. SR. Ernst & Co. Furniture or Springs or Mattresses House Cleaning Time is Here. Men's stylish topper m ereoats mask- from English con-rt cloth in fawn and grey shades, sizes 35 to 12, rcg- ular " to $10, Saturday .rt.P'tr'r. PMr.M. English tweed and worsted finished suits for men, in medium and dark shades of brown and greys, shadow striped and checked patterns, three huttuncd single breasted sack models nicely shaped iapets and close fitting collars; linings are of good quality trim-d Italian and Venetian iinisizmi fabrics, 34 to " inch dust, saint ot these suits are almost hali price, Saturday sprwial bargain trm-tree' ..-.p.p.. Waterloo Big boys' bloomer. suits or threr piece suits, double breasted mocreN with swell built up shouln'i'rs and long roll lapels in greys, olives and browns. in English wool fabrics ol smooth finish dressy and serviceable, or ordinary kuee pants, well tailored, good quality milled linings, fashion- able hummer with straps and buckles sizes 28 to 33, regular $6 and “do Saturday ..r..e..e Ver..... ..rrt.e.. m.rrt. tF.-.. $4.79 Boya' bloomer suits, double breast- ed, plain coats or with belt at waist, shapely lapels and natural formed Ibouldcts, imported all wool durable wearing English tweeds in dark and medium shades of mixed greys and taint lancy stripes, choice twilled body linings, correct fitting bloomers with strap and buckle, sizes 21 to 28 Rag. " to $l.50, Saturday mrr_8'.m'rwrrt_ $2.98 Unsea‘ona‘lle weatlwr has Ina-Ye a lull in trade generally, but we have decided to f roe thingy Ot Saturday by OHM-lug values hitherto unknown in Berlin Th te. will be specials in every department, real tpwhls-great bargains that will app al to men of good taste in the utter of clothes Easy Choosing Tail is tho timc of the your that you may need Inn at. but . tow of the many long “was Inn-gain: BOYS' Bl OOMER SUITS t_Ptrt'srtrousrers' _inra dark grey See the New Shoes as our prices are the very lowest. We aim carry the ftuetrt line at Rugs in Tower If in need of any don't fail to call In “a borore buying VOL. St. N 318’ MEN'S SUITS Honey Saving Opportunities All Over the Store. We are selling at $3.00 d. Latter a Son Berlin, k and we'll cover them with a pair of shoes or oxford, that are right in every parti- oular. ZIGK’S SHOE HOME Fte fail s“ SS.SS and you'll begin to wonder it they are not the equal in style and quality of most sold at $3 50. They are. Feel Fittms Bring us your feet for Saturday THE ' CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH. f Mit pairs men's, boys" and youths' boots, box kip leather, Mucher heavy standard scow soles, solid leather throughout. Men's all sizes Ii to IO, reg. $2.25, Saturday bargain t....rt..e.. 120 pairs wontca's boots, dopgola .' kid, Mueller tops, talent toe caps, ' medium heavy soles, Cuban heel. all , sizes 3 to T, regular $2.00 and $2.25 ' . i saturday .rr..rt.'-'r-8. T.trr-rte ...... .rrrr"err._. . s1 .59 I Women's line dress boots, patent colt skin and via kid, beautiful mah- es and this season's lalest styles, short vamps, medium toes and high Cuban beds, extremely neat. and per- ieet fitting, sizes 3 to 7, Reg. $3.50 and .10!) ior ._9..t_r.r-. Frrttm.rr.P_ r-........-. $2.98 50 Youths' long, pants, suits made up in the most popular models of all wool Canadian tweeds m all desir- able shades. They are all $7.50 to 5350 values, shes 32 to 35, they go on sale Saturday to that .ttr..tmrtrtr._--t sa ss I Men's Crarrnette raincoats in grey and'lawn with fancy stripe Chester- tield style. sizes Mi to 41. regular $10 and Sl2,'Saturday mttttrtt. .r.re.rt.rtt Men's trousers in a dark grey and black alternate skim. worsted mate- rial, well “noted. 32 to " inch waist, reg, 83,50 and $3, Saturday... FOOTWEAR BARGAINS Ont " [ow pieces of Phone 3 l8 $1.69 ST.SS SI .98 WATERLOO, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNIVG. MAY 4, Mt 1' Miss M, cure of "candor who has I teen visiting ttlends here (or a In. (sGatr, returned Item Inst Week - l??.'