Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Dec 1908, p. 5

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A,..._.__. ._V ---- - v' V at Met. we ret/a an T salon-m. and i. A. 'i, .%etass of Dillon, lama, n gt Quays ot um week with Irieuils /,,.trsrP-, Wesley Mercer has return- "3‘ Iron the West and has taken a Crorrittuss in Mr. J. D. Mum-rs stole _ it 'ueadw.--A number ot mm... "itr'ryhse were entertained at the mum: E’ d In. Jacob Conrad, Waterloo, last Fstr My, by he German Convex“- a; ,tir4..-ae. U. to. Jan-cu ot 2?" . = name his mother has [tg Die-II- lnub “and ut ttte *4. “still!” been I' _ . to. m Mutton Bum: W"‘ "eev at.-istroiastahen' by In. _ _ _ d atittoec--Htsts Alberta New”! h "an; . couple 1i,i1if ‘m.-ll. m In. J. w.) mu- -"'r, u, an. _..__....e_. ___-ee-" “on Club. They report. having had II double tirms.--W. Haney the ”IQ-driller has tiaialted his work but: minimum; an ample supply ol fut shout. 200 tech. Besides the ‘I ten in drilled two holes about 31 ttet deep and in each use secured pod o"rtiowinq springs. The water ll now good tor drinking purpose-r-- The mud m; ot the Upper Cau- lk Bible Society was held in tirc mnical church on Tuesday even- 1". Dec. 15th.- Rev. Roadhouse de- “Voted the annual address.-- Misses Alva and Emma Dunks: weat um. Wednesday and Thursday in Wallclr qteim--hrrs. Pearce ol Wallenstcin - taat Thursday attauoou with In. W. L. Badiey.--Mr. and Mrs. B. Rowe of Fergus called on 121- nm Jriends on Friday.--Mr. and 1-328, Josh. Ililbum ot Hullin, spun: N Thursday with “Tends in mun. rut. David Fear spent last Thursday in Gueiph.-Miss Salome “an visited kinds in Guelph last week.- Mr. George Aumun has returned from an extended business trip in the Wesc- looms. Weber, Weichel and Luckhanll {W a Directors' and Genenl 'Shareholders' meeting oi the Gordon Pulp and Paper Co., in Toronto last Thursday.--Miss Ethel Reynolds mt St. Jacobs spent last Thursday with Hits Edith Behrems.--Mr. Album Kaurauui' and Mr. Herbert K. Knuu left on Monday to wore urthc lum- ber lamps of the Gordon Pulp and Piper Co. at Dryden, ont. Pre-tion.-- On Friday Honing, Dec. 5th, the playing manners of ttie Elmira Baseball and Hockey trams surprised one oi their memlwrs, Mr. Andrew Ziegler and presented him With an address and a beautiful rock- cI. In a lew wvl1-choseto remarks Mr. Ziegler thanked them fot the houot bestowed upon hun and 1itritctl Hill to give a helping hand u‘heucwr wanted-mer. Wright of Fungus any acceptably ftlled the pulpit] in the Me- Mist Church hen: on Sunday cveu- ing and Rev. Roadhouse prvaclwU the Sunday School Anniversary sermons in Fergus and also assisted at tiw an meeting on Monddry evening.-" Mullen oi Elma occupied the pulpit In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday hitcmoon in the absence of Itch Hunilton, who Is ill. . ln-consequence ol the good sleighing I on Saturday there was a brisk tratric l in the village, old and young pcoplo trom all directions taking advantage, ot the good roads to enjoy a sleigh-i ride. A. Ruggle do Sons general store was accorded a hearty patronage and _ it was alter ll o'ctock below the, doors could be closed on the last' cuBtomer.-Rev. Mr. Eilert was at) Duhwood last Sunday, assisting in at church dedication service.