Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Mar 1911, p. 8

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XH\\' T' 'll K ceipls, 13?. t ‘. curve, - It I ' ll "cadr. 9hr: p i Illa-l}, Inmlux. S Hng , roux? SPIN'QS. (“I ”ml '.\:Il-‘ 87m. and 84:: Cot, points. Tim}; Cat In.” 60¢ per f'Wt h:- rm» Uona. was maxim; t' " bup, F" um: ttt Veal Calves. Vrat 'ah.rs >\l-l :Il r'ucv. 9! and Mrlmunlvl & l2.‘Ili::m sold quality rz-lf-w cl St.7,1. Lambs WCFF' ' ewes. $4.5v In 3. FAST RI Erin's, C'r0 Ttriorr PHPPX $'t to tr', JG. Calvcs tir P, no I Sheep ' rrarket n fl, " 1co "r in ' Choiee 1-1.i.- _ only heard ol' I' Eommou, tr, lo 5.1.2”, bulls, use lo $1.13. r Milkers and The murku for i',i, was I‘aSIK‘r. tr I' hum Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO. Irv, I C- Thr reported (I: varl "ol, " live the City Mark-m mm 2.12": with, 6-46 hogc, 7H) shm p "l and 44 calves. to $6.50 .77. "e'""""". m. u, w." Tord--Coropoonn Heroes. 375 Ibm. We: boxes. Mt ths. up! (pzlrrhnwnt lined), “We: tubs. 50 lbs. not, unlined. two handles. He: pulls, wood. in Us. net. “We; tin palls. " lint. gross. 10tir. "'orh-Heavy Cumada short cut mess. barrels, 35 lo 45 Pirwrrs. t?5: half-harris, $2.75; Canada short out and bark pork. . to 53 pieces. lmrl‘nls, tcc Cantor" Moat Mk. barrels, " to tr, pivws. $11.30; l-r ttt pork, small pioccs but Tut, barrels. was. Etrtpr--seuttot.. 1k. I'rvrtc. = to 27c; No. I stock, 20c: No. 2, IR“. cheese-Weir-us, “Me to Mr; camera; M%e to IPir. Butter-thor-st. Nc to 2'33“; secondl. Me to W. 'ritifeeu--Bran, Ontarin. $22 to KW, hrautittma, tet lo tect: mlvhlllngs. Ontario, a: P. 'E: mouilllv. F-G to $311 Feed" GAiv, Clit' lots PX ttbe. Corn, Amt-rim”: No. 2 to Me. 80:15}: tfir,,', Plotfr--Manitoba spring wheat patents. that 8.11): semmls. $1.1": winter wheat gamma. 84.:0 to 31.75; strong haken'. Mt; "might rollers, t427, to 34.5; in bugs, 81.90 to $2. o,relerC.oeys, 1v: harrrl. 331W; bag of , 'iocaii "aiitVr.iiriir'iG."':i ii1G"iaiic "Ac; S01} P.ety whilg. EWic. ' orstirLeaiiiartiar, western. No. 2, 3814e to We, our lots ear-store; extra No. 1 feed. F8f to 380; No. 3 C.W.. TP.ie to 37%e: No. . ---. ML ...M -- A - - - I Toronto Dairy Market. an", store Iota............. (tit " tter. nporator. dairy, lb. I) 23 08 _Ootter) creomery. Its. rolls.. 0 tlt " _ may Creamery. Boiida.... 0 " 0 II It . neg-laid ca-y.::::::::?,',', 0H (I. co storage .......... .... Cheese. nt.-.................. 0 " 0 mt Honeycomba. dozen ......... '" .... Booty. extracted. Ib......... 010 on Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Mar. T.--Cloturur: Whodt. a",,': dull: No. 2 red western winter. no cck: futures firm; March, 63 am; May. C M; July. Gs 9%d. Peas. Canodlln. Io ltock. Flour. winter patents, only. a. in. Hope in London (Pacific coat). 'trm. It So to £5. Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL. Marvin 7.-There WI. . good demand for Manitoba spring who“ this morning. but as bids in most as. Vere out or tine, only a raw loads wet. inked. and cables in the afternoon Iver. 