end tamily have been active l c in the Evangelical Church, 1 tte, where they will be great- 1 toiemed.--we are pleased to an-‘, 'it the marriage ot Mr. George tter, Kurtzville, to Miss Sophia ot the 3rd Con., Wallace, on . ' Dec. 9th. by the Rev. Charles _ ot Kurtzville.--The Bell Tele- .- Co. have gone over their line "t ot Georgetown, as there has been T durable trouble in the rings es- Flly from the central oihee. mratmal.--Mrs. John Schmidt of , m, is staying at the __ ot her brother Mr. Peter Wied- .--Mimrrs. Fred Wiederhold of Mon and Samuel Wiederhold oi _ re called at the home of ' brother Mr. Peter Wicdcrhold _ has hem ill for some time. - . I. M. I. Adolph, Henry Farn- and Gustave Nickel were boon; those who attended the Wire" M Fair at Guelph last week.-- Mrs. l Mm Richter of Hamburg is visit- {be at the home of Mrs. Charles (hi " _ .--Mr. Levi Karges had the mis- to break his leg while butch- I'lng one day last week-Mrs. Jacob r II had the misfortune to break "an“, having slipped in the wood- a V. II Ill no ‘ . - _ ot bot8 ' V Melt, tor “all I A r " and Pub ' , M yltttet wilt" he†' '9 's " come-ting at. My†wstoome.-Mi" ; h Ill a! a- W Fttle I Mt2 "twia*aseot at thr- I WM 'tr In“ holidays . h' - b.rey.-Wrs. Goo. D. l “‘1 hxlutuphome‘ ' q w. and In. H. Door- , . put. C. R. Giett speat Mg h GRIPII, attending the , r 'r. A. Mimna who Ins - ,9! the ,niilicery depart- I . O. J. Stein? store, re- Bl " hone tn wsrdssvil1trThts " â€no! ot the Evangelical . W bold their Christmas Res- lE"2, t n ’ Eve, Dec. HUI. awdhlly invited, --A huge with our burg “tended thel "gill. Brenner, St. Clements,, " afternoon. The stock and ' ot the late Val. ()ttcrbc'm , tn order to relieve the intense Ntmrtion oi the unemployed at this Province, who seem to gather in the - centres during the early win- k: months, it has been decided by 3&0 Alsociated Charities to open a mu Imploymcnt bureau in Toronto. {mug-'nppeal is being sent, broadcast 18:01:31: the Province to the manufac- 1ttimrrr, farmers and all people who â€Inlay labor to eo-operate in this hark; and it is earnestly hoped that forum needing help ot any kind, skill- ad It unskilled, will apply direct to rho "Toronto Free Employment Bur- Tut." " Victoria St. it" The Bureau already has hundreds 3%: mic men willing to undertake " ol any kind that may he altered in. who prefer work rather than . oft-n. Dec. lr-The city ot ot-l I“ In: taken the first step 10- 'tttg? establishing (an a larger scale 1“ capital a sysn‘m nl civic play- MII! ‘ a. At a special meeting or the BP. Council yesterday u by-law was . ' authorizing thr- sulnnissiun lo “ fthetors. at the coming mumupzll Ilk' 4 t of: hy-law providing fur I ‘,mdlhlre of $60,000 for that MI ' ’wndl. A committee has hmm © - ting the subject for 9mm ' - put, and its report to the . consisting oi the Iollowmg‘ tt was appointed, viz., Ezra‘ . ' Chas. Schlieman and M. T. â€II. The next meeting will be hon “at. 8th,pvhen R. I. Reds gm Minorcas will be the sub- gilor diaeussion--Mr.Danie1 Schell, Wrought, and Mr. Charles Welk- :Mh COIL, Wallace, have made an M0 In tum property. Mr. nu ma lgmilv have been active attapfty {its hip of the people in this dis- ttet In] considerably Imam the nec- ,’lty ot appeals being made lor large 'etltiq ot money to'bc used tor char- "i t Tis EMPLOYERS OF LABOR I PLAYGR‘OL‘NDS IN OTTAWA Ite h every ward, where the chit rIn pity ntl the year round strc) = " football, baseball and la . in unmet and hockey in wi; In“ try auction ANI De my; " one o'clock pau WALLACE . :1"...- a. with!“ our " tn “I 7.. cm ot both oi the (allowing ‘ l t u, Mr"', hi . . , . Ri . , I _ ii ' in LT - H 'ill5allt 'am "" f â€may Ill" lllllA F _ " on. - "re tv- to.“ iftt'ft , m*~§.w~ "" lMr,' rr '-' _ " n. I _ R' h ' t I‘*.i J?lWs','W)".is.ciihrir, tr Show." 