Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Jan 1909, p. 4

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While Berlin will Butler a loss in the “nova! od the Berlin Comb and New” Co., " cannot but oongra~ mum it: progressive and entorpris- m “then nughbor upon capturing this may. Established in the year 1891 by Mr. J. B. Gunman, the thtsitMss has stea- dily tamed ahead in spite at several hh not back: by tire, In one ot which the entire buildup and plum “not wiped out. The“: looming mm.“ The mun. however, only had the cum.“ m o! "itrsuitrting (no of Mr. (latcumn's nub my and optimism to greater 09'an met, with “no result that Ur-day the of an tttmir- employs between hiUNyt anCindien twenty land: and is capitalised at i, dorm] “0,000 which a tew years ago stats IMP c tad very modestly with a stall Mutu- “any Mn; three person, an“ As a result of the carrymg oi a bruw by Elmixa ratepayers at the recent elections granting a Ivan at 88.000 to the Berlin Comb and Novel- ty co., Berlin, wilt shortly lose a valuable and promising young induss try. “lute the Town of Waterloo, has 1m tho Citizen, n. is luttuuate m sun havmg the Uuorucltsretegrapu, one ot the largest. and most succcsum ,wuukly newspapers In Untano. to att- vocate its Interests, and to assist. in plan; its advantages and alrac- tions as a place to Inc m below the manic= Int circle ot reauers has been constantly widening unul now a week; ”are of 3,500 oops“ he» bccu tau-nod. As the pwneer paper ot Wnorloo, its career under the. prescnti owner has been marked by numerous‘ improvements and enlargements or Lha‘ ”or. and a growth m circulation “at places it In a new by mm and without a peer as a medium tor plums tArannouncomeans of Berlin and Wab- Kloo merchants below the prosperous tuners at Waterloo County. mu contempotanes pubmnea m tlsu large: clues IS a Immune to me ur Wand ability ot um: ptumtsn- on_who have been able to iorge their way. to the "oat without the aid ot a company wan unumncu capital to bias men: and an unnum- ed held In wlueh to expluxn thtett pun- Iioattons, With the present my lance ot nus materials, the minnow cost ol labor, and the summary pace of subscrip- tions, ttusposnioa at the puhnshu m the one-out country daily even m towns hum; over double the popular Lion ot Waterloo Iti not to be cnvwd. He finds his won cut out lor lulu, and it is anything but a sum-um, Notwithstanding the tact that lus tittld is Hunted to a mums oi between titteen or twenty miles "out we ounce ot publication he is expectod to gm; all the home news and at thc sal'"') time stand compauson thh the olgi mothpoutan qames, wmcn have an; unrestricted new to utaw Hum, m we} matte: Oi Umaman and “any: mm». ( That evemug names at Unlauo nirrcl been me to measure up to man, or} Inq. “ill-I use: played t _ “I“ loudly "will; “I“ Ind Ids closely (in gun mm skips ItfsEditts was won by an hrhl period ot we: yum. It my bowdwhuodled anu- Ilnl death, And in mom but serves to Mgttirtn the magnum: made by tho yum ot ttug puma! who were approached with I View to bc- 1.5 1mm to embed: on the eutet- - ot I daily paper m Watvaluu, prior to his: entry at The. meu, an it wu mm» to establish a My we: on 3 [Myths or even on a alt-cunning hula. Mt a town the also ot Waunoo, without emu-r uu- poomg a strain on the nun-ruse“ which they could not long eudune 01 on tIto other hand gums than a pap- u that was not a cram to 01' 1110p- oxly represanlauve ot tho communuy. ‘ no Waterloo My 0mm in the mm ovum page: to quit this tield, dvh‘ up the no“ on sauna; Ust no: a was: cunning over the damn-Tummy..