-Amorttt re- cent visitors here were: Mr. and Mrs. l Albert Lehnen. of Berlin; Mrs. John B. Mosh, ol Ayton; Messrs. John Edier and F. Wenger, mochnnics, of Elmira; also a number lrom Wallen- min and other place-Mr. Lambert Ruth is on his annual round. hutch- ering tor those requiring his scum-s He makes short work M the "grunt- ers.".-" Friday altoi‘noon. Dun ml. the teachers of our public school will have a review of various subjects taught the scholars during the last school term, Parents and friends of the scholars are invited to attend.-- Uur (Irma lrienda are reminded that the German "ta1ender," publish- ed by Rittinger a Mott, ol Berlin, (or the your 1909, in now on sale at “null! &Son's general stow. Brieisr--Our Puhlic M'huol intruds to hold a concert in the school room on the 22nd inst, A good programme I: being prepared --Mrs, Stun of Lis- Intel spent a few days “Uh Mend: Mee last were-Miss Edna oakrm - last, week In BNIIn.-Mts moh- In! Spies who has been y-ttttmot to - home tor noun:- length ot time tP- Ilhl in about the mm- br.ith, - - Mruapterrr "I Wnllmwdn won 1S.ttory a Mr. Ptaht'n on s'%sdar.-- .u. Mun Am In: am an athqtt, a Irer.rfeN _ um "tre “no. lull-mu t'itk','itiiii,t2 “saw “in; ‘11: but“ a» 3:.- "y- 1tUll'lte, t15rc2i= HAWKIS‘IELL . FLOIA DALE CrEETI {AMI-u waging _ a. uh Bd LGi"iCriiiihtCNtriiH " mum-- "tets. F 'e' " u t. ___ w. anna 3w v” “hill but - i no“ to in: all! with!“ In“! Mm M “in -rinq tr PM“ aw um- than! " m an km. an WWW cumin-cums; con and “tile Hum minnow! w win. be in son. an»: lad MI thumb draw-1 into an mm. having ii iostanuy severed um his band, upon which“ In " the a. would; (linen. rm e, - ttaatitg mow/ed, dis. eloud " an» may wed in the thumb ttd the mitten. Me mu at can that to or. - Hogts onion in Plum. who dread the wound ad Herbt. is not doing as well u on be "pectad.-Hiss Grace Detwilel was: but“: visitor to Berlin on -day.-cMr. Wesley 2431 in: unnamed item a short an with mauve: and friends at Windmill Ind Bluovue. He has since engaged with the Bell Telephone ihr, Waugh“: uni Blucvnc. He has since: elapsed with the Bell Teiephomti-'otr', ot Gait, who are at present. Ming, (or the placing at uni: underground 'wimts.-Mims Lin M. Dannie: has re- sumed her studies at the Gait Colle- yaw Institute alter an etstoteedab- sencc of 59m: weeks owing to iii- ness-We are sorry to learn that Mr. H. Uimbel is on the sick 1ist.-Wrs. E. linker ot Berlin, visited her mt Mrs. Jame Hewitt last week-Mr. Adam Scherumu. Mr. R. Bticknell and Mr. Levi Gem went to Guelph km A live bird about. was held at the Waterloo park on Thursday given by Mr. Albert E. Herself. of the City Hotel. The names ol those participa- ting and the scores are as tollowtc-- Thursday The growing attendance at the Ber-l lin Business College has again made larger quarters necessary. The en- tire upper floors of the two handsome blocks next the Market are being fitted out with spacious class-rooms, commercial senior and junior, short- hand, typewriting, stationery. cloak and wash rooms and foe omccs. highling, heating and equipment will be unsurpassed. These premises are central and yet tree from the noise ot passing cars and ot the Home ot King street and which has at times, [born a serious hindunco to study. W. J. Marshall, Waterloo, 4. M. Scully, Benin, 5., L. Bowman, Berlin, 5. q A. E. Ilergott, Waterloo, 6. E. F. Seagram, Waterloo, 6. W. witt,,Beriin, 4. Geo. A. Bruce, Waterloo, 4. W. Becker, New llambuxg, 5 New equipment is being