'V " "“3 ', .r t v. iirtill,ttf'ft'fitllt , â€T, at "tMhttri" oet1tyhehrr'. 'N t " 'iir.caiiny.tsttithirA,.1t -- r; b. iii'u'iiuit-triti.ue,tttrt Jtit , - 'ltNit ot Bteat$it6it t " do! I Me deter In. “It. Masts. . n -afta. 1mm a": old m- ean t . Miami!“ “mum - I†in tgteataN.-atev. A. B. Vincent ot t er- Toronto pee-choc! he a In†end tat appreciative nudism» in the Dentist l 'be church on 3mm "tmira.-aer. J. B. 3 '" Hughes ot Wetsloo in e visitor to , gt- our town on tuturdar.-r Mlls Ross, / re- miliiner at D. a H. Becker's, bu tutt- ttrt, Mienuy recovered from her late acci- cal dent: to be about "ain.--Mr. Ind 'es- Mrs. Wm. H. Kerr spent Seturdly uh. in strattord.--Wuts Niche! and Miss me A†Chane visited friends in Gait the last saturdar.-mts New Humbug Ms, Independent is sending out n hunti- uudliui Christmas number to each ot their bein sutsscritsersr.--Mrs. Parker is eonfimsd 32" so her home through illness. - Miss Lucy Schmidt visited iriends in Strat- iord last week.-Mrs. W. H. Erhach ot Baden was the guest ot Mrs. _srs'i's1,'i,') son Merner last week.-- Mr. W. H. Weber has returned trom a trip to dent the West in the interest at the Horn- in- burg Felt Boot Cty.-- Mrs. Shanon - has returned to her home in Kenora, 'sea, after spending some time wit/h her that niece Miss cassel.--Mr. Louis Paine usual was a visitor to Toronto last week. con- --Mrs. Puddicomhe has returne'lz -mN Med Toronto where she spent some time )rder with her daughter Mrs. W. 11. Smith. .. --There was no service' in Trinity Lutheran church last Sabbath, the pastor Rev. Gruhn being in Strat- iord.-Mr. and Mrs. Beechy of Guql'ph oisited Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Messner last sunday-Right Worshiplul Bro. Holley installed the omcers ot Wilmot Lodge, Baden, last Friday evening. _ Brltls>-Mr. and MsDavid Bergcy and Miss Ida Itergey visited friends in] the neighborhood on Sunday .-Mr. Ito- bert Bricknoll oi Centreville was 21 business visitor here on Momiay.- Mr. Allan Kraechtel is spending a law days in Haldimaml county.--Mr. and Mrs. Amos Schwartz, oi Virginia re- newed old acquaintances in this neighborhood last weck.-Miss Alice M. Ware is staying with her sister near Wititerbourne this week.-Mr. Peter Shupe is conducting, a singing school in the Mennonite church' every Saturday night-Next Literary meeting will be held on su- turday night next.-Butchering is the order of the day. Rev. Sim-r preached in the Mennonite church OR Sunday evenirsg.--The' Lutheran con- gregation are busy preparing far their Christmas Entertainment. - December Wvdditig.--A quiet event took place on Wednesday afternoon‘ at 3 o'clock at the home oi Mr. John C. Erb, when his youngest daughter Sarah, was united in marriage to Mr. William Simple of Preston. The cercnony was performed by Bishop Jonas Snyder oi Waterloo. The bride received many useiul and valuable ‘giits, showing the high esteem in which she is held by her many friends. Following the ceremony the guests to the number of about forty partook of the sumptuous wedding supper which was served by the Centreville ladies. About forty guests were prfr- sent from Berlin, Preston, Breslau and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Flten- gle will reside on his beautiful farm near Preston. Mr. Stengel is well known at L'entreville, this being his birthplace. _, Brieis.--Mr. Ferdinand Latsch cap- tured two large red toxes last week; Mr. George Zeller ot German Mills also shot a tor-Our annual school examination will he held on Dom-m- examination will he held on Dom-m- ber 22nd. All are invited to attend. --The many farm sales are a source tst interest to dairymen as they are on the lookout tor fresh milch cows which are very scarce.