rio Uricket Lcaglu' of 1NI will he tional cause tor this trouble, Mrs. '.composht ol the Iollowing dubs: M, Summers, Box W 501, Windsor, "Gall. lh-spclcr, Paris. Waterlors and Ont. , will send free to any ' mother G:Nph. her successful home treatnwnt, with l Thr own-rs or the lmgnc arr: lull instructions Send no money hut Honorary prtsitlettis- "on, Jas write her lo-day if your children Yo nt. Hall; Dr ('rwlmmi, GULF. trouble you in lliis ua} Don't blame 'lelllh' J. F', FYagrarn, Wr.ttstlcr, the child, lhr ('lumu's are it can't Gvorg" ll. Fmtws. llcspolcr; .l ll help " This trratmrnt also curt?s “Sh”. “It, Paris. adults and aged proph' troubled “nth Presithnt--.t. " .'a"ray, (lull, urine dttTicullrp:, by day or night, I lie Prpsidcnisi-ttiut.-t'ot. Ibhitr rslnbhslmwnl lwn', MO tor Goderictt this “N'k “hrrv M “H! "(THIN ' a Similar puulmn Mr itoehlrr “I” be much missed m th" hand, m the affairs of “MCI! organiraCton he took a Krcat ink-res! and was an MCI-Hm! playrr -Mrs Charlvs Ittchardsott, tulr mctls Mtss Flown" nnullw oi Hm town, hold 1"'r-positmuptiat rm‘I-phun in SI Marys on 1vrdnrsutav attornmm laud trom four to sh u‘rlirk -- ltev Mr Tngrr, pastor at ttw Fivtutptriical (Thumb here, who has Mn removed b thr summing mar IttiltIlihlutci'1'l1tits the Mi [TIER THAN SPANKING FEW-rum: an m “an o! “I! i. M tiersttoar. The Pl“ ,* 1m awn». iorttre r, 'trse - h" bCett NEW DUNDEE News Note..9r. m um who has hm upland on to “a! ot an - and! In: any: you: and but"! with an Kan Printery. at a. we place. in but may men-d his co-chit" in annoy“ tity, and aims: about. vac-non vial his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lly. Luu Lem, tett but Monday tor LOI- uon where h: Ins tutegrted . posi- tton in the job department ol the Load“: Adxertitter. He carries with Brieitc-Born April Mth to Mr. all! Mrs. Geo. Cordock, a sen. C'ortgratulotious.--itov. Mr. Sterne and Ala. Clarke ot Galt conducte! tie league in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Their subjezt was local optimc--The dance which was held in McGarvey's hall onFri- day night was well attendo?.-The young people of the Methodist church intmd holding a concert in their church on Thursday evening, May 4th. Everybody weleomc.-- Mr. Bechtel has been drawing his bricks to Preston by traction engine this week.-Vrs. Hardy is visiting her {MIL-r, Mr. John Tilt at preseaC-- Mrs. Henry Dahmer is confine" to her bed with a very severe sickmss at present. Her lriemls hope lor a speedy roeovery.--Mr. Wm. Dalian-r of Waterloo paid a flying visit to his home on Monday-Misses F, and R. Reid (If Berlin spent Sumiuy with their sister, Mrs. Ted Sullivan. --Miss M. Barret an9 Miss Annie Haste were Preston visitors last W: driesd ay . Items of Interest.-Mr. Atrraharn' Schncller of Williamsburg called on, Mr. J. Spactzel Satunhy last. - Miss Leona Bctxmr called at the I home oi Mr. J. Spwtzel on Satur- dayv--Mr. I. Spactzel wasa visitor in Waterloo-on Sunday last.-Mr. i Dilman Roll) 'left for Detroit on Sun: r'h1y.-Y1r. Jacob Sru-tzol left lor Mannheim on Monday to assist in the' building ofa warehcuse for Mr. J. I'oih--M'r. t'restnan wasa busi- ness visitor in Breslau on Monday.- His iriena will be pleased to know that Mr. Abram Weber has recovered trom his recent murss.- Irvin Went was a business visitor in Ber- bin on Thursday.--Nr. Fred . Lang and Mr. David lloltz was in Cea- treviile on Saturrhy.--Mrssrs. Burton trim tho Last wishes of his many lrim's lure tor his continued suc- tru in the Forest Citr.