Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Jan 1911, p. 10

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Win Right ':,'lrlherWrontr romance In whhh he had clothed - In his rlslons. but be resolved to make one tlnal attempt to sent-n her by means of a letter. and he not about " forthwith. It was an Epistle of many pages. a melodrtumtttc Jumble of con- trlllon and dospalrlng mppllcntlon. for " was no master in the art of wrll- lug. But he was hlghly satisfied wlth It To make it the more Impressive he blurred It bore mad tttere with drops of water, thinking this would convey the Idea that he had been moved to {can " he manned It. ' .m to whom she was tied and 'f' to: (to mac milieu all round in which , m".' h “It. alumni! " the result of hie I-it J-Oum. elort. (ef/ F " God, how he loved her! "“ h With I weary sigh he fetched out I _ m and "ttres and began to work. "-3? '." t in hard to Concentrate his mind. _ t application at length subdued the "t9trrrrott of his thoughts. and Work. that A “pledge at cheerful day: and night: 1.?GitiGTt II groan." his unfailing nah 3 (tone for the perturbation of his mix". 11‘ untrue-d him until tired nature com- . "In; to its support did the rest. _ _ What. “may Smith worked that his1 Tq with! forget, Brooks. the heat of his; c. - exit, But dorm in his ioneiy! T moon: to consider the unexpected l' change in the situation. The tailurei r' " his plans was a blow to him. but; this time the pricking of the bubble of I 3" his optimism. which but] soared so. rac'rMqtu instead of plunging him 2lt,,1','tl Italy into the gioomiest despondency. ' found its contrast in bitter resentment l C ~Igninst both his wife and Smith. A [dine n: “. ' ,..'h? iuviscstico. Thy buy " teit, T. and tunic action on the mound: "v." its nerves, and so tb y Lin: di,scri "id to digestion. Thu- rmr)‘ any: nl,o the Indi- ttriiisl" zzmnvr. With theiruse t1.v_evcio, birtrvrchi, bad Quin, rinks-cut lmnlh and futureno, dir .;w , -. Ya: should be careful and r. mrrttitrr vahmn’c Pill. TM Mord "Runacd" "my written the rm'rlupa _ ttt " rage and disappointment. He C and never considered him in any other light than that of a good nalund, old _wolnnnlsh friend of the family. who 'llld nnytlnlug for anybody and with -.;thom anybody could take liberties. "atre-euuio. sm- naming in him calculated to Inspire any woman with more than ordinary liking and indulgent tolera- llon. not to speak or Emma, and he - never had had the slightest scrupie in leaving them together. BlliliiMlur8 ms to 572:1; a: lacy do to cverrone. ”you cat loo EM, (In not masticnlc pmpcrly, or take food that docs Int alarm with you. digestive de. ratutrmrntr. are almost su r0 to come. and indigmtimn grnorally Innis to very serious plo sicnl lrnublcs. to Fer Mistakes MaYHappen If He cursed Smith for; Erii and a blundcrer. At least he did not believe the accusations he had hurled " him Jyf, WM M MMM MMMAAJV"; “a It at. "al%'iltl to“. "k a a A Etii a) Your Hairs From Falling - ' . 7 Apply Salvia Once a Day a they d light“ a etgar. solute and: o! the wrought up man. was d sadly for awhile. no! of Emma. of the worthless; a“. u an buy . Mhl'21tt1'g',t rung... L'Kllalvan wittt "on Pdtlltu'tM,ttt'it.'; lu . on or n... g. “autumnal“ with that! Novelized F" rum Eugene Walter's Great Play I“: {PAID IN FULL , ., Mr" [ii/u Copyright. 1908, by G. W. Dittintshamtco, L JOHN W. HARDING pets, smoked " pipe. hafhis {morize chair, exprrsrmt his View: In Ma r;- tttttritattre. my Ind mud to be CCU. A: Cr Williams, the prml that he had not L-crn deceived in her {orimcd " faith Ind mndo him rally happy. it. was getting old. He had won hm hard fought, lifelong battle tritlt (be world Ind was as rich as he cared to be. The dull was disposed to turn monk. The yearning for atrrrtion. not demonstrative, hm oxlstpnl, wink h on me with the approach of life’s sunset and which was not to be found “when was gratiiimt there. lie put on slip I " time were on, however, his diss trust had vnnlshedmnd Mrs. Harris and her daughters had become n neceatty to him. He was being clrlllled. "a matured Emma to the others. whirl: ie, saying that she was the pencil he :llkul best on earth. but his manner ot when"; It had been repellent. becattgi. 