Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Mar 1911, p. 5

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Station M...“ a 1 umw "nun": and "Instr-{rd in New Booth-L Writer to! It, Outta! “an": and Railroad Sch“, You” and (lot- nu "eeet., 11mm. A meeting ot the Board I was held on Friday evening members detlded to call tor for the 0"ch of a second s the isolation hospital. Lorst-1'arriaw, WV, brtwr Randall's tarm ind Rusciidu': Saturday. March “in. Fina: unlity Martin human, It.“ Waterloo, ont,, ant receive. n trat. The death occurred on load March 20th. ot Harold. in!“ so“ Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Handout. . 5 months and " days, The he took placv on “\‘dm-sday at ' o'clnck to Mount "ope rrmrtrry 0n thr. “Task," oi her birthd Emma (Mrs. Gro ra/i/isa' March Will. a numb-g nl Indies si lin; IMebud, Zurich. Dunk-l print-d Mrs (butts, Ilene St ' an DIV“. Mm Hamburg; and " "cu-Mod Mr with a Ira-mull" bow ('onoutogo. gun of ttowertr , pleasant timt The ttmrrat will take place 'tr'rs l ..j.. ml ls "I' pm um he late hummer on Wetland. Those who like a pm " . 'rt told should hear Rex, .1332: '"f Patterson in the minim.“ Church on Monday Honing. March 'attt, tell his Buckwood's story. “Jek- Home " Admission, silver cottectiot of " out: and upward; Mr. John S. Weich ot Elmira, who was removed this week to St. Joseph's Hospital in Guelph is do- ing nicely after a successlul opera- ”In: On We) cumin“ Mr. Albmy Risk entertained the Pick-lily Bible Class ot the “(Nudist Church at his home. The class combined business ttttd plea- sure and an iMCrI-sting and prorrtid.tle time. was spent by all. “Vane in we?! of a 1;; be sold quick. AppIy “Ingram: omen. £175 buys is, upright 7 octave piano. standard Berlin make. Has tine tone and in good order. A snap tor um"... " mm: -* A _ . Brand: HM held a meet- ing of special interest on Tuesthy ev- ening and during the evening present- ed Father Spclz with I beautitul bookcase. The store Iahty occupied by Mr. E. ' J. Rios is now Occupied by Mr. Asmus sen oi Berlin who carries a com- pi.-te line of jewelry and also does repairing. _ Miss Louisa Stable has accepted a position as assistant miHincr in ur- felman's store where thcy are pre. raring‘ tor the openings which rake “a e next Friday and Saturday. A freight car was derailed night at the King 51., u laying the street car tranic lilloen minutes. ,-w_., nu...- "my me! to celebrate his 7th birthday. About twenty were Present and an excellent time was enjoyed by all. HOUSE FOR 5ua,Er--occupied by J. J. Ratterty, Peppler street, Wat- erloo. ttaut will buy ll taken quick- ly. Apply to C. K. llagcdorn. Ber- lin. FU. A pleasant afternoon was the little triemis or Mas1 Taylor. on Sgturday, when the tfmiicatia-iiriii'C eran church at New Ha day. 845 buys tine Uxbridge organ! in tirtrtstasa condition. Must be soTd at once. Apply at Chronicle-Telegraph on An interesting game of played at the rink on S; tween the Bible Class of dist Church and Miss M: The latter won; score ll The Intermediate hockey club ed in Wellesley on Saturday. 1 sult was F--1 in lavor of the Inky team. FOR s'ALK--Bay Marc 6 your line driver, in good condition. Winner's Livery. G ooo GIRL WA N TEO-ron eral 'homwworh--sman In rm A [also number Sunday by lie; lin. Mr. Frank Good shipped a ot Loss to Toronto on Wedne Mrs. Neuter who has been some time is recovering. "1ANrErs-aPvRENrréE u dtygoods business. Apply d man. Waterloo. Mr. W. G. "Mel is eotttim the house with an attack of I: convenient-ts The Revfatber Schweitzer i' umesor . ' , soil "I AMERICA [ , lactating I: 'itretai- "’ _ "1'yte1ur1sor.iir; _ In annulled Clutch I - . _ new. on w ttay,the arm Mao-aw] cwlomr adhered his mum; ad- . . u/fy, of.) we "Sang" ot South mm’s Elli iiiim who and. IOIAIO “L129 '19: 'f aunt.