Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Jan 1909, p. 2

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v - 7v ... van-qua, can no new year dawns of a Dominion this“ tree from industrial warlarc. In November, morning to the latest returns. the days lost as a result of trad. disputes unwanted to 5,715, as comm-ed with 19,500 in November, 1907. The lamina! Act is ml with.. out honor in its own country; but ita Prmttitres in petting even gicatcr abroad. Public men in many count- rieI hue been impn-ssm with its ad- mitnbk Provisions, ln " recent ad- drou- Presldint Eliot, ol Hurrard University, dwelling on the good-will MM employers 1nd employe Inm- willing to abandon the weapon which must than: to strike tho sud. ‘- blows-th. lockout or the strike. "Just here," he Iddt‘d, "is where public opinion may be broubht to play In our own country. Canada has 1 In" the w., to the prevention all sara-t Melons and Injurious in- hum strife. Public opinion must to brought. to the adoption at the In method in our own country." IAVIN“ NAT' m a ' THE LEMIEUX ACT. (Hamilton Herald.) Thanks largely to the 1421111 in number of serious trade has been growing less in Cu the new year dawns of a l o-- . _ co in 1907-8 were 141,465 used up 200,135,255 cigar) ted 29.400. We also pm 809,344 cigarettes and bh in smoke. The custom collections from tobacco , ahout $h.rd a head of the Wa appear to have been greatly reduCing our drinking spirits. 'ihe returns show that since 1869 We have produced and import-ad less per mp- ite-the, reduction has been from one and one-eighth gallons per head 1o nine-tenths ola tpilloa-trom 1,124 gallons in 1868, to give the exact tig- ureq, to 2.889 ota gallon in mom. In the sun: time the consumption of but has risen from 2.290 gallons pct head to 5,132 per head of the popuia-: tion. The consumption at wines wasl only (1.015 ofa gallon per head Ill 1869, and only 0.096 ot a gallon, or less than a pint, per head in 190m The taxes collected on all uk‘nllullr beverages make a total of $2.15; ivr head of the population, made up of $1.86 on spirits, 25: cents on own and " cents on wine. To this mum I he'dded this amount of taxes and lt- causes taken by the Provincial and municipal government». According to the same returns, th- neda. coneumed per head in 18m), one and thrmr-guarter pounds ot tottacao. Br 1907-8 ii had titan to two and lino-tenths pounds. The excise tlu- ties and fees collected on tobaceo in 19078 amounted to $5,656,880. This was paid on 33,003,145 Pounds of to- boom. The total cxporls.ol totrac- Cumin. mum- to Mano its 'err-ttern ot MISC Men’s and to 'ttq8Rhtrt9 lea. Amalia; to an lu, Ind Menu. m. summarised by the Human Tim. at. record out- m" ot the mum. at the Doimin- lot WM made in the tial year 190% mounting to we guild and ut £340.33 proof pliant. Mm -ttrtted In an, moons 7.679.776 round: ot malt, 72,997,100 pounds of Indiu- can, 19,931,219 pounds of T/ 8.111.910 pounds ot wheat, 595.093 mil ot oats, and 17,312,802 pounl» (1 nuclei. The foreign demand calls for much of our product of spirits, In mos-4 the total amount exported was 180,201 proof gallons. The tttrt- out has gone on increasing aunuallv; in 1907-8 it was 412,859 gallons 0n- "rio is the greatest, distiller ot the provinces, hnving no tewer than “In“; distiiieriea. Quebec has four, all British Columbia has one. “no ohmic “alludes produced 5.sn,-l m gallons of the total lot the. year, l the Quebec diatilieries 1,215,073 gab: loan, and British Columbia’s disul- lury 123,062 gallons. The growth LI taproduction ot beer is measured so far gum increase in the production ot malt. In 1803-4 the amount arG, ulactured was 68,503,928 pounds; last year it was 99,577,820 pounds. on: DRINKS AND suoxns ,ouno¢. od course. take or- - to in pr-vat/tot, of use“. mm Waahirtgton. “will conwmplne ' I In Inching!“ I’m will - In 'YM. ot Unu- Iroeonto New: wmn upuns.ol whac- were 111,465 pounds. We 35,255 cigar? and expor- We also pmduced 381.