-Mr. Ferdin- ‘and Latsch this week made the lol- lowing shipment; to Brockville: Two mocha hides, twelve skunk skins, ill- teen muskrat skins, three large mink skins, and tour lox skins. The moose hides were bought; lrorn the Blair hunting party. Mr. Latsch buys all kinds ot hides and skins tor which he pays the highest cash prices. .-Remember all Tp. taxes must he paid on or before Saturday, thh inst. F. Latsch, Collector. - Miss Ethel Bingarnan, Principal, and Miss Bella Weseloh, assistant; teachers ol our Public school, are making exiett- sive preparations for the annual ex- amination which will be held on ttec. 22nd. The Centrpviilo oxaminaiiotrs have acquired a wide reputation, and ', there is not another school in the t district; which furnishes a briter ' day's programme than prepared by , thrse classes.--The Grand river is t ""10" ornr and the vmlmr people arr (how triassces.-Thrt Gr d iver Hi . “man mum and Hm Sign ',l,vl',r,v, “7:“ll Mo Weight enyrying (hm first skate. o----------------- Hutu, AGENTS 1UNARrt'H, T,INrMENT CtHtlC4 GANG??? IN COWS. MANNIIE'.M CENTREVILLE yum. " . t 'fd aw', - . B. I" 'r" " r - " " .. - - 'iiiMll , Kitliall - " . 111:“ 'd,Tll i q . tr. a _ - EW "tMMI M; - M Ill-.!,",'. .34.; " Kiel Ill ‘éhtlw‘ï¬; J r ", B. ilEt'l " _. mgxx‘ .a, 'l k i 'lNRME= . ., in». .e “W fi " " 4Ԡ:v’ . " :n-h . _ MIME. L.†â€"4 in: xq- w ' -,, " p " ", J. q a, . . J, aw...“ R fAihill g. - J. L' J " 'y, J": P. _ 1““. . . _ittgt, 3"â€. , lil- If . , ... it' 3-" . 4.. iiiil Bt3tlll * a _ MTY', r " ' _ 'l . raiE/ig' "FRaiu, I ttttli _ l ww.. "tem a». . 'rsa& 8hhTii " 1.1u-nxyou hm a {waxy l5r"st "w - I w ', iiriraTiriiiiir,u-9jt'tFltt, Ira-u.» h Ea' , T. 1. a _ q - on 11. N I iikiFtrtti*r3,,etirtre.l,'. m! â€â€™M‘mun . “M, , 'dai?ri"iiTii"ci.ii,iiieuiPt,t.!! ta 'h'it'tP,tdt"ht=l"tl,'ll u 'l'l'dl,Td mm: to tW. CW t t',itehttret 'lnthmvg T -.. . I "nrt W tow , Bum-m St Cbmmu Wâ€, fi1elStlNldt ?ll'.'vgriild “hallway mating n Lluvouilun Wuhddontbvmol d W1 Priday ttiight MM to organise It.? mm m. The trttmion boys with l Wellesley 11.80ch Laue, with me "was! good â€Nico by I Linwood, Reiltsiey and St. c'unveaut . number ot gm hymn; lg 1 ‘us manila“. A scheduh ot games my. pun: m In.“ by them . is being drawn W) .114 mm: league in unison in the Maude hume- i games can he Luluessed in the local We could only we part of md M- , rink over the boruurc--Mr. Henry me " the dim tight of the W. 1 Weber MI been drwided upon ta cap- sm m 'iMtrsg outta 7m“ ' tain the local hockey team (or tho ot the bonsai on both sides ot the ' coming season. Ineli- Emmi loner, 3 “tin, - The sale ot Farm, Stock and 1mp1m educutcd try tho Minion, lIIW' r mums on the farm oi Mrs. Jos.Bxen. us I preached trom the text "What i net, , mile West ut the village was think yo ot Christ?" It In: B plans- 9 very largely attended and good prices ure to tell ot the virtues of Josue: - realized. Mrs. lirrnm'r will take Pow" Christ to tttese peotrte, After Mums. it session ot the housc recently bought Btbt ot our mVM,_ " - tho " in the vittage limits at an early dato. MOW. calling their people to l ------------ , prayer in their mosqua or temple. o LIMERICK. erected in this village. Anxious to 1- - learn motot these people and to get 11 Items of tnterest.--Remember the into closer touch with them we went _ _ ', _A'.,- A e u there. Iaskcd ior pegmisslon to en- The sale ot Farm, mum; on the farm I net, * mile west at very largely attends realized. Mrs. Brv ..-., . _____ very largely attended and good prices realized. Mrs. Brvniutr will take pus- session ot the house recently bought in the village limits at an early data. Items of rnterei-Remember the public school examination at B. S. No. 4, Pine Grove, Friday Dec. 18th. Che teacher Miss McKay and pupils are making every etiort'to make this annual event. a Bucci.