Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 25 Feb 1909, p. 12

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"The Christian ('nanK-sl of India," by Rev. A, K, Armstrong. a ”mud Beetetrory ot Toronto, “Tho Why and How of Furrizn Missions" by Rev. F. W. Audermrn, Secretary Y.P.M.M. Four s'turiy Ilaxww wril be " \pl‘ eiat loaturu of tlw "Hrinoon work " the Ittstiture Thry wlll hr led by the following spw'mlmis: "Tho l'phfl oi China," hr Rev. .1 I. .wrlrwart, a missionary trom l'hiua, "Th" Mos Inn World," by "ev. Sydnw Gould MI), a missionary [mm Pulmlim: The Mulenmut is hulh inivniemuu- inational and irttvrnatyatat in its ur- ganizatmn and 'ictrpe of work. The Board of Mdndgrls wrth In-.u|qu.u- ters in New York, mnths of 39 "SP". a mat-wily oi wluun “HM alwarsne omcial represtmtatives of Mivion Boards. The sewn Int-mime» of this Board at Manugcrs, residvrrt m ' ada constitute the t'anadian (‘nunul of {be Movement, having Kenoal Ntt-r perrisioa ot the mterdeeurmuutuonrtt work carried an in Canada. l . Che Young Pmplt"s Missinna-iyl mow-mu» Hands in a unique frid- ftonship to the other modern tumult-ml any movements. The Student vom-', tee! Movement " I'orogn Missions l is a racruig‘ng agency seeking ha, the emteftini, and inspiration of ihe, students in the Colleges and (hirer, titles along Missionary lines so that than may he mldicieat numhr-r of student volunteers to mm the sun-H massive demands of the Missiuni Boards. The Istymen's Missionary Mum-menu on the other hand is an m< spiratiun and an appeal to the men ot the church”; in tulip hnld uf the missionary enterprise in a mnmgu-n- trolls bturted btr:orrrrc,-like way so that there may In: stittticrivIunris 'rrrthcutning to Ski)" nut the volun- teers who may "tfer thr-meu-s In} service in the "PM and to "dequately support, thr- work Ireing done Behind both of thaw- mun-”writs stands the ruling l'm-plr-‘s Munqunuy Movement with its “wk oi (dump Con, beginning with 1hr ynmvurst child in the Sunday Stirrup! and in!- towing up tnmmgh Hu- unions gulch-x till the whole thurch H amusnd in "t new sense a! [mammal oviponsilultty l for the more unruly rvantTlizatttrn ot the whole world The roihiw:, tor missionary ultmniiud provided by this mun-mum .m- luv-Ing'uuml by /i'4 ditrervmt mission lumidx and sorrivtiet,. I During lhrn his! yuan ul I'hr- mun» I ment's history, s" yuan 3ng sum:- 17,0mt mission study text hunks wr-u- I published and us“! 111 study class work, Last vpar this nlunlm was ttl-. I creased to ”51th 'llusttotivr. mar,‘ terial of Human: kind» Is tviririi tor work in thc Sundry Srhmylx‘umi" the Sunday Frhool wtrtch is not at I tempting in some spun": wuy Inrd~ ' ttcate the rltiHen ot thI-rhun'hi along missionary lines lurduy 15 hum; hind the limes. I. The [Impose u! this IrttrutlvrHrmina, tional Institute is tn give Insllila- tion and slimy-slum In Hum- who may in sumo way assist In the Illswlnln tion of missionary intr'llir,enve and tme 1hrir own [Ilemml "tttflu- bu the lullhrranu- of thr, mixsimuny "n- N-rpriw bulb in the home and [uremi- Rev. J, tr. blown, ol inmmn. who Is an rloquent and lnrm-lul speaker. spoke on "The Unrrmt, in India," and stated that tho present unrest in Jardin " wry widespread, rmbmrinn Ollie |ll chm Ind clam-w " is . complex phenom-non. Ming partly polltlcnl. partly and.) and partly re- Motta, The political "pert of " re- call Mull la a arm-Ml tor 'teu-gow maont and an Immune: with the “this After the devotional exetcir,es Rev. Mr. Anderson delnvrwl all ll:.