Ontario Community Newspapers

The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 Oct 1908, p. 9

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Pawt Mre # SMake Your r 272 paire of Men‘s Pants, positively & e to sell at $2, big variety to â€" »se from, made of sorviceable good looking t;veod. The snap of yout life 46e the price we nam: B ie pikere mm _ 1,2G C §160 Men‘s Trousers, extremo‘y styâ€" ~of :I.l, well cut trousers,in fancy worstâ€" and st:ipes, «s fine as you can .ngwl;;rob pan';lst.bat rotail ever;â€" for $2.50 and $3. we at this sals for 1 .69 g»!may.’ Oversoats, imported goods, * and fiaished in the same er manner as the mon‘s garmetite. beautiful assortment of tweeds and viots to select from. The $5 50 and $6.50 class wo have marked to go an am sam 100; men‘s Overcoats, made from 1 e all wool black cheviot, cut ‘"mecordance with the very latest broad shoulders, ve‘lvet collar | retaining Freuch canvas fronts, | d cgpr 3“ 'l"l)‘hoy‘;onld se}l ordiâ€" ' at $9 or $10, to % out at 6.9 5 i f | 4100 Men‘s College Overcoate, Prasâ€" style. Thase coats are ull the amone the younz chape, made of looking Scotch tweeds, overâ€" soks and cboviote, A etyle, a GGA!1â€" mark for fashionable tailore to shoot Garments casily in the $12 and 4 class during this sale 8 95 Ne 2.3 \200 men‘s suits, the same as yOR 860 loed all over at $10 and $12, magniâ€" zqn‘ worsteds, siogle aud double bteasted model}s, hand made throughâ€" ount. They go in this sale 95 We are making every possible effort to induce you to come on Saturday. uced moboennawqdn,wdlnwymm.mbhn m ishad. wich side parchases from uunfutnnu's.m made us %cm.mu,munmuwm ‘This sale is the biggest clothâ€" y and shoo andâ€"s:aple dry goods selling Berlin has ever seon. It is a gain carnival that gives evey man the fnest of ready to Woear apparel at in less than he would have to pay for inferior kin4s. in this sale at rnst & Co., Beriin. ~200 Boys‘ Suits, the world over you would have to pay at least $5 and #$6, in three pieces, single and douâ€" breasted “,’:3' of a b>autiful asâ€" ortment of tweeds, markâ€" 1 for this sale at ‘ 3.95 argains for Saturday at are Boyond Question the greatest of the Sale. St 4 o n t en s s o n _4 "It‘s rubber and overgaiter season a:l(uin. and nearly everybody will want No man, woman or child should be without rubbers and overgniuu at season of the year. If you are troubled with cold feet and cold ankles, sho uld wear overgaiters, and good «quality of rubbers. We have now on the finest assortment of overgaiters and good wearing qualities of rubâ€" at seasonable prices and just now during our great 15 Days‘ Sale, which ‘ s all this week, we ave selling every thin&ut special prices. A look tbhrough rr stock and our prices will convince you that this is the place to buy and Â¥emoney. Come and be convinced. (\ iC m i msSsmLOEE 3t COO, L ' M *‘ Rubbers and Overgaiters 73 x 3 s‘L . Ww PC _‘" P ‘ j 1 =oâ€" npegnntnt e & f Tok ies nta. : inaki ie e 418 i))A â€" f nofp e s o 5 _ SscV "essentet M t enAE DD *â€"1Iâ€"simply shall_close out my business and am willing to Jet. {ou_ have ‘the advaatage of this immense stock of Millinery and all kinds fof Dress Trimmings and general Ladies‘ Goode. | Come at onee while it King St. West aro a ffli of the many monsy saving bargains. King St OUR SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM 19 A gREAT succES$s. ws No 45 Buying and selling potatoes, apples, bu ard, meats, honey, etc, etc. if you have any want to buy call at our. store. _ NMrs. Steuernagel PRODUCE Buy and Tell Your Friends the Unhsard of Opportunity. 