- n Pg="'g,'2t'.',rr, rum-0‘. 'lett My noon. 0-1 am upto w, "aaiFaua-iaE _ __ DEATH OF ANOTHER ONTARIO "DAILY. Ian-1' . unnu- 'JAtttgigtetttNit2,t,t,'2l, I nominal-na- mmgosbg GOING TO ELMIRA CURLING u-ou taatGsd. *tr.atd.ttrtee'-- u. an“ man» be" um; “mm f Ii; ttpay 5910,2313. 'Ahrloo tl'l'll in» " m; to tur. I:u 0 'glMitutt . n _ . I _ =I-== mum munch-II .' lb "a any n W In. sum- - with. tag I . u use. d - was “a“: but. In 56th yea. For a. put 'ta! nuts he had but. an" ' o W Messrs. Broplsy-Uu- a Co., 50048 mammal. ot Mo nous to much In: conducted a mm." =..=...t== came human Ut the town ot Lu, towel. lie was held In tho highest. WARN) respect. and Cstem by all who saucy- od tua Icqwmuuwe and ms deaut, wilt be deeply .egreued by a mum is the uncle ot hands. its was a mutual h L” ut Mrs. D. Boga, Waterloo. u Tho Wncloo Junior 0.H.A. hotr by “an In. been practicing had (or th. put sever-l "at. 3nd hm got mother u tum wick" should an u good gamma: at themselves. The Brat ulna wall be pity!!! on Thug-any mat n the Waterloo rink, the but - te trom Berlin being the WI; team. Hockey unthin- M “a turn out Ttturoltr 7nd The and congregation“ meeting at tun: \nbcrloo Presbytuiu church In bald Monday awning, a goodly 11th being was l mm mm! of tho -terat an :..l.wu.s new read indicating very manslactory progress during the past, your. line member- ship ot the (‘hulch has been substan- tially increased and the finance. are “no in a attainctory condition. A resolution ot sympathy will be tor- wanted to he pnxlnr, Rev. W. D. ,Lee, who bu be H ill tor some time FIRST LEAGUE GAME In t RSDAY EVENING Child, Miss Engel, l admission to the rink, The grand lancy dress carnival held " the rust Wednesday evening was at- tended by a good sized crowd. The bud furnished music which "do much enjoyed. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed gentleman, lady and child, and the loliowmg were the win- nm ot tho various prizes:-- Lady, Mm Brohm, China seu. Gentleman, Mr. H. Plenz, Fountain _ The Jluuary meeting of the Clara Schumann club proved very intui- 1jsGni. Tho,pwgram rendered includ- ed several selections ‘by the Misses Ida blatant-'Uatuc Ruppel, Salome Matz, Alma Folcman, Emma L. Bean and human, and Miss Evans, cell- ist, gave aural numbers which were played vet! uuxstlcally and “cm: much apprediated. The young lady is a very menshed and thushed player oh the Instrument, Beethoven was the composer under study tor the mouth. 'roruato Wuglu.--Dr. W. J. Fischer, who is rapidly becoming known and wink: Canadian poet, has u1rnett,tuncc his last, volume of verse, to prose. ills new venture is a novel which Is to be names, “A Child of Destiny" The book will be published early in the spring by It Lu. Briggs. Waterloo Water Commission ,.. Aaron Scheitcle, straw _-rtrr..--. Water Commissioners tP...._PrttN.VV A. U. Qulcxiall, hay .e.'.