\|)lllng address He titaicri that tfu. Young People's Missionary Mowuwnt,' is m reality a MlSSiullaly Educational Movement Working m the lllll'lrslx M tho various denominaturrcat boards and societies and providing such hr cilltu’s as they tequlre In (any on their Work of Missionary education especially amum: Hm young people and chlldlt‘n of the churches. h mrifiiistmt ”masses AT ', mssxomnv "mum The chair was accvptaroly ucrupird ty Rev. A P Mlhn and durum tlu mening the choir lendv-ed sexual beautiful selections. try Rev. E. W. Anderson, MAL, who spoke on the Young People's For- ward Movement, and by Rev. J, G. Brown, " " ' of Toronto, whose sub- ject was "The 1'nrest of India," Both discourses “ru- attentoveirl listened to and crtwa1vd unusual on! thusiasm. In the evening the first session oi the series at meeting: was held in the Benton St, Baptist Church,wtuch was crowded and those pit-sun. were privileged in listening to two brilliant instructive and inspiring addresses The intern-lions! Missionary Insu- ttste opened in Berlin on loudly at- ternoun when neuly 100 delegates trom various pints of the county gun-cred at Trinity Meutoditst L'hutcls on Monday alert-um: and were btllet- led at the homes oi residents of this town lor the next thtee days The "sums were mnhally Welcomed on behalf ot the Young People's Mow mom In Berlin, Prominent Speakers Deal With the Mission. ary Message of the Bible and the Revo- lution in Turkey. If. ”and " Imus. Rev. F. W. Anderson trsumrc,-ljke any 5." In: suthcicnt. funds svml out the n-llnr otfer tlterusctvre, In: Is munch-cl F,chools,and " not at" way tor) the church [lay IS bv- ul work of hr led hy The l'phfl , Shwnrf. “Thl' Mos, nmwnn-m In th" thin "I tou, IIMHI'I, lu' stated. how rt-(‘H'a ulnldu-n n! luau-l WPtf' to th, “my: manhunt-v1 In thcm thvre rluum God :wlrrlw] the Avws [Iv-villi!” tluough whom Gaul tun-mm- known Thu “mum I', I The ailmldahu' a! tlte altrtnoon {xv-Hum in Ttinity Mrllmdht chujl un Tueoiay “as Hui ax large as th, 'rutuits ot tiw plumzmuuv damn-1| inmnu to 1hr .n'lrmvnr'j. an! 1hr um thvr. An trrMtuctivr. mum» Was dv hveued try ltev A H. Armstrong, n "l‘ummn, Su'roialy at lhe Pnvihvtet Jinn Mission "ousd and a umh'n-m. an "tissiottaay methods in the Sunday Srlmul. . Tln- drudinnal vxettis,es were tym dutlml by Rm: J. t Marshall, as sistvd by RM. .l. F.. Lynn, and RM .1 “i .l AII'IlI-w. rm q b' mumm- mum”) III! “Hath-st lulusmn Rlh Iwamgr wax‘ t'lulxl IIInN-IL and the wcako umr- 1,evctal ilhssttatiotts “IN'H‘ the Sauna: arithesrs Hinvielt in “punk-u and “w alt-n! dun.“ nl Hts, llll' war; Ilur- mmnussum "Go It' min all thc umhl and pu-arh thr. Hospu'] tr, (-vrly ru‘atuu-~ ”In nun " thr mu zc-nr‘mtum whcn this t'tmttnc,sion can be. r-lu-yr-Il M II n mm “any”; that lnlxsmmnnw can $Htlt' the Gospvl mm I-wly otutttry In Hu- wool" The "usual-aw spun hm: rum-Pr hm-n m gm", thrrr hm m-vrr hu-rn as murh mum-p “minim!