1.95 4.49 Next to Dominion Rank Own Bargains Mep‘s underwear, first quality, fleeco linsd garments, from the leadiog: wills, all warm winter weights, a 60c garment, marked to sell at soe Men‘s Soft Bosom Shirts, in the cholcest assortment of pattcroas you avor saw, dots, stripes, checks, 06 , beautifu‘ly finished and laundried, to clear out at 69c Men‘s Sucks, an ercellent opportun» ity to buy your winter stock, made of hoavr wool materia! for winter wear, well known branda, to clear at 20 15¢ Men‘s Workiog Shirts, msde in black and striped mauterials, a strongâ€" 11000 uts baichits s ie i e t t Iy made, serviceable shirt that wil} wash azd wear like iron, always sold for 50c, on sale at 390 Boys‘ Shoss, a sturdy, serviceable, J Geo. A. Cla well mado ehoe, for achool wear, maded Mrs. C. c strictly from solid leather with a fatsb®, LieLlier = we aud style the mothers like, sizes 11 to‘ the sick list 5; ;;e';i-p-svi; a snap at $2 marked in this sale at Women‘s genuiae dongola kid lace boots, patent tip, sousible sole and heel, sizes 3 to 7, regualar $1.75 shoo; Saturday for $‘ 2 5 200 pairs of Men‘s Shoos, in gonuine box leathers‘ the latest models, in a}) fall and winter weight, eizes 6 to 11 a regular $3, shoe, they &> in this le fo aale for $1.95 . A Victoria for Womea, fine kid lace boot, blucher or bal style, extenaior sdge sole, Cubsn heel, medinm round L bfrbiredisatrdircoGeanere *A .7 PUpe "004 C olcccaotfes: aa toe, end of a Victoria line not to be repeated this fall, refuced to make busy minutes and hours Saturday, A all dze-,.a pair 32.50 wâ€" 3 y5 ‘ 1.50 $1.25 butter, efin{', nvy to sell, or BERLIN, Waterloo,. Baden â€" Park.â€"About : two. months) . JRA 15. 30 WOE S hy tue M dotail ago several â€" of our promihent busiâ€" phql"-f&qs’ c nity had ness men met at the Town HaX, with| & most enjoyable H t y on the intention of buying several acres Samrhg'dfit in Tbfl.â€" The of land for a park and thrée gentleâ€" Farmers‘ Chib held an . mteresting men were appointed a conmmitbtee am! meetingâ€"on * Prwu The were asked to get prices of different Bubject under: di ~was. a most fig profitable une;, "Farming & destrable tracts, syrcounding Baden, but no a¢â€" € a ; y taken. i profession for young men.‘" Addresses tion bas yet been .. This is & i CHvered Wood, Sni question which should have the atâ€"| TC° vered by Messts, , Butâ€" w der and R. Letsonm all of which were tention of citizens. A place of recteâ€" c e : ; both profitable and â€" ins wve. This ation and amusements is very desirable & 5 was followed â€"by an en! Ing: proâ€" and stimulates interest in uhhtlelm d " inc 6 vere sperts. It develves upon the business Closed l)' o t y singing Alie 1 anthem. men ef Baden to urg® immediate @¢" _ Now that the 1 n EBiais tion in the matter so that some etâ€"! ong. wihaer evenings / 4 j are rapidly approaching there . is . a icrt might still be made this fal 19 natural desire among the young pcoâ€" T. in !;sr""';d for baseball, '°°'fs,sie’ in rural ummmflg’f social re ill, tennis, etc. * | creation,. Uiubs and Hiterpary sociclies News Notes â€"Hallowe‘en was spent lwm be ‘ofganized. I"\""'t,ysttmflic quietly bore in our village. The beys | course of amusement @88 /instruction are gelting sensible . having learned | aiming at the moral and>; 4titeMectual thal the old adage "Do to others a8s well being of societf W be estabâ€" you would like ethers do to you," is, lishe!. _A good. bbrary ‘of _ suitable a good qne. Miss Kate Schumachet i8 | works should be tound ineach village. visiting friends and relatives at Defâ€"| Reading the insptring w},‘s wf _ the lin aud St. Jacobs.â€"W. U. Bruechaer] great literary men of past with and â€" family visited at Mr. and â€" Mrs. | the conrtcous dissussiensg of _ public Aug. â€" Merchenreder _ in Berlin _ last| debate, togcther with & :\Tl(opmrnl Sunday.