Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Jan 1909, p. 9

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7 .-." 1 in 3 u T " FL? r, m» " g 'trirtri, rol " >7 It ‘ _ hang. t t, pg; rM oul ' ii, ess ha "V ; d i' 5342., mm A 3;, . ," tgl . YN. iss i Ink . _ g " ». ' rt, 4 $533, 9 "f if“ ' i ', {25;} T ' 1 Vy .' ' 45:33 11 t: 35. ‘ ‘: wry; " FT-V'E‘é e1 “wily t". S _ii,,' a}? _ I] 'yi,'re,'1,uayir ot b. " .. _ i” all 3'. “5:. star $1 gr _ said Township of Wellesley as g 'it" A own on a plan of survey by Pro- 3ft; . int Land Surveyor Moses McF'ad- ‘ y' ot Record in the Crown Land Ni ", ment and which is buttcd and bot ‘ as follows, that is to say, Co ing at the south easterly “do T a said last mentioned lot; than. h light degrees thirty- dght l, r utes east astronomically along "a' astern limit oi the said tot I u chains eight linksmore ' or ies . _ lands heretofore granted , by. ttsl ‘rown to George Underwood l .. in A said lot; thence north vighty ... one ‘ was titty-eight minutes west _ u ethically along the southern .:h "c FL tit at the lands so granted forty ,7 ', 3 ins thirty-one links more or less 'l:.-,'," the limit between lots Numbers _,l,,'s1'2 ine and Ten; thence south eight re,aii grees thirty-eight minutes.west as- 7:7- ronomically along the said limit :I N r ween lots numbers Nine and Ten, if , ourteen chains eight links more or "'1 ess to the limit between the Eighth "‘3- d Ninth Concessions; and thence A; ‘ Juth eighty-one degrees lofty-eight (iM, minutes east astronomical” follow- 76% ing the same forty chains thirty-two fv. , inks more or less to the place at ‘ , inning, containing ttity-seven air " __.. more or less. Reserving a tight “'35.. way or private road leading [rum .t, tary pf tho MM g9: duvnw.:v am- I . ‘II luv-two links to the sec- of the purchase money on the dlyol . lines between the Bustern and sale, and the balance within thirty . tern Sections of the said Town- days thereafter. _ “prince southerly along said Fret'- Futther parllculm will be made tttat no to the place of beginning, known ll the time of “It, and la ”WI: tttty non-x more at less. 'the meantime may be had trom the -'n' Properly wilt ttrirt be ohm! undersigned, F 0-9 tot. and nhould‘uue rewind t'mzmtx'r & CLEMENn Jo not ruched, will then he oit- Solicitors lor Mortgage. "efse, lmgr lot: as nhove drncrlbd. J. W. tht VFiY, Auctioneer. 4trutun OP, BALB--Tett put cet". Berna, mu January, was. bat. T'HiRDLY: The west half ot Lot Number Nine in the Eighth Conces- sion Eastern Sertiun ot the afore- said Township of “elk-sky, contam- ing by adrneasuremept one hundred acres be the same more or less, tu- gcther with a right ol way or pri- vute road leading through the above mentioned forty-seven acres to the public road slung the easterly suit ol said 57 acres and together also with the use oi another private road leading to this thirdly described par- eel from the public road. called the Crosshill and St. Ctements mad. try- Ir a small strip ot land, through an: ot lots numhr-rs Tm in the venth Concession and Tim m tho Ighttt Concession Eastern Section FM. will Township as- acqujred by ., user thvreoi. On the above om- " acre panel is: frame dwell- tate a [lame stable, at good “hard some standing limb". FOURT Y: The south part of litt Imam en in the Tenth Con- cation Ea, ern Suttlon ot the said Townsll ot Wellesley and more par- tlcularl durum: _ . h" 'wsu-Com- 'tmtci at the south um angle of aid lot; thence masterly alonga road thou-nee titty-threr' chains sum-mi “his to the south-cast angle of the maid lot; them-e northerly along the mum boundary at the said lot; six- teen chins ninety-ttve links thence westerly parallel with the mulhurn War? of th" mm P.