'GGitiiGiio'i(i.' in the first place she glad hated him for M: supposed injus- tlco to her husband, whereas, having read Brooks through from the start. Lt', despised him and would not help I him even to make her lot easier. When .renwakcum) distrust. hauling with un- lwtlllngncss to bellcre that his high ‘utlmato of hvr hart been unmcritcd. Ind caused him to try her out talent leash" on the amnion " hrr appeal for Brooks. alone with him and at his mercy» in his rooms, she had seen [that a warm lwnrl, full of pure to curd for hr'r. [mt 1renvath his forbid, :dlug extorlnr. From tttat night the ’had innrntrl to rcsi‘o t him and Judge thin; at his trid m; l" lip. 311M115 and ‘ldlosyncraslos ru-ctsrd at Ll.“ their true irttcrpretation. --By._ I The tact was that his good deed to Emma had been the tirat sinking er. feet of a softening process that had .treen going on very, very slowly. so slowly as not to be noticeable to any extent; for several years. which began when he had been admitted to the family circle of his into general Inau- ager and with which. all unconscious- ly. Emma had had a good deal to do. Ho had anchored himself to the family Ia his one connection with rettnement land home life. But " had been a ‘cantions anchoring, maintained with distrust and carrying with it no reci- procity in tlw simpc of business or any other farm's. A tightcr who bad got nothing out of existence without tight. lnt. ever on the ain't to forcsta'.t an expected treacherous blow. his ham! had t1owrt to ism hip pocket. so to speak. at the slightest movement um appeared to him to be suspicious. could she have known what I boon to hm! heir funk friendliness was. To Emma the captain was no longer an object ot tear and detestation. She knew that his atNetion was purely pn- lcrnai, and ho knew that [he under- stood him as no one dead or [Inns Pver had or did. She mnnllested her 'appreciation ot his regard by a 4tottti, deuce which was to the old fellow a '.'otttfort and huge delight. Not that at: delight took I demonstrative form; 11:“ was not m " nature, and Emma mud have been and: um secret was known to each other. He was the same quiet. kindly unchange- abfo Jimsy. By her alone was " pro- waged absence understood. Mrs. Bar. rig and Beth tittttrly attributed It to a reludunpe to meet continuallLon In enual'r6oting his employer, Captaln Williams, gnu had taken Jlmsy'l place as extra member of the family and usurped all hls prerogatlves. At each of these visltl Emma had thrilled at sight of him and'ht (in sound or his voice. It was with timid- " that she had extended her hand to him. but neither by pressure of hll clasp not by any Sign of manner. ear- messiah or intonation had he given Indication of remembrance that their I UTUMN. chilly and wet; had brought sojournen In the l A. country early to town. among them Mrs. Burl: and - daughters. Mrs. Harris had rothal- tioned Jlmsy Smlth's service. before she descended from the mountalus. There was a lot to do on their ar- rink Would be mad attendlng to thls and that for them. and would he meet them? Jlmsy duly attended to this and that, met them In his old Tettittt way, saw them Installed tn their home. dined with them. " pet Mrs. ITarris' t'ehedule--aud, although the winter was well advanced, had have! been there since. except to make a brief all at Christmas. Brooks gushed his teeth. banished his drama of a renewal of happiness with his wife and clinched a resolution that had been forming in his mind " In ttltermttive-to seek "net in an- other and facile love from the depres- sion of his solitary existence. same medium, unopened. with the wow “Refused" written large across the envelope in Beth's handwriting. The won) was a lull continuation of “may; report or his mission. He addressed it to her. can or "may Smith. knowing the latter would no that it reached It: destination. " mm. back under cover through the “It lull doesn’t do the trick ttoth- In; will.” he muttered after he lull penned It (or the third time. "And