y iiii Bet . Gee ot 1traniitutl “m p 'e ionary sermons m the lit Wt eh next Sunday menu", turd a? Foul: _ ot Waterloo curlers pllyed AA 1y game with Galt ar the latte: ce on Thursday new ing. the" 3 being defeated. . Wom’ ett Bais leather sulmvg 31.40 I at The J. S. lions Stun meeting ol the Martin Luther Sa- !street railway [ram r was held in the St. John's Lu-i. be simply another i; In Chugch on Monday evening. i Peter to pay Paul. There will be a special car on Mon- l, position and the st “y nut lot those who purpose at-,' chise must both be funding the comic opera "The Gay l ately and dealt wit , min" " the Gall. Opera House/dual merits. ll Wt: An tfiends interested in the B. a. on Niagara the b'01Y llospltal, as well as every cx-pupul the extent oi that 1 he Collegiate, are kindly invited, ter, so that. the is sin In making the tuttertaigr ', ly faced. 'ttt I dough“ "cling, whit at by a tart ,City triendtc M " 'atullcnts have enlcu'd the 'lgrr,'nussi)lC,l', College [or the - min. The course 15 now set- Ated in its "my fine now quarters next “I new Market Building and will meet" new students every weak. The service in the St, Saviour: church on Sundav altclnoon was oi - mum. The Right “were" BM M Hurott.preached an ublc _. I“ six new members wen re ( . - music w“ tcadered I! chair. 0 Wu . good attendants, It _ W"ertoo_ntontttlr pig market ttu “I“! 8.3.00 nth was 1ho lunch] ol the law In. â€our tor at: weeks‘ old pus and m took place on Sunday .tterrtoort Pf' each tor pigs .iglst weeks old. to the St. John's Lutheran Church on Adam‘l Peak, in Cvylon, ot I Mr "rvictt thence to Mount Hope t 7,000 [on ah'uu: a“ IowI. , cemetery tor interment. c in; lurgv, tlat stone on wy.ih) -----_. imprint ot tho human root. Twin-cur - Intended in the n henna min to In the B. a w. “you“, no M ft†,m ans "eeclett ttLtMPf2.t tteeegee/ 2't Chas. Buchm was the hosteqs tlighttul skatmg party Wedaes- vening, in lionm or several Viti- n town. . Mr. McNivcn, of Toronto, ac- ably occupied the pulpit in tlo sthodist Church on Sunday in the mace ot the yasNr, Hex. Mr. LI- M, who preached the anniversary {mans ul tlr.. s'ltcirtcld Neoodiar Inch. e, Fclt Show; and Slippers atanu W Bush at The J. S. R005 Shoe s,AKteoro Branch ot the Anti buiosis Association have arrang~ give an exhibit in the Town lor one week commenting on my 35th. tuners! oi the late Mrs. (Reva) e, who died at Pembroke on ay took plans on Thursday at berg, trom the residence ol Stciss. as Emma Snyder, Viviana SUM trtaineda number ot her nop- "tr and nieces to tea at her imam lnesday evening. A pleasant tune spent in games, music, etc. kt miss the bargains in Felt eat at The J. S. Imus Shoe . Lutheran Church has been Eued till Sunday, Jan. iuhu, ye? Felt Congress, 10;: $1 ba ft The J. S. Itoos Shoe Co. ders are being asked tor the knee ot the mall between Cross- Waterloo. bkermometor registermi " be- ro early Wednesday morning. annual meeting of the Waterloo Co. will be held on Thursday, 38th. congregational meeting of St. Iticers or Waterloo Lodge, No. .O.U.W. were installed Ott More vening by Past Master “um- Geo. W. Woodward. ; at the "erlin Collegiate next may evcnmg a rousing suoccul. Us in aid ot the B. & W. Hos- ‘1. â€REEF. WATERLOO. lone No: 388 .,Ressidenee,?an . Bowlhy was the hostess , “Ming party Tucsday " was very much enjoy- In“ number of her Twm wplhnces Also on hand tad. No extra chm " WWII. tter & Son hm Bottles u...“- It-io-""". TRTAKING SKETS 'm'equlppod to live daemon. np-to-dnte stock at tar & Son, rm Warmuaoo 091th may no now DEVITT, " to hIVO you ea." and!†and who. Don who Apothke Gaylatcly and dealt with on their indiVi-i uusu. ! dual merits. II M: are going to lose B. Ac) on Niagara the sooner we know what "arid the extent oi that loss is to the bet-1 .vitedv ter, so that the issue can be Innate-I La’m- I 1y fated. l Gun W Re than Your Conn-ut- - wan-too In.) Han To Pu Pot no K. P. New This it (From the Web!