“ w ' soot, brtwn'n John md Rosrnda.H. on |4lil. Fimter plrasv H-umnn, may». 3. " ' ne at an it In“: il'dr'a"g Wh Inlay on Sntuniay. rtiG,1, F-I in lavor ot the Wel- 'aturday, when they met' his 7th birthday. About Present and an excellent a Food piano. 'Muéi "vorh--sman Giir%rn "S. Apthy at.this otTice. 1S:2t Iodine hockey club" "tlas- ton-1' " rewrrd call tor lenders second storey to rink on Saga}; be- Board ot Health n. tttre he A " tk 1 Ir waraaLoo. derailed Thues. r mm here Fuller KieieT of Ber- 'om here attended ths of the Luth- Hamburg on Sun- at Chronicle- [are 6 years old, condition. Apply Master" Burdgl'l ;. Apply J. iii. was spent by londay , [son at en "rnuesduy crossing de- ic for about "I hockey was of the Metho- Moogk's class. 'terttt wo Wednesday of lurippe. tr is on the ' '".v_ .....-..r..‘ Lydia (Mrs Louis Kraft) Walnl-m. Emma (Mrs. Gro Emmerson) Bet- lin; llirbnld. Zurich. Dunk-l, "nun, David. N". Hamburg; and Rohert, l'n-.A..l__- The death occurred near lumber; on Sunday at Annie Eva Knorr, daughter ot Mr. Daniel Knorr, and site at Mr, Henry Zimmerman, and sister ot Mrs, Louis Knit and Mrs, ' Winkler, Waterloo, aged 'r years, , months and Il days. De ceased had been ill tor several months and the cause of death was heart failure, There survive a husband and lamily ot seven children. also her parents Mr. and Mrs Knorr, and tire sisters and four brothers. viz: Lizzie Curs, .los Liehler). Berlin; Maggie (Mrs Geo llasenllng). West 'ttrl rnse. Clara [Mrs ilvo Math-n menu or MRS7IIMERIMN5 WF - - “mm", '" - cs inland where uatI-rc has continued her work of beauty tor (onturics without interference, trom mankind. The animal kinbdom was not "mirr- 1m and the canvas showed to view some animals rarely sun by man There were also mun-s among the safagt's. a picture of the witch doctor and the. other charaerters with whidt Mr. Ray had made the aud- icuce tamitiar on the previous night. Mr. Thos. Hilliard and Mr, Tar lor Were the movers in a hearty vote at thanks which was u-ndorcd Mr. Ray. ' allow;- __ -_. m the present inhibitanté Ji f gentine u’vldly depicted. GEN Great stress was laid unn- ill tor V -"_ ,.-....‘ yuan-’cu llmn. A number ot tttms showed the wondcllul vegetable kingdom. in plat- - ;..L._.1 ML, A - 'the Evangelital Church was well- tillai Thursday night to see the Utss shone by Rev. Mr. Ray, tie seri.tite ot the lecture on "The Sa- vages ol South America" given the Ireuoes night. There were altoge- ther Mitt views. Not all, however, were of the savages, a large number bring of the cities. Beautiful films depi.ting scenes in Beunos Ayres, parks, public builtirings and residences, conveyed the dtsired impreikim of iinse utr-to-date cities. Pictures also desrripiire ot the various industries were sham such as rubber making. An interesting New of the natives I winging the natural root products, ete; to the Capital “as given. Mr. Ray explained that these men travel- led" h r three or tour months with den eys " the picture portrayed 1|“... . -..