Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Mar 1911, p. 5

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Siam"! tprcnt's (Mum nullin illustratI-d In an INN-HM. In: it. ('onltnl Tourrap lhllrmd School, Your and “rd atrmus, Tomato Willlnm Shaw, Prraidt-M. t'hildren. the optimists of own an, are invariably the first mill-tort signs of spring Thr frrst milk-r oi thr robin falls upon childish cars, and the little streamlets all sun]: to them of the coming joys nl spring- time The untrr “in thorofnro not surprist‘d to note a pair at smiling little girls on King street this morn- ing with long stalks nl p1msy-willows, the sure sign of sntinvtimn . _.. "n.6, au’u. Lurkhard & Co.; L. Waldron, bkpr Can. Furn. Mfrs.; F. Schmum WU! Hank pf Com.; F.. Davis, aim. SWI- len & Writ, A, F'.rh, “ith Wvithct'c, Ratvrtoo. Tim Spin”; him ope-n Apr, 3. Tlurse who mun Huh tstll le ready tor positions in Hip {AIL Tdw nwmln-Is of llr Wormo'sausi- cal ('lub mjoyrd a wry successful rmN'ting at [hr home ul Miss Gvrtrude Wells Salllnla} afh-rnonn. An excellent programme " the t'onvvntion Miss Wells and Alias l‘rcil Shuh, was giv- rn, including a cleverly written par per on Modern Fresh Composers by Mrs. G. Herbert Bowlby, all of which proved vcry instructive and highly ertteutuining. Tea was son‘- ml at the close. New positions tot Berlin. llusmcas College students: It. Horn", sun. Ont. Button Fox, I. Schrodcr. traxel-; In Out. Button Co.; F. Flynn, sun, A. K. Crcssman; A. Wing, Men. I Lurkhard .& Co,; L. Waldron, blip! Can. Furn. Mfrs.; F. Schmum vulh al gn-atly r0 H. [Inns Shun After an cnjoraldv, visit at the llulln' of their pan-Ills, Mr. and Mix. John Nichol, Mrs. Westran rad sun Imu- returned to St. Catharines, and Mrs. Ed. Lierseh and three dauglstms to their home in Montreal. SLATER SHUI‘IS are being ml! On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes quietly celebrated the52n:t anniversary of their wedding. Cnly the immediate family were prvsenl amla pleasant lime “as “13”,!!! by all. _ Work was rHommenced to-day m the new: post office after a period 0 several months' inactivity owing ti lack ot material. HOUSE FOR '4Al.r.'-t)ccur.ied by H. J. Rafferty; Pepplcr street, Wat, orloo. “330 will buy it taken quick- ly. Apply hi U. K. liagcdorn, Ber- lin. until. $175 buyirtine upright 7 piano, standard Berlin make tone and in good order. A anyone in need of a good pi: be sold quick. Apply at l Telegraph on”. The water supply was shut on r Monday night from 7 o'clock to 1055” while connections were made Wit the newly installed electric pump Men's SLIM! Flatt; SHOES i I £2." ui Th: I S. Mum S‘Inr- Co. Buying" tfotaucs--A. F'.ci1it'ilur.cs. Per in. Mr. Wm. Russell is in Baden, the victim [ scarlet fever. Fort ."Al.r:--nay Mare b' unis cld tine driver, in good condition. Apply Wirt'el, rs Livvry. Mr. R. P. Chubb of the Canadian lane bt Commerce, who has been ill ior the past three weeks has resumed his duties at the bank. Mr. and Mrs. hdoiph Allemitr; who la " resided herr. fora ntttriur ci _ im-mming (tt (Ms, Alisvrta, #tl.7 they wrll make ”LIT linnvv. I Mess-s. M. “lick-l illll Sun, lr " 130 goals in their show wirrlov.sd:r Ilaytat in a must ui!!'2:c‘.i.i' murmur, “Elil' liar "1uanrvtr.eit of thy uni!“ articles is vritainly a v.trk of art. 845 buys fine Uxbridge organ i: first-class condition. Must be sold u', once. Apply at Chroniele-'rerrrarh allies. Men's 8:100 Slalvr Slim: [at $11.3 at the J. M. Roux Stu: Co. Mr. W. F'. Patttuson, Prmctpul u the ihtsuiue PuLlu. Stlmnl [as My: ill fur tome time past. His plan is being in ert by atudmts 111m HM Normal School, Toronto. 