â€"Messrs A. Wunder, John|of music and _ cleeution@ry . abffitics, Heldmap, Charles Wunder, visited Mr. | would assuredly de. much. to make J Geo. A. Clare of Preston on Monday, | youb3 people more satisfied with liG f mirs. 0. schacfer and master Eldon | 0N the farm, and in a better and nob E. Lielier â€" we are sorry to say are on ler way wo-lvl‘_mmt‘al: empt) )‘ ihe sick list, but wish Thene hoth a alluremerts _ of cheap â€" tres _ anc ~L2 2420 Ghird rota nfaveâ€"that apDea speedy Died midst in the linski. Felski j oo aica tinee. Died.â€"Death > removed from . out nidst another esteemed and aged lady J in the person of Mrs. Louisa Magdaâ€" 1 linski. Thailatea®Mrs. Magdabinski â€" nee * Relski was born on _ Nov. 18, 1838. in Gross Gil, Germany. Sthe o motied Mr. _ Frederick _ Magdalinski in 1sss! and emigrated to Canada in the yeat 1884 and came toBaden w se they , have since lived. She died on Monâ€" day Nov.‘Ind, 1P08, a~n4 69 years, 11 months and 17 days To Mr. and nrs.| Magdalinski were botn 11 children, 8 of whesn dicd some yeats ag0, the trFce sur‘ iving childrem being k | Chrifitian cf Badon and two daughters Augusta aifl Lovise. Fleven grandâ€" children and one great grandelild also survive. ‘ihe functal will deave â€" lar late residence on Thursday, Noy. 3th, at 3 p.m. to the Lutberan â€" chureli, thence to the village cemetery. A wide circle of acquaintances and friends will extend sincete sympathy to the bereaved. Briefs â€"Hallowe‘en _ quietly observed in out year. There was not th punt of damage done.â€"I of Chesterfield has _ I" Woodstock hospital wh went a successful opcra pendicitis,â€"Typhoid fo prevalent in this comu scason.â€"Our _ mighty h Mothcral, Geo. Sterlin man, Gilies Fenn, Wns k News Notes Gathered by Industrions CorrespoRH in County and District. â€" . . i¢â€" Briefs.â€"â€"Mr. Donald Bemis Ias rgâ€", turned from a two months‘ trip to the coast.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Alken Weber spent Sunday with Floradale friends. â€"Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Snyder and Mr. and Mre. Leander Snider of Geramiin Mills, Sundayed aft the home of Mr. Jucob Cressniaimâ€"â€"Mrs. Andefson and little daughter Jon from Berlin were guests at Mrs. Moyer‘s for a few days h e man oo iescs sÂ¥ s ARemk Our Bu curs at your door to see the lntat\ Parisian and New York styles in Hair Goods, yet snéh is the case as Prof. Dorenwend of Poronto is visiting this town, and Jnvites= your -‘guu of these. goods at his .a“ apart~ wents Feserved at the Hotel... recovery â€"Death another It is BADEN IMPORTANT TO LADIES PL BLOOMINGDALE not often an opportunity ATTSVILLE two. months Items of al::ifl-â€" @ . peoâ€" ple of West Montrose ty had a most enjoyable Hallo ‘party on ‘Baturday night in Jfl’l Hal.â€" The Farmers‘ Chib held interesting meetingâ€"on l"riur’sw;hfl. The Bubject under® discisgion ~Was. a most profitable une,â€" ‘‘Fatming & | destrabic profession for young men.** Addresses wore delivered by Messrs, Wood, Sniâ€" ‘der and R. Letsom alt of which were ‘both profitable and â€" instructrve. This was followed â€"by an entertaining: yroâ€" gramme, and the progéedings | were aiming at the moral and>; it teMectual well being of society W he estabâ€" lishel. _A good bbrary ‘of _ suitable works should be fownd ineach village. Reading the inspiring :-:k.s uf _ the great literary men of past with the courtcous dissussien® of _ public debate, togcther ‘with & Qc\'rl«pmrnt of music and rl«gwy abiMitics, would assuredly. de mmcB®. to | make young people more satisfied with life on the farm, and in a befter and nobâ€" ler way wwlvl“_mphgw empty alluremerts _ of cheap â€" tres _ and tawdry third rate plays that appear with fzring posters in | Â¥iNages and provincial _ towns. â€" Hm“'m. John Lciâ€"on is rapidly gelting bis miltâ€"maâ€" mbinarv in nlace and in & few weoks hinery in place, and in @ few will have the general operations . in Jumbering in full progress. â€"Mr. W. J. il,ctson’wns unfortunate in losing _ a | valuable hotrse a few days ago. . Its leg had been broken.