-Mr. B. s. Dctwiler and tamiir ct Spring Hi.l Farm, have are more become resi- dents ot this village, We are all pleased to welcome than back to our midst.--". Charter thn ot Ber- lin, called cu his lather-in-lnw, Mr. Henry lleise last Tmsdny. Mr. Hahn, who was on a fishing jaunt to this village. succeeded in landing, a number ot the [may trite, - Mr. Abram Otterhoitr.er was in Berlin last Sunday, where he attended tho lineal ol his brother-in-law thelat: Mr. Henry l-er oi Lexiagtmr-- Mr. and Mrs. Stirling of Hamilton tut.' Mise Jennie Good pt Blair were vis- itcrs with Miss Margaret L. betwi- ler Inst saturday-Mrs. Hy. Heist of Presto spent Sunday with her lushand, Mr. Henry Hoist of Sun- set Hill. She was accompanied by her granddauhhtcr, Miss Kannmach- er, also ot Preston, --Mr. and Mrs. John Waggoner ot "The Pines" were the guests of the farmer's brother, Mr. Henry Waggoner ot Berlin ttrt Sumkty.--Mr. Jacob (3mm 04 Pres- too called on his brother, Mr. Abram Gimhcl oi Maple Lane last Sat'arju‘ny evening. and Abraham Weber visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, German Mills.- Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Shantl. an: daughter spent Sun- day at the home nl Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber.-Mr. Nelson Woolner was a btr,incss visitor in last Momity. The Conestoga Women's Institute intend giving a concert on the nth of Mav. This society is having a new lease of life and will enter on the new year (June Ist) with a membership of about fifty. Women will lurnish the entire programme, which will consist of dialogues, readings and songs, Many ot the perlormers will appear on the pub- lic platform " the frrst time. A good time is anticipated. _ Sven-tau _ l rvassmeN' Halt. 1irecutive rotttmiittw--tt. Itaies, Pans, J. Wry:?, "an; F.. ll K "oc- ton, (hu-lph, A. Smith, ”and" and T. Kramam, 1t"irtloo, The Salu‘llulv. tt Max '37 --HvsTrVr v. “will: .lunr 1--Paris , Watrrhro, Jun" ")--Gait v. Paiis, Juno "t--Wcivrhu, r Hrspvlrr. ,lnm' 2i--Gnrlph T, “union. June 2t--ttrsmrt v “all. July I-Herr) l Paris July 't--Ruhurtoo s. llrsprlrr July '--Gttit v. Hospdvr. July lb-G: Ottettrh, ._-!-ly [tc-fait."),'),"-- lie Prpsidcnts-r,ivut.-'tiot m1 murmur t'orrk, Berlin. W. o. CRICKET DE 1--Nris , “Miriam. Io-Gait v. Paiis, "t--Wctvr1ru, S' Hrsprln 2i--Gnrlph v, “Motion. 2t--ttrnsmrr v "an. 1--HerTvlm l Paris tl--Rutrrloo T, llrsprlcr 't--Gtut v. llospelvr. Is-fra-ttrw', _.." CONESTOGO "an" NATCHEZ . _ "ii'GGiiriliTiie"ira,TGc-, itnr i,' 1Mt,Paee 4 BOON this vicinity IG I . E .‘I'mpsm, “bile I At the recent sittings ol the High Court d Justice in Berlin tll: action Icl (Euicklall vs. Quicklall was heard by His Lordship Justice Latchlum !who reserved Ids judgment. This {use was an action to set aside the will ct the late R. M. Quicklall a” lBer'lin, ot November 8, 1910, andto ' establish a prior will at October '11, 1910, on the ground that testa- tor was not competent to make a will on November 8, and that the' mu ot that date “as obtained by" Ila‘dulcnt conspiracy and undue in- llluencu oi his sons, Allan and 1Uii/ Judgment: I declim to consider thei Latter phase at the actirn. Tho tes-l tator had reached the age a 77 midi I was possessed of an estate oi about! I $19,800. of his chlldrcn, three sons' survive. The deceased (hilt’ccn left ltlze instrurtvnt put forward as the l I last will ot their father was executed I while be war: in a tree and untram- meled state of mind-wherea person ' gives instructions fora wilt under which he takes a benefit that is a cir- _ cumstance that ought generally to I excite tlr. suspicion oi the court, and 'calls upon it tn be