Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Jan 1909, p. 12

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‘ 7" . ." _ _ . T w' 4 i ' In , I 1lii?,fity, bhft'tt, - ., I atiitebwti'e about an joys. A The M; a tbe Zlo- Syn-plied clutch In "rreitutot'd My Stool class all the Board ot ”I'm Mind Geir when were entertain d u the beautiful home at Mr. And In. L. J. Bram-m. on Timmy 'grarrtag. Am loo was were me “It and a most unuyablc and inter eating .eeentiig I“ spent in such] Inhrcoursr, magic and games. " IQIILM lho'l'oc'd examina- tions In muiic held. I. Deanne: have ten Announe'td at "the Toronto Utri, varsity. uni among my suausslul candidam {no ttro pupils at Mr, A. H. Heller, oi this will), as tur 1uwst0tiyf yrimo, lst class how ors, Muss Viohi C. May, Btrtin; m- ior class honors, Miss l'lduh l, (rune, York. These young ladies an: to he cuugratulatcd upon their suCccss. W. German ot Berlin. the 'atter ut whom sperit the New Year's holidays at the home of htr lather here, have left on an extended visit to friends and relatives Ill Los Angeles, I'al. _ I', R. Millet left Tuesday on aul "landed trip to Muskoka, Parry Sound, Nipissing. Port Arthur, Fort William amd iuteamediate pUllllh He took with him a little, tsoy, over whom a dispute arose, and he Is mung to investigate llu: c'ahe. Mr. Mlllt'r AIM took a young wuman, who wink-ll I. ohey his advice, but Wah' tlotertntued to take her own cunni- which was not the path oi Hill“; to tite In, dustrial Refuge for Protes1uttt Gul, Mr. Miller may be uwnt’ fur 1m din or two weeks. Mr, Gangt- (ivttuan ot Duluth and Mrs. Nash, of Wellington, Pr, Edward County. son and daughter o! Rev. J, Among the companies gun-Hod last week as having twcitrtid ”Mann char- ters is the Berlin ('q-Mral llt'aliitg Company, LimnmL new“, capilallud at sumo“. Miss Isabel] [Lu-Mull" £le Salim day [or Bumm- and Nahum. N i. where she WI" \puml wwml Wt-tm', Miss Kallllorn SimpsmL mull lt' vently vi the lit-ll 'l‘mrpin w t'o 's, s1att, leit Saturdur tor IK,., Ywr's, where she will null-1 tlu. Mount Sm,“ 1Iospital, as a “mar m halving. MIsiti Himpsun‘s man} livrlin frierisis .nll wish her "r"ry mun-xx: Mr. Guy Mullar has rcturnul to ftuit'alo alter slu-mlmg the New Year with his para-ms Mrs, Hishnp who has been the guest nt her sister Mrs. w Btvitltaupl, has returned' to Montreal. Among the successful candidates at the qualifying uxaminalwns ior en- lrancc mm the civil service held at Toronto. London, Windsor, Hamilton and Kingston lasl fall aw Mvtcsrs. Eden R. Musselman, of Berlin, and Ed. W. Etwes, ot Waterloo. Thim- young men are to he congratulated on their sum-cs5. Miss Sadie new” leit on Monday to take a vouvse at Macdonald Insti- tutu. Mrs." Campbell has wluancd to To, route. Mr. S. Jackson has returned to C'hirago. U --- Mrs. Geo. C. H. Lang gavca "very Injoyable afternoon mud party Wed- nesday'. . Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Baird have re- turncd to Whitby. Miss Emma Dennison has returned from Toronto. Dr. Gmrgu Pine, tulgary, was a visitor in town this week. The death or MIC-10ml (image Schmidl, took place at his 1vsulence, on Charon street, am Saturday mum- ing. qhe Jvcva:ard, who was In his Till] year, was In 1mm lunllth [HI some lime. He has bm'n " rrslllnll nf Berlin tor nun-1 .m was and is suraiied by his widow and " gum!" Ill! Lunily. The [Imvml “l“ mu flu? on Tutsticty .Iflv-rnnun .n 2 u‘rlut'k. RN". FL F.. 3l.tt.sh,, was in Hunnllnn nn 1 preached at 1130 Curl thorlist Church, Miss fur-In, Ito hn l,. L. llvndrnm uf been appointed maximu- [real Transport.; t' Rev. Roltt. ll. Hr” mm tins guest of Mr Irdrrison during hrs This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- Me In consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more --it c trols the Irtfummittion, C1'd1hr4'e',,'en/, soothes, heals. Ark you: duck” about this. no but kind ot I tq.ttggtogua1- "e tor over out, nun." It Quiets the Cough lqeris FEK?‘ P Sink-r har; It ai1cr visiiims, In Hun . ul Hamill-m and Mrs, Gro tisit III “will It‘ll“ " Ix'lngslnn, lur- ' oi' (ht-Mun ”1:11).qu pa t " H.A l “In“.r hr l wmu- Ile ND "I layer Hahn Delivers an Address Outlining the Work of the Cone“ for the Venn-Town Will Assist New Industries.--Stsnd- I" Committee Appointed. The Innuguml meeting “It. _ Council [or 1909 was held nu th" Cour“ L‘llambel m comm-tum with the meeting out- slde of taking the nevmsary oaths of unite and alter all the [hunters had taken their tseats the work of the mumcipal wheel tor thin year was set In motion, The members the following Hahn's sriglit:-. H. L'ounctlloss-F' Mayor llahn called the meeting to (WIN and mad the fullowir ; addrvss: Gvutlemvrt:-- You din please t'omt. to order and WP will proctwd with the work await- lng us. I vasnmr that youall have when the oath oi otrwe. Then, ac- cvpt my congratulations on your NUC- cess at the pulls. The pvople bare chosen to rnlrunt tu, atians of lkr, lin mm our hands during 1' V . lsllul. I.ct us work Ill harmouy and lllsrhalgv the duties duvolviug upon us wtth mum ain'm- to the 1mm and ourselvis. l should Uislike to sm- lllllblir Isuy,'uus_ conducted on tlie plane oi mum opera. as n was Vast yvar. If we maulu- lo live up lo tlw llllt‘s and regtdations guru-mug bodies mull as ours, to lake an intrrcsl in the puhln' work wo have assumed and show team work, the "lvctors will have no mam" fur “walling their "hoice Icvery metnlter ls (-xpu‘lul to alivml ('nuunl and Couunittee tnect- ing, regularly and to be prompt in attendance. Ptssonally, l hope lo we was! made Iln- hm! ju-ar fur gnmlh and [11w Mess in lit-Hill's hi,stot.t, We can uw much lo make It m, If WP, try. This Council should he represented on tiw Board of Trade, by at least two members and these should make the Board of Trade teel that we an- will- ing to work band in hahd with them, Hy the “tribe of gate on the part oi the unions Slamhng Committees, l have nu hcsttation in saying that we can lmanw the business or the town on a twenty mill rate or less. While our hicndr, inn."- 1-111-1le to the luminous Wt' mmmy. we h made oath lo dcat nnpanlally fanly in all "t.illf?is. W" an- ln-n- sumo all (1;:st ui 1hr rummunny In: the [rows to h Inc-Inu-haml “in: llt" lu' 0f this Urumtil, may at! on a \v'lh To mv mind our Iors should wlppnll hospital trtr ruuw Yum-Av pun-HIV ot You have doubtless heard of the action of the Court at Appeal in set- ting aside the award made to tlw B. & W. Strum Hallway thr, for iis pro- petty. " is a Sulllt'l‘ oi mum unis- laction lo mp now to know Ihat I was r'irwrotary of the Comrruttve which negotiated tho iakirtg over of that pllhllt' utility. We appnintwl Mi. H'Itlly arbitrator um thr town's hr- half, the Narnia} Co. namrd .unlgv Morgan ot 'l‘nmntu and thy- ttto chose Judge Jamieson M a KIN-l m- hitrator. The 1mm took Ine puma that in arriving at a [air pt'_r, tor the road, the rampant should be paid lor awry tangible asset It ownrd, at its actual value. In making the award, the tlum- athitrttiors wru‘ unammuus in fixing the value of the property at 375.200. The Court of Appeal, with Phil-1 Justice Moss, dist- seniing. moon that the arbitrators haw thvir award on a capitalization at tlw earnings. l mnsidrr this un- lair and will nnrtinn a further up- peat In the Supreme t'nurt I ap- point tlrk Gross, Clement and Shep- pard to art with the Light Commis- sion. Rtt.ves-0. Gross, Jr. N. Asmussen. J. F. McKay The prnmey uwylwn "I ng st/on the tic-pun Irlurnin; omens, {Ink are guneully cottaidered to be a pm- and coast-Mes at the ”cent municlpll loo Counts Countil Mailers al tor r'ousumiMivirs on the v ptolu'riv at Hull“. and the to vithtu he IIIIIiMI.||n-u by Rat- l'nunly alone ur “Uh mm or aullniuuz; ruunhrx. Slim-l K In; Fitreot- Pavement Inaugural Address Mayor's Good Wir,hes There were nu formalities H. A. Dietrich. '-F'. W. hmeppard H. W. Clement. C. B, Dunke. .ltcs,. Winterhalt. W. I). Euler. w. R. Wilkinson. F, Itornhold. ll. Martin. J. R. Schilling. hicndr, inn."- 1-111-1111 us ions m- ttrvupy, we haw l0 dcat unpalllally and 1|“me “1- an- ln-n- lo took llwn' seats Ill ordtw ttora Mayor .n‘may Appeals the meeting out- nwmsary oaths ot the uwmhels had Creeisrve group of men; I) retain this Lulu they should pave King street this yet“. To have a good main street laid, would prove a good ad- vertisement [or Berlin. I trust they Will undertake the improvement. As soon as a Board of Works has been appointed. ll would meet and endeavor to provide work for those out ol employment. In my opinion, a quantity ol stone should be pur- chased and hiolion tot use on the streets and to help the uuemploycd. Thu-Iv should be a small comnnttee named to-day In act as a Relief t'ommittve and to act In tvupmction wtth a Culumltu-c of i'ttizerus, Al- though the winter has but tairly set In; there ts already considerable am tress In town among the unemployed erurc the year ends, the mutticipa- lily, now consul-mg of twclve poll- ing suh-divisiosts, should bv sub-USv) ml so as to mun-aw ttu. number oil polls and In provide amph- facilities fur the peoplv to register their mil.- Many were denied this right at thef ll‘('(‘llt election. l hclivve In transaciine public husi“ l lrclivve In transaciinp public hush Imss m the “pun. I stand for publi- city Ill all puhlw matters and ior taking thy pmph- into out' mnhdrncr. Had my colleagues OF 1908 agreed with Im- [In this matter, and gnvn the dihvwnt by-laws alum! to hr submit- ted a meII'I‘ ailing in the puma, they “nuld nut have met the tate “my did. We must gnu ihe "tatsttiacturtrs of "eriin a squalc deal. I hope Ihey will he as huyiy ah' bees during 1mm and that in a iew months, It will be an impossibility to tind in “NH" such a thing as a man out of “01k. (Scum-mm, in conclusion, l look for your hearty vo-operation and as- .sislzunrc In giving I1erlin good muni- cipal govvruuuvn1. btoner, wrote as follows:-- Gentlemen-Having been a nu-mbrr oi the l’maul of Park Commissioners int about llflt'l'll years; In I'm-t. 1sitit"Ct its inauguration trt IS!” 1umhu the Chairmanship of the late Mr. 1' F. Blown) l