.!".!.', is some danger of “a losing , our present C,t',1t. station agent, " l W L. Hadley. who has been ottrred " gun‘ilar [mummy elsewhere .Vlr Harl- t ll-y its as .ret undrcldod and his many i friends hope that he will remain hon ',--Mr ttttcat Christman has told his fhlmsr on King “not to Mt. L H g Hrubacller oi Waterloo tot $1150 and T Mr Brubnchcr will mow here " man ‘3; possible.--" Lorna Ratl. or To- i, romlu is wounding A low work. at his Ittoom here --Nr I" Ilulsumrl of Piry ,lun wont a lrv. (lay: with Mu M I Reher um work -.Rrv, 3, M, Ham- (itton ot Wiatorttortrne wtsrtot hit-mix I in lawn last week --Mr A "in" has ipurchased the houso owned by Mr lbs l-Ihy on Quern strep, and moved {Into it last and: --5tr (‘larvncr Pcp- ipirr and his Moth" ttttttsa at Wat rum spent last Sunday n tho hour ot Mr. "upâ€. King an"! - Mr, Schmidt ot lit-rim was “21(an hm dnunhwr, Mr, Alex notwellor law “ark --Mrs lh Wall spout last Wmf- ncsday “in: In" mother in tit Jac- ohtt --Miss Lavina men ot l,istourt, tn itad unml Iuw m luv“ ts , " t, I' ttair, last "crk Imprmrnwnh hm» Hum made to the I' P R. Iluum a: it I'll found to he too small tot the ammun nl trmrinvsr--Ttq month" (I "a! o I held an Mllomc in Us an cm was Ian {My l Con at Guelph a rev: weeks ago . is I again able to be at his "mee,-- Miss ", [aura Hemmerich who has lately , been teaching gamed near Edmonton ' has accepted a school nearer he: ' home here at Houghton and kit for . that place last week.-- Mr. J. Gibb I has accepted a position in Gait and intends moving there with his iam- ily in the near Iuture.--The conference oi the Evangelical Association which . was held last week at Zurich decided I to allow Mr. Bum, the present pas- tor of the Elmira march, to remain I another year. This will be Mr. Burn's ' ttith year in this village and his l congregations. hoth here and at Floradale. will be pleased to learn that he will still ventilate to labor among them.--The Inspector oi the Metropolitan Bank, Mr. Brown, was in town last wei-Two cariole loads cl members oi the l.0.0.F. drove to Elam last Wednescay evening to as- sist the lodge of that place in initia, Con and installation ot members and Wifficers. - Mr. Jake Frerster has bought the tine residence at Mr. Nor- man Schmenuund on much street.-- Mr. Albert has moved into Mr. Chas. Wilkin‘s house, vacated try Mr. C. Rominger who has removed into his house on Factory sweet, I Items oi Irtterei-Miss Gladys De- vitt of Waterloo is visiting her cou- l sin, M'ss Beatrice Behrens, (or a kw days-Mr, Hy. Fromm who late- ly severed his connection with the p E'm ta Foundry Co, has "nu-d , t with his family to ArCand, Sash, I where he nil cannuence a business l ol h s own.-U ss Mitut'e Fulton of 'i the B, a: W. Hospital stall. visited rt her home here last week.-- Reeve Christmas, was a business visitor in Berlin last Wednesday.- A special meeting ot the Village Council was hotel last Thursday evening to dis- $71158 certain matters pertaining to the waterworks system. A report I “as received by Ge council (ruin the i Waterworks Committee, which was adopted, and Mr. N, B. Holler was I Allen the contract tor various con-l I motions, extensions, cm, in regard l to the waterworks for the year 1911. I . -Mr. Willoughby, photographer, spent i' Tuesday in St. Jacobs on husittvstc-- é t Miss Bertha Obligher visited trends , I at Fort Haxen (rt a few days.-- Mr I l Hy. Zilliax is seriously ill with an r attack of heart trouble and his many l.' friends wish h'm a speedy recovery. 3 --Mra. ('ollinson and family lelt last neck to vis't friends in Drayton and i 2,,tri' toints before leaving for ber on» in Edmonton.