-.em.trtt--_ Wm. Sunder, um um light ....erPe W. J. sterling . .PPr..r.rM...P.. .e...... C. N. Huehn _rrr_mwWWF.rte. .mF.F..._mW. Philip Arnold .. "r_.rm..ter_ .emeFe.....q Jas. Scott $.e.rrttr.trqt .r..veFPP..mr.. bed:-. Batteratreuud, Ptg. ac D. Bean .""t.r.r"r .'v'... .. bx. Hogs, coal 'm'...... Bell Telephone Co. ,. M, Lewis, reluud .rmmmt A. U. Mande ........ Light Uommisstoners Water Commuuum-u “m. Hoggt _.. .. .. Fe.. M. Weichei A: Sou .pr. M. Weichcl & Son tttP Liphardt Bros. ._...F..m, Waterloo Watca Com The tinal scsuxou ut the Waterloo Town Councu for the year 1908 was held In the Council Chamber on lhursday meumg. There were present. Mayo: J. u. lunch“ m tho chair anu Messrs. A. 1tcidcolvauuner, ii. N. Huetsu, Geo. Sugglu, Dr. W. J. Stct- luig. A. b. Sana-mun. MNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING A Emily of ch w clukuen survive, a daughter, May, and two sons, Gor- don and Frau. tru, wite, Who was a daughtex on Mr. Willuun Nay pro- deceased him about. six years, men-vs mg her death in a runaway accident. The funeral was held mun his late tesldence In Lissowel “cannon: alteration at tines o'clock to Fair- new cemetery lor burial. CLARA SuwMAM CLUB we iollowrug account. were sb'cctatitir1JLpolyM. COUNCIL lthD "h CHILD OF DhS'HM” Lllcku. 2| A; Son .Pr._mr-tm___"_rr-.. tl a Son ""'."'""r'"".'. Bros. .t....m...e.lrt. ""'h' Walt: Commission- FINAL MEETING Season txcket 1220.00 . .30 $73.50" 70.09 _ mo 13.75 3.31 4.13 24.06 1.00 35.00 10.20 6.19 13.03 1.18 .95 17.00 pass- 2.03 .50 5.00 m: going m. be - to Srt pl. 1.077!- at W! bis _rsrtr."tts in the Dnminlon. [ All!) In“ acres, 23 arrvs "llll I (HIV ilivatiun, balanco still prairie un broken, all choice land, no \mstr Lind a good supply ot cxccllcnl well water, a house and barn on same, and Unis tarm is in one ot the best disltirts in Saskatchewan provinces. llnllmuy, telephone. $elexraph, mail and the main travelled road passing “illiin two hundred yards ol the house, cheap lucl within 4 miles ol good wood supply. Near Baltldord, two miles from town ot Ruddoll withel- "no: Motion and all other conven- - in same and in I {kit-class community. thickly settled. A halt traction of (“JUL land is _ own tor sale along side ot same at. $25 on am. Land has been selling high- " surrounding lluddell then in any other farming locality in the Word tor ilte length of time selllrd. These tarms will ho sold reasonable as the owner wishes to sell some " "oct', u he is mum-led In A number of mu iti tawonurioandtu,tseinel no going M. In I”. to 'l'i,'7 The undermgnml “ill oiicr in: .wlu 171 acres-lt arms cho1ce hardwood Hush, 10 "iN' puslurr with good spring creck mummy: through mum. 3 acres orchard, hulam'v umlrr good sLatc at cultivation, LII; arms of which is sown to ioll “hull and 32 acres seeded down " hay and fall ploughing is Mished. Saul is mixctl mam, excellent; m'u'l' [ailing wotct supply, large brick housc, hank hm. 36164 and lots of olhvr hrm‘xml) outbuildings, This isa guml \lnl‘k and gain him, and situated alum; the orrporotion of the towr “I “J- tertoo and onln t miles fl" :'wlm, and close to chum-hes, scho, I tl I all I‘M wmcuncnws nurkets in the Do ' The general moctmg of the Tumu- to-Waterloo Ollicc Fixture Company, Limited, will be held at the Com- ipamy's other: on Shanty Ave., in the lion/n ot Waterloo, on Monday, ttu, 25th day of January, A.D., 1009, at, the hour of two o'eroct in the ai- ternoon tor the purpose of santlmn- ing a by-law authorizing the din-c- tors