but, ltr say that I am now desirous of withdrawing from the said Hoard, and So advised my mun-mod tvnirvtws at thc Dru-Inlwr Inn-ling of the Hoard. I bare always when a keen inter.. tVsl in the work of Hit Commission and han- srvn tlie growth and de- vvlopttrcnt ot' Victoria Park hum a 1nelt',-swatttpy and unpmmismg tiact oi land to Int-running the heaulyspnt "par modicum" of our gum! town. The great popularity oi this Park hoth here and llnmlgluxul our Ptov- inu- is wry gratilyinzg. As an mlwr- ttsement medium fur "vilin it has been a great \ll(‘('l"s., as is H‘irlrm-ml by the thuusands ul visitors (Hun mar and far who have come hvie annually to runny Its Irvauties and incidentally lo SW our prospl‘lnus manufacturing centre, while an a health and pleasure resort it is Inn-x- cellvd by that of any town' or (11y nl similar sin- in Ontario. and HN such it, IS git-ally appretaatM by uur citizens of all classes. I may he pvrmitted lo add ihr,1 runsuivr the allotted l-xpr-ndiluu- our parks nnl- oi the bust invest my the town has. " B..\' W. Ht Ry. I'o. vs. Hvulin. and suggrstml that a "ommiitrw of the I'outwil he appointed In rnnfn'l' with the ngln Committee m It'jj‘dHI lo future aciion in 1hr matirr Hrrlin's Tnun Council gut oil in a good and most rm-uulagmg Wm! on Mundav ' " k. . " [hairmau lm-hula, Bulnhulll. A; Ray and “Inn-mall. SPRINKLINU- lriettirh, chairman; 1smussrn, Hun-hold, McKay, Winter. halt, year The most vmmnaging fmhur "I siession was ilw tiprision of 1hr c, vil to put itself on Inn“! that pulim will hr lo gln- “my Ivgal rmnagr‘ml‘n! to manufaclmmg n: trips Ill 1hr hm" ‘ q J. A, Scrum: iotw the judgmvnl of "up Wishing; the Park ltoard yuur hnnmublv hody, mm in the nnpmtam work of F'lNnNrT'.--Ald. ' the mrmmvrs BOARD IM.' “ORKS (Imilmanv Dun-lax Marlin. Euler. 'a'Avr1Nt'rriit - Itunke. chairman Sheppard. Martin, Euler, . MARKET~ fin-cu l-htirmnh- F4..Frit ling, Clement, Wilkinson. 1'r'.MF.TFutY-. Schilling, Chairman Gross. Clement, Wilkinson (‘(Il‘RT (W 1tF'.Vls'urN-- Mrkay rhnirman, Fmler, Dunk, Wilkinson Bolnhold. FIRE AND LIGHT In nvw of the t-xll'n Iatror inumwd I the drTuty reiurMrtg omens, rierks LIN COUNCIL FOR 1909 Rum-s from Patk Board More Polling Divisions Hrvi t haupt A n Ext no Oran! iteliet Work mumt Clvmvnt and at Prpl y 2:11: of lhe ('lll Park (‘ommm mi 3 (up; mil of Ap Slwppard in» also In! HM ll all 'ttt (if ol Is elections Reeves Alum-sen and "If Kay were the moVels at a rmluuon you]; an extra gum of 50 per cent. to these ollicials, which was unani- mouny adopted. tieveral by-laws were passed by the Council as "rllomr.-- Authorizing the Mayor and Treas- ttter of Brill" lo borrow the sum ot $150,000 to tut'et the current upen- dmm-h of the corporation. The money will be armed trom the Dumlnion Bank at ii!, per cent. The usual by-law to grant exemp- tmus amounting to '3: nulls on farm lands in the town oi Berlin was pass- The nuns lands ed. A by-law uppolnlun: Alds. J. F. Elvin”, W ll Euler, C. H. ”unite, W. R. Wilkinson and b'. Hun-huh! as the Court of “Minion was alsopass- rd. Library Board-kart Mueller. Buald or liealth-C, A. Alums and John Fin-d. Pound keepeis-P. K. Weber, ll. Slepplm‘. G. Kunhinski, Wm, Zinger. Fertce-rieweis-,1. Luit, M. Beam-r. J.tcott Bat-ll. Hop. on I'ullegiate Board-- A. L. lilqllllaupt. Medical Health "iticer-0r. J. Mc- Gillawee at t:ym pvr annnln. Hoard at Park Management-U, H. Mills and lt. Irthner. Page-Oswald Leyes at im [NT Council mot-ling. bis-Mayor Muher soul through Ill-cu; (hum th sented with one oi ll in the Mayor's nlliu- as his [run of "mm. Tlu granted. . Thv iollowing is the statement of Ilu. Tux Collvctor in part: To the Mayor and (‘nunul of the Town of Herlin. Crvntleuu.n.