“ 'e""'"'.' an. public travelled road on the tas, , ly side ot the said 57 11111-5 _ ough this secondly described par- ' to and from the west halt of lot mbcr Nine in the Eighth Corwes- f n Eastern Section. as hitherto ed by the occupants of the said . st half oi lot Nine In the Eighth ncession. The ahorc 57acres is ostly bush and has been commonly alled Starr's Bush. It has now standing thereon a large quantity at valuable cedar-trees and othrr good green wood and timber. PECUNDLY: The south part of t Number Nine in the Ninth Con- wion in the Eastern Section of roux; TABLE FARMS IN -i,' lLESLEY, "artt 'thit, it “a Power 'ddtfd in I m- lulu» my” "on Tinian wu- . a! Lam: Willard ' it produced n tho an: up will In M tor ab Idle! It MIPS HO- VlLLAGE or LIN- SDAY, the and day 1m. " tt o'clock in by J. W. Davey, Auc- I'ersonaL-Mr, .lnlln Grim-1' "iCal- gary IN visiting at the home oi his sister, Mrs. Wm. [Lulu-I, Mr, Geiger has been al Calgary In! tive yum and his many friends ale pleasse" to meet hill! again-Mr, and Mrs. John Hay- 'le" have returned honw and have when "p hrm.wkvetriur', nmr Maine- Miss Inez. Noble Int nu Wednemlay last " vaqua, Mam, where hr has stecureda positum as ".acher,-Mtr. Wm. John Low-n sold lux mum mill and lumbering outfit in J. Mc- Allister of Bloomingdale-Mr. Mc- tllister will now direct the milling operations in this village. There will no doubt he an very surcesslnl business carried an by thc new ftrm. $220!) was paid tor ihe oullit. "butters-in" such as clocks ticking, kids squealing, not ut all rarely mu- sic ofa most varied form, which way often interferes with the listener as in one case the player was told lo stop the music in order that Ihe m- Cruder might hear the vontvvrsation better. The party line oi which the ':writer isa subscriber, is cvrteurly blessed “ith a. liberal stock of youngsters fur um- can scarcely usc the line without the mmuynurt- oi other people's children.. It would be a must desirable state at Aituirs existing, if each one would respcet each "thefts rights and privileges as party line sulvicrihtus, the lllll' would he strictly private lo each uiu- us- ing it. This is the cumlitiun that exists una line What all the sub- srribers haired. good tt-lcphunc eh- quettc . We hope to 5w: an unprovo- men, in the future. Special evangelistic services Mr hr mg licltl' in both churchvs ae Wallace- Vili", Her. liulalulcr, of )lillkhi'l‘ii is assisting Ilev. H. H. Lcibuld in live Evangelical Cltu1ch. Ilvr. Jas. lil- ford is heiug, “misty! by friends from Lislnwcl and several pastorsof neighboring ttttttis. The roads have not hot-n in Tery guml :vulitinu cotvivquo'ttly the nttmrluncv um. uni as large u" would he dvsired, “e trust the wratlier and roads ru~y bu; favorable during Illr mining kuk h.‘ that a large .utlcnlluucv in.“ gnu-L Hm Irusto"s entry "veniur,.--Mr J- nn) Rhiem, lth Con. Maryhorough, ....l (') successful auction salt' on innit/[M lent. Mr. Itliun IS renting, [iii-i‘ farm life and will shortly lump l") Listowel. His sun Rvulwn, witl ".c- main un the farm,--- The Wallncc‘ Chpese and Huttcr Co.. au- hulding their annual tsteeiing In the "om- pany's buildings on Saturday, Jan. Irith, lo rervivv the audtlor,,' rtTort and also for the rh-cliou at "meets for the coming year. . imun Svhau was in Hamburg Eur; few days iasl wevk on a Rim-mess trip NEW HAMN New Hatnhurtt, Ont. Jan. 7. - About 2 pm. to-day a fire damaged the paint and oit storeroom of the New Hamburg Nlamttactyring l'ottt- pany m the extent ot about. H.000. The frre was confined to the building it originated in. . Further particular: will be made known It the time of “It, and In the meantime my be had trom the undersigned, ers" is trom about 10 pm. to 5 a. m and we wonder that these culd night' are sumcient to keep under control the power of habit that ap- pareully controls the will powers of the violators oi the rules laid down lo Itarty line subscribers. While wait- Ing for an answer ma call, lee hear sounds of various descriptions that are taking place in [he homes oi these "butters-in" such as clocks ticking, _ Party Line Troubles.