†Cilia- ol Jun. T, 1009.) mm decision ut the Judges. on we Berlin-Waterloo sum Railway upped. it was noticed um the Judge an n as " amnion, that Mr. W. H. BrsuFqrt, but no claim whatever on n (Imus. on the streets ol Waterluo. C'onsequanur the W‘ll has a right to chin commutation tor the we at the street try the oper- ators ot the railway, ot cours., nothins cu be done un- til the trouble is Milly actual he- nweeu Berlin and Mr. Bretthnupt. Very likely Berlin will appeal against the decision given last week, and the matter will he carried to the Supreme Court but Waterloo know: now where it “and; and when the time comes, to put in a. claim, that clam] must tit dated back to the dny when the [rauchlse expired in 1301. The [ranching ot our streets is a wry viluablc unset and should not be given away fur nothing. We should receive a [air compensation {mm the owners at the railway. Then an etiort should be mane to in- duce the operators u! the road Jo help Waterloo out on We {Hagan Power situation. Uaiovtuuatety the Council ot 1907 applied lot 685 horsepower, when 400 or 500 " would perhaps have been the proper quantity to upp,y tor. This, is per- Imps, a larger quantity than we can handle at present, but' with proper care we slpuld he Mile to manage wimout sustaining a loss. This can be done, it we can Indueei the operators at the road to take at least 100 or 200 horsepower " our nautis on condition ot Lair treatment in connection with the franchise. As soon as the appeal is finally dispos- ed oi, the council should take this matter up and try to arrive at an nunmrble settlement. In the January 7th issue of his ur- gan (since deceased) Mayor-elect. Wei- denhnmmer makes the astounding ad- uission, contained in the article re- printed in full in the adjoining col- umn. According to the writer the Council oi 1308 made the grave mis- rake oi contracting for two hundred more horsepower [tom the Mydro- bilccttic, ('uinmlssiun thin: it can dis- puss of, This was done in spite ol the hut, that when the power agree- ment was up " discussion fast summer the power conunittee oi which Mr. Rcidtmlramiuer was chair! nun, Was cautioned by business men and in these Columns to make haste slowly in the signing of the proposed agreement committing the tonn to: taking hsi horsepower and on Mu; consideration to do so below takers! for this amount were assured. Noni "rithstanding the lack of rvliaitle and specific intorutaiioa on the It0wcr power question Mr. 'td'r'liam"/iir'; personal organ impatiently advocated) the signing of the agreement by the Mayor. It was not, until Mayor Fisch-, er absolutely refused to sign tretorel he was put in possession oi more in. formation that any scr10u8 Wort was made to get at the umounl oi power the town, could dispose ol. The can- vas oi powct users which [ollowed "was practically [orcvd on tlw cout- iplttaoe, but notwithstanding the fact that promises in: only 2tut horsu- power could be secured, and even than. at “up wry low rate oi $30 a horseponer, pussurc was “tonight to hear unIiI Mayor Fisclwr " l length executed the agreement binding Ilka town to purchase 0215 liorscpow- er. In an nttumpt to cover up an 1arer gious nustake which according to Mayor weideoamtuer's own figures' may cost the taxpayers oi Waterloo between $5,000 and $10,000 annually; ho calls upon the town, ul lscrlm to throw out, the hie-hue and take the surplus power which we are now bound to pay lot but cannot sell. To induce them to do this he would barter away the town's asset in the street railuay lranchisc. This would be simply another instance cl robbing i’ctcr id pay Paul. The power pro- position and the street railwaylran- chise must both be dealt with separ- The question arises when did Mayor': Weldcnhunmu discover that ttit/ loo had evaluated tor 200 horsepow- er in cxcesa ot the hwn's require-, mcrids? Was it More polling dar or alter! ll below, it certainly said artthing about it, notwithstanding the Tact that be psuaded Map“ power as Uw chief issue at tho campaign and posed as the only man who under- stood the question; ll tttter 99“th must have may: great light on his way The death took place on "uf".".'"; “o nun-5m“. -........ â€W ol Lou». "s,.e.ss-ks, "ii. v: W. I ------. .- !lJ'l',f-'a'r. "MM", and tho known." John Dem“, n he: home on Park once" "were eierited torittm MI: Aw, Waterloo, alter an illness ot sex- ‘TTENDING ANNUAL MEETING rel-- eral weeks. The tT/f, was bun; - t'residerst-i" Snyder. m Gummy and was a years, Kain. B. E. Bechtel Chu. H, Vice prays. W. salt-dd. month attd " days ot "o. A tasn9y Bechtel um Mr. H. do UGG; ot Sexy. Tron-Miss Nellie Ham" oi tour daughters and one son 'ttrTirts. Bechtels, Limited, are “tending the orguisr-Walter am. 1110 lunenl ol the late, NH. Doqn- “h an“! new“ ot a†Cut-dim Aug. orwtist--MUs Mart ontzer tski took puext on Sunday “n"“om cur Fromm“ Mmulucmters' Ann. Gzecutivu Committee- Mr. Ororge lo the St. John's Lutheran Church Wink " Brantford Tuesday, Wed- (mm, 3tiss Matilda Wagner. l I"! sqrvice "when to Mount Hope new.†Thu-shy "m Friday ot this o----------""" cumeUrry tor interment. "a. u u exp-cud that our ISO DIED AT LEXINGTON _ ------_.. [ talcum Iron all pol-u in the Do- - Twin-City Mud- mun-m in the minim ot on“. “a United sum T'tm dun: of Mrs. Sun Weber or- B. a W. 1Wâ€. no - mac- will u M a an union. u msrred n 1arxirgtort on Nod-y " _ i-ih-re1thyt't Mum-Hum com-pg m. “homo! n ma. .' .. . tat,trfitlgt'te,'lth, “mumuwa- 2"t', .r an“ ting6>cgti. 'ari'riEhEi.rsteiee'e ....... DEATH OF MRS. DEMSKI to take the Gu, ot omce death took place on Thursday NIB MAYOR erioo Tow; Could! “an†'8 I!“ on loom ev ' The†“to - ent Mayor View†in - my: The [allowing are the "attdirtg com- mittee: elected by ttallot:-.. BOARD ue 1uJtttcs'-Aleo. Snails chum; and Mess". Levi Utaymh, A. E. Salutation, W. J. Sterlmg, Thus. O'Donnell, and W. u. “emu-I. Councillor Urnybill in discussing the question at buying the lighting plant Mom Mr. Wm. Snider expressed the opinion that the town allow Mr. binder a tair price and have the mill removed. He thought action should be taken soon. lic stated that the town would save money by lowering its Fire insurance Rate. " wouln also be a material Improvement tow the street it this was replaced by tut-' other building which would add to the attractiveness at that portion, ot the town, The Mayor concurred in the opinion expressed and stated that the mill was a menace to tho town and thought a good substantial build- ing should be built on the, mill prop- erty. The Dominion Lite would in all probability sell their building for a post oilicc site and purchase the Mutual Lite building, who in turn would build a new building. He any gested that the liomd ot Trade act in conjunction with a committee ap- pointed by the Council and endeavor lto make a reasonable agreement With Mr. Snider tor the purchaser at his plant. and liars. Goo. Btsggitt, W. u. Weichel, C. N. um, Thou: o'mt ad], w." J. Sterling, Thou. an... A E. Sunday»: - Levi Gnylull Ford S. lump! acted as elerk pm tun. FINANCE UOMMiTTEE- W. G. Weichel, chairman; and all member: ot the Council. TOWN PttoPEttTY--A. E. Sand- erson, chairman, and Hessâ€. [helm and Oven. FIRE DEPARTMENT - C. N. liuehn, ctuurmaw, Ind Messrs Ster- trag and Gnybill. muu'r cohrgttTTEtv'-w. J. Ster- ting, chairman; and Messrs. Owns and O‘Donnell. . Mayor Delivers Inaugural Address and Var- ious Columns. 'trpttiataLMhsettiatts ot 1tttpoitttttesBbatssed. INAUGU Mr. \Veichel was also in {not ot acting at once in reference to the sub- jcct and thought that n meeting Ol the Board oi Trade should he callcu at once. _ A committee wu appointed com- prising Messrs. Wdetwi, Graybill and Huehu to take up the matter with a Tirsv to taking dcfmittt action. [ 'i, Sanderson was also ol the IleiOll that tho question should re- who considerattbyn as soon as pos- sible. Dr. W, L. Hilliard addressed the Council In behalf of tho Waterloo As- sociation for the Prevention at Con- sumption, and askml..tu be granted the use of the Town Hall free tor the 'week commencing January 25th. He gave an idea ot the work which the Association contemplated doing and referred to the exhibit to be given in tho