1vNiTEor--Aevnesmce, to lean drygoods business. Apply J. Urtel. mann, Waterloo. 8-tt Messrs. Otto il/roll ar l 1tvch . P.a:. from Bow Park Farm, Brantford, an buying horses in this vicinity. Miss liditn Watson has again resunn ed her duties at the Central Sohnnl " on King “not this "71an long stalks ot pussy-willow R, sign of springtime, Her {may friends will be learn that Miss Nellie Wat proving slowly. Phe no SW, vnt's t'ours,t outline and Now Bunkh't. Write Central Tolnzraph and n need of a good piano. Mus: quick. Apply at Chronicle. num’s mum STEM and MOVES are bring tinny! pr"rs at 'llu' Cumin. East;an'c it 0 o A I ' cl full tme of surplus, alt stock nun and been at good order. A snap for Ciilii] Deeatre he Ape a. h WATERLOO, 'RENTICL‘ to learn' ness. Apply J. Urtel- l0. 8-tt dual! ml “:14: . 1231. Farm, Brantford, an this vicinity. I ms will be phased to Nellie Watson its inl- _ ill at his 11mm of an attack i; Tas again resunn Central School Ger "Haw l Has fine I rAnnpal ot ol las [cm Irrs place s In In the ol Pm! G I? Pas oi Mr (hulpl Iirnltulal (‘ullz‘t 1' dclnvrcrt an I In"! mlzirms, spmhnu Inst, nn trtmlm't of cattle, Nu "(up , “In prim” ol sumo lam-m Looping rattle mum MUM" rrqtard tor - light a“ {my try-g an. taut-am an In work ~0er fur conttnvrriat Rain ll IV thc Juno of thr, lilr'l's' of “Ink and rrrl'ratinn that Min Q am humus breakdowns x. Itrvvalcst muons: um and “an" n at. nnddlr ago. Thc ode fur “wk. and play shun” 3r Fot tupntal 'sore, physi- ral to rvattr,tt Li tiur rratelt' :u'd fm Phs"ol “Ink nus-Mal nun-Mum of to ax mil 'd's' Crm L'oriy ‘lnrn‘ is a grml air, In work wilrly Rain ll IV thc Jul of “Ink and rrm'nm Mayor (iraylrill dvlitercd an ari- tirttss of tsvlconte in court; of whini- he wit-rm! lo 1m vxri'rivncrs at (mm " in IRIS?) and Hi. In, ",rir,arvt ShAipus.t, or L, numb drlivcrml a most instructlw addn'ss on “Hulk and Ilecreatiorr," pointing but the great word of a propel con- cvplinn of work and play, an the vah " of Null in the grunt world at Urdu}: At om timp and many plum ssor', “as umsirll‘lrd to bo rd a vL-zrmlmz mtnw, hut l'arblv in- dI-.|1mI Mr; um” dun”) “lining ma! hou tite habit of careful, honest “wk hull! up Ilw rhurmtrr Mayor Ilray bill dress of \wlmmc he Wit-rim! lo his Illv in 18155 and The Mayor stated that he received letters lrom varioas cities in Ont- ario regarding pavements constructed a,al and learned that the most of them had used two cr more kinds of pave- 'sed.to merit, among wltica were asphalt, 'ts tnt- sitriced brick and bitulithic pave- ment, Deputy Reeve Weiehel quoted $3.je figures oi the approximate cost ot [pavlng King street from William to Cedar street, about 835,000 being re- sl of quired. This amount howeWr does ' "9"" not include' the widening ofthe side- place ualk eighteen inches and other alter- ") the ations which it would be necessary to make. ' learn Alter considerable discussion a mo- Urtel- tion was unanimously passed, mov- 8-tt ed by Messrs. J. Conrad and W. G. . ra' Wcichcl, That tenders be secured from i if; the various companies on the cost of "‘ raving King street from William to Cedar street, and that a meeting 'sunn be called to consider the t tenders heel and decide on what kind of pavement cld is to be constructed on King street. I .pph'l Among those present were Mayor P Graybilr and Messrs A. E. Sander-l _ sun, J. H. Roos, tty. Liphardt, W. 11'9" Coitrad, Wm. Snider, H, M. Snyder, I ill N, Letter, Geo. Grosz, Hamacher. 