-A party tele- phone line has some advantages but the disadvantages we are incrmcd to believe considerably outweigh the former. The one great disadvantage Ls that the conversation IIs open to all who may feel disputed to listen. This state of anoint seems to exist on all party lines .‘onsequently a party line has not the secrecy that Is wtshe for in telephoning. There is no better place to keep up the golden rule than f you an: a member Jt'it subscriber ona. patty telephone line. Taking hown the reel-Her isa very common occurrence and we be- lime becomes a fixed habit with some who are oi an inquisitive turn " mind and to say the least, their eu-l queue is ina most tieploritiile cent dition. Experience leads the writer lo believe that about the only time the line is clear ol "down tveiv- ers" is trom about 10 pom. to 5 a. Items m ttti-C-rho recent. “I": has In". ttte mum in a very Poor condition as thy concessions Are tu.. mun. entirely bare, while on the cross rows there is: large quantity ol now. However, by considerable joaing about into ditches and along the lam one is able to make lair- ly tsatisfactory prugn'ss uh the sleight A light lull ui snow would, be very acceptable as there are many; arm-i who have a lot at beaming lu‘ In. WEST MONTROSE APPENINGS or Imus”; ’5"? gr." AMONG mm BUSY NEIGHHDRS WALLACE RG FACTORY SCH“ ('I "In. plug nmr Maine- Int nu Wednesday Man, where he has I as teacher,-Mtr. in Hamburg Eur a Mrs. Hm. Buivlirr, who has been seriously ill, Is improving slowly. - The Chou" spent a wry pleasant cvrn~ mg at the home oi Miss Belle Mc- Donald last Tuesday owning, After a hearty Irractice the hostess served a dainty lunch, alter which a happy hour was spent in pleasant games. All present voted the evening welt spent.-The second annual Choir Con- Cert will be bold in the school room on Friday evening, March 5th. The choir are working hard at the chor, u'u-s, Mu, having as a motto "Bet- ter than last year." That ml-ans quite a bit.-- The Nulth Durntries council Incmlwrs treated the boys to oy'siers on election night. Hope we have another (-Ilrction soon. Frank says he had enough, so n must have cost the members something. Mild weather had spoiled good sll‘ighrng, but a Iighlr snowfall last Monday ruglu greally improved it agatm--Tlw. flax and chopping mills are kept busy these days-Mr. John Sochner, " son of Mr. Chas. Such- Iier. iotrnvrly of this vicinity, but now at' 1ilkton, Mich., visited rela- lives here during fhe past week. He stated that business is good in that part ol Michigan and that the wea- ther there has been agreeable so lain -Mr. 'Aaron Holler. clerk at Glenallan was one ol our Visitors, as was al- so Mr. Philip Rmninger M2, oi KI- mira. We also hada number of vis- itors tron, Elmira, Wallensirin and other adjacent villagis.-Mrs. and Mrs. Philip Homing”, ir, were visi- ling at Trnonto.--Mr. It. M. Bowman paid a humor-as visit to Guclph and Hespeler.--y1r. Milton Becker called on Waterloo rriettd.q.-The sales of win- ter and owing goods at Rllule' and Son'. general store, are quite nuis- thir,.--"" hineksmilh, Mr. John J4oehner, and his Irwo assistartts,have their hands lull of work aka result ot the in totsdtr-Aueuortrer Geo. Fi, (‘l-ss is revolving a good share oi the public patronage. Ald. Ryan mu he dimputrmed trom sitting in Hamilton Council. The loll house on the Holland River road wan burned 'dautrday. tt l A bouncing baby girl atrium at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David “an mung an Thursday, Jan. 7th.