f-Ernst & thr. _ ,llcavy storm tasters, made ot Irish pd Canadian frieze in dark grey and “bind. They are double brushed with high storm collars and tablor throat, tweed linings. sizes 38 to it; only, regular $7 to " tog Three tit-any ueight ovcrcoats made ot Oxford grey and black Int-Hum, Dams and chalets, English mater- lals. They are ntade up " iuebs, Meatertield style “ill: Maud lapcls, my! Velvet collar, vent in Back, sarong twill linings. These arc broken lots and sites are 31 to M, 113M“ 112.50 to $16. for Wiater ovrrcoms made front dark-I nixed (weeds, trxiord grty and black Cheviot and frieze, single hrvastrd l style. igood linings, sizrs ‘37 to in, regular " " I Fleece lined underwear. also Stun]: wott undershirts, wintcr weight sizes athirts 31 to it, sets ot dram-H's. W to '10. regular tiOc and 75c vm-h Three piece Sluts made hour good durum domestic and English Iwwvls light and dark mixed patterns, singlr breasted, sack slurs with strong rm- ins, .es 2710 33, regular $1.50 and 1" men's heavy txitster weight Working shirts, strong black and Iii“. 3 buttoned, single or double [while drill collar attached, double Emu-d sack style, the materials are sown scams, Saturday lor Mall and Canadinn tweeds in neat I 39e yin“ and striped patterns, the col- . Ire (“lord rey, brown and olive h . . . _ _ 'JL' "man may, sires are " to ol",," Egan-“$32?! :30: "rt {Iowa M, regular use and tttt for (tp _ , t , nsu at . You my midst and: of our udvortiumonb u more in tho “of“ invitation to you to shone out good thing! with an than " o bid for your puma-go. We know bayond any doubt that - “It .1 ovmt,evary honour, other thing I. offer you in u peotlt- ,huhermtotrsoerttetoe ' You my not "Aline win, maybe it ioo't. v common in booi- iiu; nMMhtyg’nmofithmnflmï¬i-k you will " shut on. experience with an. _'" mg on mama Boys’ Clothing Ken's Wear Any person thinking of buying I farm in the Ringer. Peninsular would do well to write us. and upon receipt of their letter We will mail them free of - _ - ‘" . --â€77 ., V aha-3a one of our 130.00% printed lists of Ill-Ina for sale. which cont-in- some three hundred stock, grain, (kin-y fruit, garden and tsassing factory produce farms " most "noon“. prices, WHY RENT? Cull uni no t-riutt.toeiroodurm,-irtitos""i"" of time paymenh. FREE A aqua: ttrr', tru- prim: end no red tape, any to bur, any to INV. We nuke it dead easy for you to get the _l1itietlt,lttl? (h, tii,!,' “. â€All mm "I!“ I. A - um- "-.No 8 05.98 4.95 298 Fine colored negligee shirts with separate or attach-u culls. one Scotch 'cephyrti, Madras or pcrcak, a large nssurtmcul ul up to date patterns, and colurings, Sun! ll to m, regu- lar $1 for Men's cloth mph, heavy tor winter wear, navy and black cloth, (nary [woods and corduroy, regular ti, and 81.25, Saturday Womvn's [at angle tttttttPla kid lace boot, 5.1-1 width, regular per pair V3.35, for 7-, ‘._...... n Wunun's jet black glossy kid Much- " lace boots, new styles, goodyear welt and McKay sewn soles, every pair made to give good wear, sizes 3 lo 7, regular 33.50 and " lor I Boys' shocs, heavy waterproof school boots, may he worn without rulrtwrs in storm, calf and box call lvalhvrs, heavy soles, and well lint-d, sins 1 to 5, Saturday bargains Iien's shoes, ttng call. leather lined, also dull storm mid, every pair guar- anlvrd solid leather, sirts.6 to 19, regular $3.5tt, Saturday lot Footwear FREE Berlin. ' m we as, and w free of w or ale. m , duiry, mm: " m immatuso,drraruo, mom; . tatt 169 75c ‘the table laden with reiresbments. A very pleasant evening was spent. Briefs-Mr. Milclnll, oi Guelph is reliewlng in the Metropolitan Bank here taaing Mr. Nuxon's place, who is forced to takea couple ot weeks holidays, having tken hurt while play- ing hoctuey.-Nrs. W. J. Reynolds, oi tit. Jacobs, spent Saturday and Yun- day in town.-Mrs. M.. L. Weber very pleasantly entertained a number ot he: lady irieots to tea last Saturday evening. Happily Wedded.