'mei. A. K. Cressman, Dr. Bauman. H. I Hohmeior, E. M. Devitt, A. K.“ who llorscli. B. Longo, G. H. Kraft. C. II I ci Kraft, A. L. Kumpl, W. Pete. A. t rta G, Haetmel, S. B. Bricker, P. S. la ' Krmpi. n. 3. Bean, Geo. Dodds. w. t d Kt.tt, J. H. Smith, J.Heveron, J. ce ll. Fischer, c. A. Hachnel. J.‘Kauf- 2 a "f man, c, N. Huehn, W. G. Weichei, I I; 'l’ I. Chas. Mueller, J. Conrad. J i [ The meetings Inlrl on con/UA-tion _ with the stock judging course on Wed- nesday “ere largely attended. Mr. Mallory oi near llelleville gave an instructive talk cn “Dairy Catue"' and the meeting was one ot the most interesting of the soriis held. The meeting under the 'ampiccs of tho North Waterloo Farmers' Itt- stitute rod Department ot Agricul- ture held at Waterloo the past :three days concluded 'rhurmiay evening, a' highly inlensting session being held in the Library Hall. Mr. Josiah! Slaum-r acceptably acted as Chair-l man. [ Mr. W. Cr. Wcichel who was aske", to give frgures of the cost of a new pavement. stated that the approxi- mate cost of paving King St. would [be about $35,000, this amount, how- icvcr not including the cost of wid- Interesting and Profitable Ad dresses Delivered at Water- 190011 Thursday Last. N. R. FARMERS’ .: oral American cities. In Rochest- Pr, Buffalo and Toronto asphalt block was largclyptsed in paving the streets and gave good satisiaetiorc Bitulithie Ihnwctcr, was also favored by the on- ,gim-crs in the various cities visited. He Had Icilcrs_rcccivcd trom a rnule‘r (If cities where various paw'- lmz-nts Wcrt' used and the cost per s'l'rar" yard. llrmxllord' business stint-£3; have bitulilhic pavement, leon, don and St. Thov.ass vitrified brick, while, Guelph and Windsor have as- ;tht block on mary streets, If the i.arement is to be laid this year it is necessary that the work be com- menced at once. T s' In 1); wing the meeting Mayor Gray- ill guru a brief account of arecent whit of the members of the Water and Light Commission and Council to lovcrsuam, thts, mun: " members of the Council and Water and Light Commiataon, to tret'- eral American cities, where they in- speeted pavements. Mayor Graybill who acted as chair- man referred to the trie recently made by members ot the Council and Water and Light Commuuon, to Bet'- a largely allendt'd meeting ot the [King street property owners was held in the Council Chamber Monday eve- ning to Consider the kind ot pave- ment it was beat to put down on King street, trom William to Cedar streets. u. J. H. Smith; oirseveiil/, J. Fischer, c. A. Hachncl. J.skaar. I, c, N. Huchn, W. G. Weichei, pk”. .., .. - __ Cost DECIDE TO CALL FOR TENDERS FOR‘NEW KING ST. PAVEMENT mull lomlvnr} in tIris largely attended meeting ot Mayor Graybill Was Estimated at $35,000 and Ratepayers Defer Making a Selection Until Tenders Are Received 'ller, J. Conrad, a." Scott, Geo. Suggitt and INSTITUTE “ark" physi qt My ;-'d fo, " rvai um ‘Gurlph le, Ill many to ha 'arlslr in. “lining tuneful. II." a: trr tf '3 mrmht-H am Nut and a , accomplish-II WW“!!! dain I Thir-Pte/tdent, Mrs. S. B. "ricken, .