-Mr. Amos lluechlvn oi Ilidshury, Alta, called on his friends here last Week. --Mr. Joseph Schwartz of "uitalo, who represents the Sullivan lumber Co., was in the village on business last week.-Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Held- man are spending a couple of weeks in Mildmay-ur. and Mrs. .luhn Dah- mer of Hamburg. were "siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Sclunnll on Snuuday Honing. --hir. Geo, Faullraber of Gadshilt was as“ Ming frn-nds ttere on Httntday.--Niss Laura Wagner is spending a [cw weeks with iriends in Ihsrliu.--yicvs Salunm Haunt-r ol Brrlin- IS holiday- ing with her mother here. no. of Mr. Isaac Good's who has been ill, is improvii-Mr. Samuel from», of Little Paradise, our gen- ial butcher, whose services are so much m demand these days, secured one ot the greatest bargains known ot, in these parts at an auction sale ot live stock, a two year old critter for the sum of one dollar.-Mr. To bias Wanttrold ol Berlin, paid a tty- ing visit to our Lung last Tuesday. -Mr. Levi llostelll‘l‘ and tami1y,rate- ly of Bush Lake, Sick, iizoved into the house or Mrs. Joel Clemcns. - Mrs. Frank Mast Visited Mrs. K. H, Ewald, of Waterloo, last week. - Miss Alice Snyder, oi lieiliii, called on friends here HaturGy.-Mr. Simon Halsey puicltasvd the iarnt of Mr. Noah Bechtel and takes possession in March. -Mrs. Tom Wilcox Si: cash-l arines, is the guest of her aunt, Mis. Tommy “Ubol'll ior a time. l Bruts.--Mr. ull In. Amos Swan: d vugum, U.S.. visited their col- Ilns, Mr. David and Mr. but Huey. Ust week-Min Emma Rerichert, ot Lakisha, and Mrs. Wuhan ot Bloomingdale, spent. Honky and Tut» day with Mrs. th'eipnd.-The mum PHILIPSBURG FL01th0hit ROSEVILLE ST. AGATHA The issue of Busy Man's Magazine for January, ovcn surpasses tho high standard which has twen set Ht icccnt issues. lls pages me crammed with interesting articles. ably illustrated. The premier position H given to “Thu Millionaires of Cobalt." This aili- cle telts in a bright, lacy style about the 1'anadiams who have made grvat tottutws in the richest silver mining camp in the world, who thvy are, and the vurious olhtvp,s lltt puosued before striking it rich. Men and Ev- ents in the Public Eye th' an inten- sely interesting department. It is the policy of the magaum- lo will.» duce the most tinicly and Itrightcst appearing in the world's periodicals. It is carrying out this policy admir- ably. Every sclcctinn in tlw January numbcl is Iimely, and srrrcs to show the care exercised by this vompptcnt editorial staff In ransacking the world's petiodieais. Ailiclcs ot spe- cial interest are "The "cal Owners of America," "The tioctal Rvsponsi- bilities ot Empire," “Sending Christ- mas Money trrer the Seas, ' Worth- clitte and Mummy," "The Men Who Built the St. (flair Tunnel," "Can- ada's Non-Fmtlish Newspapers." "A Noven organization in Germany." ' Dr. Brun- Smith, provincial lnupeo- tor of asylum: and prisons, who PE" amined ex-Chief Malone in the Sim- me put pnnr to the prelhniu‘uy trial last Tuesday, with {curd lo his men- Ial state, says he could ftnd ahwlulc- ly no trate of any type of insanity that would inspire him to commit thr Crimp attatust (‘onstable Wilkins of uhirh he is accused. ntusring.-ht Miltvsukvr, Jun. Huh, Albert lull-ring, sun of H. B, Hurr- ung oi 1batcrloo in his 23m year. Hurt.--.ht Listowel, Jan. lllh, John T. Hurt in his 55th year. llixt-liiskiéAL Waterlpo, Jan 7th, Mrs. John Doemski in her 83rd year. FUirgrieve-At Galt, Jan. Nth, halal ia F'airgrleve. Guenther-ht Hvspvler, Jan, 81h, Mrs. Geo, Guenther. Lorirsack.