'oo-ier with bids 3d hrwer. The local do- .maud for oats was better. and sale. of Even] round lots, No. e Canadian weat~ on were made at zinc to 3mm. The for- Olga demand for spring wheat ttour wa- lair, and sales or am sacks were madq lad levers] curs of winter wheat flour were placed. Tlate local trade is quiet. Demand for bran and shorts in good at 'km prices. l!l"' St J61: ma ',9", to , i3'2hU leorpool market dosed (0-1151 mu“ 3m higher than yesterday: on P' t, and unchanged to an higher on _ “I. tuna-red with yersterttav, Antwerp “a unchanged on wheat. Berlln we "Nqher; Bud: Pest luv higher, and Purl) VI; higher to lie lower. No. I I; ",'t,t per hush - A ttl Who-t. bushel .rr.m.t.te. Wheat, goon. bu:h........ Rye. babel .._............ Bid”. bushel ..t........ Buckwheat. Dunne! ...... [a]. bushel ............... CHICAGO. March 'i.-uettetieurt ruin. Luau mad willy trmpereture thruous winter what stuns tolled the bu." . Cloning prim: Tic to lie lower Int nllhl. Corn tiuUheu Ne lo lie on: on bite to a.“ to 'he, and I”. " k to cue to [So to like I]. Cast Br:ffp.to Cattle pics Red Clover - Whoa Futures Clue "his or. Ohio-‘0 's-er-Liv. 'toett -.Lateet Quotation. New York. Live Stock CATTLE' MARKETS, "iiriiiiiti' REPORTS “a curry tb full line of \ogutnhle and Hum-r Mull. Suite] -.y.y.y.y.y.y.iy. Chimes Liv" Stock Toronto Sheep and Lambs. rpr"A I ft. Mur $10.00 Alsike Winning Options. Clue. Open. High. Low. Closc ' 10.00 TIMOTHY ’25 But::htrs, in M " "t. cc“. ilisv: of 989 ' 'lil dump and lambs, l'.llll"lll yitarvlar,l Hogs. Grain CLOVER ‘I 92% 9t UV Standard lel. barrels. 820.50. raga. 2."- to 27c; at the market. rs at country nor '220 ttra., " t "isove quota- to saw; sheep, ’n to $4.5. fhgmvis 119 u; Heady. \mdu»; feeling Market. ...:9 Q to to n Market. I --Cattle--R+ ‘xulwt. steady': w! I er grades. 92% unyry steady MI 3193?. K, mixed. $7.9' rnnglm. $6.5 , Input-t 35.25 SQ Hurling. nvl spring?“ a: $40 to $85. slurs, 490 to yellow, '55'ie tip and we ind: quvla ot $.15] to $5.43; 1:...“ to bids; LAT, to $3. 7.": to " -o, {our extra Ark“! :w 'tst $105.2. - hum] uh sheep Rocvipts. luutrhers, railways stock at s] n w. ssti 91% 87 to VAN]? s, 329s 5!!" Flour per 1001b: Bran " Middlings 66 Scrtteainxs " I Wheat per bush . 'Bafley F6 .. !0ats .. .. Pens........ ..t. . I Potatoes per lug ‘llny per ton..... Wood per cord . Batter per lh. . . . l Eggs per dozen _. Lard per lb. . . . . . STRATFORD MARKETS Stratford, March 9, ll)" Wheat Standmdi tVt . . Barley-.............. .. Oats (Standard! .... ._.. Peas......-....... .65 Ha.y,perton .e......... moo FloarBpoeitsl w........... Flourhaleet....... ..... Bran. pert;on............ Shorts.perwn.....,..... Live Hogs _.............. 6.95 Beef,fvoi..,........... Beef rind quarters...... FiiiiiaiTr.'.CCrC. Duck pail? ...... . . j." Butter. per pound . . .. Eggs per dnz......., Apples, per bag . . . . . . Potatoes, per bag . . . Wool “mam-a 7.. Elmira. March 9. 1911 Mani:ob.Flour......l..... , Middlings per ton ithtporta.--..-- (wheat.................... CGoosewtuhat...........,.... 3: iBarierlMattintr.......-.. .55 'oats...................... At] (Rye ......'r......".'.._""' .5' "htekwttei.-............ At vCorn pm.. m'..-"-......-.'.. 1.01 itiar--------- 10.0 (Butter..,.....-......., .21 ‘Eggs............A.......... .e1 LiveHoger-....-.. 6.9l 'tihreptshina..-....-.... . .25 ‘Tallovs ...e.'am_--.._....t". AM ’[)riedApples........~.- . A "arms..,............, .. .P2 "Shoulders............... .. i,Btvrott........., ....t...e... .r, IPotames pertrsg .-...q'.". A" "xnusar...,........... ‘Flnur. pet mums .... Bran). per tun .... .... Oats............ :.... Shorts,pcr ton ...... Peas................., Parley -.em......-.... Rye ..............4.. Buchwheat ..W...... Butter per pound .... Eggs. pct dozen .._.. Chickens, each -t.t... Potatoes, per bag . J. . . Hay. pal-1m: .... ..... Hts'-................, Beef................. Mutton............... Pork ..t...__.....mt.. Hides................. Lamhand pelt2r....... Calfh‘kius ............ \Vool .ttq ........... No l Hun-rmnvnt Standard I" r hush Hr latrrsose. No. I Goxerrt mnnt Standard, pvr bush. Cori................. Flour..........,..... Butter, perm.. wr.... Egtrts.peirdozert-..-. Hay Trerun-......, Lard.purlb ........', Ham.................. Midelintys, peruat ... Brut................. Potatm per hag ._..e Low grade Flour -... wheat........., "....... '3! A? $uo...................... .85 .35 Barter.........-.......... .45 .45 Pcaa ............. .....4.. .70 .70 Cori...................... .56 .56 Flour..........-.......... 200 2.1!) Butter,perlb.............. .23 .28 Eggs.perdozen......‘....... .‘ll " Hiiouun-...........10.00 12.0- NEW HAMBURG MARKETS New meurg.lmh 9, ttrit wheat........., "....... '33 1uo...................... Mr Euley.................... .15 Pea"..............-. Duh, .......... ... "iranperwn 'rt."... Conn In lug. lot. Miolrntp' per bun... Runes. pet-bu... .. Butter. Mrttt....... Egguperdoz........ Ute.,...,........ ... Agplu, perbunlmu Ilogslive.. _......... ttotrsdre-d..-.- Hay per ton.......... Struw‘puun....... wrodircped.. '"t Export Cattle ...._'r. Hulcbeu' Cattle . . ... Timothy MERLIN MARKE'IS 339th MAI-'h 9,1911 WATIBLOO NARI“ Wind“). m l . 1011 Alfalfa GALT MARK EVS" um. March 9, 1911 ELMIRA MARKETS 37.25 13.” Mt no to.' ll 2.70 6.95 7.40 an.» Att .40 .40 .75 .m .70 .75 13.!” Mptttt lull 7 o, .25 .25, l cr, A8 .sl Lot! 1.2 10.00 tat/ .21 .2: .2“ .2- .50 10.00 .16 . J5 2, 70 .24 220a 19.20 20.1!) A 4 .0; .12} .15 .194. .125 .10 .43 A6 2200 20 00 2t,thy an I 85) 4U 'Hi our .s.3 . 45 .70 2100 .00 .0; .ti, .45 .70 lb " 21 .8! .83 fl: Adjoining the Iuwn on Panto :4! acre. 'hilrrs. ml' New Hod “ck "our, Ihrn and manna"... In Al condition. Thu will um do er in WomFM-hll "hula. i ii, w. 'iCdlt'd'2t MPV Choice Farm For Sale THE Iillltrumilll8' ASSOCIATIBN In. My: Damn 59 King St. West. Berlin. 'sure, have vacancies for men and women in all lincsof work If you are out of employment communicate with us at once. No charge for registration or acrvices rendered? " " Twenty-Iirrlirat (that Joiner. and Te" .‘lmhine "and: immrdialcl . Highest wagm p tid an t Mead, tal.' Apply “Lu-..“ Hg If” NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursrazl to Chapter IM, R.S.O., 1897, and amending Acts, that all creditors 1- d others having claims against the estate ol MARY ELIZA- BETH HEIER, late of the Town- ship of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, and Province of "Mario, Widow, tth‘iGCd, who died on er about the third day ci February, i911, are required on or l.et'ure the eighth d-y of April, 1911, to deliver or send by post prepaid to EZRA Bauman, Waterloo, Ontario, one of the exemtors " the Will of the said deceased, their nam"; in full with their addresses and deseriptons, lull particulars of their elznims, and statements at the security, it' any, held by them; an". that alter the said eighth day ot April, l!!ll.the sAd