-- The Bihle Conference at Hagey's Mennonite Church was well attended, although the weather was somewhat unlavor- able. The principal speakers Were Mr. N. o. Blosser and Mr. S. F. Coit- man of Ohio. Wednesday evening was the closing ot tho special services with twenty-nine converts'.' Sunday‘ the baptismal service will be conduc- ted. Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. .Blosser ielt Thursday morning for Markham where he will hold special services be- tore returning to his home in Ohio.-- Mr. Daniel Ludwig has sold his I tarm to Mr. Menno Bechtel, ot Bres- lau.-Mr. and Mrs. Gus Keobka and 1iiiiiisEi,i, l-ilsie, lelt Saturday for _ their home at Port Elgin, alter a F few weeks visit with friends here. - I Mr. Kinzie, milk vendor, ot Blair, _ purchased the farm of Mr, Simon q Hager-Mrs. Abram llagcy met with a serious accident two weeks ago. While working in the kitchen her foot caught in the carpet, which caused her to fall. She was lound unconscious some time later, and medical aid was called. No bones were broken, but she is still confmed to her tseyi.- Mr. John Ililborn was pleasantly surprise kd Friday evening by his mother, Hammer and sister and their families and relatives, the occasion being his {birthday anniversary. lie was pre- sented with a chair and address. The evening was spent in games, music, etc, while a full course dinner was served by the ladies present. POINT Y COUNCIL The fmal st-ssi Council lor 19 Tuesday morning g drawn up and some mm: can he Lu‘lmssed In the local we: the botidapc--Mr. Henry but been decided upon to tNW" the local hockey team tor (he THE OVEN DOOR VENIR Itange--built like a refrigerator door. The oven door has double walls, with 1% inches air space between. No oven heat is wasted. Results-less fuel /evrspiusm- penture. " That's the SOUVENIR RANQ THE GURNEV, TILDEN GO., LIHITKD. some“! " mourn“. vmcouvut. It’s insulin“! in B SOU- fmal session . Weichel & Son manna". out ssiun of We I'ouuly 1908 wid he hcld ml IK at 10 o'clock. W .\TERI.00 ", . ft/g - orth- M; w a. ttrv. A. new. do “any In Auto. rm pm - {has an: my Ateha6retrr.-- . ter. I was told that t could not. en- ter unless I took oti my shoes. I quickly removed my shoes and enter- ed the out little mud chapel in my stocking tech, and with the other worshippers knelt devoutly on the mats spread tor the purpose. F Their prayers are usually chanted, directed by several lenders in the Arabic language. At intervals the leaders give vent to loud plaintive expressions. Various postures are assumed, kneeling, prostrating their laces to the earth, leaning to-; ovards the right, and rising to their' Meet, all perlormed in unison by the iworshippers. They are drilled to per- fection in these exercises which are invested with an air ol soternnity and humility that doubtless appeals to the native people of Africa. I was privileged to otter prayer in the name of Christ as I knelt with them. They responded with men and seemed to appreciate my presence. I saw m to leave before the close at the service. Coming to town at the appointed Him: I [mind my friends at, mnyrrs again. I must hear them regard that they have a zeal of God which puts to shame many hr'nughl up under the light of Christianity. Before opening ‘our interview my colored friends de- sired to know whether the object ot my coming was to argue with them. Nam-c the wisdom of these oriental missionaries in asking so pettirtent a question. I assured them that I did not come for the sake of argument, but to compare our doctrines. 