“as tht; butts; cl a wry aucccsslul ant! mm} anemia! Tea tor the Nasal uicn Laos" Aid Foci " rn1 snrml trirv!s. at hrr home on Thurs- de. mum-mu The muting was Je- volt-z! Iar;rely to [hr business of Hm Swim-Ly, zlnfl artun'rTntcnts unn- I'UIH‘ phted hr the holding ot a gnu” talent Ica at thy Madiau Club room over Recreation hall, on March 17th 'and 18th from ttree tn six o'clock, with day. Altttnoon tea “ill 1C _ served at small tabla lor the sum of ‘10 cents, in addition to which "mm Inill hrs, a sale " home-made cooking, including bread, buns, coitre-eakr, cookies, cake, prr'served and canned fruit, pirklvs. randy, tlowers, ctr, Thoe will aim Irv a good musi'al prnu'amnw rad! day, and et'rry1lring dam hy lhe lathes to mako lhr oc- t'asion A most allr.--lno and rnjny ahlr onc, After some motion as g "'olyts um Mr. Aloyos Bauer tation who visited and Rochester was oi bitulithic. The I purposes laying wi and it is necessary of King street be Ct as possible. ,,__ v. run-uncut. Town Engineer Chas. Moogk said PKETT" vitritied brick is considered very good and repairs can be made at less . cost than other pavements: Asphalt t :kqullgcbgtt is a good pavement and is largely I \frs I. B'r n used in the cities. Bitulithic is not! ll 1’ , ' o T as old a ravomont- as asphalt but is 1h'dif"", 'lf, favored in many cities. It” OCii v. .en my .... y.” I Mr. J. H. Roos stated t Imrth. Guelph and Strat . vitrified brick which was 1 : best of satisfaction. He w 10f vitritied brick and suga a deputation visit several 1 towns and get information Mr. William Conrad Caro } ed brick for the reason tha l lace was not as smooth as i and gave a better footinz I - "__ -'""5 .. , Mr. J. Chas. Mueller ata I bitulithic Pavement was ther ‘a town of this size. He vi: Louis, Mo., last week where was engaged laying a big t bitulithic pavement. Avenue Toronto, is at present being bitulithie and he was stron favor of this kind of pavemm Other Speakers. Mr. William Snider said Vltmicd brick and hitullthic pavement were good pavements, but he doubted it the work of construction could be completed this year. It would require much time to make changes in the sewer, water, gas and electric light connections He favored tiitulithie, and urged that pavement/he put down with as little delay as possible. Mr. J. H. Roos stated that Sen- rnrn. l!....l»l_ . __ _ www...“ - been seeured, over two thirds being favorable to the Construction of a ncn Farement A deputation iron this town ritsited. Toronto “Mia!" and other Cities recently In Toronto orcr 70 fer cent ol the pavement \1'as\ol asphalt, the ha'ancc being ot vitrified brick, bitulithic and other pavements. In Butialo " per cent. ot pavement was asphalt, the reason tor this being that these cities had asphalt plants, In Berlin hitulithic was laid last year, the cost being $2.29 per sq. yd. this amount not including curbing ( The street which was constructed by i the Warren Paving Co. was guarante- ed for ten years. To pave King St. from William street to Cedar street would require 15,000 square yards of pavement and take three months to finish the work. Mr. Weichel stated that the vitrified brick and bitulithic navement were giving good satislao- tion in a number of cities, including Toronto, Rochester and Bunalo. cums-um sidewalk and making when alterations, He stud that the Mayor, E F. Seagram, A, Bauer and him- self had interview“ the property owners and {arty-seven sigmurus had been secured, our two thirds being Iavoraplc to the Contstruetton of a new pavement A deputation from this town visited. Turunto, BuiWo and other cities eningbthe sidewalk Nteratlsmr He tit; mam Conrad favored vitriti- for the reason that the sur- not as smooth as bitulithic a better footing for horses. Chas. Mueller stated that W -", at present being laid Wlul d he was strongly in his size. He visited si. last week where the city T-..