- Mr. Addm l Seharer has moved into the sum t l meats at Mr. Gem Knock. on Church 'street-Nr. John Hedr‘ch, sr., who , has been under treatment at the I Guelph hoszzile fur several weeks has so for recovered as to be ahle t to return to h's home here and to 2 take shat warssc--Mr. J. s. Weiehel who also underwent a serious opera- Annual Meetintr--The annual meer. ing at the Elmira. Board of Trade was held last Friday evening m the ottice ot the skating rink. The chiei questions which were discussed were the Carnegie Library, and two com- munications which had been "received trom the Boards of Trade and Lis- towel and Guelph regarding the pos- sibility ci securing an earlier pas- scnger train on the C. P. R. The committee that “as appointed to im. \estggate this matter consisted of Mesa 5. Amasa Winger. Oscar Vogt, and A, Werner. The officers for the running year were appointed as for lows: Pres ' M. L. Weber; “cuties. Geto. L. Klinck; Sec. Twas. Gen. l, Zpigtet,' Couneillors, W. H. Otto, " S Weichel, P, P. S'tumpf, Oscar Vogt and A Winger. Tia, Carnegie Library question was in", in the hands of A, Winger and " Vogt who will coptmttrtit'ate, with the Library Hoard regarding "m purchasiior, ol a writable site. coo-â€30000000003000†W...- ELM'RA t WELLSBLEV I OurtBusy Neighbors S, {*33K‘M Rein Notes Gathered by Industrial: Correspondents in County and District. evening. ' A special initiation meeting was held before the guests arrived, at which C. Mariachi, Supreme or- gallium presided. Addresses by Rev, A. H. Hamilton of Winterhourrie who is High 0ratnr,and Revs, Dr. Scan Inn and J. n. Burn were much ap- predated The programme consisted or vocal solus'hy Mrs. J, Hodrioh and Mr, Schwindt. a mate, quarto"; try Mpstirs, Amy, Hammond. unborn and DreigEnger,' and a reading try Miss Angeline Holler. About two hundred guissis and members were prmni and a very enjoyable time was spent by an.-Mrs. (Rev.) lig- gt-rs and hm daughter. Mime Fried... M "espehss, visited at "w homo ail Mr Thuns last ue,rk---Mt Arthur Kimmcl spent Saturda' with Elmira triendtc--Rev, P 'l'rrl'i'edf attended the Missouri Synod C'ottterettee at Se- hrlngvlllt last week. - Mt, Roy Zilliax ot (ltavenhurst and Mrs. W. Schmidt of Station! an visiting their lather. Mr Hy) leliu who is auriolluly m with heart trouble -The Netrth Waterloo Lia-use Commission- er: granted liconsrs to our ditterent hotel keepers at a rem-m meeting held in Waterloo. They are Mt. Grntz, Mr. John Stoddick. Mr. Cat par. Monk. and Mr John Allowing who "when the liquor illmp,- Revs P. (immune-r and A, Schulz wrre at tu, I drn last werk attending the Luth, can Conferenoo which was held in l that place --Mr, J, S Weichet wasa limitless visitor in Waterloo lastl Tuesday --Mrs E. n Krb of “will. spent Sunday with her (rind, Mr: I Manna “Mm --,Mrs Aaron 7min" ot Waterloo aim-mini the tum-ml at her setter-ttttttgh), Mu Martin, Inst Sun- day afternoon, tghose (truth octtttrred um n 1rry slit.†tttness -The “mm; Indira of tlw Y l' A of thr KvartwV cal Awncinium rnitrlaim-d the Krrt- Hruwn oi thr ioaum‘ in a mid-l 0‘er Him: last Monday night --Mr Jack lion-"Hi!†has moved ttsto M: new immi_ lJlrh mummy“ in It, I U: Lin Hum, nu Hill (In! 1li.o, “an icy ut (liwlph spent Sunday with ttet friends, the Mines Lottie "in Bruit Iphr-- Miss nertrd0e Rand is "in; I“!!! - wiil Icy cou- rer were Sunday visitcrs at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shoe- maker last Sttndst- Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Snyder and daughter Gertrude of Floradale spent Sunday at the home at Mr. and Mrs. "tmen.-- Mr. D, M. Shoemaker was a business vite itor in Toronto on Monday last.-Mrs Jessie Snider spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Shana at Berlin. -Trae Misses Mocser oi Berlin were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias t3haettr.,-. Mr. Morley Rohr was the guest or Mr. W. B. Swartz on t'stmday.-Miss Vera Ut- they and Miss Irene Biehm oi Berlin spent Sunday with"" their friend Miss Emma Haase. Persoaats.