of the company to burrow tor the purposes of the Company and up- on the credit of the company, an amount not exceeding $250,000 and to h.vitothccaie, mortgage or pledge all or any ot the real or personal property, rights and [mm-rs of tho Company to secure the sum or sums so borrowed for the pulpows of ilie company. Dated at Waterloo this liilh day hf January, A.ll., 1009. Ii. F. tsi:iAGllAM, [ 1'rcsudcnt NOTICEOF GENERAL MEETING Mr. Henry Muir, oi Lamoure, Dn- kota, eldest son ot Mr. J. M, Muir, is a welcome visitor in town, after an absence of nine years, during which he has been most successful in stock raising, turning, milling, etc. Mrsrc. B. -Clermmt and Master Karl are paying a visit to Detroit “lends. .. .. 7, Mr. Chas. Ruby was a Tisitor in Toronto Wednesday, Mr. Ned Johnston ol Brandon, Man. is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Muir. Mrs. Hoimlich of uuiialo is visiting at the home ot her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Flynn, Young St. tral days. Mr. Henry Weldcuhauuncr of Grand View, Mam. is visiting relatives and friends in Waterloo and vicinity. Mr. Abs Merner returned Thad” alter a visit in town tor sev- Mr. Jacob Utieimann was a busi- ucss visitor in Toronto on Monday. Mr. Jas. Scott wats a visitor in Elmira on Monday'. Mr. and Mrs. George Seine! and son Henry have left tor St. Thomas, on a visit to their daughter Mrs. It. E. Shupe. Mr. Morley Bogart, who has hem a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Motley tor several days. left Monday tot his home m Chat- ham. Mr. A. u. McBride is in Toronto on business [or several days. Mrs. Puk. BrauUurd, is mum; Mrs, Geo. Diebel. King St. Mrs. A. K. Cressman and Miss AI- ice Scott spent Tuesday in Hamilton. Mr. Tom Seagram oi Hamilton was a visitor at his home Imus own Sunday. Miss Hattie Simpson has Whitby and will attend the College at that place. _ Mr, and Mus. George haw returned trum a visit at days at who home of Mr Davidson, Toronto. Mr. Chalet; (Earthen! is calming a week's holidays with his parents, Mr. an] Mrs. William (mallow, King St. Mr, and Mus. George Davidson haw returned trom a visit. ot sever- at days at who home of Mr. Edward Ir. And 'tra. Hickman “A "tagtttbr Ham. hue "burn-d hon: viglt ith friends in Suriname. its: Emma Davidson has returned alter A most oujoyable visit of sever- al weeks With Toronto “lends. Miss U. Ashe who Wu . holiday Visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reade has kit for her home in Toronto. l _ In. Put cl Brandon . mun; a a. honu ot In. nun-1.x!“ MGG'i%aii"'] mmt'wmmn- d m m “my m with hall. “and my“ Toronto. Farms For Sale 1'. F. WEEKS Seen-la: y lett tor Lathes' i""""" "I "mos M, west at yannheim l Feb. M-Far, ;mcnts of Amos - “(750 New house in North Ward, moms and reception hall. lot. Mst; Anda list of when. Proper” lined tree. Money to human good hum ar town property. All dune. ot [mm "ranged ""'""""eb"P' gun-a canny Po,""". 100 acres in dairying section, (m- mu settlement. urge buildings. m-ll straw, in arm bush, balance clear, 88400. $1200 will buy _ homo in with all mm‘enh-ncrs and good location, 81650 New house in North Mt acre farm. all clear, well ”murm- ed land adapted to gardening or lruil convenient to church and school. gum! buildings, terms easy $3,000. Fri). 'cl.