- -t'd. nut has thon helm at mam: young nwn a‘ml umnvn unvrmg ”mum-Hm lo an min the Nathan world In preach the Huspl'l. (ind tHess was "Thr. Misstorrary Ila-smut u! Hm Hihhn” In his mllmlluimr Ir Hunk» ite "sprained in a must tniet Nina umnm‘l sums- of the (alumni missionary tI-xls of thr. Gospel, llv tun-r1 ”mi God Is 31-411qu in; th, (Hun: of Hi:, chihllvn 1otiav m lit mm In Iln- days of Chrt,t Ila-rial": ml Hm! tlie work of thr. ('hlsrrh With um only lo sptrad th" Guam-l Mall nalmns‘ Urus giving all prnph- a Ilmnrr to arr-1H m lrlnl Hmfx sat 'ation. hm 11trrirwaiions must In I'httr,traruzrwi, ll" pnlnh'd nut that Ilu. Hrhrrws, In Wham 1hr- Word ol 1iod was gum-n, WPte not " Iniwiun nu lu‘upll', hul Hwy SW'II' r',rlvrirvri.ar, 0:an (hum-u ln-uplr ll" shunt-11 ulmr thr? rotnmi1tctl a when» 1-1 u In tot hor Iluri the cnuh'rrnrv. turnduried In lbw, r W. Andrrsnn. on nmsiunalv nurllmds in the Sumlnv Mrhord many Inn‘nwlmu Prnnts wru- brought out [and discussed H um Hm wwsums haw hrs-n guru a [mm-u 'ive I‘vHrw "r th" pun-a Human ntrrvetmmt, “huh ttill Main he "trgottcn, hawk to My old ilme pulily. huh. Is in the tluovs of a Iva Ivilth. bu out oi [ha prawn! unrest and mun-u d [MM and happrvr India mil mum Th" warm] tlay's “minus M th 'shsstonasy Immun- in progress I "tulin Wt'le of unusual unit-HM, bu tr. irwhunent weatlwr mlrlh-Im 1vtilt tho "ltiurriunce km”: uhrllmnl :n-P “run“: The Institute will ..... Hm PIT"! NJ Thr " ty tlu? (”mum m lumping II"- ah in mexvluu It .|Illudll Mr historr oi thc “In Testament maximum-1| nltttr hall prI-MIINL " lulllr at Mr tho ulll‘ndum-P [mun uhnumu "mun: The Institute wtil rm “Him and a numb” of _in lit' addtrsucs all" nu the Itro m' Thu-m “ho haw ulirmlh "mums Karr IWI'H guru a rum nin- M'Hrw nf tlt" great um The pit-amt political unrest 1 what nught be "ptHvd trom th that for nearly 100 years ha sown In the hearts and minds 0 F. wm n . .'irvouor, Afternoon Sash-u Ittrhr.w w, llu- knuwII-dm- of m. mselve, insh-sul oi sprrurl I Mr Ambit-mg “and II [hr Jews ax gn’rn Ill atmml and sihowpd how yttahd the miminnan th" vim» n! ("IIIKL Nu MINI. haw ru‘n'ant 1hr sun-I erI' to “w nus A rmsi Hm i Ph' ploarh . out uhrn " m l must In In!” that Word all u Inixsiun "lrirvd .1- shunt-Ii as thr \hulllc! no In [nurlllulun h" “mu-d ihat thy lay has IIEHHN'VI, but 1hr ‘M’ is trot not aha-grill” Lin. and the t'hmrh uh " Luv.” [Lily In 141w the huh! 'tt Hum- [n-uplv. Th" mlvihiriuu of luv-inn"; wa, m vlh-nl, tht' virus "cure \l‘llll": hull) "Inna, Japan, Iudm and Palc 1|th nu! Hm Mplnnnhun ul thr dim-urn! .tn-nrx um aifmitttr4r Intuit-1! In and tt 1hr Th" t'Ih-nl 'hma, n um ml M ali h-IIIM vxist lwrullm- of .vanh-wx of Turkish off UL Gould thcn woke .hmlln- taunt-s, and IFII rurlh "I tin. Mohat"nitul 'hru,iiruiu, and "I tlie l .m', whirl, nllvldrs Ill“ Wu clrrisv:i, Ivshercrr; or .1413!“le and "nrtclttstit Hm Wining in tlu. house u-E-wn-l m th- .ullmnlJI. Influx thr. [‘hlllllil‘ dklh' II III" 'l'mluuh Kanpur, '.u '\I'JI'IIH' n! ihe '4'!!!" In Ill-1';l|!\t'\ that hinughl ahmlt, ih, "rolution, the rust of which Wr-n otistructirv mum-x Sunn- oi Hun-m rm: TIre existence "I the Ymmr '-uki.\h puny. “hilh had a gum ”hum-r. Also “In "Mvatiotral walk f the Christian missions, which has mu the mvans of vrmipttrrsiusr, mam: Iv “4?”de In thc work dour by Eng 1nd in Egypt, ligym Malay having 1't'ottHh u-n plru'll‘srxile Th" build 'r'; of mulvunx In“! " gum "ifluiai, m Turkey, mn- Milwau hum: hull! sroirslly In) n-muuux' lunpamn‘: llr h n Irirlml In the I-Vistc-m'r of [an MANITOBA. ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By fuedutP5ce dtrert hoe ml Por Some“ “In!!!“ with luvutook IM “You“ Special Trains COLONIST (IAIS ON ALLTIAINS Inch 1’"!!an " IAICII and APIII. Low Colonist Rates My Through 8mm tn the In! Aw" In mum-M lot Ml "Hummus Ind m. can a ' aw Ovid." or 'thte R, L Mann. 01A,. an“ Tomb llpll‘wle” llHlIIllI‘I' of "The _ [Hull m rmkvy." He rrfmu-Ii tretu'tttsts that hung!” ahmlt, "rolution, the rust of which otvitructire Hum-x Fiom" oi rm: TIre existent-e n! the l A. J. MOS, Agent, Berlin. " Thomas, Pub 3e. - Amm'lah h irmun Krnll oi 1hr “mun-Inn Hail MV I'nmnussinn hulav mm! mm c- M, 1' ll. null P. AI. lint-s west n u- rim in msirvct the law! vrossings hirh lhlu' Inn " complainrd u! as hr n: dungnmh. The hoard will Con [in the rem-x at Lundnu on Thurs 11h will I." Toronto l [haul-Ind. but ’l..un~l$uk I scsi the sun-Hun; and n-mm t,toloration. 'rauu-rtuk is NO d w tmertixts [Ind we shall mp a supply handy." Utsi Ilullin- Mmhnnd, of 1y ("P-1 , 'iar'i:-'Huirry wit mr from Chappel hands, v~c~ [numl a run- in Zant-Huk I" at night it hols the Inullmur, and tares away ti u-m'ss.” nmlur vtilvcis follow its " rum, \l‘nllll suns, blond-pm: “IS: l’lngwunlm, rhildreu's ts, Irurirs and bruirus.' li H“. irilrs, All 'lruregists and " sf 5Wu .1 Inn, 1-1 pm“ hm I sf We . In Huk ('u [lint i1 " 'ou an: sum-(in; hull Ind!) upped buds you wlll be able h uupl'vhend a little of tite again} And: Henry Walker, of ll, Mauurac Aer: Street, Manual, cudurvd be Me de-Buk gun him relief. U1 number, telling of the case lo a Plea: cpreseutative said: rn Thrs" an um and In had the "l “Henry works with his shirt sleeve ulled up above his elbows, and Patits A; from a warm room to Ihe bit ,5 cold, as he was obliged lo do u gut the worst use ol chappr um: and armt, i have cu‘r sum rum ttis hngrn to his elbows mm e mum of raw lush, vulh hm wk: htue and that Win-newt h Sim], It brought mus lo Ins mm u [hull being so acute. lie lur- anal lands of rum-s, but Iu-llum "tered him wall) IHhIll hr llll“ atu-Ruk. This balm swnml to lain my the turning and smelting al at at anus. The cracks bvgan It "l, ands lew apphmumwul tle lm cured him His hands and ms "re lmw smooth and soft. [ _ tle lune also used Zatu-Huk im| ml t:mergcurivs, I tsustained . PFt 'Tl lit (tl on um- ot my fingers, ', k lurk the litr. out and healed ' sun. It 'eally seems .| u “I Imam-hold preparwtiou. On one "(1315“!!! my Str" “any [Hut hum-n It Ins Teo' NWI 301‘s “on “and by lan- In. mum-xx lull! " mmI mill-mm rkvy, "ltt' 1uilway hum: hull! A!) In) [minions lllllptnl'f: llr "burr-rl In the I-Vistc-m't' of lul Int olhrus in that horl, an: “nu "vo"ohaly thut Hm vxist hm-zuw- of the "Mind was of Turkish "ttici-al:. (inuld thcn Hulk“ M ilu. rlr bt. MIN-s, and II'IU-IH-vl In HM oi tin. Mohat"niturarri lo ihr mm, and "I tlie Mohanurwdati "rirh nln'ldrs [hr unllul tnir, "Hm, [win-{I'm or fullcmrx _ ol Kim-.. tor an.» ml, but sun-“nu; In 'taut, F Fm tom SETTLERS' T M I ll 8 'l'nl nnlu LEVEL 51“”; Bttd lamina without IIIMCOCH would us. ItetiularTrains lawn. Tron“ l0. In I’m. duly Teena 5|..le Can "t'titpnstf, of Salk -"rivrry Mum-r I ped hands, but "l the. an M drlmulm: ipr4io of ilu. rlr I l""‘lll"I In Ilu nlnl‘llann lo ihr Eu- Mohanurwdati ‘hv unllul tnir, _ or fullumrx _ ol lttstitr. (u ”lurr my- " Witt'. Hr InJmImn "i In (Mr M In'lu'lllun "', nud In il" my sun “any hat _ "as Tery swotltn 'gr.atumuk both It and n-nuuml tl, Huh Is My h.uur .1 we shall alway nw Us usu‘ trlood-potru rhildreurs, s CROSSING pour The “Pun "-potrumo; reu's suns li als, aml Mme t [Irv ' ]-nn-. 