- 'Rst L REST, U in} UG, s and blew them up customs and excise tobacco amounted to ad of the population. --F -- . mairiaiGTi Firu' " ttt rt'iiii') ll iSidFtttu mVo Incl: lam-r. I Lennie“ Ac t, Ida disnutcy; Canada, and I Dominion "No doubt it is necessary in busi- Bess to tell that Kirat of lies. But Jesus wouldnt And when l type Jesus wouldnt And whel, I ty the letter 1 must tell the lie, loo "For instancv, a reply Lu " Iota" More wiring or writing for an ox- plamtion {egarding fhe non-appear- ance of a certain order, will say: "It is the In” of the manufacturer. Re have punched them up several tun- es already: We will do so again at once, and no doubt, the order will soon be unwed." ( Very of” the statomcnl ammo-i misc areyot true. l Miss McGovern said that along broad lines her firm was not dis- honest, yet an cmploye insisting on rigid honesty would be instantly (lis- charged. "It can't be done by an cmpluye," she said. “The employer himsvlt might carry the morality oi Jesus into his b'usincss it he chose, The case IS not hopeless. But the um- ployer--at least, my emptoyer--dovs- n't. And it is suicidal lor thus une pluyu to attempt it.” I 32:}?! w " lhuusmda of Scott's Emulsion Cleveland, Ohio, Jan, 8.-Miss Sel- ma McGovern, aged 2t, who attemp- ted Monday morning to begin living two weeks as si, thinks Christ would alter two days' trial says that it is an impossibility to lire as Jesus) would and be an employs of a large, Cleveland businrss house. I CANNOT LIVE AS He submits that tho action should be dismissed, and that; m: should be mid his costs. it was while in such a condition and that his condit.on was clearly and easily apparent to p1aintW, and that she was aware of his condition. He also says that t he We: did promise or agree to marry her, which he dues not admit, but denies, he was releas- ed by her from :he promise and agreo- ment, and Iurther alleges that she has refused to many him, whereby he is released trom his promise to marry her. Letee we no JQH'J-tl lop-w Boswell says that he has ever since infancy been subject. to fits ota norm vuus character, and while under the iaituemNt thereof is irrational and ir- responsible and not capable ot traas- acting any busmess, and while in such condition is easily iafluenced to do what he would not do it in a sound mental condition. He says that ill he aver promised to marry puinatl '.ty.i.eti"tii in with. tt doe. wondm tot than. " pr.- vonu their ering an down and ”may. Within. don than no much good. has give" m appetite. In so mil dim-d that " doun't m an IIS','.' organs and they me; at an boo, ls wonderfully nonr- od and built up. Thu digestion h ",'z'lJ,,e'"'t ordinary food In“ chat. “MVP! NV.“ “4 5312'!" .cerf. no In“: food to keep ttem well and um and tho m. and at and die gonna LTU' a 59m. uTtt The puma. mounting to delud- ant). allegation, anawucd the adeer- tisemcnt in a his: and untamed name, and he says the agreement, il any, Wu “made and induced through the deceit, deception and Inna practiced upon him by the p1tottitt in pretend, ing that the was some patron other than heme", and through the fraude lent coheealmeng by the plain" oil her true name and family.” They was Samson to curb other and! hurt June, whn lbs Cumming- replied to u: “armament polished by him in a" new nowapa r, In the {allowing td'lf,1.'Cll'l2Q gunman aged M, worth $30,000, dealt. to correspond with yam; lady; object, maximally. Box--" “I have taken Scott's Emulsion for six weeks and have found it a Won- derful remedy. Before I took the Emulsion I had no appetite; was weak; had lost nearly fifty pounds of flesh, and now I eat well and am gaining every day. I find Scotfs Emulsion to be very easily diluted and a good food for all weak Treopu."-PLoRENCE BLEEKER, No. 1 Myrtle Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J. ALI. DIVOOIIT‘ u’d’io-A - iiiiiie ".ge-tbh.