added. Rome twenty machinns mll warm- tcle “c- typewriter equipment. An- other tcaclter is Hing engaged nnd (our inskmton will br, cr, r'v-h' at four instructor! will Fr, M 4"” at all times. Under i' . " .1119") at Mr. W. D. Euler, luv college has be- come our ot ttw Inn-M in Western Ontario, and hundreds ot young pm- ple have gone- lrum it into business lilo. Buslnrss mm will note that the usual phone number i'00 may be "and in culling tor 0mm twlp, Iternoviu will lair place during l'hristmu wegh and the winter term opens Jan. I, MEETING OF WOMEN’S MUSICAL CLUB The turmirus tt' the “mum‘s Mu- sicial Club met at the ham:- nl Mrs H. M. Snyder nu Saturday gunmen when I tew hon.- who plnnanlly span. "t'hrisintes mumr" was the whim! M an hmrumng pup" by Mn. W. Brrittttopl, Benin. and wittt Vocal sou-cums by In IL J. mm a! - Me Down, a vml M by It Authe- ull Re a.- mum mun-:3 W. J. Marshall, T. M. Scully, ti. t L. Bowman. 9. A. E. Hergott, 8. E. K. Seatiram, 'd W. Witt, 8. Geo. A. Bruce, 9. W. Beaker, "i.' "*v Gus Kuntz, ti. Chas. Hamel, ‘5. W M A. E. Hergott, F.. F. Seagull], W. Witt, 8. Geo. A. Bruce, Gus Kuntz, 8. Chas. "angel, 8. I). C. KunV, 6 Huh. Kuntz, 5 H. F. Seagmm. 3 W. Witt, 3. Geo. Bruce, 3. 1.. Bowman, 3. M. Scully, fi. Gus. Kuntz, 1. D. C. Kuntz, 5. Herb. Kuntz, 5. W. J. Marshall, 'd Sweep No. 2--Tea Birds Swecp No. 3-.Tvn mm. LIVE BIRD SHOOT Sweep No. 1--Six Birds Sweep No. i-Six Birds LARGER QUARTERS J. Marshall, 7 Scully, 8. Bowman, 8. Enamel-d the Whiter Fair tggtktutaN't; . 3.: _.'-. "His, 1 by. war u up have rid-mania was = le, at de.. a! "mrtitsitttt, M an 'ltct'l'tlf,t3/llltei, a a... any Nina. tt ‘11!”th wim‘h' = -q-mnrtoeroee Cqmyol Intimolw . taf ttUt",',',".',"',,"".',', MD“ and. In. a on do“ a ' , w l Mo ' doubt 69 at W' prim. ' ’iw'i. Gui-rm hint " St- Jaeobl. 0.13. and III-slain C. pa. w uh on All "ik 'Yiiit--" but? on“ a- - new! and” a: ' at an " pa shun lot ma.. WIN. to: “than. ' ALBERT ucyus. Waterloo, ' mos. was“, cum. Autiomem. 50-“ Dec. IO.- Mortgage sale ot brick house, at Berth. Jan. t.-Puretrred Shotthorn -cat- the! C. R. Gin, i mile west at Heidelberg and 1 mile cut ot St Clements. C. R. (MES, Proprietor, Jan. 5ttc-Varm, stock and imple- ments ot Mr, Gleam: E. Thoma; 3 mils nontheut of Berlin, and l mile out ot Cenkeville. . A Dec 22nd - Farm sGee - and implements ot the‘lato ~Vmuna Otterheiu, Lot No. 2, Concession 5, Eastern section Towtrshiiot Welles- ley,, " miles south of St, Clements. ALBERT MICK US, Auctioneer The social and sale oi Work held un- der the auspices of the Ladics' Aid. ot the Methodist Church Thursday" afternoon and evening proved an event of much interest, a largo number he- lng in attendance. The lecture mom was attractively tlworatcd in red and white tor the occasion and the booths which were prettily arranged comprised iancy work, homemade cooking. grocery and candy booths} Fancy and uselul articles suitablé tor' ‘Xnias gilts were Mtred at. very rev-, unable prices and many purchases were made which will go to gladden and make bright the Yuletide season. Bread, cake and other articles were otiered in the homemade cooking booth, while the candy booth con- tained a rich and varied assortment oi delicious sweets. Jrrresiod," and MN miles souuxunsl ul Fraction. ' GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer Dec. 18th.-F'mrm, Stock and Imple- ments of Thos. Crawford, , mile west ot Linwood. Dec. P2.