1 came for the sake ot the truth alone. Any other object would be unworthy, to which they agreed. I found them sound on the doctrine ot the creation ot man, the In“, the Mod and the dispersion ot mankind. Did Abrahaln have any sons? They said Ishmael. Did he have any other? They admitted there was another by the name ot Isaac. Which of them was the sumsmr to his “that? They would have it that it was Ishmael. ’1 then showed them that as 13m :was the son ot the lawful wife, Sarah, and Ishmael the son oi the bond- womnn. Hagar, therefore Isaac must be the heir and successor of Abra- harm Very reluctantly they were ohligod to admit the fact. To the Mohammrdart, lshmcl is the great patriarch, as the Arabs are Ishmael- item I tested them on their knnwhdga ot Moses, the ten commangmentn, David, Isaiah and the promised Mau- si'th. They acknowledged Jesus Christ M a gn-nt prophet, " one or we pm- phels, but made Myrna-Mon or trcstinction between h m tnd the Mir era. I aakeruttstt what. ttser know id 'iF,F'rr,iietjt '2rl"r "W“ aqtfin d Jan! tnt. l it: "e M at?“ Account. 313.000- d‘r ru- macaw. Irish wt , M W mum-n I nun or can» trial“! at Jan. I that to [out prophets. Air-hall. thr-, .9." vid wd mm, " gm. m M a than GUFiii an and. I it; won um nut to an a. um u. W9! gt Jena ~011th on W ot I: mum. no! " not "oed to Jim“ gunm- whip out)†In! . 1"" You)»: mum: than at!!!“ a. spokumm with mun: . W in admitting that Christ mu iron the and. He aid and: book did am .ut. u. the other mm M I. kae. I did an: mun-MW ot their unlortuuto may. 'tme um wad not my object h A . ._. - ac, 1-..; on... t an ""e"N' "w -___ -. _ - 1 next dwelt upon the tact that they twee-unmet to he 9 prev phet. lealdllJeeus CW!» I prophet could he then tell taisehoodst They annexed. no. Then I cold his statements in the gospels must there- lore be true, and he ls indeed the Son at God and Saviour ot the. world.\1 then pointed out that u sinners we ‘needed not only prophets to teech no ,but a Saviour to redeem us. The sacrifices ot animals altered at old and which they still othrad, mull not wash away sin; they were but types and shadows of the true sacri- tice which is Jesus Christ, God's lamb that taketh awey the sin ot "the world." Alter enlarging on the meritorigus annexing ot our rcdeemer, 1 I asked them whether they did not think the doctrine of Christ commend- able. They said, it was indeed. Did whey not wish to read in They did. I concluded by promising to secure a copy lor them in the Arabic, which they could then read and then teach Itheir people. The idea pleased them well. , Having come,to the end oi my questions it was now their turn. Question I-What was the first thing that God created? My answer, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Their book did not say so. Question 2. Did God in the beginning have a state or a Bible?) My answer, " do not think God re- quired a Bible lot his intellect was l, so perfect he did not torget things as we do." They said their book taught them that the first thing that God made was a slate and the second a pencil. He laid the pencil on the slate and everything that God was going to make he told the pencil to write on the slate. This slate was so wide that it would tulle a man 500 years to walk lrom one end to the other across the slam ' Every- thing that we do in this world was written upon this slate. Alter this God made something white like a __ .. ' “2-- Fhrxr1 man's fist. From that thing God made all the waters on the globe. At- ter God had created the waters he told the waters to praise him’ and worship him. When the water wor- shipped God, it got rough, and alter it got rough, it formed a froth. From this lroth God made the earth. The earth was not stationary, it went back and lorth. So God ercat- ed a great angel to hold the earth in his arms. As the angel had no good looting to stand upon God sent a stone from