-tt' CHRIST WOULD Fot the month 0! December eleven matting" were recorded with "In Wmdltoclt city clerk, " births and 8 duals. For the entire» ya: ot 1908 tho vital 911”le are: Marriages IPO, births, 303, ml Milt: 130. For t..l'.5 provlom year ot new, the tttttares mum". 88; an», 190, and ' t80. Th who. II "er “my: 9At w "I " 'hee ta VITAL STATISTICS l'w year! she tcsided in \'.._mlm, ‘31". Howman has spent her Mr limo lon the lam: on which she was hum. Mr, Bowman is now 73 years " "Tr, and Mrs. Bowman is 69, and In ll: are in the lull enjoyment ot their health and strength. The union was blessed try six children, all " whom are living. They are- Jacob and George, ol Fort Kelly, Sank; lid- ward, of (loodlands, Maxim; Mrs. Sydney Smith. Tatum". Mrs. Frank Smith and John Bowman, of this ci- ly. They have also l7 grandchildrrn. Mr, Bowman bu been a life-long Can-1 serratiee, 1 Sum-yank tarm, whrrc he l7 usidrd. With the Mrrpl-i- Hmilton Spectator.-) wide (“do oi iriends throughout Ontario MN JuiB in unending, heartiest ctmgratulations ’10 John J, and Mrs. Bowman, ol Sunnydale farm, Dundas road, 'sho, are to-day celebrating the golden an- nivvrsary of their matting". Fifty years ago Mr. Bowman, then "rut- ty-lhree years ot age, and Miss Eli- zabcth “Envoy. were married here, and left. almost immediately for Wa-l terloo, where Mr. Bowman taught school fora Hiya Later Mr. Bow- man became editor ot the Waterloo Chronicle. That. position he held until 1871, when he ramc to Hamil- ton and became a member ol the firm of Lockman, Bowman & Wilson, man- ulacturcrs of sewing maclrines. Hn! his retirement from that firm. Mr I Bowman hum himself a mm.- on,' For the By this time the town commit got interested and sought to died a set- tlement. Their charts at rtrst were futile, but the holclman being of a genial and forgiving disposition, [hey succeeded in making an agreement whereby the water would again be supplied, ostensibly to the council, but through them to the factory, which is once more running as usual. l The knitting company Was running ) nicely when the local option campaign (came on. The manager ot the knit- }ting company is a staunch temper- jancc advocate and supported the by- law regardless of tho tact that his lactory was receiving its water sup- ply from one, of the men whom local option would put out of business. The hotclmau took it as a joke at first, but tirtally told the knitting mills man l that he would have to look elsewhere tor water. The latter did look else- where, bat looked in vain, and In the end the factory had to shat down. The Lewett Company is an industry employing about " or 20 hands, which came to the town recently on the understanding that it was to be provided with tree water. This slip- ulatiou was easily made good, 10} one ot the two hotelinen had a splendid well running a couple ot hundred thousand gallons 3 day, and he oit'er- ed water tor milling purposes without money and without price. _ Cdencoe, Jan, 7.-Though the Town oi Glencoe failed to go “dry" as far as local option is concerned by the vote on Monday it went so "dry" as lar as the Lewett Knitting Company is concerned that that industry had to cease running for a day or so and thereby hangs a tale which has caus-l ed considerable amusement in Glen-; Mrs. Carmichael is to-day in a prostrated condition in Adair. It was with great difficulty that she was able to omnpose herselt sutrtcieat- ly to answer questions put to her t:y the authorities, but she was able to positively identity the bloody {rous- crs found in the Rattle Run church and other pieces of torn clothing m- covered than as having been worn by her husband. The only attest that has been made is that of Frank Smith ot Adair, at whose home beamed Gideon Brown- ing, the missing carpenter. lie is held merely as a witness. mining animal-lay ttaraagitiers an untwhnhnbuull atom oi Us cinch nut Coll-i- , lich..h tun» W‘Qolo GOLDEN WEDDING COT' OFF SUPPLY "LT, ho we- gtrret "may a. .5...