-F'arm, f mulls of Levi (Mil, of Preston, and two uf "cNTort. llt "rl', DRIVE NHL!” Ant Fob. l7.-o'aru, stock and oplc- mcnls ot B. F. Shaun. (mo half mile mile west, at .\lunnlwim. Jan. 27.--F'arm moms of Allen KI west or Mannheim March 3rrl.--Farm stock . meats of J. H. Lichty, 2 I at Wellesley, lot 10, Con] boundary line Feb. '3Mh--F'isrrn stock and imple- ments of Samuvl S, Snider, Jr., 5 mile west oi Waterloo on the road leading to St. Agatha. Feb. 16th-Farm stock and Imple- ments of Geo. Mansz, 4 miles south- west of St. Clements amr?, miles northwest oi Bamberg. Feb. oth-Farm stock and implts menu; of Henry Strebcl, 5 miles northeast of Wsliesley and I miles southwest oi Fit. Clements. -rirtr. Ru-iam, slot-k ami"a'r"i7r- wants of Peter M. Eby, one mile northwest of Waterloo. Feb. 4th-karnt stock and iruple tuents, ti miles uullhcast ot Elmira and 4 miles southwest ot £10m. Cult 6, lot 18 Pilkington Township. leading to Bloomingdale; ALBERT MICK us, Auctioneer TERMS-Hay, grain, roots, and all sums ot $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit. on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent. pg: annum on tor cash pay- ments oi credit amounts. ALLEN KNECHTEL, Prop. SHANTZ BROS., Auctioneers. S. S. HERNER, Clerk. l-et, GRAIN, eta-About 700 bushels oats, about. 10 tons good mixed hay tit not previously sold), quantity of mangolds and turnips. lMPhBMENTS, etc-Deering bia- der, 1 tuot cut, (nearly new), Max- well mower, noel hay rake, hay rake, combined Wisner seed drill, Massey Harris spring tooth cultivator. Cock- shun. disk, 30 inch plates; iron liar- row, land roller, 2 single plows, (one nearly new); three-iurrow gang plow, 2 scuttiers (nearly new), wagon with box, bob sleigh, Chatham tan- ning mill, with bagger (nearly newr, hay rack, light carnage, buggy, cut- ter, counter scale, capacity 240 lbs.; set heavy team harness, set plow harness, root pulper (nearly new), and many other articles too numer- ous to mention. CATTLE-. " extra good daily twtrtr- ire-treat, cow duo to can: in February, 3 con due to can In March, a cow. duo to and in May, 2 com: due to cu": in June, a cow. due so am tn' nonunion, cow due to calves In October, but!“ supposed to be in calf, 4 yearling tumors, 2 calves 6 months old, 3 “We. 3 months old, bun one par All. old PiGS--Btoott sow to know by time of sue, brood sow, to [arrow by April Ist, b' pigs 'd maths old, b' pigs a months old. fhtytrtt+ u l 0'“ In. the 'ttBtrwi" 111ml. Property, viz; 1totttse4s-ai, tan an); 7 an I you- on omight mo In), In hon. rising ' nun old, good driver, colt may: yearlong» by Mo. (any, eon lulu 2 ye." old, got by Cum“. 2 tuck!“ com, got. by Cannon. mun-mum»: 'eti"aot"*-teertt--s"oi, "A "t L. '4: Ptahtgtt.tteuit. “I .' a . “a. bl. ttnBead - J2ttt'lhet ”'w‘br£llfluwmutolwuu¢u: that no. ' 'l'd'Lvitdlt""thtt " nu- nmh oi Blatant-“Ah. (a on m. .1... " ..-....'_ If”; th-ttt in“ In. Bom- “Bloom- J. SHANT'I. lam liL-Househoid eliccts ot' “Hum Giese and Helen Lliese, at Bruslau. Wed-adv. Janna a. 1909 Auctlon Sales Real Estate A. I. m. M-Farm stock and l.-F'arm, Stuck Levi (Mil, two "--F'arut stock and imple- Allen Knocht-ol, ullL' mile M. Shaun, ' homo in Wuvlloo l uct inner] tuck and Imple, two Hilts wrst miles mulhmxd h Watd,7 ot 31mm, Properties .uul unpuu miles west i, on the I inm-I-l' turnare imple- mile and lil convenient to school. church, ’l'l'nl- Day lite, em. and only 3 mu- trout lulu. M Inhi- 'et/ttClaris H!