heaven lor him to stand upon. The stone also was float- ing on the water like a boat. So God created a cow and put the stone on the cow's back. But even the cow could not stand securely upon the water so God created a great fssh called Behamuta and the fish held l tne entire creation on its back secure- ly. When the fvsh Breathed in, he ex- plained by a deep inbreathing on his! own part, then he sucked in all the waters and the earth became dry and when he breathed out the waters again returned. This occurs still, he said, as is seen by the tides, flow- ing and ebbing. Every person going to heaven first would have to eat a piece at that fish. Ho these men said, and their follow- ers believe it. A fish story indeed! The truth which these people possess is borrowed lrom the Old Testament, the other part, ot Matuuneds own in- __ -ed-- nnntninu much that is silly {I} is borrowed trom the Old T1 the other part, ot Mahamods vention, contains much that and repulsive. . . ---. nu..." I greatly enjoyed my intervmw mm, the Mohammedan missionaries ml cause it was all conducted in rthe) most friendly spirit, and what is more it seemed to me a victory tor, the gospel, tor I telt that lhad the truth on my side in this comparison ot two great religions ol the world. The priests again intimated that they had won to go to prayers, Shaking hands with them in part- ing they told me they had still plenty at questions to ask me and thcrelore wished to hove another similar in- vestiption ol doctrine. Need I say thot I told them they should have it with the greatest of pleasure on my put w... These catered Mohammedan nannies are educated in the Isuzu“, they no well dressei ing long - and to the o â€pounce they no dignlflti pious. " they sttould accept tinny lot which we hope a tad Inbor. we should possess to up lunmunu‘, Your: laithlully l Mohammedan mis- ducatt-d in the Arabic no well dressed, wear- , at] to the outward ey Ire dignlf1m1 and thould accept Cttriss- Itch we hope and pray should possess the key A. P. STOLTZ, WM“ interview with. big line to like! trom. "tsi mm BqMrs / "tttdt $.de W I M. PM.†Pagtir an. that vim m- Sat. A simple arrangement tor the table is gained by using u thick holly wreath tied on two sides with Mom! red ribbons and plating in the center .. nrvnlnl mndelabn filled with tall a crystal candelabra ftlled with tan candles. Another plan is to have a center- piece of wedgeshnped boxes Inklingl slices ot rich fruit cake or Christmas bonbons, with the points 0! the boxes holding rosebuds with candles. These boxes may serve as souvenirs. A vase ot holly or mistletoe ls plac- (ed in the center of the hole. Little candles in star holders can be arrang- ed about the outer edges oi the boxes, which are tied with red and gicen ribbons. The place cards suitable for the season' are laid on each plate, while in the napkins are placed crisp bread rolls. "luau lvnlu. For a Iatnily dinner, a glass punch‘ bowl tilied with polished fruit, may be used tor the center ot the table,‘ making a mass of rich and glowing 1 color. A wreath of grapes and holly may he placed about it and silver Candlesticks can hold the tall red can- dies, which may have red shades, ii one desires. The place cards repre- sent poinsettias. 0n the napkins are iplnced Swedish soup crisps, rolled in- to cornucopia shape. Use the r!nest \damask cloth and the best china tnd - tmNamurm1-rpay Phone/sr, Night Phone Mr. L. Seibert's House 653. _ _ glass. _ i A star ot brown and green pine cones makes another ettective center- piece, each point ending in a tan made of green pine needles. At each inter- section may be arranged a small red electricvlight bulb, the light being supplied by a battery hiddibeistsath the Poinsettia that is arranged in the ctrntc'r. At each cover is placed a sprig of hotly. Bonbons and menu carry out the Christmas colors as Hat as practicaor.