executors will proceed to dis:- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased among Ce parties entitled thereto, having regard only to clams ot which they shall then have received notice, and will not betia- ble for the said assets to any rerson of " hose claim they shall not ‘tlun have rtceived Imtile. Dated "ith March. P.H1, _ IN THE ESTATE OF MARY l-ILl- ZABE'I‘H MEIER, Demand. Sol'citor tor the said Administrators MN3t, Creditors oi Franz Lubinski, late of the Township oi Wellesley, in the County ol Waterloo, Farmer, deeeas- ed, are hcreby notified that his es- tate, will be distributed on the 18th day of March, 1911, and regard will be had only to claims of which notice shall ham been given in writing to The Toronto General Trust Corporation, Toronto, Ont, Administrators of his estate, or to the undersigned before that date. A. L. BlTZER, Solicitor ior the said administra- rrix, MARGARETHA WEPPLER. Dated at Berlin the eighteenth day ot February, 1911. W. M. And notice in lurther given that that alter the said lash mentioned late, the said Bdminitrtmtrix will greeted to distribute th- an”: ot iuse said estate among tin persons' entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. and the laid admin- stratrix will' not be liable for the assets of the said 'satato, or any part thereof, to any person ot‘persons of .vhuso claims she shall not have had notice at the time ol such diatritiu- tion. _ Notice in hereby given nut to the provisions ot the MIC! Stat- ates, ct Ontario, ll". - I” and Amending Act: that ell perenn- "vine elnimn guns} the out". at Philip Weppler late at the Township ot Wlaterloo, in the County ot Wet. bt Waterloo, in the County at Wat- 'rioo, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the ninth day oi Jyerr, i911, at the said Township ot Wet- "loo, are hereby required on or he- ore the eighteenth day ot Much, 5911, to deliver or - try post pre- ra"d to the undersigned, noticitor lor Margaretha Weppler, the “miniatu- trix ot the estate ot the aid demu- sd. their christian and stir-nines with 'ull particulars in writing ot their iaims duly verified by than“ and the nature ot the security, it my, held by them. I Dated at Berlin, 25th Feb., 1911 ,Notice to Creditors IN THE NAT?“ or THE 88- TATE " PHILIP WEPPLEB, DECEASED. Notice to Creditors Notlcc to Credit»: w. M. cunt. Berlin, on, BYRSFA MPG, co Waterloo County Fhrvcutors Waterloo, Ontario. LUNCH C. H.\IGHT. . Waterloo, On'cario Suhcilm’ ior lixceutors. WANTED EZRA HA l '31A N . .l PISS F'. FHA NTZ, lb or' t'oiiirwAsod, Oat Bishopric sheathing is made of same material as Wall Board, but tinitr1t is not necessarily so fine, as itismaii- ed to the weather side of the studs with lath and asphalt side exposed. Over the lath, weather boards are nailed, or cement is applied, as it is the ideal material ior cement exterior ur stucco work. ls Cheaper than lath and plaster and is used as a Substitute for Lath and Plaster. It is made of kiln dried dressed lath, imbedded in hot Asphalt Mastic, and surfaced with sized cardboard. It is cut in sheets (4x4 feet) and uniform thickness of _ Inch. These sheets are nailed dry to studding ready lor immediate application ol wall paper, paint or other decoration. Being proof againstymristure it will not shrink or crack, being therefore sueeessrully used