--At Elluim, Jan, Ulli, Sn- plua Scum, wife of Ilcnry 1,oelrtrach in her tiith year. Oswald-ln Woolwich TIL, Jun. IUlli, Mary Weiss, wife oi Michael 7.. Oswald, aged 51 years. IIarnmond-Ncar Linwmnl. Jan. Isl, Mrs. Thos. ttar-mi, in her 75th year. y;chnutlt--At Herlin, .l.m. ml], John George Schmult' in his Tith year. Heckner--At Berlin-Waterloo hospital, Jill]. 81h, Louis Mvckmer, agrvl28 years,.', munths and 27 days, _ y,arnke-At Pemhroliv, Jan. Ith,Mrs., (RI-v.) Zanilm, d.tughlet at Mrs, Stems of llcitlclhclg, in lwr tinth‘ year. 1Iecbtdrtrn--.ht Benin, Jan. Nth. Mrs Iirckedorn, 'isteu-in-law at Mr Martin Schmidt “I Waterloo. ES NOT INSANE 1;. doughtcr of Mr. and Mrs Hy. Sachs. oi Irespeler. Mathivsi--ihricht--0ee. 31st, Ilotiy Mullhics of Tavistock to Venue Bersvht. Shantz-lmiweiler-Neur Itrv Lui, Doc. Milli, by Bishop Jonas K'Iydth n! “Mellon, Mary Arm 311‘lech 'laugh- lcr of Mr. and Mrs. Noah "etnvvil- er lo Titus Shaun. of mar "er- News Noun-TI. them, a Blen- ud Owe at 'ttmr have" on - In, Jan. 11th Ionian being UM at the Cress-min church. Quite “up number at people "and out to pay their latte-pee“ one at their old 19$th bortc--Mr. and ers. Josiah Ha '0! (tannin. Alta., renewed. tenu- hero 'lor I tew days. a glad to see that the north I vigi'ees so well with tttttr-Mists ah Buchert has gone to Grand " to visit her sister, who is well, Flutssie Haug has gone to Thonu, ior a tew tco_-God. Thompson, formerly in employ ot A, C. Alma", is renew- ,ing acquaintances i lib neighborhood. ;lle looks hale an hearty alter his _t'sosyhr" in the _ wesL-Shaiiag and hockey are what the young Peo- ‘ple have been enjoying tor sorue time tast.-Mr. Chas. Weller has startvl cutting ice. It is quite a gum] 1hick-, ness.-Mr. J. M. Sclnulel ulm With quite sick fora " days we ate glad to report is around again as! usual-Mr. Oscar Ikssler, and Miss Beulah Uessler are improvmg alter being on the sick list.- Wrddiug'bells are ringing at the home of John Dc- dels. Their daughter, Miss Mary Ann, was married to Mr. Chas, Woodson. un Wednesday, Jan 1'tth, Congratulations -Mr. Ema hunt. who has .lu-en very sick with pneu- monia, Wt', .ill- gladto {Hunt is quin- well agaitt_--Vernon Colusr In spending his holidays under the par- ulildl root. Srhwui tzvr--Saehs-ht, Hespelvr clttu (all), Norman Schumann forum-Hy of Slralinrd in Flossie Sachs, "rt- Assalry, the Syrian murdou-r all llawkeshury. will lose both legs, nut] is not expected to tire. In: m HY MAN'S MAGAZINE We mirth!!! q,ierees so well thtun,-Mists an Buchert has toNrand B " to visit her MARRIAGES DEATHS Fiostue Saws, Ill] Mr. and Mrs Hy After considering the tenders for the carvtaking ot the Tp. Hall it was moved hy W. Hastings, sec by A. P. Irammeiet, that Pat. Birmingham be caretaker of the Tp. Hall for the year 1900 at a salary of 87.50, to scrub the ttour, furnish lights when required and put in window panes. Carried. Moved by A. P. "ammeier, sec. by A. [mm-I, that the following accounts be paid and that the tetive leuC his ordvrs in payment of tin: same as follows, Viz.', Carried. Moved by A. P. Dummieer. by J. Reidel, (but this mum“ do now adloum to meet Again the first Mon- day in February 1909, at this Tp. Hall, Crosshm, 10 o'clock LII]. cur- tied. The consideration of the tenders for the lownship lor the current year 1909 then Inllowrd and after due con- sideration, it was moved by W. Hast- ings, set. hy J. Rude], that the Wei- leslcy "Maple Leaf," ll. Kaufman, proprietor, waive the printing lot the Township of Wellesley for the year 1909, ior the sum ot $80.00. Car- ried. E. R. Weber, rep. bridge . -.. $100 McAllister Co for rock elm plank 3.25 V. otterhein, gravel to pathmas- ters, .', P. ac. [.tre ... Fr__ .l M. 7.80 L. Mogh, dug tax reiumted '.."". 1.00 II. H. Jackson, gravel to path- masters _....ete. .rrt.V l. l.w.rte_ __.. 