Hall, which was intended as a means of bringing this great question to the attention at the public. The ‘request. was granted. The deceased was married nboutl lthrcc years ago to Mary, daughter oil (Mr. Martin Schadc, King St. He wul ls. member oi the Waterloo Musical lSoclety band tor a number of years. l The luncral ot the late Louis Beck- ner took place on Monday and- Wu ‘very largely “tended, The numbers oi the Waterloo Musical Society band and the Fire Brigade ot which the de ceased was a member aim“ the iuncral in a body. Rev. E. Bachel- f man conducwd the services at the F rewidenca and the church. This tuner- , al com-go proceeded to Monti Hope ' cemetery where interment hock place. the band playing n Inner-I tannin which was very impressive. Marty henuulul tiotttl sstierirtgs were recs-Iv. SUDDEN DEATH OF " BECKNER At the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital on Friday Afcrnoon in His 28th Year - The sad intelligence ot the death ot Mr. Louis Rockne: which took place at the Berlin-Waterloo llospiia) Fri- day altctuoon was heard with to. an by his many triends in the Twin City. He was takcli ill on Sim- day with inttammation oi the bowels, but his condition was not, considered serious. The deceased had only warmly pur- chased thc Waterloo Sun Laundry from Mr. George Deppisch. He was aged 28 years, 5 months and 27 days. The 1mm» waxy w: ed. éhairman iiuehn of the Fire Dept Committee: WATBRLOO COUNCIL Wt the Fire Insurance uk- “l he lowered u Waterloo was very well equipped with good III. “Min; Alumnus, an had madheieqt water "can". Ha "id the tim to." last you were on, no“ 8100 over and ubuvo the insurance paid. Mr, "Graybill was plural to not; the splendid irnprovmms in the Flu Department and stated that Waterloo had perhaps the best fire - ot any town of a similar size in the Dominion. A resolution was passed â€pointing I commune comprising Messrs. lIuehn, Graybill and the Mayor to cooler with the insurance comptnien and have them urge upon the Ctatadian Fire Underwriters‘ As- soclntion the pinning ot Waterloo in a higher cuss. The question of permanent load building was satin discussed. t'oun- cillor Graybill thought the road work on Erb street should be commenced as soon as possible and wanted the Nllest intormation possible in order to ascertain what clue; of road it was advisable to build. Reeve Susy“ stated that it had been the feeling ol last year's Council that a mutation) road should be built md that it would not be necessary to engage an outside engineer per- mauently. The Mayor brought up the question at crushing stone during the winter in order to provide work lor laborers. No action was taken. Mayor Weiferthamm" stated he had several important matters to bring before theePtril this year. In regard to the defhril n the bank which has been carried over trom rear) to year by various Councils he! thought this should be wiped out by raising theta): rate several mills ori by issuing debentures. He was in'. favor ot tho former method, however. l The town is now Sll,000 overdrawn He and that the Council should! an.“ the expenditure this year and WP out this deficit. _ A. ,ther matter was the taking on cl ot the lightipg plant and he ex“ pressed the opinion that about. t) thousand dollars might be saved by taking this over while prices were not high. A 1 An important question was the matter ot the Street Railway iran- chise. lie referred to the action ot the Court of Appeal in Sitting aside the award made by the B.& W. Fit. Railway Co. for its property. The tact that the Court held that the tCompany did not, hold a franchise I left this in our own hands and the I town has a right, to claim Compensa- tion [or same He thought that about tire per cent. of the earnings should ‘tlo énngclicul Church wu held ml ".'vrr"T owning um! tha [allowing . once" were elected myth and“ ' "Br:-- t'reaiderst-irs Snyder. L Vice Pres.