instead of lath and plaster. For sample, prices, estimate and turther "tformation, call on or write Parkgatc Residence, 7 Phone 1176 Box t22, Waterloo, Ontario, Can. Bishopljic n tuli, with their addresses and de- 'eriptions, full portlcnlars of their claims. and statements of the secu- rity, it any, held bv them. and that after the said eighteenth day ol March, 1911, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets ot the sad deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims oi which they shall then have received notice, and will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated Ph, February, 1911. GEORGE H. SCHMITT, JOSEPH HAUCK, Waterloo, Onk, Executors. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Waterloo, Out... 7-3t. Solicltnt tor Executors. Gel Pretty dull, cloth and red or Brown kid tops. Hutton or lace. All the very latest creations in young peopie's shoes. J. HESSENAUER & 80H Are here in big array Tan, Black and Tan patent, kid and Gunmetal. leathers. See our Getty & Scott Latest Chantecler Boots for Cvildren IN THE ESTATE OF ‘MARTIN SCHMI'I‘T. DECEASED. The Famous Betty & Icon and Willis Spring stylus OF ALL Quality Higher Thad Price Ikys', Misses and Children’s Boots BER-(:13: Notice to ‘Creditmsgf "pposito Economical Fir,, lnumlnre (Yo. Bldg, inn I "w .. -- - - - GINA" tt. SBIIEIFELE A rehiteet Wail Board osmium lln Will pay good price fur farm in good section, soil must be tirttt class Will lake small or large place it it suits: Give description and lowrst price, I want the best, I can get for my mnnu Will deal with owners only. val "state men mod not an- siwr Idrirrss linx 50, Chronicle, Tclegraph, Waterloo, u. FRANK GOOD. "Utertoo, Ont 7-lmo Tho undersigned offer- for sake part No. 2 comprising m acres. truth t lot No. a Con. ll 'd,'ltt,'a Tp. 1 mile east of Linwood, on whit is tstrame barn8 acres in tatt wheat. Till. in an extra. good flece of land and in ingood mate o cultivnlion Por further particular. apply to Highest market Et' paid. Load - 8600!“; Monday. ext shipment. Match 2 tb. Inl. Owing to the death of the proprie- tor, the St. Clements Hotel is otfe.ed 'tg ssle. Possession given after May st. THERESA SNYDER Executrix LOUIS B. DIETRICH Executor. , Sb. Agatha Ont. "-iano. Conluiniug 174 acres more or less. in the Township of Tatrrfoo, about " miles northwest of Kossutli, k mile from Bthoot house of B. B. No. 17. On the farm in a. large stone house, large hank barn 00 x 84, largo is stable, hen hon-e. implement 'lih"d,' blacksmith shop and all nectuary outbuildings. er in the cables and dwelling sup lied by windmill. About " acres of gmwood bush and tho balance is in a good tstate of cultivation. For further p'srtieuUrs apply to " elements Hotel for Sale SHIPPING H058 WANTED IN BABE] FARM FOR SALE Farm for Sale ft2-tf Farm Wanted IUIIER IIILIIITEB. E. JJIIAITZ For Sale FRED magma, GHttitur K! .I ---- ---- Bruin. Ont. LN'uhs Jinn Fourteen miles from Calgary, four miles from Shepard and five miles from Langden. Alberta. Adjoining lands under culrivnuou by ood neighbv 13. Owner non-resident and has no use for. the land. Would u to P340110”. farmers on easy terms. For further particulars see 44-tf can; “III“:- In". a-.. m. '00"'o600o9-ooo-o.q I" EM. FERIIIEII, ”Ila, 0M. 5 I

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