-.- A .. _ 'ement wag ther best I61: visited. 'ruronto, od other Cities Foronto over 70 fer u'ement 'vas, of asphalt, flag or vitrifted brick, other pavements. In cent. ot pavement was "1. He was in: (mg; and Suggested that severtteities and a big stretch Jr pavement. 8.7 Moogk said u; 'ty' not; "_-_... ”gnu" IL, RICO! "u". . Wahrloo, on Thrrsday a asphalt but IS’U'CIOCK “IL-n their " Myrtle, was married t e l the-"Ilgpr- s. Iran, son of Mr. il 2'lt/v" . 'l. in, The u-rcmony was PII, "' Itfff Rev. J. E. Hockey in ( Commission room u der a uremilv undetzrnunrl In. Sahmim rut-"mg the lady monhrtts of llw Choir and Emu-rill Imaguv M the Raterloo Mothudlst Church, to tho ntrrnher n! ahuut "My, gamut-l at the hump M Mess Myrtle "echtrl who is a member ot both Imam/Minna and show-n1! lzrr with "an, ttsciul and handwnn- "tiicho. The show-r wax u comp') nuptial. The pity were who!“ I- “nth - i'sith lhe aprroach nt spring the price of tahie not-vssmvs surly as butter and on] is not mating surh Lemmy- demands upon the puma. There was. a pit-mil"! supply at up» writ-h sold at 20c and 32v “Mir huiier I'angml from 23 in Sim l good supply at \cgvlalrlss “as Jim on hand. pi rhiy-third. r; ) The tride's trawling suit was at blur, trimmed with black corded silk and black hat with King's flowors and ttack lace butterfly. Out of' town guests wire: Mrs. Alex. Rims and daughter Edna of Burlington; Mr. nil Mrs, Homer Wat- son of boon any little daughtrr; Mr. and Mrs, M. T. liochlrl and, daughter Marion of Elmira; Mr. Porcy Morley ot Toronto and Charles Dobbin ot Windsor; Miss Watson and Mr. and Ills. 1Tarlvs Pc‘hlrl of Gall. An honored gum! was Mrs Isaac Hm'h- id, the and Cr:vtritttothr,r. of th,. arm- wmnsor; Miss Watson and Mr. and ms. t'rarlvs Pc‘hlrl of Galt. An honored gum! was Mrs Isaac "Wh- tel, the aged cr:vtrltttothvr of the hridc who sti't vnjms Knoll heal',) in her MISC“ [ANLOL'S S4t011EIl After the (crcmony, the gursissa! down to a detectable wedding supper which was {allowed by toasts to the bride and grown and suitably ack- nowledged: by the groom. Mr. and Mrs. [Jean left an the ev- e: ing fray, tor Detroit ond other WCS- tern points. I The bride was given away by In: father and looked lovely in a simple and dainty gown at white Swiss mus- lin, trimmed with satin and roses of satin with veil of white tulle and or- ange blossoms. She carriml a Leau- liful shower bouqrct of lilies ot the 1altey artisticaly arranged in the I. rm , a wreath, with asparagus Icrn and " le bows and was attended by two little flown girls, Miss Frances F?eaa, nieee of the groom and JWiss Mary Watson, cousin of the bride, in dainty white dresses and carrying bas'rets of sweet. peas. ( -- run” of smiiax and while pits.n e ct only the Lives. SATURDAY MARKET 1c: bu. very pretty., wedding I are at ' the home-ot Mr. and , Byron E. Bechtd, Allen Et., 3 p. was given away by Int looked lovely in a simple gown ot white Swiss mus- rd with satin and roses of veil of white tulle ind or- un r mi while tulips: in the only the immediate rem I their-web;- marriod to a Tuts'lay allc'mcon at fut Meicey in the drawink prettily arranged an}: Bean played Mr. David Bran '35 rerim mod trs swam; (laugh ter Times). mm, .3 a " tho (‘lirc I Mr. Percy (tended the I i Tmsday. Mr, and Mr Paton, Mr. am Gait, Mr. and F tmira and M attended the cn Tuesday. Mr. an daughter day in tl E. E. Ratz, K Messrs. 