“ 1t!111tftet, "th1rt-td " the am ot been: iiitW""ii'oG'" 'i'i "91,573,767. EGGS LN TORONTO, Por the nine months ot the mount. 362,298,583, a dun-Isa ot 311.157.- ‘375 as compared with the correspon- ding period of 1907. The toUI cm ponoituxo on comso1idntert lund no- count was 850,432.“). an More.” ot 34,705,535. Capital expendilum to- mm 820,316,313. of which $02,- 910,810 Wu on public works, nil~ VI” and mule, {he Cott"rtrettoq ttt 4L- u-u-‘_- - -‘ V ----, ...- ""l"..."F"V" DI the National Tantalum“! Rail.. way being, ot come, responsible tor no» of this. The net public debt on .L- hI_A I s _ i (Ltaua, Jan. K-The revenue tor Humphvr. according to receipts ona tered on the books of the Finance 'Department up to the last /C; of the month, was the largest in " the history ot the Dominion tor the last month ot the year, totalling $7,183,- 355, an increase of 889,825 over Dm- omber. 1907. For a year past the monthly revenue statements have shown regular “crews from the "a cord resume of 1907, and it is hoped that from now on a gnaw improvv- tueal year the com revenue has been heat will be recorded. ' CANADA'S REVENUE that they may luv released on parole “In-n it is bolierctl that they will lvad upright lives for the tuture. ln min: l to adopt such a plan it, is int-usury that the Dominion Parliament pass legislation, and it is probable that the special committee of the Legis- Lalure which imcstigatvd prison mo- thods and advocated in its rrpurt the rotorms to to inaugurated in the spring, will wait an theprinisier ht Justice (Mail deputation. it is sitiri', that Mr. ';\_vlosnurth is personally ta-, voratrle lo tlm use of the indetermin-‘ ate sentence. The special committee consisted ot Mcssrs. 'J. P. Dummy, M.P.H., Fir"llay Mc0iarmid, M.l’.l'.. “Forge Paitinsom, M.P.P.. and John Dargavel, ht.P.P. - A citizen just back Iron Toronto £1413! 'ey - " up ' f, It is lilidcrktuml that couimunica- lions have passed between the tm- tario Govrrnineut and the “on. A. H. Ayh-swunh, Minister of Justivmn reference to the adoption a the. imie- terminate sank-nor in the province onlario is about to tesiaNish a pris- on Farm, to hr a means of reforming those convicted in the courts rap'ucr than a penal institution. In (unwr- tlon with this new step it is desired to lime power to send tirst otienders to the farm on the understanding that they may hp released on parole NEW POWER FOR the "great Abra Scotia Liuimem." It does the doctors" work; it is par- ticularly good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprajns. Ham. Minard's Linimcnt Co., Limited. Geatlemett.-a have used MlNARIrs LINIMENT Irom time to time for the past twenty years. It was te- commended to me by a prominent physician of Montreal, who called it The department has express“ the determination to raise the' qualitica- tions " the teachers and to institute a more complete system tur the” training, and takes the view thatit cannot do this successiully unless it assumes direct control oi all tests of competence. ed conditions the test of the students will be made by teachers ot the 'tn- stitutions who should know just what qualifications they require. Tho change worked so satisiactotaiy that it has been decided to make it pormment', and to adopt a simihr course tor all departmental examina- tions. It is believed it wilt practi- tally do away With the occasional complaints comerning examination w.- pers that they are outside the 1-10- seribed preparatory work, and win enable the department to take Iln: direct responsibility tor the prepara- tion of all papers. Under the chang- The department adapted last WF lumn a regulation under which Che boards of examiners lot admission to Rho prolossionul schools shquld w tsereattee selected tor the moth-l schools trom the was ul the mazlcl schools, tor the normal schools trout the stalls at My normal schools, and tor the laculties ot educulon trom the stalls of the said faculties and at the normal schools, with, in case oi eaeh board, one or more Inspectors of Puty- lie and separate schools, ountmuatit classes and high schools. 