-Mrs. M. Heckendom of Bridgman called at Mr. A. Swartz‘s on Saturday-Miss Lavina Lichty spent Sunday at F'toradaie. - Miss Violet Hallmamsl Berlin spent several days at her home ttere-Mrs. J. Sn der and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lehman attended the iuncral oi the former's brother-in-law, Mr. Em. last Sunday. - Miss Lactunan ot Bridgeport was the guest oi Miss Elma Gr schow on Saturday.-- Mr. Ed. Linton ot An spent sou-ml days at the home of Nr. and Mrs. Sim. Shoemaker last week.--Otr. and Mrs, John Hebel, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oberhottzer and Miss Edna Oberhollr Tews Notes.-- Mr. Charles Fisher's torse is rapidly nearing compietion. Items oi lett:erest.-Mrs, H. Thinner who has been residing lately with her daughter in New Hamburg spent a lew days 'here looking alter her honsc~ hold them and property before leav- mg on an extended visit to Michigan. l --Mrtr. Hott and her * n of New Lam- ttcrg assisted her mother Mrs. Tham- 5 er in moving her ttocsehohi goods to l more convenient qtttbr'C'rs--Mr. and ' Mrs. Peter Globe spent a lew days i in Berlin with relatives and lriends. . -,Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Dietz and tam- i ily were to Tavistock last Thursday l attending the wedding ot their son . 11eury.--Mr. Peter Wagner ol St. I Agatha purchased the Royal Hotel 1 property of Mr, Philip Berdux lor the sum oi 811.000 and will get pos- session ‘on or about May 10th. Mr. Wagner moved several loads of fur- niture on Moaday.--. Messrs. Henry and Albert Ottmnnn are holidaying at present with lrientls in Hanover, Palmerston and Kincardine. - The Misses Hermina Koehler and Krueger of Preston spent Sunday here with i relatives and irieads.-cMessrs, Reine: . Bros and Co. erected a new smof.e- _ stack on their large woollen milfs on Saturday 1atit.--Mr, Harold Bellinger was tratuu'eared from the 'Wellesley branch of the Standard Bank to an- other branch in Alberta, and left Last , riday lor his new pos'.bhon.-- Mr. _ ml Mrs. Gustav: Woiwade spent " aturday and Sunday with irieads in ' all around Monkton.--Mr. and Rim: . Leis oi Baden srent Sunday ia town with relatives. r NINE PlNES I A happy event lock place at 1‘0 It! ‘home at Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fyctt, _Kin(vrood. ll three o'clock Wednes- titty, when their daughter Miss ts use“: Catherine was united in mar m r'age to Mr. Jacob, Fatward Donia-g of Pttiiipatrorg, son of Mr. and Mrs Abel Docring. The bride was hand. ' some'v attired in white mils and uit": fwore the customury veil with 3 went a wreath ot lilies oi the valley, and her ttoa.se- lcarried a bridal bouquet of err-tum. 'fore lean i. TWA The bride was attended by her Miehtaam i sister Miss Addie Eydt at Kingvrood, I'ew iCi,1'r' and Mr, H%mut,h Wagner ot Philly's- rti, Tham- 5 burg suppertcd the groom. The .trrutr- goods to , maid were“ a gown of pa'e pink silk Mr and and carried a bouquet ot pink earns†. . d .._ that. while Ille- Doenlm of Berlin "' _ ays pllyodlh. when; man. The bridal ' mend: T couple took their place under an arch ind tam- t oi shamrock, and Rev. Mr. llolm at 1'.hursday 1 North Eaathope omciated After the My†son i ceremony about firty guests sat down oi St. to a sumptuous dinner. The evening M Hotel 1 was spent in music, games and dane- iux lor ing. The presents were very numer- get pos- nus and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Doer- 0th. Mr. ing will take up their residence in of iur- rirostir. The Te!egraph joins ':. Henry with many friends in extending to 'lidayiag the bride and groom heartiest telici- 'trig; tations and best wishes [or , their a,,..',,',,",' happiness and prosperity. Brirttr.--Remember the Institute mmting thln-sday afternoon, Mar 16th. at the Pres-Jon Cmncil cham- tem. --t%turdar evening about thir- ty ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer's friends an! neighbors celebrated the ascension at their marriage in the shape 01 a M'tctren slower, Mr. Kin- my reading an address to which Mr. Bauer made: suitable reply and thanked them for Muir good whims, etc.