2.56 Jac. Salon, graselling [It-noon- tract .m..er.N._r_ .. . .. .n ...r_. 1b175 The Linwood News, balance print- _ ing was in lull '..-t 'tmrs. b.rm.. moo Jos. Brenner tor plank on road- Moved By A. P. Dammcier, sec. by W. Hastings, that By-laws Nos. 614, “15, and lilti, as tilled in herein! a third time and passed. Carried. Cornmunichtions, bills a. it sccounts one then read an. cousiucrcd. Among them being a :ctition signed by L'. C. "ieienlvacher and 1'22 olhcrs, praying this council to recorcsidvr the appeal oi the By-lar granting a bonus to the building ot wire fences, bounding on certain toads in this municipality, and asked this Board to grant a bonus, in this direction for two or more years. The council preferred not to act hastily on this request, and took no action now. may w.r..rrttPr. .. r.P_rrV_. .... _ Frre. .. 1.25 cus. Gusset, dog tn refunded 1.00 W. J. Begs. collector's “my. N. 5 west section ............. 32.00 V'.S., and J. ottman assistant Fsani- tary Inspwlnr, Medical Health om- cor and Sanitaly Inspector, D. Mc. Bachem. _ On motion by A. P. Dammcier and A. B. Robertson, committee resumed m open council. In By-law No. 616 to appoint the local Board oi Health, the following names were written in by the chair- man, Tir..: A. B. Robertson, reeve; ehairman, Peter F. Sciu1mmer, clerk, D, Mch'achern, ILO., J. Greenwood, The Council then went into Com- mittee oi the Whole on By-la'ws Nos. Gll, “L3 and tili'r. Moved by A. B. Robertson, sec. try A. P. Irammvier, that .l. Roldcl be citairman of said corumittee. Carried. In Bylaw No. iit4 to appoint as- svssms, the following appointments Wett' madc: F. II, Knight for the whole oIthe western section at a salary oi $80.00, A. McDonald for the south half of the teastern section at a salary of $50.00, and J. Lorenz for the north half of the. eastern section at a salary at $10.00. in "y-law No. 615 to appoint audi- lots for the year 1909, the names of J. M. ticully and Jos. Hayes were in- serted. l It was moved by L. fleuiel, see. by R. Lintick, that By-law No. - dor the appointment at Assessors to assess the Township of Wellesley tor the year 1909 be read a first and second time. Carried. Moved by W. Hastings, set by A. P. Drumneier, that By-law No. - for the appointment oi auditors tor the year 1909 to audit the accounts ot the corporation ot the township of Wellesley fur the year 1908 be read a tirst and second time. Carried. Moved by J. Reidel, sec. by It. Lintwk, that by-law No. - to ap- point the local Board of Health, Me-, dical Health officer and Sanitary In-l Spector, 1n and ior the Township ol i1clletiley [or the year 1909 in pur- suance of the Public Health Act, of Hist. he read a first and second time, Carried. Moved by J. Liut'k, that by The minutes ot the last. session in 1908 and the intermediate proceed- ings were read and cotttirmed by the members "elect." Council adjourned at l2.l5 pm. They tv-atssctpbied at 1 o'clock 11.11]. All members present, A. B. ttotp utson presiding. They in once-procecdul to examine the different By-laws handed to them by the clerk. The lolloviu members subscribed the declaration and qtsalitivation ttd once: A. B. Robertson, Reeve, A. P. Dalmatian Deputy Reeve; John Reidel, Wm. Hastings and Rom. Lin- tick. councillors. . Tie meeting opened in reguluJorm, the Reeve took the chair. " mankind CM d “a all, at Voile-Icy “that" not a Tow-sup Hall, Ora-lull. Hold-j tith day at JUL, "09. ll o’clol tbeJoIenoon. lug-II _ I. a; _ - ' _ "a... 1mm. tf ?gt'l'iiRiiirerii'iliit: " My _ T h, Tir.:-. _ 't '_,,'--', - V tuasmt .1 1tqlr?,1?i,iic Th. lamina Council ot an T. m seqrr, y-Reevo up at Wellesley "eieet" met . "-1990! the, . c. Sky and A. l'l'ITl'LR F .