-Farm Stock and Impkt- ments ot Menno S. Weber. 2k miles north at Watotloo. _ BAZAAR WAS A Fob. M.-Katar, Stock and Implo- ments or Levi Gehl, two miles west Dee. 5ui.--flesidertt and Bakeryot Ezra M. Martin, at St. Jacote. _ In the evening a musical program was lurnished, selections being given by a vocal quartette and an instru~ mental trio which added to the pleasure ot those present. A little girl, May' Wildgust, algo sang a n9m- ber ol selections in a pleasing 1mut- ner. Relreshments were also served, and a pleasurable and enjoyable few hours spent by those in attendance. ROBT BRIUKNELL, Auctioneer A meeting ul the Waterloo Curling Club was held on Thursday evening at the rink when Skips were chosen ior the coming season. The club is in splendid condition, the membership this ynr being about sixty, a con- siderable advuce over lust "Br.' Following are the skips ehotrrni- For tho Moore Cup and Outs) " "and" of Tunic win held on Monday rvming and was In“)! nut-Mod. The meeting was culled In order to disruxx the matter of inwrswihchlhu, and alter careful comtideraUon " was decided to draw up I resolution lo the effect that thr Berlin, Waterloo, Wellesley and Luke Huron Ruth")- ('0. be “In-d to hue qrttlicatiort Bruce, Co, be ”In-d to have npplicuion made to the Dominion Govunmt io have In not pasted bringing the road under the )uriuliction nl the Dominion Railway Communion. -We Iain-had that the church“ at Wylie-k7. 2h. Third Lino all "eu" "" out! to {M met, J. B. Snyder, J. J. A. Wel . B. Bricker, W. J. Sterling. For the Ontario Tankard Gums. Wm. Iro and ELF. W311). For the f,Ulr"d, Cup -caiiiietition (13m. w, U. Woichel and W. J, Sterling J. Hrtrprler, H F, mg, F. G, Hugh's, M. turder,f. f. Auctlon Salas SPECIAL MEETING SKIPS SPLENDID SUCCESS O amt-n numb-u. Ottt CHOSEN D. C. aunt! WW1. (300 J. J. A. Weir Seam W "and“ at, I" V .mM‘ to 'tteitt2'drtal'.l'lt/ m: 'tttWe-V can u "A," ou, by” " warn 0".un , yum old, in: mm 4 In” o0tt, howl hon- 3 ram old lint by King: Coin. _ . ". ". L Slims www.430- M)‘ Jan" in! dttet ttt can in [ob-f Jaw oov‘ [mil aha Sou, cow tsut'tpumd to be in all: . PURE BRED tgHoRTHOtiN CAT- TLE.-mper Ann Mttt No. 3955! D.' s.H. bud April 20th, nu, “may Rosy No. 15061 D.S.H. bred Jun N, IMW, Lady Genuine No. mm 0.3. 39,257.51} H. with 3 not“: and bull all " side; College Comm No. 31011 0.8. H. Med Nov. 33. no: and with " mmttttauald bull all " aids, red hei- ler " months old, row holler H months old. BthiL6.-ts'iouiah Mamhir No. was as“. sired by Spicy Alumni: (imp) dam. Scbttish'Qaeeu (imp) row bull It months old, red bull " mus. old, tom hull 12 mos old. Pedigrees will be (uznishml am: an: tor muse Bot yet mustered. " F, iMPLEMENTS. L 1s'TU.-- ' Hussy-i Harris 7 it binder nearly may, Frost) and Wood b' ft (mower (mw), Faust) and Wood b' It cultivatorwith sese.ter) nearly 'tew,)itstner seed drill, 3 furrow Preston. gang/plow, 3 turt"ow Wilkinson gang plow, nearly '. new; a single plows, potato digger, iron barrow ' 2 seamen, spade barrow, 2' sugar beet litters, turnip pulper, tanning mill, grindstoue,iamb'er ivag- on with box nearly new;, lumb'cr “a- goo, 13 ft. box with stock rack, dou- Me sleigh, top buggy, one horse tar- riago; cutter, 'haynck, stoneboat, wrterlbtTrow, Alr tr.. extrusion ladder step ladder, Jyoddi'ack, grain cradle, scythe, ' wuipletrees and neckyukcs, ending»: da, graiit bags, bag truck, bug noisier, prosscut' saw, wed- tres, ~gmvol planks, 3.5013 double harness, single harness, string bells, horse Mathis": sets flynets, l?, wlies, rug..iorksvrtuiess, hogs, shovels, axes, hayUife, m. - Alyo about, 400 bush; turnips; 4'...