1mm “Mm 1 rack All In vmml Tp LU“ u. Study Rattles' Photos at the Store of Clarke In Connection with Weaning-H; “Auk Q4“-.. $lltlulllit Ttmu. GI 'lfehj"i"l"-llli"iliiiij(-ii"ii" $10 in Gold was added by A. Lockhart . Berlin's Progressive Coal Dealer., jlllll STILUHHJOMEL It is not. all”! an L'ul's al your dun: t Parisian and Akur n, lands. yet such .5 ll hrrvu,wvttd ul To Ilux town, and ”All lion M Hum- wwll' parluu'nix “grin-d ', lurluu'nh trjt'rrcd at tlu, Hui-l These "nu- (hands styles, “him roperly .uhuxtml plutw'l and mum arm the hearl, .rosrtr,m and "tuutity he [‘XDH'KSIIIII n! lhe Lin" and Vr'tt- iequtmtly tone up an aged itirpt'at"atu'e. As mm- aml M‘I‘ them .Il Walpvr louse, ihulin, '4uturday March tith.i Le/cat panties desiring to scum horses by placing their mum‘s “I” [m supplied, iy_lt salislaglmu guaIaulu‘d. An ottice will t,lroiAed at 31 Quren St. north and an asmstant will be always on hand. Mrs. ll, Sid” with Mr little an 'r IHt io day for Hay l'ily, ll herc shi, “I” IN! hcr slxtrl. . 'letublmrr, “In: is St'liuilSIy Ill hr, Campbell will be on the In.» ct. Balm, may Sutulday, prepar- d to buy houses lor the only mark- iris. Also will attend at Elmira, Fair, New Hamburg and uthrr local horse centers. , Min-ml prtres will be paid, lull“; " the tmukets of 'I‘muulu, and the Wat. All classvs will be bought us, the markets dmnand. I illllll"lll.llllllllll1 Overcbats I - a..." --e ' I f "at. IMPORT A NT TO Sum-ml :er in the window, tlu- ntlwrs will In» shown Look Out for Raffles' Turnout! [mm tuittts (with ; Yorl, llw. Berlin Daily Telegraph, $50 Sippel & Hagen, ' 10 F. I. Weaver, 10 John Forsyth & Co., IO A. gogkhaljp IO Iunlu I little Hannah l'ity, Mich 'ustvr, Mrs ttt *‘Here Is The List To the handsome amount already offered for the Elusive One's capture lll (Sec Separate Ads.) ff you have the latest edition and have Sith- scribed and paid for six months héfwccn now and the close of the chase. lfyou have the latest edition and have sub- scribed and paid for one year between now and the close of the chase. I Thornton dl _ . . _ . . If you luw the kilos! vdulmn ol tlui,luilyl loin-graph up your [IL-rum. Ifyou have tiw latex! edition and have sub- ,cid.o"', rs.tid I"). " tooo/o., C, t"tt II Il\‘\i and the close of tlw (haw. CONDITIONS Tub in sides and" Connection with weahr'rrsariia.ii. Procured from Amos Brickvr Iune at ullcc and get first choice Grand Total, ' Ulll' SONIC we C LOTHI NC, M ANUFACTUR HRS $10 15 30 9) 0 Int of men's fancy Tweed olercoats in stylish tweed fabrics that on mlv nt half price. (in: all tine stylish garments of our own make and they run in sizes your size is bound to be in the hot. lenu‘ to save big money in buying your next winters Coat be. .t- wczn' out ot it this winter as well. This big cut means ()VERU )ATS F( JR $52.” " Limited Ralf Price bt $25.00 $50.00 $3 5.0t $15.00 lulrclmscrs Bros., Dru ggists, $90 (til request 7.50 10.00 11.00

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