“ titL1eItttttti- oe m- "i-rc' _ - .LA " .crtt tarm under a high state ot eultlvation, hula Me modern brick house, and new bank harmhnm \cry modern; hydraulic mm lurcm water throughout all thene Imnldl‘nzs. This In one ot the “new tit HUI tlw Cout) (arms In 10tcrtoo Counlyuud lit acres-le new; bush, ll sun's! fall wheat, tall ploughing all 'lone, and tatm " in the highest 'ilato bl rulllvatiun. Good water (Minnow! Buildings are lino, located nrnr a main marl, and auto large and m Ind class mmrlition. This farm IN um: a good Hailing \lllagc and vlttyse faculty and convenient to hunt '/,,i,,l,-,l road statlons. Price rich'. and Paliy terms. Apply to Robert More, Haw- kuvllle or P. E. Shanta & Co., Ber- Hll. I HELENA Parlor suit, Ii chairs, 2 couches, glass cupboard, table, carpet, mats, lace 'curtains," curtain poles, pictures, diitra-room suite, 6 chairs, table, locker, cupboard, heating-stove, toll- ing curtains; kitchen-cooking stove, chairs, table woodbox, washstand, 3 lucdsteads with swims, cupboard. AV at) a crocks _apple jelly, 7 crooks ap- ple sauce', quanfity potatoes and up- ples, about 25 cans Hunt, iinware, shovels, saws, barrels, set dishes, Lamp, lanterns, washtubs, cooking utcnsnh and many other artirlm too numvxuus tn Inrnlimu. Terms cash. UR CNO (HERE, Proprwtot commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following articles, 111.: There will be sold by Public Auc- tion in the village of Weslau on l I .Hl-Z RT I). McKAY mama, cGe, many other articles too numormu. to mention. No reserve as the tarm is sold. TERhrs.-cHay, chickens, gecseavl ll sums ‘0! $10 and under, vasi. on approved joint notes or 5 per com. over that. amount 12' months' tux-din off tor cash payments ot credit an'.- ounls. ALBERT MICKl'S1 Auctioneer. MRS. AMELIA WEBER, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.- Shh board, extension table, ceMre tatrie, sink, wash sink, 3 small tatrTs, IO kitchen chairs, 3 IN‘l'll'hES, counr stand, single bedstead, 5 bedsteads, Ideal Jewel double healing con] stove with oven, cooking sto,e with re'scrvoir, 2 box stoves, 2 spinning wheels, table, churn, easy chair, woodlzox, I! tubs, washtub, imn kettle, pictures, milk cans, milk pail:., several cracks ot apple 'butter, and IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-McCoruuck binder, ff mowers, , slvighs, 2 wagons 2 wagon boxes, hayrake, hayioadcr, manum spreader, spring tooth culti- vator, sccd dull, iaudroller, 2 single plows, two-nrrow Oxford gang Tloss , 2 two-furrow plows, new tour section iron barrow, sugar beet cultivator, f: scuiflers, choppvr, cutting box, ian- ning mill, turnip slicer, turnip pl per, 2 sets gravel boxes, 2 ltayracks, open buggy, ll top hug gies, new top stun-y, 2 cutters, rlcin- ocrat, one-horse bobsleigh, trittr,ltohVr, irmery-griader, 2 carriage polls, Var tional cream separator, incubator and broader, com planter, hay Mule, wheelbarrow, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness,- set carriage mu“- ness (nearly new), grain bags, forks shovels,chains,l10vs,rol1es, largo num- ber ol horse blankets, work 1serch, grain cradle, scythe, tumbling rods and couplings, spray pump, sualdlcrs’ work bench, neckyokes, and