if It doesn't ru quit. she‘ll never get moths:- clnnce from me." tteadotuiFtorvaL M h: . it you don't It will dis “m to .. todd For the hate. File. 60nta uh I 'LOD a bottle at all Drug Show... lull. - um promo. s but" " head ot hair for you. M In . I it n it you don't it will dis “m In a. . tee fer a. half. - File. 60nta nu I, " . CHAPTER XXIII. ld “In my a ”Non down! m M '-fttr'ttr-.tr-rse,tt" This timc a sudden iiiit, dyed Em, um‘s cheeks nnd drone-nod over her face lo the very ears. No one uouccvl "Like “may?" Mrs. Harris laughed. she did not know when)" tge was loking or not. but Ihnnght he was. Emma .ppr'areu to no ubwluloly In- ditrereut to the turn llw "ot1rorstttlon hut] takor. “laugh in truth yuc- was listening greed“: to W,'rdarns' NICO miums. "If 'ou know." Wtutt on tho rupmin, "I‘ve often llmuglu that in mnu like 3mm] would tre just tho rlgllt klml of I husband for Emma." "Smith's a gum] num. a corklng goon] man." replio-d the l'nmzlln thoughtfully. "He's (Xx-lug mun- work than any three. There aitft no net-ens": that I know of fur him to work all! ni,:!Il. llnu);:ll. If that's what lw‘s thing." "rre says he's too Gss._iarr.,, Mrs. Harris. "Captain. you must be working him to doath," "I wonder why rdss doI‘sn‘t come around any more." said Both "Bo hasn’t bee" here slnco Christmas." "Why. captain." smiled Emma. "rm happy enough. What more could I want than the [mm-v I hale?“ "Are you sum. uni?" In: unswored. will be to a gmllrman In the position to keep her as she ought to be kopt." "t know." he said, “but you can't alter facts because. being disagreeable. you don't want to remember 'em. Brooks is a disagreeable fact. a darned disagreeable (act. and he's Emma's husband Into the bargain. AI such unsunna Into the bargain. AI such he ain’t to be ignored attogtather, be. cause he stands between her and the fair pasture lands." "Captain," ejaculated Mrs. Harem ralslng her hands, "you mustn't! You know it is undrrstocd that the per- son‘s name Is never to be men tinned." "What a shame it Is that a girl like Emma Isn't married to some nice tel. low worthy of her." be remarked one evening. uttering his thoughts aloud. "There are some things that no man can understand, and this [alone ot 'vm-that she should be Immteqrtrett to a dirty scalawag like Brooks." ed manner. her gentleness, wens " ways the same. More than once he had surprised a wistful, (araway look In her eyes, a tleeththr expression ot melancholy, and his solicltude had been aroused. Somethlng caused him to re train from questioning her, but he did considerable pondering about it. Emma was ditrerent from her moth er and sister. she never gave heme]! aim. He felt himself nearer to her. and tho more intimate they grew the more she became endeared to him. She had changed much slnce she had left Brooks. A spirituality that he [and not, of course. known in her In the old days had Increased the charm of her personality. but her sensible. uaatreet. But he never ceased to be impressed with the ostentatious procllritleo and aristocratic hire of Mrs. lltu‘rin and Beth. though he laughed tudulgeutly at many of the mother's folhles. To hill) the two women n-prcscutod the bean monk and were authorities on all tint pertained thereto. lie deemed It , privilege to place one of hls Intolno’ bile: at the family's exclusive com wand, and It was the most luxurious vehicle money could buy. Thlt he did not give it outright was because he knew their circumstances would not enable them to maintain it. I MV a. bor, 6 (A At nll dealers, or ofprice to Fruits I About Much Mt, "M. I Ina taken deathly lick with Emanuel: Trouble lthte tgl Guitars: Dre-gown; i ale roml"poun 3 Into tte: n as eortfined to bed for eight tee B, And mu unable to at or keep Anything on our stomach. The doctors Mid they could do nothing for mo and as a last resort, one doctor l told me to try "Fruit-ts-tiv/At they would not cure me, nothing would. I am taking “Fruit-runs" " once, and imide ot ten days I was able to have my bed. My nomad: got u and I could eat and null: my food. I gained toridly and ma Ind my nun-l good hm th luck again and