vigilant,and vea- lots in examining the evidence in ', support ot the instrument in favor or _ which it ought nut to pronq'lnce in- less the suspicion ts renewed and it t is judicially satisfied that the paper . propounded tioee express the true will of the deceased. The mus lay upon the sons who gave the instructions for the new will, amt both Allan and Albert were, I am eorwineecr, par: ties to the instructions, to show no issue, but, one of lis sons made a: acsignment for the benefit ot his cre- dams in 1905. It was lor the bro- there, Allan and Albert, to establish to the satisfaction ot the colt that Justice Latchford Readers 130 cision in the Quicklan Action as persons protitings by the change thart the, alleged will of Nrt-ember 8 was " free and uNnfluettced act ot the testator. This onus they have not satisfied. I should go inrtlx-r if I thought it uccssary. There will acc eringly be judgment declaring that the document of Novemsrr 8 is not thr tast will of deceased Il.. M. Quicklall. Costs ol piaintitt and the "fricial (Inardian out of the estate. Stay It eo dars. SENTEXJED T0 FOUR AND THREE YEARS LAST WILL Ernie liammil. who plea'ded guilty last week to the shame of being an accessory alter the fact in the Grand Trunk robbery case, was sentenced by Police Magistrate Weir in Berlin Polite, L'ocrt Tuesday morning to Tour years' imprisonment in the Provincial Peni- tentiary at Kingston. Charles Pujolas, who made a con- lossiun oi the robbery was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in the same institution by the same official. Of the two, Ernie Hammil the Ga". young man, Appeared to be the more aitected by the sentence imposed lor his misdeed. Magistrate Weir said that he was gtad that the men had cotfcssed be- ta so lal they nut been detected same other "nployvs might have been Ila ol under suspirioe. He tuned lh..l when the prisoners returned they “in Ito-:. resolved " hvr hello! tin-n, Mr. and Mrs. John Gatrit haw mlumrd lo Blair and act- orrupymg their summer home here. all" spend. ing the winter in "arr.--Mr.. and Mrs. Hurling ol llamill'ru speat Stu-ml days last week with Mr. mud Mrsc A, R. Good-Mr. Lloyd c. TH ot Toronto 1"niversity, spent the wwkw-n“. al his hum has, prior t ' leaving for “unmet lslnnnwhort‘ Ir will spend thc snnmrr with A party on (hr Munumu and l-quuinmll railwar.--.ttr and Mrs Hm ken. ym- um may rt Waterloo and Mr, Hunk-9 Krnum "t llranH-nl given! Sunday at "lair. quality-the reason why It holds bat place will like the fine flavor of Rod Rog Too. It has the cup A touch of than: Recommend " a IS SET ASIDE BLAIR WT: Valuable Property for Sale ler Amlorson, age:? 92 years. Bruce-ia Galt, April 20th, Mrs. John Bruce, argera 69 years. Mcke.u ie-- In GW, April 27th, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. Pawtintesimer-ln Drumbo, Aptil23, .'atrt_s Ba1xtinheimer, agod " yrs. Ritz-Am the Stone Rea} Galt, April 27th, Anna, 7 yuan-old daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rift. \'olm:‘r--!n Detroit, on April 19th, Wi Ilium Vol rut-r. s'tewart--'n Sasyntem, Hospital, an April 15th, infant child of Peter and Elsi:- Etewart, oi Fystow,age 9 months. Fhtydt-Near Cross/sm, April 26th, Israel Snyder. Pcumsvyer.--tn New Hamburg, April 21th, Mrs. Jus. Rams-yer, aged 41 years. Koerher-In New Hamburg, April 27th, Mrs, John S. Koerber, agcd 54 yrars. "oeckner--tn Tavistock,' April 27th, Mr. John Boecluer. azr-d 71 years. (Mam r--" Crote.i3, April to All, turtHrs. Mus. lemoux, " mun Htmter--ltt Hunt! r, April Roi-h, to Mr. and In. James Hunter, a daughter. 