%'A'HI'MMFiR, " 'Clerk, 377.61 t Rev. J. A. Macdonald, editor vl the, Glohp, speaking relative in a rumor that he was In succeed Ilun. A. U. MacKay as leader ol the Prm vincial Liheral Opposition, drclarvs he has no parliamentary amb'itions whaicvor. NU PA RIJA M F'.NTA RY AMHITIONS Moved hv Mr. Mailman, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that this Council now adjourn to meet' again at the Tp. Irall, an Saturday, February Ml: at 10:50 o'clock an". tenet: limo A. H. Geiger, snow plow . . 7.!" A. Rude", extra labor on wild 4,00 Moved by Mr. Htaurvr, summed by Mr. Shaw. that Levi H. Snyder be appointed wlleclm‘ or the ctnnmuied Sta1ule Labor for the Police Village of Bridgeport. Jiorsi by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Hallman, that leave be given the mover to introduce a by-law at. the next tsession of Counc.il to prnutlc for the aitpointtuent oi Assessors, Collectors, Fenceviewers, Poundkay- HS, and Iuspvctois under thc Jut$1, Law ior 1909. Muted by Mr. Sluw, seconded by Mr. Hallman that tho Council at the Township oi Waterloo join the Un- lario Municipal Association, and the nwcssat‘y ice oi five dollars to he forwarded for same, and that the Itveve and Clerk be instructed to sign petition changing section lillti of On- tario Municipal Act and forward same to prover destination. Moveii by Mr. Stautier, seconded by Mr. Abra, that the following "c- counts bu paid and the Home grant his order on the Treasurer fur the several amounts, vin:-- Township oi Pilkington, gravel- wire fence Wm. C. Sl ling Tp. line ' orst 2i.e5 Wm. It. Carey, salary as caretak- cr of Tp. Hall, putting shelves in vault and scrubbing tloor 20.25 Mrs. James Taylor, bonus " Moved by Mr. Mailman, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that the Clerk be and Pi hereby inst'ructed to advertise [or ten- ders tur the Township printing in hulk ior one year. Tenders to be re- u'iuxl until next session at Council, Moved by Mr. Abra, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that the Clerk send sub- scriptioms for the Municipal World for the Treasurer, Cleric, each member of tire Council and Board of liealth,and Assessors. Mmed By Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Abra, that the Reeve, Mess”. manner and Abra be appointed a com- mittee on Roads and Bridges on the west side of the Grand River er, and the Reeve, Messrs. Ilallunn and Shaw bed like (alumittee on the East side of the river. ience Alfred Ellis, bonus " lento Moved by air. llallman, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that br-law Nos. 1H8 m1 949 u now titlat in With the name! ot Merino ts, Snider and John Pome- my as Auditors [or 190:], Frederic. Sclsaeter, Esq, as member of the Board ol Health tor the ensuing 3 gears together with Dr. Adam Tttons- mm as Malia-1| Health Otticer and A. ‘S. 1uuthoefrer, vs., as Sanitary In.- spector, be read the thud time and passed. Moved by Mr. Abra, seconded by Mr. ts'tautrru, that tun itullnis be granted to assist in the maintenance o! tho Hospital ior sick (‘hiliiicn in Toronto. l Moved by Mr. Abra, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that by-taw No. 949 to provide tot the appointment of members ot the local Board of Health tor 1909 be read the tlrst and second nun mad and appiovad loved by Hr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Abra, that By-mw no. 945 to prune tor the appointment at Au- ditors tor 1909 be read the am and second tune. Joust Airti'w c. Han-u. " Cou- n - moi the "a: 'ieelo GALT at,,?,',),?,?,),;],?,?,',,"; NEXT MONDAY JANUARY 18TH . C. Shaw, bonus for wire tupc, Con-wk". 7 It took the chit and 01 ”seeding session were GEO. A. TILT, Tp. Clerk. 