--B. W. Schiedol. I , Say. Trent-Ml" Nellie my): a orguisr-Walter Olen. u Ant. orettist--Mus Mart Oettet, autumn: Cotrunittrre- Mr. George l- 00ml, Miss Matilda Wnper. "tri/al/d." He trusted ttlit this year's Council would work together harmoniously. _ _ In regard to Morley St. he stated that the Waterloo Mig. Co. would in all probability grant the town com- pensation for the right ot way on Weber St. as soon as the Company purchased the properties on the street. AGED RESIDENT DIED WEDNESDAY The Council adjourned at 930 o'clock to meet again on Thursday when the by-laws voted upon will be Death of Ludwig Grein at the age of " Venue-A Resident of Waterloo for Over so passed, An aged resident of Waterloo pass- ed away at his home on Menoo St at 3 o'ciock Wetlands] in the per- son ot Mr. Ludwig Groin, " the age ot 75 years and " days. The deceas- ed had been ill since last spring, and lot the past. six weeks had been con- tincd to his bed. He bad been a. re- sident ot Waterloo lot over half a century. -- -- . _ --__ A.--.. in Lulu-n}. The late Mr. Grcln was born in lleidclbuch, Kreis Alslcld, GrosstterF ogtum, llessen, Germany, Dec. 30th. 1833, and came to Waterloo in 1355. Mo was mauled to Annie Margaret Wllllmrd Oct. mm, 1858, who aut- vivcs. Five children Messed the union, three sons and two daughters, ot whom one son survives, Mr. Henry Groin. Waterloo. Four grandchildren and one adopted daughter also sur- The lunornl wlll be hold on Sutur- dar afternoon u two o‘clock Iron his law wildcat, Into Bt., to Mount Hope mam tot mun-eat. atter which service will to held a St. John's Lutheran church. viva. omiiiiiq “new, I m and trciiirrotttet k Inaugural h duress 3.“qu in." Wilt-chum at -t.aero68etits, m 4trA1tUt,g",t, Downed “W“! in“ not Mum-g Iota-clonal!!! Tho death m My no! u... a a ehe Am. new not. or. w. a! . u. B. My It. 0! Detroit. first weeks St' In In ' to the St. May's hue- pltul " â€huh sultan; Iron typhoid tout. Two weeks ago his men" and wile were seat tor und they terminal with him until mt Friday when no rallied wuidonbly and good hopes new entertained tor his recovery. on Friday or last weed hi: father-ia-taw wont to “I'm and remand with him until the aid. Ho And his daughter, the wile ot the deceased will accompany the remain- to Waterloo, where interment will take plate on Wednesday afternoon " 2 o‘clock. About three years no deceased accepted a petition oi tne vdling salesman for the tum all“: gun & Wright. lie was very 5M tul and was recently promoted to the position or general manager tor the lirm's business in trp state ot Wire consin. Several years ago he was married to Miss Maggie Swath ot Merlin and she With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Duerlng, are left to mourn the loss on loving husband and son. The Inneral took place on Wednesday, Jan 13 at 2 run. from the residence of his parents to St. John's Lutheran Church tor service and thence to Mt. Hope cemetery tor interment. MEETING or TOWN COUNCIL A meeting of the members ol the Gown Council lor 1000 was herd Mon- day morning when the (allowing sub- scribed their names to the declaration of omce: Mayor-h, Weidenttarttmor. Reeve-Geo. Suggitt. Deputy ltecve-C'. N. Hue-bu. councillors-W. G. Wcichel. Levi Grayhill, A. E. Sanderson, Thos. O'Donnell, Thos. Ovens and W. J. Sterling. _ . . The death occurred in the House of Beluga at Berlin on Friday ot Mrs, llmkedurn, sister-in-law of Mr. Martin Schmidt, of this town. The lunernl was held from the under- taking rooms of J. Letter & Son on Sunday anemoon at 1 o'clock, to Mount Hope cemetery lor interment. Deceased was aged " years and has been in ill health lot the past tire months The “milling took place Wedrws- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heer near Waterloo " their daughter Lena to Noah Knnrt son ot Mr. and Mrs. Philip Knarr, Bishop Jonas Snyder ofrsciMing FINAL MEETING The death occurred on Tuesday at- ternoon of Mabel Irene Mary, daugh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Framer, aged 9 mouths and 9 days. The funeral will be held trom the house on Friday afternoon at two o’clock to St. John's Luther-.11 church G" wake, iiact, to Mount