--h very happy ty- ent took place, last Thursday alter noon at the home ot Mr. Jacob Dun- ke when his second daughter Alva Ethel was united in marriage tu'Mr. J. Ridgely Bell, of Ltuydasiosusr, Sash, The large drawing rooms were beautitutty decorated with pink and white carnations and smilax, the cerennmy being perlorm‘ed under a pretty canopied arch ot pink and white crepe paper and smilax, The bride who was given away by nur lather, were a lwautilul Empire gown oi white satin with ehillon veil and lilies ot the valley in her hair and carried a shower bouquet ol white roses and iilies of the val- Iey. Miss Erma Duke. tutstrr of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and - a pretty mauve silk dress and carried pink roan, while Mr. An- drew Forrester, of llamilhm, acted as grmmbman. The ceremony wan performed by Rex. H. M. “minimise and Miss Viola Unlike, played the wedding march. Little Miss Vivian lluggle Wm; ring-bearer and carried the ring in the heart via pink ruse. Alter the usual congratulations, the wedding party and guests, nearly six- ly in number. proceeded to the dim hing moms which were am- prettily decorated in pink and while and all partook Ma sumptuous wedding din- net . Shurtly alter dinner seltcs weâ€: made by Nev. Rnadhuuse and Messrs. McCullough, C. B. Dual-c, A. ll. Dunke, J. P. Luckhardt, Cluk and Hell The happy couple left on the 7.15 train via Chicago for their future home at Lloydmimder, 'rask., Prrsonat--Miss Bend“ Wallace is day“: no or... huh‘ll ot Mr and Mrs T, E. 'riNr.--Mrs Row. lktlmmpym a tew days with “lend: in town.-- Misa Edna Loin. of Elmira m the guest of Miss "ollintiet Ma tew days.--Mr. Ezra Slander. Wallace. spent Sunday at the "Maplr Grove F'artrr"--Mr. Jesac Finding-r spent Sunday at his home ttere.--Mr. P. E. '5'itkee spent a " day: with tttods' in Wallace. Mr. A. L. Minuet. "out a not In Patmeetttms, and "dam in the futon-ta ot MI b-irtei.--omt't W. -.yefioe ftp 9t Ate? News ttetns.-Mrs, J. stickney tett last. week on an extended visit to bet daughter in Port Huron-Mr. Josiah any who has spent several months bore, returned to Consults, Ana., last wtxe-.Mrs. 3taiionvitatcd frieods in Listowet last weer-Mrs. than. Mc- Bonnld, ot Hamilton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Slcuernagel here.-- Mr. Jars. White and family ot Hamilton, spent last week in towts,-htrs. Watt, of Guelph, called on Elmira (trends lust weeti.-Wss Maria Winger ot Ay'- tou, has been appointed assistant. at Elmira post, omen. Miss Winger rs an experienced post oitice oiticiat Inning been in the post uttttt at Ayton tor some time and is the daughlcr of a tormer Elmira powtuaster, the late Peter Winger.~Mrs. George Allcunang went. a low days ot last week will: not sister in Btrlin.-31r. and Mrs. Wm. Keller and daughter, Rita, 1cit on Thursday tor their norm: in Tom. alter spending a week with Elmira triends.-T'tte oatertainment given try the YES. ut St. James Lutheran church last Thursday evening was largely attended and much enjotcd by those present, the ditierent numbers on the programme being well tendcr- ed.--Mr. and Mrs. Will mantel, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bethltl, Mrs. Dobbin Mrs. Ettuly Martin, Mrs. and Miss Bach"! Ind Mr. Charlie Whyard, ol Waterloo, Mrs. Riggs, of Burlington, Mr. and.Mrs. award, Duntyannors, arm Miss H, Z. . Whyard, Huntsville, intended the luncral ot Mrs. M. T. Bechtel. here last Thursday. Seriously 1niurcd.-Mr. Theodore Beisel,.son ot Mr. Louis Beisei, met with quite a serious accident at Sin» my Snider‘s sand pit, last. Prica.s. The side at the pit caved in on nun breaking one a! his legs atro o the knee and badly crushing Lr other. His chest was crushed ht hot serious- tr. Plrasanl t'strprists.--T1to Ladies' Aid of St. James Lutheran Church, wry pleasu q surprised one ot their mem- bers, us. Jacob Sterner, it being (he m‘ua‘un of ht: birthday last Salut- day. When-Mrs. Swinger returned from an errand up town she found the u- - in possum of the house and News News (from by [dubious Coe-tdents In County and mama; Our Busy Neighbors BT. JACOBS, ELMIRA. Attend "he Chterch Sock] " the Town "all on Friday and! In! a some at the tim, homemade cues, bum. do. vita, Which will be and by the Indie: ol {he Es.ttgeiirn1 Church. A who!