- : .' _ L,3? , Plus, ETU.-S breeding miws, 7 pigs, 35 nice. old, 10 pig " mos. old. About " Bull Orpitritottawui a number ot White Rock mounts. T TIli) s.,zglk'ri poultry, turnips and hunky no and under, cash; over that amount A: months' credit on approved john notes or 5 In cent on , r loc'cash payments of credit amounts. ,1loUp'IEHOLD‘EEKFazgis:f§§;ssl-)' Harris creamhcba't‘at'or (new); {iron kct-iles, g" tubs, 6 chairs, '.? :bcd- tsuwirc,stashgtNsAi, Justinian milk box, sink. . GEO. G. CLASS, Auciiota?er MENNo S. WEBER, Proprietor MEN NU DEVI'I‘T, Clerk MF2t LADIES' AND CHILDREN 'S We show the Inn-goo}. stock of Ladiu Mantle: in Berlin, not! our atyloa no the best. and latest to be found in the trade. If you ur. any dimculty in fusding . Coat to unit. you And tlt you I). sure sud see our stock. We've got the best and no calling them Br, grout rodeionl Indiu' Co?- worth from 10.00 to 12.00 for 7.50. uduCCoats worth from 12.50 to 18.60 for 9.50. Ladies' Costa worth from 10.00 to 1 .00 for 12.90. - - - _ ' Mind aa%iairiiiis sad in pretty dark colors in All sizes for up. 14 to 18, spocill at 5.00, 6.00 Ind $7.50. ' ChiH-u (“N-0- A Hg n-Mmont " a" Huh and nireo "in mnteriat, and in ml: r. of rcvr, bromot, red, green and mixed "reedr, quit! TANCY MINE CtAMTrlR THROW I only link throw, mum nut-I Doubt. 'ht arms! my nay-2.“.- hietiiid MINK TIE?! I only natural mink he, no irxhe long. trimmed with , heads. and l hill. branded silk lining. worth I!" ulal' 311501"! N l .l Wrr _tll, 3 only mmm hulk-my ties all nat uni mink skins, all redmrml 'r'so um! ‘10, 811.50. n 2.50, 3.00.150. 4.00 to 95.00. Q fiiiil?.l.! ‘ ‘ CN I . ( _. " u " :7": I: It . a, " . " I It' A.“ b I h'i) 1iil9 , ' (sl) l c " , - of? , "tttIll Ill $35 jllllt,',/ii' In. 's, _. ' , = '(f/, ‘ C, , x ltd , l! J, - , M T"t) It LT _ i‘ l I I i/ Ii! rMFr "fi), I , / (rr)" if p, ._ ' J , _)' lil I l (t, " F-TC g , j':) () I I l l " EEMJQ.‘ ‘ I li I , W , "si..,.. f) " lillii , Mt mums m, and H worth reg- 'cr _ $15 Fine Furs for Christmas at SpeeialrReductions I nah; Double mink starts, .72 II trMr, ‘hnhlnl _ mink lriran , Tin-id ornaments and mm '. .ggulll Mo " .wwr' .. _ FFPt M. Demo“. 1998 HOWPUM in. gear 39-15: in. to”. T ' 'i,,rfe"C'" ' um. are»: com w my hull. rum, 2 you: and. ' than t put an, ' 1min; calve- mu as who: oi chums. emtiat-edt'est on ."drtr# “mum. up “out“ "Nath ”may, sit.' wuzmswovu- can: scum. a. W, "rdsAaa6 Maul. Maaattetrd. under. new. hymn. was» “a. nun. "not Nassau. - and WW. top buggy, $wo amazon; "my w; plow. two wooden rattan, disc. burrow, straw cutter, puller. scale. ttarfore, tops and when, bag truck. no new team lumen; wrt' uh ., t ' ”tut-glohrnm.2umpdv-\ on. forks, ghouls and my outer] nuclei too 'Mummy" to mum. . 't'ERi-ChieV Md all all of 810 and under, cult; over that “want 10 months' cud“. on uppxovv ed joint notes or A per cent. t ed joint notes or 4 per cent discount on per annual tor cash puymentl ot credit nmwnls. Th- will be sold by Public Auction " the Doon Hotel Stock Yuan, Doon, Wednesday, Dee. 23rd. 1908 commencing st 2 o‘clock sharp 20 hold of Com, com thin Holstein antiwar!) and". p 8 . 