-t hvrewith present. in your hunumbll- [Judy my annual nr [nut and statement of Arrears of Taxes unmllm'mhla I. During the year there was rul- lecied In: 1907 and iornwr Tears' Small-rm! and f) ot Tuberculosis. l-Ivmv mm ' lion was taken to hayr the I‘AKI‘S ill',',,',','),, isolated and the small-put News strictly qtrarantined and Sanimr)‘ polis'rmmn shtinnml to provrnl a spread of an 'Tidetttic, which is Ute only way to keep yidtTtC in (hark and m"nrt Augusl Mth no ca- sex were "ported, which shows well the gland "our Board M llellih took in this mallet And it is Moved by Ald. Sham.” by Jos. liinterhalt, that l'll, duly .mM-mhlvd. place Its Irearty "pprvtitiion of Mr. 1.. J. Breithanpt, who has horn " nn-rnin-r of thc Emmi of Park Com- uusslmu‘rs oi the Town of Herim, since ils "taugurarion in I894, and that lhu Town Flor}. + instructed to forward Mr. Hrerthaupt a mm ul this lunlinn. lethal In: arrears, tlw Defaulttu " arrears, lln- mm at $5827.29, Tax vaaullrn~ $5523.15, " lnlul " SIS,- trr5.5L Fur 1mm there was orllvctvd iur itrrcaryi te,935.83, Tax Doiaulters 5111.“. Ibsorivnt lam-s $3,919.1‘l, or A grand total for the yrar $13,1551i0. P.. Attached you will tind an item- lit” stall-mull oi uncullrclahlc lax- rs hum IRS!!! lo mm, which me muslly :lnuhlt' assteismettis. business Luvs and income taxes of people whu lvft town and cannot he Tollw- 1rd. which should be slruvk " the polls ttl .mrar hunks. . I would further advisethe ihtuncil in slvang," the. by-law as In lumh' oi paymoit ul taxes as provuled by Scr- hon III: .ulm 'iuti-svcpion 2, 3 and l During, plulnimlg Mu’ll thr. nvpr III-d p Inns " IIII II an villi ft ' l' [I'll an IN?! d [I‘d mg \wu- made The Walkman: ms all fuirIy well done but I “1102‘ “III Mill ignore He? by- md uummt 1...“.va t'u,lerrts hc Mun"! contwction also lo {hams I also fun-ml " tvllat was nunm‘lr'li with Ihr .wwm' . iINIurlu-us In haxe same re and clm~nmm~tml [mm svwn as "trtmtttotih' will surely luring Hum-mic oi typhoid fever. Municipal Omcials Gels An By-Laws Passed Ser vices A ppreciated stall llte m oltedieni servant. M HI I'ZIINI‘ZHGARI) Plumhmg Inspection taxes as prun'ldrd try h;ec- .0 'iuti-svcpion a, 3 and I rm bylaw is made hum nun-s which are wally all Md. Slu‘ppaul, svvouded lulwr arm in a rulucst l; (hum that hr hr I'll“ one oi the arm chairs 5 “Hire as a moment" of "mm The request was It ll] Chair 'ear there was rul- and iornwr Tears' 0f $3827.29, Tax J, " lnlnl " SIS,- there was cullsrlcll .83, Tax Doiaulters laxeri 8,919.1", or K" my annual nr of Arrears of inspect mm a! The wm kinda: on rtN'trt d " tict vtct's this Uotut- on u'mld ton ts the oi Tra' "é, .,'e,'s', ' tts h an. ' _ at Me: In . . t. MIR-Bubbly ogeut not“ "all“ by I. dtsrittet" m to kn ”It at punt-n y clam. All mulled with; up“ "on two, when " had to like ”weeding. Inductive. mum. than my notice was collh - with. t 8. Quit. a number ol eon-plums were rude to II (all; a. you to on houn- itt various put; ot the ,w'm ad which u: an eyesore to parties living near