-_.,, - ___ tate rnldoncr on Wedhnd‘y to Lutheran church and run-Inn loidc-lh-m I'm st'ttitt .nnl In!” h By lar the most interesting pri-t of t"e address was the actual life among ti the sa rues. This was given in the - iisst person, all being actual exnericn- _ (es. He related the circumstances which brought him among a tribe notably hostile to all civilization whose murderous desires and intense hatred for all white creatures made them especially dreaded. The interest with which the rudienee followed him in imagination through the wilderness and dangers of the [crest with the savage witeh-doetor was intense, and every incident related, alter his arri- vai from the moment when dealt tired, he was compelled to "rattle" for his supper ta the time of his departure from them, was lollowec with breath- , less interest. Mr. Ray relr-lod a , number of stories of the hideous prrc- t ti.es at that tribe, such as the bury- tl ing alive of the aged and 'uttirm and P the murder of infants that were hor- ' riiste to listen to and some of their It instruments of torture were exhihi- ttl ted by the speaker. meat stress was laid upon ttie enormous size of the country and td- most unbelievable dimensions ot the mom, lonests. mountains. etc. The land stretches trom equator to Pole, so that every possible degree ot' heat in telt at some {arts or the contin- ent. These are lands where - In: never [alien and vast tracts covered all the year round, parts where never a day passes without rain, and some where _rath has never tallen. Deep Valle-5's, gum tdl the year and mule tains ever "ow-upped, vast plains and dense forests, perpetual storm and never broken ealm,owery species " animals, all manner ot vegetation, men highly civilized and learned and ignorante F'ersoitthed by savagrs in the interior. R, other in"; Worthy ot Wm: ._. in, Interesting. An- nual and Interesting mum- . " Mn - .. I note was the ' an; my Inn-rd in the co.- ot the nations, by _ them. Stories of a were related Ind ir: me ot the manners‘ be pioneers as well r, a "the a 0075;]; nili‘_ . - was well- to see the r. Ray, de- m "The Sa- I mm Haul lbw mu. in “mph and are m implr'ml'nlx be Grott "dsertisrd tr, , n ram {-"I-IY _ ..-....-un "Ira 101'!- day with a good attendance. Numer- nus complaints were made and the rnginrer was instructed to adjust them Two at the sidrwnlh hid last. year have become detective in places The contractor will be notithed to put them in first any condition im- mrdiately. A mot-ting oi the I sion was held on Fridl was decided to ask th piaor in the estimate rent expenses for the [ mission for the ensuing lurnish the commission hose (or '"'wer flushing SEWER foaliussttm WILL ASK COUNCIL FOR ”800 given a thorough iaa, work quite satisfactorily. A new tire alarm indicator has been installed in'the tire hall by the Fire and Light Committee. Herealter when an alarm is sent in the indie:- tor will register the number of the box pulled and it will notbe necesp sary to count the strokes of the bell. which has caused mistakes on several Invasions. The indicator hos. |---- A very successful ”Talent Tea" was held at Recreation Hall, under the auspices of the Presbyterian La- dies' Aid Society on Friday and Bat. urday afternoons, " which the usual crowd of interested friends assembled to enjoy the dainty repeat provided, and also to secure some of the excel-_ lent home made cooking provided try these famous housekeepers. The Wat- erloo Presbyterian: always give good entertainments, and are sure of a h,” __._ large mag; NEW FIRE ALARM INDICATOR The attendance ol farmers at the Waterloo market Saturday morning was large in spite o! the bad condi- tion or the roads. Prices ruled about ythc same as last week. Eggs were plentiful and sold at 20 cents per dozen. and butter " 230 to Me per lb. There was an abundance of veg- etables. but little fowl was catered. A r- mu‘tim sale "I " satislaciory result; count of: ttr.iiiiox ti SUCCESSFUL TALENT TEA mums mm? SALE CANCELLED day ‘ourt ot Revision met Mr. Prodgers. London, member of this season's visited ltiendsjn Watch Mr. C. E. Fischer i: G To the m. 1., when they attended the fun- eral on may In; ol hits. my» er's mother, Mrs. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Golnio and two children "tuned to Guelph Monday morning, atter a cpuplc ol days visit " the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker, Allen “not Mr. Jan. Scott is in Souths-upturn tor a few days. Miss Alberta Wagner has been ill tor a number ot weeks at her home on Gauge street. Mrs. Gardner and Miss Carr In in Blythe visiting at the lormer's home. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Globe: 11> turnei Mandar "will; from Rochester N. Y., where they “mm-m tha. .., l Mr. E. D. VanDine ot [ town on Monday. Rev, E. E" Jerseyvi.te are Ty_iteritr. Mrs. (Dr.) w. L. in; sown] weeks in Preston and nth --.r'".-.. It turned on Wednesday to their home in lockwood, Sat, the: ups-ling the winter months " the loan at her “that, Mr. David Bean, Georg, St. In. Joseph Sander and In. David Clemens at out are winning would: in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Insulin:- re- tummt on WNW-v 0.. 6L.:_ ., SATURuu' MARKET [ In. E. A. 8m Ht. this week 1"La'1etryiiGrai'i'ur'd"'d Allan. huh]. Mr. In. Ullcllnuu: was in . New Humbug on Sunday. Mr. F. G. "lune. ot Gal: spent etttttttavGiirtii7Ld'.i ot Mr. and In. J. B. Hugh“. Min Boeing ot Toronto its visiting at the home at Mr. Chas. Bookmlol several weds. cu in with; Grl to for Dildo who the will let? with her "ttahtor. 1 belonging to Ano/ii" .d for Murrh 29th has 'Wl , oi the Sewer Commis- ld on Friday atternoon. " to ask the council to 5 estimate 81800 tor cur- a for the Sewer Com, the waning you. Also to rommission with sumcient mum: thr Ctmmirle-TeV indicator has “EA-n and proved ti; Tucs- w, Geo. Schnarr, G, Coison F Halshad, D, C. Kuntz. Two rinks ot New Hamburg curl- ers spent Friday evening in town and enjoyed a friendly game. with the local curlers. The score was 32 ty " in favor of Waterloo. The rinks were as tollows:-- Waterloo, New llmnbnrg. Chas. Scott W. Scholl .W. Lochead s. Frazer l-), P. 14eagram J. R. Feik W, J. Sterling R. Brown Hy m, "ulna-ml, S. lump, _ Two rin':s from Gait. play, rals here on Thursday and to break even. The score: ' Waterloo. pr. F. G. Hughes 6.t. Spaldi Ed. Shanta " Dr. Carl E. F. chram ll C. E. KI J. J. A. Wail" 9 G. Stew: M. ID. Hogg " T. E. MC ' The Lutheran Brotherhood held a successlul meeting Tuesday night; thc names ot several new me hers being added'to the roll. The {Mine busi- ness having been tnnsacted. Mr. Wm. Conrad vitxsrresidmst of the society, most ably led an interesting discussion on the recent address by ‘Mr. Harry Gerhardt, Baltimore. Bee- retary ot the Lutheran Missionary Board. After a lengthy discussion the Brotherhood unanimously decided to adopt the duplex envelope system for the support of missionary work. 1.tmntttaIt unoruennoon .l slip ll skip " skip 15 skip l7 'Curling " 'an Hrotherhood held al - eting Tuesday night; the,' era! new me hers being 0n the occasion of the Coronation roll. The {Mine tmai- cf the 'Quucn it. is Proposed that the lean transacted. Mr. Maries cl Canada than unite with vice-president of the their mummies throughout the Bri- ably led " interesting tish Empire in hunting a gift to Hen the recent address by Majesty. rhardt, Baltimore. Bee- t'ontritrutioivs will he received from Lutheran Missionary tive cents to five (sallars and may be i lengthy discussion the [HUI only by those who hear the mammously decided to name of Mary, May, Maria, Maria: lex envelope system for or Maria A list of contributors will missionary work. be forwarded but not the amount Mv- en by each. ------- The choice of the gift will be lelt entirely to the Queen. It is hoped "ling