-Mra. Elizabeth Ciemens, r.’ Gall is visiting friends and relatives in this ricinitr.-Born to Mr. an! Mrs. Fred Crosby, a WM.-- Mrs. Israel Good and chili-on accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Ed. Shanta, of Pine Bush, near llespelt-r. loll Friday for Elmira to attend the funeral of their step-mother, Mrs. Martin "BIS“ took place at Sunday. _ o. Mrs. Schultl wan kind mend and loving mother. She leaves to mourn her boss' tour sons and tour daughtzrs, Harry, John. Will and Bert, Mrs. Peacardy, Mrs. Sullihrn, Miss Emma and Grace, all of Bay Lity Mich., three brothers. and cm- sister, Robert, George and Mrs. Funk Hamill, oi Puebio, Cola, am} Mr: Wm. Nate of Preston. Their many Mensa cxfend to the rantily their heartfelt sympathy in their ber- cavemen. Death ot Mrs. schuttz.-Mr. am. Yrs. Nate was: callul to the bei- side of his sister, Mrs. Schultz, at Buy City, Mich, and had but recent- ly return“! when the sad news reach- ed trere other death, Sunday, April 23rd from mnous prostraticu and other cvmNicatioas.Wra. Schultz was 1seil known in thisfneighborhoodmav- in _ been a resident here until in the "renties, they remove . to Bray City. Milli. Her husband. Mr. C.urles Shula. predeitrasrd her some years Good Goods Marriage of Misa lube'h C. 'rrft and Mr. Jacob Edward WEDDED " KINGWOOD . WEIGHEL tk a: that will save money on your property. We want to talk paint to you-we want to talk Sherwin- Williams Paint to you because it's so good. It's made of pure lead, pure tinc, pure linsced oi', all ground together by special machinery. Come and see us and let us give you Information .. The far-sighted fellow thinks of it in big type. He realizes the importance and economy of painting his buildings when. they need it so that they'll be protected from the wear and tear of the weather and not rot and go to pieces in a few years. The other fellow thinks of paint in small type and his home and his build- ings soon look Do you think of it as LIMLRICK l ot thpsburg Jhihd's Weekly Store 'l'"iiiii'i"i' PAINT Mathis ing line. Having purchased the business formerly carried on by; Mr. Albert, inc'uding lumber yard, saw and planing mill, we bog nounce to the public that we are prepared to give the but P mthfaction to old customers as well as to as many new patrons We carry a full line of _ The Baden Lumber ' Manufacturing (3on The Baden anher ' Qafalm'ag Co. lid, D. G. STE! NMAN, President PH. E. ALBERT Let us give you our prices rd, anything you require in the build- Timber Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings and all kinds of Building Material and manufacture a complete line of Pine and Hardwood Doors, Sash, Blinds and Boxes, Shocks and Packing Cases. ANNOUNCEMENT Manager. WHOLE NUMBER 3433 Spring Shoes Your Spring shoes Nadam sho (tt be dainty," stylish and should fit y ’3 f perfectly. Our disp'ay of Street _ '3' Dress Boots, Oxfords, Ties, Stâ€; Ssndals, Pumps std Slipp rs is a eolL i levtion of the smartest Footwear thnt'a ‘ made. We'll take p'eaaups in show. ing you. Shoes of extreme styles [ built for beauty and elegance and the ', more eonaervative models bui t tor l comfort. . Patent Colt, Gun Mats] (' Calf, Vici Kid and all new hsatum', f Ctavenetw tops, the ‘tsge lasts, the a', Military heels, the short Vamps, the no G strap Ssndals,0x fouls and Pumps _ all sre here in Spring freshness. But after all, Madam, remember its always Shoe quality Shoo service that stand for Shoe‘satiafnc- tion. The price is meaningless until you see the Shoes it stands for. i. WESELHH t 60. 2 Stores Berlin Housefurnishings, Genera) Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes $2 00 $3.00 $4.00 $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 H Y. RATZ. HY. HOFSTETTER, - - Vice-President. or Paint? Assia. Manager, x vm onby MnEm we beg to up low Price. () I) 0 u N