Whitne- lines. Also about 10 tons "Tim-l othy hay. . FARMS F OR SALE rm not due to can Mt February, - M cow an in Jun, Jor- ley springcau, Jersey but! 8 months old, Durham better call 2 months old, a cow: due to calve in March, Jetty cow due to valve in April, Durham grade cow due to calve In June, Dur- ham grade cow (mu 2 mouths, 3 yawn; heiters, , spring calms; Yorkshire boar 1' year old, Also about 75 Plymouth Rock chickens, u geese and collie dog. Auction Sale -oret'tq at " o'clock noon, ”9.915-!“ WWW. vu.: uoRa%r-oar driver " yum. old (lady's driven. dukhyhorse1 yrs. oU (good driver), bay driver 3 years old, bay mm " you: old, dark bay how " you" old, aged bay borne. UATTLE.-msrttam grade cow Jae to can. in February, 3 Jersey cows due to can in February, Jersey OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. Saturday January? 16, 1909 WM. Jun-an. my (HI-ISM, I'roirrivtrts Stock MII'KUS. Auciiouver Propricuess "31.2:IHBERLII'V the ty ul" aw": nat- 38.88. Thin lot son-into of In 5nd null oamt"12' two alike, "ttdt trimmed with Velvet and winguTSm tll " one Incoming to you. gulnr price was " to 8tt. Choose now "et Womon’o Black Hat. $8.50. Your Choice of a good - different “up”. A regulu‘ {6.00 hat now 33.50. T We have path-pa the largest. stock ofladies' trimmed Inn in the WeJmu-t clear them in the next few weeks. so here in your chance. Ludh- Dru- 'fato " Exactly tdt PM“. The" cc of our very heal styles. slricdy high clu- in a variety of styles 1 trimmed with rungs. fiomertr, velvvt ribbons and ornaments; Illu- rnn- from $5 tc $10 Take your choice at jun. half price. Ladlu' Btu-cot Hut.- 0239: Thin lot consists of hm ml -L-_.. --.--, A... _ . .. A The Municipa! Council ol tho-("mu ly ot Waterloo will Inn-1 at Cm ['ot1" "ouse, Berlin, on Turszlay Jana" ttttr, "09 It 2 o'clurk p No Need to Wear a Straw Hat in Winte; s. B. BRICKER§& Happy and f ")":,'______,' Prosperous': (., ' , New Y': I Eff? commencing from now We will lei] ' Ladies' Trimmed Hats at atootst'iHalt Regular Fri ('OUNTY OF KATRINA" t, Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves, Hosiery. Waist: and Ladies' Suits and many lines ot Carpets, Curtains and Wall Papers. Keep the date before you. it's Wedeoday, January 20th. This is an occasion when _ you may expect as we will tstslloif.atl remaining Winter Good: reductions in prices. We beg to inform the Public that JANUARY SALE will commence on Especiallu such lines as Ladies' Winter Coats, Misses’ and Children'. l Coats, Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, etc. _ all go at wholesule and even under wholesele‘ prices. ~'_ This sale will also include I; January Sale NOTICE IHE ROSE MILLINERY Lang Bros. a Go. For the next two week} will be busy with ennui _ Stock Taking. Atterthat out tor BA RGAm Corner King and Erb_Streets, Waterloo, Wednesday, January 20th Wishing all our Friends and Patrons a OUR Kingston, Jan. 1i.-Br the will oe" the late John Cannon ot WI Taunship a sum ot 8500 I!" left tot the "rel-inn ot a bronze "atmrat him in the Pity Iurs, Kingston. "0 wns a bachelor, The estate " ed " 85,000. "mm-mo solid “(and that the (‘lly ', my! to m. w- , = EACH-LR FOR A MONUnN‘ W! PV txpeyt Wanin- ur, ON TARIO at but P': “Neal - ton. II. is vat use: I k. iii

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