1 1'31 x Yours truly, G. G, DUSTAN. ' Chartered Accountant s., Sept. 21, 1905, ONTARIO JUDGES FOR DECEMBER The 1loold, Shaploy ttnd Muir Co. and the Verity Plow Co. started to run full time this week and the Cock- shutt Plow Co. will run overtime un- til nine o'clock p. m. FULL TIME IN BRANTFORD he an rummaging one. The past year was the best numerically in the history ot the Province, and this des- pite the fact that thu department has been inauguratinga policy ot cutting oil the weak libraries, which existed in name only and had no resources tor successful conduct and operation. Throughout rural Ontario there has been a steady and Increasing demand tor the travelling library, and the number of these will have to be in- creased. An improvement in the character at the hooks called for is also noted. . The report will ask tor legislation ot an interesting and somewhat rad, ical character with a view to lurther ( developing library work in the rural and northern districts. lion tor preseiGCi coming session of the Filmer: new public libraries were opened throughout Untariolast rear, and 211 travelling libraries were stunt. out. by the Education Department, ac- "ording to, the report of Mr. T. W. ll. Leavitt, Provincial Inspector oi Public Libraries. Ot the new in’ siiiuiions three were inaugurated and paid for by the municipalities in which' they are situated, eleven are new Carnegie buildings, and one - that at Belitwiite-the gift to the city oi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corby. The annual report of the library branch of the Education Department, which is nerd in course or mam". "Your appointment as inspector means that you Wm resign from th" position of Ontariu organizer lot ",ho Comsorvative party?" emptired the newspaper man. "Not at all," replied Mr. Snider. "At least, there is no rated of my Ic- signation, as the organizers' oiliccs are to be closed." "For good?" ‘ "Only temporarily. At pr.rieutriou) see, we have nothing to do." I "This move has been made been.» the travelers have been complaining to Mr. Hanna about. the hotel accom- modation tor the past six months, also because ot the Way m which the temperance vote has been piled up in the past week Black Watch o. a To; an a Plug of "As I saidfil the hotelmcn readily acquiesce to our wishes tlwn all will be well. I shall take the loud ite spector along with me, and inform the proprietor of the butel as to tho changes he will have to make. Then] shall tell him that either I or the In- cal inspector will call on him, and if he has come up to the mark, rgl right; but it not, the maticr i).?. Jaw to be put into some other -i- son's hands, as l have nothing infu- ever' to do with the eniorcomvnt oi my orders or the imposing of lineml I don't know just, what the deparlmvloi. will do in case a man retuses to rt up his, place; it will in all protrathli-: ty take his license away from him.‘ I “I am "poet to lu'nCoWuus inc-mo- very long" on Mr. tHUer, “Wt n you in All psoubuny, but [not-on magma mm " the ioetdid. Then an 1,000 hotels In the ; Proving, and I m going to can on "on on ot than withln the next Hm, I hope." isliad. I propose to luck into the ac- commodation and bedding provrled or travelers. (Inspect the fore escapes, and seq that proper precautions me taken in regard to light, ventilation, and sanitation. "Ot course, a man [my Keep a per iecuy clean hotel, and still have m.