â€"The summer is gone. The leaves are setc and fallen and drifted into hollows and around the roots of naked shivering _ trees. A gloomy sky overhead, and frost in the air. One is reminded of Rosetti‘ lines, "The sky teans duimb on the sea Aweary with all its wings, And oh the song that the sea sings Is dark everlastingly!" S. S. No. i Waterioo, Fine {rfO°t School. Jtr. IV.â€"M. Hagey, K. Snider, G Lonsbury. Sr. III.â€"M. Oberholtzer, 1. Kinsey, C, Tait, L. Oberholtzer, A. Hilborn, V. Cornell. Jr. IHL.â€"L. Hemmerich, R. Hagey, wEST MONTKOSE A. -i’t;:i, M. Hilborn, W. Toman, Minwrich .1 â€" (éimbe! Jr. II.â€"(G. Kinsey, B. Gingrich, F. Shantz, M. Good,, P. â€" Hilbotn, 8. Martin, C. Tatum. Part J1.â€"T, Moberjake, 8. Shantz, A.Oberboltzer, W. Wood, W. â€" Lonsâ€" bury, L. Hartel, J. Gingrich. 8r. 1. â€"M. CorneH, G. 4. Tatum, 1 Snider, M. Kingey,. R. Cornell, M' e o -‘ V PA e o o t I¢. 1.â€"H SCHOOL 1. Corpell, L. Sbants, N. L. Oberhoitzer, C. Snuler, 4 Waterloo, Pine Grove HEPOURT E. Shants â€" and Hagey, A. Sch Mowday which was erected and finishâ€" i se datinl te es o n se on it y pf Mr. Wm. pasâ€" session.â€"Mr. John Hilzcroth of Amâ€" alree w&ffiuwluwl the ‘late . James NMceDonald property will take possts Briets. â€"Mr. â€"AWert Mecker moved into bis new home last Monday., â€" Mr. Mifler moved into his new hous Wellesley boys in fhat circuit, Mr, E. Sheppard, â€" Public 4&001 lupu'w(“ spent Jast week in the district makâ€" ing bis officlal visits to the differont schools. â€"Miss â€" Adeline Becker . Stratford,â€" speat ?iu_pduy at her â€"home here.â€"Mr. Julius Echstein moved onâ€" to the Wilbelm property last. wees. â€"Miss _ Anrieâ€" Miller of â€" Waterloo, spout a~ few days .at home with her parents. sion. Jt has of late been mc‘u by Mr. P. Doersam,.â€"Mr.. Peter tbanan spent Sunday in Canbcro visiting the The following is the ceport for S. No. 23 Watertoo for month October. ~~~=~~~~~ Jr nei. ‘S'; â€" +1 V.â€"Eaphemia Shoemaker, Mary Schwatrts, Pearl Wankiyn ~Herâ€" bert Grischow. P Â¥r. NLâ€"Clara HMallman. _ Jr. HLâ€"Geneva Wanklyn, olive Strome, â€" Irene Shocmaker, Lily Witâ€" mer. Sr. IF â€" _ Arthur ) Lelien, Erina Shocmaker, â€" Leslic Witmer, Stella Strome. zinald Sr. Hasso, maker. Jr. 1.â€"Edna i Mabel Haase, 6 as, Hirda Stolz Report of S. S. No. $ Wateriee i<tt the month cf October â€" Sr. FV.â€"Ida Bechtel. C Jr. IV.â€"Venita . Rothaerfel, Herâ€" Vert Moser. s Sr. JL.â€"Mertha Rudy, Edna Bechâ€" tel, Clarence Stolz, Violet Bart?,| Perey _ Snyder, Meta Klachn,, Sebasâ€" tian Moser. Jr. HLâ€"Mattha Belte Willson, Eva (Harltock, _ Reinhold Fischer, _ Annie Keâ€"sclring. Lissin Bechtel. Sr. 11. â€"Irene Strebel, Sara Rudv, Rachel Rudy, Clara Kcsselrimg Das id Black, Henry Klaehn. * WRPLLESLEY eoob eo0ps~ _ _______ _ A Few of the Things That 200 at A lot of china saits and peppers, ular 10¢ and 150 to clear at is ;‘;T;]i;rry‘ Haase, Oralla Lelâ€" Slotted Clinch Rivets per 7 cents Long handled Granite Spoons at § cents Leather Shoe Soles at Extrs large granite dish pans 1.â€"Verley Hillgartaner, e Gushard, Melvin Haase. 1.