to-d-yl high In much u exvr--t26 pound» Mrs. LAUREXT CADIEUX. EV?" the doctor: realise lint the“ wonderful t,Urlcts made of fruit Juices will cum Storym-h Troubles, Indigo-Hm. And Dyspepsm. AFTER ALL<ELSE m mum DONOR [if,ill"Ji AND " FRUIY-A-TIVES " CURED MRS. CADIEUX Platinum, Ont., Jun. aut, 1910. c, 6 for t2arrtryg size. 2Se. r sent pmitpaid Aapiii ~artivcs Limited, Ottawa. He rose and produced n decanter of whisky. but hi. visitor deem thi- time with tk wan titekertng can. of up predation. "No, thanks, Jlmsy. I don't feet Ilka it jut now. I've been drinking too much or the mm. ttttd t haven't eaten ulna Int night. I think." "For heaven's uni” ate-Inland m 'tttkt" tuber that, walked In. u. did hot othr to shake hands. but. with. [bullied “Hello. “may." Outed bun-d! on the edge of the arm- chulr that tn former days be occupied " his on. Then he seemed to forget who” h. In. can]: back, shrinking Inb his overcoat. and at " though slum twining his but tn his hula slowly and mechanically. Smith was shocked It the all!“ in his appearadee His he. was whit. Ind thin, uni the eyes. which II. " molt "peessioettesh wen do» an In tho when. There was stub“. on Us chm: Mr formerly neatly plum but wn disheveled. "Boy, you’ve ill." said Jilly with CHAPTER XXIV. " R. BROOKS would like to see you. sir. I told him you were In. but he would not come up and asked me to let you know he was downstairs.” “Tell him it's all right. I'll nee him." “You mean that he's to come upt" “In. it he doesn‘t mind." The Imam, went out. gathering from the mun”: unusua! request and he header“- nply that there had been huh]. Mm them. Jimsy pushed - ti. book he had been reading In! In” - In his chair to twain in a!" W's coming. a In. l Barri. wanna-ed with ”conun- not. "m- III-nu.“ "Welt" " was an she could and to my about tho reiteration. Brtt1fttsoghmttr werenmued Wil lulu was evidently alarmed " har- m. allowed an feelings to get the bot. tnr of his discretion In this way. for he lapsed into gloomy silence and very soon departed abruptly. ’ “In. Hui-k," 'ttttor-d' the rap- an. with deep feeling. "money. ,r.die th I whole lot, ain't everything, u E tot-d. month In taken no m~ ”an to do it. It’s no halt of has: that an poor, and I an you that If III. was to marry n can like Em " nettle 8500.000 worth ot It line stock on her for I wedding present. I would, by gun m'ulr' . “Ion would do that?" asked In th a who]. to Eii?i",'t?i' wanted hunt-tutu: mus-um: Em I'd let! u a. For 'ttirUrs he tried for Cum In vain. - ' a. Doctors and he could never " cured. _ m M level: you”. separated lil?,'. Mr husband. can't get u divorce fu.‘ W. of tttq anom sort. which ltr,',': eonneht to, hasn’t got a can! in world and couldn't collect a cent at tulle” it the had the right to it m an beut's a owner." “Immumweroumu tugmrtdTtrtt'd lunotoaeuhbo too. I'd touch any money or anything tPt bah-gin: to him," commented 1. He had Eczema ttte 25 years. . a. His handswuo so had ho had " we" gIovesduy and Mom. a"r%-as.rtsq but what of than Alla Ibo an he ain't what you‘d cull - Tut mu be. too. but when I. mm to to can win; an amount ot can an. to but men upset moat m’n logic and ch. I Null no chance. 'elisomrtttaeeeon, for all " 1tmr-eutmituurouttnisl mmwhaamocnztopopeed 1h. - It” the nee." “What you say may I). all true, but the. and!!!” haven't made “my M lo mr. and I doubt If they ever VIIL A m can't have everything but may. I. I've anon told In: girls, Inh- up toe . lot or shortcomings, and “that tt-wtuitt Here's Emma. tt m. uh- tt a. a. an“. butt-In mlullutmuu with ht m m It the... q to in M. " m” ”cutout-u h M In: impound. to an rim to m “I M in: I an.” he emphasized. with. 8-10 blame“. tor the an or mt. We'm tilting among our- ulvq, no It don‘t matter. u it won‘t IO" us further. swoon Emma 'd - Us? In his heart All right? II I. on the level? I'd bank on him, and that. m‘n " any or any other u- ' how. II no tumble? Brainy I. (It: link. 'em. Is In good Iooklug? I. all" bad looking. am! with that I“. d N. In bu naval good loom-r! Pm In. but I mile. Beth as. he ain‘t m and m that non: ot thin; .TO-DAYJhme years after his cum. hr? says: "t AM STILL CURE'L‘ there has bten n retro. " .. 