- sam'tury conditions 111 his stables or yard. L intend to see that) not uni} the hotel, but everything around at lb perfectly clean; and healthy." "My Work will consist solely In Sites ing that every hotel isa hotel, and not merely a saloon. Ttry will Mm: FIFTEEN new Lmiieus o provide the creature édnnlohs 701‘ their travellers, or I will not be sat. “O! can», the rapidity with which the work is accomplished will depend altogether upon the way in which the hotel-keeper: meet up. " they are willing to meet III In" way the work will not take long, but ll they retake to (all in with on: suggestions, the time will be greatly iengthersed. Bur, in any can; it is my lawman to push the wall as vigorously and with as much speed as I possibly can. Thanh. Jan, 'tr. It. v.1: %F" der, h :0!!!th an that " cl held! In: 0-qu oath-cl thm 'et-tag III - and at.” m ..ti.%htiMtte to. any M m t, Will Ho Travelers Complained 1'5.de Hotels, Yards, Stables _ _ - -"'""J Education Department, in course or preparar It-tlon at the iorth- ot the Legislature, will gins one. The past est numerically in the Province, and this des, Remain Organizer? fl; PIANO ORGAN AND :1: THEORY Amalia; m autism» proparedhy Ctriet Ten Eyck, (he luminon tire [on Int yen wan 897,7“,M, and the, totat 13mm on the buildings dngtr, - I.“ $1,010,379. Thdmrmo - iiiiAluu-iiaTiri,' .Su-eot Waterloo i'iiilGarial'dttr', King Street FIRE LOSS IN HAMILTON ,,.,,_ .7" -- I‘ll VAUIIICNU "ammo (Shannon of music Ttttrn-trustic, -- Honor endan- Toronto can". tory of late. TEACHERS or Miss A. R. Bean, Miss E. L. Bean John Fischer Proprietor J,MU, Pred hnc the reputation of cupplyin' In unmet-om customer! with the choice» And but of menu cl] the you round. In the lino ot man, we ban Boot, Pork, Von], LIED, angu- Cttred Em and Bccon (on: on curing); om mud, may. mod. In the lino ot homo-m un- m, such " Bologna, Wham, Pork mango, and Cheats, Liver Sou-ago In Summcr Sou-3c. am u l mu and be convinced Onion promptly 6011ch In In puts to tow n. PM” as. Waterloo Branch, J. Moorman, p Ina unact .Wt.re _.-... .h.... ...... 3 cent! Over " and not exceeding $10 ...... 6 can: " :20 " " $30 w..... Mtcrata " $30 " " $50 ...... " can These Orders m c puyable at par al every 'tifiee of: Chartered M in (Yukon excepted), and at the [Him 'pat {milking points in tite United Sula are negotiable at $1.90 N thc t: wading» in Great Britain and Inland. They tom an excellent meth; d of remitting sun-u sumsdmoneywi It mun cost, and may be obtained without delay. B. B. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, Geneul Manager Mela-Telegraph m Woolly In b'n- £5 . Chronick-Tclesnph and Country Gentleman...” ' (VIII-unide- Telegraph Bard Daily Globe ....., ..... u. 1'hmmieitr-reiexrraph And 'roamnto Daily WoeH "um", Chmniclc-Telrgnph and Tomato Dally um...~...;§g "troetieie/relerrrassh and Toronto Evening "GIL"; "lip, mwpb and yorturkiaaeurr.iT.".tCe': Chronicle [clear-up!) and Toronto annuity Niehstir., Ohrotttete-rrtoeph mi The News (D-ily) . ...... o.,'.', m,2hTet'e1'te big; Jp'dgi',,h?,, tet' balm. Mttg THE CANADIAN B g! 'PttttttttCe, £939“ Pere ryro-riniGiiiiii, "WT-C Uni-"d the ”it he uatUTiiis'li'J- . with all at. Candi-n and America _ tic. thstmritme. raiding in (In Ulrika Stu. “Hindu- aunt pa: "tea for 13:. Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and 'r-sr-re-ii...-.'.".'.'., mW-ndrwmuaadquw ' m'l f.P"telt-toodr-rmaavaiirc.." . _ Whicmph Ind 1,131:thth '. . ngnpnuammmu it' s" Wiretap-q.) and Wm” BANK MQNEY ORDERS HEAD OFFICE. TORGRTO __,.- -ww-ur- - - - 1-. W'orIdm............ .,...... for oxmlnuio‘n u " and under Over " and In. In; III-III) AT THE FMWINO 'tAres: and In. m, m miiiis, I, in“ “I. In. , l RIG-on. war, a...“ th A. ”an; Dhtrht In; '"taehm 0mm m INCORPORATED [I 1868 Tom Amt. 8m Bomb: mama mm w. and! 1'tet'tttt7J2YlPdaiiiif “been-Mower: boeeattsettsendvii. tr. Cr.Ct1th%cthe.s.i, Him my. can“ m’ ma:- FiR%7ct6Tr'vTTuBu'l Ml x And wuhlnlhn. D.e.. tr.6a. . Patiup Capitgl,810,@ Reserve Fund, - 5,0tAl BOARD or mama; - ML... _ "I! “HUMOR GOIPAIY ti. Crreltta'rairGdRiiFtah" Lee WHEEL“!!! ! ebb. malmu17o v5TAnustmohhpr , Vita: 22.2932! ,1“ h iiiaiit

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