†program of music has also been mental. A joint-stock sale will be held here nut Friday, the 26th inst. Mr. H. B. nuering, Waterloo, has been en- gaged as BuctiotnNrr.-- The livestock and chattels ot Mr, John B. Lichty will be sold by public auction on March 3rd. Mr. Lichty has rented the tarm and will retire trom tarm- in; and inch lo town.-- l skating mammal will be held on Thunday evening when a large numht'r ot cash prizes wilt be awarded.--Thc ice har- real. in in lull swing.- Mr. (Jon. D, Becker will install a m-w portahlr sawmill in the near tttture-dt, is un derstood he has placed his order with Geo. White and Sons ot London. - Miss Ellworn â€Hanna celebrated her 19th birthday last Sunday evening when several at her many trieads smut a pleasant evening with her brlorc her departure to Berlin where she will occupy the position ot “sir that milllncr with Miss Lowes.-- Mt. With. U. Bib hue mow-d onto bis farm, “bile Mr. .Ja'ot- Shawl wttl mow: into the house would by Mr. MwuaMglthtm sale a George In“ In: m. Cte, mun My. “out“ 9‘ Petsonat.-oir. J. R. Gilbert of Forrest, is assisting on the banking stall of the Western bank for some time in order to get everything in proper shape for the Standard Bank, which change took place to-day, the and int. Wu are pleased to wel- come him to our midst..- Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Hebe visited friends in the TWitt-City for a Iew days.-- Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and daughter and seVCral other Waterloo- ites spent Sunday with friends and tscquaintinces here.--.Urs. C. Koehler spent a week in Preston with her daughter and renewing old acquaint- ances and returned home last Sutur- day. - WELLESLEY. D. w. Msley and faintly, span! Sun- day in Presto-Mr. Alex chllixit-r and lamily, spent a tew days in Tar- isuth.-Mr. Henry Frey has started work. in the Woollen lactoty, which was closed down tor some duvet-Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Knit ut St. Jacobs, spent a Week ago Monday at F. S. ts'pies-Miss Evelyn Lackrwr, ot Ei- mira, spent Sunday under the pun-n- Gal TOOL-hir. and Mrs. August Sun- daiyod in Berlitr-Nr. and Mrs. Jacob Hahn and daughter, Annie, were in attendance ata wedding in Morning- ton on Momiay.-A number front um. community attended the (lunrul of Mrs. M. T. Bechtel o! Elinim lost Thursday. Mrs. “whirl was “on known hero having raided here lot some time. She made many friends during her sojourn among Us. Ptwtsotiat--Hr. Peter Sell) ot St. Agatha, is Hailing with Mr. H21 Lacuee'tc--Mc4yutter mum is) visiting friends m List-h-Mrs. Uk lelmann ot Waterloo, spent I " thy . ut last week with Mrs. BMW. Elslr/ --Mr. DaVidsun ot Lisnwel. was in out burg on Saturdi=Mias Livlns. ot Heidelberg. spent 8aturday. " Sunday here, the guest, ot Miss Name Dortaid.-wnt. Tanner u! Southampton is a visitor at M. C. Tiuttwr's.-3ir. Beri BLOOM'NGDALE HAWKESVILL‘. "a: Personal-W. F. W. Duggahn ot Tot runto, tield secretary tor the Domin, ion Alliant'o, was in this section, "I" gani/ing a local option campaign bu' 19l0.-Mitits Mary Zurhrlgg has return- ed to Markham having spent a tea months with relatistcsutcrtv-Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Crooks, of Linwood, l passed through this section milling at l the home in! Mr. Btu. Patterson while on their way lo Wroseter.--Mr. and _ Mrs. Crooks are spending their ttones. Iimxm in that sci-lion. We extend 1 ithcm many well wishes for a happy sand prosperous wedded lik.--Mr, an lsirs. Chester Fry, of Rusk, WSW} a few days " the home of their un ‘ ele, Mr. M, C. Fry. KurCcviue.-- The Misses Lydia and Ella Bowman, ul Berlin, visited at the home of Mr. Israel titautter, tth Wailace.--Mr. 'ily. Hallman, of Berlin, is assisting Rev. Mr. Linden a! Maryhorough this week in a series ul revival meetings -Mrs. M. F. Zln'brigg. of Listowel, spent a few days at lhe home of Mr. ll. F. Knipe. gk'gi'd'. ttt E???