by, also to pedes- trians walking along the streets and passing such places, aspen-mu per- Ions from other cities or towns, but your Board oi Health Is powerless lo compel all parties to make sewer cunncctions, as there ts no provision III the Health bylaws ul the town to do so, but the Health Act provides that such try-laws can be passed by municipalities, 4. During the year 10 samples of water [mm the town water workl system and 4 samples of water trout diitereat wells in the town were colloc- ted try me and will to fire i:ii.:v.i,i,iiiijl Laboratory tor analysis, The reports received showed that the water horn" the town's system was pure but the“ 4 wells were contamlmted and cow. tained germs ol Colon “Milli, where- by we can account iot the few cases of typhoid ievet we had. 5. In my repott to the Board of Health of Oct, 3tttlt, 190ti, I had a touse which read, I would strongly 1rt'rontntend that the Board oi llral- th recommends to the Town Council 'to pass a by-law that all parties be _'compellmt to make aewm‘ connections 'wherever the system is This would [put our town III a more sanitary "ttit- idllion and stop the numerous rom- (puints. This report was adopted and ireconnnemled to the Town 1'ouncil Ithat such a by-law should bepasto .cdl Mayor Hahn thanked the Council for the kind sentiments expressed and referred to the Fact that while he was regarded as a workingman he stood for a “square deal" to the man- utacturers. He recognized that m Ul- der that the town could prosper " was necessary to secure industries. He was of the UPIIIIU“, howevel, that alter a munufaclurtu has been exenur ‘ted for a term oi years when the ‘tt-rm expires he should be willing to jay Ins Lur share of the taxes. In: ngriruiture," dttlated Prot. E. MOVING To TORONTO. H. Merton, dirertor at the "itewsrt- _ mutt ot Ttwhnicnl I'Idtu-atmn in Nova N H. I'. Mholfrpld. tor tea years Santa. in addressing the (‘nnndinn manager of the Gurlph branch of the Cluh at their mum-r br-night. “I Dominion Hank. has resigned hm IM- trelieve that the Dominmn Govern. itinn. He, stated that his into-law‘s mrni, should as part ot its duty in in Toronto demanded his attention admitting the interests, ot truth and He will leave tlie Dominion lhnk rnmnwrr‘r. Insist the provinces In est-Inn Fehruarv hf, take a t-var tahlhhinu smh a system of makirtg,'rponths' trrp to the Contlnent “My giant: toward liquidating the oitiairtiist ham”), and thrut settle " Tomw cotsig null the costs ot maintenance." to. ti. Duung the last two years quite a number oi Jewish families tatm' lo this town and started m the prddllng business td lags, bones and anything they could get a hold oi. I would but. to 1&1:qule that a by-law hr 8, Since April Isl, 15m? the town inaugurated a Garbage Syslcm. The lirst yt-ar it was hard work lo get the public edueated to the syslonLhuI during the year lllox the system worked Fairly wrll and will work hul- ter as fu. public sum the advantage Hf tht, system and get more tamil- iar with same. Respectfully submitted, M. 1iUh'IlNERGARU, Alter the slate had been tlmrul, Alds. Sheppard, Clement and McKay briefly addressed the Council, will vi whom referred to the Lu-t- that Mayor llalm,wau the youngest mam who had occupied the C'hivi Magis- trate's chair and complimented “in Worship on the impartial and bus:- ness-like manner in which he