that the Maries of Waterloo will sp- ' predate the opportunity of showing - their alieclionate loyalty to Queen new... " Gould. , Min-ton, " H. Turner J, Smith C R, Barber J. A Lillie, A llt-ndcrson, J c. Hndden W Taylor F. .luhnsnn, C. Messner U. J. Fox a G. Rebels“ (39M. played the lo- Lana-hm Logan, Melinda A Shale. J. Spnldinn 5 Dr. Campbell 8 C. E. Knowles 11 G. Stews” 20 T. E. Mclcllan 12 nip It skip 10 slug 9 as nun-pi managed ship 9 skip 7 Gall. " " p'the list must be 20th. As the tim would greatly help all who are Macs corttritiutior:s, with 1 early as possible to THE CANi'mlAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Waterloo. Ont MISS PLUMMHR. In " or wneuoo - - . -. ""'"""" Sylvan Tower, Toronto, must be closed by April the time is so short it " help the Ccmmittee it c Macaw will’ send in names in fup. N l M. . Doll ' "het Rtri'illra'rarpeggt get, ".1 "It. than wanna»: nry butter =Lfici"ii'iliJi'.Gll'GT"a"2ii 'm- ”on.“ WWI: (or 1-" w, a." N".' '2'l'Ud',t Pghlt. “MW-Au Medium}. 12et w N,'. A._I_- A A l F t'ee'ilti" Free "--e9reV .uyvllwl on Monday evening, March not miss this novel cum Admission, silver onering o and upwards. "f __ --._- min are S. B. Bricker & Co. win being reported.eactt day, although their store on Thursday nit [every care is being taken to prevent inspection or the new Eu. the BPmad ot the disease. 3am also spring dress good: a Rev. Mr. Paterson told his “Back- 'ea, etc. The regular ope woods 1:wa Jerry Bone" to two _ we place on Friday and alldl'GIces in the clty ot Brantford and , Much Mth and Mth. mt on each occasion his hearers were, Mr. Scott was in out a. so captivated that. they requested an making . tinat inspection early repetition ol the story. He will . no"; there. Everything ll tell it in Waterloo Methodist Church I running order. The Old te on Monday evening, March 27. Do Co. played Tawny night. not miss this novel entertainment! _ V Admission, silver otrering of 10 cents! ------, and urn-mun- T & " -rtoure,T, are admitted lo N m a oh to lailnrinx and Mylo At from “500 to $25 “noted. Other lines as lnw as 8500 for men The new "at. and Shirts arr here too. I Miss Nellie McBride is on the . list. e--- “nu-v.“ ”all“ on Tuesday morning on King street, in which Mr. G. F. Youngblutt was l shaken up and had his face badly cut. Mr. Youngbluti stepped on the street. car before it had stopped, which threw him violently to the ground. More - oi scarlet fever are being reported.eactt day, although every care is being taken to prevent the spread ot the disease. I ARE. SMARTER TIM N FIN-ZR THIS SPRING. / During the past week or so wr have opened up case atlcr case of the New Spring Suits and Ovr-rooals tor men and boys, and they are certainly marvels, . - Beat-mu! fabrics, handsomely tarlorrd in styles that are bound to lead this season. Thorn tyuii'iiiiiits Come in and An unfoxtumte ask‘tom 'attitr2'r'l MINARD'S meanr Wan-loo, Ont. t3ARGET m Cows. . migqnt occur!“ on THE CLASSMAN THE BOULEVARD THH, VARSITY THE NOBBY THF. YALE I BERLIN, The Emieror't' inctory at Cadinen is so _ that an extension of the p necessary to cope with the it business. The prosperity of the tablishment is due primarily to, Emperor's own keen interest and tivities. ’ THE KAISER lit BRICK“ Utielmann & con, mini ings will be held on Fm Saturday of this week. Ev cordially invited to come " the beautiful new Easter It? The Brotherhood ot th Church met on Tuesday the home of Mr. J. [Jul they were pleasantly e..' the Progressive games, T were won by Mr. Stanley t Mr. Grant Harper. " $25 on "kw m: iiii class trr-tttGia.;;",'; tl M 0 H

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