51000 Smith, London in town. _ Mr. J. Stratlord‘ week at ousmcss "sitar in town. . Mrs. 'HflleLiU, of St spent the beginning of the Wet the home of Mrs. Zimmerman Mr. W. Sutherland is a b visitor in Waterloo. Mr. J. Sutton and Mr. Anton cI-n‘Fr' . Mr. w business { Mrs. A, Steiss 'iling her daut Yonge slrcet for Mr. Harry Get Secretary of the ary Movemeht of (lunch Rasa Kn the home of Mr. lad. Ii,it; ' a aw , 1‘3 w N -, , f [ Social and Personal and Mrs. S mu Mrs. S. B. Brickct and I Marjory are spending the the Queen Citv. Mrs. llomcr Watson ot and Mrs. C. ll! Bechtel oi and Mrs. Milton Bechtel ot rl Miss Riggs of Burlington the Bran-Bechtel wedding l, spent ttte big-inning the home of Mr. and ' Morley ot Toronto at- Beart--r?echte, wedding on Siebert, _._-. - nus. King street. Conan, Toronto, and J. on, are business visitors :ughtcr, Mrs. H. Haas, for a tew cuys. Subunit of Laytield, the Laymcn's Mission- of St. John's Lutheran gust over Sunday _ at m. and Mrs. Wm. Con- oi He1delberg is Vis- ot Dashwood, cgmning of the Mr. and Mrs. the Gr “vat Anton Rat; Station! business of oi ot isa On account. of the public schools asking $2,000 more than last year, the tax rain will IN. alnmsta mill lu' Iher I this year. The levy for school pun poses last year was (is mills. This year it will be 7.5 mills. The rate for taxation this yea'r in view oi the above fact will probably be fixed at " mills at the next meeting of the Town Council. T A " r-lothcs arr .Ivhmtlm to tailoring and "U" It irmn lallorrd "ther [mm as low as The nmx Hats and Shirk arr Miss Essie Devin t in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. J. o visitors in Toronto. Mild SMARTER THA During the past week or m the New Spring Suits and 0 are certainly marvels lirantilul » fabrics to lrad this spasm: Thornton & D r, Dr. Echel spez home in Clinotd. Mr. Geo. m on Monday. Mr. Daley ure from a three tm Cartrerry, Mun. Mr. Ralph Nie Mr. Christ -rr2iroi' 1 the guest of Waterloo Sunday. 'ome m and ask TAX RATE 23 MILLS CLOTHES j Essie Down spent clay Uiielmarm has reI three months" sojourn u Diebcl was in Toronto spent the week-end at his past week or m m. In handsnm My tailored Motherall are friends over THF. Cins'toiAN Till-I tlr'.vtrtn THF, l \RSITY ' THF. NrrHrty THF. l ILE Wednesday E so WP han. opened up Ovvrmais tor men and returned i " to Dr "I a class In thr." I ttc, "0 to tgs ml they Are _ " IN} " men. ' here too EVER THIS SPIN NU - __._-., v- "I. dun-Hm. There will be I u sisal programme, and every“ by the ladies to please “I numbcr at patrons, who tthm: smnblc to enjoy the eetebrath 01's Society. “'1 "“‘ '_,', of g grand "Talent Tea" "t,t,t “may and Saturday at three to six o'clock eath b "Tea Room," over Rm . Kim: street, Waterloo. N’ servvd by the various hate. their assistants for the and NC, in addition to which t. In a sale pt all kinds ot lull The annual eeietrratioa rieh's Day by the Fresh] dies' Aid Society will t1 -_ Ttpre ing of the Football Club‘; Friday evening in the _ House. A large numb: present. The following r elected tor the coming 3.. Hon. Pres.---. P. Seas: rres.-A. Hergott. Hon. 1ixs-PrG.-..D. C. ' Vice-Pres-C. J. Mme: Manager-c. Jama. " yunr-lrranager..-i was. t9ec.-Treas.2c. WeichL, Ei-corn.) Otto, Get. I D'n...ln. wnod up cam alter (also! men and boys, and they in styles that are bound An enthusiastic ST. Ph TRICKS club intends pi W.F.A. this hand bl N 0 H

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