1 u! Mm Then 'tty "Std [AM-BUR ZAM-BUKcuv- FAC' cat a his. low 'ic/geo, Pic-We, t rum thy da; l in, tr, Hm mason? mnmo' of the “mama OWL: Mr. T. M, Hersh of 101 Delorimier Av ' Montreal, he. had this wonderful Clr,'litdit; of Zam-Buk. Mr. Marsh Nu lived in Mont, real for over so years. many of them at his present address. He is well known and in willing to satiety my enquirer as ta the genuineneee of his cure. Ho 'nttrored 26 years from eczema in the bands and had wear gloves day and night, the itching to terrible when tho cir got to t Doc om cal , there who no cure. . ngn me-Buk cured him Inf»: 1" k lug" ho r“? l, _ i‘rum th, ds, (was d liq-lows HOW "z'"'" Aha-31% CURES ARE PERMANENT, urn. When I k “(wind in n " a value ot, . "v """"HF ceremonies were per- formed at the Bethany Mennonue Church on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. S. Cress- man, orieiatiag in the presence ot [ quite a numLor or friends and reta- tivcs or the contracting parties. was F?lminda Shantz, daughter ot Mr, that Shantz, Rancher St., Mme l, the bride of Mr. Norman Yotutte iStrattord. The attendants were w. H. Young of Owen Bound, bath-tot the groom, and Miss Mary Sign“, the bride's sister. Mr. and hi Young left Wednesday evening: 7.45 train on a trip to E " paints. On their return they will; Inside in Stratford I Follulnng the first ceremony, Mia- Susan Webrr, at Wuerloo Township was marnczl In Rev, Sydney Shaun, Zoyphr, sun of Mr. Chi-um Shaun 0! Ne" Dundee. The bride The happy couple left on train for their future home over, followed try the good ot their many Berlin “ends The eeremony “as performed at 2 o'dock by the Rev. W. C. Boese in . the pretrent'ts ot immediate relatives of the contracting parties. 3 The bride was gowned in a suit ot i nary blue basket weave and turban hat to match. Miss Edna Ilucthor l was the flower girl drrssed in palel blue silk and carried a basket at Am-l encan beauty roses. : Arr, and Mrs. Hahn received munch? nus very beautiful presents showing the high esteém in what: they are, hvld by their friends. I A qciet but pretty wrs2ding took Hm: Thursday at Hm home ot Mr. and Mrs: t'asprr Obcr Well] ington Rt., Berlin, “hen their daugh- ter, Miss Emma, was united in the hands of holy mummony to Mr. Geo. H. Hahn ct Hanover, son of Mr. Hy. Hahn ot Elmira. Two on tLe fruit-tarm ott.uartiin" iiar, man. Rev. am) Mrs. Shunt: “ill re- can, ttt lluniltun, oi which the groom l S": in Zephre, where the groom has n: manager. IChIIge ot the Mennonite church. Alter the ceiemonr the happy couple! 'P? attended by Miss Alla Shaun left tor Buffalo. Rochester Ind points? sugter ot the, ‘groom and Mr. Gillis east, and on their return will reside} Crexsman ot Plattsville “as Imsl The groom's gift to tie bride was a ', sealskin sacque, and to the best man; a ttmir-de-its pin. I Tho bride was attended by Mm Ella Meyer. who wore the groom's gift. a besumul pearl brooch. Thc Best man was J. H. Stevens. A pretty wedding took place here on Tuesday, at the home hi the brute's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Meyer. when their eldest daughter, Clara, was united in marriage to Thomas W. Stevens, ul Hanulum, by Rev. W. G. Davis, of Stoney Crerk About 40 relativen and [newts were patient. P - -_- v..- ”mum. Smith. "ran no what brought you here What can I do tor ya?” "t don't hm why I can "ter-- after the way t and int “In. I"- "Nevee will! tut Lot'l for.“ about II." "No. t have no right h... Jim-y. Pttt done toe." “How done fore "t In. and you'll kick me out, n I deserve. when you know. Jinn}. I've done it again. I'm a this! I mud lime. and again tor a woman." Smith looted (nu. but he said nothing. “What! You doet't to! un ml not Y an: O. " . m '"I' I'll": mun-d. I Irinto Inc-l In no gun-u In unemmnwdwwogu, Cuts otur. - we»: am “PM In: to too: the Inn. and. tsoleUttq tt tn but Ina-nu tum. “HM It: mum: mum that... - " we»... rep-He-tatt. any.