31$ wi " In.qu 10.00 vs. and is larginy'exportmi [romant- thorn Mix'lugan can now come into ('muuld by way at Sarnia, this being the only Canadian port open to it. Windsor is stall closed by order of the authorities on account ot the Ne- valence of the loot and mouth Mao case in some counties around Detroit. llamilIon Hebrews will establish & Jewish school. The bulletin then goes on to de scribe in tit-mil the plan, cans‘lru‘u tion and management of various sty- les of houses that are in successlyl opvration in different parts of Can- ‘ada. Copies of this excellent bulletin which should be in the hands of ev- ery swino raiser may be secured lree by making application to J. o. Ruth- erlmd. Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. The t'mlrargo on Michigan hay HH Mung ('.un.ul.1 has been mmoved hy the authorities at Ottawa. This hay, which is used for Yeding purpos- Ch', and is largely 'exported [romant- HAY CAN NOW ENTER. a tine bed tor brooding sows or even growmg pigs. (In some of the mbst‘ t-xtcnsire hog queuing establishments the only shelter given the sat“ ‘in winter is an old barn or shed, lined up to keep the draughts out, and1 having a constantly (wen door which affoids tree and unlimited ICC-[38$ to the upcn air. The [coding is done in the open, which compels mallard lo take a' good amount at daily ex- ercise, upon which good health so much depends. Saws thus housrd and fed on food composed nl pul'ped roots and chopped grain, bran, can, given Ill a rather dry consistency, will maintain a line condition for sugcess- ful motherhood." t T . For brood hows due to larrow in the late winter or early spring months there is no better shelter than tho movable cabin. A number ot ttttse can he ranged side by side in or mar the barn yard. it kept comfortably bedded four or live large sows will live wiy comfortably' in a cabin con- structed according to directions slim [miller on. The old. style of . rdil creep beneath a straw stack, so long as It is closed ‘on three sides, alums lune. lIdthn; ‘ " - Won, new on. " Fil g, Very mutual - " ”was "Inch oi as - Cl = L3 IN depend: upon CM " h " able housing (on a; i e _ " mount expensive” I .t% pens designed so u h -qtiht, a T men: museum“ with the? 5 season. In II tetitAiVAttrhigEt, treat sun-c with _ .m‘ - _ tor m "b“ " , "2". , 3:, has “been hue, during f _ '1? lye-rs, practically in“ w tt oi money in building cl . ":3"? houses tor their herds. "I'll; wing“ um their men or all up. u an}; ditimm in these structures “(In Tid, "tt seasons the mistake that bl; became Imam by red-on Ii; the tact that the nwlne into-d. of , showing greater vigor, exhibited-lg- 'J of ill-health In the lam ot cow-Is. ' lameness, scurliness ol skin and (who: evidences oi lack of thrift. Tht em . tlift-tcult/ from these clone hem .ig due to the lack ut examine tnhen by ' the swine kept in them. Alter re. ing lrom their comfortable beds lo _ take their food, which is ulutlly [no- vided regularly, near at hand “or in palatable condition, the pig! " themsulwsn and again return to their resting places. This mode 9! ‘l'tvin‘ A iolluwcd tor weeks and months " I season of year when outdoor lite " I uninviting, even should the pa: dun he left open. is attended with indie- lion, constipation and other terms ot sruggishness, causing weak littem, _ lack of good milk flow in (hint, star ted wtartlings and slow gainsjn older hogs. Exercise is one essential tor swine of all ages it hog raising is to be made a success, and it is in not providing this that the warm pen used for both sleeping and feeding fails. For young litters coming in' cold weather a warm pen is neces- sary, and rather close quarters are v also conducive to the most profitable gains during a bug's final iattening pvriod, but at no other time in a lung's life is close housing adeantag- eons.

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