“ t, a Re... '"-y “mmâ€. M a." 7 “If?" Sunday with Mr. Henry Wit: and Mt. John Hilborn.-Mr. Allied Cor- nell has been laid us. with a Bore loot the tau". ot lining his lost (mun some Mme ntto.--W. and Mrs, Tho, ma llllborn went Sunday In Boon at “no home ot Mr. Albert Coons. Mr Coon had just. rammed Iron vis- Mn bis brother, Mr. George (Icon ot (antennas. N. Y.- Mr: and In. Ed. Hamburger Snail-yea with his!“ In 'ahlow-In. Jul CR.- Personal.-- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tanger, ol Didabury, Alberta, calla! on Rev. Jacob Gingrich and Mr, Dam kl Shaun, ‘Tairview Farm" last Tbutsrlay and Friar-Mans of Mf. Josiah 0brstholtter's Iriunds calkd on him Saturday altcmoon. and providot their luncheon and oysters, and ar- ranged that Mr. otrritorueoiutoutts cottt1rtxH lo his bed, was able " pro sido at (be ttble-Mrs. McKay, of Toronto is visiting Mt dstatrt.er hm. John Tait tor a kw weeks..~ML and Mrs. Cyrus Wxsmor and [unity and Accidr-nl. - Mr, Teller, Veterinary aurgcon ul Morrislon, paid a business can in this neighborhood last Thurs- day, and met with an accident which required seven“ stitches. Farewell Gattwritttr-A jolly crowd ot Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gem's neigh- bors mpt at their pleasant home last Thursday evening to spend I tew hours in social chat, music and games, on: their departure lot their new home at German Mills. An oyster supper was served by the ladies pros- ont, and mm and all assured their host. and hostess that. they had spent a most delightml rwettitsg. Mr, and Mrs. Gehl will be greatly [MSW in social circles hvrr', but wo wish tot them every prosperity in their urw home. seasou.-Mr. and Mrs. Wright expect to spend a few months luurlng Wm- tern Canada lo the coast.-quit'e .1 number front this sci-lion attended tin. annual Seed Fair at LisioweL--. Mr. Maynos, at Ollama, gaw a very in- (rusting talk on Judging outs, wr- oral samples of nuts ln-ing passed to each individual for vxaminstiou, Mr. Ruynos is an authority on sun] grain- sdcuitm and his (all: was "ttvretstmp, and prulitable to all...A Luge numhrr also attended the Dairymeus' meeting in Listowel on the 22nd inst. Mr. Geo. H. "arr being presctrt. giving an illustrated lecture on the "Care of Milk." Other speaker's Were. preset" who gave profitahle Care; on inter- esting subysts in cottatxiton with the dairy industry. " tum u! trturest.-tre, are nun-I Our Wpll burdock ll no. Indy Baryon , T " um. mutual weather, mm: a " when: a batter than our which buying a W ." _ t in“ 00' "on! “this “id! gatihcieat I Now in tho but “no to have your room We! "ttrr' twow had with to furnish excellent 'peeing M stub, You will I" . bottrraad uiokire -itts t tl sleight-s- The Prh"euc'q ot crows nrzd Iii' earl “a look Mb 0|"an it wilt q t other spring birds at this season at. , ' ' Pb] you _ the )ear makes the, winter appear tue , ‘ N , _ “mm short. "rtnen, m with“ NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES. the best use at the stem-n; and m' p... . -', buy getting their teaming done ttttttttea " .t.“ m m “m Some are preparing tor building, oth We have, snail.» m in dittaett “CI- m ers hurling gravel with the intention: eoipm, at.oii ttrg “My '.8 {Interim For the“ In about†11 u tertrodelliets their stabies during thc and coloring! table toe lute my growl. hum. rod- and . pct roll wayward. our. qeittrtt to " Inch hm coming sttmttttt--A great many auc- about“: C8own 2",t2'ttttt , tlon sales are being held this winter, Bed .0." p.m handful "test. m U: to x the result of tNrtwtderattle chum in In thin tin. '0 no tic-hr! all. A. -_.t, . "e- t. ml estate. Some (armors hue sum W y M . _ . . thong. Stripe-m "nininthqtori. . m or rented with the intention oi golng'nm but onhoIv many other de. Ali hat ll M hi de that in the spring. Others have re- aiiiiiiirii "Ir, mu. t""e't,'."'prt't, and: o will high." for.