â€"Mildred _ Culligan, Nora. Joic Hallman, Marybel Shoeâ€" SCHOOL REPORT Per pound 5c Noof GCintment Regular 25¢ box, special at 20 cents Door Knobs SCHOOL REPORT Wt« t as white Lined heavy mitts, worth 50c at ‘Tumblers worth §1 per dozen at GRACE E M. W. MURRAY, Teacier Sut _\ 07 cents ts and Poppors Granite Spoons Granite dippers worth 200 at Clothes Hooks wHCckELs WEEKLY STORE NEWS 15€, 4 S\ulr.,' Mervine Shantz, Etta Witmer, Vera Jon or 5;;‘{mJW|ro Hooks at 1oc dozen. T hese Rivets z20c and 25c. § cents WING, Teacher henMlas rec Hin at . | # Waterloo f<r k of Prices Good Until Saturday, November Chimneys | l \ I!:n\.erll::lhhl:‘l‘fiyl 4 fog fibo._:; i No.a'AaJ Ge mp C s 70. 2 Mem;m Ls't:!p Cll:‘i‘:zeys Eo&r_‘:’ ‘:%thete 1 Our Yall Btock of Rugs is now complete, *# 3’, cuimop afford to mi«£ _ We have themsia all dfi:fimflq n.honrpflor,'di:fimn.dtnnhdm-. We invite youâ€" und examine our white it is complete. _ Below you â€"will fin few prices that may interest yo‘u, Â¥ie:â€"â€" * $ worth Wiiton Rugs ®o k0 313 at $25 00, 3x34 at $27.00, 314 at $30.00. Tapestry Rugs â€"_â€" 8134 at 12.00, 314 at 13 50, 8424 at 17 00. * "Ws srlcku’xa:u.ma Brussols carpet with border to match, reg 143, 900 . & c9g NMMBWWR,melch.mlmmflle _‘ Fow patterns of velvet carpots, reg. 1 35 for 90c per yard. Wehave a lot of gocds_ réceived at a big discounnt ~@hob esle. price which are pow being offered for sate. _ Values were never equalled before. See our RA‘TTAN ROUKERS (large size) at $2.00 and g2.25. BEDROOM & UITS (i on or wocden beds) $12 ard up. AIDEBO i RDS $10.(00 and up. EXTENSION TABLES [best elides made] $5,75 up. All other lines equally reduced. â€" gINPSON FURNITURE 00. BERLIN * UNDERTAKING â€"Day Pbone 37:Ni 45 FURNITURE SALE J3 at $10.00, \Doersam’s Bookstore 313 at 7.00, 3x3;, at 8 00, 314 at 9.00, 3414 at 11.00, 414} at 16.00. * ~RUG DISPLAY A special lot,. 3 corner 7 inch flat files at 10c. ‘9 in at 13¢. | Buster Brown 14%German oil stoves, reg: Genuine l'-lâ€"urd'on Apple 1 52 cents A lot of 106, clear at â€" kuives $1.900 per dozen. mfiim":: $2.10 per dozen vial1 inclmirrors worth 17 cents SIMPSON WAREROOMS Granite Pot Covers at 15c and 20c d e . mattitforss Mn ts scen smm se GOelluloid _ _bandle Stecle Fry Tans at 1ERVS CAFII AND ONE PRICE CHEAP CASH STOREâ€" 27 KING STREET, BERLIN. W‘ butcher knives 16¢, 17¢, 19c and 24¢ each. Apple Peelers Sewing Free of Charge. sMYTH BROS, 5 cents Butoher Knives 3134 at at $14,00, 314 at $16.00, 3714 at $23.00, 1p¢, 15¢ and 20c Qil Stoves 92 cents Mirrore 390# 4. n Teddy Bear Belts at 15 cents Ery Pans 15e and 2c toys to are Daily Asked For. rner files at 5¢. 9 inch fiat fles knives, â€" dessert WHOLE y$ ‘srers at $1.2%, W: @1 A T = +000 qONTABIO. ght Pbone, Mr. L.Sceitert‘s houee 6 . THEâ€" no w Edison Phonographs . and Recordsâ€"._ _ We have always a largo assortâ€" ment of Records on band. Also all kinds of tooks and '“"“, tionary, | bammocks, wall paper â€" tishing tackle, sportingâ€"goods, _ oxâ€" pross wagons, goâ€"carts, ote,, mouth organs, violin strings. All kinds of souy enir and souvenir pobteub also photo supplies of all kinds. ° rember 14th. _ __ Food Ohoppers No. 20 Gem at $110. No. 22 Ge $1.28. At thete prices hurry up and get Men‘s heavy winter bose at 180 pair. Boghooe. size 6 and 6 1â€"2, regular 150 at Bo a pair. A special lot of machinists‘ hamimer® 15¢ to $1, your choics at 57 cents HEADQUARTERS FOKR Stransky tea and coffee pots, regt« lar n.l:. {.mo size :: 4 go cents s 30c and 350 granite Wash Basins 21 cents A lot of fancy hair combs reg. 150 ab 9 cents Home made apple wood cider taps 4 x X§o®@enL® :: i. _0« > A big lot at Large size t.q ”nt.‘ H.m;ll -il: at 7 cents. Coffee and Toa Pots Lauain for Wash Basins Resin Per pound 5 cents Night Lampe Waterlooc. â€" 414 at 13 00, LOW PRICES Pie Plates 13 cents Burners 5 cents Taps No. 22 Gem at~ _ at ab

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