“ I. I m I.” lam. m a marriage ceternotties were Y0tfN'o--sHANTz unsung in the presence ot numLor or friends and rela- the contracting; parties. was .citAxoz--sEBEit HIHN-omr.it STEVENS-MOYER .ti1lhiihruL than. " fut." uncured [Tu be rah: .lsrd, the 5.20; WILL REDUCE THE RATES. In fran. [ - wishes OTTAWA -.-rt is Announced that the Ottawa mnnlclpnl electric power plant will have . Inge surplus at the and of the you sad that, the rates charged tor.1igttt aid heat and "etc per- possibly also than chaigod for Pow" 'nnomte will be reduced from 10 to 15 pal son at 4 cent. _ out. n! Tia- r‘ In”. I've W' y " ' 5.1.. _ a second ”73:, A _ r". I." _ a 3 " . he and J ‘1, " .g " we kick . Tu" . " Just " _ on Would, A Bl a wouldnt _ - h , c". 3 © tell It to l " " me. " ' ‘ eciptito due are 30.00" hair hind Inat season. 'A min! cro only 2,600,000 bales is vvprvxo: that £800,000. Locet rates rel the" higher “an the prior: trl'tlllh'd Mates, but t'vcn at, m Galen at. afraid to ',t H, TORONTO.-That -dteadrd dim; ttntturttonia, has: strong hold on “I residents of Toronto at present. For the Past two or three weeks there has tken on avenge ot one or two deaths a day. New cases arr being reported every by. V . he Chief Justice Mulock has refused Francis Holmested's motion to quash the Statorth by-law guaranteeing pay- meat, of debentures cCt the Ruben. Bel: Engine and Thresher Company, Limited. Holmested alleged that sixty-one ot the voters were share- holders in the company, or interested In its shares, and that three of the Couneillors ware shareholders. _ DEALERS AFRAID 'm Klan SEAFORTII BY-tsaw UPHELD, A win and irtteresthp, maniage Ceremony took place un Wudncsday evening at the reaiderue oi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearce, Berlim the primipals being tin” (Ingmar, Miss Harriet and Captain A. Snow. Rev. J..W. J. Anduw, rectur oi St. John'g Anglican Church oitieiatod. Mrs. Pinklmm. of Lynn. Mum. invltos all sick women to write her for advice. She bu guided thousands to health and he: advice ls free. The Above is only one of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received bi the Pinkham Medicine Company of .ynn, M ass.,whlch prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com. pound. made from roots and herbs, avtuall; doe: cure these obstinate did, vases o women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf- fering woman owes it to herself to at least, give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble (:ulnpound a trial before eubmlt ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. PNEUMONIA PREVALENT, Fox Croek, N H.7- ‘l have Blwa I l-zl.l Mina III the loin: and 5 won‘- .V, - J n?” (her. and "PTI '.;‘2- o lanaterln . Pay, meals my tl,'ll _ " “mud distress In ' H J and cause soro- rh Ki' new. Lyd'll E. "r, " N l t1ltkc,huag1ii',lithsE ' W ble Compoun ban " "i"u'! done me much ‘3‘ good. lamstrong- A NI ti er, digestion is bet, CT lt . c". ' q tenand I can walk l ‘ " . with ambition. I have encouraged many mothers of; families to take it, as it is the best rem. odyin the world You can publish this in the pa rir"-Mrs. ,WILLIAM Bowman, 'rvlel Crook. N.B.. Canada. Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetableCompound AFTER SUFFERING _)AY.--The tutlnn situation nope disquir'tudc, The SNouLPFAm'Iz mes hula crop Med In an .itlii)iii"ii; ii:'i N a! .tllt.p,i - k m EXPsnumc an . Any sun , Um. L. D. a. ty'. E Chin-co We"! "on! who at mu Dam one. new. Mr. " 'rut. " "wh- our: my tAttyrytnth. Denti- " Dentists: Wu Wm run. Elmira. Wtttax "an!” uni Fryur' Ind and hid q of can In?“ ts Wt u, l p In.) ooo If; ’KuMJon uetocth. Ram f). E [Sage-cur to (“om-Minn; n .1 Banister. Solicitor Notary eta Mom-y to tum. (ion-mu om tr- l'equegnat'a Block. I umv Sunken. Frederick tst., m Ion-y mu... :5; £311? «I... lack. Ian. MT t was. E'2.'."a0Ate'h1"p,t, u”... “(hue-I". human StHeit . no PtiiiiiiiiiiG, rt an Ira-ss, I- u _ _ LE GAL J,',le _'tttltdls'lt'ir,mtrar.e., l 77‘” 'ieoo+rsia, Protesslm f cards Protesslonal f cards t WWI-hm“ I ' I Wt...” " Trl u HUGH " Dentist. ., “Mellow. ER“. u - "riiiTiiG.' "6.12mi." h2,tt Tm tfotarr Public Eula“ 890‘... 'uu‘n -trii.. I; H4- F Pm Ppctoa.. C) 0 C) () o I) 0 M () ll

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