29 tiood.ttetiytr Ewen. supposed to 12 head of Young 'Caule, Steer- and Heifm. _ T The new" are summed to be fresh The oowu are 'ent,','.', tobe fresh bt.ettp.Pseuut _. Ay!ril at. 1909. TERMS-410 Gdn-iiir"iGd'it" (551p. proved ucurily. Dinonnt 6 per cm“ per wnum oft for cub; T John Wilson. A, Amen. J.M. Nipes, l 1;, Prop. Auctioneer. Uierk. 5, . . Midi-nab ll, 3-3.. V NEW FIRST CLASS Team Harness This in . genuine bargain. Call a my store and be convinced. Highest prices paid for Raw . Furs VAL. OTTERBEIN, _ HENRY OTTERBEtN, Execute” ALBERT MICKUS, AW HARNESS MAKER. Queen St. A.’ L SattIer Double mok mils, “0 itwhe Wrimmod with treads and tails CARLOAD OF CATTLE. $3tt tor MINK SFARFS AND IH‘II'II‘S A Snap complete is otNrm1 for salt at Auction Sale ttfit $30 "HIV "A”! “‘93 , at: Au- ' 'i ' r i' A t, Con. Jtllt . o u . " w' Ghnstm Mttith ut 50. as COATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS Incl-c" wit h Berlin. " rlh re .uli " trd sat: null: m mum an imper-I m IyMtlitqrt,.rerttti,,M.tn and my tth " " i EiAiii.-vrii.er 'rtt BERLIN pug-.3»!- Control-tad Gunman- Cushion!»- mend- can I‘ll-I) mummluchnd‘ Conch --'. annnn'v’ [ik"NEC. from” Oil-lilo Omaha Clublan- WE: lucid. M In; Due-nor 00m D’Oyllu Gel! wsuti" Glove! - Cashmere Andi Ringwood ( Lemma, let, an . Eidudown 'A",',','? Eidadown Cotton Embroidariec Faktnators, Fun gather ttt one, Good: Malena Funnel- No Need to Wear aStraw Hat iriiiiticci Ladle. In... Ent- 'h%ed','Pi " PM... 1!. compile-on. of our vary but “yin. strictly I: It than in a uric!) of it. and onion. trimmed with Magi. tMtwet% velvet ribbon- and 0mm - who rum from " u 81 Take your ounce at just halt prion. _ no!“ 9.9m yet-18m; ly. lot. -uty or. u..._...a smell mam-THE EH1 ilifEd,- 'tiiliel2'Stet 61d /eiGi%rd iAiii.' -G.OiiiG iria one becoming to you. trtlur price was " to " Choose new a“. Wonfon's Buck an. $3.50. Your Charles at a good m different shapes. A "gull:- $5.00 hat ngw $3.50. _ y S. B. BRICKER & CO. We hsve at!!! the I“!!! "ttttk o! ”18' trirmrt" m In them. We must. 'etS'A'ifh"lh1 the nut kw hooks. to he. in your - _ Sable mus. RI ch" lm, wmll Sabin Inns, w Sabin rum. w Sable tufts, u _ Raw mm. In FINE snnu Ladies' Trimmed Hata at about Halt Reatttlar Page $35,000 Stock to select from. - .I ' , Corner King and Erb Streets, Waterloiro" nu] Inegnosa MILLINEBX "ttlt $ttt tor tur, tlg, $22 $ll tot rth “I! will. M.", commencing from now we will all husky fun ttttitat.'.. L. ITiorr. at0ttsd, J pan-0W tttths 'i?i"ifiii9,'el5 Inhm'l Baotou-ad lulu-tea [aunt'- Jacket: iiii,5tifiigttt'P" Mfti. been all-over for - I Inca Tm]- Knithd Woo} Vat- IUI-onu - . Kin: can (not Y.sert [99891. Linen Itiie, '1“ lawns I mun] Mitt!- Hantlo Dru!” Mea's Ban knows-fl Millinery. Ont rich Feathers Natural Wool Vesta and drawn“. Neckwear. Fun, Ere Napkin- ttt 313.50 $1: Fine While “Hum stoic in but dittereeA “an; (m ' i I'msmn Umit has ht good u T cull SIG. 315 teh, Cl Mums m matvh in nu than, 'ttt $2tt and t02,Mt. . WIH'I' F, TIBET STOLI'JH PERSIAN LAMB THROW am 800!!! am ,rortt If” M worth " M "r' wank-M41 lamb Inns In good all KitTiiiGi," Tobe Tow tih+hrto '-: T sic. sci-'5 -- L gut. EL 325W“; 'tlFifff'i?i,ttp= Midi -Ldiak 309 atom.) our" w-atm.', luv-7 not gnu-dub. my Umtaeoi1aq," W oe .pytt's .,..:-‘ __ was; _ U amu- ONTARIO

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