Hopes cemetery. The Water and Light Commission of 1908 lurid their tinal meeting on Wednesday, chairman Diohel prosid- ing. A resolution was moved try Mr. Rimr, seconded by Mr. Bauer. UT- pressing regret that Mr. Diebel was retiring from the commission aim ten years of faithful and emclcnl. scr- vice and voicing the appreciation oi his -sttorts whilea member ot the commission. Mr. Diobcl in response reierrccl lo the harmonious tooling prevailing be- tween the members ot the commis- siou during his occupancy oi a posi- tion on tlqrt body. He had niways enduvrxed to give his best etiorts to the duties demriUrsg upon him tnd was glad to luvs some shore in con- tributing to the successlul operaiion ui this public utility. _ Tho Following mu m - . Water" Accounts (LP. & H.. - on Llphudt Bros. Bell Tclqhone Co GIVE. held“ on coal G.T.R. height on hydran1s Light Account. Duly Citlm, um; Standatd Meter Co. repairs 0.111. [night on coke C. Raine), repairs c. Mud, repairs on; an H Fi'tir" dia. knob} yum mucu- U" Watetloo sumo mm w; 7w. 01mm Llpttardt Bros. Ludlow Tuno Co It. W. Chisholm a C. “(Marl w: um. teaming coal 1'" that, unites Wanton Ilk- I'o mm WEDNESDAY 'm' "(my I tr"" DIED IN BERLIN DIED ON TUESDAY coin [mun & Co " «mum Wain Acruum y 0F COMMISSION on all 'gl2.19 " 35.00 otrl imt.14 margins 1-73 and Pow â€(In 1.00 3010 61.“ 1171 61.00 441 It.83 83.77 :33] In.†“Itâ€! 31 " MM ".63 ' " M.b6 8.01 if! 5.30 4 ll) l? M " 30 That's what you will tind. Our Shoes There is none of thc luck trlamentybout the shoes, however --nonC. The markets have been ransacked fcr the best there is to be had, and selections made with a view to giving our customers what they want and the bent val- no for their money promipble. For Qusiity and Price we. stand pre- eminent. "' a.» 00mg, Buy and Tell Your friend. of tho â€about! of Opportunlty. I simply shall close out my business and am willing to let {on In" the advantage or this immense stock of Millinery and all int!!! .ot Dress Trimming" and general Ladiea' Goods. Come at once while it King St. CRANBERRIES Bohlender’s The annual general men-ling of Mn" shareholders oi HIP Waierloo Rink‘ (‘umpany, Limitrvl, “I†lw livhl a. Ilm Rink, m the Tom: of Wotcrbnt. un Thursday, January :KIII, mm, at at, 8 o'cluch In“. In: Hu- oluhun ul llnc directors ol tbc “mummy Im- the ensuing year, ilu. mript nl the “poll! ut 1hlJch|um "irttirts mwl the tut-Mich ot smh nun-r hum - u my Fopvlly he lvrmutll‘ Inn Ion the not†In autumn". ‘ ' J. MARHHALL, .'. 4 - . W *t . g, Nico Largo celery Meander . House Grocery Annual Meeting WATERLOO Choice Old Cheese. ZIN'N’S SHOE STORE A LUCKY FIND I Gl so not .hunoh. , lbs. for 250. MAKE YOUR OWN BARGAINS Mrs. Steuernagtsl You’ll Never Have Sore Feet rnl met-lung of the 1hr Waiorloo Rink l, still hr Iu'hl M Townof Waterlnu. mar) 'gttth, mm, at for Htrr, rlwhlm nl 1hr l‘umpany Int “annuity“ more. klndofollou. We haveaway of doing a shoe business that pleases people. Our shoes do the rust. Nothing but Good Shoes in Our Stock Are you acquainted with our kind of Men's Shoes. If not, it will be a profitable ac- quaintance to cultivate. We sell but quallty who" and rubber but. It reduced prion. That's why we have no fault finders. Ill. A. lick 'i.rarmsrtt' lnutlhm l Meeting: for mu 5th Miss (I. (my. Toronto. Local speakers will he added when necessary. f Sperm! tucotings-dates' and speak- ms not yet "rugee--tuqrt-01t, Heidelberg, lilutadalo, West “glitch Bambi]. For lullot intoimauott sac mogul» mes. A day or morn smt at “new nit-Mung» " mm: was 'spMn. _ w A, itorrita, Wm, Cronin“. Jusinh Runner. Int Yheamarw, A Aeeto.o. I“ Poplar not“ Waterloo, Opt. '" .1 Supplementary 'rtensuagos:-- Wellesley-Opera Home Feb. 2nd. Linwood-shits Man, Petr. 8rd. 1sqmira--E.V "all, Feb. Ith. Ht. Jacotvs--Wideman's Hull, Fab, Conestogo--king Edward, Fob “ll. t'entmviite--Towoahip Hall, Fob. {In "ridgmrortr-casuto, Feb. [MIL 'y'peaeers:--W. C. Shelter, Bright. M t, Weber, 2nd " Sh Allen Sh LYNPIII'ZII A "ORO, North Nam .m! G Seer, WOW ONTARIO- Waterlo I [a {R [ P.