had mn- ducted the proceedings. Each oi Iltvm anticipated a pleasad year In thu- management of the municipal ailatrs or the town. business td lags, bones and anything they could get a hold oi. I would but. to mtmulumnl that a by-law hr passed to hut-use such peddlars and junk dealers, as provided for by the 1908 h;tatutes and keep "mm more nu the outskirts of the town, which would stop nuttterouy, complaints 111.1th- by parties !ivirg close by. 7. During the yea. new”: Cqrtt1- pldinls were made lo mp that the Victoria and Wilmot sln't-ts storm drains were being pollnlad, said dram runs into Victoria Park lake, “hirh is also polluted 'by sane. This should he stopped as " is the only SHUNT where the town can receive its ice supply. Alds. Dunkv, Gross and Rilkmson were appointed as the Council's re- prtreettatives on the Industrial Com- mum. The committees will meet on Tlttt,c. day and Finlay evenings weanling Ihu regular Council meetings. Aid. tihoppard was appointed ith the Councirs representative tttt lhr B. N W. Hospital Hoard. Mayor Complimented 't'd Notes. Sanitary Inspector fBerlm, 0nt.Braneh,0. Schurman, Magma!“ ‘..‘ _ St.Jaeobs, Ont. Branch, S. S. Stems, 'iinaosr IrVr'.ltt'IurWi)r'.tt St'IIUUlJlUUMS Galt Ix larin similar to lhat rooms It" 30 I dation so inem hoard has drtit action lo relrev MOVING TR) Tt )RONTO Capital, 83,000 'ooo. M D“ laun- Ann ' A . Boyd. _ e.eeh 1tatl11'I' Fm??? DM- WWW Ill-l __ (111mm 5. It. '1‘...“ - Cl.pbtlkon,(MI-. Pu} arictws, 'btastoo, Sac-uh. M 1% St, Ar'drewr, St George, St Job- 7 Prince um. tit F Charla": Sn , M Mcyimm admit. Stu- a- \Vnodnvd lurk-um: - Harbor Grace, '" John" - -C,swd Km: Mature-1.x" kuhgnond, Puwbon. Quebec ' “(.11. - Amprusr, Barre, mum“. Balm. manners, Burl: Ion, Han-Hum, "arrietsvsiU. Landon, 'a'C'l'l','R'l'ed'f/d,'lf: St CUtitariaer. St {main l'oronto-- Km; St ' Dunc!” St. Wet and. “Mobil-cl: m - 'f.erg mum-em. __ epic, mama” - -1 nu." Fir-tot: Imm- coluuma v ' * tctrur or '9! tndh. A tnl-urKIN c. in Hu angl‘uh; Kinpum hnukl‘. Mame 'tt "av Jamuca, Port Mum hymn-v . “ "tted Sula -- new": I007. .903. Ihspc pew n. p. l up tal pad r Rev-nu {or I, Profit and kn Rely-no of Icr. Spcrio. .er..r.--"' Dominion Notes -_ Legal Tenders ' Notes o.' and L'h‘quvu an other "(min “Hr from Mhm Hunk _ In Canada lhte from other Hnnksin Foreign Count Sli'l'lll'l)" Iixrlulngv _ . . . . Carrel“ Lswrts. 'mes ured by Gram .md other ample Uttmm v.h.tts . V . . . Overdrafts, Mu mm! T . . . Ovrrrdrafts, .mrhmiw-l bu! “an "Pt" wally securcd . . . . Notrsand BUN discounted and rurz'e'm . . _ . A _ Notes mu] mil.. m-nrdue f . Advaores In Hm Sm mygn Bank of Canada m connechon thII vs luqmdalmn _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . Rank Premises . . . . K . . . . . . . . . . blal-mwry Uepartmcnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm Ide" l P, l‘n'ulan I. incorporated herein We hereby certify that we Inns w‘rmqnlly' checked the cash on hand It 1eth, St. john, Montreal and Toronto. ttr. have also verified the tre-ities held asinvm menls. personally (‘xammlug those hvld Ivy [Inn Canadian branches ofthe Bank. mod procuring certificates bv responsible Maine“ me", not in theempioy of the Blah Carl-Tying In the extsterwe of the rrmamdvr of theme securities. .,' the hqmdannn We. "have further In rr'port that hm HIE 0&1"!de the foregoing Balance St, and having compared the ‘ame watt, the books of the Head Office, and the cert' returns from the branrheu. we are ot We nplnmn that it is a full and fair Balance exhibitisttt I true and correct stew of the Bank's affairs as at 3rst December. I Dcpauu xoth Dominion Circul"lio" . . [runs to I'r-umrr» and QWINGM'3ii.