-Woman's Home }Companion for December. cilkaiia Furniture Co: Toronto, Dec. tl.--The divisional court to-day quastwd the decision ot Chief Justice Sir W. B. Meredith granting a mandamus to' compel Brampton town council to sulmrit a local option by-law at the municipal elections. Therefore . by-law will not be submitted. FOR GOOD ROADS $3,HI8 has been speed on good roads (county system) in icgersoll, this year. FOR SCHOOL PURPOSI- At the .Branttord city council the Collegiate hy-law, providing for a vote ol the ratepayers on a debent- ure issue of $100,000 for svltool pur-. poses, was given two readings, and is now in the hands of the people. tempting}! served with a matingnl wipped cream sprinkled with warnut meitis. THE CHRISTMAS DINNER TABLE. ( . _ /c'ru, CT,' 1 F', '". _ -. f'3ij l ' n I Ordinary bread pudding you Brt MW?†P 1.99; but they're both WEE]: also a large and NOT ENOUGH, THOUGH “In“! iliF) 55m nuns; calms menus. as. BY-LAW THIS YEAR M... aw. my " Wilma; 2w w mother or aimed." We _ti.sttii,1r, :fr'om. Just a few otmiyet.ytlr, 1": What inmate KING STREET, Bgaaittl,' 'tt-t'tceatsutm1tt is more mating ot in the m touowmg‘cinadiggnd Amer, can patents have hm 'rGGitrr s6- cured through the agency of Messrs- Marion and Marion, Montreal, Canada, he to t15,486-August Militz, Charlovm - burg, Germany. Lutrricathtt devices with oil-[ceding box. tns,86'r-Wiiuid J. Giraud, quebec/JN Q. Track-lastenin'gs and ties. _ ti06,227--Jotin R. Headrickson, Stttes ny Slope, Alta. Ital deliver- er. "The Inventor's Adviser" a book on patents, wit? be sent to any address upon request. _ _ ‘ TO ELIMINATE CIRCUS mime DES, _ . s'"" i it." ir. †ttW' an» a $12.†W , â€Lump. assorted line of Buffalo, Dec. 18.-An akrtchklng made to do away with â€and as a leature of circus attractions. To this end tho trust is making oNrcr- turns to Cola Bros., the independent company, but so tar without success‘ Av. Any information on W sutriectsttb' , supplied tree ot charge by â€1’."va , the above named firm. C , Christmas. ', ‘ , Mummy-n _ A EV.†â€a, m I 'r, It thtt ttere after " ' » tt paying!“ printing I . f 5 and dutributimt, " an; I 21lt,','gt,e,'; the B, w "arrsaia,t We!†is!“ 'Ili patient.- " the . 55:31:39.; MUSKOKA Fun Christmas _ Stamps ill, , and dutributioa, II I 21lN1t2,7,,t,', - "amaitt, We!†llltltt, may? pumm- " tho 1littiitiigggitiI. MvsxoxA In" HOSPITAL ton (Joanna-runs. and for exunding the tight “that the dread White Plague. This Chrhtmu Stamp Ides _wu Ian-tad in Denmark about four you-- Mo, when the cab returns In" built and Bnaneed' I Consumptive Hospital. A you trtrd, the Red Ora-I Society of Denmark trold over MO,000 with the co-operation of stores. church‘s. clubs, and boys and girl... In fact. everybody helped in this pop- uh: movement, and’thil you their Nation-l Red Cross Society in selling the Imp. all our the Staten. The nest little Jump In red and white. like then cut, end all“); " one cent. each, is published by the Ream] Sanitarium Aland-Mon in the inure-u of we “bah Flt. Hoepitel. The lamp does not-pay wage. but mey be put on lath". winge- end Christine card- of ell kinda, end will beer the happy Bee- Ion'l Greeting: everywhere. Willing worker: all on: the Domin- lon m tax-gunning mu. bond- for camp tolling. The hoepltat hood I. hoping that over A million than" will I). sold boron Ohrutamm, And tho work for the 00an poor from In to-ill be†Methanol. 0th: but.“ 'gals',',', my in om by wrisiatq in in. min- on. any.“ at an Aheiagiat, M gm 'trf Ire, LIE-92: " A3ri11iontotrerStttdBetttm E Kiwi INVENTIONS A STAMP FOR CANADA UNITED STATES CANADA ling W'm“ and WaMtintitm, hf- _i'i_'it' "