1uroas--in Tuonto,,un April 15, to Mr, an; Mrs. J. Mums. Waist. Ncnh. . Soil. Wctrer--ln Wrolwiuh. April 23, to Mr. The valuable proprrty situated on northeast corner " King and F'reder- ic'o streets, Wathoo, comprising non! It acres cf land with gun! garden and large orchard. Large brick house, 13 rcoms with bath room, :nlomalic' lift pump for soft water to bath room, rtstnrtsartd sink ihof water ant heating), wood hcrsc and sn:o"o house, also 2 large barns an! driving sly: and gum thic- km itouso on premises. Propetty may be null separately or cu block. l'rupuly is vslatc of thr- late Jacob Conrad. For par- ticulars apriy Conrad Ems” 1tta'erloo (ml. 18-tt. G'Ul2gher-At ('IJlagn, April Margaret Gallagher, tOrin-Orly Eduar--MacG'eorge-i, Galt, April 2mm. Annie". MueHvorge to George Edgar both of can. Wet+--Roouers--us Galt, April Mth, Mary Rngrrs in John Arthur Webb, " Braillord. Btuier--Rocttet.-lr, Berlin. April26, lair/abut. Rochel, Berlin to John Baler, " Preston. iiodigtta--Sattagian-lrt Galt, April 22, Solria Sahagian to Mctzik llngan ot Hamilton. meaag-rlidt. At Third Litre, Wet. Irsiey, April M, Kiss Eidt to Mr. Ed. Deming of Wilmot. Ilissotr--Lawson--On April 2tith, on the tth Con. Peel Tawny-hip, Mr. I'Idwaro J. mama to Miss Mabel Lawson. Hamntoud-uuic"Crll-At Ft. George, April ll-‘lli, Miss Vera, of Glcnaan, Harvry Hilborn and " yrars. .lohnstoir-In Ayr April 15th, Wri- ter Johnston, age". " years. Ardorsutr--itt Ayr, April HUI, Wal- to Mr. Frederick Hammond, Crosshill. Gan. - ' _ i".'ul'uorrt-In Gait, April 20th, Mr and Mrs. Mama M, Wbacr, a 5m *ugan's Grosery The lent 91-9. on is here. We sell a. choice variety of fish. Salmon Trout, Whitefish. . Lake Superior Herring Labra- dor Herring, Ihelr'cd Trout The best brands of pink and red Salmon tot to 18e tl can. The Grocer Our Watchword is Purity Our M Ma Full Weight L. Bruegoman We make a specialty of Wonen‘s Garmonts and thnt is why you find here the best assortment. the best goods Ind the best vuluc. For twenty you: our buyer hes had to do with the Inning of Women'., Garments, and he is still learning and those who boy here get the benefit of his long expo rienco. Style is not the ouiy consideration in the selectior; of ihese goods, mn- terinl und workmanship an fully as important and these three features In cuc- fulty Considered and Examined in the securing of our Ladies Garments. SUITS MO BOATS are now selling here and we can also serve you. Latli s' Suits in Black and Colors at $I000 $15.00 $IR.0(~ to $2010 Miss, s Suits Fq $, " " Io.oo I2 50 I5.00 to 18.co Ladies' Coats, Short length at 475 5.00 6 on 7.50 to T0.00 Ladies' Coats, Ion It n th at 5.00 (.00 7 50 to 15 oo Children's Coats 'lil imam at 2 503004350 boo to 600 The Best and Cheapest Suite and Spring Coats MARRIAGES BIRTH' Phone I I72 DEATH. Waterloo WW“... ot-oo-oo.. Chamberiain's Stomach and Liver healthy appetite. They promote the Tablets will clear the sour stomach, ow of gastric juice, thereby inducing sweeten the breath and create a good digestion. Sold by all dealers._ REAL REST FOR THE WEARY The Kellaric Mattress has the Laced Opening ht [he end. enabling the prrchasa-r to see just what is, inside. Each mattress is equipped with STRAP HAN DLES which prove very handy in turning or moving it. The KELLABIC is absolutely guaranteed not to mg or become uneven or lumpy. Largest Exclusive Specialists of High Grade Mat- tresses and Box Spring" in Canada. If your dealer does not carry it please phone 686. Bérlin Bedding M. Limited Berlin Onmlo 1) I) 0 U N 0 0 0 I) 0

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