“ tired trout hum lite and intend to; feoior, lll bun. pink. etc. Pr ""GGiG I',,','," (Onto with at td spend the evening of life in sumo 'r""'""'" to2turbor roll. T gilt, 3;. a. “was. light. you: I nearby town, enjoying the fruits of Vturrirtsed pun... for built â€on". ','li'lid,iWa'tJll'. other! pith - their 'abors.-.The South Wallace Lit- Show tho but. English and American or 16inch "he, Prion. no,†1 any and Debating Society held its gotten. u. lock bottom prieem tik to 50" per It;, regular meeting on Friday night hut (Ning lo the aha-nu: oi t'wu debaters , . and, Italie mm I‘m. the suhiect "itesotvivd that war has For siittirstr room. To matoh n It: I)“ foot. _ been more tireitructive lo humanity , than iotetnperarwe" was not talmn up. The Mening's programme was, how! - SMYTH BROS. ettu, made interesting by n ilnlmtv TERMS CASH ANDONB PRICE an the subject, “Resolved that thanl CHEAP CASE STORE-27 KING STREET, BERLIN. works harder than woman," the al- firmative winning by ttnt' point', We M fail to see how either side could “in by a Larger we on . fast Maw -Mrs. Charles Wetker has moved to . his tarm on the lth your Maryboro', fortuerly owned by Mr. Daniel Sclu-ll. Mr. Hchcll Inning moved to the Farm o a Des t tormcrly united It Mr. Well-w, ttth con. Wallace-Mr. Wm, K, Wright, . . . mum-tine, has rented his Farm in We buy and sell potatoes m large quantities. Alsc Mr. Win, t‘umrnlngs tor the l‘UIIIllll; aijples and apple butter. LIMERICK WI LLACI . complete list for February. about it look up last weeks Chrtn'te1e-It will give you our M. Weichel& @h 'liiiiitl, _':,!:), r?r'fi i)il-!ii('ii,il' .G.-.alrrieirtrFFFrea it I , I 'iiii'f'i ir; t _c"ra", r-Wi l? l 'El . 'tr _.fijie /ii. I., \‘m’d’gï¬s‘ : ee 'ithi'iit . i Lf“? e Our New Beginner Sale - _ v I ' - V" -e__e- “'I' Accept our invitation and Com' and see it. We have sunbathing for every body. We pride ourselves on having in our store the but and newest in books and stationery, otiieo supplies, school supplies, fancy goods, purses. handbags, combs and brushes,hair goods, side-and back combo, and cases, mouth organs, fountain pens, music rolls . and Ladies' Companions. We also carry a complete assortment of English and German Bibles, Testaments; English and German Prayer Books, Rosaries, Crrseitixetr, ete. We carry the largest assortment of dolls, toe, all kinds of ERP.", and cups, post ends or. e_very descriptionq -- V, .. “an... v- “nu-w nun manic. run» (any: VI eve-y new] HUD. Fiii [mane Battertek Pattern .1170)! on head. A large range , the let- eet Well Peper. And don't forget that we we headquarten far the world hmoue Edison I’honognphe end the Intent Recom- every month. Everybody weleome to come in and hear the neweet recorde. Remember the piece. Weishel’s Weekly Store News We extend to you a cordial invitation to come to our “are, whip you will tind the best. and biggest assorted shock of books ind ata. tionory and fancy goods that has ever been ebpwn in the Tirin City. A--,_-- --- :___:A,A2 , n .. .-. . l - Doersam's Bookstore, Waterloo. We Inn was m In dittaett colon. also u ttrg “duty ot .rdlt"e uul coloringl table toe kite' on: At Be pot to]! and npwud. In this line we Are panic-hr!) thong. Stript- an up“: In the (ore- ponml. but we Ahow many other de. St to In". "Ir, mu. Mnnll 'ttttt feoior, in b 11.. pink. etc. Pr u- niqe Immbc to 250 per roll. T npling ml: tutu, You will iknaiiiii" qiiTiTiTiiuii2 in curly and look Wk our stock, it will pg, you. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES. Kitchen upon at}. 1 an and glint- DOERSAM's BOOKSTORE If yuu don't know anything New Wall Pam WHOLE nunâ€! C hr oniclc business. Will Last All February For than we Ibo. .hrp in. ik, “no". hum. no. a. i, "tty with tt to " Inc]: It!“ al,glil duo with "mot border- = 25mm! am PM. so to Pe, Parlor PM thet', h mm gunman: - co o w x iiil?i"Yi'i', tone-“53h or “in i t, a a. sum. "all. m ','llli,SM,t,'tT.". other: gnu MR+rq" or it, inch hinge. Prion. my 110.. lik to ti0e per it, ' l “ loom lulu. Au advertised has brought in laet week's as lots of