‘;in.x\n;.;i<;..“.u.3.273;: , - a c. . n ' ' Mo. ITS' luv: 'lir.,t,ii,'trEiiii"iv.' hullgnon, Sui-Icy Muses, Two. an a. Fimb_or, "reofatts - - Ages Is taring a srhool mohlvm 'va (hat in Shattnrd. The an- su (‘luwdt'd and aTtorttmo- NO ineittripnt that the school has drtitied In take imtttediate lo relreve the congestion. Jonu Y. Pun“, Prado“. R. L. Batman, G. t GENERAL Dc Dec Mar Sept bt Orin t 'r""mg'r" th'm- n! _ "in. m mum-rum w-h qeveral other bunks m mun-slim n n! the , Mun , Rm}. u my in! l rnwuvd m the atmre "atrium! yy-mm trom Mmdculfc. hmuca n thud Irerembrr nrd mos. Ind the figures than IIINCNII cr",-. Fr, I. _ on " "no Loan, Eu rpm“ uulsmnding J. I30, payable 2nd Jan., "FN 31, To 30. 30 J' 3' Leann): In 31 tir rim OFFICE, . . . . . exam nus-'3 m o. bll (wean “I run h " Hum): Mclluu. x and 11uoirpal0ies . . . . 33%34s 15 "soul hr Rand». Doiwmurcsand Stocks I.009,509 .I se,urvd lw Gram and other Skiple - Mande 'et ct,t 13",.“ STATEMENT AS AT DECEMBER 3rst, x LIABILITIES. Divideud No. 153. " ""/perannum, p-u'aHu In April, 1908 . . . . Disudend No. I54. a: "?iperannum, payable and July, 1902! . . _ A Dividend No. 65..“ "'d,perarmam, payablv tst October, 1903 . _ . Dividend No. I56,al 'r'iperarmum, payable 2nd January, 1909 . . Conlribux'n tooftic"rs' Pension Fund W: um: off Bank Premises Account Provision for anticipated loss through guaramee of $203,000 in co"oection with liquidation ofthe Ontario Bank . . . . . . " Provision for arrtheipated loss Wrong}: liqui-Imion of Sovereign Bank of Canada _ . . ' _ . Han-two carried forward _ . . u-ak, I! mk‘ lit Hal mu- . . . . _ . . . . Nct profits for current year; losses by bad debts estimated and pro- vi.ied for t . . . . . . . . . " ou,sota/.jsmsasca nogo‘ Nun York Government [or security of Note Hutu-1‘0. Hie, lamaiea r i'mvuJ ngdom Foreign Cotuttrucs H. C. McLEOD. General Han; AUDITOFIS' REPORT PROFIT AND COBB. .35 “auteur NR’WOIOT "f, Jun. was“: M“ G. ti. (hm-nu, J. WAIJ" T" Counlritw "when! hauls ' to It". 10 Loan, . [Inn-nun- m ASSETS J. MAXTONE GRAHAM. C A, Edit D. H. "UH-I. C. A. flint-lat. nun All tlrat ix rnqnirrd 22t) ahlo ('.uudim mulls io hold "tedt MPtt titttt lhvw of 1orkshire in. IN vqulpmcnt and Improved “Mia as III to be bound in ‘8'“. Ottawa, Jan. 7,--lt, is und loo! that Mr (“Mann of the (“no blt't', who “as named A commit to make a Inmrl on British and I. "mun trrrsuert._ industries, h. p--r:ml Hun the (‘anudian woolen I Mushy does not require more pr tum All Hm iv roguirrd tit" tf" “UNLESS Pfto'rFA"rr'.it ENOUGH. o'tit, of improvements Vartrror1vpr. RU, Jan. 7.--VIIR:0II- 1vt"s asspsmituettt lor taxation is '" - mm‘uml m. increase of ten mlllimu m- In!!!” - Cum I: B-a-ge-ttart" In Pr-.-- Can-dun I‘M mag-HI- rim NM H. C. II VANi'tulFm's GROWTH. .-rtotNatttt-t comm $7m64 " 559.577 53 I0,035.184 [6 6.699.053 95 R3436. 93,000 M 1,598.03} 1.953.006 I.2I8.J49 80 083.7 ' '59"? 88,7 6, [51,136 th 339.3“ I3 55,409 48 12,159 48 :11 7'4 " " " 63 7 is " " Wa,tha,tss " I8 84mm,” ml: " Hi in:

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